Newspaper Page Text
WL THE 'SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1907. 13 M I IS CLOSII IN FAIR CONDtTION lpam Evidences of Easing of the &jv Long Strain in Financial m$' i ' BANK statement more favorable than expected Decline in Currency Premium W- Also Gives Solid Ground K; for Satisfaction, Br' ft; 2vEW YOKK, Dec. 28. The Btock g-mftrket ttrs under severe constraint to-Pj-dflj" and the brisk advance "which vras K inaugurated jesterday was not pursued r, with .confidence. Gains vrere more than Itwiped out in the final selling. This' was jPdue in part to tho reduction in the S short interest effected by the covering L operations of yesterday, which, in turn, fcVere the largest element in tho ad I' vance. Traders vrho bought yesterday, M also, were disposed to tako profits to r day. The more cheerful sentiment over c the money outlook duo to yesterday k developments was not wholly Impaired f'today, but fears were ontertainea that p next week would Bee a pinch in tho money market caused by the immediate requirements of the annual settlements, which might be carried over inlo the if new year. Decisive evidence of tho ' easing of the strain in Berlin was had , in the wide recession in tho prevailing discount Tato and intimations were given of a probable early reduction in t.hq official rate of the Imperial Bank of Gorman3'. This evidence of adequate provision for carrying tho German mar fleets through the annual settlements, which have been looked forward to , . M-.y - with appresonsion, relieves the world's &JBL markets of one of its most serious :JM causes of anxiety. Ht Tho decline in our currency gives K solid gror.ud for satisfaction. Although IH there ia no money market at the stock jflw exchange on Saturday, speculative sen TC; timent was inclined to take account of H next week's possibilities. The weekly K' review of the mercantile agencies enid jR, the progress of tho shrinkage in coni JK, niercial activities and gross earnings of fBf railroads for tho third week in Decem-Ik- ber showed a Inrger decrease from last year's figures than has yet been ro ported. A good impression was mado Mr.' by reports from Eome centers of resump-K- lion of work by some of tho working H$: forces which had been reduced, but this Hr impression was offset by the consulta tions of tho authorities of public chari KV ties in Now York to devise means for H' oaring for the large number of homo BL less and unemployed in tho city. K. Tito bank statement proved more fa-H;-' vorable than the most Hanguine e.xpec HK;. tations. Tins $9,400,000 pain in cash He compared with prclimiimry estimates of ' from .?..000,000 to $4,000,000. The loan K''' contraction of $1 7,752,400 in a week of preparation for meeting heavy obli ga tions reflects a gratifying power of 8fr recuperation by the banks. Tho changes Hg in the various itums are probably mag- nified b.y the computation on averages . for five' days, instead of the usual six B, days. To ofilcial admissions were to be w had on the subject, the inference is H warranted that some reduction of the outstanding clearing house certificates Hb. figure in thr loan reduction. The Viet result is a reduction in the deficit to j Er $20,'J 70.350. which compares with $51,- K? 103.G00, the maximum deficit for the Hr: week ending Novcmbor US. K Hoiule wre firm. 7'olal sales, par WR, value. $1,330,000. K' Ignited States 2s have advanced per cent on call for tho week. I Salt Lake Audit W Company SSf 44 Postoffice Place KT AUDITS, INVESTIGATIONS, EXAM (NATIONS, ETC. Hp- Books opsned, closed, written up fjm weekly or monthly. Systarns adapted JK to any business. Cost systems de- IP vised nnd Installed. All services otrlctly confidential. 