I Company Producing Now at Rate
J, of Only Six Cents Per
H Pound.
Ii December Will Be Reeord-
Breaking Monlii for This
Copper Mine,
j Ttoiu all appearances, to Utah's Jong
( list of mining- organizations tlitit can
I produco coppor at a splendid profit, in
f spito of Iho present low level of tho
' xcd metal, another cheap eoppcr pro-
t dncer had been added by the perform
ances of tho Newhouso mine oC Beaver
lr county. As stated a few days ago in
ihesi colnmna, this month will bo the
f banner month of this season for I ho
F Newhouso compuuy, both as to amount
f of ore sent out and grade of same.
BiV- President oninuol jNcwhonse, who via
ited tho property with General Man-
x ager "Lafayctto llanchett. Friday', ro-
j; turned Saturday morning, and staled
I, that during1 December tho company will
jjij havo sect out seventy cars of ore.
IV Of this splendid list of ara, fully
L fifty are high grade that is, copper
v oro that will hover close to. if not bct-
I ' tor than, 20 per cent red motal. And
; equally significant is tho statemont of
2d'r. Isowhoufo to tho effect that tho
company has produced this copper at
IB .' the very low rate of 6 cents per pound.
This will mean a very largo month's
J earnings for the Nowhouso company
A but it is hardly a just illustration ot
A what the mine is capable of doing witli
R fivexytliiug centered on real shipments.
' Tho mino right now is capable of ship-
j ping four times tho number of cars
i that havo been sont our. this month.
, But -snoh an era belongs to the not far
l . distant future.
I I This was ifr. Ncwhouso's first visit
Hfg to tho properly in several months, and
Ks" i lie expressed yesterday tho utmost grati-
flE 1 ficatiou at tho prosont ph.ysical coudi-
Hl , iion of the same.
I In m a great many Salt Lake offices
of mining companies tho fear is openly
! expressed that tho Garfield smelter
company is about to be treated to a
j baptism of fire from the farmers of tho
! Salt Lako vaJIcy. Not that anyone
I fears that this new copper smelter is
doing any damago to surrounding
farms, but it is feared that tho farm
; crs, flush with victory in their fight
j against the Murra' and Bingham Juuc-
! tion plants, and scenting fresh ready
1 jnonej' ac hand, may nc.vt turn thefr
1 intention io tho Garfield plant for
another long and bitter campaign of
Tho Garfield plants always havo been
r.onsidored safely immune "from attack
f on tho part of tho valley farmers. The
fiito was carefully selected, with a view
K to prevailing winds, while thousands
of acres of adjoining land were pur
chased. The plant itself was con
structed along lines of modern scienti
fic knowledge, each invention known to
be suficesaful for tho purpose in hand
i was " installed to prevent the escape
of injurious gases and solids to the
't outer atmosphere. In spite of theso
U , considerations, however, local circles
I ' fear that the attempt will bo made to
test the efficacy of these plaus.
f Officials of tho Gariield companv
l Lavo hooted at tho very mention o"f
I any tronblo at this new smelter, but
fearful ones realize that the efforts of
the farmers two years ago wero mot
with ridicule and bravo assortions that
I I bad to givo way before the edict of
, """ tho courts. Cautious persons are ad-
Ivocafing a preparedness and concen
tration of effort to frustrate tho re
ported plans of tho farmers, for it is
wk pointed out that tho boast has been
,jjfl made on moro than one occasion that
M ' with the first suit out of tho way, the
V farmers will brighten up their gun
1 barrels for another battle.
Tho fear is provalcnt in local cir
cles that tho Tintic district will be
tho next Utah camp to oaso up like
Park City. No ono knows at this time
if Tintic mine owners will follow the
example of others in the State who
are unwilling to give away their as
sets under existing metal conditions,
but Tintic already is a severe sufferer
from conditions. Last week the camp
sent out only seventy-eight cars of
ore, its normal shipment being one hun
dred and twenty-five to one hundrod
and thirty-five cars a week. Of this sev
f enty-oight cars last week, the Centennial
L Eureka company sent out thirty-eight.
r leaving a mere thirty cars for other
companies. The Lower Mammoth,
BTJnclo Sam. Consolidated, Graritl Cen
tral, Victoria, and others, are complete'
ly absent from last week's list, while
such old producers like tho Beck Tun
nel, Colorado, Yankee and others are
Bending out a more tithe of their
usual shipments.
