Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, IiageI rmi'es. CaJ. - 3 S DIBJL iSTSKff of failure. M'""',oy Gregory. .nK?onCpIoce, Saturday. 1 1 o'clock. 5 ?nnd daughter of th icn Sunday nt L o ciock, J Swentecnth ward mectlnB W f Invited. , hf cltv February .. in his 07th yoar. Funeral S. from S a Kv.ins' fu gjy?t J2 o'clock, inter- !RALJ0I1CE - cir Mllford, Utah, will n Evans's undertaking &Ury 9, at 2 p. in. Friends a ;'v Tcm. 'Phones, 1019. ' ptrlZ Bts j Both phones 3200. Gens jiulh Main street. nl-HS Wr flowers, flor- 142 So. Main. Fo"o UnFtombstones SderowT dec- ; McKenzle. -122 Slate st TOTED PIANO SALESMAN. 1N Isl 1st South street. afe-'6 ORB A PL. 10, BY FIRST uit tenant, a 5-room mod. ja size lot, east and north Iresa P 12, Tribune. s004 ftD TO KEEP ON irrcspondenco solicited, lion, Rlvor Lea ranch, rood Irrigator wanted. ODDRESS OF WOMAN ied coffee pots, teakettle Irics from Albert A. Jlelr. 51asl month and later ac Melr to Murray and ro 6f Importance. M SUITABLE FOR 1ST actory: must have good good light; irom CO to W yoo Levy, 171 uln st. NGTON TYPEWRITER. Tribune. fc506 'BOYS. WITH GOOD carrying morning routes, tlon Dept., Tribune. sW. BUY FURNITURE AND its Bdl l&K. Ind. 2255. s471 OPOSITION OF SOME at will stand the moat rigid Tmuat be developed suf jonstrate to some certainly , merit of the property; id, but not necessary. Ad E No. 1755, Salt Lake City, ft fG AND PLAIN SEWING, phone 211A-Y.. s334 GE. GROCERY IN LOS ,'like stock here. Maben, it f ifJND-HAND CLOTHING, es; bst prices paid. 28 Com. postal card. 'Phono 3771-K. I sWf Or H. H. GOODS. RED Furo. Co.. 113 So. W. T. jfc, 8131 JERS. 237 W, 2ND SOUTH, i'cooklng; meals, $4. rl82 TO FURNITURE AND en. SI State; 'phono 2123-K. h94 AFE; MUST BE IN GOOD ledium size; address 1CC0 E. p2010 SOL, TABLES WANTED. tQgden. Utah. pU24 UCB PJVID FOR 110USE farpels, etc., entire house rptclalty. Nebraska Furnl 'Atai. So. o2145 RICE PAID FOR IRON, 'bottles, rubber, copper, etc. p.. 63 E. 8th So.; 'phone 229. z307 .GOOD8 OF ALL DE jvestern Furn. Co., second hones: Ind. 1625, Bell 17M-Y. ife 10272 IVING GOOD ROOMING Iqess part of city to let ur Mddress O 36, Tribune. P1133 IB FROM OWNER FIVE- f cottage, with not leHH than :nnd, on eQal or northea8t aiklDg distance; must be a rM, giving lull particulars, t Rices paid for all cut-off garments; lady Jir convenience. Box 2C9 or S-a; Ind. im. r72B WORK BY RELIA junalns a specialty. gVANTS POSITION AS r: understands every e. i.hrubs and flowers; or lmarrled; 18 years iFIost SciTaM r'ewam. Return to 375 W 8C23 returned to 920 E. 7th 4!ir2L j97 SwS SCOTCH COLLIE ?Pler fi'T1 and face; 5fet i UT- Roturn y-w"t st and receive re- ' aj52 FLASHLIGHT LAN- y west; return to this of- s2W WlONmE Mi ofL1Br?,?E,UM SALE lta from"' 8, Axmlnstcr Kf. ' Irorn 2 to 7 vil in Jj regular from n to C 23 and llU, 0,,r rc'ar In and Klna' nlfi0 ml iwi. noIe"rns. for 10 rnlture Co,, 62 E. 2nd rlS36 -L r747 k : i WANTED HELP WTDBYAOrTY to learn drus business; rereroncea. 301 East Second South. GOOD. COMPETENT GIRL, 0 J ST sG24 A GOOD GIRL To" ASSIST WITH housuwork. S2S E. 1st So. sfllS AT ONCE, COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housowork. 7o l8t st. sC03 WOMAN TO SWSEP AND CLEAN mornings. Hotel Normandy, 23 J2. 3rd So- SC12 LADY AGENT WANTED AT NO. 5 Rlgby court. s616 MARRIED MAN FOR "WAREHOUSE, experienced man preferred. Apply J. G. McDonald Candy Co., 159 W. 3rd South. SolS GOOD COOK. MAJ. PENDLETON, FT. Douglas. e545 ACCOMPANIST WANTED BY PROM1 nent Hinging- teacher; must be good reader. Address P 9, Tribune. MODERN 7-IIOOM HOUSE, !&i EAST 4th South. Apply Bell 'phone 1176-Y. s543 JANITOR FOR IL1FF M. E. CHURCH. Inquire 148 So. 12th East or 414 McCor nlck building. . s567 A GOOD. COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; must bo first-class cook., Apply but. 2 and 4, 734 E. lat So. s560 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no washing; small Xamlly; small house 70U So. 11th East. j?5S DELIVERY BOY AT 4SS EAST 2ND SO. s557 GOOD 2ND GIRL WANTED AT 75 W. 4th So, eCII GIRL TO WASH DISHES AT LUNCH counter, Palaco Cafe, 366 W. So. Tem Ple. s617 NUR.SE GIRL TO TAKE CHARGE OF baby during the day. Call at Mrs. Bcn nctt's, 122 E. Brlgfham st. sl4 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotol, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 45 W. Second South. 'Phones 464. c742 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 41 Church st. n9i5 LADY AGENT WANTED. CALL 514 SO. Stli West. TWO GOOD WAIST HANDS; NONE other need apply. 