Newspaper Page Text
J FOE SAIiE MISDUiiiA-Wiuujs SECOND-HAND FORD RUNABOUT. 4 Svllnder sood condition, cheap for cash Ford Auto Co.. 142 MaJn "t.; both Phones 463; B3l2B FOR SALE. LOS ANGEIEB ROOMING houso. 75 wcll-furnl.shod rooms, center of cltv: rates SOe to $1.50 per day. One of the few that is positively paying; bar Rain, and $2500 caah wJU swing It. Ad dress F-14, Tribune. w21l T GoOD G-HOLE BORN RANGE, cheap. Inquire 440 So. 5th E. w21ol tT E ticket, salt lake to Ev Helper and return. Addrcos 0-3, Trib- m tine. ! R. R. TICKET TO GREEN RIVER. Utali: cheap. Address 0-4, Tribune. w609 LUNCH COUNTER DOING GOOD BUSI-- nes3. 304 So. Stato. WS300 I ONE BLACK MARE WEIGHT 900 lb Apply 130 North First West. W2558 TWO NICKEL-COPPER COFFEE URNS, 1-rral. eacli; guarantood to bo In per fect condition. J. H. R. Franklin Co.. 3GS South Main. W2310 READ THIS NEW FURNITURE OF S rooms; modern house; earns $60 month. Great bargain. Part cash, baL easy. Come today. 544 E. 1st South. w887 lFlTEAD OF DRAUGHT HORSES. IN quire Cth floor, McCornlck blk. Bing ham Con. M. A S. Co. w!523 WTCATHER STRIPS EXCLUDE THE icold. Rlver3 Bros.. 14S Main. w851 IMPROVEMENTS ON MINIDOKA PRO Ject. 11500, part cash, balance real es tate sucurity. Leon Dawson, Heyburn. Ida. w74o SIX DRAWER NATIONAL CASH REG Ister counter shelves, showcases, scalfs, WBgons and groceries, at EU L. Price's, . IS So. Main st t2119 fS' R. R. TICKET TO MILFORD AND RE turn, cheap. Address 0-3, Tribune. t!521 !. RETURN R. R. TICKET SALT LAKE i i to Modena. Address 0-4, Tribune, j t!522 k ELEGANT ONYX FOUNTAIN AND drug fixtures. A. C. Smith, 142 South Main St. V.-2524 LADY'S FIRST-CLASS TICKET TO Chicago; reasonable. Add. F-36, Trib une. W2538 GOOD PIANO. $50; A BARGAIN. REAR 530 East 3rd South. w2503 LADY'S OR GENTLEMAN'S TICKET to Chicago, good until Jan. 7, cheap. F-37, Tribune. w2545 HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD, IOWA Stable, 129 West South Temple. h!113 IF IT'S ROOMING HOUSES OR BUSI nosa opportunities, see J. K. New comb. 414 Xribuno bldg. Ind. 126; Bell 1634-T. 063 A LARGE NUMBER OF 2ND-HAND automobiles at one-half original cost; ever' one guaranteed. Sharman Auto Co.. 109-111 W, South Templo. b188 s . IOWA STABLE LADIES' AND GENTS' f saddle horses, divided skirts. Phono 440S. m263 DEBTS COLLECTED ANYWHERE; NO fee unless successful; specis.1 attention to legal matters. Phoenix Law assocla y tlon, 614 Tribune bldg. r!269 TROUT EGGS FOR SALE. ADDRESS f ' Lost Lake Trout Hatchery. Crocde, Colorado. p2035 I A CHOICE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FUR i i nlture, cheap. 237 C street. w2661 I A FrNE JERSEY COW FOR SALE ; fresh In a day of two. 725 Seventh st. I w2620 (ALMOST NEW HUMPHREY BONE cutter, cheap. 1256 So. 9th East w2604 600 EGG .TUBERLEE INCUBATOR; also six brooders, cheap: leaving city. 431 York St. w2649 EAi.nox in nnnri T.onATiriN ottrap; parly leaving city on account of sick ness. H-54. Tribune. w2641 ' A SMALL GROCERY AND MEAT BUS 1 iness in a good location; fixtures com plete; lease can bo had. Apply at Ass'n j Credit Men. 217 Commercial club, w263 GOOD FARM, STOCK AND TOOLS, t 15000; part cash or trade; balance long ' time; -excellent location for fruit. Ad dress F-43, Tribune. w2658 A GOOD JERSEY MILCH COW. cheap. S36 So. 5th E. w2654 OR EXCHANGE. ONE GOOD STEEL range, with reservoir or small rango without reservoir- 12C K st, Ind. 1095. Bell 1377-Y. W26S9 .BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE, FUR- " nlture seven-room, modern house, cen trally located. Phone, Main 763-X. W2744 FEATHER BED AND QUILTS AND various household articles for sale. CJ 35 street. w2734 TICKET TO LOS ANGELES FOR MAN and wife. Inquire SCO South 6th West. W273S ACORN RANGE. HOT BLAST HEATER and other" pieces of furniture for sale, cheap. 