IE New York Letter.
C James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and
. brokers. C Weal Second South street, fur-
' nlsh the following, recolved over their
i private wlro yesterday afternoon:
"Walker Bros. Stock Letter, New York.
L Market was fairly active and In tho
; early trading showed good advances, par
ticularly In the Hill stocks. Before tho
close It sold off on profit-taking, but tho
tone was good and sentiment more clicer-
ful. We look for a holiday market next
if week, and with little doing till after New
if Tears.
It- Ore Shipments,
p Tho Pioneer sampler released four cara
' of ore from Utah camps, and two from
Nevada, yesterday.
' The Taylor & Brunton Co. released the
' following: Utah, 6; Nevada, 2.
aw ' Ore and Bullion.
Hllj The ore and bullion recolpto for Sct-
Wl 1 urday, given by McC'ornlrlc & Co.. were
Sftl' tia follows: Ore. $14,000: bullion Sfin nnn.
Hi i
Tribune Agents In Nevada,
Copies of Tho Tribune will be found on
Kalo In Ncvnda at tho following:
Callcntc John Shier.
Cherry Creek Groy .& Collins.
JEly Thomas O'DnlovIch; Grace Faxon;
Walden & Burnett.
Elko A. II. Cochrane.
Goldfleld Loulo Polln.
Las Vegas' Wilson Drug Co.
Manhattan North & FerguRon.
Ploehe A. A Carman; Plocho Drug Co.
Rosebud Thomas & Tnglls.
Tonopah T. A. Oldfnlhcr; A. H. Roun
sevell. Yerlngton G. 15. Lcavltt ft Son.
There were no very Interesting fea
tures on the exchange Saturday morn
ing, several of the stocks that had been
enjoying a brief upward tendency In
price either regaining hnrd-tlme levels,
or remaining stationary from a sale
standpoint. The levels generally aro a
disappointment, but such as can bo ex
pected when the general conditions
throughout, the Slate and West aro con
sidered During tho morning a total of
IS, 025 shares of stock passed hands, rep
resenting a market value of $19,132.50.
The following were tho unlisted stock
. Bid. lAskcd 1 Sold For.
Ohio Cop ... $ 2.35 $ 2. 474 f i
Sll King C 3.2fi T
Tor Cop 10
Ely Witch . . ... no
AlcDon Ely . .2i" .30
' Bid. lAaked.
Albion $ $ .45
AJax .to .21
Allco 1.50 2.25
Black Jack 101 -20i
Bullion Bock 2.25
Beck Tpnnel 48 .48j
Bullock 03i
Columbus Consolidated ... L77i 1.85
Carina ... .IS .37
Crown Point Ill .15
Consolidated Mercur .26 ..35
Century 10
Colorado Mining 2.15 2.171
Creolo 25
Duly j.-io
Daly .Tndgc 3.00 3.50
Daly West . 7.00 8.00
Eagle and Blue Bell 1.25 2.00
Eaglo's Nest 20 .24
Emerald 10
Grand Central 2.75 3.00
Horn Sliver 2.00
Indlnn Queen 10
Iron Blossom .22 .23
Ibex 20
Ingot 01
Inyo 175
.L.OU union .08
Joo Bowers .02
Little Bell 1.02J 1.50
Load King 11 .13
I,ittlo Chlof 03
Lower iMammoth 3fi .3S4
Mountain Lake 25 .27
Mammoth 1 .65 2.00
May Day 25 .255
Novada Falrvlcw 06
Nevada Hills 2.75 3.10
New York 02 .04
Ontario 3.00
Richmond -Anaconda 15
Scottish Chief 01i .015
Seven Troughs ... , 315 .35
Sioux Consolidated II .15
Stray Dog 065
Swansea 25
South Swansea 06
Sacramento 03 .06
South Columbus Con 45 ,51
Tclro 01 .03
Uncle Sam 37a .38
Victoria .70 1.15
Victor 04J .05
Wabash 10
Yankee ,.-1 .21j .28
AJax. 500 at 21c.
Columbus, 10 at $1.95.
May Day, 5100 at 25ic; 3000 at 25c.
Swansea, 500 at 23c.
Uncle Sam, 500 at 37Jc; 100 at 37c; 200
at 3Sc.