224 So. Sth East. STRICTLY ' FIRST-CLASS "WOMAN cook; good wages; give references. P. O. box 7S3. I-20S7 GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework In small family; reference; 257 E. 4th South. p2023 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 110 North Main st rl737 WANTED SIDE LINE TRAVELING salesman can make $30 to $60 per week handling our latest production of adver tising fans: liberal terms; apply at once. United Staic3 Calendar company, Clncln lmtl. Ohio. r!7S3 OPPORTUNITY FOR EDUCATED young woman; teacher preferred. Ad dress T 4. Tribune. rl651 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 17 Grace flats. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: small family. 318 2nd st. s321 PLUMHOF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 15U6 W. 2nd So.; Boll fone 35S4. s322 YOUNG MEN. YOU CANNOT LEARN a trade by which you can command as good a salary. Jn,so short a time, as the "Barber Trade " Wo teach" you in S weeks and furnish an outfit of guaranteed tools. Call today. Moler System of Col Ijpgcs. 62 E. 1st So., Salt Lake. s220 LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY work at home during spare time; no experience required; good pay and steady. Write N. C. Hulln, 1344 Market, San Francisco s251 JJVANTED $25 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED BY lady agents taking orders for us; outfit prepaid, we start you in business and make you Independent; write for circu lars and terms Woman's Apparel Sup ply Co.. Chlcngo. LADY AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Victoria Protector; hygienic, sanitary and comfortable; sample postpaid $1.00; catalogue, illustrating full line of agent supplies, free. Intcrmountaln Specialty Co., P. O. box 236, Salt Lako City. Utah. r!711 ON DIAMONDS. WATCHES. JEWEL ry. clothing, guns, tools, trunks, furs. Instruments, etc., at low Interest. Largo loans at banking rates. Uncle Sam, 30 E. 1st South nl35 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Improved property Is going to bo In great demand within the next few months. The earlier, you make your plans the sooner you will realize from them. Our plans for building homes are fully set forth In our free booklet, "Own Your Home." Salt Lake Security & Trust Co.. 32-34 Main st. rl590 $10(0 TO $50,000, ONE TO FIVE YEARS. farm or city property James K. Shaw & Co., over 1ST So Main st. rl063 PRIVATE PAJITY HAS MONEY" ON furniture, etc. Lowest rates. Confiden tial. Address S 1. Tribune. r443 CHEAP MONEY! CHEAP MONEY! 3 per cent on furniture, pianos, horses, vehicles, personal property; easy pay ments, etc. 112 over Keith-O'Brien store. q6 Xt! LOWEST LIVING RATES ON pianos, furniture, horses, vehicles; easy terms. F. G. Wood, 149 Main st., r. 310 e5S4 CHEAPEST RATES ON FURNITUr"e plano3, etc, without removal. Room 3. over Utah National banic. h21Sl SEE EQUITABLE L. & I. CO.. 63 W. 2nd So-, for loans on furniture or any nood security: strictly private; low rates. 136 DON'T BORROW TROUBLE; BORROW money. Salaried men or women accom modated on their note without mortgage or indorser; easy payments; conlldentlal. Cherry, 407 D. V. Walker bldg. elB17 PPIVATE LOANS; NO REMOVAL; low rate; easy payment. 210 Atlas bile. C300 I WANT ALL THE GOOD LOANS I can securtf; no commission; no Eastern company; no third party; low rate; many options. Russel L. Tracy, No. 11 E. lat South. hjOl EASY MONEY. EASY" TERMS, EASY rates: very private; chattels and other securities. Sco us. Room 209 Atlas block 1913 ON ANY PROPERTY; YOU RETAIN possession. Tho Slrlngor Co., 70 W. 2nd South. ON UTAH AND IDAHO FAJtMS. MIL ler & Vlele, 803 McCornlck bldg. WHEN IN NEED OF READY CASH sen us. Crescent Loan Co., G3 Hooper block. h ON MORTGAGE. NO COMMISSION. Lowest rates Porncroy, 36 W. 1st North i 81 ETCHI n7jsTL?-TNESNT) CUTS Do Bouzck Engraving Co- k-GIG JUYC0A1 HARVEYX7?6Tli Bell 'phono 1632-Z; lud , 12H. JB2o FOR RENT l-ROOM MODERN BRlCK COTTAGE. Inquire No. S rear 424 So. 3d East. sC15 MOD. 7-ROOM TENEMENT, 254 EAST Fourth So. Cupltal R, E. I. Co., 149 So. W. T. ind 'phone 66. sC07 STORE CORNER 3RD SO. AND 3RD Enot sts. Frltach, 12 E. 2nd So.- sC49 FIVE-ROOM FLAT, STEAM HEAT. Paynes. 103 Main street. 