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I Santa Maria Mining Company Has Large Tonnage of Copper Blocked. ;, ARE DRIVING TUNNEL TO GREAT DEPTHS Upper Workings Demonstrate the Value Looked Forward to With Depth. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN; Fob. 9 Don Magulre, Die eminent mining engineer, who has been conducting such ti vigorous campaign In Iilie Sierra Mndre mining district, ten miles duo north of Ogden. nnd who Is the ( :ctlvo manager of tho Sun In. Marin. Gold und Copper Mining company, loaves for I tho properties tomorrow morning, whero he hns a force of twenty men at work. Mr. Mngnlre stated this afternoon that In : the upper development of the properties ho has 1. 100,000 tons of copper ores blocked out that will run from 3 to 10 per cent topper, with some side values of silver and gold. , Mountain cf Copper Ore. To effect the economical mining of these oto bodies, Mr. Mngulre Is now engaged In driving a deep working tunnel. 1520 itet In length that will cut the ore bodies at depths ranging from 1216 feet to 2030 feet, vertically, and will afford oppor tunlty for the development of llvo paral- lei veins and two transverse vHns. In all of which the values havi been demon , stinted In the upper workings. Other con cerns with which Mr. Mngulrc is Idenllllod are pursuing heavy development in thlu region, which. Mr. Mngulre says, has a mountain of low-grnde copper ore, nota- ble unions them being the Napoleon, the Maghera and the El Dorado, all of which arc on the same belt Near New Ogden Smelter. It is the purpose to connect the mouth of the new tunnel with the foot of the mountain with an aerial tramwav hall a mile long, and at the and of the tram way a concentrating plant for the trent - ment of the crude ores will he erected A slgnltlcant feature of the location of tho end of the tramway is that It Is but one and one-half miles from the silo of ' the new smeller lo be erected bv the Utah Smelting company, and which Is now sur veyed and stalled out. preparatory to the building of the tracks by the railroad companies. I GOOD OFFER RECEIVED. Owner of CaHento Silver Gronp May J- Dispose of Property. Spcclnl to The Trlbuno CAL1ENTE, Feb. 9.-C. B. Slbert, own " er of the Slbert group of gold mines In thfs camp, received through Judge Mav , jiard, agent for Eastern capitalists, an o"f fer thlh wok of J1C0.O00 for his mining - claims located here, and rejected the of , tor. as his recent development work in a urlft run in on a lodge of free gold ore 1ms opened up a fine body of high-grade ore showing free gold scattered through out the vein, which at the face of the drift Is over live feet wide and Increasing Hi strength and values with development. , This I the highest, juice ever offered for mlninjf properties at or tributary to this camp, and proves the faith outside capital has In the future of Callento as a pro ducing mining camp - The directors of the Louisiana Purchase Mining and Milling company (Incorpo rated) of this camp are considering a cash proposition for the transfer of their ftock to Salt Lake people. This group of claims, seven In number. Is located three mlloB east of Calicntc and within one "mile of tho line of the Salt Lake Route, and Is Incorporated for a half-million dol lars, under the laws of the District of f'olumbla. The group Is low-grado free gold, and Includes two fine springs which carry an average of eighty miners' inches .'f water the year around. There Is a tsmall reservoir site on the claims which can be put In at a minimum coat, and as tho ore can be treated either by stamp mill or cyanide, the property possesses unusual promise with home" treatment. The ledges arc large and well defined, running In an oxidized quartz showing an i'wncnse amount of Iron at cropplngs. Th" surface nssays show values of from J3.IU to ?S per ton In gold. F. A. McNamee, attorney for the Bnm-b'M'gcr-Do Lamar Mining company, came over from De Lamar today on business 'or his company. This-company has for months past been making shipments monthly of a $M,W0 gold brick to tho