H for Cokls and
The epidemic of Grip is so vrido-
Bj spread as to intorfore wil.h afl'airs:
Cabinet Meeting broken up because-
Hi!' ' Mie Secretary of Iho Treasury and tho
Kjj Secretary of tho Interior arc abed with
Kj Social functions, especially at bridge
Mb i and dinner parties, the hostess is at her
Mho 'wits' end to find substitutes.
Mm The Stage, the loucd-for opportunity
MM I -of tho understudy is frequent in the
times of sick, stars.
Sjt Tho Opora Tho Katherinpr audienco
Hj approach the foyor -with dread, fearing
BBy to sec the sign, "change of bill," so
Wm froqucntb" displayed in times of sick-
Wl " Tho College and school elapses am
flit slender, so many pupils, especially girls,
Mil being laid up 'with Grip.
Bit: Offices and factories are crippled b'
Mti absentees, and yet
Kr Humphrey's Seventy-seven is the
f remedy par excellence for Grip. Taken
early cuts it. short promptly, taken dur-
Hjw ing its prevalence, it preoccupies the
hIh pystpm nnd prevents its invasion. Carry
H a" bottle in 3-our pocket; keep it handy,
i .All. "Drug Stores. 25c.
IflN Humphrey's Homco. Medicine Co., Cor.
D 'William and John Streets, Now York.
S " BALTIMORE Dec. 25. General
H " lanager Thomas Fitzgerald of the Bal-
& timorc'ife Ohio today resigned his posi-
f tion after a service with tho road ex-
jJ tending ovor 41 years and embracing
IV nearly every position subordinate to the
I general managership. Tho resignation
i is io.tuke effect January 1. It was
j accepted by Tliird Vice-President
1 Gcorgo L. Potter, Mr. Fitzgerald's im-
mediate .superior, who is to assume the
I da lies nf the position temporarily with
S" vhis own. President Oscar G. Murray
K will, however, create another position
I for .Mr. Fitzgerald and retain him in the
1 service of the Baltimore & Ohio. Mr.
V Fitzgerald's resignation is said to havo
f booji the outcome of differences with
i Mr. Potter relative to the operation of
t) the road. These have existed for a
I long Lime, and beeamo ver- acuto to-
I Don't Coygh; buy
! a' bofcfcSe of A. D. S,
Syrup of White Pine Com-
pound, Willi Tar.
' ' .ll will give you instant
25c and 50c a Bottle.
mm co.
Phones No. 140.
More Than Six and One-Half
Millions in Dividends Dur
ing the Year.
Special to Tho Trlhnno.
GOLDFIELD, Nov., Dec. 28. Gold
lield mines and loasea paid in divi
dends during tho present 3'oar .0,616,
S74. Had not labor troubles dovclopcd
last November thcro would have been.
$163,000 moro in dividends declared,
as tho oflicial announcements had al
ready boon made.
The Consolidated Minos has paid 20
cents a share, amounting to $7(50,02-1;
tho Jlaycs-Monetto leaso. $! ,000,000;
Mohawk, 80 cents, or $56S,000; Little
Florence, 40 cents, or $400,000; Frances
Mohawk loaso, 40 cents, or $3(54,000;
Tsh-Sheetfl lease, 54 cents, or $135,000;
Mohawk Jumbo loaso, 20 cents, or
$120,000; Mohawk Floroucc, 10 cents,
or $100,000: Hcd Top, .10 cents, or $S5,
250; Kalfus lease, 28 cents, or $58,000;
Mohawk Combination, 10 cents, or $50,
000; Nevada Exploration, GO cents, or
On the first of the year tho Francos
Mohawk will declare 5 conts moro, or
nearly $50,000, and tho following day
tho Florenco Goldlield will declare 10
por cent, or $105,000.
TOPFjKA, Kan.. Dec 28. At a
slonnv session of the .Republican State
central committee today Secretary of
War William If. Taft was unanimously
indorsed as the ohoico of tho party in
Kansas for President of tho United
States, and tho convention called for
March 4 at Topeka. A motion to nomi
nate the Stato ofiicers by tho primary
svstem was tabled bv a voto of 13 to 21.