603 NEW FIVE-ROOM FLAT. STRICTLY piodcrn, steam heat. 240 W. 3rd So. eSOo FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. $30; Dclinwr ave., between 1st and 2nd West, 3rd South. s504 THREE FRONT ROOMS IN A SUITE, suitable for living rooms, with bath, or for ofllccs. St. Nicholas hotel, 76 W. 2nd 3o- s456 STOREROOM AND BASEMENT FOR rent. 230 W. 2nd So. s458 SIX-ROOM MOD. BRICK. WITH FUR nace, at feoS East Second So.; cheap. s459 FIVJS-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. THREE blks. from Main st. Apply Silver Bros. Iron works, s292 PARTLY" FURNISHED; S-ROOM. COT tage; good stable, nlco home; S51 South 5th East; no children. Applv A. E. Clarke. Knutsford Hotel. s215 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN BRK, HOUSE. cellar; 717 8th St. s240 $35 7-RM. MOD., 2-STORY' BRICK; clec. light; pore, bath; 3rd South, near 4th Earn. lnq. Janitor, Scott Bldg., ICS Main st b23 121 S ST.. 5-ROOM BRICK, BATH, E. L. etc.. $1S. 635 So. 1st W 7-room mod. brk., $22.50, PETERSON R. E. INV. CO., 330 Main. nesr. . UPRIGHT PIANOS FOR RENT. R1V ers Bros., 140 Main st. rl694 MODERN BRICK. 10 ROOMS, BIL llard hall on ground floor; No. C64 E. 1st South. Good terms to rij;ht party. Capital R. E. I. Co., 149 South W. Temple St. rlSS3 CAPITAL REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT COMPANY" has leased premises No. 17 W. Second South St., now occupied by passenger dept. Salt Lake Route. Will sub-rent a portion of space. Splendid location for railroad or broker's office. Apply 149 So. W. Temple St. rlE55 SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE, GOOD condition. 762 E. Sth So. st.; -$lS per mo. rl213 GOOD OFFICES, 17 WEST 2ND SOUTH. after March IsL Capital R. E. 1. Co.. 149 S. W. Temple. rll62 A 6-RJI. COTTAGE AND AN S-RM. mod, house. East side. Jas. K. Shaw fe Co., over 1S3 So. Main. rl064 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. near Templo; $25. The Home Trust & Savings company,' 6 W. First South st. r971 7-RM MOD.. US E ST.; $30. 6-rm. mod., 128 N. State nt.; $25. C-rm. mod., 2S R St.; $20. 4 rooms. 224 E. 5th So.; $12.50. RANCK REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. rS3 DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS, SUIT" able for music studios or ofllccs. Steam heat, electric light. Apply Beesley Music Co , 46 Main. r82S NEW MODERN 7-ROOM. 1050 FIRST street. W. E. Ware, 62 Hooper build ing. rl34 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. E. L.t 757 S. W. T ; $20. 13 Eaglo block. pGTO $12-SIX-ROOM BRICK: NICE PLACE; 343 Water street, Wnterloo; cheap rent. o2O0l 34 I ST 6-ROOM MODERN, $3"). WEIR. 36 W. 2nd South. ollll 12.f.0-4-Ro"OM HOUSE; $10-3-ROOM house. 732 W. 2nd South s. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN, 120 CANYON road, $35. S-room modrrn, furnace. So State, $37.50. HOMER &. ROBERTSON. Main and 1st So. (Under Deseret bank.) 0917 CHXDICE OFFICES IN THE HOOPER building. 25 East First South; clean and light; good elevator and Janitor service. , ' olOiO CLEAN 'LIGHT BASEMENT. STEAM heat; bargain. Call Hotel Herald. s361 FINE STORE ROOM, FIRST SOUTH, between Main and State; $75 per month. Houston R. E. In v. Co. 1928 EIGHT-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. 516 SO. State, snlt Lake Ice Co. Either 'phono 43. n2171 j$1nes STATE RIGHT FOR INVENTION which has been successfully introduced Is for salo on royalty. Tho right man will clear $25 a day In the State of Utah. Wrlto for Information to B. Singer, Se curlty building. Chicago. r!793 boarF 1 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM suitable for 2, and board. In private family. 152 West 3rd South. . s625 FINE TABLE BOARD A SPECIALTY" at Mrs. Reld's, 501 South Main. s3C9 FURN. ROOM AND BOARD; PRrVATE family- 207 East 2nd So. s7 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, LARGE front room, lst-class board, steam heat, modern. Mrs. Hill, 225 E. Brlgham. rl93$ FIRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD, $5 PER week. 225 E. Brlgham. rl939 BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO GEN tlemen. 110 North Main street. rl733 TWO YOUNG MEN TO BOARD AND room in private family; recdern house; close In. 3 23. Tribune. r95l FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD; modern. 245 West Fifth South strnot, Terms reasonable. qlO ATTORNEYS v'sjXmes't? Lawyer, 315-316 McCornlck block. 11147 DARMER. LAWYER, OFFICES 'lS-19 Commercial bile. 'Phones 949-Z. W2749 E A. WALTON. ATTY.-AT-LAW. NO. 95-90 Commercial blk 1503 MIDWIFE RTvATlTuasnai cases Mrs. A. M. Olsen, 625 EaBt Sth South 'Phono Bell 2691-Y. r!147 PRIVATE HOME FOR CONFINEM ENT casos, Mrs. Llzzio Geisler. 336 West 3rd North. Bell 'phono 561-K. n!033 WALL PAPER CLEANED BUTTE PAPBU "CLEANING CO? Leave orders at Smith Drug Co. Both 'phones 223. 17 KAPLAN HOUSE CLEANING CO., Ex pert wall paper cleaners; rooms $1 up. 'Phones Bell 3126-Y. Ind. 1493. r845 CHIMNEJCLMNING CHTmNEY AND FURNACE cCEAft lng1 work guaranteed. 