Newspaper Page Text
4 v THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MQKXlNfi, FEBRUARY 10, IflOG. 7 J If OAK STOCKS OW A REVIVAL rM S$ Pacific Is Most Jon- kSlwfcuous on the Ex it .' iE i change. JpiLKOAD GOSSIP VALL STREET CIRCLES ijgl jcrjlf Prices on flic Day's Illness Stiffened Over iiWPast Fe,r Days. S5S " jnORK. Feb. 9, Thcr was a re-r-J"o:Jgpr.sslve utrength today In I'.'ks which had been conspicuous -p&tlmo past. Soma sympathetic U?Xs produced hy these movements Ipjl'vfceral market, so that the range U t&St upon the day. business was JfiiiSove last nlghu "But compared ''JyKencral reapone during the re al, grlod of speculative activity to 'fWagementB an those- of today the sluggish and inert. Pi"'8lul'' 8Pcc,Jl1 movements, the ffsplcuous woa that In Northern -Trcjjfe'hls tock has responded regu ttafthe conBtant advance in Great J ppreferred, although the inove--jFthe latter was attributed to the )rproft.ab,e dlspoHlllon of its Iron Bag, in which the Northern Paclllc BjttfcpparonL share. Hrn Pacific today took the. leader Htt caused a supposition that de Kils special to Itself wero beyond Be of unauthorized gosalp This Hfclther to a stock issue with sub JWt rights, a distribution of surphu? Njyfaiblnatlon with other railroads. ISjSffo'f Union Pacific' acquisition of JWbentral have caused some, revived 'rT4iproJectii for a Southwestern out- gher Pacific railroads. AVEsjUn Pacific was carried up 1;. r ygx.LcaA Colorado & Southern ill ferred 1 Great Northern pre 'tr.jLpeadlng, Colorado Fuel and Peo trVlts about a point, and Northern ' DsJIDIflUIlers" Securities and Amen ta 0feMIarge fractions rcKjuional operators, after being suc T tSJjin. undermining the market and w Sp rices back to yesterday's opcnlnsr fbelow reversed their position and ftwsAhe list to a higher average level r0Htjtho opening. As for nomc time Driers and the. Hill stocks were the Olhters of speculation and their iTEjjSnt dominated the general market. uiM'! Paclllc and Great Northern ? (d: advanced 3li. Delaware & Hun i.I&INew York. Chicago & St. Jouls 3&RjSt. Paul. St. lAula - San Fran preferred and Sloss Sheffield 1. WJSteel Car yielded 1 und Smelt- 'jjnepts of Importance were confined .val Blocks a?id the general list be tensely dull and sluggish. Great 'Vrjjn preferred and Nor 1 hern Pacific XjSt. Louis Southwestern preferred jEtware &. Hudson 3, North Amerl rennessee Coal life and Union Pn ew York Cqntral, Atlantic Coast fcjd one or two others a point or JL jJBressed Steel Car preferred fell 2. LpJpment of gold cngHged for South .Igjwas postponed until next week fil'Pf going this week as at Hrat Wlpl The buoyant Juovernent of the ifiirgan group helped the general list 'Mince, but It did not communicate jHth great force to the rest of the riJrpThe closing, however, was firm rVpj the top. 'irwerc irregular. Total sales, par ,r$2.610.000. I'ultod States bonds were Zhangcd on call. .. New. York Bonds. rep. .. lrtj Japan t, M m-...1W stjls cou .PVJ Jnpan U vji ,J7irK Japiin 4, cf-rt.... 9V coupon.... 102Vi .rapiui -Js, ct 2.1 a. THUs reg ..Jm L. & N unlfloU ts..iw, J,lf4 coup. 10J Itajihut con g 4...10 m-k s reg Mfx. t'nu-al in.... so V is coup. IMUj li Inc 2As; 'iJTob 4s... . . WTt Minn & Ht I. a; aob 6 tll'4 llo K fc T Is im gWgea I(MH Mo K i T 2nd... ("Jmnnt in .. S6i X K P. of 1.1 c 4s. S7 IjalC j 4s. l&.'i X V c Sen Vie.... nyt ?;Ohlo 4. ...l(vi?4 X .1 C kcu & uiH 5Ohlo 3H. .. 3li Nor 1'aclNc 4t 103' 95fm!R T c 4n SS Xor Pacific 2 7tfi SSlOa 3s.. . 114 Xorf i: V' con 4n..01 eS, ov, o s l trf (i s; KfCi Sj Pa conv 3Js loj'i yc?--. - Sl'i rtearliiig Ren tx,. .ioti glOhlo 4',.,Wfli St I., & I Ji o is .117 FJTAlton 3I,b.. Sui St I, & S V tis 4. SS Klft.iiow 4s IOLi St 1 S'wcst c in... jit. )iP R 4.. St Silxmr,i A U U.. H' a . so I'Mcinc 4? ssi-, 58t 1 tr 4s. IK &, rw j8l t.t . ri? "jarc, m A .. SO", So Rallwav ts lu ' 2?'I Pf 1U....122 , aIdlnna 4, l7 T St I. i W 4.'.., St 4x.. W,4 t'ulou Pacific 4s...Uo I-- 107 I P conv s 15, 4n . m V S Sttfl Hid 5.. fVi W Ss., SS V,'nlj!h lain DC : Icn -ts 101t AVabili deb H fcri U in . 5Ji Wtern M.I in.... i. il 4W! .IW' Wheel i I, K .. sji, .H "Wis Central 4k.... &3; Closing- Stock List. S:il?s. High. 1j,w. Cloio, irfnn .. . , (5 Per -. . . 5.7.500 114T lin,," 114a: K r ... 2.'ji) ivA it )n Oil . .., 2.'j)i iii; 37T4 'Jj' ti . . !" "W W 23y & L. pM ... HKI 33, ii'i 3S - - . 2,'.-j0 4; 43H 44t, d Oil W. l Diotivn ... 1 7,'; ' 7jit ef'. 23j lw" lis W"? - -VK" lr; Utii iMtc r Ref . c.ko uss iu. ,44 lifd cert .... m JW. 105t 1 10 W.9W TliS. S7J'i 7i Ohio .... -.2) H4a lit 1UJ, 'tS Transit T.Sw Sl!4 ii, K xr:.,7:M 17S,i 17ts Jfiv5-. ?."t ' ii' 2i' JI. WMt ..... Jfij -j ''S3 ll& Rt Paul . lO.S'O l's&t; is , ttf?,'J'01"'' - "x & iii 10(U 5$ Iror lfc.00'1 73; Till J2i! lTfcrTtd 8.8W .'