OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, December 29, 1907, Image 27

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045396/1907-12-29/ed-1/seq-27/

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I in!
; I Park City
i I Society
"8 Special to The Tribune,
t- f- PARK CITY, Dec. 28. Tho Seniors
u fflpf tho P.irk hiuh school pnvo a sleigh
"j.J jn party Friday ovening, and after
INhuir return, eu.ioyed a lioi: supper lit
8 tho homo of their matron, "Miss Minnio
h f Cunningham. '.Die quests included the
'.' ' Misses Mj'rtlo Petersou, Irma Evans,
M3laneh Deighton, Edna Sutton, Bessie
l j 3urnicolt. Pearl Crowthcr, Mac Nim-
' mo, Ed Harrington and "William Dea
: I son.
I Tlie G. A. R. club enjoyed a slcigh-
, iug party Friday evening. Lato in the
' evening thev had luncheon at Waters
; brothers, 'Those of tho party, includ-
C-Vi-V'- ' lnc chaperon, were the Masses Bes
"' ' I sio Cushing, Bessie McClelland, Olivo
Smith, Anna Wilson, Dora "Evans, Mil
',' 4 drod Wilson, Mirian Iiaddon, Emily
J Foster, Jeanio Sherman.
The Wizart club mot with Miss Olivo
t, ; ' Allen Friday afternoon. Luncheon was
":- ' sorved after the programme. Thoso
"- laking part wcro tho blisses Dora
f(V-c Evans, Bessie Cushing, .Tcanio Sherman,
7 Rose Nils, Blanch Dcighton, Laura Ilud-
fb't Tessio Nils; Olive Allen, Virginia
1 . Sutherland, Laura Townscnd and Miss
' . 'A Mao Celine, tho teacher.
.''v;x Mr. and Mrs. Eugcno Giles cnior
1 ai iicct at a prettily appointed dinnor
. .2-1 Christmas evening. Tlio decorations
''xjM tvorc in keeping with the festive sea
5Vy''f ' son and covers wcro laid for Mr. and
i&W-. rs- 1J' - Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. O.
W. Allen, Miriam Hubbard, Miss
wtf, Allen and Georgo Giles.
"y- Mrs. L. McClelland entertained at a
3?E3&j family dinner Christmas day. Covers
FfcSzm wore laid for Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc
yjljaffi Clelland and Mr. and Mrs. P. Sinoot
iSt of Salt Lake, John, Bessio and Neccy
ySlB McClelland.
jS$jsH i Mrs. T. Wilson was hostess at a pleas
fWB ant family dinner on Wednesday. Car
fflgjg nations wcro used in decorating the
? alMf board, and covers were laid for Mr. and
rr-'IgK Mrs. J. Guyman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
1 Lenzi, Mr. and Mrs. Will Rosevcavo
'-f and their families, and Miss Iiildrcd
' . Wilson
l'B Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sherman had, as
IHter their guests Christmas day, for dinner,
MS Mr. and Mrs. John Thomson and Dr.
W. J. Bardslcy.
H Mr. and Mrs. William Ttocdman cn-
H tcrtained very delightfully at dinnor
Wcdnesda- in honor of friends.
Hi Misses Mao Baillee entertained at
Hi dinner on Wednesday at tho homo of
H "W. J. Buch. Their guests wcro Mr. and
- Mrs. W. S. Buck, T. L. Waldon
HI Thomas Fraser, Frank Keith and Jack
HI Mr. and Mrs. F. McEwan entertained
HV the M. E. club Friday ovening, De
HV, comber 27.
- r V- -i: i i " 3 it .rl
ju.r."j. Ji.. iuier tmui lamuu iuu iui
lowing relatives and friends at dinner
on Wednesday: Mr. and Mrs. Fried
man and two children, Mrs. C. McFar
land and daughter Ida, Lottie, Jake and
Mike Oliner.
Mrs. J. L. Wilson had as her guests
on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. D. King
and daughter Mary, Jennio, Teenio and
John Wilson.
Mr. A. A, Pike had a Christmas tree
party for his two children on Wednes
da Tho guests were Miss Sadie
Porter. Mr. and Mrs. W. Porter and
baby, Mr. and Mrs. D. Scott and chil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. A. It. Wecter, and
the Misses Tessie and Eva Lambert.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Weeter enter
tained very informally at dinner on
Christmas day.
