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THE SALT XAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 11)06. " 5 (L Infracting Agent of y , Central Railroad fusses Matter, si WfjJsT WILL SOON $E BASE OP SUPPLY jLs Amazed at Pro- 'Ifand Prosperity (Mf the West. OSlklnson, lumber contracting : Illinois Central railroad, litters at Chicago, spent yes aTlxiko City, tho guest of J. fehocRl agent of tho Contral. '.Son is ono of tho authorities ijUwbJects connected therewith iSa States, and he elves out (bStthat tho timber regions of Middle "West aro being Ijntjied. "It is the Pacific coast jwit," ho said, "that wo will jgfodlng upon for our timber, ffif the coast lumber Is the MF?of Its great acreage, but In jhir two we will exhaust all End eventually we will have Lrla for our supply, jfos Being' Eliminated. IrJpVl paw tho first Northern (feme Into Chicago from Mlch klJscon8ln, nnd In one generation 1 sraV arc praotlcally eliminated ' Slculatlons, It Is but a few aftthe yellow -plno from tho Kl?d. the market In large quan-v,-IJn a short time tho forests ; Wswcpt away and people will Hho West and tho coast for firiake Has Great Future. frjnson Is returning to Chlcaso 'tten'Blvo trip through the Mle vijey and the "West and North ippvlslted San Francisco, Log ?3ortland. Seattle and other lun amazed at the progress of 20ie added. "People In the East wj .the great "West and North 'vnLresources. I have not been teffor four years, but I always Alta town with ,a great future, ,'fceems to be booming." fD TRAIN TODAY. Be Bun, on Cache Valley Branch. Escngcr train over the Hy branch of tho Oregon jVln Cache valley -will be run jfrroad Is not yet fully com flltho train Is to be run for the jWo'f those from that section ffiOiattend the funeral of Apos JliVRlchmond. The special train SVellsvllle at. 8:30 a m, Hyrtim J fan at 9:15. arriving at Rich nip. Returning, It will leavo at ms Logan at 1:40 and at Vtl2:30. One fare for the round VvalL The new branch covers Spf fifteen miles. frtBASSENGER AGENT. ' iSt ijfoungerman of Colorado tigs Comes to Bock Island. ijicy caused by the rcllracy of tjpllblc. traveling passenger agent J.Sck Island system In this tor Mat last been filled by the ap 7lo.J. Li. Youngerman of Colo jHss. Mr. Youngerman Is at fpslstant ticket agent for the fid-at Colorado Springs, but Is jUSalt Lake In a day or two, as t intent becomes effective Fobru- jr; of local railroad men had nations with District Passenger )rake for the position, but thoy remain whero they are. for a -'3t. However, the appointment 7- PEE fjzed Dollar Packagel jn Medicine Free. pouncement Is mado publicly laow In order that you or any (ring from man-weakness, ner 'Jlty, early decay, discouraged .functional failure, vital weak V fotr, backache, prostatlUe, rpiblo, and norvouaneBo can now a full-sized dollar packaga jjtdlclne absolutely fre. ESlilaM,,,ir 7oans manhood Wuu natural power and man- dlotns curea man weakness, fchood remedy for lm- ciro yourself at home, and five will be dcllvrd to you ifc'Plaln wrapper. BeAied. vlth fcifl how to ubo 1L o payment of any kind, no re fifEEr ill abB0utel' nothing at lllreo. All wo do want to know f Jfo hyit whn wo forward TXl ?ttckaSo to you. you wTu WM0'110 a ftUr lr,Ql nd that to become your atrons, imtural fAlclno will euro you: rfi. frand rovlvo within you tio fu.i fland natural throb of mini Mlfo and body-powor We fce full dollar sized packago trl know from thoueanda of caata IC unable men can be cured and tthcmaolves If thoy but Wit four boot and quickest my ft Xht proof home to you. We u end o complete dollar package All 4lto do to get It hi to write for ipame and address brlnga It kdlclno does tho work you want Wand you will receive tho full flar package absolutely froo-n" f any kind, simply by writing i5BWtfu PutroJU Mich. f i . . . t . - p 1 .J- -4f.A:.. . u... .