-4 s: ji' "i1: 100 177Vi 177ii 177. iiijy'w .... vo ss ik is" !L 'SC! l-m i'1 f.7t yjEt"'1, 3W 7W 7J4 7U lllKlecirle . 4 ,i? 1 JtVM w- nr. lii" i "n,ril 70-1 177(4 IMS, 177'. fife? SW S7S S7"'J i7 4d i 4 c-n,,i 4.0-0 33'. i ait i.o co.; a.4 Mil y -o . . j.rflo s.j 3-14 t7il x'- .- Cl't J'i-7: , ush - 7W,J 1M?4 lt,-' I" Avun 1 .101 Wltle .... mo 7J,; 71 Y,',, : I .Of) 3T. Wi I2t)?i Sp1 Jb1- - 7s!- 7S 77 ' ".S.S..M.;: SS! 'ivliu iJu COPPER UNCHANGED, BUT TiH ADVAICES London and New York Metal .Markets Utiiet and Light Trading. ' -T- SILVKR. New York (Vyjic -f San Kranelsco .' CWtC LEAD, -f f- New York exchange $5.Wfi5.75 -t- COPPER. -f -- New York exchnngo $17.7MJ'1S.50 - f -- NE' YORK. Fob. 9. There was an ad vanco of 30512s 6d In the London tin market, with spot closing at X1GS and fu tures at 163 IGs. Iyocally. the market wns qulot and without material change. Copper was unchanged at f7S 10s for spot and. at 7 Tor futures in the English mar ket. Locally, no change was reported, cither In quotations or general conditions. lAJte and e-Iectrolytlc copper arn .aid to bo ohtalnahlo around $17.50-'cjlS.W, but some of the- large produo-rs ar asking higher prices, and. Including' their views, quotations rane from $17.75 to $18.50. Casting Is quoted at S17 COfn.SZi-i. Lead closed at 16 6 31 In London und at $5.6)i?-6 7fi in the local market. Sneltw was unchanged, at ZT In Indon and at li in the local marke.i. 'iron was lH2d higher in the English market, with wtandard foundrj- closing at fOs Cd and Cleveland warrants at Efls Locally, the market km unchanged, with No. 1 foundry Northern quoted at $18,261? 19 S5, No. foundry Northern. fl7.75ffl8.K6; No. 1 foundry Southern. $18 "JVgdS.7B, No. '1 foundry Southern, SlT.TtVft'lS.Si. Stock Market Letters. Jamefi A. Pollock & Co., stock and grain brokors, G Wool Second South street, make public the following letters on the slock market : Dick Bros.' stock letter sayH: "The mar ket showed further strength today and some very substantial advances wore scored by representative utocks. Rather spectacular advances In Northern Pacific nnd Great Northern, which wcro attrib uted to insldo Interoats. served to en courage, bullishness and to Induce buying. There wj-s not much news Rathor posi tive rumors that announcement regarding a dealing In Great Northern ore landB were in circulation." Dick Bros.' cotton letter says "There was Utile feature to today's market. Trading was light. In anticipation of tho triple, holiday, and operations were chiefly of evonlng-up character. There was no indication of demoralization among South ern spot holders." Logan & Bryan's stock letter says: "The market closed strong and higher In all departments. The better action In Cana dian Pacific, tho Hill stocks and Steels imparted a b'ttor tone. Shorts wore ac tive buyers, and there seemed to be a better publlo participation in the market. Il speaks woll for the market that ac tivity come? only with advancing prices. Tills Indicates that selling pressure is not urgent and Is made up largely of short selling The lout at th close shows a decide Improvement in sentiment." Money in 2Tew York. NEW VORK. Feb. y. Prime mercantile paper, 4S per cent. Sterling exchange easier, with actual business In bankers" bills at H.SiyyS 4.87.35 for demand and at $4.83.8or-4.83.&0 for CO days. Posted rates. UMlii and $4.SS commer cial bills. S4.32S. I3nr silver. SSc. Mexican dollars. 50Uo Government bonds steady; railroad bonds Irregular Money on call easier at 2Zyi per cent; ruling rate, 1; closing bid. 3. offered, 3V,. Time loans firm, 00 and 90 days and tlx months. -IVjiQi per cent Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Feb. 9. Today's treas ury statement shows: Available cash bal ance. $14S, -109,053; gold coin and bullion, J74.$2J.-.I2; gold certificate, $41,389,190. Cotton in New York. NEW YORK. Feb. Cotton futures opened steady; March. $10.72; April. $10,79 bid: May. $10.86; July. $10.97: August, $10.86; September. $10.12; October. $10.83; Docoinber, $10.M. Closed quiet. etcad ; February, $lo.iT2; -March. $10.71; April. $10.80; May. $lu.S7; June. $10.91; July. $10.97; August. $10.Sn; September, $10.45; Ootober, $-0..'l5, Novem ber, $10.1S; December. $10.40. New York Flour, Wheat, Etc. NEW VORK. Feb. 9. Flour Receipts. J3,0Y; exports. 9vW barrels; steady, but dull. Wheal Receipts. Zk-A) bushels; spot, linn. No. J red. 90c. elevator; No. 2 red, ?2ie. free on board afloat; No. I North ern Dululh. 9j1c. free on board afloat. Higher prices appeared In today's wheat market as the result of bullish crop news. Snow failed to materialize as predicted, the Southwest sent In damage news, i-ablcs were steadj and the Modern Miller report was considered a trifle bullish. Shorts covered freel. closing th market ytc net higher, .May. 90 5-lti90 13-16c. closed 902ic; July. 89',. 