Newspaper Page Text
M 30 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 29, 1907. Mh 1 . . . . . i .buai-MiiiKN niiun..u.. ' I ft DEED H I.,Me1rlT7u1s7 AElmcr. f ' -4 nncd 34 years, Friday morning nL -1 o'clock at 17 Wost Fifth South 8trcot. p i The funoral will titkc place Monday aft- i ' crnoon at 2 o'clock from the family I ' residence. 17 Wost Fifth South street. Jn torment In ML Olivet cemetery. CARNEY In this eltv. December 27. 1007, William O. Carney, son of WU , Ham and Jernlma Howard Carney; born September 29. 1S70. Funeral will take . 1 placo from O'Donncll fc Co.'s funeral chapel Sunday afternoon at " o'clock. I Interment in City cemetery. Services and interment will be strictly private. 1 Canadian and Seattle papers ploaso copy, is j ALLEY. At 312 First avenue, Waterloo, - tfy December 2S, 1907, of consumpilon, I; U Mary 12. Alley, wife of George L. Alloy, i I in her fortieth year. The remains woro k ' .shipped by Undertaker Joseph William s , J Taylor this morning on the 7:15 Oregon II Short Lino to Ridgeway, Mo. I! ft FUNERAL DIRECTORS Vt ERER W. HALL. UNDERTAKER AND . v embnlmer, 225 S. West Temple; phonos , 1 1010. V493 L CUT FLOWERS ,f and designs. Undor Nat'l Bank of Rep. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. R. p McKcnzlo. Display yards, 422"S, Suite. WANTED II els, magazines. 132 W. So. Temple. I WISH t .WILL CARE FOR HORSES FOR USE. f 48S E. 9th South. w2523 PARTY HAVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS ( for shipment toBolse, Nampa, Caldwell l or Payctto. Ida., can savo money by In . quiring Mitchell Transfer Co. w2517 A WOMAN WANTS WASHING AT HER f homo, 143 Social Hall avenue. w2516 J TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR UN- furnished rooia; gas connections prc j f erred; suitable for light housekeeping; J or one largo front room, and board, by 1 young couple, who can givo best of ref erences. Add, F-39. Tribune. ADVERTISING WORLD, COLUMBUS, O., a monthly journal of information, plans, suggestions and Ideas for adver tising. Send today for free sample or 30c for four months' trial. rlS67 SMALL SET OF BOO ICS TO WORK ON evenings and Sunday. Address F-41. Tribune. w2665 I YOUNG MAN TO SHARE NICE ROOM and board; terms about $35. References exchanged. Address F-42, Tribune. DOUBLE LOT. $200 TO $300, IN S E. part of town. F-50. Tribune. w2677 1100 OR 1200 POUND HORSE FOR HIS feed during winter; light work; good care. Bell phone 4402-K. w2509 FARMER TO BUY STOCK, TOOLS AND rent ranch; long term; SS00, or will trade. Address F-44. Tribune. w2657 ; GENTLEMAN' S TICKET TO CHICAGO or Buffalo F-51. Tribune. w2CS7 TEACHERS WANTED FOR POSITIONS after the holidays. No certificate, no experience necessary. Brown's School Teachera' Agency. 241 So. West Temple. Bell phono 703-K, I ml. 3S30-2 rings. TO ADOPT A HEALTHY BOY OR GIRL not over one year old. Address F-33. Tribune. w24CS FIVE OR SLK-ROOM MODERN COT tagc, unfurnished, north of 3rd So. and east of Main St. Can give reference. Bell phono 150G-NK. .Ind. 424. W21S3 YOUNG AND FAT CALVES; DRY cows. Saundcsr. Bell fone 2374-Y. w211 PARTY WHO WILL INVEST $1000 with salaried position, or will loan $1,000 for 90 days for $100. Amply secured; .strictly confidential. Address F-59, Trib une. W2737 CUSTOMERS FOR WEATHER STRIPS. Rivers Bros., 140 Main. wS50 MODERN FURNISHED FLAT BY young couple for winter, at once. P-34. Tribune. w38 M J OLD BOOKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT Wtff antl exchanged at 132 W. So. Temple. jj HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR METALS, j iron, bottle;;, etc, second-hand machin al) ery. .Great Western Iron M. Co., Inc.. H30-240 South First West. Ind. 821, Bell B 2439-Z. o896 H A GOOD TEAM OF HORSES. 3300 TO WM 1400 pounds; no plugs need apply; 2 U good milch cows. M-34, Tribune. 1255 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND U jnattress remaking. Utah Bedding and Mfg. Co. Both phones 3S3. b303 HI HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON, brass, rags, bottles, rubber, copper, B etc. Utah Junk Co., 63 E. Sth So. Phone 111 5 !2 FURNISHED ROOMS. GROUND M -t floor, east side, close in, modern,! with mmi j board. F-5G, Tribune. w3716 Ifli'l PARTY WITH SMALL CAPITAL TO fat I take hold mfg. proposition; money sc- H cured; salary each week, references; no BBK J Irlflers. F-57. Tribune. -W2722 Dffii $5000 ON FIRST-CLASS UP-TOU'N Urn, property. Address F-5S, Tribune. w2728 Hfi ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH- E ing trunks, valises; best prices paid. HflH 28 Commercial st. Reply by postal card. H Phones 3771-K. t74 H TOUR OLD CLOTHING. WILL CALL. H Salvation Army. Both phones. t2191 H TWO 20-EAr7oLD CmTBTACK 1KB I and -white, sorrcll. Return to 3115 So. HJ State. Phono 3341. Liberal reward. HR BAT SHETLAND MARE. RETURN TO I 1120 E. 6th So. or 77 So. Main and K receive reward. w2511 Hi DIAMOND . RING, TUESDAY, HE- BJB tween 1st West nnd 1st South and M Delmar Ave. A liberal reward for re tuni to No. 23 Delmar avenue. w272D WHITE THOROUGHBRED BULTy TER- M rior dog. blue eyes, broad collar: liberal reward. Return 77 S streol. Bell phone HSi TAN AND BLACK BITCH TERRIER. HI rough coat, metal tag faBtoncd around K' neck with string; reward. Wells-Fargo HBK Co.. 323 Main. W2C27 I9H SCOTCH COLLIE PUP. BLACK WITH HWf white and brown markings. Finder rc- BD tum to 122 So. 2nd East and receive re- Hni OXIDIZED SILVER CHAIN WITH FIVE Hi night, near M street, on South Temple HR cnr Jfolng east; get reward at 511 Dooly. Hfi A BAY MARE, 7 YEARS OLD, BRAND- ' ed with mule shoe on left thigh, a white Jut; eta.