-. - ll I, , (' Every one knows that Royal Baking v Powder is absolutely pure. The housewife ; uses it with confidence, and she is justified ;. in so doing. But how few realize that Royal Baking . Powder is a direct product of the healthful J and delicious grape ! The product of the k - grape, crystallized and ground, is the cream of tartar which forms the active principle of . every pound of Royal Baking Powder. ? Fruit properties are needful for the health- ' : fulness of the body, and the grape as used ; in Royal Baking Powder is the most valua- ble and healthful of all. Royal Baking Powder v produces food remarkable both in flavor -and wholesomeness. - - ' ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. NEW YORK. now made, their peace of mind will return to them. FREIGHT ; BATES REDUCED. Rates on Automobile Parts Cut by 50 Per Cent. SAN" FRAXCISCO, Feb. 9. The trans continental freight committee which has Just closed Its meeting at Los Angeles, has. according to an announcement mado here, reduced tho freight rates on auto mobile parts by EO per cent west of the Mississippi river to the coast. While for merly to ship wheels, engines, gears or other parts from tho factories to the West it has always cost twice first-class ratca, or iii por 100 pounds, from Chicago to San FranclscD. Hereafter they will be car ried at simply first-class rates, or J3 per 100 pounds. The reduction Is said to be general and Its benefits will bo enjoyed by the makers of steam vehicles as much as thoao of the standard gasoline cars. J. A. REEVES RETURNS. Los Angeles Making Great Prepara tions for Elks. J A. Reeves, general freight agent of tho Oregon Short Line, returned from Lob Angeles Friday morning. Mr. Reeves ac companied his wife arid family to tho City of tlio Angels, and they will spend tho balance of the winter there, Mr Reeves states that great prepara tions aro being mado for the entertain ment of the Elks. They are going to give tho Utahns a royal reception and excur sions, receptions and banquets are being arranged. He also assorts that never bo fore have there been so many people In southern California as this winter, every beach place and resort being crowded. Operation for Appendicitis. Ray S. Bowman, son of Mr. .and Mrs. Brig Bowman of Ogden, will be operated upon for appendicitis at the Holy Cross hospital today. Mr. Bowman has been chief clerk, in tho olllcc of tho Western Exploration company In this city for aev eral yearn. Railroad Notes. R. W. Owpns. commnrclal iv;ont of the W.i imiih. roturncd Friday morning from Ills nolh ern trip. E. E. DIcklnBon of tho New York Central In at priscnt in Butte. V". F. Lincoln, chief froltlit clork of tho SnJt Iako Route nt Ixm Angules, In In Soil Lnko on tiuMneHH and recreation. J. V. Vail. Kcneral utlornoy of the Denver & Rio Oriuule, will pas throilCh Salt Lako iolay on his way home to Denver from tho COOHt. For tho flrnt time In thnlr hlMory. thn rnll roadd in Mexico, with tholr northern connec tions, aro making special colonial r.itt-t, ef fective February 1G. and continuing until April 7. Th faro to the City of Mexico from Utah common points Ik J) I. GO. Areurotnte In tho Injunction ftults brought by tho railroads against the "acnljvcrs" of Salt Lake and Osdcn have len poulponcd for thir ty days so as to clve tho defendants time to prepare thulr cas BIRTHDAY PARTY Misses Christonsen'1 and Eastman En tertain Number Friends. Misses Carolono Christonsen and Anna El-tmann entertained a number of friends at a birthday party Thursduy evening. A musical programme was rendered. Games v.ere played and light