1 The Commercial National IHL Bank, by reason of its strong j mtt I financial standing, Is in a par- s E 1 ticularly advantageous position I Wf 1 to care for your funds. y' Your account will be welcomed. I I 4 Per Ceot I Interest Paid on j- I Savings Accounts 1 j of $1 and up METAL MARKET QUIET IN ABSENCE OF CABLES j .r. PRICES OP METALS f IN NEW YORK MARKETS ? Silver B2Jo-$ V Copper (olectro.) ...?13.2B13.37a v Lead, firm $S,603)3.60 .j. NEW TORK, Dec. 28. Tha motal markets wero quiet and more or less nominal in the absence of cables. Tin was quoted at $26.374B26.S7J. imFSJP." waa Quiet, with lake quoted at ' loJ413-50: electrolytic at $13.25 13.3 1 1, and casting at $13.37igil3.50; olectrplytlc at $13f2B13.37J, and casting at ns.0013.12i. eaJ quiet and steady at ?3.50(fl) 3.60. and npelter was flnn at ?4.2034.25. Iron was quiet and unchanged. OloBlng Stock Iiist. 1 Sales.l H. L. IClso Adams Express 163 Amal Copper 20,000 4S 463 -161 Am C and F 2,300 512 303 303 do preferred 100 S3 S3i 831 Am Cotton Oil 28a do preferrod So American Express ,...200 Am n and pf 13J American Ice 3,800 301 19 1P1 Am Unseed Oil "3 do preferred 22 Am Locomotive .... 8.000 36 34 845 do preferred 200 861 S6 S6 Am Smelt and Het.. 9,200 71 70 701 do preferred 200 02 02 P2 Am Sugar Bef 6,100 101 9Di 901 Am Tob pf cor 70 Ana Mlnlnff Co 2,300 30 283 28 J Atchison 2,900 71! 70i 706 do preferred 75 At Coast Line 600 69 69 69 Bait & Ohio 700 S2i SU 82 do preferred 75 Brook R T 4,900 40 3S 3SJ Canadian Pacific ... 100 151 151 151 Cent of N J 170 Chea & Ohio 100 30i 301 30 Chi Gt VTeBt 900 Si 7i 7g Chi & N W 400 136J 135 135J Chi M & St P 6,100 105i 10 li 104 Chi T and Tr 5 do preferred 15 CCC&SL s 54J Colo F, and I 500 20 19 19 Colo & So 7,900 22 21 213 do 1st pref 300 402 491 491 do 2nd pref 600 41 401 41 Con Gas 2,100 97J 952 96 Corn Products 11 do preferred 66 Dela &. Hudson .... 800 1461 1151145 D L & V,r 435 D & R G 700 21J 201 195 do preferred 60 DIs Securities 1.700 301 291 29 Erie 400 16j 161 lGi do 1st pref SOO 35 341 333 do 2nd pref 241 General Electric 200 112 112 1101 Illinois Central 1213 Int Paper Si do preferred 200 54 53j 53 Int Pump 2,700 133 121 13 do preferred 65 Iowa Central 10J do preferred ". 32 Kan City So 235 do preferred 100 52 52 52 T-ouIb & TN'aBh 700 931 92 921 Mexican Central 1,100 14 141 14 Minn Etli 200 231 "23 30 M S P & SS M .T 79 do preferred .' 116 Mo Pacific 1,500 43 46 16 M K & T 500 26 26? 253 do preferred 56 National Lent! 500 398 . 391 38 N R R of M pf , 42 N Y Central 3.200 913 90 903 X Y O & W 500 3S 32J 32? Nor A West 200 64H 04 638 do preferred S4 North American ... 100 43 45 421 Pacific Mall 300 26 26 26 Pennsylvania 21,100 11J B 103a 1091 People's Gus 300 79J 791 79j P C C & S L 59 Pr Steel Car 200 1S 181 IS do preferred 70 21111" Palace Car 150 Readme 4,100 951 931 931 do 1st pref 100 95 7."i 7S do 2nd pref 73 Republic Steel 300 161 16 151 do preferred 200 06 66 652 Rook Island Co 200 15? 151 lofc do preferred 400 2Sj 28! 2S St L & S F 2nd pf 29 St L S W 14 do preferred 29 Southern Pacific ... 