- on head. Lost about 7th Inst. Had HCW saddle and bridle on, both stamped Blng- WRm ham Livery and Transfer Co., who will HkA pay rew.-nd If returned. O405 UK ONE 2-YEAR-OLD COLT. FLAX MANE HmH and tail, with bald face; one brown Bu Shetland pony. Return to J. T. Ilard- (Hl man. 932 Wnehington st., 1st and 2nd nD West., 9th South. ' Reward. w2303 lift BLOHSADsT PIMPLES ULCERS a (j I of the faco and neck cured by Dr. C H! w- HlR&lua, 30 We3t Third South. All MM cases guaninteud. r2278 Ml I MP.. CHURCIIUjL, PLEASE CALL MR HI II IIowo aw soon as see this. w2749 Mjm WANTED PRES ENT ADDRESS OF m m Claronco W. Clark, last seen ii Salt m w ' Lakd Sept.; information of extreme value M JJf awaits him. Address New York Attor- H nev. Tribune. ' wll23 Hlffli . NEW AND SECODIAND CASH. O trado or time. Sorenson-Stout Co., sole HBH agents for the "reliable Hall's safeu." HaH . Bewaro of Imitations. Office I. X. L. U Furniture Store, 41 to 51 E. 3rd So. a441 WANTED IIELP FEMALE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 212 W. 2nd So. Phone 1401-X. w2010 FIRST-CLASS CHAMBERMAID WANT ed. 79 E. 2nd So. w252fi WINTER TERM OPENS JANUUARY 2. Monday and Tuesday will bo enroll ment days. Call and get information. Honager's Business College 222 S. Whs I Temple. wZ532 GOOD GIRI FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, small family. 475 3rd Ave. w2535 A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 1171 First Ave. W2539 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: family of throe; good wages. Apply 6(50 South Main St. W25I2 A GOOD COOK TO GO TO THE COUN try; wages $30. Apply- SS5 Fir3t Ave. W25I3 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no woshlng. Apply at once. SPS East Brlgham. w254!l WANTED. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housowork; good wages; no washing. Apply Mrs. Hyde, 955 Eaat 1st SJouth. W2553 EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR FUR SEW Ing. R. Stenzol Fur Co., 79 E. 3rd South. W1S03 OFFICE GIRL; EXPERIENCE UNNEC- essary. Utah Dental Co., 234 Main. w27C0 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family. 120 South 2nd East. wir,33 WANTED AT ONCE. A GIRL OR WOM an to aasisl In housowork; no washing. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; best wages to right party; Gor man preferred. Apply to Mrs. C. 11. Mon ioc. 149 North Main. w209 A GOOD COOK. APPLY 737 EAST Brlgham. . w207S LADY PIANIST WANTED, TO GO ON road, at once; good salary, email hours; one that can sing preferred. Apply Mon day morning at Isca theater, E. Gong. 9 a. m. sharp. w2C21 A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK in family of throe. 3510 South 7th East. w2G16 GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOUST3WOR K. Apply 474 E. Brlgham. W3G17 WANTED LADIES TO MAKE APRONS $3.50 per dozen, no cost to get Job. Transportation paid on materials. Stamped addressed envelope. American Apron Co., Los Angeles, Cal. w25S5 LADIES. MAKE SANITARY BELTS; materlnl cut ready to sew; $12 per hun dred. Particulars stamped onvelopc. Mu tual Supply Co., Dept. 250, Chicago. w 251)1 BE A GRADUATE NURSE AND EARN $20 to $30 per week; we provide homo study course lectures; hospital practice when desired; employment for students and graduates; largest training school In the world Write today free book. Amer ican Training School Nurses. IS Crllly Bldg.. Chicago. w25S3 A GOOD COOK. NO. 6 OFFICERS' quarters. Fort Douglas. w2G43 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must understand cooking; no washing or ironing; $5 per week. Phono 1500. 339 So. 13th East. w2C39 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 30 I st. Photic 15S9 Boll. W3G32 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply SS G st. W2G35 EXPERIENCED BINDERY GIRLS. Grocer Printing Co. wllll LADIES $1 EVERY DAY AT HOME: stamped envelope for particulars. La dlcs' Aid. Durham, Conn. w205S GIRLS WHO UNDERSTAND HAIR work. Salt Lake Costuming Co.. 207 South State. wOGO WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; no laundry; good wages. Apply 30 U at. Phonos Bell 15S. Ind 903. wGlO GIRL FOR GENERAL .HOUSEWORK. 521 E. 1st So. W1335 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework. 127 Sixth East. w!99 2 GIRLS TO SERVE SOFT DRINKS 555 W. 2nd S. w2441 GOOD GIRL FOR GEN'L HOUSEWORK. Good wages. Apply 652 Second Ave. W2455 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family; no washing. 1G1 So. 9th East. W2I5G GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; six miles north of city; small family: good home for right party. Eiuj. 57 So. 7th East. w2GI7 COMPETENT LAUNDRESS AND cleaning woman. 