refreshments were served. Among thowo present woro Miss Baker. Mls3 Reed, Mrs. Vlncont, Mlsa Chrlstcnsen, Mrs. Chrlstensen, Mrs. Krt mann, Mre. Brainblo. Messrs. Brnmblo, Porter, Kelsey, Vincent, Chrlstensen, Davidson. Bramble. BODY FROZEN SOLID Man Dies in Snow Drift With Consid able Money in His Clothes. OULUTH, Minn.. Feb. 0. Frozen so hnrd that sharp knives could make no Impression, tho body of Martin BreckeJt Ilea In an undertaker shop In this city. Brecken wan found In a anow drift Just outside the city frozon as solid as Ice. As Boon as the body thaws sulllclcntlv a post mortem examination will be hold. A cortlflcato of deposit for J100 and KS In cash were found In tho unfortunate man's pocket. SOCIETY . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glendlnnlng enter tained informnlly at bridge on Thursdny evcnlngj seven tables being filled with the players. At the close of tho game prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. David S. Murray, Mra Folsom and Mr. Seton Lind say. ... Mrs. TV. H. Point entertained Informal ly at bridge yesterday afternoon nt Fort Douglas. The rooms were bright with tall vases of daffodils. Mrs. Benjamin Lockwood and Mrs. Brlant Wells presided In the dining-room. Dainty Japanese prizes worn awarded to Mrs. Walter Fitch and Mlsa Hutchinson, Six tables were tilled with the players. ... Capl. and Mrs. H. R. Perry entertained at an Informal brldgo affair last even ing. ... Mrs. IT. D NIIcs was tho hostess of a second brldgo affair yesterday afternoon. Four tables wero filled with the players. Mrs. Packard poured tea In the dining room. Mre. O. W. Powers entertained at cards yesterday afternoon at "LIngerlonger." ... Mrs. M. H. Krlebol entertained at brldgo yesterday afternoon. ... Miss Ivy Finch cntortalned a number of her friends at her homo on Wednesday ovenlng, and was assisted by MI?h Bessie De Koven and Miss Florence Powell. A number of musical selections wero glcn by Ray Coleman. Robert Chamberlain and James Adamson. Miss Lillian Fitch entertained a few friends Informally at a Dutch supper laot evening. ... Mr. and Mrs. William E. Flfo arc ex pected homo from their wedding trip early next week. ... Mrs. Henry Slegel will leave today for California, where uho will spend a couple of monthn. ... Mr. and Mrs A. Fred Wey left last evening for Los Angeles, where they ex pect to spend sovcral weeks. ... W. S. Homo and Mlssca Jean and Josslo Homo are now at home at 237 Seventh East street. ... Mrs. J. J. Judson and family will leave this ovonlng for Los Angeles. ... Mr. and Mrs. A. Ivatz of New York wero guests In the city- yestorday, on their way to sou thorn California. ... The Sowing club met yesterday after noon with Ml3 Merco Berkley. ... Mr. and Mrs. C P. Mason nnd the Misses Eleanor and Evelyn Maon will leavo for Los Angeles today, whero they will make their future home. ... MIbs Clara Deal left on Thurday for Mexico, to spend a couple of months with her sister, Mr. Thomas J. Ryder. ... Joe Slegel has returned from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore are now ut homo nt the Manltou hotel. ... Mr. und Mrs Frank Realty will leavo YOU HAVE A COLD N V ALWAYS TAKE Cmigh Eemedy It is fomouB for Ita oureo and can ei- II y vr&ya he doponded upon. It coun- II tonvoto any tondonoy of a oold II ' to rosult In pneumoniae IT IS SAFE AND SUI1E, 4? JO uanU. . i for Los Angolcs today, where they expect to spend several weeks. ... MIps Josephine Botsford Is In the city for a few days' vlolt. WEATHER REPORT. Yesterday's report at tho local office of the weather bureau. Maximum temperature, 31 degrees; mini mum temperature, 2S degrees; mean tem perature. 2S degrees, which Is 2 degrees belov the normal. 