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I THE SALT BAS& I' PAWIIUSKA, Ok., July 20 Probably tho most unique contest in Ihc entire history of ilia world closed on the night of Juno .'10 among the Osage ln diu.'iH. Tt was no less than a contest to SCO which family could produce the greatest number of children having Quago blood, because each child boru beforo that date would, by act of Con gress, immediately become worth $20,--000. Tho lucky man who had twins bovu to him during this last week is ' today $40,000 richer than if the happy ovent had been delayed, and the poor " lndinn who had throe children boru to two wives on July 4 is out on tho war path. This strange condition comes aboiu 'from the fact that a new law has gone into ctrect. by which the wealth of the Osago Indiana is at last to be divided ' up among the members of the tribe. Tt is not going too far to &ay that this community is probably the wealthiest in tho entire world, for the nor capita wealth is estimated to be about $20,000 for every man, woman and child having Osage blood in his veins, and tho an nual income of each is in the neighbor hood of $oO) per year. Here is an ideal socialistic conditiou, for the lone bachelor of (10, who has loafed all his life, is just as wealthy as and no more than the new born babe who comes into the world mid or these circumstances, Willi no fear of having lo descend to the degrading level of work unless, after this allotment and the Indian comes into possession of his inherited wealth, some shrewd Yankee or half breed trots it away from him. m H The Osage Nation today consists of 1 about 2200 people, of whom about 1000 H nrc full-blooded blanket Indians, speak- H inn- no English and living in very much H of the primitive manner of their fore- H .fathers. The other J200 arc of various j H degrees of Osago blood, from one-half j H to one-sixty-fourth, but under the law, H every individual having any Osage H blood is enrolled as a nation and conse- H quently entitled to his share of the di- Hj vision of wealth. Away back in the H first part of the last century the French K traders eamo down this way from St. Hj Louis, as well as a considerable num- H her of enterprising Irishmen, and their H intermarriage with the native maidens H created a mixture that has been grow- H ing continuously over since, although H until about ten years ago, there wns a H long period when marriages between a H while man and an Indian woman of this H tribe was practically interdicted. Mar- H riages between white men and half or H quarter-bred Indians have continued, Ht and during the Inst ten years a consid- Hj crablc number of enterprising young H white men of the East and North, hav- H ing heard of the wealth ofjfctlic Osage H maidens, have taken up their residence H here, wooed and won these favored children of wealth. Others, not bo en terprising, have contented themselves ! with writing letters to the Indian agent , at Pawhuska, asking how the desired end might be accomplished, and have scarcely received encouragement m their ambition. One of these letters, addressed to the postmaster at Faw hupka, was referred to the present Chief Ne-kal-wash-ha-ion-kab. His re ply when translated nroved to be tell the young man to end big chief car load ponies Tell young man to send big chief many present?. Toll young , i man to send much present: he get. trirl; j but. young man make promise. oung J inan promisc he no work." I There are probably loL of young ! men who would welcome that, prospect and make that promise without, any mental reservation, just as there arc a great many on tho reservation today who, without having mado that prom ise, are sticking to it religiously. For that is what tho Osage Nation is, a j community without tho necessity of . work. When the Osage had their res ervation in Kansas, the land became so valuable for wheat and for agriculture that, an arrangement was made by which their entire holdings were taken over by the government at $1.25 an acre, and with that money a smaller reservation, aggregating in all about 1.500.000 acres, was purchased for ; them in Oklahoma, at 70 cents an acre. The balance of this money, amounting to nearly $9,000,000. was placed to the credit of the nation by the Federal government and 5 per cent per annum guaranteed to them thereon. I'rom this income, certain tribal ex penses are paid, that of the support of the agency and of the Osage school, and the balance is paid over quarterly to the enrolled members of the tribe. Hut their income does not cease here. Luck of a financial kind seems to have followed the Osages. Moved as they were from lands that had become val uable for agriculture to lands that could then be bought cheaply, they were unwittingly deposited on new lands that have since been proved to be rich in oil and minerals, as well as extremely fertile for agricultural pur poses. The richness of this oil conn try is scarcely believable to the east erner. At what stands on the railroad maps as the town of Kiefer, which is in reality nothing hut a box car stand ing on a siding of the Frisco railroad, the freight receipts in that box car of fice have been, during the past month, over .