4c. closed S'.c; Sep tember. X7,i'&&71fcc. closed S7',ir. Hops', wool, petroleum Quiet. Hides Steady. Sugar Raw. nominal; fall refining. 2Tfic; centrifugal, 9r test, a ll-3ltifl,ic; molasses sugai". 2tBc; refined, quiet. New York Butter, Eggs, Etc. NEW VORK. Feb. 9. Butter, cheeso und oggs unchanged. f'lonlnc Slocks SalfS. High. Loty. Clo. MlfKOUrl Ptti- 'J.Sit 102 101 ',i Mo Kun Texai l.Jl-n 3f.S 3lVi JUVa prferril 100 71 71 70 National Lend l.St'J 544 il Nut It R of Ilex j)fJ .10 New York Ontral .... C,VM ISO nsi us;, N Y Out Sc Vl 1.UW Mi f4'i Norfolk i WeKt l'.40O S3!l S! f9; protrril 11 North Amorlcuii 4.KW iww, 101 10J. Pao Mall HO 45U 44',4 4 Pemwvlvanla 112 141U 111", PnOplfr'H (Jan 7,0-W l'rtS i'ji liVil P f C &. at IOUlK jp., I Slel Cur 3,900 62 Vi 6P 2 preferred 7.0-.O lt2 loi " 10i! 1'iillliiHii Pul Hr 140 Heading 17I.S00 142 lM'A 111V, ll pref-jrrMl l(Xi si :h m 2nd preforrtMl 1M Wi'.i lvO't 100Vi llepnlillc Rtel J,0 31; S ;ir. preforiiid Ithi 103 (i7 io7i Rock IflanJ Ci. S.fM "7 4 27 :'7U profciToil l.Sij dy, 6l tf,y. St I, &. X F Sal pfd.. 1.0M 4i; 4 JU St L S SV ,3Hl Mi ' rcw mi; profeirrd 4,f40 SOTi f.7 I'j'.i Southern O.l'W H3 es preferred us Southern Hy 32.400 4i's 40 4i', Iirerrrcil 101 twi, iooi Teim L'oal .u Iron ICO lui i:,8 ',7U Texas A: Pmc 1,30'J 3.'.; SiH :iil Tol HI I. i VTi 300 3-;?t 3Cti 3$j(, l)rjf.'lTJl 100 A7vj sji fnlon l'uo 14,3iJ ICS', Hoi; ice ))rfcrn-d 3'.J M $71, 'J714 I' S E'prJii us " 1 .-4 Itsnlt)- jr; t: K itubiin- tVi .vi 5; pr.frrd 3i llOVi 110 ItfS't i" s sio.-i ,.iw 4S pl-fflTd 14,Sti 110 liy lnstTi Vlr Curo CIi.-iiiIciU .... 7(0 6"i 17114 f.jj, preferred loo 114; m m Wabdnh 1.200 ; ZVri 24 preferred 4f) 47?i 7, Weill, Fnrgo lixpris .... 2.U WeRtlnxlloute l-:uo 1C5S Wcsitein I'nlon 200 OVA yi. Y St. r-ake Krlc 1.30") 21Vs 21 21 Wisconsin Central .... preferred , si- Xoithtirn Puc 7C,3W 23 21 1 222 Cr.ntral beiilhi.rn W iu'' "l,',, iref erred 30O jirfi; w, Slow 8liel l,lon no' HH14 f!)f7 Tptnl pttlen for tho day, 'JSJ.SW har'oi! WHOLESALE PK POTATOES REDUCED Are Ten Cents Less a Hundred weight Than a Week Ago. THE RETAIL PRICE IS NOT CHANGED Price on Retail Market Gov erned hy Time Potatoes Were Purchased. The slight advance in the price of po tatoes made a week or more ago Is no longer In effect, and wholesalers are now offering this particular variety of their wares at $1.2Ti a hundredweight. In place of $1.35. A number of dealers In the city are retailing potatoes at from 7." cents to 90 cents a bushel, some of them selling at tho rate of "o cunts a peck. The. dealers who arc asking but 7Tcenis a bushel are those who bought early In tho fall and stored awuy a large quantity of the vege table. Denlers who were unable to do this aro obliged now to pay as high a price as others are selling for, and some of the dealer. aro wondering why those who havo been holding their potatoes all win ter don't fall In line and-aell at ihe higher price- while they can get It, as they may be obliged later In tho spring to sell at a decided loss, as was the case last year. Parsnips will be coming In again In a few days. The ground nas been so hard of late that none have reached tho market, and those scheduled for next week will sell nc 2 cents a pound, whole sale. Beets and turnips are still scarce, nnd cabbago Is selling at 5 cents a pound. Some twenty varieties of fresh fish roanhed tho market Friday, the largest assortment that has been received In a long time There were really no new va riotlen on the list, but not In a long time havo so many different kinds of the finny tribe reached local dealers. Bananas aro In especially good demand Just now The quality Is better, loo. and the prices range from 'J) to .10 cents a dor.en. Oranges are to be hnd at almost any price, from 10 to CO cents a doy.en. very good varieties being offered at the medium figures. Wholesale Quotations. Hay. ('.rain and Straw. Oat ..lmw, per bale. In iur lot. 30821c; alfalfa. 112.00; timothy, per ton. baled. $I6.W; wheat, pt-r owl.. Jl.Mff 1.50; corn, iwr cut. gl.'.lty 1.25; corn, cracked. $1.30; Jdaho outn. l iT; rolled oats. J1.7S; bar lay, rolled, l.3i); flour, bakorV No. 1, $1.70; Hour. MraJght prade, $1.90; flour, hlch pntent, $2.10; ry. S.M; graham flour. $2.30; cornme&l, J2.00; brtui. 9Scti$1.0); brim and uhortu, JI.OO. Menu. Dressrd btt-f. per ound. tttc; dreiscd teal, pur pound, 9't 1 ; dni.vwi Iioks, c;-llve. J4.Su per cwt ; pork loins, lOlic per pound; mutton, sw, -print,- lambu, 10c iter lound. Poultry.