'Phones. Boll 3120-Y". Ina. 1493. Kaplan HOU60 Cleaning Co rS JIASSAG MulTlJOBEiRG 131 Pearl avo.; "Bell 'phono '2944-K. 01339 jmjRENJ FRONT ROOM; USE BATH; HOT AND cold water; $1.75 per wk. 78 W. 5th South, sC02 THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 667 So. W. Temple. 8013 THREE ROOMS FOR HOUSBKEEP lng; excellent location. 6S E. 3rd So. 620 A 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT, GROUND floor, furnished for housekeeping, 634 So. Main. 1C9 HOUSE, FOUR ROOMS, BATH AND pantry, close In, heated with hot water; everything strictly modern; well fur nished; piano. References given and re quired. Rent $30. Tuttlo Bros., 149 Main. s627 FURN. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, gTOund floor. 231 So. 1st West. s520 VERY" DESIRABLE 6-ROOM MOD. cottage, elegantly furn. 431 Third st.; no children. s5C6 TO COUPLE. WITHOUT CHILDREN, part of 7-room, well furnished home; very desirable. 613 So. Main st. s564 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; cheap. 504 So. 1st West. 8569 TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AND cellar. 607 North 2nd West, st&S THREE FRONT ROOMS, GROUND floor, housekeeping, $12 per mo, 545 E. 6th South. TWO RMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP Ing, nicely furn., $9. 156 W. 2nd North. S4.V) COSY', FURN. FRONT ROOM, BATH, telephone, for gentleman. 571 So. Main. b338 FIFTEEN AND 2T.-ROOM MQDERN houso, furnished. Good location. 223 W. Fifth South. s460 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. cheapest In city. 230 South Second West. NICE CLEAN MOD. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 535 E. Cth So. sfrl THREE FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 122 W. 4th So.; no chil dren. s65 NICE CLEAN MODERN HOUSE kccplng rooms. 535 East Fifth South. TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; c. I. and bath; rent $20. 76 E. 6th So. sl6 FURN. RMS. FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng; cast side. Phone 1377-K. r210 COMFORTABLE SUITE IIOUSEKEBP Ing; sell or rent. 30 Const, bldg., tel. DJS-Z. r2047 ONE AND TWO ROOMS: NICELY FUR nlshcd for light housekeeping. 164 E. 2nd South. r2001 EIGHT-ROOM MOD. BRICK. NO. 153 9th East, $35 per month. CAPITAL R. E. I. CO.. 149 South W. Temple st. rlSS4 THREE-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE. Call 167 E. 3rd South. rlS32 TWO, 3 OR 4 ROOMsT CLOSETS, PAN try, cellar. 34S Center st. rl957 FOUR NICELY FURN. ROOMS FOR housekoplng, e. 1. Apply 627 So. W. T. rl744 TWO DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furn., or part, with bath. 305 Sth East. rl603 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, with bath. 216 W. 6th So. rl696 153 NINTH EAST. f-ROOM BRICK, partly furnished, by Capital R- E. I. Co.. 149 S. West Temolo. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. 1 MED. slzcd room. US East 2nd South rS67 THE PLEAS ANTON. NO. 6 KENDALL sqira're; handsomely furnished rooms; modern; closo In 'Phone 1039 Ind. z236 PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT room with modem conveniences. 117 North Second West. FURN. RMS.. CLOSE IN. 163 W. 5TH So. r972 THREE-RM. COTTAGE COMPLETELY" furnished for housekeeping; e. 1., bath. 423 E. 3rd So. s435 TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE kpng; also 3 rooms party furn. 331 1st st. sDOl THREE NICELY' FURN. ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 22S East 6th So. s318 NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 50 W. 5th So. a35l ROOMS FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLE nien; close In; modern houso; address T 42. Tribune s257 FIVE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS at Mrs. Reld's. 504 South Main. s36S FIVE-JtOOM MODERN COTTAGE. 1S7 Y st Tol. 3102-K. r50 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS; close in; singlo or en suite. 142 2nd E. , q30 TWO FURN. ROOMS AT 39 FLORAL Ave. p!113 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; strictly modern; board if desired. 149 S. 8th East r919 TWO NICE. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms 165 E. 2nd So. THREE MODERN LIGHT HOUSE keeplng rooms on ground floor. Inquire 47 South 1st West. FOR GENTLEMEN: MODERN; breakfast If desired; also dinner In tho evening, flrst-class cooking. 364 E. 1st 8o. rl449 PARLOR FURNITURE RE-UPHOL-stered and repaired Estimates submit ted on request. 