607 2nd Ave. Bell 4252; Intl. 2634. v2477 WANTED. YOU TO PHONE BELL 113S or Independent 14S2. if you are Inter ested in business college. Henagor's is the best. Day and night sessions, 11403 GOOD SECOND GIRL. 153 E. BRIO. t794 WANTED SITUATION BANK CLERK. COIPETENTa1?iTrE llable, wants steady position afte'r Jan. 1. AddresE box 284. city. w2544 W'OULD LIKE POSITION AS HOUSE , keeper; reliable; have references. K-l. Tribune. W27-1S COLORED WOMAN WANTS DAY'S work washing and ironing. Address 9S4 Denver avc. w2 115 EXPERIENCED TIMEKEEPER AND clerical man desires position; has ref orences. F-53. Tribune. w2705 LAUNDRY MAN WANTS POSITION. A-l washer; undorstand steam and electric. Now opon for engagement. Address E. F. L.. Salt Lake City. Utah. P. O. Box IPS. w2GQ YOUNG LADY" DESIRES POSITION IN dental or physician's ofJlco. F-G0, Trib une. w2739 EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS position or work by tho dav. F-17. Tribune. " W2G40 GENERAL OFFICE MAN. ROOKICEE!' or and stenographer, railroad, commer cial and mining experience, desires a po Hltion In iho city. F-lS. Tribune. w2630 JAPANESE SCHOOL BOY WANTS l'6 sltion at housework: speak English. TIarry Ftiruya. 31 Richard St. . w203I MIDDLE-AGED LADY OF EXPER ience wants position as housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house, or in widower's home. F-49. Tribune. w2l!71 RELIABLE WOMAN WISHES Posi tion as cook or housekeeper. F-15 Trlbuiio. w2G5J FIRST-CLASS PLANING MILL MAN wants position with responsible linn' win lay out any kind of mill work and do machine work. Address F-4G, Trlb ""' W2C50 POSITION BY YOUNG MAN EXPER ienccd In hardware and general office work. Best of references. Phone 4G54-K C. D. F-, 328 E. 2nd South St. w22D0 A MANUFACTURER'S PERM A NENT business offer $50 to $150 per week operating direct sales parlors for the BEST specialty dress shoo known . for men and women. Outsells all otherB. Every person a possible customer. No risk. Answer NOW. Kushlon Komfort Shoe Co., Lincoln St., Boston, Masa. t23.f!3 WANTED, GENERAL AGENTS FOR high-grade 7-aeated, 45 II. P. auto mobile; start now for 190S; don't wait; capital required; big prollt. Pullman M. V. Co., 503 Fisher Bldg., Chicago. w-2597 WANTED, AGENTS LEGITIMATE nubatitute for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1; particulars. GInha Co., Anderson, Ind. ' W258U WALL PAPER HANGING ROOMS IGeIiEdTsTEROM; all paper furnished. Phono 28I0-Y Bell. Call after 5 p. m. No. 5 Eaat So. Templo. W831 WANTED HELP MALE .m1sn""to'qual salesmen; good wages and oxponsow pald Call or write Room 8, CD Main st. W4G7 MEN WANTED FOR RAILWAY MAIL clerks; pleasant work. Call at once or write. Room 8, 05 So. Main. w282 YOUNG MAN PRICE CLERK; ONE thoroughly familiar with mining ma chinery and supply business, otheia need not apply Address F-31, Tribune. w24C9 MEN TO LEARN ELECTRICITY. plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, alt kindu ot drafting and plan reading; day and night; no books, posltlono aocurcd. Frco catalog. Coyno Trodo Hchool, 230 240 Eighth St.. San Franoisco. p!747 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. AP ply 213 Commercial Club bldg. W2667 GOOD PAY MEN WANTED KYI0RY where to tack Klgn9, dlstributo circu lars, samples, otc No canvassing. Na tlonal Dist. Bureau, Chicago, 111. w2584 HUSTLING MEN WANTED DISTRIB ulo samples and clrculam. No canvass ing; steady. Globe Adv. & Dist. Ass'n, Chicago. W25S3 WANTED FOR 1903 EXPERIENCED salesmen. Attractive lino for retail trade; worth $300 monthly, and bolter, to producers. Position permanent to en ergetic and rellablo men. Box 574, Dept. S9, Chicago, III. W2595 WANTED DETECTIVES; SHREWD, reliable mon for profitable socrct serv ice, to act under o'rders; no experienco necessary. Wrllo 11. C. Webster, Indi unapolls, lud. w2593 ANY INTELLIGENT MAN OR WOMAN IIJH Villll IL (jUUU Willing CW1U corresponding for newspapers; experi ence unnecessary. Address Prens Cor respondence Bureau, Bond building. Washington, D. C. w25'.iQ HUSTLERS EVERYWHERE; $25 TO $30 mado weekly distributing circulars, samples: no canvassing; steady. Mor cliants Out-door Ad. Co.. Chicago. w25S7 DISTRIBUTERS WANTED EVERY where. $25 to $30 mudo weekly distrib uting circulars, samples, overseeing ad vertising. No canv:u?stng; steady. Ad dress Rellablo Adv. Bureau, Chicago w25S6 GOOD HUSTLERS MAKE MONEY; goods soil on sight; S3 will start you. Call Monday. 1IG E. 2nd South. Fisher. w26S 1 JANITOR FOR APARTMENT HOUSE. Inquire Dr. Zimmerman, 231 Main. W2751 SALESMEN WE STILL HAVE SOME desirable towns not assigned for spe cial representatives to handle our line of men's made-to-order clothes. Write to day, giving 3 references, and If satis factory wo will at onco ship to you (express prepaid) our magnlllcent outfit of 400 large woolon samples, accessories, and full Instructions, absolutely free. You havo exclusive rights In your territory and can make at once $20 to $60 per week. If you are successful we will help you start a tailoring storo in your town. Rogers, Blako & Co.. 203 Market St. Chicago. ?10 TO $50 WEEKLY' FOR NEWSPA per writers. Costs but $3 for complete courso in Journalism. Write for free par ticulars. International Press Bureau, Niagara Falls, N. Y. $10 TO $50 WEEKLY FOR NEW3PA per writers. Coats but $3 for completo course in Journalism. Write for free par ticulars. International Press Bureau, Niagara Fivlls, N. Y. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN ON RAIL roads In Salt Lake and vicinity, to fill vacancies caused by promotions. Ex perience unnecessary. State age, height, weight. Firemen. $100 monthly, become engineers and earn $200. Brakemen. $75. becoming conductors earn $150. Name position preferred. Railway association. care Salt Lako Tribune. WANTED EVERYWHERE TIUST lcrs to tacic signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. w6S4 EXPERIENCED SALESMAN AND BUY cr for dry gooda and gent's furnish ings; mining camp. Address F-32, Trib une. w2526 WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 2. Mondav and Tuesday enrollment days. Call and make your arrangements. Hen agor's Business college, 222 S. West Tem ple. w2531 RELIABLE LAND SALESMAN; GOOD opening for right lfian. Call or write. Fitzgerald Bros. & Landreth Co., 433 D. F. Walker bldg. w253 1 WANT RAILWAY MAIL CLERICS. $1S weekly; examination soon. Preparation free until nppolntcd. Franklin Institute. Rochester. N. T. . 13015 ATTEND HENAGER'S BUSINESS COL lege if you want good position. Our graduates are caljublo of holding tho best positions. 1 1 4 0 1 PLUMHOF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. headquarters for all kinds of help. etc. 60S E. 2nd So. Fone :'.rS4. g!51 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 4 E. 2nd South. Phonos 4G. e743 REMOVED pTiil KiJiPPr.E'S carrlvgTshop moved to rear 119 West North Templo St., Silver B103'. Iron Works buildings. wl693 DR. G. A. GAMBLE. OSTEOPATH. Announces that he ha removed his of fice to 12U South Main St., rooms 207-8, Hours 10 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Phones 52S1 and 714. w261l CARPET CLEANING by new Vacuum sanitary wagon noiseless and dustlcss; carpets cleaned on lioor or taken up and returned: work guaranteed. National House Cleaning Co.. phones 4256. Ind. 978. 31227 CARPETS AND RUGS CLEANED AND delivered promptly; work guaranteed. Phones 100G. "Sanitary Wagon" reno vates at tho house. Phones 555. Utah Sanitary Uouso Cleaning Co., 117 South West Temple. si 080 SHEET METAL WORKERS " HPTONBEclC'4TsoTVSEJJl3! promptly executes all orders for tin nnd cornice work; estimates furnished; both phones 2167. m2207 UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING PARLOR FURNITLRlIoTIsrJfiRED and repaired. Estimates submitted on request. Phones 3299. S. L. Matt. & Mnfg. Co.. 531-5 W. 3rd So. 224 ASSAYERS "c7tn5Ml?f-2rN!cH chemists, removed to 229 South West Temple. w!792 FOUNJD . LADY'S HANDBAG; OWNER CAN havo same by correctly idontlfying 717 Eighth st. W2I46 WHERE TO STOP ' U$?&i)L$r7lOU prlctor. 08 East First South; 200 rooms; ratco "5c. 35c and 50c. xl9tU THE NEVADA HOUSE. 119 SOUTH Main. Rates, 50 cents and up. Rooms $1.50 per week up. w2GU TYTEWRITERS ALL MAKES RENTED," REPAIRED, exchanged, sold. Utah Typewriter Ex chango Co.. G2 W. 2nd South. U.15C5 DRESSMAKING SEWING BY THE DAY BY EXPER lencod dressmaker. Phone Ind. 3G04. 280 E. 2nd South. w2672 ATTORNEYS Maurice M. Kalghn. RlcTnTruBTrlujnmin. KA1GIIN S: THURMAN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Practlcu In all tho Courts of Utah. Rooms 414. 415. D. F, Walker Building. Salt Lake City. Utah. wlSS9 FOR RENT FURNISHED 2 MOD. FURN. ROOMS. WITH GAS. 203 S. Gth East. Phono 2325-K. W1753 G MODERN ROOMS. 523 E. 5T1I SO. W175G 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP lng, mod. 304 W. 3d So. W1831 DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS. reasonable; heat, bath and electric light. 123 W. 4th So. Phono Ind. 1271. W21S4, 3- ROOM, CLEAN, MODERN. COM pletely furnished house, with basement. $40. 219 S. 2nd East. Boll 3421-K. W2304 TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, 437 East lHt So. w2700 S12VERAL FINE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, closo In. 576 So. Main. W2701 4- ROOM MOD. HOUSE. FURNISHED. 556 So. 1st West. Inq. 558 So. Main. W209S LARGE FRONT ROOM, FURN ; GEN tlemon preferred. 221 E street, w2G99 LOWER FLOOR HOUSEKEEPING rooms; modorn conveniences. 123 West 0th So. W2709 THREE FURN. ROOMS. WITH BATH; hot and cold water. 739 W. 1st No. W2700 TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, modorn. 217 West. Fourth South. w2753 5NE SUITE. SPLENDIDLY ADAPTED for office, lllj So. Main. W271S ONE OR TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURN. or unfurn Bell phone 4693-Rcd. W2721 ONE ROOM. FURNISILED FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 257 So. lot West. ' W2733 734 E. So. Temple. W2735 FURNISHED ROOMS', WITH OR WITII out housekeeping. 150 E. Brlgham. Bell phono 4701-K. W2720 2 ROOMS AND PANTRY, NEWLY furnished for housekeeping. 44 No. 2nd West. w2731 THREE-ROOM FLAT, NEAR O. S. 1. 270 Wc3t So. Temple. w2726 THREE-ROOM BRICK HOUSE; water and electric light. Foster avc., $30 So., botweun State and 2nd East. In quire .between 10 and 4. W2725 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 24 Church st., 4th So. between Main and State. w2409 LARGE FURN. ROOM FOR HOUSE keeplng. 222 W No. Temple, rear. W19I8 TWO. THREE AND FIVE MODERN. furnished rooms, with gaa, cheap. 257 W. Sth So. W2481 THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng; modern. Apply 3 Temple Ter race. w2480 FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. elegantly furnished. Call No. 3 Dubol avo , after noon today. TV2747 SIX MONTHS' LEASE 0N SEVEN room terra cotta brick house, well fur nished, on car lino, southeast; Immo dlatc possession. Bell phono 1G0G. w27I3 DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, mod., with gas. 60 E. 4th So- w2742 ROOMS WITH BOARD IN PRIVATE family. 3trlctly modern. 