5,000 718 74 j 7311 do preferred 100 109j 1091 1091 Southern Ry 13 do preferred 100 36a 301 351 Texas & Pacific 100 19J 193 191 To S L & W 15 do preferred 200 251 35t 343 Union Pacific 36,000 1196 1178 1173 do preferred 400 SO SO 791 U 'S Express 90 U S Realty 40 U S Rubber SOO 21 20 20 dr preferrod 200 771 763 763 U S Steel 13.400 27 265J 20U do preferred 2,900 SS 873 873 Va. Caro Chcm 153 do preferred 95 Wabash 200 10 10 9! do preferred 100 18 IS 17 Wolls-Farso Ex ...300 West Electric 42 Western Union 55 " W & L- E 200 73 73 71 Wis Central 123 do preferred 35 Nor Pacific 19,300 1393 1 173 118 Gt Nor pf 6,500 1173 11G lltI Cent Leather 15! do proforred 75 Int Met 7 do preferred - IS SIqsp . . . 35 Total shares sold, 299,900. New York Bondu. U S ref 2s reg.105 Japan 41s cer .. 86J do coup 105! do 4s 7SJ do 3s reg 1011 flo 2nd ser ... 86H do coup ioiLoutsv & N u 4s 944 do new 4b r.119 Mnnh con g 4a. 91 do coup 119 Mcx Ccn 4s 75i Amer Tob 4s ..00 do 1st Ino ,..15 do 6s .... 96 M & St L 4s 82 Atchison sen 4s 95! M K & T 4s... 92 do adj 4s 81 do 2nds 81! do cv 4s SfilNRR of Mox c 4b 771 do cv 6s 915 N Y Cen z 35s. 891 Atlantic CL 4s. 843 N T Cent Es.llS Bait & O 4 ... 97 Northn Pac 4s.l00A do 31s ....... 90 do 3s 68 Brook RT cv 4s 67gNor & W c 4s., 92 Cent of Geor 5s 96 O S L rfdff 4a, 841 do 1st Inc .... C2 Penn cv 3!s ... 901 do 2nd inc ... 42 Reading Gen 43 931 do 3rd Inc 30 StL & I7.I c 5s. 101 Cues & O 41s.. 443 StL & SF fp 4h. 75 Chic & Alt 35b. 64 St L Swn c 4b.. 61 C H A- Q n 4s. 932 Seaboard AL 4r 65 C R I & P 4u.. (J2 Southn Pac 4s.. 811 do col na .... 71 do 1st 4s cor. 88 CCC & StL p Is 92 Southn Ry Es... 95 Colo Ind 5s a A 45!Tox & Pac lots. 106 Colo Hid 4s ... 57 T St L & W 4s. 031 Col & Southn 48 SI Union Pac 4s... 100 Cuba 5s ... 993 do cv 4s 86 D & R G 4s 90 U S Steel 2nd 5s S5 Dlst Secur 5h .. 60 Wnbash lsts .,105 Erie pr In 4s.. 815 do deb B 14 do Gen 4s .... 72 Western Md 4s . 63 Hock Val 41s... 99 Wli & L E 4s.. 71 Int Metal 45s .. 571 Wise Cent 4s ... SO St. Louis Wool, ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2S. Wool steady; me dium grades combiner and clothing, 21tf? 23c; light fine, j9rfi20c: honvy fine, 15$ I6c; tub washc:d. 20fi33c. FOR SALE! Salt Lake City coupon paving warrants (in $500.00 and $1000.00 denominations) bear ing 6 per cent interest. Redeemable in ten annual payments. A safe, conservative and i paying investment, especially desirable for small investors. P. J. MORAN, BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING, CITY. PRICE OF TURKEY IS 25 CEflTSJE POUND Expected Rednction of Figure Docs Not Materialize at the Week-End.- Turkeys are Btlll 25 centB the pound. It rrao tho opinion of many people that tho price v-aa Just put up because the meat market men lenew poople would have to eat turkeys that no Chrlotmas din ner would be complete without tho bird and that as soon tho tho twenty-fifth had passed tho figures would come down. It. has devoloped that turkeys aro not as plentiful as In former times and ho prlco of 25 cents has come to bo regular. Saturday was an excellent day for tur keyH. Tho Balo was almost as good as at Christmas. But Saturday, ns Is usual ly the caso, was a good day generally on tho market. Tho Bale on fruit was con spicuous and boxes of oranges went llko the provorbial "hot cakes." LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Chicago. CHICAGO. Dec. 28. Cattle Receipts, about 300; market steady; beeves, ?3.25fJ 6.16; cows and heifers, $1.20fM.6S; calves, $66.75: Westerns, $3.S0(34-75; stockers and feeders, $2.3S34.26. Hogs Receipts, about 16,000; market mostly 5c higher; light, $4.25'34.65; mixed. J4.30fi4.75; heavy. ?4.30Q)4.75; rough. $4.30 (5)4.40; pigs, 33.So4.50; bulk of Bales, $'4.504.65. Sheep Receipts, about 1500: market steady; natives, J2(ff.4.7C; Westerns. $2fi 4.65; yearlings, ?4.5dtf? 5.25; lambs, ?4.25'g 6.65; Westerns. $4.25(Q6.60. Kausas OJty. KANSAS CITT. Doc. 28. Cattle Re ceipts, 1000; market steady; native steers, S3.805.50; native cows and heifers, ?2ig 4.75: stockers and fcedors, $34. 