'Phones 3299. S. L. Matt, & Mfg. Co.. 158 W 1st So. s224 THINGS TOLD AT LAST SUNDAY'S seance: "Shall I go home or West?" ono man asked. "Go home; you will go on a pass; your name Is ," an- , swored the medium. "Will I travel much?" wrote another. "You will; you are a traveling agent; your namo Is ." was tho reply Both were strangers. There wcro many other mar vcloua demonstrations. Come Sunday night. Hall 269 East Third South sU Lec ture, music and singing; messages from the dead. Skeptics especially wolcome. Arnold-Dlckson Bros, sCOS WE TELL ANYTHING YOU WISH TO know, namo Included, without asking questions; no other clairvoyant or medi um hero can do this. Hours, 10 to 7:30; both phones, Arnold-Dlckson Bros.. 26v East Third South st. (no signs.) s59 MADAME ALIESE PINK, CLA IRVOY nnt, medium and card reading. 118 South First West: now at my new location. Telephone 3844-K. n!558 PERSONAL ;:b1uty7uealth anBcTplex Ion," a valuable book for ovory lady; contains over 550 receipts, prescriptions and formulas, and how to use thorn; savo Dr bills; tells how to euro yourself and others; any druggist can fill every pre hcriptlon direct from the book. Price, postpaid, 25c. Intermountnln Specialty Co., P. O box 236, Salt Lako City. Utah. rl742 ELECTRO-DERMATOLOGIST. HAIR, moles, birthmarks, freckles, rod Bpota. all Importations of the skin permanently romoved bv olectrlc needles. Miss Small, 001 Tomplc'ton bldg. eCOl THOSE DESIRING TO SELL THEIR ' household goods 'phone 555. 130 jWjE- KELSEY & GILLESPIE QUOTE THE following prlccfl this week only: $00 per foot biz. frontage Plerpont st, west of Coml. club, will show 50 per cent profit soon. , . $140 per foot, 3rd So. near 1st West street; rent Income $65 per month; the lowest prlco offered on this depot street. $100 per foot corner frontage, Stute and Sth So, st. $7000 buys 100 acres (addition property), corner 2th South street. Wholesale property paying 6 per cent net on huylnjr prlco; also C per cent net on several terrace, properties wo can sell you. $3760. Look at those two 5-room cot tages, 6th So. bet. 3rd and 4th East sUi. To buy a house, a building lot, a biz. property or to sell any class of real ostato. we can do business with i'; Kelsey & Gillespie. 22 E. 1st So. st. s51 GREATEST SNAP IN SALT LAKE. We havo a 5-rooin neat house In good condition, with bath, toilet, elect. Its., cellar, sewer connected, cement walks, near 6th E, and 2nd So.; 2J&x7-rod lot. the lot alono Is worth $2500; the house could not be built for less than $2000; moro $4500 value for $3200 if you act quick; this Is tho opportunity of a lifetime. Peterson R. E. Inv. Co.. 330 So. Main st. solO A BARGAIN: UX165 FT.. WITH 6-RM. modern brick house and barn on E. 4th So, st.. ono-half block from county build ing; $4500. Hoffman Bros., 62 W. 2nd So. 82-13 BEAT THESE IF YOU CAN! 6-r. framo. W. 1st South. $1500. 4-r. mod. P. B,, W. 2nd So., $2000; $200 cash, bal. like rent Mahan Inv. Co., 9 and 10 Eagle blk. s462 FOR EXCHANGE EQUITIES IN REAL estate, stocks of mdsc., stocks of gro ceries, apartment houso and mining stock. What have you to swap, trade or ex change? List It with us and we will swap It A. H. Cutrlght, room 6, Eagle block. h469 CLOSE-IN PROPERTY, $150 PER front foot; facing west on State, Just through Eagle Gate; 49 by 132, with present old buildings renting for $27.50; elegant site for apartment or flat build lug; paved streot; sower; walking dis tance. . Hougton Real Estate Inv. Co., "Wo can match anything anywhere." Member S. L. R. E. Ass'n. SEE THE ELEGANT SEVEN-ROOM brick at 1123 Second nt.; key at 1119. Open Sunday. Terms. New four-room brick; bath, toilet, lava tory: cellar; e. 1.; three blocks from Tem ple: $1750. terms. New 5-room modern cottago, 9th W.. bet. N. Temple and S. Temple; $200; monthly payments. Seo owner. 26 Hoopor building. rl403 WHEN YOU BUY OR SELL Keep In mind tho fact that Wft make correct abstracts, Guarantee against all errors In title, Examine titles. Attend all dotalls of purchase or sale. Tho Homer Abstract Co., Inc. Main fl-nd 1st So., undor Deseret bank. al242 5X10. BETWEEN A AND B. WITH OLD houso on It; close in, only $2500, onc thlrd down; a snap. Sears Invest. Co., 55 W. 2nd So. 69 WE SELL REAL ESTATE, THAT'S all. Tuttlo Bros., 149 Main. Red ball signs. Q1397 3X10 RODS EAST BIDE OF L ST., BE tweon 2nd and 3rd. Address 615 Jcan nftte St.. Williamsburg, Pa. ?547 WE HAVE A FEW CHOICE MODERN homes, at a bargain. W. J. Hallornn, 11 W. 3rd So. 'Phones $23. 12206 c7 J. BOWMAN. REAL ESTATE AND loans, room 6, Eaglo blk. Ind. 'phono 3S20. rl054 THE "LOWE" FARM. 640 ACRES, SIX miles Center, very cheap. J. N. Court ney, sole agent, 41 W. 2nd So. m814 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS AND FIRE insurance. See Marnano & Co., 62-53 Commercial blk. Bell 'phono 1412-K. nl219 IN BUY'ING OR SELLING SEE THE Ranck Real Estato Investment Co. Eoth 'phones SOU. Sulto 232 D. F. Walker bldg ml831 ANDERSON REAL ESTATE INVEST mcnt Cc. builds homes on installments. Herald bldg. rll43 CHOICE LAND NEAR GARFIELD smelter. A. 11. Adkinson. 