210 South State. Rooms 5 and 6. w27l GOOD SADDLE PONY. CHEAP. TELE JT phones lud.. 1906; Bell, 4030-K. W . w.2736 V A LARGE FIREPROOF SAFE. CHEAP. Reliable Loan office, 66 East 2nd South. W2696 AT COALTEP.'S. 39 Main St.. next door Z, C. M. I. A few slightly used pianos at GENU . 1NE BARGAIN PRICES. 1 upright mahogany piano, $400; $190. 1 upright mahogany, $350; $175. 1 upright Clrcasslan-walnut, $450; $260. I square piano. $45. Organs from ?25 up. FERGUS CO ALTER. Next door C. M. I. w2708 PALM FOR SALE. 535 EAST 5TH SO. W2704 . NEARLY NEW STUDEBAKER CUTTER for sale cheap. r.2Q 4th East. w2703 FOR SALE COMPLETE STANDARD drilling outfit, including blacksmith tools, 25-hp. boiler, engine, and all neces sary equipment; practically new. Locat ed at Virgin City. Utah. Offered much below cost If purchased Immediately. For full particulars write box 2119, Goldtleld. Nev. w2715 FOR SALE SMALL, GENTLE RIDING pony; suitable for children; cheap. 426 East 6th South. w2723 LARGE OAK ROLLER-TOP DESK FOR sale. 24 E. Brlgham. Room 26. w2732 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN EXPERIENCDAFnTSUCCESS ful orK.'inlser ntu! imlMnr nt raHmn power plants, etc.. with private cllontele for bond Investments, offers his services iJlnastfr. f..r. "ny larB Proposition of lh ac1 "'"rty.-trce Address Vln ccnt R. Coon, Lou lsvllle. Ky. THIRTY PER CENT-DIVIDEND THE first year under absolute bank guar antee. Send FIVE dollars on account. SaS COUeu&rg; IF YOU HAVE $000 'J'O INVEST I?.- X legitimate business 1 .;an cWr vnn $300u in a short time. This Is npC some one: no get-rlch-qulck schemed need apply, F-ar., Tribune. w27ifl WA.NTED-TWO PARTNERS TO TAKE interest and opcrnte portable houue cleaning wagon. The aero system. Tho best system on earth. A sure nionry maker. Further particulars apply Amir lean Air Cleaning Co., P. O. Box , v2724 r DO YOU NEED CAPITAL TO EXTENlS or Hart uuslncns? Write me today exceptional fiicilltlcs for placing stocka or bonds quickly. EVERETT DUFOIJR, Corporation Attorney, Lo Droit Bldg., Washington, p. C. W2594 WANTED, MAN MI'ST BE WILLING lo Jenrn and vapablo of acting as our local reptesentatlve. No canvassing or Hollcltlng. Good incom nssurud. Addrr-sn National Co-Operative Realty Co., 27 C. Washington. D. C w2S i 2 OWNER OF SAPPHIRE AND ALUM I -mini claims wishes to moot, parly with money to help develop same. Call or - address E. Keller, 58 E. 3rd So, W2C3S , ASHTON Is JENKINS, 73 Main Street. We are offering the few places left on our hands at approach of winter at prices which will tempt the most careful homeseck ors. THEY ARE: Two of the linost housoa built this senion in tho southeastern part of our city; one G rooms, tho other 5 rooms; both finished in beautiful yellow plno and built of line pressed brick and sand stone; cemented basements; oak mantels; modorn plumbing, co ment walks; tight board fonccs; beautiful Hhade. For theso houses wo havo been asking $4300 and ?3S00 respocllvely. They aro strictly hlgh-grado placos. Come and seo us about what wo will do for parties With money. Lo cation, 9th E. St., bot. Belmont and Parloy's avenues. Also see us about the tempting houses built for salo by Ashton Bx-os. on West Tomplo St., Just a few rods uouth of 7th South St. They aro each 6 room3; .full cemented basements; beautiful elevation, with high foundations. We havo a fow other houses in niio localities. For instance, in the southeast wo have throo 5- cottages, with modern plumbing, which ownors