25; bulls, 52.50(0)3.75; calves, S3. 50(6.60: Western steers, $3.50i4.50; Western cows. ?2.50 S.50. Hogs Receipts; 3000; market 6(J?10o higher: bulk of sales, $4.45(34.56; heavy, S4.504.60; packers, $4.45S?4.55; pigs and light, S4.25fitl.60. Sheep Receipts. 600; market etrong; muttons, S3,7o5?4.50: lambs. JS-SOgO; range wethers, ?3.755; fed ewes, $3.25g 4.15." South Omaha. OMAHA, Dec. 28. Cattle Receipts, 600: market unchanged. Hogs Receipts, 5000; market 6c higher: heaw, $4.421rZ4.471; mixed. $4.4054. 16; light." $4.3504 45; pigs, $3.904.40; bulk of sales. $4.404.45. Sheep Receipts, 600; market steady; yearlings. $4.464.75; wothors, $4'o,4.40; ewes, fSn 1.25; Inmbs, .f6.506. St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. 28. Cattle Re ceipts. 14; market nominal: natives, 5.75; cows and heifers. $1.75(3)4.30; stock ers and feeders, 53.26iy4. Hogs Receipts, 3600; market opened with a 10c higher range and closed weak; top. $1.60; bulk of soles, $4.5034.55. Sheep Receipts, none; lambs. $5ft0. 10; vcai lings and wethers, J3 75-25; ewes, $33.60. Olcaring-Houso Statement. NEW YORK, Dec. 2S. Tho statement of clearing houso banks for the five days this week shows that tho bank3 hold f20.170.350 less than tho require ments of tho 25 per cent rulo. This Is an Increase of $11.5S0,650 In tho propor tionate cash reserve, as compared with last week. The statement follows: Loans U.l 47.69 1,400 Decrease 17.752,400 Deposits 1.050,925,400 Decrease 8,508, COO Circulation 71,730,600 Increase 1,077,000 Legal tendors 64.6S6.700 Increase 3,067,300 Specie 1S7.S74.300 Increase 6,371.200 Reserve 242.561,000 Increase 9.43S.C00 Resorve required 262.731.350 Decrease 2.142,150 Deficit 20.170.350 Decrease 11,580.650 Ex-Unltsd States Deposits.. .445,075 Decrease 11,653,875 Tito Financier will say: The showing the associated banks of New York City mado In their statement of Saturduy, December 2S, was by fur tho bost since the subsidence of the late financial Hurry. Tho gain In cash amount ing to $0,348,500, was larger than had been estimated, and represents probably trans actions between banks not recorded in the report of ordinary transactions. Tho heavy liquidation in loans contin ue.", the decrease for the week having been $17,653,000, making a total of nearly 444 millions Klncc the middle of N'ovcrn vor. Deposits fell off $8,563,600, owing to loan liquidation and tho decrease In this item, coupled with the cash Incrcaso al ready noted, brought the banks $1J.6S0, 650 nearer tho elimination of tho resorve deficiency, tho latter now standing at $20,170,350. as against 51 millions report ed six weeks ago. If the 25 per cent ro servo carried by the bunko ogalnHt tho 57S.8S9.100 of Government deposits ho eliminated, the safety of such deposits being secured by plcdscs of bond secur ity. It Is found that the reserve deficien cy on commercial deposits has been made up, tho percentage on this class of business amounting practically to 25 por cent. The disappearance of a premium on currency at the end of the week and tho ro-nalo In London