mint- and recently increased the output to SS0.O00, with seemingly limitless high grade ore In eight for continuous extrac tion.' George Bourne nnd Red Gallagher, the owners of the Golden Dream group of gold mines on the Virgin river, southwest of Callente, struck a twenty-Inch vein of brown hematite of Iron showing free gold In largo pieces set Into the Iron through out the vein, assaying in three samples 51200, 313,152 and fSOOO per ton. This is by far tho richest free gold orb yet dldcov erod In that locality and the owners be lieve they have, a world-beater In their group, wldch consists of live 'clalmy, all .. on the same ledge, which at cropplngs show a width of twelve Inches, They arc down but forty-live feet and this width has doubled In that distance and the val ues have increased with every foot of development. I INCREASING SHIPMENTS. Scranton Mine at North Tintic Will Soon Ship Large Quantities. Reports from the Scranton mine of the North Tlntlc district are of the most en couraging nature possible proving that this property is pushing to tho very front uf producers In no uncertain way, Before the expiration of two weeks It is under stood that the mine will bo shipping not less than twenty-five tons a dav, and within thirty or forty days the property In Blated to produce and ship at least fifty tons dally The ore, which is zinc and lead bearing, la said to be exceptionally rich In the Int tcr metal, averaging at the present time -omethlna: like SO per cent. Tho product of the mine Is- shipped to Colorado smelt ers, whero are the facilities for handling the same. Ore and Bullion. The ore and bullion recrlpld for Friday, Riv en by McCornlck's bank, wore as follows: Ore. $23,200; bullion, 101.200, -Afraid- of. Strong- Medicines. Many people suffer for years from rheumatic pains, and prefer to do so rather than take the strong medicines usually Riven for rheumatism, not knowing that quick relief from pain may be had simply by applying Cham berlain's Pain Balm and without tak H ing any medicine Internally. Rev. Amos Parker of Magnolia, North Caro Una, suffered for eight years with a H lamo hip, due to severe rheumatic fl ""pains. He has been permanently cured by the free application of Chnmber- Iain's Pain Balm. For sale by all lead- H Ing- druggists. m mm mm IDE 11 MOMTAM Big Vein, Varying From Thirty to Sixty Per Cent, Found Near Elkhorn Mines.0 A reliable report reached Salt Lake Friday of a recent great copper strike in Jefferson county, Montana, two miles west of the famoua Elkhorn silver mines, nnd twelve miles from the town of Boul der. Great excitement Is reported to pre vail in Boulder over tho bonanza strike, and mining men owning properly In the vicinity aro very Jubilant. Extracting Rich Ore. The discovery wns made on the Roth fun property, which Is being developed by Its I owner, John Rothfus, a German, about 35 years of age. He has been operating tho properly for gold, silver and lend, and It said to havo extracted more than JKOO a day from tho mine for the last three months. Strikes Copper Vein. The mine Ih being developed by meann of a tunnel, which has been driven a dis tance of more than 1600 feet. Whilo there havo been copper stains on the ore ex tracted, Rothfus had no Idea that the mine contained any great amount of cop per. Ten days aso a shot disclosed n copper vein, which has since proven lo be iwcnty-llvo feet In width, nnd the rock varies from 30 to 00 per cent in value. Has Given a Bond. Jt is reliablv learned that Rothfus has given a bond for sixty dayd for S1.000.COO lo Mr. G'bo, tho woll-known mining pro motor, and after whom the Gebo coal mines of Montana wore named, ho having discovered thorn. Rothfus has been pros pecting In the vicinity of the famous Elkhorn silver mines n number of' years, and with the money he has realized by his operations, he has been buying up ranches throughout Montana. NEW METHOD AT CACTUS. First Steam Shovel on Copper Ground Begins' Operations. Starting Friday with the operation of the steam shovel at tho mines of Samuel Newhouse at Cactus, there was