26 Hoopor bldg- r2090 HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO.. real estate and loan brokers. 251 Main a!400 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. U. P. R. R. lands. E. J. Wills. 15 W. 2nd So. mlS37 NINE-ROOM MODERN AND 6-ROOM cottage In rear. 3x10 rods; driveway. Call 357 S. 2nd East, rl450 LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH A rellablo man, who will tnkc caro of It, sell It; collect rents and pay Uuccs. Reference. Nat. Bank of Republic. McCornlck & Co., bankers. Jos. Baumgartcn, 122 Mnln st. Salt Lake. pl24 INVESTORS' REAL ESTATE SNAPS. Kelsey & Gillespie, 22 E. 1st So. pl260 50X140 FT. TO ALLEY. ON 12TH EAST, with flno view; cheap: easy terms. Hoffman Bros., 62 W. 2nd So. r749 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE ON $15 MONTHLY payments, near Waterloo car line. Ad dison Cain. Both 'phones. rl74 A TRUTH. TVo can sell your property for you. A. McKolIar & Co., tho Hustlers, 63 W. 2nd Soutlv nlG65 IF Y'OU WANT TO SELL Seo C. W. Miller, 112 W. 2nd South. m2265 LTST PROPERTY" FOR SALE OR RENT with Capital Real Estato Invst Co., 149 S. W. Templo at Ind. 'phono 66. ktJ49 $25 CASH AND $10 PER MONTH WILL buy a pair of flne lots in tho southeast ern part of city. Beautiful shade; tine resi dences; good car service. Also choice lota near 4th South on 12th East, 13th East and Douglas avo. Frltsch, No. 12 East 2nd South st. Phones: Ind. 747; Bell 3567. r327 fTve-room BRICK WITH PANTRY. closet, cellar and summer kitchen; lawn, garden, shade, fruit trees, $1800. 431 2nd ave., Waterloo, or H. J. Smith, Murray; both phones. rl733 LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR QUICK sale, or If you want to exchange It for modern homes, or your vacant lots built uj) or sold, your houses rented, sco tin Unlou Real Estate, Building and Invest ment Co. They aro in business for that purpeme, and guarantee Justlco to you. They also loan money on long and short terms. Payablo by Installments at 6 per cent 63V. West 2nd South, rooms 29-S0. rl343 $7500, THE B LIVEN HOUSE SOME tlmcs known as tho Yampa boarding house, at Bingham canyon, Utah. In cludes tho lot, with 113 ft. frontngo. ono two-s'.ory building. 96x18 ft, and ono two story building 42x42 ft Accommodates forty to fifty people Large cemonted cellar for storage, hot and cold water and electric lights In house; kitchen, dining room and sleeping rooms all completely furnished. House Is doing largo and t-rolltablo business. For particulars call or address CAPITAL REAL ESTATE INV'T. CO.. 149 South W. Temple st rll58 WANT $1.00 FOR FIFTY CENTS? GO look at cor. Sth and C sts.. facing N and E, 3 1-3x7 r. and house; maJco offer, you will get it; or will trade for Denver prop erty even, glvo or tako about. A. J. Arf sten & Co., bankers and brokers, 2945 Larimer st, Denver, Colo. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. OSCAR Groshell, saleB agont. No. 221 Main st Expert cash register repairing. Second hand regl8tern always In stock. nl80 JjSALE- INDUCEMENTS. A neat brick cottago of Ave rooms and hall, largo pantry, clothes closets, bath room, eloc. lights, lot 50x125 ft. to alley, lot fenced, fruit and shado trees, south east, In Sugar ward, good car service; $2250. $500 cash, bal. $20 per month. If It's real estate you're looking for seo this: Lot 170x275 ft, with all kinds of fruit trees, best of soil, water right, a seven-room brick house, southeast, on car line; $3200. A corner lot, 66x115 ft, on K st; $2000. An Ideal homo of 8 rooms, new and up to date, modern In every particular, on a corner lot on First st. Thrco and one-half acres of land, cor ner, southeast, two blocks from car line; $500 per acre. Wc can fit you out In anything in the real estate line. RANCK REAL ESTATE &. INV. CO.. Sulto 230-1-2 D. F. Walker bldg. s614 FINE BUILDING LOTS, ALL DIREC tlons from center, $100 to $500, $10 to $25 cash, $7.50 per mo.; will rnako you money while you sleep, and you arc asleep most of the time. Wako up and wo will show you the lots. Hubbard Inv'st Co., 7S W. 2d So. S622 A RARE SNAP. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. summer kitchen, large pantry, etc., 3 blockG from city and county bldg., 132 ft. st; $1200, half cash, bal, any time, 7 per cent Call today If you want It. Hub bard Inv'st Co., 78 W. 2d So. st s621 Ifms HALF INTEREST IN GOOD-PA Y'ING livery stable In mining camp. Address Sale, Tribune. 2 Y'OUNG HORSES. 224 E. 4th So. s617 TEAM OF HORSES. 