of gold ongaged for American Import go to show thut nor mal conditions In banking are again at hand. It Is truo that tho New York bank statement during tho next week or two will be affoctcd temporarily by tho disbursement of January lntorcst nnd dividend funds, but in this connection it is also true that largo amounts will bo Bent to Now York to meet these require ments. At tho present rate of progress tho middle of January should mark tho extinguishment of the present reserve deficiency. Now York Money. NI3W YORK, Dec. 2S. Close: Prlmo morcantllo paper, 8 per cent. Sterling exchange strong with actual business In bankers bills, at 4..S4.S5(?i 1.85.75 for domand and at 4.80 for. sixty dav bills: commercial bills, 4.7814.781. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, firm. Money on call nominal. Tlmo loans, dull and linn; sixty days, 12 per cent; ninety days, 1012 per cent; six months, S per cent. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. Today' elatemont of tho Treasury balances In tho genural fund phows; Available cash bal ance. $206,928,017; gold coin and bullion, $33,189,589; gold certificate:, $61,038,515. Now York Sugar, NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Sugar Raw, firm; fair running. .'1.20(5)3. 25c; centrifu gal, .90 test, 3 S5c; molasses sugar, 3.00 3.05c. Rcllncd. steady; crushed, 5.00c; pow dered, 1.90c; granulated, 4.80c. Dulutll DULUTH. Dec. 28. Close; Wheat No. 1 Northern, $I.10i; No. 2 Northern, 51.073; Dcccinbor, ?).09i; May, $1,143; July, ?1.16j. Minneapolis Wheat. MINNEAPOLIS. Doc. 2R. Close: Wheat May, $1.14; July. $1.14E: No. I hard, $1.131 ; No. 1 Northern. $L1U: No. 2 Northern. $1.082Q?1.0a; No. 3 North cm, $1,0431,068. Liverpool Wheat, 1 LTVKRPOOL. Dec. 2S. Close: Wheat i Decern bur. nominal; March, 7u llld; May 7s lOid. I GRAIN MARKET FIRMLY RULEO 8! THE BOLLS Exceedingly Light Receipts of Wheat Start Prices Up ward; Close Strong. CIUCAGO, Doc. 28. Tho wheat market was strong all day. Influential tradera bogan to buy at tho opening, and con tinued until tho cloco. Tho chief reason was that tho principal Northwestern grain rocelvlng points roported only, 310 cars today, with cars plentiful, against 478 enrs last year, during tho prox'alanco of tho car famine. Tho belief that the world's ohlpraonts will show a compara tive decllno within the next few weeks was also a strong bullish factor. Thcro was also an Improved demand for milling purposes and from Texas camo tho roport that wheat acreage had been reduced 20 por cent from that of last year, partly because tho farmers fear tho reappearance of tho green bug, and also because of tho desire of plantors to use more land for cotton. The closo waa strong. May wheat pponod 5ic to i8c "higher at $1,061 to 51.06J, sold botweon $1.06i and Jl.OS. and closed at $t.07J. The strength in corn hold throughout the day. May com opened iJc to i53c higher at 6Sio to 58Bc, sold between 5Slc and 60c, nnd closed strong at 592c. Tho oats market was stronger and more active than for some time. There wna fair buying for Investment account and also by shorts. Light local ro colpta wero nl30 a strengthening Influ ence. May oats openod io higher at 533c, and sold betweon that figure and 54 c and closed at 54Bc. Tho provisions market was dull, but firm, partly because of a slight advanco In tho price of live hogs, and also be cause of the strength of tho grain mar-i5t- At the close, May pork was 12Jc higher; lard was up 5 cento, and ribs were 7Jo higher. RANGE3 OF TIH5 LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. P,ec 993 l.Oli 99! 