Mrs D. B. Shields and little daughter
Marv Watson have gono to the city to
reside. Mr. Shields will join them the
first of the new year.
Miss Amber Bardsloy wtsnt to the city
on Monday, and she may possibly visit
with Ely "friends before her "return
Mr. and Mrs. Tfenry Welsh went
down to the metropolis on Tuesdav to
Hpend tho holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
James Ivors.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clapp and two
Rons are visiting in Salt Lake with Mr.
and Mrs. W. II. Clapp.
Mr and Mrs. George L. Geiger of
Salt Lake spent Sunday in Park with
Misses Crescent Smith, of the TJni
ry'rersity of Utah, is spending her vaca
tion with her parents.
32r Miss Margaret Paul, of Salt Lake.
oWJH 's the guest of her parcntSj Mr. and
loftW Mrs. P. Paul.
0V Mr. and Mrs. Art McClellan, and
JHB Mr. and Mrs. Parley Smoot of Zion,
ISk are guests of Mrs. McClellan and fami-
Mr. and Mre. John Welsh entertained
llAm Miss Agnes Harrington at dinner on
and Mrs, Y. T. Yonngberg en
Ssl tertaincd Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Short
at dinner.
tx Mrs. Sherman Fargo entertained the
afternoon 500 club on Friday.
tlSS Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Lockhart gave a
ffitx dinner on Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs.
jllifol E. J. Beggs, Tcssio and DIa Beggs and
itflk C'lifton Lockhart.
ijp Dr. and MrE. E. P. Lecompto gave
UfjK pleasant dinner party on Christmas.
lVBr Those present were tho Misses Kellv
and Mackler. Judge- and Mrs. W. I.
pbEm Snyder. Mrs. H. Wells. Mrs. S. S. Beers,
jo'iftj Miss Hannah and Ed Lecompto and
J. Nelson.
i5y !Miss Fannie Howarth and H. Davis
ciiSjf were quietly married in Salt Lake on
VII Thursday, December 26.
Ijf The Congregational church had their
Jw Christmas exercises for tho children on
Jl 1' Tuesday.
0$ k The Volunteer Firemen had a social
at City Hall Thursday evening. About
1 fifty members were present.
1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Guyman and
two children spent Christmas with Mrs,
T. Wilson and family.
Mr. and Mrs. O'Donncll went down
' ' ip Salt Lake on Tuesday to spend tho
'lolidays with relatives.
) : Eddio Evans, who has been nttond-
I ing scJiooI at Logan, i3 visiting with
t : Sheriff and Mrs. Evans,
8 Mr. and Mrs. Holland and daughter,
f i Adelaido, went down to the city on
1 Thursday to visit with relatives.
j ' Miss Hortcnso Lockhart will spend
thin wook in Park with Mr. and Mrs.
I O. C. Lockhart.
1 Mrs, Al Fleming and Miss Mao Sny-
I A'loneyback means that
I the tea is good ' and well
" worth the money.
1 i Can't mean anything:
I else.
m- , Vot,r crocrr rsliirnfi your tnoner if joii don't
. W Uko Skljillins's Best: we juy him.
Piles I
We Want Every Pile Sufferer to Test '
vThls Great Cure at Our Expense,
Send Your Name and Add're3s for
a Free Trial Package.
.ir WlllL to send von a froo (rial of
tho Great Pyramid Pile Cure at once, so
you can sec with your own eyes what it
can do.
You cure yourself with perfect en.se. In
your own home, and for llttlo expense.
1-yramld Vn Cure gives you prompt
roller. Jt hcnl.s sores nutl ulcers, and
talcos away pain, Itching and irritation.
After you havo tiled the sample treat
ment, and you nr satisfied, you can pot
,,u1' repuJar-slz&d treatment of Pyramid
Pile Curo at your druggist's for 50 cents.
If no hasn't It, send us tho money and
wo will send you tho treatment at once,
by mull, in plain scaled package
Send your name and address at onco
tor a trial of this marvelouo, quick, suro
cure. Address Pyramid .Drug Co., 00
Pyramid Hldg.. Mnrshall. Mich.
dor of Salt Lake are guests of Miss
Florence Talbot at the Daly West.
Mrs. TL Wells and Mrs. S. Beers of
Salt Lake nnd California aro guests of
Dr. nnd Mrs. E. V. Lecompto.