could sell a few weeks ago for S3000 each; thoy can now be had for ?2650 each. You cannot do as well In the spring as now. Talco opportu nity by tho forelock and soo us -about the places wo offer at win ter prices. ASHTON & JENKINS, 7S Main Street. W2606 SAMPLE BARGAINS ?3000 For new 6-room cottage; por. bath, elec. light, toilet, cement walk; terms. $4750 For full 2-story, pore, bath, elec light, toilet, good cellar, sower con nected, cement -walk; owner leav ing the city. ?5250 For flnn 6-room; new in design; piped for gas for light and heat; full basement; two toilets; pore, bath. f6200 For 8-room, full 2-story; with fine attic and cement bas'emcnt; 2 toilets; flrst floor all hard wood. ?5S00 This lg built for a home; strictly mod.; hath and toilet separate; finest plumbing; big cement base ment, $900 For lot 2x7 to alley, near South Temple. $1575 For 82J-ft. front, near Brlgham street. C. F. LITTLE & CO., A. B. Hirth, Manager. Both phones 2348. 209-210 Atlas Blk. w2647 SPECIAL BARGAINS. $700 For 2-room house, oak furniture, first-class chicken house and yard, 21 chickens, 4 good IotH, les3 than 1 block from car line. $5500 For 150 acres, 42 shares of water, mostly undor cultivation, 20 miles from Salt Lake, on railroad. $1000 For rooming-house, 11 rooms, well furnished, lowest rent In Salt Lak; net income $90 per month. $1600 For roomlng-houso, 20 rooms, only $40 rent, good furniture, well lo cated, not Income $100 per month. Don't go by. anchor now. ANCHOR REALTY CO., 33J So. West Temple. Room 2. W2656 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT. New, 2-story press brick, stone foun dation. S rooms, reception hall, complete plumbing, furnace, etc., $5000.. On 1st Ave., 2-tory prohs brick. 8 rooms, reception hall, strictly mod., fur nace, lot 2Jxl0 rods, only $5500: terms. 6x10 rodv on East 3rd South, $lS0O. New. 6-room mod. light press brick cot tage, $3600: terms. 6-room brick, lot 3x10 rods; $2250; $300 cash, bal. on very easy terms. 2jxl0 rod3 on 6th Ave.; $1000. 2-story 7-room frame, fur. strictly mod., plcndid location; $3000. Nice 4-room mod. red press brick cottage, North bench; $2350; terms. East side, between 2nd and 3rd South, 2x9 rods; $400. Now press brick cottage, 5 rooms, re ception hall, large bathroom and pantry, furnace, stairway to attic and room to finish several more rooms; lot 2Jxl0 rods; $4000; easy terms. Private money to loan on good security. We have property everywhere, both va cant and Improved. E. E. CASADY & CO., 407 Atlas Blk. Bell phono 2227-Red. Ind. phono 1393-R- w2646 WE ARE HIGHLY Pleased with the number of lots we hav sold this year in all parte of tho city in the most popular additions and we wish to express our appreciation for the Jlboral patronage. It Is hardly likely that wo will sell all our lots this year, consequently wc will have some left for next year. If you havo bought lots of us. and havo found out our liberal way of doing busi ness, come and buy some more. If you havo not, como and mako a start. We know it will not hurt you to own real estate In this town; in fact. It will do you good. More people get rich by own ing real estate than any other way. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO.. 73 W. 2nd South. $2000 5-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, near 7th East and 1th South. Terms. Addrcqs F-54, Tribune. w2713 MONEY TO LOAN F7G7"wolimsFb low rate, easy terms; private. Room 309 Tribuno Building. t2675 DURING THIS SO-CALLED PANIC, wi Jiavo more money than ever to loan on real estata- Ruusel L. Tracy, 11 East let South. t2003 ON MORTGAGES; NO COMMISSION; lowest rates. Pomeroy, 36 West First North. u881 ON IMPROVED READ ESTATE. Large or small amounts. Thos. W. Partridge. 