-Dreed hen. Ititfl7c; spring, 174 lo; Iti-oller?. drnf4d. 20c; froifn broiler, 21c; duckn. pr pound, lf-c; turkey?, i2c. Kmlt Ltmons. pur 1k., $1.00iff4.W; bamuiaj'. ' per bunch, $2.00$ 4.03: orances, $2.2&'a,3.0ij box; upples, $2.0)C2.25 lox, California- flcu, $1.7? 1.25; cranberrltfR, $13. CO barrel; jvearn, J1.76 tox; dates. TliS'.tc r jiound: pieplant, l'.'c pi-r pound, toniuto?, $1.00 banket. Vogt-tnblc.--CJr;en onion, 25c dozen; PUih leltuc. 2X cHUltllowrr, pound. HSM-V:; Utah dry onloui", $Z.W; gurllc, CVc; celery. 41.00 doaen hunchev; potatoes JI.." cwt.; wl potato?". aUe ler pouud; California cabbagr, $3.2ti3.i0 per vgi'li cucunibem. 20c each; rhubarb, 20c; artfehokej. 'j0o dozen. lahy PriKluct. C'rumery butler, jjund. lyi); dalrj butter, i)imJ, 20c, chc-tr. Kund, 1st-; !BKf. case, ii S0W7 50, cninl lionry, crate, J2.7S; Swltzer cln;fce. pound. ISc . Ilnibuxter ehev50. pound. 18c. tviuii brick cheese. K)Uiul, ISc; Kdaui i-reeae, dozen. Jl.'.OO. ITlHh. Salmon, pound, lie; yellontall. 13c; hnllbilt, pound. 12c. striped ban. pound. 17c: ifOleii. pound, 12'-c, red rock col, pound. 13c; flounder, iiound. Il'c; xturteon, pound. I3c; treeh mackerel, iound, l.'j, Callfornlu fniolLn, pound, 17c; perch, pound. 11c; whit ell-ill, per IHtund, l?c; "WeHteni oodllh. imjuikI. 12c; pom pano. l!c; pike, per pouud. 20c; black bai. pound, 2.-; brouk trul. I2hc each; .MHcklnao trnut. JPc, had. 1-; crnhi., J3.03 a dozen; lob uterk, per jtouud. 17c, Knelern lol.steru. per pound, Wc. Retail Quotations. Hay, Grain and trv. Out lr&. per bale. 40c; alfalfa. 7lc cv t. ; timothy, baled, lev cwt.; wheat, par ont., il.SOdl.C,; corn, pel cwt., $1.33; cracked, per cwt., J1.4U; oatn. per cwt., J1.$0; rolled nils. $l.Jl; barley, rolled. $1.40. Hour, bakei-n' No. I. $2.15; flour, straight Krade. $I.i6; Hour, high patent, $2.5.1; ry. $2. CO; b'rohani Hour, $r.&0'8S.7o- cornmeal, '$2.t tr2.10; ten lwunda for 30c; bran. $1.10; bran and xlinrl.o. $1.10. Mvaln I'rtino ' rlbn. 17',,c; purtorhouku, lS'i 221ic: pofk, 17ic; inutlon cliopK. 12'u 16oi21cgs, 15c; luuib. llttc; veal. ISfcJOc; veal loarjlloc. rpiini; lamb. lM5r2Cc por pouml; pork' loins, l&c; Balclun hare. 20o u pound. Poultry. Drtsked hen, lik-; sjirlnts, J2ic; friit-n broilers. 2.1c pound; dtickx. r)c turkeye, 25c: geei-e. 22c; nquab. 2Cc eaclu Fruit s. Leinonc. pei dozen. 20a25c; oniiiKea. ! duxen. loOCPc. bnnnus, per dozen, 20'v 3fic; preRMed Urn. lOftlEc a puckaKe; i ranboi -He. ITc u ipiHrl. poincicrnnatea. 2uc a pound; datiis. 10920c u pound; npplun. $2.51tl'3.0O box; pieplant, 2ic per pound, tuniiito-3. 2.' a jiuiind; lantcrlne.. 2u a dozen. Veseiabls. Potatoet. 7j(?Mc buiihel; Call f.miU Ifittui-e. 10c per head; rtah parsley. r.c buii -li; California new crtljbHKe. lc a imund; cau)lfUM)r. two pounds Sic, Hubbard jjiiuh, 10fi?3e each; eclory, 10c per bunch; artichokes. 10c each. tcr plant, throo buncher for 10c; parsnips, lu bunches for 5c. nweet putatoas', 4c per pound; cucumbers, I5f26c each; dry onions, tc iKiund Dairy Product. Creamery butler, per pound. -Svc; dairy buller, 2Jc per pound; clieete. per puuntl, Sto; comb honey, per comb, lf,c; Hlralned honey, per pound, He; SwIm, cheese, per pound. 4i; llmburicer clu-ese, per pound, 0)o: cream brick cheese. 2Jc; Kdnni cheee. $1.25 each, Neufchatel, 10c package; eggs, per dozen, v.vijvx. Flsb. Salmon. liVjc; yellowtall. 17',ic; hall blll, 17c: hlrlpod ba;j. 22Hc; ccxlllsh. 1R-; shad, ISc; whltelldh, Wc; MUrgcon, Uc; cutlleh, 15c; barracuda, lie; ninckercl, 20c; iioinpuiio. 17c; pike, Wc; flounders, 15c pound; rw; i-od, two poiindK for 2tc; solee, l!c a pound; t-rab, 25 1SOc each: ilacklnuc trout, -20c per pound; bnKH. l5o: klncnsh. Itc: oyier. New York count, Ac a dozen; Idpporud salmon, ;0c jer jiound: anchovy, 2v per pound. ij-sleri. ftic per can; lobkleis, Iflo per pound; shrimps, 20c a quart; prawns, soa prr pound; smoked I halibut. 20c per pound; herring. Go each; halt mnckeveJ, V)n'.ll each; blue polnle. lOo a ' dor.en. I Old as the Hills. It niHtlem nut how new. freh. bright, brll llaul, llluiiilnwtliic- plioaphorcsceiil. eolntlllal Ing. tlllllatliiK. chcorlne. diverting, amuslnc, entei-talulDK or recreative, an ant-cdute ni be. thrre In always a ftwIIKerous old fool in' rl; up and exclaim: "Tbal'n an old iu the hlll; T hoard It when my great -Kruiidfalhcr u kid." 1 hollow In ovlerlzlng all audi iiiami zolcs. AVeak minds drnum a lot. If anything could enttxe. me l bellec- In' tho ancient doctrine of trunnmluruiloii of ttoulk, Il would lie thin eternal reminding that "1 heard that before." No gentleman ever' heard a iory. "Which .simply mean that If It lH "as old as thn lilll" to him he doe not vndiurra.v. the narrator by ?u ln tu llv llMen.i nnil tries to make hpeu h0 enjoy. It Is the e cncA of couitosy. with u little fruth of white lin on top. Heaven forKlven aiieh a white lie. hecaute, It gleN happlne. It