Inaugu rated this modern and economical method of mining, for the first time in the State of Utah, tho Cactus being tho first prop erly to begin operations on copper ore by such methods. DAY ON 'CHANGE. New York Stock Finds Many Buyers at Increasing Levels. Friday was Now York's day on tho local ex change nearly 1J.000 shares passing- hnnda. Tho kiIch wero made free ot assessments, which contributed somewhut to the idckJnK up oC tho stock. In addition to the physical apK-ar-o ricus of the mine, which nre niowt encourag ing and Ratlafaotory In every way. Pri-sjdent McGIII, who was In the city a day or two ui;o, stated that condition wero satisfactory. The steady climb of New York stock FrldRy was nut unexpected Krldny was much more satisfactory In every way tlion the previous day, a total of 45.-i77 wlinros belnn fold. which turned the sum of J16.9S9.0. The quotations for the day closed ax follows: A. M, P. M. Rid. Aahcd. Hid. Asked. A.lax 5 . $ .32 J .25 $ Alice -S.C-1 5,00 4 00 5.00 Black Jack 50 .OS .' Boston Con 30.W 30.50 29.00 30.0) Rull.-Bcck . ... 1,03 l.M Heck Tunnel ... .W .53 .- Hutlnr-LIb 1214 .15 I .13 .11 C?nrl?n UK .26 .24"', .28 Con. Mercur C2 .W . .02 (V, Creolo 20 20 Cyclone- OlVj . K Daly l.f0 1.30 1.09 1.10 Daly-Jiidf:o .. .. 9.00 10.00 10.CO 10.12'.fc Daly AVest 13.23 17.00 17.C0 Eatflo & IJ. B... 2.55 3. JO 2MV: 3.15 Emerald 03 .10 . .09 ,10 Oulena 02 IS Grand Central . 3.20 3.35 3.15 Ooldfleld U 03 03 Horn Silver .... 1.75 2.60 1.75 2.10 lnnot 01?; .02i .Oli .0'i .Ilm Butlor S5 .&J .W Joe Bowers 01 CO'.t I.tttlo Bell 3.05 j.lS 3.75 1.20 Uttlo Chief .v. 04 01 I.. Mammoth ... .32 .35 .32U .3311 Montana Ton. .. 2.70 2.S5 2.70 2.90 Mummotli 00 1.0714 .10 1.07',i May Day 17 .17i .10?! .10-fc MacNamaru .- .. ,.11 .W . Now York ''.22 -.23 .25 .25Vj Ontario 2.50 2.B0 Pelrp 00 1-16 Oil 1-1C Ttocco-H 30 Rlch.-Ana Otli .02 .01 Swansea 35 ,W- .40 S. Swansea 02t .0714 -04 .05 Sacramento ,15 Sliver Klnc . .. 44.00 43.00 14.00 Star Con. j .12 .mil .12t4 .13 Sliver Shield ..J .20 . 22 .20 Tonupah -. "....117.50 1,8.75 15.75 Tonopah Bel. ... '-'.So 3.15 2.&0 ' 3.15 Tonopah Ext. ... S.25 S.75 S.00 Tonopah Mid. 1.73 1.93 1.73 ,1.93 Tetro ' .101)', MVi .10'i United States .. 190 C0.00 Sli.00 C0.0) Undo Sam Cons. .34 , .2-4?; .33 35ii Utah CO .70 .CO .70 Victoria 1.9S 2.01 1.95 2.00 Victor Cons 04U .01 .0414 .04?; Wabash 0014 .S3 .61 .SO Ynnkco Con. .27'.4 -31 MORNING CALL. Mammoth. 50 at I1.0S14- May Day. HO0 at lC4c: 400 at 16?c; 5f0 at 16hc: CCO at lCc; 500 at 17c; 100. at 17c; 5W0 at 1740. 509 at 174c. Xew York. COO at 22-lic; 5C0 at 22ic, scllor fii.tly days: 1000 at 22c. Butler-Liberal. COO "at 13c; 1000 at 1314c. Victor, 500 at l'4c Shares sold. 11,300. Selling vnlue, ?2054.2i. OPEN BOARD. Columbus Con., 250 nt $4. CO;. 125 at 54.65; 2 at J4.W. Carina, 500 at "t?sc; 2000 at 25c. . Daly-Judge, 10) at $10. 7wer Mammoth, 100 at 33c. ' New York, 1000 at 22ic, seller sixty days; COO at 22vic, seller idxty days; 3000 at 23c Star Con.. 1000 at 1214c. Uncl-j Snin Con.. 100 at 35c. Shares gold, 11.677. Solllns value, f!90. AFTI3RNOON CALL. Daly. 100 ut $1.14. Daly-JudKC, 101 at $10. Eaglo & Bluo Bell, 100 at $3.10; 50 at 3.124. Lower Mammoth, 200 at S3c. Muy Day, 1500 at 17ic, seller thirty days; CO at COO at 10V4c, seller thirty days; M0 nt lCc, M"llcr thirty dayx; COO nt lC;c. Star Con., 100 at 12'4c South Swrniccn. 10CO nt lc Undo Sam 200 at 35c. Ulchmond-Anncondo, 1000 nt 2?4c. New York, 50 at 21c; .TOO at 23c; 500 at 231c; W) at 2314c, CfO at 23iic; SCO at 21c; COO at 241ic; COO at I4ic; W.t) at 2414c; 00-3 at 2y,o; 3500 nt 24VtC; COO at HViC, aeller thirty days; 2CO at 2it;c; 50-3 at 25c: 1CO0 at 24c. Shares sold, 16,(40. Soiling value, J17S3. OPEN BOARD. Carina, C00 at 25c: 1000 at 25ic Daly-JudKP. 100 at $10. Eaulo & Blue Bull, 200 at $3.1214. ' . Little Bull. 300 at $4.10. New York. M0 at 24'c. Tcstro, CO at 10c. Undo Sam Con,. 200 at 35c; 23 at 35Hc. Gmnd Central, ICO at ?3.2S. Shares sold, 3000. Selling value, f4Ct52.25. Boston' Stock Mnrkot. Jamts A. Pollock & Co furnleh tho follow ing Boston Mock quotation?, received over their prlvatn wlroi Sales. H!ch. Uw, Close. AmalB'd .. .. 