'Accumulated deficiency of temperature since the first of the month. 43 degrees. Accumulated deficiency of temperature since January 1. 26 degrees. Total precipitation from 6 p. m. to 6 p. m., none. Accumulated deficiency of precipitation slnco the first of the month. .30 Inches. Accumulated deficiency of precipitation since January 1, .(ft Inches. Relative humidity at C p. m.. E0 per cent. Temperatures Elsewhere. Mln. Max Abilene. Tex M M Ashevlllo. N. C , . 16 3S Atlanta. Ga 32 40 Bismarck. N. D S C Boise, Ida IS 31 Boston, Mass .' 10 - 32 Buffalo. N. Y IS 3i) Cairo. Ill II 36 CalKory. N. W. T 12 2S Charleston. S. C 3-S U Chicago. Ill H 2S Cincinnati. O 32 Denver. Colo 12 3S Detroit. Mich 4 50 Duluth, Minn 1 10 Elklni". W. Va 10 12 El Paso. Tex 30 fiO Gnlvcston. Tex M 45 Grand Junction, Colo 23 4S Havro. Mont S M Helena. Mont IB 34 Huron. Mich 22 G Jacksonville, Fla 41 h2 Kamloops SI 30 Knn?as City. Mo S 4 KnoxvllK Tcnn K Lander. Wyo 2 SO Little Rock. Ark 18 42 Los Ancsloe, Cal r. OI Miles City. Mont 1 21 Modnnn. Utah 0 31 Montgomery, Ala 35 -42 Moorhead. Minn 12 2 Now Orleortj. La 35 45 'ew York City , 21 34 N'orfolk. Va 30 HI North Iiattc, Neb 2 31 Oklahoma 15 M Omaha. Neb - M Phoenix. Ariz . 42 "0 Pittsburg. Pa 10 31 Pocatello. Ida.i 10 25 Portland. Or 3 IS Rapid City 2 IS noscburR 35 W St. Ijuls. Mo IS 3 St. Paul, Minn 6 10 Sault Slo Murle. Mich 5 22 Sun FrnnclHCO. Col G4 60 Piuita Fo, N. M H U Scrantm Pa 11 34 Spokane. "Wash K 3'5 Swift Current 10 12 Victoria. H. C 31 48 WaHhlnKton. D. C W 35 Winncmuca. Nev 20 It WinnliwK. Manitoba 26 2 Yuma. Arlr. 50 72 $33.00 California and return. Klks' special leaves Salt Lako midnight February 10. Tickets limited SO days. Sco Sec'y B. P. O. E., Xo. S3. Salt Lnke. . FLASHES FROM THE WIRE. Gen Llnevltch report to St. Polershurir the oxlslenco of 220 cocb of Siberian plnuu In the army. Tim total number of nick In tho hos pital la 714 ofllccra and 14.282 men. A plan for the reorn&nlzatlon of tho customs of Morocco will be milunltted to the AlRcxIra) conferenco tomorrow. Fifty-five native w?r drowned at Johan ncliurg ycMunUy. ovnB to the Hooding of Iho South Rom. a deep gold mine. Th Jury In the case of the mutlnoun con victs, Ryan. Raymond and Yxughan, chargett with murder, ww dlreharKcd yesterday nt Jeffomon City. Mo., having failed to njjrco ujon a verdict. The Tri-Church Council odjournetl at noon yesterday nt Damon, O.. to meet upon tho call of tho president and tho Jiocrotary ut nmo tlmo In tho future. It In the belief of tho delegates that tho union Is practically nccompllBhed- It lit olllclully mated at the United Stato5 Naval acttdomy that flmt honor In studies will bo tnken In tho Kroduatlng cloa thin yoar by Allen Cuontrr. Jr.. cf Malvern. Ia. 1 When you can ' buy I I twelve cakes of Lily Bou- 1 I quet Soap for 50 cents, 1 you have an opportunity a I I little out of the ordinary. I I That's what we're sell- I I ing Lily Bouquet at during J I our soap sale, and at such j 1 a price the offer will not I 9 last long. I I Lily Bouquet is a line soap, delicately perfumed, B I lasting and refreshing. I WHERE THE CARS STOP The Great Prescription Drug Store. Getting Pretty Close To housecleaning time and that means Muresco time. Makes all the walls and ceilings like new, no mat ter how dirty or soiled they may he. It's a boon to housecleaners. Morrison, Merrill & Co, 2S MAIN ST. Helpers to Housecleaners. Boys and Girls Are all promised that they vrUl re ceive actual full value in either goods or In work done at cur JETWBLRT STORE AND SHOP. J. F. BOSS, 2S SO. MAIN ST. You Don't Like to "Hold the Sack" for Another Man Unless He's a Good Cook, and the Sack Contains HUSLER'S ' FLOUR i HAND FOR TOILET AND BATH. Fingers roughened by needlework catch every etain and look hopelessly dirty. Hand Sapollo removes not only the dirt, but alao the loosened, Injured cuticle, and restores the fingers to their natural beauty. WH TIME IS IT 1 Phone 65 for the corroct time. &ut. lmi arc Tho Young Man's Store. RedmanJenson Furniture Co. Fones No. 555. 