506 East 1st South St. w2745 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE OF 3 rooms, strictly modern: no children; reference required. Inquire at 50G East 1st South St. W3740 WELL-FURN. 7-ROOM BRICK; LARGE grounds; stable. Boll phone 1606. W2208 NEWLY FURN! ROOM AND BATH. modern, gentleman only. 320 E. 5th So. Phono 986-K. wlS15 TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE kenplng. 35 Canyon Road. w2G91 TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS on ground floor. 37 i So. W. Temple. W2G95 FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSE kcoping. one largo room, ground lloor, $5 per month. 349 So 2nd East. w2G6li HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, CHEAP. 504 So. 1st West. W26G8 TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 523 So. 9th East St. w2676 MODERN FURNISHED ROOM, SUTtTT ments. 311 E. 2nd So. w2619 LARGE, NICELY FURN. ROOMS. quiet house, $1.50 to $3.00 per week. The Richelieu, 2nd So. and 3rd East. Phone 39GS. w2603 NEW. MOD. ROOMS IN PRIVATE home. 140 2nd East. Phono 3712 Ind. W26I3 FUR. ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT housekeeping. 212 W. 3rd So. w2644 ROOMS. EVERYTHING MOD. 81 1ST Avc. w2633 THREE-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY fur., on Kensington avc.. hot. 2nd and 3rd East. Capital Avenue addition. Phono 3095t Ind. w2637 ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. suitable for two. 41 E. 3rd South. W2659 NEWLY FURN. ROOMS AND BATH; gentlemen only. 415 S. W. Temp. w75 r. MOD. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ONE unfurnished room and a butcher shop; close to car line. Enq. 321 W. Gth So. Ind. phono 3724. w2447 NEW AND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms by day. week or month. Tho Crowcent rooming house, 329 So. Stato. W2448 G ROOMS.' MODERN HOUSE. FOR rent, furnished. 62 So. 1st West. W2454 ONE LARGE, WELL FURNISHED housekeeping room; modern. 512 E. Sth South. w2523 FOUR-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. 341 First street; modern. w2510 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR guntlcmon, nlso housekeeping rooms. 570 So. Main. w25 1 2 FIVE-ROOM AND BATH, MODERN tlat, steam heated, hot and cold water, gas, piano, telephone. References. Ap piy flat 3. 250 West 3rd South. w2513 ELEGANT, NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, single or en suito, modern, up-to-datc. 319 So. 2nd East. w2516 FOUR-ROOM MOD. HOUSE, FUR nlahcd. 551 E. 4th So- $25. W251S FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS. Inquire 323 E. 2nd South. W2519 TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS FOR housekeeping, with bath, in modern flat, closo in. Address F-3S, Tribune- W2551 8 -ROOM MODERN, FURNISHED: PI ano, furnace; completo for housekeep ing; close in. 36 East First North. Ref erence. Enquire 313 Tcmplolon bldg. , W2460 NICELY FURN. MODERN ROOMS: close In. 562 Main street. w2475 NICE, LARGE FRONT ROOM, NICELY fur., for parlor, and sleeping room ad Joinlng; modern; cheap. 3403-NY. 31240 NICELY FURN ROOMS FOR GENTLE men; mod. 353 E. 3rd So. tl791. FOR MEN ONLY BRAND NEW ROOM in privato family; everything mod.; fur naco heat. 367 E 6th So. 12837 ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. MODERN. 424 Ifi. 4th So. Phono 4862-Z. t2533 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH or without private bath, at the Hotel Ely, 41 West 3rd South wl069 DESIRABLE' ROOMS, REASONABLE; steam heat, bath. Phone 1271 Ind. 123 W. Ith S. WQ52 ONE NICELY FURN. ROOM, WITH all modorn conveniences. 451 Third Ea3t. w2091 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, 363 S. W. Tomplo. . t2051 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM ON ground floor; modern houao; gentlemen preferred; references. Phono Ind. 2160. 82379 NEWLY FURNISHED MOD. ROOM; gentlemen only. 534 So. Main. B3310 ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH bath, suitable for man nnd wife or two gentlemen. 311 So. 5th East. W1192 FOR RENT FURNISHED NICELY FURN. ROOM FOR GENTLE man; mod. conveniences; references, 32 Gth East. t!379 TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keoplng rooms; utrictly mod. 21G W. 1st South. W1169 ONE MODERN. FURNISHED ROOM; private family; S9 per month. 568 East Brlgham. Bell phone 1933-K. w!34C FIRST-CLASS SUITE OF I-IOUSK-kocping rooms, ground floor. 153 West Gth South. t!070 ROOMS FOP. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING, furnished, bath, electric light. 474 S. West Templo. wSG7 ONE FURN. FRONT ROOM; GENTLE men preferred, fi Churcii rU. tl300 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOM. Ev erything llrnt-class. 315 East Second South r2570 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; FUR . naco heat; mod. house. 270 E. 2d So. w2257. TWO FURN. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 151 So. W. Temple. W2089 MODERN, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 137 So. W. Temple. w350 FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 555 So. W. Templo. xwll70 $25.00939 WINDSOR, 6-RM. BRICK, modern, with furnace and attic. $25.0037 W. Gth So., 2 now, modorn 5-r. brick. $50.00959 E. 2nd South. 9-rm. modem. $15.00 Desk room, 17 W. 2nd So. CaDltal R. E. Inv. Co.. 17 W. 2nd So. W2004 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, $25 237 C street. w2362 THREE FRONT UNFURNISHED rooms. 220 West Sth South. w347 MODERN G-ROOM HOUSE; DESIR nblo location; closo to business 135 B street. W2557 FIVE-ROOM MODERN BRICK COT tage. 1017 South 9th East. Boll tel. 2355-X. v2149 NEW BRICK. 