2, MO $114.75 . 114.3?u $114.50 Boston Con .. 1.SS5 30.O3 25.25 23.25 Biiigham Con. C.775 9 6214 48.50 IS.6JU Con. Mercur .G3 .ft .63 Centennial ... SO 23.00 2S.00 a. 03 Dnly Went 370 16.50 16.0-3 10.25 Nevada Con . l,S:o 13.00 12.75 13.00 N. Butto ..... 345 87.00 S7.00 S7.0-3 U. Slates .... 1,101 00.(0- M.60 00.(0 Utah Con .... 452 C5.00 01. ro 64.50 U. Coppur i.. 17.100 7I.S7',4 71.0) 74.50 Montana Expert Succeeds in Keeping Object of Visit Profound Secret. IS LOOKING OVER BINGHAM CONSOLIDATED Change of Ownership Creating Great Interest Here and in Boston. A deal Involving tho ownership of so prominent a property as the BliiKham Con solidated Mining company naturally calls forth considerable speculation on tho part of tho local people. That there l some thing doing in this great Utah property, and that it hns been on for some time past, and that tho price of Bingham Con solidated slock haa ben slated for a good advanco In price, aro facts equally well known here; but local men, when asked regarding tho deal, acknowledge them selves cjitlrely at sen, regardless of Al fred Franka's visit. All agree that If Bos ton, with all Ita predigested copper wis dom, cunnot bite Into tho problem suc cessfully. It is rather a sure shot that US tits. If any, positive news will bo known until the ofllclal announcement Is made. Is Examining the Property. Opinions here aro divided. Rumor has connected both tho American Smelting and Ri lining company and the United States company with the newly acquired control of tho Bingham Consolidated, and others adhoro to the theory that the Corum syn dicate la the purchaser. Now comes the latest excitement In the visit of Mr. Franks, the Holnze expert, which Is taken as positive evidence that the Montana cop per holder has acquired this Utah prop er ty. While the mission of Mr. Frank Is shrouded in that mystery that universally attends the setting of a large-sized hen, it Is known that practically every facility that can be placed I: hid way foi a com plete examination of the Bingham Con solidated properties has been afforded him a course of examination that. In all prob ability, began with his visit to Ihc smelt ers ot the company Thursday. Mission Is Well Guarded. Np one, apparently, knows the logical sequence of thlo visit of examination on the part of the Montana man. the secret being so well guarded thnt positive In formation Is impossible to secure. If, argue some, llelnzo has already secured control of tho Bingham. Consolidated, he would have inspected the teeth of his purchase- before submitting his check thore for, and if he intended purchasing, it Is hardly likely that he would have bulled the stock so religiously as he Is reported to have done. Those who adhere to the Corum theory assert that the friendly re lations existing between Corum and Helnze. and their many additional mu tual Interests, would point to the conclu sion that llelnzo is in on the big Corum consolidation. They do not explain, how- over, why Hoinze disposed of his United Copper company at a time when it would be a valuable addition to an enterprise of magnitude such as the Corum deal. Awaiting Boston Information. Tn certain Boston circles of financial Im portant Iho suggestion thnt the Ameri can Smelting and Refining company Is the power behind thp movement la "ridi culed as unworthy of serious contempla tion, although this theory, up to the date of Mr. Franks's visit, was the favorlto one In this city. From experience gained through the big consolidations of the pres ent year, the wls ones aro straining their ears Boston-way. walling for the hen to cackle th news lo Hie greatly perturbed financial world. Tonopah-Goldfield Sto'cks. James A. Pollock & Co. furnish tho follow Ini: yesterday's Son Francisco mlnlne stock quotations, received over their private wlro: I BldT'lAskctT Tonopah BolniotU $ 3.03 $ 3.10 Csis'n Hoy 23 .21 Oohlcn Anchor 1.32'.4 1.55 Home Tonopah SO .33 Jim Dullfr sa .91 MacNamara 46 ,4S Tonopah Midway l.M Montana-Tonopah 2.70 " 2.7." North Star 62 .63 Ohlo-Tonopah .17 .49 Tonopah Extennlon S.37',4 Tonopah Common .'