223 SO. 7TH W. s605 MOTOR CYCLE, 4 H P., NEW. AT A bargain If purchased at once. 103 West 2nd South. s545 FURNITURE THREE ROOMS COM pleto; $35; must sell bv Saturday; house with bath $10. P 13, Tribune. s555 EUROPEAN HOTEL. ONE OF THE best in the city, making good money: sec this beforo buying. Inquire room 40, Southern hotel. Ind. 'phono 2192. s565 FIRST-CLASS SMITH PREMIER TYPE wrlter. Address P 4, Tribune. s507 THREE THOUSAND POUNDS OF TO bacco (In hands) at 12c lb.. In ship ment, 75 lb. 1 lb. by mall, 25c. Shell bark hickories and black walnuts seed 10c Direct to consumers. Frank Dltt behner. Franklin. Ky. s48S AT A BARGAIN. 1 CIGAR CASE. 1 largo wall case. 19 East 2nd South. s359 THE LEADING SODA WATER AND ROOT BEER PLANT OF THE WEST. Our Three Crown Baking Powder, Flavor ing Extract, Spice, Tea and Fresh Roast ed Coffee Business having increased so rapidly of late, wo have decided to devote our entire time and attention to these lines, and we NOW OFFER FOR SALE OUR ENTIRE SODA WATER AND ROOT BEER PLANT, with all formulao and our good wlli We have successfully conducted this business for nineteen years, and have established a splendid lo cal business, and tho most solid and larg est shipping trade In the State. It is only 30 days to spring, and pur chaser should consider this proposition immediately, so as to have everything in readiness for tho big volume of pprlng and summer trade. Purchasor does not necessarily need to be an experienced woda water man. Any good business man can conduct thd business. A SNAP FOR THE RIGHT PARTY. Only those that mean business need ap ply. HEWLETT BROS. CO.. 744-745 Stato st, Salt Lako City, Utah. s262 OLD-ESTABLISHED BILLIARD-ROOM for salo; call at 35 W 2nd So. s252 CULLEN RANCH AND DAIRY FARM. This splendid dairy farm contains 640 acres of line arable land, all under good fence. Good Improvements, consisting of cow barn for 70 cows, horso barn for 40 horses, carriage house, chicken house and flno pig pens, several flowing wells warm water, ample water for land, several miles of ditch from North Point and North Jor dan canals; good 6-room house, with cel lar; platform hay scales, 0 ncres In lu ccrn and rye, under separate fence, stack yards, corrals, etc. Garfield train, twice a day, 8 mllos from city. Title perfect U. S. Patent. Terms easy. sl23 FURNITURE OF ELEVEN-ROOMS. four housekeeping1; house full; must Bell at ones. Party leaving. 61 W. So. Tem ple. sllS MINIDOKA IRRIGATION PROJECT maps, showing farm units, railroad, town sites. Irrigation canals, etc., with full description. 50 cents, postpaid. J. C. Struble, land agent and locator, Heyburn, Ida. s66 FUR. AND LEASE 17 RMS.. MOD.. Main st. for $1300. Newcomb, 6314 W. 2nd So Ind. 126. Bell 2062-Y. r2053 ALMOST NEW UPRIGHT MAHOGANY piano, cheap; taken undor mortgage. 112 over Kelth-O'Brlen s store. rlS64 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE AT A bargain. 100,125 shares of Little- Cotton wood Mining Co. at 3c per share, or will exchange for real estate. Williams Bros., Murray. rl271 FINE TALKING PARROTS AND CA nary birds, malo and female. 610 E. 4th So- r!152 HOTEL. EUROPEAN. 66 ROOMS; every room rented; location good. In qulro room 40, Now Southern hotel. Ind. phone 2192, " rlSS 14 FURNISHED ROOMS, HOUSEKEEP lng. all full, cheapest ever offered, 230 So 2nd West. r511 NEARLY" NEW UPRIGHT PIANO, cheap. 210 Atlas Blk. ol647 MORTGAGEE'S SALE. Complete restaurant outfit: French range, counter, counter stools, tables, chairs, cash register, safe, dishes, silver ware, etc.; a bargain for some ono. A. McKcllnr & Co.. 63 W. 2nd South. rSS4 GOOD CHANCE FOR HUSTLER; laundrv, building and lease; cheap for cash. Postofllce box 144, Bingham Junc tlon, Utah. JCC0RDI0N SUNBURST ACCORDION AND SIDE pleatlng. Mrs Jcnnens, 263 Third East. Boll 'phono 3047-K. n339 "WE RENT ALL MAKES TYPE wrltcr ExchanKe. 62 W 2nd So. rllOS UTAH SCAVENGER CO., OFFICE S60 Bo 3rd E. Bell phonos 2310-K and 2S93-Z. '2S2 jtmREj LOCLNIOUSEi PAUL HEInT prop.. 68 E. 1st So.; 200 rooms; rates, 25c 3oo and 60c. G D. LOVETT. ALL MAKES RE paired. Foundry. 44 N 7th West, 'phono 1334-Z. stt ALSO STEAM HOISTS. ALL KINDS machinery, steam and electricity. J. M, Sworn,. SS6 So. 3rd West n915 J3ECIU 1 H MoTnOTIEWASATClI LODGE 1 No. 1 F. and A. M. will hold a-, regular U 'l monthly meeting this (Friday) evening, f , February 9, at 7.30 o'clock. A. J. Lowe, Secretary. G. A. R. FUNERAL NOTICE. Friends and comrades of the G. A. R arc cordially invited to attend tho funoral 'H of Comrade L. Trunkhill, who has an- fH swercd the last roll call, services will bo rH hold In the undertaking parlors of S. D. f Evans, No. 213 South State street, at 10:30 ; a. m., Friday, February 9. Interment IH will tako place at Mt Olivet cemetery In ? the G. A R. plot ll WILLIAM CROME, Commander George jfH R. Maxwell post No. 5, G. A. R. I.H S. E. JOHNSON. Adjutant. IH A. A. S. RITE The four co-ordinate- Ll bodies of the A. A, S. Rlto of Frco Ma- H aonry ho'd stated meetings the third t ll Thursday In each month at tho Masonic ;H hall, corner West Temple and Second So. .H Sojourning brethren Invited. Sidney W. Badcon, 32 dcg. M W. M. Jordan Lodgo of Perfection No. 2. -H T. W. Plnkcrton. 