4 Commercial block. w88 THE CITY LOAN AGENCY MAKES lnnn tt snlnplftH nnnnlA Ttl.. hulldlng, 02181 ON REAL ESTATE; LOWEST RATES. Elmer E. Darling Co.. 142 Main St. m!553 DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR salary until you see mo; lowest rates, F. A. Newton, 421 Herald bldg. e2087 I $1000 TO $6000; ONE TO FIVE YEARS; farm of city property. James K. Shaw & Co., over lo3 South Main stroot rlOCfi AMOUNTS OF $500 AND UP; LOW rate of Interest. Houston Real Estato Inv. Co.. 251 S. Main SL Phones 27. J12D9 THE CITY LOAN AGENCY MAKES loans to salaried pooplc. 610-611 Tribuno building. t9 10 QUICK LOANS ARE AS IMPORTANT as cheap money. We furnish both, Tho Home TniHt & Savings Co., U-10 West First South. nfiGG MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEO plo and others upon tholr own names, without security: cheapest rat en; easiest payments, officer! In 60 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our torms first. Tulmnn. 33S Atlao bldg y8"3 MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING, STORAGE REDMAN VAN A N Dt3rAGEoTi17 So. West Tomplc. Phonos 555. Efll clunt, prompt, thorough. t2821 CASH EEGISTERS NATlo!?AL"CA!nr OSCAR Groshell, naleB aicnt. 221 Main etrcet. Expert cash register repairing. Second hand registers always jn stock. nl680 TOR, SALE REAL ESTATE 'TT PAYS TO OWN A HOME." CAPITAL REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO. 17 West 2nd South St. Both phones. Wo wish lo'extend the "season's greet ings" to our friends nnd patrons and to say that while- we have not done all tho real tetato business, nor perhaps the largest business or any firm in the city, still wo havo had :i most satisfactory years, doing moro than double our busi ness In 1906. Wo havo a most attractive list of prop ortion with which tp open tho now year, Including: CHOICE BUSINESS PROPERY. PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS PROPER TY. INSIDE RESIDENCE PROPERTY. SUBURBAN RESIDENCE PROPERTY, VACANT SUBURBAN LOTS. VACANT "CLOSE IN" LOTS, APARTMENT HOUSE SITES. . DESIRABLE TRACKAGE. BEST INVESTMENT PROPOSITIONS. IN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WE ARE DISTINCTIVELY THE LEADERS. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE. "DROP IN AND TALK IT OVER." W2618 OUR MOTTO: "QUICK SALES IN REAL E5TATE." If you have anything to Bell list with us. We havo buyers for all kinds of prop erty. If you want to buy. call and see us. We want your business. Wo havo some nlco building lots on Ninth East and Eighth South streets that we can sell on easy torms. Call and let us toll you about them, $2950 Four-room, modern. up-to-dn.ts red press brick cottago, facing south on Third street; sewer con nections, cement walks, etc. $3500 Five-room modern, red press brick cottago, facing on Eighth South Btrcct. closo in, or will rent to good party. $4000 Five-room modern cottage, facing south on Second South streot, close In; will rent or sell. $4650 Six-room modern residence, facing south and cast, on good corner lot on East Second South street; easy terms; 56xl32-foot corner. $6000 Seven-room modern whlto press brick residence, facing south on Third street, close in: good barn, cow, and tho residence completely furnished. This will bear Investi gation. We pay special attention to out-of-town correspondence. If you can't call, write. WIMMER INVESTMENT COMPANY, RoomB 300-301 New Herald. Both phones 474. W2623 A GREAT BARGAIN. Thousands of Eastern people' suffered in thf lata panic. This man was caught with tho rest, and must "have money at once. He has over $5000 Invested In 10 fine lots on Eighth East, and Is willing to 1-u.ko s iwiiuuiiL lur uio iuls. rjacu is 25x157 to a 16J ft. alloy, only ono block from threo car lines. It Is an ideal build ing site and a money maker at the ridic ulously low prce of $2600. Not in tho history of Salt Laks havo lots sold in this locality at such a figure. His loss is your gain. We personally recommend theso lots to you aa an Investment. Telephone 701, either phone, and we will show you tho property. Wo wish you a happy now year and Jols of them. SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE AND TITLE CO., 50 Main street. Leading Abstracters and Realty Men. w2652 MEEKS .fc LYNCH. 315 and 316 Atlas Block. Bell phono 2622. $35006x20 rods on 11th East; faces east, near 2nd South; 4-room good brick, flno barn and fruit trees; the own er of proporty on north will give a r. of way over his ground so that parties can sell lots In roar at $500 each, nnd rear will make 5 lots; one lot can bo sold on tho front for $1000, making the 21x8 and houeo FREE. $3000 Now 5-room modem red pressed brick on Sth E. and Bth So.; $500 cash, bal. $25 mo. $3000 Now 5-room modern home on 11th So. and 11th E., near tho West minster 'school; $500 cash, $26 mo. $4000 Beautiful new, nil-modern homo, with furnace; 2Jxl0 lot. faces o. on J fit; $500 caah, $25 mo. $4250 6-room new r. p. brick, hardwood floors, furnace, on 5th E.; faces o. near 5th So. Terms. $200 Each, a few beautiful Paradiso odd. lots loft; $1.00 cash, $1 por week; 11th So. Sth E. $850 24x7, faces so. on 8th st. $900 2ix8, corner 9th So. 8th East. $2000 2axl0, East 1st South, $150099x150, on 1st Weat and Sth So.; chjap. MEEKS & LYNCH. 315 Atla3 Block. W2C53 BUY NOW, WHILE YOU CAN PICK UP A REAL UAIiliAi.N. NOTICE TO BARGAIN HUNTERS. If taken soon, a now, large, S-roomed house, largo pantry, closets, bathroom, porcelain tub, sink In kitchen, yellow pine finish, largo front porch, back porch 1 Bcrooned. largo lot 80x115 foet; house can be hud for leas than $2800: located southeast. Terms may be arranged. See this neat, 4-roomcd, pressed brick cottago: pantry closet, cellar, etc. Price, $1750. Easy terms. RANCK REAL ESTATE A INV. CO., 231 D. F. Walker Bldg. wgtiJS SACRIFICE NEW MOD- BRICK, NOR. bench; "snap" for cash; $2750. God dard I. Co.. 31 E. 1st So. at. w2690 HOME A "BEAUTY;" 6-ROOM MOD. brick, nor, bench; snap; small payment down and $30 per mo. Price $3250. God dard Inv. Co.. 31 E. 1st So. w2601 E. J. WILLS. Real Estnfo and U. P. R, R. Lands. 10 V. 2nd So, St. Room 29. Start tho Now Year right. Buy a. homo. Own a piece of real es tate. Lot me show .you theso bargains. $3000 Modern 5-room brick, nlco lot; easy payments. $3500 Modern, 5-room, pressed brick: barn, nlco lot. shades and elec. fixtures go. Easy terms. $125 to $275 Nice building lots; city watur, sidewalks, etc. Acreage All parts of rlty and State. See mo for real estate bargains. K. J. Wills, 13 W. 2nd So. St. Room 29. W2005 TOE SALE REAL ESTATE. INVESTORS AND SPECULATORS, ATTENTION. 10 PER CENT TO 20 PER CENT NET INCOME ON SALT LAKE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. PETERSON REAL ESTATE INV. CO., ESTABLISHED 1897. 330 SO. MAIN We can show 10 por cent to 20 per cont net income on flats and rcBldcnco property, tho following, a few good buys from our largo list; A 12 PER CENT FLAT FOR $80,000. 