Beck Tunnel. 500 at 49c: 1500 at 4Sic:
COO at 4Sc; 600 at 45c. seller thirty days;
200 at 4SJc, seller sixty days.
Black Jack. 500 at 205c; 2500 at 20c,
Colorado, 100 at $2.15, aoller thirty days;
2100 at $2.15.
Crown Point. 4700 at 15c.
Iron Blossom, 3500 at 22c.
Scottish Chief, 1000 at lie.
Sioux Con., 200 at 15c; 1500 at 141c.
Seven Troughs, 3300 at 35c; 1000 at 35c,
buyer thirty days; 700 at 345c.
Shares sold, 34,210.
Selling value, f 13,037.50.
Black Jack. 800 at 20c.
Crown Point, 2000 at 15c; 500 at I4jc,
seller thirty days.
Colorado. 200 at ?2.15. sollcr thirty
days; 200 at 52.15; 500 at $2.16, seller ten
Iron Blossom, 500 at 22Jc, sellor thirty
days; 500 at 23c.
May Day. 1600 at 25 Jc.
Nevada Hills. SO at ?2.75.
Sioux Con.. 1000 at 145c.
Seven Troughs, 500 at 35c: 100 at 34jc;
500 at 345c buyer sixty days; 1000 at
3ic, seller thirty days; 500 at 34c, buyer
thirty days; 1000 at 34c; 500 at 33lc,
seller sixty days; 1500 at 335c.
Shares sold, 13,815.
Selling value, $6035.
Shares sold, 113,392.
Selling value. $122,960.
Boston Copper Gossip.
James A Pollock k Co., bankers and
brokers, furnish the following, received
over their private wire yesterday after
noon: Boston wires Get It from what I con
sider the very beat authority that the
Calumet and Hccla people within ft Tew
days will make sales of lako copper at
14c, and that sales have been made by
the United Metals Selling company today
at 12Jc. I also understand that Calumet
and Hccla, Copper Range, and other lake
properties have got very llttlo metal on
hand. Whatever metal there Is seems to
be In the hands of the selling companies
and they have now reduced .their holdings
to such" an extent that they 'are not dis
posed to fill largo orders very freely, on
tho other hand, the president of a com
pany which Is conslderod one of tho larg
est consumers of metal3 In the country Is
In Boston today and reported to havo
talked very pessimistically about the
motal situation. It is well known, how
ever, that this company has not made tho
purchases for future consumption. In fact,
lias only a limited supply on hand.
Boston News Bureau Thomas F. Cole
tells his friends that he believes copper
will reach a price of 20 cents per pound
in 190S. primarily as a result of the re
striction In production which is now tak
ing place all over tho country. Ho says
that a 12Jj)13c market for coppor has shut
down tho small properties In all sections
of tho country and that he considers it
absurd for any large property that can
not show substantial profits on 12-cent
copper to deplete its reserves and glvo
away Its assets, when by stopping produc
tion It can conserve Hb copper asbets for
a hlghor metal market. He takes the
position that American consumors are bo
short on stocks that they arc actually
sweeping up the floors to gather tho fil
ings, and that if cosumers figure upon
getting copper at below cost to many of
tho producers they will bo very much
Immense Profits in Portland Cement
Wo aro issuing a magnificent "work of
art on tho Portland Cement Industry,
which will appeal particularly to thoso
who desiro tho very best, gilt-edged,
safe and profitable investment.
This invaluable book requires a million
pross impressions and wilL bo sent abso
lutelj' free to all present "or futuro in
vestors in Portland Ccmont Stocks bv
addressing Vincont & Company, 1318
Scarritt Building, Kansas City, Mo.
Union Assay Office,
M. S. Hanauer, J. V. Sadler,
152 S. West Temple. P. O. Box 14d8.
i . !
Utah Consolidated Boys and
Murray Officials Seek io
End Deadlock;
Since tho Utah Consolidated company
and tho committeo of farmers havo
been unable to reach Bomo agreement
by which the Utah Consolidated smel
ter can bo continued for another yonr,
and since tho business men of Salt
Lako seem willing to allow the smellers
to slip from out this valley without,
turning a hand to keep thorn" hero, tho
city officials of Murray, and tho em
ployees of tho Utah Consolidated com
pany, arc now working hand in hand
towards somo settlement of tho pres
ent difficulties. Murray socs that with
tho closing down of tho smelter for a
year and evermore thorcaftor will come
stagnation to its businoHB bouses, and
oven to tho complaining farmers them
selves, whilo tho omployoes of the corn
pain see the loss of their positions star
lug thcm in the face, with an extremely
hard winter ahead.