. is. 23 West End 2.00 2.10' Adam? .03 .10 Atlanta 13 .11 Blue Bull 03 .0 Booth 25 .26 Columbia Mountain , - .22 .21 Conqueror ,S .20 DlamontlllelU . .............. .47 .49 Dixie OA .OS GolUnclJ 69 .70 Jumbo 1.42H 1.45 Jumbo Extcnrton 23 .25 Kendall ,71 .73 Ljtguna 15 May Queen 23 ItOTcue ........t...... ...... .w .10 Mohawk - 39 .11 Red Top 1 " 1.93 2.00 Sandstorm 1.374 1 40 Sliver Pick 11 .15 St. Ivs 16 .17 National Bank ...... 20 .21 Denver , M Eclipse ., C2 .03 Gold Bar ,00 .02 OrlKlnal Bullfros , 23 .24 Stolnway .DO .22 GoWon Crown 10 Grc'at Bend 23 .20 San Francisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. P. Tho ofllclal cloi lnp quotations for intntnjc stocks today woro as follows: Alpha Con . 11 Justlco .01 AndH 13 IO.ntuck Con 01 Belcher 12 Mexican 1.25 Best & Belcher... 1.Z0 Occldontal C 92 Bullion 3D Ophlr C.C0 Calr-donta 43 Overman 13 ChallonBo Con. .. .If. Potosl 12 ChollRr tt SavaRO it Conlldenco 70 Scorpion 12 Con Cal & Va... 1.45 Sep Belcher OS Crown Point ..... .00 Sierra Novada ... .37 Exchequer 11 Silver Hill 93 Gould & CurrJe . .17 Union Con 61 Halu & Norcross. .03 Utah Con ........ .03 Julia 07 Yellow Jacket 10 NEW YORK MINING STOCKS Adams Con .20 Uttlo Chief J .05 Alice 4.10 Ontario 2.&'J Brcece .45 Ophlr 5.75 Brunswick C. . .SO Phoenix 02 Comstock T. .. MV4 Potosl n C C .t Va 1.25 Savaeo 3S Horn Silver .... 2.10 Sierra Nevada ... .31 Iron Silver 4.03 Small Hopes 30 Iadvlllc Con. . .07 Standurd 1.00 BOSTON MINING STOCKS. Adventure .. . i C25 Mont C & C...$ 6. so AIIouhz 41.(0 North Butte ... fG.C2Y, Ainnlgatn'U . .. 111.60 Old Doin'n .... ?.6.0) Amcr Zinc .... 14. M Osceola 1(0. to Atlantic 23. 00 Parrot 10. a) Bingham 4S.C0 Quincy 100 00 Cal & H.$702 700.00 Shannon COO Centennial . .. 27. 0 Tninaruck .. lOi.OO Cop Ranuo .... S2.00 Trinity 10. 00 Daly West 1G.00 United Cop .... 74.21 Dom'n Coal ...'S3. 75 U s Mlnlnp. .. 59.75 Franklin 20.00 u S Oil 13.50 Granby 10.W Utah m.OD Isle Hoyalo ... 24.03 Victoria 7.S7', Mar-s Mining . 10.23 Winona 5.S74 Michigan 14-10 Wolverine .. .. 13J.0)' Mohawk 63.00 Boston Copper Letter. Jamcx A. Pollock & Co. furnish the follow ing loiter, received over their private wire: "Speculation In our local market Is con trolled Kreatly by the trend of Now York mar ket and should tho ndvanclnc tendency con llnuo there, wc shall sea a sharp upward movement all around." POINT OF GOHHECTION IS KIH BEACHED Honorific Workings Arc Closely Approaching i lie Level of Drain Tunnel. Superintendent Rnddntz of tho Ilonerinc mine nt Stockton, who wns in the city Friday, slated thnt tho workings of the property arc now closely approaching the point of connection, which has been the object of the work for suvcral weeks pnst. The tunnel nnd .shaft an- now within seven feet of each other, nnd the next two dnys will nee the object gained with out much riue.stlon. Ore Continues Strong. In addition. Mr. Rnddatz stated that the ore body on the tunnel level, the discov ery of which recently gave an Impetus to the mining Industry of thnt enrnp us well us to the Honerlno Itsolf. proving beyond any doubt that the values found on the upper workings wen- increasing with depth In both valuo nnd extent, still con tinue showing oxcellcnl shipping ore, glowing Btronger with development. The properly Is In prime condition, and will have an excellent record for this season when summing up at the end of tho year CONSOLIDATION PROBABLE. Guggenheim Expert Thinks Well of Boston Con. Property. There Is every probability that success will attend the negotiations looking to the consolidation of the Utah Copper, Boston Consolidated and Cactus propei tlos. Henry Kruinb. an expert of the ex ploration department of the Guggenheim JOxploiution company. Is making an ex amination of the Beaton ConsolldaUd property at Bingham. He Is In Salt Lake from the camp for a few dayy. Mr. Krumb stated that In his opinion the Boston Consolidated Is a good and great properly. Ho could not say, how eer, whether or not the consolidation