113 So West Temple. Want all klndH of Furniture, Stoves and Ranees. Wq Pay 20 per C9nt more than any other firm In city. Give us a wall. BOWERS FORCED TO VACATE. Entire stock of. Watches, Diamonds and Jewelry at a sacritlec 235 SO. MAIN ST. tSS-0 MAIN BTREBT. I ONE PRICE'TO ALL NEVBfe UNDCR30LD I Special Sale Offerings, for Saturday I I Such As Never Have Been Given. I SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY. I In Gent's Underwear Section. I I $1.25 to $2.00 Uadarwaar Valnas at 75c. I H To clean up remainder of winter stock, Including "Norfolk and Now Bruns- 1 wick," "Dr. "Wright's Sanitary Health," "Swlts Condc and many other of tho 1 best makes In 'the market. All lots ranging in price I IH from -11.20 to $2.C0 per garment, will 7Ke H ttBfl go at per garment Jv REMEilBER THAT THIS HAPPENS SATURDAY ONLY. IH IN THE WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. I I I ANOTHER 1000 YARDS OF MILL. ENDS. FINE ZEPHYR GINGHAMS. 1 f value I'i'iC and 15c, AIAo I I Saturday, as long as they last, at a yard w Cr N I ONE DOLLARS' WORTH TO A CUSTOMER, M IH IN OUR WHITE GOODS SECTION. I I ANOTHER 100 pieces WHITE ENGLISH LONG CLOTH. The fabric specially I Bl made for lino underwear, full yard wldo and 12 yards In each bolt, value Dl I $1.60, Saturday .ih long as el AO I they last, ono bolt to a customer at a bolt WO tim IN OUR CURTAIN DEPARTMENT. I I j Another sale of FINE MADRAS CURTAINS that will attract prudent buyers. 1 IH CROSS STRIPED MADRAS CURTAINS, tho prettiest effects you over saw D green, red, white and champagno grounds, three yards long and -12 Inches, I regular price, S2.50. SATURDAY, as long as they last, two lO I ll I pair to a customer, at, a pair..., f H IH IN OUR CLOAK DEFT I j vStfF TREMENDOUS SELLING Is in order- I j PF if COATS, SKIRTS, 1 H I (iW PETTICOATS, ETC. 1 t J 7 Big lot of Ladles' Coats, worth CO OA I V lis. JU f UP 10 J10-CO; choice Hi70 I iuS r f All the odd -length Ladles' Coats. $12.60, 1 I y 06 '3 $15.0) and $17.50 garments; Ct QK m 1 ti S choice at v.J jH I otfj Ea'cit fleeced flannelette DRESSING 1 ! J WVvV va SACQUE and SHORT KIMONA, that H i .W3 rVVA sold up to $1.00, to go ZLOr H BH ! 3oyi at 1 H Jn BIP lot of LADIES' COATS In novelties M I lliU) f1'Tu and fancy mixtures; values up to 125.00; a -rrfti i I choice for Saturday 7 t BBl I 5 IN only.... ,t J a BH I ' i til Every SATEEN. BRILLIANTINE and 1 ! : MOIRE PETTICOAT, worth up to $5.00; D ftH JJI j! . (only 30 In this lot); to go $1.95 Big lot of Women's and Misses Skirts. ' fYsftivsgt made from the finest all-wool Cfl 1 BBl i - materials; Saturday only f'JU SATURDAY NIGHT. 7 to 9 o'clock. L 35c TO 75c WAISTS AT 19c. j I if 'n s' a's! ection- 1 I ll I II ill ll PrcaIe nnd Madras Waists, with or without collars, patent i ' liifllrilillllm belts or blouse, nnd white lawn blouses, with embroidered LyH ! .uU:11Ii1U.1l collars, front and cuffs. A mammoth variety of patterns I ncS; to chooso from; sizes 3 to 12 years; 7 to 9 o'clock only, j iiililii X7chv 19c j H t Rcitor Gray. Streaked or Not Sticky nor Greasy. Docs Wrt! STAIN claimed for It. Makes any CAniwr rn !t Louis. Mo. BH color from Light Brown to Black. TRADING CO.. M. Louis, mo. Sold by F. J. HILL DRUG CO., Salt Lake City. I Have just nrided zo our line the well-kuown LE ROY little. Cigars, now ready for distribution, in three sizes. I RIEGEB & LINDLEY. I I "The Whiskey Merchants." j J. HAKaHAN, I 1 Manager Cigar Department. H