Tho Misses Amy and Isabel Osborne
of Salt Lake will "spend thiH week with
Miss Hannah Lecompto.
Miss Cloo Getsch of Salt Lake is tho
guest of Miss Florence Cronin.
.Mrs. E. L. Talbot niid baby girl are
visiting in Eureka with relatives and
Miss Evn Lnmbcrt is visiting in Zion
with Miss Eva Hamlin.
Mrs. C. A. Wade and daughter, Ella,
of Salt Lake, aro guosts of Mr. and Mrs.
A. 2sT. Martin.
M. and Mrs. A. Konyon and sister,
Mis9 Joan Woods, of Salt Lake, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. McGill spent I
Christmas in Zion with Mr. and Mrs.
J. McSorloy.
Mr. and Mrs.' William Dickcrt went
down to tho city Wednesday to visit
with rolatives.
Sol lloscnbaum of Salt Lake iB tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. ,1. Frankol.
Miss Elsie Sirydcr of Salt Lnko is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. F. It. Sny
der. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gallivan and two
children and Mrs. S. J. Wilson spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kearns.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Snyder of Zion
visited with Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Le
compto two days tho past week.
Miss Jessie Bradshaw is spending her
vacation at Huntsvillo.
Miss Margaret Wilson is visiting in
Diamondville, Wyo., with relatives.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Murray and children
are visting in Hebcr with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thomloy have
returned from Provo and will again
take up their residence in Park City.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Gillette returned
to Salt Lake on Monday after a ten
days' visit with relatives at the Wa
bash mine.
Mrs. Anna Coulon and son, Charles,
went down to the city to spend Christ
mas with Mr. and Mrs. T. Kearns.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. McEwan spent
Christmas in Zion with relatives.
Sam Treweek, Percy Parker, F. O.
Peterson, Col. JT. Treweek, were Salt
Lake passengers the past week.
Miss Alico Mohlmau is visiting in
Hober with relatives.
Miss Nellie Jennings came homo from
tho city to spend tho holidays with her
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frankol enter
tained at dinner on Wednesday in honor
of Sol Kosenbaum of Salt Lake.
Mr. and Mrs, McGohan wont down
to Salt Lake on Tuesday to spend the
holidays with, Mr. and Mrs. M. Con
nelly and family.
Professor Willinra Miller gave a danc
ing matinee and ball at Maple hall
Christmas afternoon and evening, both
events being well attended by old and
Ontario school, assisted by its teacher,
Miss Laura Townscnd, gave a Christ
mas tree party to the pupils on Friday.
The parents and pupils enjoyed the oc
casion, and with music, refreshments,
etc., the time was spent only too quick
ly. Thoso taking part were Charles
McDonald, Alta Jcnson. Edith Dunbar,
Bessie Murray. John Mulcahey, Kate
Clurnan, John Burt, Anua Mulcahey, F.
Richardson, A. Murraj', Roso Fouutaine,
David Mitchell.
Mrs. Walter Scott of Salt Lake- spent
Friday in Park with friends.
' J. W. Gciger of Salt Lake is the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shields.
The many friends of Arthur Williams
will bo pained, to learn that he is very
ill with pneumonia.
Loose Leaf Devices.
Tribune-Reporter Ptg. Co., 66 W. 2nd
So. St.
Tribune Want Ads.
Bell phono 5201. Ind. phono 360-348.
Bingham Notes
and Personals
Special to The Tribune
BINGHAM, Dec. 28. Herman Holm,
one of the proprietors of the Canyon
club, had his leg broken Thursday in a
friendly scuffle. Jle will bo laid up
about a month.
The Boston Consolidated gave a rau
sicale Christmas evo at the clubhouse
at workings No. 2. Music was fur
nished by tho boys, assisted by a 6tring
orchestra from Lower Bingham.
The Women's Unity club will moct
at Mrs. Formun's Wednesday, Janu
ary S.
The whist club enjoyed it s seventh
weekly party at Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Dudley's residence. A light luncheon
was served nnd all had a good time.
The highest prizes wero'wou by Mr.
and Mrs. V. W. Qninn; second highest
by Mr, and Mrs. V. B. Jones,' and tho
booby prizes bv C. L. Countrj-uiau and
Mrs. A. T. Williams.
Tho L. D. S. Sunday-school gavo tho
littlo folks a party at the ward mect-ing-houso
last Sunday in remembrance
of Christmas. Recitations, songs and
music were features of tho occasion.