negotiations would go through. Mr. Krumb stated that he will put Into op eration two diamond drills. In the work of making his examination. PORTLAND SMELTER. Alaska Amalgamated Company May Erect Their Own Plant. It Is said that ihe Alaska Amalgamated Copper company, an organization owning valuable copper ground at the head of Copper river nnd made up of many prom inent Portland men of wealth, will eoon erect a monster smelter at Portland for the purpose of handling tho ore from their own properties The company Is continually broadening out its posses sions, having in the Held at the present time a large parly to gather In copper properties In Alnskn. Ore Shipments. The Pioneer sampler released tho following cars of ore Friday: Nevada, one; BliiKham, one; Altn. two. Tho Taylor & Brunton sampler released tho following: Mllford, one; Bingham, three; Idaho, one; Nevada, two, Tlntlc, eleven. Metal Market. The metal quotations for Friday were as follows. Silver. 65?1 cents; lead, 1.60(f5.C0; copper. 171 cents Mining Notes. Superintendent David Immon of the Black Diamond mine was In the city Friday. .1. Fowfwin Smith of thn 1'nlted States com pany leave. today for a soverul days' trip IhrouRh the mining districts. President Taylor of the Taylor ,C- Brunton Sampling company left Thursday overling for Denver. Manager George Dern of the Consolidated Mercur mine waa In the city Friday from Mercur. Mr. Jeffs, former director of the Columbus Consolidated company, and one of tho heavy stockholders In that company, will leave to day for his home In Michigan. General Managtr Walter C. Orem of tho Utah Apex and Bed AVIng mines spent Friday In Blnfrham. Manager William Hatfield, who ha been In f.poctlng and Inaugurating omo new work on tho Snowdakc. returned to the city Friday. Everything on tho property Is progressing nicely. J. ODERNDORFER, STOCK BRO KER, 161 S. Main. Tel. Bell 792. WHAT IS A COMET? Present Theory as to What Its Head nnd Tail Consist Of. Wliat Is a comet? L'p to tho tlmo of the Renalssunco a comet was universally supposed to be a vapor In the atmosphere, presaging pestilence, wars, and tho death of Kings. Tho Danish astronomer Tycho was the first to show that comets lay In the celestial npacc6 beyond our almosphero and Newton proved tlat tho heads of comets obeyed tho law of gravita tion, like other celestial bodies. We can now say .with considerable n.taur anco that a comet's head constats of a swarm of meteors surrounded and Inlersperaed with a gaseous atmosphere which renders It lumin ous, and therefore visible, by continuous In ternal discharges. When tho atmosphcro dis appears, nnd the discharges cease, the head becomes visible, and tho comet becomes a Hlmplo meteor swarm The most puzzling thing nboul a comet has always been Its tall, and It Is only within tho ln.H few years that we havo begun to know enough nbout matter In a finely divided state to bo able to offer any satisfactory explana tion for It. Its most obvious peculiarity Is that It docs not obey the law of gravitation. That tho tall la gaseous Is clearly proved by tho spectroscope, tho banded spectrum having been traced 10 a distance ot 3,0O0.OC"J miles from tho head ot Swift's Comet (1S&?. A.) According to tho modern theory ofclcctrI clty. the Bun Is a negatively charged hotly, from whose surface vast numbers of minute bodies called corpuscles aro being constantly repelled at velocities not far from 100 000 miles per second These corpuscles, electrons, or ions, as they arc uomcllmcs called, nre much smaller than atoms, and constitute what was formerly rathor crudely called negative elec tricity. Those corpuscles that strike tho comot Immediately attach themselves to the gaseous molecules surrounding tho head, charging them negatively, and causing them to bo re pelled at high speed, not oaly from tho other molecules forming the head, but particularly from the direction ot the negatively charged nun. Tho successive envelopes sometimes seen surrounding thu nucleus of a comet may Indicate either somu special activity going on within the comet Itself, or