wa common belief In the Iona- ami thai the houIm of umir- re wer metflmpaychoscd. or trumdated Into the bodlea of ae, and there remntiivd foru number of year for imor men to bavn l-evenno out of belaboring their bone. Jokor.x surely, also, musl bav.i been melempsychoaed. for uinonir lb foi.ll them 1 "nnthlnK new under the Hun "New York, l're. "Why. Tlie following advertisemonl appealed recently in :l prominent London news paper: Wanted; Experiunced huHlnes.s wo man ,ia inuriugoress,. floor-walker, su pervisor. Not. necessarily experienced In hnlr-dressing; hut must bc tnctful, tellable and born about Septcmhui 22." Harper's Weekly. WHEAT MARKET STRONG ON BAD CROP REPORTS Winter fJrain Keported Jnjured in iMany Sections of the Country. CHICAGO. Feb. 11. Kear of damage to the wheat crop of the United Slates wan the ehl"f cause today of a strong local wheat market. At the close -wheat for iUay delivery was Up c. Onts showed a gain of Corn wns nnehnnged and provisions were 2c lower. Tho wheat market was active nnd strong throughout tho entire session. At the opening May was ,,ic higher at and, after a decline to 8-TSc, which took place soon after the opei lng. tho price moved to advance. Tho firmness was duo to active coveting by trnders who sold short yesterday on the prediction of a severe snow In Kansas. On tho failure of the forecast they bought with energy An advance In the price of wheat at Liv erpool encouraged the bulls somewhat Jluporlit of damage to winter wheat wore received, hut they were Indefinite, An excellent demand for cash wheat at Min neapolis and Kansas City gave additional strength to the market. For May tho highest point of the day was reached at So'.ic Th market closed strong, with May at fcac. Despite the strength of wheat the corn market- was Inclined 10 be weak for tho greater part of tho day. Tho chief influ ences favoring a decline wern liberal local receipts, a prospect of continued largo ar rivals nnd a slight decline at Liverpool. May closed steady and unchanged at -He. The onts market opened eas-v, but ihe close was steady. May closed at .W-c, a gain of ac Provisions were easier because of 'mod el a-te. profit-taking of numerous small holders. The market closed steady, with May pork off 2,ic and lard and libs each down 2MsC ' RANCH-: or LEADING FUTURES. Wheal. No. 2. Opon. Hi:h. C!oc. M' sr.' Sf-H siTi s:.3i July X 814 m; K4u Corn, No. 2 May 4( u July .' 41','. 44S 41 44H September 4Hi 14, It; 44H Oats, No. 2 May 30'i 30K 30 301; July , ... 23 2Vii joi Mess pork, per barrel May 15.10 15. 17 1.1.10 15. 124 July H.J.1 15.074 14.95 15 00 Jard. per It pnundit May 7.X2V4 7.S5 7. SO July 7.?; 7.?7H 7.S-I 7.W Short rll, per 100 poundj May s.(V S.024 7.H7"i S.'0 July .124 .2 S.07U t 10 CASH QTOTATIONS. 'nli iiuotatloiiK were nit follow- Vicar, weak; No. 2 spring wheal. SPdc: No. 2, 24 'a3'.c; No. 2 red. So7fr7c; Xo. 2 corn. 41c: No. 2 ontr, 7.0c; No. 2 white, ItQXU.-; No. 3 white. i'Q'JIc; No. rye. Mo; good feeding baiioy. 3Sc; fair to choice maJtlnc. I2Q50..-; No. 1 llax eed, $1.11; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.10ii; prime timothy seed, $3.21; me pork, per lmiTel, $H.90fll.!G: lurd, per 10) pounds. $7.M-'m7.T74; short ribs side ilooe). $7.S0tf 7.?0: short sides fboxed). IS.2fJS.I5; whisky, bal of IiIrIi wines, 1.23; rtnver, contract tirade. $i:.75. JlECEieTS AND SHlPiHCNT.S. Recptk. Shlpts. Hour, barrels 20.3ij 27.M0 Wheat. juhels 34.00" "LTOrl Corn, buhsls Sfcl.O"! ISIOjO OstM, bushels KV..4i) 3.5.f0 Rye. htiHheln 16,00 2.I0O Harley, bushels 32.900 2J.4W pitonrci: kxciianck. On the produce exchunce t-iday the butter maiket was llrm; creameries, 1727c; daliy 1723c; i-cgs. eusler, at mark, ca. luoluded, IbV-iCr; (tvs, liv; prime firsts, 17c; fcxtras, lfc; cheese, nrni. IHililSe. Liverpool Wheat. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 9.-Close:' AVbent May. 6n lid; March. Cs 9d; Julv, Os Sitl Weather line, but cold. LIVE- STOCK QUOTATIONS. Chicago. CHJCAGO. Feb. 'J. Cut tin ItccelpLs 20"); market strong. Bwve.s,; cows and heifers, Jl.fcVfH.fcS; miockers and feed erii. t2.60m.i0; Te.xans, .iW-.40 Hogri Receipts a.000. estimated tomor row. 27.00i; mixed and butchers', JWi; good heavy. to.CofiUCC; rough heavy. 16.705.55; light. J5.70ff.S0 iilgs. J...2&'p5.75; bulk of sales. Jo.SSifS.'.O. Sheep Receipts 7000. market steady. Sheep. f3.3i"fi.5ij; lambs, Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Fob. '.'.-Cat He Re ceipts market steudy; native steers. J4.nOt7C.00; unlive cows and heifers. 2.2S l.J"J; stockcrs nnd feeders. i'l.OKr-I.So; ern fed steers, W.50?iG.6rt; AVestem" fed bulls. J2.6WH.10; calves, J3.(.VR7.25; AVest cows, 52.602.00. 1 logs Receipts T0u0; market steady: bulk of sales, tf.T&fiD.SS; heavy. Jfi.r fi.Si'i: packers. $5.75ffi.i5; pigs and lights. 