Each child in -attendance was given a
sack of candy and nuts from Santa
W. S. Mack of tho Highland Boy
mine, lately employed by tho Phoanix
mine, left recently for southern Cali
fornia, where, it is said, ho will locate.
MrB. Gilpin, wife of Rev. R. E. Gil
pin, is slowly recovering from her ro
.cont illness.
Tho I. 0. 0. F. lodges of camp will
danco the old year out and tho new one
in by giving a grnnd ball Now Year's
eve. It. promises to bo tho most elabo
rate uflair of tho year. Supper will
be served at tho Klmerton hotel.
Provo Society
! I '
Special to Tho Tribune.
PROVO, Dei 2S. Miss Georgia
Hoogland of this city and N. Donald
Forsyth of Pinto were married Monday
in Salt Lake -ity. Miss Hoogland is
one of Provo 's popular young Indies
and has a host ot iriends who will re
gret her leaving the city. Mr. and
Mrs. Forsyth left Thursday evening for
Pinto, where they will reside.
Mrs. T. T. Thompson and Miss Edith
Dunham entertained Rev. and Mrs. J.
O. Smith and family at dinucr Christ
inns. Mr, nnd Mrs. Frank FouU and fam
ily havo returned from Price, whero
thev spent Christmas. They are guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foutz.
Miss Fern Goddard entertained tho
Jolly Dozen at her homo Thursday
evening, Tho evening passed pleasant
ly in games and music. Dainty refresh
ments were sorved.
Mrs. William Bean was the pleasing
hostess at a Kensington at her home
Friday afternoon. About forty lady
friends passed a social afternoon. A
delicious lunch was sorved.
Dr. and Mrs. Androw J. Stewart of
Ml. Pleasant spent Christmas in Provo
at tho homo of Mrs. Stewart's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Young.
A very unique entertainment was
given Christmas eve at tho Proctor
academy by the intermediate and pri
mary departments, consisting of a
Christmas cantata and oporetta, after
which Santa Claus distributed presents.
The evening was greatly enjoj'ed by all
Mr. Verne' Phillips and Miss Stella
Young, two popular young pcoplo of
this city.'wore married in the Salt Lake
Temple Monday. A family dinner was
served in their honor the samo ovening
at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Oscar B. Young. Mr. and
Mrs. Phillips will be at homo to their
friends after January 15. A largo cir
clo of friends extend congratulations
and best wishes to tho happy couple.
Tho jolly class of 1909 pf tho B. Y.
univorsity gave a very enjoyablo skat
ing part3" at tho Eldred rink Tuesday
evening, after which a banquet was
served at tho Olympia Cafe. Covers
wero laid for forty.
Mr. Georgo Beebc, who is at presont
employed in Salt Lake Citv, spent
Christmas with his parents, "Mr. and
Mrs. D. R. Becbe, in this city.
Postmaster Clove spent Thursday in
Salt Lake City.
Miss La Preal Dunn spent Christmas
with her sister, Mrs. Georgo Thompson,
in Salt Lako City.
Mrs. Mar' Young of Salt Lake is
sponding tho holidays in this cit-, tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ward.
Miss Edith Dunham delightfully en
tertained the little ones of her kin
dergarten department and their parents
ab a Christmas treo and entertainment
at the Proctor acadomy Friday after
noon. A merry afternoon was passed
by the littlo ones and each carried away
a token from the tree,
Mr. and Mrs. James Daniels enter
tained at a family dinner at their homo
Christmas. Covers wero laid for twenty.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham of Salt Lake
aro spending the holidays with rel
atives and iriends in Provo.
Mrs. Clara Henrio entertained at a
family Christmas dinner at hor home.
Covers wero laid for eighteen.
A pretty homo wedding took placo
Tuesday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Peters, when their son
LoRoy and Miss Ida Hardy wero joined
in wedlock. Bishop Lars Nelson of
ficiated. The ceremony was performed
at 5 o'clock, in tho presence of the
family. Later in tho evening about
150 guests responded to the invitation
to participate in the wedding festiv
ities. The bride was charming in white
mull. Tho rooms were artistically dec
orated with holly and carnations. A
protty alcove was formed where the
nappy voung couplo received tho con
gratulations of their many friends. Tho
presents were valuable and useful. An
elaborate wedding supper was served.