It can bo slatod definitely that tho
Utah Consolidated compa.ny itself is not
behind this new venture. It Jb under
stood that permission was sought and
gained by, the employees to make tho
attempt, the company standing ready
to take up the matter when conditions
reach a stugo whero the company can
do so. A committee of employees camo
up from Murray Saturday and proceeded
at once to business. It is not known
what tho committee accomplished, but
as far as could be learned tho com
mitteo of f armors had not been ap
proached Saturday.
Novadas in San Francisco.
.Tamos A- Pollock & Co., bankers and
brokers, 6 Second South, furnish tho fol
lowing San Francisco stock quotations,
received over their prlvato wlro yestor-day-
Bid. Asked.
Sandstorm 5 .20 $ .22
Col. Mt Ifi .18
Jumbo Extension M .55
Vernal 05
Pennslyvanla 03
Kendall U .13
Booth 17 .10
Blue Bull ,17 .in
Adams 05 .00
Silver Pick 25
Nevada Boy 02
Black Butte Kxtenslon ... .0 .05
Blue Bell OS .0!
Dixie 03 ,01
Goldfleld Columbia OS
Htbcrnia .02
St. Ivos : -0 .-II
Conqueror 01 .05
Black Rock .02 .03
Lono Stnr OS .03
G. Wonder 03
Oro 00
Kendall Extension 03
Sandstorm Extension 03
Maync 02
Atlanta 27 .2S
Great Bend 24 .25
Siinmerone 03
Empire 03 .05
Red Top Extension 11 .12
Florence 3.50 3.G2i
D llold B. B. Con 17 .18
Goldfleld Daisy S3 .84
Combination Fraction (18 .70
Great Bond Ext .01 .06
Great Bend Annex 03
B. B. Bonanza .02 .03
Kewanos 20
Esmeralda 01 .......
Portland OS
Crackerjack 07 .OS
Red Jltlls 2U .30
Mohawk Extension 05
Lou Dillon 05
Yellow Tiger H ,
Grandma '.07 ..OS
Yellow Rose , 01
Col. Mt. Extension 03
Goldfiold Con 4.20 4.22J
P'tlcld Triangle 07 .OS
1 Bid. Asked.
Tonopah Nevada $ 4.37J ? 4 .625
Montana Tonopah 1.95 2.00
Tonopah Extension 1.50
Maclsamara 16
Midway 50 .55
Tonopah Belmont 80
Tonopah North Star OS
Ohio Tonopah 02 .03
West End Con .33
Rescue 04 .05
Tonopah & California 02
Golden Anchor 02
Jim Butler 3S .30
Cash Boy ..02
Monarch Pitts. Ext 01
Montana Midway Ext 02
Golden Crown 04
Bid. lAaked.
Original f .03 ?
Bullfrog Mining 0C
Montana Bullfrog 01 .02
National Bank 10
L. IlarrlB 02 '
Amethyst 06 .07
Gold Bar 37 .38
Denvor Bullfrog Annex .. .03
Bonnie Clare 10
Mayflower Con 15 .1C
Golden Sceptro 02 .03
Montgy. Mt , .. .03
B. Dlamondflcld 03
Homcstakc Con .SO
Yellow Girl 01
Nugget 03
Tramp Con 20
Victor 02
Bid. Asked.
Manhattan Consolidated ..?.23 .24
Manhattan Mining Co 02 .03
Golden Wedge 03 .04
S. Humphrey 02 .03
Dexter 05
Little Joe 01 .02
Crescent , 01
Combination 01
Granny . .16
Mustang ' 10
Cowboy 01 .02
Original Manhattan .05
Broncho i 02
J, Jack ' 06
Plnonut 03 .04
Buffalo 03
Stray Dog 00
Yellow Horse 04
Ind. Camp 04
I Bid. Asked.
Ophlr $ 1.15 $ 1,20
Mexican 33 .35
Gould & Curry 15
Con. Va. , 60 .61
Savage .40 .41
Halo & Norcrosa no
Yellow Jacket 1.65 1,70
Belcher 18
Sierra Nevada 41 .42
Union 30
I Bid. JAskod.