$1-10,000, due entirely to the bring ing in of the various machinery and implements for oil wells. This is not far distant from the Osago Nation, and its million and a half acres arc tapped throughout by oil wells which are yielding enormously. Ten years ago a blanket lease was made by the United States Government of all the oil lands of the Osage Indians. That is, lor 180 000 acres. And last year this was , renewed for a period of ten vcars on : tho basis that tho Indians should re ceive $50 for every well that was driven and yielded, as well as 1- per cent of all that was realized from j that oil. There arc now on the rcser vation something over GOO of these wells flowing 15,000 barrels per day, ( and the total income from them is j about $240,000 per month, of which , the Indians' share is $.10,000. In addi tion to this, grazing rights are leased, and these net $200,000 per annum more, while all over tho reservation are farms and farm lands which arc rented by their Indian owners to white farm ers at $2.50 or $3 per acre per year. Thus the total income of the nation for the vear ending Jnne 30, 1000, was $1,228,458, and this was divided among the enrolled members of tho tribe. Thus, if tho Indian had two wives, which is not an uncommon thing, and ten chil dren, which is no loss common, he would draw, as the head of the family, a pro rata share for twelve people, live in his little tepee or small cottage, wrap himself in his blanket, cat heavi ly of boef, grow fat in contentment on liis $0000 income, and lease out his land to the hated paleface, who cultivates it ns a tenant of his lordly master. It is small wonder, thon, that there has been an influx of whites to the Terri tory seeking Indian wives who could bring them such opulent charms, but the mixture is not looked upon with favor by the full-bloods, whose chief 1 endeavor at the present limo is lo j brim: about an allotment that will , eliminato some of these of mixed blood. The department's rulings stand, how- , ever, and up to June 30, 1007, when the j rolls wero closed, any child bora of such a union stood on an equal fooling with the full-blooded, Osago in the mat- j ter of the division of this wealth. Some curious results were seen work ing out from this situation. The time was when tho Osage braves were among the most dignified, mental) acnto and famous as hunters of all the I Indians. Their traditions arc full of poetry and nobility of thought. Their annals are tilled with bravo deeds -in hunting and their chases of the buf falo have been sung in story aud song. ! Todav the full-bloods, as a rule, are j nnibitionless aud obese, spending their time wrapped in their blankets, posing before the doors of the Citi zens' National bank of Paw huska, whero the cash their checks and draw their dividends. Tho rest of the time, when they arc not slowly pacing the streets in front of the Agency, meekly followed by their equal ly obeso wives, they arc" sleeping, or feeding, living in dogkeuMfc gambling, or quietly srsaia cigars which have taken their peace pipes. 0nt U beautiful tradition, by called upon the dove, tij'j peace, to intercede for & their shortcomings Mrith the ( it, but their old iclirion lm planted within tho list & something which partaiaj ture of a Avorakip of the w tho product of that plait I their .Mexican consinj pulque. Your Osa$o Ici chary about describing tke' i this new religion Trhiti' 1 brought in among Uiem, btt i as I. have been able to p I there is still tho pretcuei ping the Great Spirit lbmt i ing. of this I)ean. As a am ; the beau niakc3 Uicra vjs 1 is as a result of this nam ! consider they have been rtB ! impurities of the spirit ud 1 Incidentally, the effect ofr) (undoubtedly very similar 1 i hasheesh, because tbconh; i been able to get regardiBj. ; is "uni see heap big viriw ' ! The intermarriage of 1 mixed blood has been gobf I and the Indian blood hak ' in some cases to so stall. I that it would hardly be m, the president of the CiUKM I instance, was on tlio roll I more especially as he beanl s Matthews, aud it is M W full bloods and inc mac tho politics of the tribe.w son for being. Thelribt a ejiief, an assistant chief M of ten, who aro elected kbn two years, and the tube xi two political parties, tt U and the Progressive iartjv is, ns its name applies, t the full bloods, who Trant ffl the full bloods, and who m tain something of their CM" Tho Progressive party wj vanccment and lor ino tho people with tbeir k& though the mixed bloods nicrical majority, the M still in a majonty apotfj ing age, although .this sg idly hanging. ! that a full Wood is ah chief, for the reason tW. grcssivi? party, or niitfj .m nominate at their WW as their candidate wJ votes from the opposite PJ ;. These mixed bloods art. leaders of the Nation ity and advancement. Continued on Pg