Miss Jessie Foutz is spending tho
holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Foutz, of Price.
The members of tho Kin Ora club
enjoyed a skating party at the Eldred
rink Friday evening.
Miss Mina Ifouston of tho clerk's
office spent Christmas in American
The Misses Mao and Virginia nenry
delightfully entertained at the homo of
their parents Sunday evening in honor
of tho fifty-fifth birthdav anniversary
of their mother, Mrs. W. K. Henry. The
evening was pleasantly passed in games
and music. A delicious lunch was served
to twenty-five guests.
Mrs. Thomas Roylanco is visiting her
mother, Mrs. Mario Alberg of Eureka,
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. lU'mm J. Smith of
Lchi spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Hyrum Smith of this city.
Christmas at Olmstcad.
Tho customary Christmas festival
was held by tho Tclluride Institute at
Olmstcad. Jt was thought by many
that the decorations of last year would
.be hard to equal, but thoso or this year
wore fully as good. Tho largo quarters
building which is used as a school and
quarters for tho institute boys, was tho
scene of tho greatest gaiety. Rooms
wero appropriately and profusely deco
rated with evergreen, holly and mistle
toe. Probably tho most attractivo apart
ment was tho basement of tho quarters
building, whero a tcn-courao banquet
wus sorved. The large room was lined
by banks of ovcrgreen and tho tables
wcro decorated with tea roses and car
nations. Tho dinner wns prepared by
Salt Lako chefs, aud tho Mozart or
chestra was in attendance. One hun
drod and fifteen pcoplo, coming from
Tclluride works in Idaho, Colorado and
Utah, wero seated. During tho banquet
Professor Thornhill read telegrams of
congratulation from members who could
not be present. Among theso telegrams
was one from L. L. Nunn, who has been
delayed in tho East. After tho banquet
an informal programmo of about an
hour was enjoyed, Tho remainder of
the evening was spent in visiting and
dancing. The merrymaking was regret
fully slopped nt 9:30, when a upoeial
train carried tho guests to Provo.
Professor Thornhill seemed to voice
tho sentiments of thoso present by stat
ing that tho only regrotu of tho day
wcro the absonco of Borne members, lfe
especially mentioned Mr. Nunn, the
founder and promoter of theso Christ
mas anniversaries and the friend of ail
institute members.
In tho Eyes of the Wise
Vienna Bakery bread is always the
"beBt," Ask your grocer for it.
Well-screened clean Castle Gate,
Clear Creek, Winter Quarters nut; and
lump coal delivered for $5.75, at yard
1 Ogden Society j
I a
Special to Tho Tribune.
OGDEN, Dee. 28. Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. ShoaJj announco Iho engagomcnt of
their sister, Miss ISIsa Grocnr to Harry
Nathaniel Kirby of New York,
The Traveling Mens' association
gavo a pleasantly arranged danc
ing pnrtv on Friday evening at Con
gress academy.
Mrs. Furry Dicker and children aro"
up from Provo for tho holidays.
Mrs. J. B. McC'rackeu will entertain
tho members of tho Homo Culture club
on Thursday afternoon, January ;J, at
her homo at 35-19 Washington avenue.
Miss Etta Thurston is spending the
week with friends iu Salt Lake.
Miss Winnia llogan of St. Louis is
the guest of Miss Lillian Cummings.
The Misses Ethel and Florcnco Grav
entertained about tvouty-fivo of thefr
young friends on Tuesday evening.
Games and music, followed by supper,
were enjoyed and the rooms were gayly
decorated in red and green.
Miss May Morris is spending tho
holidays in Los Angeles with her-aunt,
Mrs. M. M. Morris.
Miss Georgia Leo will givo a watch
party on Tuesday evening for about
twenty frionds.
Mrs.. F. M. Driggs and oistcr. Miss
Short, havo gono to Silver Springs to
visit a brother. Mr. Short has mining
interests thoro and during their stay
will givo a dance at "the mine.
Mrs. P. C. Koerner and children left
Friday for Los Angeles to Bpend tho
Miss Pearl Green is homo from the
coast for tho holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Casaidy
aro back from thcir wedding trip,
which was spent in California, and have
taken apartments with Mrs. Hollings
worth on Monroo avenuo.
Miss Marj' Edwards is spending the
holidays with relatives in Salt Lake.