Falrview Silver King .....I? 1$ TTo"
Falrvlow Eagle 38
Nevada Hills 2.95 3.00
Pittsburg Silver Peak .... 1.25
North Star Wonder .03
Eaglo's Nest. 22 .24
Ruby Wonder 08 .......
Nei'oda Hills Florencs 06
Alice of Wonder 02
Metal Markets.
Tho metal quotations for Saturday,
posted by McCornlck & Co., wore as fol
Iowb: Silver, 52ic; lead, J3.50: copper
castings, 12gcj copper cathodes, 12 ll-16c.
Bingham Amalgamated Com
pany Is Securing Good Depth
on Big Chute.
Three-Sixty Level Opening Up
Body Now Averaging 14
Per Cent.
"The Bingham Amalgamated Coppor
company has ono of tho largest and
richest copper oro bodies in all tho
Bingham district," stated Gcnoral Man
ager .Too Edmonds Saturday. Mr. Ed
munds had just roturncd from an in
spection of this largo Bingham group,
nnd ho was delighted with tho manner
in which the resources are being brought
to light. Regarding conditions at pres
ent, ho said to Tho Tribune:
"On tho -300-foot level of tho Amal
gamated gToup somo tirao ago wo de
veloped an ore body 60 by 60 foot in
extent, tho averago value of tho ivholo
body being 1.5 per cent copper, $1.20
gold and two ounces silver to tho ton.
Intermingled with this chuto were rich
streaks and bunchos of copper rock
whoso metallic contents ran up to enor
mous levels. Isor has tho real extent of
this body been definitely determined
yet, for we ceutored all our energies
on getting a bottor vertical dopth on
the same.
" Whilo at the mino a day or two ago
wo had driven au upraise in tho same
chuto for some distance from the 300
foot level tho unraiso being five and a
half feot in width, and with not only
this much all oro, but tho bottom, top
and sides wore oro of similar character.
This (lvo and a half, feet of oro gavo
mo an average assay of 14 por cent
copper, $1.60 gold anil 31 per eout iron.
Wo aro now working on tho 400-foot
level, making for the samo oro bodj',
and ovcrything points with dead cer
tainty to tho fact that wo will find it
at tho logical point.
"Tho nig shaft will be continued on
' down, and our plan of demonstrating
tho continuity of tho ore bodies will bo
strictly 'followed out aa tho levels aro
gainecf in their turn. From the work
already accomplished, and from the gnu
oral physical conditions of the group
taken in connection with what we havo
learned in timo gone by, T havo no hosi
tancv in stating that tho Bingham
Amalgamated is ono of the great mines
of Bingham, and we havo ono of tho
largest mineralized group in all the
camp. "Wo will make tho finest kind
of historv for Binerhnm in this mine."
New York Mining Stocks.
' James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and
brokers, 6 West Second South street,
furnish the following- Now York mining
stock quotations, received over their pri
vate wire yesterday:
I Salcs-I H. f L. Clse
Newhouso I S00 GE CJ 61
Utah Copper IS 171 IS
Balaklala 2J 2k 2fl
Tcnn. Copper 26 21 2B
I Sales.l H. I,. Clso
Cumber. Ely 500 6a Ci CJ
Ely Consol & S 9
Domln. Copper 120 li II IS
Greene G. and S 100 7-16 7-16 7-1 G
Nevada Utah 1.200 23 28 2J
Nevada Smelter li 13 li
Mitchell i J S
Glroux Con 300 2i 2i 21
Klnjr Edward I 1 I
Tintic Mining 31 2j 3j
I Bid. lAaked.
Utah Copper $ 1S3 ? IS!
Nevada Consolidated S? 81
Cumberland Ely 6 6r
Balk 21 2i
King Edward 3 t
NIplsBlng . 51 6
Davis Daly 33
Glroux 2i 22
G. G. and Sll a j
Novada Smelting 18 11
Mitchell 1 S
Nevada Utah 2fj 22
Silver Queen 9-16 11-16
Ely Consolidated I) B
Dominion Coppor 12 li
Gibraltar 10c 12c
Tintic 2J 31
Montgomery Shoshone ... 41 51
Butto and London ........ 2 1
Tennessee Copper ........ 24 26
Boston Stock Markot.