1.00J May l.OGfl 1.08 1.06i 1.073 July 99 991 981 993 Com ESS 59 i 53 59 May 5Sfi .60 58i 593 JuJ 57S 5S3 57i 5SS Oats May (old) .. 638 541 nRB 64? May (new).. 52a 522 52J 523 July (old) .. 4S5 4Si ISi 4S4 July (new).. 46j 46J 46 46 Mess Pork, per barrel 12.173 12.52J J2.47J 12.62s May 13.10 13.20 13.07ft 13 .17a Lard, per 100 pounds J?u 7. 67J 7.67J 7.67i 7.67i May .... 7.S2j 7.S5 7. SO 7.85 Short Ribs, per 100 pounds Jan 6.05 0.70 6.65 6.70 May 7.05 7.10 7.02j 7.10 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations wero as follows: Flour steady; prices on patoot straight? and bakers not available: No. 2 spring whoat, ?1.09(&n.l2; No. 3, 9Scfi$1.10; Nr.. 2 red, 9D3c3i$1.0ia: No. 3 corn. CSa59o: No. 2 yellow, 633Q1c; No. 2 oats, -oOJcj No. 3 white, 47iR'50c; No. 2 ryo. 7Sc. fair to choice malting barley. SSOSc: No. 1 flax seed, northwestern. $1.20; prlmo timothy seed, $4.304.35; clover, contract grade?, $16.75; short ribs, sides (loose), $6.5037; mess pork, per barrel. $1212.J2J; lanl, per 100 pounds. $7.70f?7.72; short clear Fides (boxed). $6.S7Jig)7'.12i; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.35. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 41.300 44,400 Wheat, bushels 77,200 105.800 Corn, bushels 480,600 218,600 Oats, bushels 558,000 204.600 Rye. bushels 11.000 3,000 Barloy. buBheln ' 60.000 46.500 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On tho produco exchange today the butter markot was steady; creameries. 20 ff29e; dairies. 1825c: oggs easy, at mark, cases Included. 21?22c; firsts, 20c; prime firsts, 22c; oxtraa, 24c; cheeso steady, Hi &Wc. Now York Flour and Grain. NEW YORK, Dec. 23. Flour Re ceipts, 16.S00; exports. 17.600. Dull, but firm. Minneapolis. $5.35$i5.70; winter straights, $4.50(54.70; Minnesota bakers', $l.500'5.00: winter grades, extras, $3.75 4.25; wlntor patent. $4.855.26; wlntor low grades, $3.65tff4.t0. Wheat Receipts. 118.000. Exports. 61. 900. Spot, firm, No. 2 red, $1.07 olova tor; No. 2 red. $1.08 f.o.b. atloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth. $1,243 f o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard wlntor, $1.18 .o.b. afloat. Now high levels for tho week were mado in wheat today on heavy covering, due to small Northwest receipts nnd light Argentine offerings. Final prices wore ljc not hlghor. December closed $1.09; May, $1.12351.14. closed. $1.14. Evaporated Trait Markot. NEW' YORK, Dec. 28. Tho market for evaporated apples continues quiet, and quotations aro practically nominal. Fancy aro quoted at ll12c; few choice at 10c; prlmo at 8S3c, and 1906 fruit at 7llc. Prunes are being offered at Blight con cessions on somo sizes, owing to a de sire to reduce stocks before the first of tho year, but quotations still range from 61c to 16c for California fruit, and from 7c to 75c for Orogons, 5,0s to 30s. Apricots are unchanged at 2223c for choice: 2325c for extra choice, and 24 26c for fancy. Poaches are steady, with choice quoted at 12tfI12Jc: oxtra cholco, 12Jwl35c; fancy, 133133c, and extra fancy, ll(0'l4ic. Raisins are dull, with looso muscatel quoted at 7Q)73c; seeded ralolns at 7(fj 91c; London layers at $1.70igl.S0. New York Produce. NEW YORK. Dec. 2S. Cutter, steady; unchanged. Choose, unchanged. I Eggs. Irregular; Western firsts, 24c; seconds, 222ic. Walch tho Now Year in at tho Cul len Cafe TrunparianGj'psy