32 deg. W. M. James Lowe Chapter of Rose Croix 'H No. L Ira O. Rhoades, K. C. C. H. - IH Commander Salt Lako Council of Kadosh No. .H H. N. Mayo, K. C. C H. . M. of K. Utah Consistory No. 1. Christopher Dlehl, 33 deg. fM Registrar of all the Bodies. UTAH CHAPTER NO. 1. R. A. M. Stated convocation first Wednesday In each month nt Masonic hall. Companions cor- dially Invited. Chas. W Morse, H. P J Moses C. Phillips, Secretary. MT. MORI AH LODGE NO. 2. F. and A. f M. Masonic hall second Monday each month. Members of sister lodges and so- 1 Journlng members In good standing In- vlted. A H. Peabody, W. M. Chrlsto- ! phcr Dlehl, Secretary. I m ARGENTA. LODGE NO. 3, F, and A. M At Masonic, hall first Tv2T Tuesday of each month. Mem f v bcrs of sister lodges and sojourn Ing brethren Invited. Harry A. Knowlee, f W. M. Moses C Phillips. Secretary. j jl WASATCH LODGE NO. 1. F. and A. M.- ) Masonic hall second Friday each month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren In good standing invited, Harris 1 Wall Griffith. W. M. A. J. Lowe, Sccre- J EL KALAH TEMPLE A A. O. N. M. S. Third Wednesday of each month. Ma sonic hall at 8 p. m Ml nobles sojourn Ing Invited. J. M. Marriott, Potentate. W. L. Barnes, Recorder. 1 Knights of Pythias. CALANTHE-MYRTLE lodge No. 1. Every Monday, K. of P. hall. C. R. Strock, C. C. C. E. Baker, K. of R. , LINCOLN lodge No. 23, K. of P.. meets every Tuesday evening. 8 o'clock, K. of P. hall. ROCKY MOUNTAIN lodge No, 3. Every Thursday evening, K. of P. hall. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. Evergreen lodge No. 151 meets 2nd nnd 4th Mondays at I. O. O. F. temple. 5. Chalker, Secretary. Box 70. KNIGHT8 OF THE MACCABEES Salt j Lake City tent No. 2. Every Thursday, I I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting Knights invited. - LADIES OF THE M ACCABEES Salt Lake City hive No. 4, meets every first and third Monday, 8 p. m.. I. O. O. F hall FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES f Salt Lake aerie No. 67. Every Friday, 8 p. m., A. O. U. W. hall. llYfl ROYAL ARCANUM S. L, Council. 1617, 2nd and 4th Thursday, Jennings block. jj George E. Orr, Regent E. L. Jones, Sec- HHjl rctary Independent Order of Odd Fellows. FIDELITY" LODGE No. 17. I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, I O. O. F, temple. Visitors wcl- come. N. II. Lconhard, N. G.; J. C. Smith, Secretary. I. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY: Subordinate lodges meet as follows: Salt Lake lodge No. 2. Friday. Enterprise lodge No. 15, Wednesday. BV NAOMI REBEKAH LODGE NO. 1 Meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday even- HBl Ing of each month In Odd Fellows' tern- HBfl plo. Market st. n2559 Woodmen of the World. WOODBINE circle No. 41 meets evwry Tuesday, S o'clock, at I. O. O. F. hall. ' SILVER MAPLE circle No. 103 meets every Friday night at I. O. O. F. hall. 1Dmm H EMPIRE DAIRY. H. N STANDISH? ! Mgr. Bottled Milk, Cream and Butter. ! EMPIRE DAIRY, j 1SS East Second South street ( Telephones. Bell. 3000; Ind.. 2355. j BVH jmR0P0 jl 7b. hntjerson! EXPERT CHN ropodlst and Masseur. Kenyon Turk- ; Ish Baths, Kenyon Hotel. Phone Ind, 2091. I 0303 'Vfll pTplelEHAl?GnG7 ! flrst-clnss work. Papcr-clennlng cheap. ' 'Phone Forest 05-X. sl33 j EISOrHNGAPlT PARLOR, 325 j S W. Temple. Fone 1146-X. o!607 oTnJuTLTJnGlTl ! Bros. & Belcher, 101 Atlas block; 'phono , Bell 3565-K, Ind 319S. r!112 KNUTJsTNfO moved to 105V E 2nd So., opposite old stand. r!734 SAFEJREPJRING H work Salt Lake Stamp Co., cor 3rd So. and West Temple. Foncs 304. p270 . CLEAN 'H c7hcaoo'c1 I Stato st Fones, Ind. 2033. Bell 2123-Z. P1297 JARPENTER H A. L. HAMLIN, REAR 253 SO. MAIN. Ind. fone 1421. residence. 2576. o67 UNION PACIFIC I RAILROAD LANDS UTAH AND WY0MINQ I In large nnd amall tracts, desirable for sheep and cattle raising. Easy ten-year payments; only one-tenth of the purchase price required down. There is good money in range land. Full particulars, pricos, etc., call( ;H on or write Union Pacific Land Agency, 15 West Socond South street, nl Salt Lako City, Utah,