V. K. Stubbs, Cyrus belaud and D. Jx.
Anthony were the principal champions
of the primary system.
Following is the text of tho resolu
tion adopted:
"Whereas, The time required for the
actions of the primaries and conventions
prevents tho "Republicans taking tho
early action they desire; and,
""Whereas. "We want tho Republicans
of tho United States to understand our
position; therefore be it
"Resolved, by tho Republican Stato
central commit too, That tho Republic
ans of Kansas arc in favor of Iho nomi
nation of William IT. Taft for President
of tho United States."
KEW YORK. Iec. 2S. Another of
tho series of tunnels that aro destined
eventually to solve the traffic problem
of Manhattan island was given its Iry
out today, when tho first car was sent
over tho roulo of tho Hudson tunnel
from Fourteen th street and Sixth ave
nuo beneath tho Hudson rivr, to llo
boken, N. J. The journey was made
without a singlo mishap, and demon
strated that every part of tho structure
under the Hudson river and tho appara
tus installed thcro is in perfect working
Fifty cars will bo put in operation
on February 1, which will run on a two
niiuuto headway from Fourteenth street
to Hoboken. By next October the sub
way will bo completed and in operation
to "Herald square.
Jt was also said that tho tunnels from
Liberty and Church streets to 'Jersey
City will .be in operation before Janu
ary 1.
One of the tunnels through which the
trips were made today was bogun thirty
years ago Tho Mc.Cdoo company took
up tho work in 1002.
I I ""Tholtoay money.
W """"I U Vc recently collected money for the following clients. We vlll collect 1
H ' pj sme for you If you turn In .your claims. I
IS f m 1' 'vcars'cy ISU K street, city. fs&r f
H H A- Fl- duller. Bain, Wisconsin. 'Jttil$ I
HI , a Hobtr Drug Co., JTebor Utah. MSmP, I
HfS People's Co-op., Lohl. Ulaii. J53$iPJ vl&s
tmu- ; M F. M". Walton. Poivilollo, Idaho, i. tSB nESA. 9
' i 13. IX Blackmail, 17G AV. Titli South, dK jcm
Daily Keporter Co., city. ffiaijliteii I
i Ed. .1-1. Shepard, X. V. Ltfo Ins. Co., lfe- I
flS 'I D'0"d f .jar'fagcr. 3 Perry Ave.,- jT S
Iflj i ;1 JerneJ Bcdonciilcli. Pueblo, Colo. TOMcw k
j 3 1'ocatcllo ?.lcrcantllc Co., Pocatello, Ju j
I 1 Gorton'u Supply' Store,' Jfe'oda SpringB, J
H ? H Central Newspaper Union. 355 Dear- ,a$ S V I
mwk i? K born strot, Clilcacro, 111. i s4s&il X i
I I 3 Irs- J:jHz,L Davis. Wlllard, Utah. XSmSiik. S JS&i' t
HI IS W Jns A. Smith, Thurher. Utah. &GtMvSfflm&. i
l W Oraiigevlll Co-op.. OranpevlIIe. Utah. - y,
MMIZ K' Callahan, Pioneer Nursery Co., 'Jvrjf t
WmV I G- J'-" Culmcr & Bro., 20 E. 1st So., yPZfSi I
Ot' W. Ilardcsty. 00 Rio Grande Ave..
M Hy!Sn Balrd, caro of Mutual Life Tot W,,gI,am Can"
H j mS' Chfti; Johnson, Fountain S' Rmond, Alberta. Can- I
D . Grocn. B. B. Mercantile Co.. Kaysvlllc, Utah.
Wm . Df' H Ralpy' Ci Moreantlle bile, Will G.' Farrell, 207 Deserct News
Hni . 10 ciij. bJUK". city
i' I Hey & I2msIc'- 1 S. 11th J3., II. Ay Houston, 1908 So. 1th East, ?