55.C(K5.S0. Sheep Receipts 3000; market steady; muttons. ft.5CK?fo.S0: lambs. J5.751i'7.10; fed owes. Si.WlfiG 2S; range wethers. $5..VWrfi.I5. Omnhn. OMAHA. Feb. 9. Cattle Receipts 5m; murkftt active; shade stronger. Xatlvij steers. $3.Wti.W; cows and holfors, 52.7&ffi 4.0i; caimcrs, Jl.75ti2.76; slockers and feed ers. J2.7.W-4.40: calves, $.1.0O(;.r,0; bulls and slugs. 5'- 601j.1.76. Hogs Receipts sxi; steady to slrong Light. 55.6Vfro.7ri; heavy, $o.70-?j-d.S0; mixed Jo.GV&5.70; light. J5.C0Ji6.7n; pigs, Ji.7W5.40' bulk of sales. 55. 05116.75. Sheep Receipts flnM; strong. Vearllngs J5.tiW: wethers. J5.35'ufi.65; ewes, J4 o&ff 3.25; lambs, J0.75n7.00. St. Joseph. ST. JOSICIMI. Feb. 9. Cattle Receipts. 0; strong to l(c higher; unlive, $3.7555.00' cowh ami heifers, Jl.i'&fiM.tH); stockeix ami lceders, J3.iArp-l.3o. 1 Jogs Receipts. 5l(io; mostly 5c higher light. .&7bfi.K!; heavy. J5.0.Jir'5.72U Sheep Rec-'lpts, S); steady. Salo of Sheepskins. 'LONDON. Feb . A salo of Cape of (.loot! Hope und- Natal sheupskins was held here lod-ty. The offerings numbered u.i.2im skins In fair condition. There was a siiiing demand for all sulisciipllons except shorn Extra long and short wooh-d were un changed, while coarse and damaged skins advanced 'd. New York Sugar. NKW VORK. Fell. '.'.-Sugar-Raw nom inal; loir refining. 2T8c. centrlfngnl. .M test, 3 U-32C3ic; molasses sugar, 2sc Re fined qtllel; crushed, J5.40; powilered. H.SO giTtnulalcd, J4.7n. Coffee steady; No. 7 Rio. S7-lic. St. Louis Wool. ST LOI' IS. Feb. !l.-Vool lower; Tenl Uiry and Western mediums. 221i2.V; line medium, 2l1i25c, fine, l!'721c DUN'S WEEKLY REVIEW. Rnilwny Earnings Show a Mnteiinl Increase. NKW VORK. Feb. i'.-Dun's w.-eklv re view of trade will say tomorrow: Distribution of heavy-weight weurlng utjpurel. fuel and other seasonable mei -chandlse expanded In response to ihe moru normal temperature, bin the week's business has not depleted the accumula tion of last month, and retail stocks if these are still burdensome. The onlv ad verse development of the week was ihe less pacific news from the coal ileldn al though u strike may ht prevented' bv agreement any time before April 1 Rail way earnings for Junnary, now fairly c omplete, show an Increase of per cent "ver last year's figures, while for eign commerce at this port for the last wuek mndo a most sirlk.lng favorable rmjt DOCTORS WHO CURE nfiol fffi&ffirMmxr fff CATARRH-Deafness, Nose and Throat Troubles, Bye ) . iWBBjMpK SffijjjfflBgr' mL D'BCaj,oa' Bronclial and Lung Trouble. Asth- fc, HBBeB ' I1! flnfB ' Troablc8' female Complalntfl. Chronic DUeanes of Warn- J 2oBB'! '(JLV tjU n and Children, Heart Disease, Norvou Dlseaues, f JiyJHnHi' lumW 1-3 flT'Ff' '! chroa (8t- "Vitus Dance). Rickets, Spinal Trouble, Skin ( &l&BlM! iH V ' D'86,U"''. 8Clftt'Ca nn0UmaUs,n- Dleaes of the ) "j ' J SSj&3Sp 'l J)ra' Shores & Shores' motto: "A low fee mild M&&Wff4&r SBi Br ' an(i pain'ess treatment and a guarantwd cure in J&&ffi&r T DRALshtj i all curable cases." S drtw SHORKS MEN Tre WEAK MEN MEN $5J90ii?S I r A rr DISEASEB. oontracta pay when Cured. Blood Prison if tou live out or town. iH Disorders. o dangroiui mln- Tvlf- Shores & Bhors tor a- mirft So-called Weakness" In men Is orali to drive the tVIIIC tne,,r new bymptom ltBt i.Tn,7 vmT mereU' a ytnptom of chronic In- virus to the bone. and get their advlc free. w. hi! fiammotlon In the prostate gland. but harmless, blood- L . ..i. r,! brought on by early dissipation or c canalng remedies F1iriirr nOMTkmn ilH f. I in I b? e Improper treatment of some that remove the last BBPS SH I 1 1? r N sii hil n. rnLA contriLcted disease A complete and polsonoug taint. JU'jJ OIiVIfl-0 charged as toured, radical cur le, therefore, a quo- yjJZ m r-i . t jH MEN uer. .rc MEN & SHORES 1 -without the uee of Internal reme- 1 LOST MANHOOD dlc' treatmont Ib a local one Varicocele. EXPERT SPECIALISTS. D a t Z ntlrelJ . 11 Is original and sclenti- Abaolutely palnlew Houston block, 249 Main St.. oppo- I Hw.Phf wi atfc flc. and has bi proved absolutely treatment that cures site Keith-O'Brien Store, m Stricture, Pllfrs, 3kin effective by thousandB of tesia. completely. Inventl- SALT LAKH CITY iH and KWnej- DlBcaae. We ar convinced that by no other gate our method. Wn Office Hours-Week, days, 9 a. m. I 0Bt Manhood Hy- methods can f ull - and prmanent cure Varicocele, or to G p. m. Evenings. 7 to $ p m. I , ' B,1"1"111 reotora-tlon of strength an vigor it don't cost you a Sundaye and holldava, 10 a. m. to M n eolcnesfl. Etc. be accormpllshed. pnny 2 noon. comparison with the same period In 1&0. exports gaining $6,590.5. while imports Increased $2.27.r.