3 ROOMS. MOD.; PAN try. collar, electric light; $17. 138 So. 9th East 2377-K Bell. W2707 A SEVEN RM. COTTAGE ON 4TH East. Inquire 320 4th East. w2702 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 41 W. 1st No. W2717 425 EAST 3RD SO.. CLOSE IN, MOD ern six-room house. w2714 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; FURNI turo for sale. 242 2nd Eaat. w2i6l MODERN 4-ROOM APARTMENT. COR. E and 1st ave. w2752 CHOICE 2-ROOM BRICK; PANTRY. elec. light and water. 556 So. 2nd West. ; W24I1 COSY iTROOM. COTTAGE, WITH bath, clothes closet and pantry. 7 L St. W2GC9 3- ROOM FRAME COTTAGE; CLOSE In. Bell phono 13. w2660 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, PARTLY furnished; walking distance; $25. 237 C St.. corner 5th Avo. W2662 2 FRONT ROOMS. UNFURN.. MOD., for light housekeeping. 202 G St. w26G4 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 309 E. 2ND South. W2625 4- ROOM HOUSE. $10; FURNITURE for sale. 907 W. 3rd South. w2G2G 3 ROOMS; ELEC. LIGHT, WATER, closo In. for man and wife or two la dlcs. 1G7 Center street. w2622 $60 LARGE ROOM. NO. Ill E. 2ND SOT $30 Storeroom. No. 143 E. 2nd South. ?27.50 6 rooms, mod., No. 9 Wellington court. $20 6-room house. No. 2 Cllft Ave. $20 G-room house. No. 1 Cllft Avo. $15 Room In Newell block. HA LLORAN-J U DGE CO., Agents. Real Estate. Loans and Fire Insurance. 14 West 3rd South St. Both phones 823. w2G09 PART OF HOUSE. 3 NICE ROOMS AND pantry. Btrlclly mod., $15. 236 W. rrri North. , W2610 TWO ROOMS; WATER AND PANTRY; $S. No. 3i Alameda Ave., 13th East T.lOCI 4- ROOM HOUSE. $20. 316 E. 7TH SO. W262S UNFURNISHED ROOM. 33l e! 2ND South. w2G29 WARM STABLE, GOOD SI7.E. SI 1ST Ave. W2634 5- ROOM HOUSE; 1049 W. 1ST SOUTH. Enq. 243 E. 1st) South, rear. w2670 FOUR PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Lyric theater. Enquire of manager. w2675 THREE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: new. 651 East 2nd South. w2655 2 FURN. OR UNFURN. FRONT BASE mont rootnsi 516 State. w26S5 2 UNFURN. FRONT ROOMS OVER Butler grocery. 210 Stato St. w26S6 5- ROOM, MODERN. BRICK COTTAGE, and large barn; S17 South Fifth East. Inquire bookkeeper, Knutsford hotel. . w26S2 G-ROOM BRICK; 1353 LINCOLN AVE. Enq. 825 E. 4th South. w26S3 TWO ROOMS; MODERN; NO CHIL dron. 553 East 3rd So. Si. w26SS 2 UNFURN. FRONT ROOMS; ELECT light.1:, no children; $10 per mo. 1223 South 7th East. w24G2 4-ROOM MODERN: NO CHILDREN? rear 531 'So. W- Temple, house No. II. w2157 COTTAGE OF 2 LARGE ROOMS; SUM- mcr kitchen, toilet and water in house; $15. S64 2nd avenue. Inquire next door cast. wl240 MODERN G-ROOM HOUSE; SO. TEM plo, cornor 13th; $35 per month. Fitzgerald, 433 D. F Walker bldg. W3533 4-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. ENQ. 553 W? 1st No.' Phono Ind. 4036. w2541 3 -STALL BARN FOR RENT. APPLY 319 So. 2nd East. w2514 PART OF GOOD. DRY BASEMENT for rent. 319 So. 2nd East. w2515 6- ROOM HOUSE; $10. 2 ROOMS AND pantry, $7. 32 N. 7th West. Phone 2924 5 p. in. W2520 .UP-TO-DATE 6-ROOM MOD. HOIJS'eT 553 South 9th East. Tel. 3537-K. w2521 TWO MOD. BRICK COTTAGES. ONE 5 room and summer kitchen; one 4-room. 774 E, 8th So. w!33I SEVEN-ROOM MODERN. Gl "F" ST., $35. Equity Investment Co., 219 South Main St. W1599 10-RM. BR., THOROUGHLY- MODERN, 310 S Srrt V.nnl tr.i' 6-rm. mod. br., 819 E. 3rd So., $25. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO., 261 S. Main. We write FIro Insurance. Phones 27. w809 TWO ROOMS. PANTRY. CLOSET, ETC, 339 W. 3rd North st. w308 SEVENrROOM MODERN BRICK, WITH furnaco heat. 28 D stroot. Inquiro 3S D street w342 760 FIRST AVE., SIX-ROOM MODERN. ?30.00. w48S STORE AND LIVING ROOMS. IN qulre 32'. W. 1st So. c2SSS SECOND AVE., NEAR S., BEAUTIFUL new 9-room, thoroughly modern, hard wood tlnished house; $60. Stowo & Pal mer t2904 OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT, ESPE- clally sultablo for doctors and lawyer. Apply Rentul Dept. S. L. Sec. nnd Trust Co., 32 So. Main. t2245 5-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. 303 W. 4TH North. t2312 4-RM. NEW MOD. BRICK. 15 MINUTES' from P. O. $20 mo. Coddard. 31 E. Is: So- will CAPITAL " eletiralIvay! INTJUSTRLVL and other corporations orgnnizod and financed. Meritorious projects only. Com mission basis. SHIMER & CHASE CO.. Omaha. Neb. v2596 -..r. '.- -y, ,1.7. ;,.t.i .i.r..';rSi SECTRESOOTBTIES. aTaTsTRITE THE FOUR CO-ORDI-nato bodies of tho A- A. S. Rite of Free Masonry hold stated meetings tho third Thursday In oach month at tho Masonic Temple, corner First South and Second East. Sojourning brethren Invited. Richard L. Conlcy. 32 deg. W. M, Jordan Lodge of Perfection No. 2. A. E. Hutchinson, 32 dep. W. M. Jame Lowe Chapter of Rose Croix No, 1. C. H. Dlchl, 32 deg. Commandor of Salt Lako Council of Ka dosh No. 1. John S, Crltchlow, 32 deg. M. of IC Utah Consistory No. 1. Christopher Dlchl. 33d deg. Register of All tho BodlQ3. EL KALAH TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S. Regular sessions held at Masonic Temple, corner Second East and First South, the third Wednesday of each ' month. Sojourning nobles invited to at tend. S. D. Evans, Polontato; W. L. Barnes, Recorder. UTAH COMMA NDERY, NO. 1. KNIGHTS Tomplar. Stated conclaves held at Ma sonic Temple, corner Second East and First South, the flrst Thursday of each month. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited to attend. CLESSON S. KINNEY. E. C. E. O. LEATHER WOOD, Recorder. gl900 UTAH CHAPTER. NO, 1, T. R. A. M. Stated convocations first Wednesday In each month at Masonic hall, corner Sec ond East and First South streets. Com panions cordlnlly invited. E. O. Lcather wood, H. P.; Moses C. Phillips, Socrctary. n ARGENTA LODGE, NO. 3. F. Jfa. and A. M. At Masonic Tem V Y pie, corner Second East and W First. SOUin SUOei, mai ' v day of each month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren in vltrd. Frodorlck D. Keeler. W. M.; Moses C. Phillips. Secretary. MT MORIAH LODGE. NO. 2, F. AND A. M. Masonic hall, second Monday each month, corner First South and Second East. Members of ulster lodge3 and so journing members in good standing in vited. G. B, Pfoutz, W. "M. ; Chiisto- pher Dlchl, Secretary. WASATCH LODGE, NO. 1. F- AND A. M- Masonic hall, second Friday each month Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren In good standing in vited. Samuel C Park, W. M.; A. J. Lowe, Secretary. . LYNDS CHAPTER NO. 1 Order Eastern Star, vfeSM Masonic Templo Stated JsStL meetings first Friday each gS(52, month. Visiting members -win receive a cordial wcl- come. Alice E May, W. V M.; Mary G. Wright, Sec retary, MIZPAH CHAPTER NO 6, Order Eastern Star V A Stated meetings first Monday of each month jK3i$5L Masonic Temple, corner xgSW Second East and First dtezstegf-3 South. Visiting members l ' cordially invited. Cora J. V Mohse. W. M.; Flora E. Sinclair. Secretary. Independent Order of Odd rellows. FIDELITY LODGE, NO. 17, I. O. O. F. Meets evcrv Wednesday night at 8 o'clock, I. O. 6. F. Temple. Visitors wel come. E. E. Smith, N. G.; J. C. Smith, Secretary. JORDAN LODGE NO. 3. T. O. O. F. Meets every Monday night at I. O. O. F. Temple. Visitors Invited. R. G. Buckle. N. G.; W. T. Hopkins. Secretary. al437 I. O. O F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY. Subordinate lodges meet as follows; j Salt Lake Lodge No. 2. Friday. Enterprise Lodgo No. 15, Tuesday. MIRTAM-rtEBBKAH LODGE MEETS first and third Saturday evenings of each month at T. O. O. F. Temple. o2175 N A d mT-REBEKAH LODGE NO Meots every second and fourth Satur day evonlngs of each month at Odd Fel lows' Temple, Market street. n2559 FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET first and third Wednesdays each month. Knights of Columbus hall. No. 21 West First South. C. E. White, F. C. 3U34 WOODBINE CIRCLE NO. 41, WOOD men of the World Meets every Mon day. 8 o'clock, at Eagles' hall. Knights of Pythias. CALANTHE-MYRTLE LODGE NO. 1 Every Monday, K. 1 of P hall. C. E. Holman, C. C, C. E. Baker; IC of R. and S. LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23, K OF P. Meets every Saturday evening at S o'clock, K. of P. hall. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3 Every Thursday evening, IC of p. hall. HERMION TEMPLE NO. 3, PYTHIAN Sisters Meets every Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Evelyn Vandlver. R. C. o2573 KNIGHTS OT THE MACCABEES. Salt Lake City Tent No. 2. Everv Thursday. I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting Knights invited. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. SALT Lako City Hive No. I Meets overy first and third Wednesdays, S p, m.. In I. 6. O. F. hall. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. Salt Lake Aerie No. 67 Every Friday, S p. m., Eagles' hall. ROYAL ARCANUM. SALT LAKE COUN cll No. 1517 Second and fourth Thurs days, JennlngD block. G. IC. Smith, Ro gent; E. L. Jones, Socre t a ry. KNIGHTS OF HONOR, LODGE 4470 Meets avery first and third Friday nighL I. O. O. F. Temnlo. C. E. Hem enway. Dictator; W. T. Hopkins, Report 2 si 1 CO BOARD AND ROOM Trxif1uosp1?cr board in private family: modern? In qulre 303 S. Fifth East. v2137 BOARD AND ROOM, $6 PER "WEEK jo. 5 Ontario court, 2nd West bet. 2nd' and 3rd South. w2697 BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE RES- Idence; bath, phone. 357 South 2nd East- . W2710 2 MOD. ROOMS, WITH BOARD. FOR gentlemen. 354 Brlgham. w273L MODERN ROOM, STEAM iTlivT good table board. 270 West So. Temple! W2727 ROOM AND BOARD. 25 APPLE ST t3014 GOOD "ROOM AND BOARD AT 717 SO Main. Mrs. Chaa. Weilman. w2G2-i UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS, 'ND and 13th E. Rooms from $S to $15 per month; newly furnished, steam heat hot and cold running water; cafe in connec tion; excellent car service. J. F. "Whitto more. prop, Ind. phone 3680. w307 1 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT n,TS.m4 M,od" homc cooking. 75 U st. 944-Y Boll. W2405 ROOM AND BOARD, $7.50 A WEEK modern rooms, electric light, hot and cold running water and bath. 115 South First West. Independent telephone. 1G71 W2I0S 1ST-CLASS FURN. FRONT ROOM good board, home cooking; steam heat and baths; nice quiet location; suitab e for man and wife.- 223 So. 2nd East. . . w2 139 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. WITH STEVM heat and good board. 315 East 'rid B2l t Bn-? ?9,0M: HO-E COOKING. at .,26 So. 3rd East. 81094 KEY FITTING EXPERT LOcITDSAfXEPaIr Ing. Cartor's, 325 S. W. Teinnln it Bell phono 1H6-X. gS2l' SOAT3NGER UTAHCAvTco1vH 394S. Bell phono 2610-K. aDfl HAT FACTORY MEN'S ILYTS cLSvNED AND blocked; Panamas a specialty. Salt eJ-- 1 Faclory -- E. 1st South. Phone CA1ITA1, rTITT--v- 28 rooms, modorn!ln v... . clearing from $150 to ?200 of $2800 Per month' " -5 rooms, partly m,i lease, rent only $50. modor. two-yeat . 