James A. Pollock & Co., bnnkers and
brokers, 6 West Second South street,
furnish the following Boston mining stock
quotations, received over their private
wire yesterday:
I Sales.l H. I L. IClse
Bingham Con 60 4J 4J 42
Boston Con. ........ 65 10J 104 104
Butto Coalition 150 151 15! 151
Butte and London f Sac 75c S5c
Balaklala 700 2g 24 24
Calumet and Arizona 175 100 9S 98
Con. Morcur ' 2Sc 25c 2Sc
Copper Range ....... 315 57 569 uCR
Cumber. Ely 6i 6 6fc
Daly West 45 Si S 8
Davis Daly 1,310 4 31 4
East Butto 41 41 41
Glroux Con 60 2J 2g 28
Granby Con 72 72 72
Greene Cananea 470 09 6J 61
Novada Con 8! 81 8!
Nevada Utah 180 22 22 22
NlplsBlng 100 6 6 6
North Butto 1,175 421 42 42
Trinity 570 142 14 14
United Cop. Com... 7? 7J 72
U. S. Smelter, Com 331 331 331
Preforred ........ 7o 37 302 37
Utah Con "215 292 20 20
Ahmcek 45 fg)n0
Butte and London 76cfeS5o"
Davis Daly 3Jfi 4
East Butte A((p 4J
Hancock . .... 43 5
Kew 42&1 64
Nevada Utah . 2B 22
Raven 86 aS9
Troy , 65
Black Mountain 4 fi 44
Cumberland Ely 6 3 6
Dominion Copper 12(3) lj
Globe 61(0) 7
Helvotla . g 13
Majestic 95 07
Nlplsalng '. 6 8 61
S. and P 010 91
Apex 20 2fl
36.', IPa 'pi -iTO '8 191
oaa HDQiLS agjaoaNiiago t
Tribune Want Ada.
Bell phono 5201. Ind. phono 360-348.
S. D. Bvana,
TJndortakor and Embalmor, has removed
to new location, 48 South State
Mines, Stocks and Bonds ,
Phonos: Bell, 4800; Ind., 931.
17 West Second South St. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH '
Careful Attention to , :..' j
Mail Orders. - ' 1 1
Goldfleld Alone Provides Very
Substantial Fortune to This
Tax Account.
Stato Bullion Tax Collector James H.
Xcvin or tho Stato of Nevada, has
just issued his report on the taxes col
lected during tho first nino months of
tho current year. By this report it is
sh own that the camp of Goldfiold alone
ivill pay to the State tho sum of
.t-197.S10.33. Tho tax is based on the
net amount of ores shipped, and tho
rato of taxation is -1.7 per eout. Tho
Stato of Novada gels three-fourths of
ono per cent of tho tax, Tvhilc tho bal
anco goes to the county in which tho
property taxod is located.
Mr. Novin predicts that tho gross
value of the gold and silver production
in Nevada for 1907 will bc $2;V)00.
000. This will provo a genuinely sur
prising record when tho number of weeks
lost by labor strikes all over the State,
nnd the present unbearablo smelting
conditions, aro taken into considera
tion. Air. Nevin expocts Goldfiold to
produco half of the output of gold dur
. mg 1007, while in 1008 he predicts
this ono camp will produco over $25,-000,000.
Tust as a mining organization open
ing up a largo and new Hold docs a
great deal of preliminary prospecting
in ordor to get a lino on tho resources
within its own group, so is the South
ern Utah Oil company down at Vir
gin doing a thorough searching of its
properties before centering its efforts
on any ono spot. Recently this organiza-
tiqn hit oil m tho first sands, and tho
drilling outfit has been removed to a
new spot to send another holo down
to the first or initial oil zone. Tho
company will send down a doep well.
On this property, and nil Tound it, wolls
have demonstrated tho existence of oil
at tho first sands, but it is with greator
dopth that the best results aro cx-
San Francisco Mining Stocks.
SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 2S. The offi
cial closing quotations for mining stocks
today were as follows:
Alpha Con .05 Justice ..... .05
Anclen 16 Mexican 33
Belcher 20 Occidental Con. .10
Beat & Belcher .05 Ophlr ; 1.20
Bullion 11 Overman 10
Caledonia.. ... .29 Potosl '. . .10
Challenge Con. .10 Savage 30
Chollar .14 Scorpion 06
Confidence .. . .Go Sag Belcher .. .04
C C and Va. .. .50 Sierra Nevada. .40
Con Imperial . .02 Silver Hill IS !