(09. Seasonably poor Inquiry for hides has weakened the tone, the only firm depart ment being packer branded hides for sole lea t her. Failures this week number 22fl In the United States, ngalnsl 2M last year, anil 29 In Canada, with 27 a year ago. Bradstreot's Report. NKtV VORK. Feb. ?. Bradntrel'n tomorrow will .ay. "Iti-ports an to spring jobbing trade are of a very favorable character, anil more sea-'onnblr rather hnn uliniulatert ome llnrw of retail trade. Rullrcmd f-nmlngs rlurn In (llcatx that January wum tlie moil Rctlve ever evprlencel by the companl. croii receipts nhowlnir a gain of 20 pr ceni over Inst yenr, u very active jM.Tlod llkewlp. Reports an lo winter uhrat are fnitlnfactory -j.t a wholr. AK.iliiMt lhe.e favorable feature nr. l be cited Hie ll-uiuletlng influencrfi of predictions und prc.iMirutloiiB for a ceucral coal strike. poHlbly Involving &.-0.1-W men. "Monev Is enj.v nnd colleetloiiK rnnso only fair to v'Oixl, aceoixlliu,- .-in th section of lllr country In coiislilerfd. Prle inovenienis of lending staples are .-c'-nHrlly tovard rape ami some roceaslf r, ax for Instance In pis Iron, develop new hunlnss. U'lnll-d telccrums to Hrndstrcet'8 report a Generally active ap pearance to nil linen of prlnK Jobbing trade. 'Raw wool Is active on manufacturers" buy ing, anil prices are firmer. Lower raw cotton tu-lces liae not yet affected the uood.t mar ket, whlrb U strong. 801110 revival In export trude with I'l.lnn Is Indicated. "Blliluen fullurrp In the Tnlted Stuten for the week i ndlnc February S number 210 nguliml lapt week. '.D7 In the llk week of IMS. 2ii2 In 1&0I. SI In ir-13 und Sfi5 In Wi. In Canada failure), for thu week number 27. i.s aKBlnut 21 laxl week unci tC In this week a vein ato. "Wheal. Including Hour, exports from the t'nltrd Statea und Cznudu for ib week end Inr February S are 3.2l,iJ9 bui.h.'l.. .-tKaliiPl S.OM.Mi bint week. !tS7.77r. Huh Week lust year. 1.740,26.1 In 1WI and 2.SK.439 In IP03. From July 1 to dute the extKrts are ?S.Nfin.3,M; buHheln against 11.049.91$ Inst year. IW.OS7.W9 In l'-4 and IM.S11.S77 In lSNClr "Corn exooris for the week re n.C0. 7Sfl bu.ilieW. airalniit S.SVJ.SSS laul -week. 2.44S.ISS u year nsn, mi.W2 hi MOum I.SW.ITO In IVn. From July I to Jate the exports) or corn are iS.PS..799 bushels. acaiimt .15.i93.121 In 1W5 3t.470.'M In 1HJ4 and r4.5W.2Ss In 1?R." ' Bank Clearings. NBW YOI'.K. Feb. 9. The followlnu table, compiled by Uradstreefp. shows Hie Imnk cleurlncu ut the principal cltlen for the week tnded February' s. with Hie pcrcelltaue of In crease and decrease, ns comuured wllh ihe corretponillne week last year: . Inc. lire. V.w Aork ii.KKMWl 34. S .... hIcKO 213.423.177 1.3 .... 170,Si12,Oa3 Pi. il ... Pllilndelphla lS2.JI2.Uir, IC 1 Louis 5.S1C.54 12.9 W. 1 Plttsburir 57,i)43,37Si 23 2 San Francisco 3,r.M,3S; a y Kullltnoif 307'.i.lS5 30 .'. Chiolnnutl 2.i'lt'.SkVi S 7 Kansas City 2C.Srii.5Cu ra 3 Los Aincele U,0lo.l33 4C..'. '. Omaha n.Bil.m 4G .5 . Denver fi.r.7.77D ...3 Sple i.7je.jvi2 lis i; ! &l. Josipb S,Cf6.W7 32 I Port land. Or 4 '1i0 217 is 4 SALT LA ICE CITY fi.2I.V01 1 !V- " I Tncomn, Wash .1.740. Sir, si lok iie. Wash S,4l'.l'4l7 l Helena 'xh.V.-J 109 7 Total. I S $.1.4X1. S3S.lrt.-t S 1 OutxUIr New Yoik 1.H74. 172.UW 17 7 Total. I'unada K. 74,' .r, for Sale-Live Stock -''Sh-sradc Cotswold Ewes. Utah SOOO lilgh-grade, medium wool ewes, Ida- H.OOO heavy shearing uwes. Owyhee Co.. Idaho. 2000 beef steers, pulp fed. Idaho BOO heavy feeding steers, dehorned. Alontpeller, Idaho. m feeding steers, partly dehorned Oe- dcn. s livery2 a"(1 3"ycar-,d stiri. spring dc- 5 Kentucky Jacks. Ogden WANTED. 1C0 range hordes, now or spring deliv ery; 20.000 stock nheep or straight breed ing efs Have a buyer for icfti cat tle and ranch; prefers Nevudu or Idaho R S Brooks A Son. Ocden. Ftah. I Eyesight Sliarpesed.j TOItlSfTS AND KRYPTOK j Do the Work. j Colombian Optical Co., SO LH AOKNTS B 2;VJ MAIN ST. ffi fuller Stores 9 Dencr. Omaha. m Kansas City Dallas, ffl Portland. Dr. I l Wb? 48 ffou rs I ' behcnanie- ' Btwarn of 'counterfeits S Godbe-Pitts Drug Co, Prescription Specialists, COR. 101 MAIN ST. I 1 DR. COOK'S SCIENTIFIC, CERTAIN AND COMPLETE CURE FOlfl MYr'oak. Nervoua, Kestleaa at a TMrk Circles under Ryes, Bash- m ls.U rif" Aching fu, Melancholia, Youthful Fol- Wk Back, Diseased Kidneys. In- HL-a , ' . , ImH njuned Prostate. Depondnt. WT '- Trembles, arlcocele. D Lack of Energy, Ambition and H Bxoslve Drinking. Loss in I H Strength. Poor Me.nioo". Hoi- Il - Uflne, Bxpoaure, Overwork and flB lotvod Eyes, Face Pimples and 1 Worry, Exhausting Dreams, Hl An endless number of men have cne or more of the above symptoms indlH drag from lay to day In despair of a prosperous, happy future, and well theyH may, for If neglected their hoalth 1b sure to be