3700 16 rooms. moderKplcndld ,ocatlo 12 roqrn:i, one-half for H-ht- 1 -r ing, rent $10, lease. 'bht uaaktep."; 3375 " G rooms, thoroughly mn,in,. furnished. low ntly Restaurant, stock anil twt,, ing rooms and furniture ' cS-1 Ono-half Interest in fine n-lvu located In heart of clt"? P ylns oon, For business investments are able to advise vou corraetft u?Ju V7e 1 Boll, 3801; Ind.. CC corroctl'- Phonen WG7li M.ii?r ail sFuEk ' ' llonled roomi! 'j ' trade. triBlem $450O-Fur. . 3t, the ntreet. $3000 dftj. see this plnco; owner must T money. 1U3t raise $500 Fur. 7-room mod. terras. .1 , location for roomer? choJc j od0 Fur. 7 rooms and bath, ecat hm. nft losc In, good rentor. 1 8ld9' $.00-Fur. 9 rooms and bath, 0 k- r, moS?.an1 r00mCr3'' Place, 2-3 cash. ' 1 8U $2500-Pooi room and cigar store. 4 tablM a flue room; everything flrstl1' Be sure and eco it ma' ?1300-Corner grocery in resident di- SSsf wlftvoK d01"3 nlCC ?10-dSNeaS IF YOU WANT TO GET LOCATEn TV ANY KIND OF BUSINESS IS 9 ?k LAKE. WRITE, PHONE OR SEE Mi? I HAVE MANY GOOD THINGS vfc ADVERTISED. J.wnua NOi J. K. NEWCOJIB. ROOM 414 TRIBUNE BLDG IND. 126. BELL 1C34-Y. "flK4 1 AUTO REPAIRING "N mSCLsT'lPEV ) lar. All work guaranteed. Prices rT sonable- Phon.. Bell 1850. trli MIDWIFE cases. Mrs, Lizzie Gclslor, 33S w0 3rd No. Bell 1493-X. Ind. 4037. r217 NOTICE TO WATER USEES. State Engineer's office. Salt Laka nt Utah, Nov. 27, 1D07. ulCT Notico is hereby given that the Gun- i nlson Highland Canal company by o B Bergland, Its president, and Daniel Har- ' ington. its attonicy, whose postofflce ad- dresseu are Gunnison, Utah, and Silt Lake City. Utah, respectively, has mads application In accordance with the re quirements of chnpter 103, Senslon Laws of Utah, 1905. as amended by the Ses sion Laws of Utah, 1907. to appropriate I fourteen (14) cubic feet per second of water from Willow creek, Sanpeto coun ty, Utah. Said water will be diverted by means of a dam and a ditch at a point 2261 feet cast and 1364 feet north from the southwest corner of section "7 township 20 south, range 1 cast. Salt Lako baso and meridian, from whore it will be convoyed for a distance of 111 feet, and there used from February "l of each year to July 15, Inclusive, of tho year following, to Irrigate 1920 acres of land embraced In Hectlons 21. 2S and 29, township 20 south, range 1 east. Salt Lake base and meridian. This applica tion Is designated In tho State Engineer's office as No. 1537. All protests against the Granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be mado by affidavit In duplicate and filed in this offlco -within thirty (30) days after the completion of tho publica tion of this notice. CALEB TANNER, State Engineer. Dato of first publication November 29, 1907; dato of completion of publication December 30. 1907. . t2945 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Little Chief Mining and Milling com. pany. Principal placo of business, Salt Lake City. Utah. Location of mines, Tlntlc district. Juab county, Utah. Notico is hereby given that at a meet ing of the board of directors of the LlttU Chief Mining and Milling company, held on the 4th dav of December, 1907, as sessment No. 31 of one (1) cen: per sharo was lovled on tho capital stock of the corporation issued and outstanding, payable Immediately to James P. Drla coll secretary, at McCornJck b Coa bank, corner of Main and First South streets. Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Wednesday, January S 190S. will be delinquent and adver tised for sale, at public auction, and un less payment Is made before, will be sold on Wednesday. January 29, 190S, at 12 o'clock noon, at tho company's office, room No. 115, Mcrcantllo Block, corner of Main and Third South streets, salt ; Lako City. Utah, to pay the del nauent assessment thereon, together with costs of advortlsing and expense or sue. JMES P. DRISCOLL. Socretary, Corner of Main" and First South street!, Salt Lako Clft". Utah. .) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. '1 Raymond-Illinois Mining , cwny. Principal place of business. Sa 11 ; Lake City. Utah. Mines at Eureka, Utah. Notice is hereby givon .'hat at a ineet lnc of the board of directors of the Ra-mond-I nois Mining company, duly held December 12. 1907. an assessment of ono-h-ilf of 'a cent per -sharo por month, for three mmth i " was levied on the outatanJ ing capU I stocW of tho corporation paya bio to M. B. Johnson, at Room 505, Atlaa bIS-haSlffS3pcr share, poyaU. te mcd ately. Any stock upon which this Assessment may remain unpnd on ho 14th day of January. 190S, will be aewi SShSlfof ' One-fff ccPntnpor0fShaare .hall bo pay- ' 0fOnaXlf cent per share ahaH be ablo on tho 19th .Visiiient Any stoclc upon wlik It this a-- o may remain unpaid on J1 "an(1 ad Aprll, 190S. will b, aiict' and vertlsed for sale nt P"b Hg w, b0 , unless payment Is rnue ui y 1 sold on the 4th day of Ji !- , wjth. the dcllntiucnt asecsamcnt. tot, so 0I . tho cost of ndvcrlLini.j ULCH( 3 Secretary Raymond-Illinois -Mining Co- J oon STREET HATS. Aneatrcethatha Ply-u brim with a licaxy xow rotccf - stitehou on the outer cdftt banded tho delicate color.. Tho orm fc with two,colors 01 . vol ct JJ j x winij is fastoneil at tc j sfencd : ; curved to tho lef fide and in a pretty ma vcry flat, j ; SS "ccnScSon of a flno buckle. .