Mies Dorothy Stanley was hostess at
an informally-arrangccf card party on
Christmas eve. High fivo was the
came and prizes wore won by Miss
Vivian Smith, Miss Lillian llolmos,
Bert Harrows and Edwin Wilson. The
rooms wero decorated with cvergmen,
holly and flowors. About twenty guests
wore present.
Mr. and Mrs. William van Allen spent
Monday in Salt Lake with frionds.
Mr. and Mrs. George Forrester of
Salt Lako visited relatives in the city
during the week.
Miss Edna Miller returned Tuesday
from a fivo weeks' visit with friends
in San Francisco.
Mrs. C. W. Barnes visited tho family
of her brother, A. E. Graham, in Salt ;
Lako this week. j
Mrs. M. A. Peters and son Ray of !
Salt Lako aro guests of Mrs. H. Dr
Bingham for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. William McK night of
Ely, Nov., aro spending the holidays
with Mrs. McKnight's parents, Mr. and
.Mrs. Fred A. Shiells.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Home have gono
to El Paso, Tex., for a few weeks' visit
vrith relatives of Mrs. Horn.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Pearco auuouncc
tho engagement of their daughter
Norma to Wilbcrt H. Tyler of Boise,
Ida., tho marriage to take placo at an
early date.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Carr wcro Salt
Lako visitors this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dovino have re
turned from a Bovoral weeks' wedding
trip, spent in the East.
Mrs. Emmctt G. Fulkcrspn left Fri
day for her homo in Chicago, after a
few weeks' visit here with her mother,
Mrs. D. II. Peory. She was accom
panied East by her brother Louis, who
will leavo soon for Germany on a
Miss Ida Carpenter loft Monday for
a few weeks' 6tay with relatives in Los
Angeles. ,
Miss Louise Garner of Gnlveston.
Tex., is tho guest of Miss Laura Wheel
ing for a fow weeks. j
Miss Mildred Calvin was hostess on
Tuesday at a pleasantly arranged after
noon affair, the occasion boiug in honor
of her sixteenth birthday. Holiday
greens, carnations and red ribbons
formed the decorations, tho table being
especially pretty with red chiffon bows
and red carnations. In a guessing con
test prizes wero won by Miss Ella Ilad
lov and Miss Lou Price. A dainty sou
venir was given to each guest and those
present wore Misses Erma Dickson,
Olivo Fisher. Ruby Dean. Mario Haw
kins, Vera Moon. Ella Hadloy, Cora
Forrest, Amanda Robertson, Lou Price,
Hazel Stewart, llattio Stewart and
Bessie Brown.
Miss Dossie Spencer has invitations
out; for New Year's eve.
Miss Frances Joyce, wlm is home
from Ann Arbor for the holidays, was
hostess at an afternoon affair "yester
day. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Driggs were hosts I
on Christmas day at a beautifully ar
ranged dinner party, their guests being
thoir paronts, their brothers and sisters,
Mr. and. Mrs. .1. G. Paine and family
and Mr. aud Mrs. John T, Hurst t anil
family. Tho home was bcautifnljv doc
oratcd in red and green red bells and
streamers of red ribbou forming a very
pretty offccl. A small Norwegian pine
formed tho table centerpiece and
streamers of red ribbon radiated from
the branches of tho tree to each place
Mrs. I. L. Reynolds has gone to St.
Joseph, Mo., to spend a month with relatives
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot roach tho scat of tho disease. Ca
tarrh 1h a blood or constitutional dlaeaso,
and in ordor to cure it you mut talto In
ternal rcmodlo8. Hall's Catarrh Curo la
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Wood and mucous nurfacos. llall'u Ca
turrh Curo 1b not a quack medicine. It
was proscribed by one of tho host phy
niclan3 In this country for ycara and Is a
regular prescription. It Is romposod of
tho bent tonics known, combined with the
bent blood purlflcry, acting dlroctly on the
mucous surfaces. Tho porfort combina
tion of tho two Ingredients Ih what pro
duces audi wonderful results in curing
Cutnrrh. Send for testimonials froa
V. .7. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, O.
Sold by drugglstH, prlco 75c.
Take Hull's Kamlly Pills for conatlpa-tlon.