wrecked by a complete Ioib H physical, montal aud sexual power. VM My method corapkstely and permanently revives manhood after "cureB ftll" remedies and "quickcure" specialists fail to even beneftt. IH My selentlflc, systematic course of treatment "for weakJB nervoiiB, brokendown youths and mn, who have, through folly, dissipation nnd oxcesBei, unlltied themselves for work and the enjoyment of life, le a aye-tern that has beenH letted many times over and proven entirely satisfactory lnH every case. It Is totally different from the many slckenlrgjB pills and tablets, and the stimulating, stomach-ruining drugsjB given by would-be specialists. My specific treatment for the symptoms Indicating Falling Manhood Is harmlcs,HH though ao nffctlve aa to remove them lmraedlatly. It hrH conatliutlonal. therefore, by purifying and enriching thcH blood, strengthening the nervous system, nourishing the MH sues, the patient becomes ptroug and healthy with all slgnsH of trouble forever gone. The treatment Is to the humanH system what tbe sap hi to the tree It buds energy, ambition IB and confidence that leaf Into a prime, healthy, vlgorousH feeling of new life. I treat and cure all such pelvic disease as PliES. FISTULA. RUPTITRE.B VAKlCOCBLfl. HTDROCISLS. OLOOD POISON. BK1N DISEASBS, BORES, UL-H CEKS. NERVOUS DECLINE, and diseases of the KIDNEYS, BLADDER ANDH PROSTATE. My method of treating theee diseases has proven so BUOoesafuIjB thAl I ruaxaintee a permunent cure In every case accepted, and contract by &jH written Instrument to produco permanent and satisfactory results or refund money JB IMPORTANT I will cure you for leas money than you can be trtfatedH for by any other specialist in Salt Lake. Tou may have to come to mH sooner of later in order to be properly cured.; why not before you have VobtH your money in doctoring -with cheap, unskilled specialists P OTXRE OB. NO CHABGE AJB SOIU TBIjY NO CHARGE UNLESS SAT-JH XSFAOTION IS GIVEN. Every patient is given a -written, guaxantee to fund every dollar paid for services if they do not receive a complete, life-H long- euro and entire satisfaction, and I have made a deposit of 500.00 irJH the bank to secure any contract that is not fulfilled. CONSULTATION FREE, CONFIDENTIAL AND INVITED. A personal jH thorough and searching examination is required, though If Inconvenient to csllJH writ me & full description of your trouble Office hours. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.JH ercept Sundays from 9 to 12 SO Address or call COOK MEDICAL CO. il6S MJ C. W. HIGGINS, JuVD.( I J -jy C TEARS IN SALT, 1 V jj'f Microscopic and Analytic Physician. I Wxs&rfJ Cures Fill. Nervous Weaknoas. Neu- iir" Si jmlJtf rlgla. Varicocele. "Weak Spine, Bilious- 1 mftiwitL iWkfyW ' ' r Gravel. Sore Eyes, Lung DUeases. H BMiwXp. MmSt0 a Tape Worm. Dyspopsla, Liver and Kid- 01 T(JTlWrTvAr' h 1 ''y Complaint, Deaf new. Catarrh. Ery- ffl WMwirMlW JStn. &lpelss. Old Sores, Sorofula, Rboumallcra. 1 Witvly Sllrf Joints. Plleji In their worBt form. IH R VwfWW Those afflicted with Epilepsy or Fits can H J&&ffiEf&m CX rS. U8 Permanently cured. ijJJJ H fXSvmL JlffaoiXrn J By the aid of the Microacopo w can, de- IpllllJ m (JffyWlS I I lect Calcut. Cancorous flatter. Carbonate IpllllJ ni SiWLrjSi m $-& V U Llmo. Albumen, and all oxtraneoUs 1 'FfKTSB inT sjaj1 substance mixed with tho Urine or llpM i fins L Blood. This is the scientific principle' of IppH I lA O W Jk treating Chronic Dbioofiea. 1 llllu& V Cfvn to found at hla offlco, St. Elmo p 1 ill r& r SZ&P Hotel, from 10 a. m. to i p. m. Rooms IT, 1 1 7 1& 19, 7 to 9 p, m. Jfl ffi OXi' THK KNOWLEDGE OF DISBA8B .TS MH 1 J-.-" HALF ITS CURE. iJJJJ I KNOWLEDGE IS POWRR. MAN. KNOW THYSELF. IH j the M UU 0iy Mwm Co. I "OUR AiSERICAN BEAUTY BEES" B f I I Of ail drinks this popular beer is the most jtan iiM I pure and wholesome. Purity is absolutely es- 1 sential to proper fermentation -without which iiia beer would not be palatable. The bitter of JHllLv iil I hops is an excellent tonic and the malt sugar liflfWx iiia N of barley of n Jiifjh food quality. VeaiflVMlvan' iliflH Free dolivery to any part of the city. Mall lllHfH H orders also solicited. HHllinBHM iliflH I Sa!t Lake City Brewing . I I J. MORITZ, General Manager. .HHHB j Scott's Santal-Fep'sin Capsules POSITIVE CURE arluflkmniktlon orUaUrrbut ie bladder nil Piteid Kld ). H0 0DB3J HO fAT. Curei ilckly mid irrunnently tho orit cava or tanorrhoen id Olcft. uo tuttr of tiovr Dg tandlnu. AbsolHtoly irnilcw. Soi bv druggljU, Ice 81.(0. or by mall, pcit- i Id, tl.00, b boxoi, C2.7S. THE SANTAL-PEPSINCO. 'Jelontolno. Ohio. J. Hill Drug- Co., Salt Lake City , L. A. WOODRUFF I JEWELER, 70 East Third South. J. W. CUHRIE, ASSAYttR 70 W. 3rd South, Salt Lake City. H