Crown Point... .20 Union Con 25
Exchequer . .. .20 Utah Con ..... .05
Gould & Currlo .14 Yellow Jacket.. 1.65
Halo & Norc. .47
Adams Con .05 Llttlo Chief .. .05
Allco 3.50 Ontario 3.00
Broece 10 Ophlr 1.10
Brunswick Con. .48 Potosl 10
Comstock Tun. .17 Savage 33
C C and Va... .50 Sierra Nevada. .33
Horn Silver ... .75 Small Hopoa .. .20
Iron Sliver 75 Standard 1,15
L-eadvIllo Con . .06
Adventuro .? 2.25 Parrot . ... 0.25
Allouez . .. 26.12J Qulncy . .. 18.00
Amalg . ... 46. 37J Shannon . . 9.75
Atlantic ... 7.50 Tamarack . 67.00
Bingham .t 4.50 Trinity . .. 14.00
Cal and Hoc 595.00 Unit Cop .. 7.25
Centennial . 24.00 U S Mln .. 33.50
Cop Range . GO. 50 U 3 OU 10.25
Daly Wost.. 7.871 Utah 29.00
Franklin . . 7.50 Victoria . . 4.50
Granby . .. 72.00 Winona . .. 4.50
Islo Royale. 17.25 Wolverine . 114.00
MasB Mln .. 2.75 North Butto 41.75
Michigan . . S.25 Butte Coal . 15.75
Mohawk . . 47.00 Nevada . .. 8.12&
M C and C. .1.25 Cal and A. 98.00
Old Dom. . 28.50 Ariz Com. . 14.00
Osceola . .. 83.00
Bingham -Butte
Making Good
The splondid body of oro this com
pany ran into somo time ago continues
to grow in sizo with every foot driven
in tho lower tunnel. Tho management
reports that tho tunnel has been con
tinued 150 feet, and thero is 54 feot of
oro; of this, 2-i fect is high grade, with
1 hi feot of shipping ore, and tho other
30 fect is of lower milling grade. At
an intersection of about 20 foot in tho
ore body, tho company drovo a 20-foot
crosscut, all of which proved to bo ore.
This crosscut will bo continued until
width of oro body is determined. This
is highly satisfactory progress, aa the
company has yot to go 70 feet to get
undor tho oro shoot showing above.
Tho lower tunnel is 360 feot below the
upper level whero tho ore was encoun
tered, and at least 500 feot vertically
below tho snrface.
Tho shipping oro is as flno as any
body could wish for, carrying in excess
of 35 per cent lead. The milling grade
of rock looks good enough to bo called
" shipping grade," and it is believed
that under normal conditions this could
mi ipPc-d irectI.F to tho local market.
Iho Bingham-Butto is an incorpora
hon of Butte and Salt Lake capital
ists, tho tormor crowd said to bo fur
nishing tho funds to rush development
through. Iho companv recently took
over tho famous old Tiewnukeo prop
erty, which has a record of several
millions in production to its credit in
the early days.
- The,0" at"w;n at tho company's of
fices, 0 West Second South, is attract
ing a great deal of attention from min
ing men. Tho Bingham-Butto has all
the earmarks of a coming big property,
and tho mnnagornent is to be congratu
lated on tho success of its undertaking
commssionIrSs" il
for Stocks and Bonds IB
executed in all markets, 1 Hi
Private Wire Service JI
New York, Boston and ffi
San Francisco Stock lift
Exchanges. m
Liberal Advances on all . E
Listed Securities. ' : ;
Jas. A. Pollock & Co. f
Both Telephones 575. 1 fcfi
1 Prescription Druggist, 5
142 Mw, Tonea 451. Jj
Dell phono 14S. Ind. phono 274S-A. I
Utah Investments J -
Wells-Farao Bldg.. 1Z3 So. Main St, K
Settles, Mathez & Co.,
W. O. KING. Manager. I , I
TESTS. 1,1
158 8. W. Templo St.. Salt Loki City. M
Telephone Ind. 110 I
70 W. 3rd So., Salt Lnkejty. j
Tribune Want Ada. J
Bell phono 5201. Ind. phonejm I
At SiegeFs Jewelry StoFC J k
25 Per Cent Off on Everything in the House Except j
Diamonds. I i
Sale Ends Tuesday, December 31st, 1907. .
I. SIEGEL, Jeweler ;
175 South Main Si I