Ill J H II- p" Mason. Grass Creek, Utah. Dr."' 1 5. P. LeComnt Park Citv Tit-ih t
El ft NJ'e & Son. Garlleld, Utah. :ico M. l.oruf MuVrVv Iltih P
mm i i Ropor & Mayer, Zanff saloon, citv. I c. Bates Padc Ck'V II fih' 3
j! I Baron Co., Bingham Junction, Utah, a IL TJiusNl aie
II 2 Red Streaks of Honesty Exist In Everybody. S
Wt j I mia'rSlnk B.dor.tCta. LUk' Gen'' Mgr" 77"10 Com"
H; t MS"JBI"" gasm ,, nHr,11riTTlft1j i( h m nmji
I $1.00 a Week $1.00 a Week I
HI i ' 1 ps
II ij l Mercantile Installment Co. Si
mm ! S 74 West Second South
nj Ifc, makos a0 difference -whether it 13 before holidays or after, t
Mm 1 I fid 00I c'otncs ar xve11 to have on all occasions, !
Wm ,v,o can dress men and women with strictly hand-made j
MJ I the store WeCk' ne third ff " 'overtl,in in
M 1 $100 a Week $100 a Jjjgg
Do People
Shun Yoo.
"My, Wh Don't
You Have Gauss Cure That
Catarrh 7"
If ran continually k'hawk and spit and
thoro la a constant drlppluK from tho noso
Into the mouth, If you have foul, dls
fjustlnK breath, you havo Catarrh and
I can euro 1L
All you neod to do lo nlmply this: Fill
out coupon holow.
Don't doubt, don't arue! Tou have ev
erylhlnp to Rain, nothing: to lose by doing
as I tell you T want no money Just your
name nnd address.
This coupon Is good for one trial
package of Gauss' Combined Catarrh
Cure, mailed froe In plain package.
Simply fill In your name and address
on dotted lines below and mail to
C. E. GAUSS, 2325 Main Street,
Marshall, Mich.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 28. Sorao
excitement was caused at the Emery
ville racetrack this afternoon whon it
was discovered that 0110 of tho book
makers had disappeared with the moucy
E laced by bettors in the first race. The
00k was known as tho Golden Gato
club and was backed by K J. Grovor
and T- Crosby, who came recently to
M10 track olllcials and presented cre
dentials. Today Crosby, as cashier,
took in $1010 on tho first race. While
tho raco was being run, George Palmer,
ono of tho clerks of Iho booking con
cern, ran into the offico of the track
officials and reported that Crosby had
placed all of the money in a bag and
was leaving tho grounds. Detectives
pursued and arrested him near the gato,
where an automobile was awaiting him.
Grover was found in the grand stand
and was also taknu into custody.
After tho race the holders of win
ning tickets gathered around tho de
serted betting booth aud began clamor
ing for their money. Tho Now Cali
fornia Jockey club immediately placed
a new crew in charge, of the book, and
tho winners were paid out of the track
NKW YORK, Dec. 2S. Gov. RoberL
B. Glenn of North Carolina, in a let
ter received today replying lo a com
liumieation from J-ldward L. Andrews,
who represents holders of $11,000,000 of
special lax bonds which matured three
years ago, and which wero never paid,
declared that the Legislature had twice
repudiated the bonds and that tho Stato
would not pay one cent for them. Gov
ernor Glenn declares that North Caro
lina has ae tod fairly with its creditors,
but that it would not pay for bonds
'conceived in sin aud brought forth in
Mr. Andrews urged that a settlement
bo effected, stating that arrangomcnts
were being made to donate $3,000,000
of tho bonds to a foreign government
for the purposes of suit, since under tho
law individuals can not sno a State.
Tho question of payment of tho bonds
has boen the subject matter of inter
minable litigation. Payment of tho
bonds was declined because it was urged
that the agent who disposed of the
bonds failed to mako proper return to
tho Stato.
"WASHINGTON, Doc. 2S. Among tho
important bills which tho house will con
sider shortly after tho holiday adjourn
ment is that suspending for the year
1907 the requirement that $100 worth of
labor shall be done on mining claims in
the course of being perfected in tho
stales of Colorado, California, Oregon,
South Dakota and Idaho. TIub bill came
up for discussion in tho senate Decem
ber IS, but .because of certain objection
by Senator Carter of Montana it was
allowed to go over until Saturday last.