The New Talmud Publishing Co. I
OIr BOSTON aro now ready to tako I
mibscrlptlonfi for Dr. Rodklnson's I I
trnnnlation of B
Cash or installment. Send for pricou. I
Prospectus mailed free. D
World. I
823 Colonial Building, Boston. Mass.
9 AND now comes tho final warning that on. January
B Klnit this special offer mado solely to INTRODUCE
ADVANCED. You have not a day to lose if you delay
V you will hnvu to pay nibrc. Hundreds havo already availed
y themselves of thl opportunity nnd all pronounce the
BNEW treatment tho .safest, surenl, quickest relief from
Catarrhal troubles in the world. It Is your, chance NOW
but you have Just 3 days left in which to apply. Act
H today. After January ilrst Drs. Shores will again charge
1 regular rates for treatment If you want to be cured for
?S a month you must apply at once,
j If you wait too long you are the loser If you wnlt and
y pay $10 to 520 for this treatment you will still gel value
; v received, but you will havo neglected the greatest monoy
I saving opportunity of your life.
I Pcoplo no longer say "I BELIEVE Drs. Shores New
w Treatment Cures Catarrh" thoy havo tried the Now ,
Treatment thoy havo Keen lta wonderful merits anil
now say, "I KNOW Drs. Shores' New Treatment
Cures quickly and surely." This Is the trcament you
can get for S3 a month during December only tho true
tissue builder tho euro germ destroyer a poHltlve
Catarrh Curo. Corao today and take no chances of being
crowded out at tlio closing hourH. Consultation and ad
vice Free for any disease whether you tako treatment or
V OH. G, W.
Drs. Shores not only cure Catnrrh. but they cure Ner
vous Diseases, Kidney Diseases, Bladder Hroubles, Heart
Dlscases. Diseases of tho Stomach and Bowels, Piles,
Fistula and Rectal Diseases, Female Complaints. Diseases
of Women and Children, Rickets, Spinal Troubles. Skin
Diseases. Deafness. Asthma, Bronchial and Lung Trou
bles, Ovarian Diseases, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Hay Fever,
Neuralgia, Hysteria, Ear Diseases, Goitre (or Big Neck),
., Lost Manhood, Blood Diseases. Diseases of tho Prostate
Gland, Varicocele, etc.. Scrofula and all orms of Ner-
Voua and Chronic Diseases that aro curable.
No one need to be doprlvcd of tho
i advantages of this SPECIAL OF
3 FER because of living away from
3 tho city. WRITE DRS. SHORES
IB AT ONCE. If you cannot call, FOR
QUESTION BLANKS, and tako ad
vantage of Drs. Shores' SPECIAL
( If you llvo out of town and cannot
i write before this offor expires send
this "ad" with your letter nnd you
will be allowed the ?3 rato for Can
turrhal diseases.
Drs. Shores & Shores
Houston Block, '49 Main St.,
Ofllce Hours Week days. 9 a. m. to
5 p. m. Evenings. 7 to 8 p, m. Sun
days and Holidays 10 a. m. to 12 noon.
Do You Have Catarrh? j I j
Many Folks Do Have Catarrh and Don't Wnow It. I ! 9
CATARRH IN THE HEAD Don't risk neglecting theso 1 '
AND THROAT. warnings s.t op tho disease '
before it reaches the lungs. H
This form of catarrh is most ' qf THE EARS H H
common, resulting from nog- . . , . . ' n
lectcd colds quickly cured Catarrh extends from th I N
1 with littlo cost by Drs. throat along tho eustachian 1 ,Mf
Shores' Famous Treatment. tubes into the cars, causing ;l
"Is your noso stopped up?" Rar,l,,a11 or co"iplf.t,e ,dafness: 1 I
"Does your nose dls- Quickly cured with little cost fl
' charge?" DrSt Shores famous n m
! "Is your nose sore and ten- treatment. ' W i
dcr'" Is your hearing failing? ! , m i
"is there pain In front of '.'.?0.J:'0Ur car? discharge?" .
head?" 'Is the wax drying in your m j
' "Do you hawk to clean car,?J" , v. - I
l tho throat7" Do 'ou ,iesir better some Sb ;
"Is your "throat dry in tho da'Ts tl,an others?" .
morning'" Is 'our hearing worse i f mk j
"Do you sleep with your whrm you have a cold?" , ,
mouth open?" -on neglect this until . 1
You can bo cosily cured 'our hearing Is irreparably : S
now don't let it run into destroyed. h . gf
complications. OF THE STOMACH. . SR
THE BRONCHIAL TUBES. Catarrh of tho Btomach Is h ; Ij
usually caused by swallow- , H
When catarrh of the head or Ing poisonous mucous which ? J j
throat is neglected or wrong- drops down from the head ij
fully treated it extends down and throat at night. Quickly ;n
the windpipe into the bron- cured at little cost by Drs. H
chlal tubos, and after awhile Shores' famous treatment. : " 1
attacks the lungs. Quickly "Is there nausea?"
cured with little cost by Dra. "Do you belch up gas?"