Band special after-theater menu and musicnl programmo. Special Salo Framed Pictures. Midglcy-Bodcl Co., 33 B. First South. Tribune Want Ads. Boll phono 5201. Ind. phone 3G0-348. Tho Latest Out, Bir Box, tho most sanitary bread made. Vienna Bakery. Mjolnnr, tho renowned cimbollist, I Now Year's Eve, Cullen Cafe. j I SORENSEN-STOUTT C00 i Noa. 41 to 51 Enat Third 8outh Strot, aOUfc WESTERN AGENT8 for tha celebrated nnd rolloblo HALL'S SAFES AND VAULT FRONTS, all ,! In ok! M w MKtfind-hund, cah, tcrme or I : cfianafe I jj Why do you hear so much of the excel Br N l ll f k fffjfcjffiH lence f McDonald's Chocolates? SjlSWH Because they are the test chocolates made hS! jL M-JgLM J H Better because the purest, finest chocolate is m Hwi I j SI use hecause every egg used is the very fiesh- mSM es the cream is rich and fresh; because every ingredient is carefully selected; because the 1 ablest experts and trained labor are employed; because McDonald is very, very I particular as to quality; because the factory is equipped with latest machinery; 1 because' the factory is spotlessly clean and because McDonald is as particular " of the goods he puts oul as a woman is of her name. Just think it over until New Year s day, and then make resolution to al ways buy Dutch Chocolates. . j McDonald, Salt Lake, excluaire manufacturer of fine chocolates. , I ' i Imports and Exports. , NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Imports of merchandise and dry goods at the port of New York for tho woek ending De cember 21. wero valued at 513,011,946. Imports of specie for the week ending today were $34,910, silver. Exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were ?3S6,460 silver, and no gold. Special Salo Framed Pictures. MidRloy-Bodel Co., 33 E. First South. A NEW YEAR j RESOLUTION I Based on Good Sense I Resolved, 1 There is no place J Iike28 Main street E for the best in j Paints, Glass, I I Brushes and Yar- I 1 nishes, etc., etc. E j Morrison, f Merrill & Co. j 1 28 MAIN STREET. ii U Bell Exchange 9. Ind. 501. I NO SPOTS Or flaws found In our perfectly laundered products. There is good cheer with oach package. TROY LAUNDRY, "THE LAUNDRY OF QUALITY, ' Both Phones 192. 166 Main St 142 MAIN STREET. A full lino of professional 1 mounts and supplies. Kodaks and Doveloping. 1 " 1 I Teadbexrs say . 1 I "WKerj. -wetl-dressed., I Pupils, learxv iveixj Qvl ' JL I JLessoxis hest. strT)!; a 1 M er tiky tads. ca,Qj-j2) vdr 52v6-sl 1 I We don't judge a boy by his size in the matter I ' of clothing. His suit or overcoat may be only half I , J the size of his father's but it ought to be every bit as I t g00d' I g That's why so much care is used in the making I j I of our boys' apparel. Honest, all-wool fabrics, strong- 1 ! I ly sewed seams, good looks and good style make the , ! I garments for boys the best that can be found at any 1 price. Strange to say, our prices are only ordinary. I Boys' Winter Suits $2.50 to $7.50. , s 3 Boys' Winter Overcoats $2.50 to $7.50. I All good values at the price. jMULLETT'S CLOTHING STORE I I 41 to 45 West Second South St i THE TRIBUNE GIVES YOUR WANTS , I THE LARGEST CIRCULATION I I Successors to Big Four Advertising Co. J j Bill 'Posting, Painted Bulletins, Sign Tacking and BisMbuting j 1 The Most Complete I 1 j COMMERCIAL SIGN DEPARTMENT ' 1 j In the Intermountain Country 1 j;j OUR WORK BRINGS RESULTS 1 I I Address : 221 Soeih West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah I 1