Then the bill having been amended, Sen
ator Carter withdrew his objection and
tho bill was passed.
Tn its amended form the bill provides
that the provisions of section 2321 of
the revised statutes shall be suspendod
for the year 1007 in tho states named,
so that" no mining claim which has
been regularly located and recorded as
requires by tho local law's and mining
regulations shall be subject to forfei
ture for non-performance of tho annual
assessment for tho year 1907, "provid
ing that the claimant or claimants of
any mining location in order to secure
tho benefits of this act shall cause to
be recorded in tho offico where the lo
cation notice or certificate is filed on
or before Decomber 31, 1907, a notice
that he or they in good faith .intend lo
hold and work said claim."
Horse Thief Pardoned.
GUTHRIE, Okla.. Dec. 28 Governor
C. N. Haskell tonight pardoned George
Tale, serving a seven years' aentonce
at the Lansing penitentiary for horse
stealing. Tata's aged father carried tho
fight that resulted in executive clem
ency to tho White House, after Gover
nor Frank Fraiitr, had refused to par
don his son. President Jtoosevelt in
dorsed tho application.
Husband and Wife Arrested.
CHICAGO, Dec. 28. Omcr Iiochottc
nnd, his wife were arrcsled hero today.
Thoy are wanted in Montreal on n
charge brought in connection with tho
death of tho man's first wifo, who died
in Quebec. November 17
Tlie Semi-Annual 1
"Which Happens Every Winter"
attlMUM-MWWMV y 1
We are prepared for the Greatest Clearance Sale of High
Grade Footwear, unparalleled in shoe-selling history.
Tiiere Will Be No Reserve
r Every Shoe, Oxford and Slipper in the entire establishment on the main
Pll floor, in all sizes and widths, fitted by expert salespeople who know how, at a N
4& Reduction of 10 to 50 Per Cent-
g The Bargain Basement is again fitted up for lovers of economy and high grades. Nearly 20,000 pairs' of
il "Money-Back" Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers for Men, Women and Children in lines that are broken or discon
I tinued, go at HALF AND LESS of their regular value. READ THESE PRICES.
s ft
M. For Men.
ft? H tf E!ff or Shes worth up
JW to $7.50. Made by
Bannister, Nettleton,
Snow, Kneeland, Excelsior Shoe Co.
and other celebrated makers; in all
leathers, lasts and styles.
9PJ For Men's Slippers, in all
OC leathers, colors and lasts.
Sold regularly up to $5.00
$1 flfc Ef 'or ys' Shoes, in
A r all leathers, lasts and
styles; worth up to $3.00.
For little Gents' and Youths'
Shoes, in all leathers, lasts
and styles; worth up to $2.50.
5 For Polish worth 25 c.
jf For Foot Warmers worth 25c
jj iFor 6 pair Laces worth 25 c.
For Men's and Boys'
For Women,
$H OS or Skes' Oxfords
JL anc Slippers, in all
leathers. Made by
Foster, Wichert & Gardiner, Latteman,
Duttenhoffer, Armstrong and other cel
ebrated makers. Sold up to $10.00.
9(F For Shoes, Slippers and
13 C Oxfrcls in all leathers, lasts
and styles, that sold up to $5
$ C!l 1 or 'are m563' or
JL-j3 sma Eadies' Boots,
high cut regular lines.
Sold up to $3.00.
Id Ef or Msses and Children's j
ff 3C Shoes, in all leathers, lasts
and styles; Skuffers and other !
celebrated makes. Worth up to $3.00
E? For Women's and Misses' j
3 Crochet and Turkish Slippers. j
Worth up to $1.25.
6 For Children's hand turned !
Shoes. Worth up to $2.00. ;
IJ g For Polishing Outfit, brush, ;
jL 3 daUrjer) and guaranteed pol- j
isb. Worth 25c. i
There Will Be No Exchanges, Approvals or Refunds , ' . : ' M j
' v :!''' ' ; ' on Table Shoes , ; J
vit b EE HEME WITH THE S'' J i