Shores famous treatment. "Arc you constipated?" . i
"Have you a cough?" "Is your tongue coated?" ;
"Do you take cold easily?" "Do you bloat up after cat- 3 '
"Have you pain in the side?" ing?" ! i fi
"Do you raise frothy ma- "Is there constant had I ft
teriols?" taste In the mouth?" ft jj
"Do you spit up little cheesy Now is the time to be per- KB I
lumps?" mancntly cured. Drs. Shores 'In 1
"Do you feel you are grow- aro curing hundreds every 0 jl
ing weaker?" year. 1 ,l 1
MEM A Special Department for MEN II
Drs. Shores maintain a Special Department exclusively for the treatment B Ij s
and euro of all diseases of Men, no matter bow caused. You can consult 1 il l
Drs- Shores about the most delicate or embarrassing troubles, with the aa- j
surauce that vou will be given honest advico and skilful treatment, and g X
who 'are weak and failing young men who havo been led astray by bad I II j
companions old men who find their sexual vigor gone tho victim of Blood 9 af j
Poison, and all others who need the counsel and aid of experienced and E 1 J
kiudlv phj'sicians, arc cordially in- fl SJ 1
vited'to consult this department and THE PROSTATE GLAND. fl II i
bo advised PR EE OP CHARGE. Wo JfhfLp!onrB am,01ls tlho 1 IJ P
,,. ,nr(, (i.,m nii tho "P'ike Medical Profession In discovering that fl kill
euro .more men than all tne L le nearly every case of so-called "Weak- M
Medical Institutes" in the city com- ncss.. ln men lc due to enlargement or B U t
I bincd. ISO cheap, lured doctors. inflammation of the Prostata Gland. K II
So suro is the Curo under Drs. Imitators now copy Drs. Shores' ad- I If S
SHORES' MODERN METHODS IN vertlscments and claim to relieve thin J . : l J
all private diseases that you may trouble but Drs. Shores' treatment is It
. -,fr Mm fnn t'nr n Pnro ,,ot plven or even known by any "Faka vl 0
I arrange to pay the fee tor a Lure Mcdfcal company" in tho World. W
in small weekly or monthly install- The treatment Is local It is original Mil
1 ments. as the cure progresses, or you nnd scientific, and Is tho only effective ftflK
I may PAY WHEN CURED. No mat- method to CURE this common and j 'ilffiB
tor what your troublo is, or who has terrible trouble- You can not get this SJIIfj
W $?'irT3&S: SEW SShoree?hSScSa8 j f t
Master Specialists, lreo of charge, .ant a'crjRH appiy dIrect to Drs. 1 INK
and learn how- you can yet be cured. shores & Shores, the originators of n
CALL OR WRITE. wnerfuMrment.
ISyjfe Has come to Salt Lake to stay. Why? Because it is 1 ffl
TfajSjf backed by a Jargc concern, capable of handling a great I fifa!
WjjS ainoiiufc of business to the satisfaction of its patrons and
! f GAS LIGHT ' 1
P i 1 -. has demonstrated itself to be tho best of all forms of illumination, as woll as ; $V?
P tho cheapest. Wo install these lamps at cost, and for a very small charge -iti'la
fl keep them trimmed and burning at their fullest efficiency all the time. Lot us Ij fe'M
I show you tho perfect results wo aro obtaining in hundreds of casos and figure
0 ,on putting better and cheapor light in your placo of business. ; jjf
j Utah Gas Coke Co, j. ' ill
I Gi-65 Maiu St. ' ' 'Phones 4321 j !g
I m AX! TT A I I PIANOS, $50.00 and Up. I '
JrUStt ORGANS, $25.00 and Up. : Jf
RUfjor & Llndley, Salt Lako, dG South Main St. ' f,M

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