they may indicate tho affect of successive waves or corpuscks shot out fc-om the sun. A conict'H tall may therefore be described ns a current of gnscou3 particles receding from tho head each particle or molecule, car rying a negative electric charge. A certain amount of Impalpable dust of a particular grade of fineness probably accompanies the gaseous stream. In at least ono cose this dust was present In suillclcnt quantities to produce an appreciable effect, but it did not extend to the cxtremo end of the tall. Prof. W. II. Pickering, In Mnrper's Magazine. An Epicurean Puzzle. A young woman from Philadelphia was visiting In this city recently When asked what she would like for break fast, she replied: "A fpw half-smokes and a plate of Hitch aro delightful. We havu them once a week at home." Her hostess was puzzled by the un expected answer. "Half-smokes and flitch" she had never heard of. but from the tone of her guest they tvere evi dently palatable dishes. "Oh, yes, T forgot that you use different names for half-smokes and flitch here," said the young woman, when asked to be ex plicit, "I think you call them frankfurt ers and bacon here," New York Even ing Mail. ' I WERE NEVER MADE TO SELL AT ANY SUCH PRICE, j J Not any suit or overcoat hut what is worth double I thai, though they're not marked that ($18 to $35). j I What we have left, however, go at that j OR 1 price W I I It's a clean out before the spring goods crowd out. E - ' j? WE ARK BETTER PREPARED E I t THAN EVER IN 5 'J ' j Pianos, Orgaas, Mus- ical Merchandise, etc t Several very flno Ir.3trumcnta arc g !j offering nt very easy prices and f Jj terms. S i : jCarstensen & Anson Co, i 1 I j TEMPLE OF MUSIC 74 Main St. - STUDY IT FROM A DISTANCE Or study it closely, and still you'll find "THAT GOOD COAL" better than you can get elsewhere. You can mako a note of the fact that we sell moro Coal of a better quality than any others in the trade. 2000 pounds in every ton. .BAMBERGER, 161 Meighn Street. HEWLETT'S 3 6RWM eFFEE Every bean scientifically treated. ' FRESH ROASTED IN UTAH. The coffee everybody likes. M! PENNYROYAL PILLS Kr$r$?K SoLfo -rd reliable, thoy &KmT ovorcorno wooJcnoss, :n- KjJwW3 croaso vigor, banish pains. sMy&w No romody ocjubJs dr. sS5M0TTS PENNYROYAL PILLS lwi$So,d by DruRel3t3 and Dr. Motta V-ygVff5svy Chemical Co., Clovcland. Ohio. Tor wilo by F C Schramm. 2, C. Si I Diuj: Dept., Daton Drue Co A. O. Smith Drujj Co. MESa AMD WOMEN. ! VUITSKbJJ Co Bin O for nnntorl I i&h J"J4 y IrilUtloni or ulcorMloui ffOl S,",L'fluA., of m u o o n i membrane noUItl6tV.SUHEMICAlC0. cont or poitonouf. VS CIHClKHAn.OSgg Hold by Vrau7lte, XSv C,B'1 ?fr or "" ,Q Plain wrppr, 'J3-2Xr3?3 b7 xprr. prepaid, tol V&atJSSSS&tS 81C,- nr 1 bttU. 12.73. I SEWING MACHINES I ' And SUPPLIES ( .r5ENINa- REPAIRING. WHITE OFFICE. 29 West Flrut I , South. I i REDMAN -JENS0N FURNITURE CO. I'ones No. Ko. 113 So. W. Temple Have n full lino of' Household Goods Cash, trade or terma. Sec us If you wirft I barcalns. ,,nt NEW PRIVATE WIRE SERVICE JAS.A POLLOCK &C0.I Bankers nnd Brokers. 6 W. SECOND SOUTH ST., k I SALT LAKE CITT. Orders Promptly Executed in Stocks. Bonds, Cotton. Grain.' nnd Provisions. Prlvatn leased 'wires -With LOGAN fc BRYAN. Core spondents. Members New York I Stock Exchange. New York Cotton Exchange. Bo3ton Stock Exchanrrc. Chlcayo Board of Trnd. Wo ha.ndlo all prominent Utah Mining and Com mercial Stocks. j Our Mr Pollock now member CHI- i CAGO BOARD OF TRADE. j WALKER BROTHERS BANKERS (Incorporated.) Established 1SS9. Capital ?250,OOQ Surplus 75,000 Abaorhed the Salt Lake City branch of Wells-Fargo & Co.'s bank. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Travelers Lotlors of Credit Issued, avail able In all parts of the world. WE INVITE YOUR ACCOUNT. ESTABLISHED UTAH COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS BANK i- Capital, J200.000. WM. F. ARMSTRONG. President. BYRON GROO. Cashier. Commercial Banking In all Its branches, Four per cent Interest on savinru de posits. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. DESBRET NATIONAL BANK UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Salt Lako City. Utah. (Capital, ?50O,OO0; Surplus, $230,000. l. S. HILLS, MOSES THATCHER. President. Vice-President. H.-S. YOUNG. E. S. HILLS. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. Eafo deposit boxes for rent. NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC l A thoroughly modern savings depart ment conducted In connection with this bank. Safe deposit boxes for rent. U. S. DEPOSITARY. I FRANK KNOX President IW MFSVDARRAY 'vTcolgSdlS F ADAMS Ca3hler CAPITAL PAID IN. JSO0.00O. jlNTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. UNION ASSAY OFFICE M. S. HANAUSR. Manager. Removed to 52 South West Templo. SAMPLES BY MAIL AND EXPRESS will receive prompt attention. Analvtlcal Work a specialty. Send for price list. M'CORNICK & CO., BANKERS Salt Iake City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1S73. ESTABLISHED 1841. iS0 OFFICES. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST. R. G. DUN & CO., THE MERCANTILE AGENCY GEORGE RUST, General Manager. Idaho. Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. Offtco In Progresfl bldg.. Salt Lake City, I. E. COSGRIFF. H. P CLARTf President. cfiSk OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK bid tPhnECn1ttorpPrfl.seCOR90rVat,'3m C-H- PEABODY. Asst. Cashier. ALBERT S. REISER I JEWELER, ' H E. 1ST SO. BELL TEL. -k. w ntchen Diamonds and Jewelry. REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. k , ARRIVE J 'i No. From Ocden ru. ."i Omaha, St. 1 ' City nnd Denver No. &-From Ogden , tmedlate poff nd ! No. 12 From Osrdftn "n"- i ate points . . ... en,l. r; No. 2Ftom Ocdn"fT,i" t St. Loub, K'slo.T Omahjj. Denver i "'r, Francisco .. anJ 8a J Vallov. Bull ' i and San Francisco 1 . DEPART.' "'I No. & bor Ocden n . ' Chicago. Denver s?"s City and St. LoUf wu j No. 3-For Oedei" benn"' Kansas City Omahv i? 1 Louis and Chlcasb SL " No. P-For Ocfl6n."c:', Valley. Br,tt. v$ t Portlnnd, 3a.n Frli' J and intermediate poin,"'i,1 D. E. BURtEfo1 3. SPEXCEU? City Ticket Office. Bi uSi' Telephone 250. ,rniIlfc.i Note. Train numbers .) ' Oreson Short Line t?n? not apply to the Southern'! Ogden or th Unjonpjg tOURRE In Eft 10,11 LEAVE SALT LAKE Q No. 10-For Hober, Provo u? Mary s vale - No. 112-For Blneham". "5 No. 103 ITor Park City No. 6 For Denver and Eut" No. 11-For Oijden M-, No 6. For Ocden and WeVt"" No. 1-For O:don nnd WMt'"' No. 113-For BlnBham . " No. 2 For Denver and Eut"'"1 No. f For Provo and Tlntlc ""i CCo. JS- Vor Oedun DsTo. A-T'or Denver apd Eaj't"!"i Co. 3 For OKden and Wwt .. ARP.IVE SALT LASE C 'No. 6 1 rem Ugdtn and eii ; (No, 12 From Ogden .........' (No. 7 From Tlntlc and Profa! rJo, 5 From Denvor ana Eat. Nof 113 From BInaham No. 1 From Denver and zix. No. 14 From Ogdon No. 2 From Ogden and Weit-i No. 101 From Park City j No. 115 From Blneham No. & From Provo, Hber isi Marysvalo ; No. 4 From Ogden and Wwt -No. 3 From Denver and Eut All trains except No?. I to V stop at Intermediate points. Ticket office. Dooly block. P! I A. EXT0X. a J CURRENT TDIETAB DEPAHT DAILTV No. 7 Los Angeles Llraltrf 4 Wo. 3 Los Anpcles EiprM.U No. El For Stockton acd v Tir.tic T No. C3 For Nephl and Sis Pcto Valley ..... I No. F-3 For Garfield I No- GS For NephJ - 3a. a For Nephl and Lm I ARRH'E DAILY. No. S Loa Ar.joles LlEiiti. I No. 2 Los Anffolea Expreu. I No, C2 From Lynn ad Nephl . . ... ! Nc. 64 From Garflild I No- C5 From Nephl and Eaa Pet5 VaJSey ,t.i.. No. CI From Nenhl J No. C2 From Tlntlc and Stockton Finest Dining Car SsrriMb Only dlroct lino to Los AiP connections for Nevada mlcal CITY TICKET OFFICE, ItJI ond South. Phones 1SS6. J. I J Dl3trlct TzsstX COLORADO-UTAH BlS Throuch car, Ealt JgJjB Louis and Kansas CUy. VM to Now York. Buffalo gM East. Low rates uSg5lB Especial attention to ut 9 Tourist sleepers Lru$tSH Boston and other points Two train-- idlfl Inquire ckct."?fsi Salt Lalte City. An 'nrgg The LagooiTi ' Salt Lako Ofd fl 6IMON P-AMBERGEB. 1 Time tnbla In effect Q, 3:30, 11 a. m., g.jgj 7, 90. 12.f 3,6lJ?!m W. SHUD A proper 'dSlX pS teeth, bfnuty and P1-