9 -APARTMENT FLAT. UP-TO-DATE AND MODERN IN EVERY WAY. Large lot, spaco for largo annex. Lawn, shade, cement walks, only 2 blocks cuat of Main street, center. This ono is tho best of 5 others, which aro all A'-1. $4200 DOUBLE TERRACE. Doublo 5-room modern torraco on Wost 3rd So. Lot will accommodate another building of samo sizii; a good buy. Rental Income, $40 por month. HOUSES AND LOTS. $500 cash, $500 6 months, balance 1, 2 and 3 years, for a fine C-room modern pressed brick on 6th East. Furnaces, hardwood floors, cement cellar, lawn, sidewalk, Bcwer nnd all in A-l shapo, for $4260. It's worth $5000. Rental value, $10. Imrnediato possession. $10,000. 9-r. modem brick, 2-otory and basc mont, furnace and nlr ventilation: largo lot spaco for flat on corner; house can't be built for less money. Wo throw In the lot. On Center street, about 2 blocks north of Temple. THIS IS A SNAP.. $2150. $250 cash, $36 per month, Including in terest, 4-r. now brick, bath, hot and cold water, nlco lot, southwest, 7i blocks from postofflce. $3000 5-room modorn brick, lot 64x165 to alley: this Is an extra well-built house, on 9th So., near 10th East. $27.50 6-r. mod. new brick, bath, toilet and extra large storage room, very easy terms, 4th East, Waterloo. You make no mistake in buying this one. $3750 $400 cash, $30 por month. Includ ing Interest, 5-room modern, new, on Sth So., near 3rd Eaat. $2600 $300 cash, $35 month, Including In terest, 4-room brick. largo lot.'on 1st West; another SNAP. $3200 6-r. mod. home on 2nd Ave. It's a beauty; well worth tho money. BUILDING LOTS. 6 rods fronting eaBt on 11th East and 3rd South. It's worth $1600; wo want an offer. 5x10 on 3rd So., near 11th East, north front, unobstructed view, worth $1300; mako an offer. 5x20, on Gth So., south front, near 12th East. This Is. a snap at $2000. $1900 buys it now; terms. Fine building lot on 3rd So., near 4th East; Kouth front; $2750. 2 lots on Sth East, near 10th So., Rt a bargain: worth $600; mako an offer. $1400 Flno corner. 9th East, Bth So.; terms to suit. $70034x165. near 2nd So. and 11th E. $700 48JxllS5xll5, near 2nd So.. 11th E. $50050x120, on 7th So., near 13th East. $45045x120. on 6th So., near 13tli East. $300375x120. on University St.. bet. 6th So. and 7th So. $750 10x115, on University St., near 2nd South. $850 3Sxl20, on 2nd So., near 13th Eaat. WEST SIDE LOTS. 37ixl4S4 to 20-ft. allev on Jefferson St.. noar 7th So., worth $550; mako us an offer; easy torms. $323 for 25x146 to 20-ft. alley,, on 1st West; easy terms; monthly. $90 for 25xl40-ft. lot on Sth North; terms to suit you; $5 cash. $325 for 2 lots on Mead St.; thoy ara worth $400. $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 PER WEEK Buys- what few lots aro loft Iri PARA ,DISE ADDITION. 7th East and 11th So.; 2 car linos, within city, only 7 left at $200, a fw at $225 and upward. Take- Wandamoro car and loolc them over, or better still, let uo tako you down at our expense. TRACKAGE AND WAREHOUSE SITE. 2P5xH25-ft. corner. 5th South and 6th West, streets on 3 sides. 16-ft. alloy In rear; tho tracks on 6th West. You can not equal It in this city for $10,000; It's worth the prico for residences; very rea sonable; terms. We have ono of the largest lists of city property In business district and vacant Jots, houses, etc. WE WRITE THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE. PETERSON R. E. INV. CO.. 330 SO. MAIN. 3320-K. BELL. 291 IND. 10 years' success to our credit; wo make no noise, but saw wood. IF YOU CAN FIND TN THIS CITY BETTER CONSTRUCT ED AND FINISHED HOUSES THAN THE TWO I AM BUILDING ONE ON 2ND AVE., BETWEEN O AND P STS., AND THE OTHER ON " 3RD AVE.. NEAR U ST. I WILL SELL THEM TO YOU AT TOUR OWN FIGURE?. MY PRICES AND TERMS FOR THESE HOUSES ARE REASONABLE COMPARED WITH HOMES OF SAME NUMBER OF ROOMS' IN SAME LOCATION AND CHEAPER CONSTRUCTED. MY HOUSES ARE COMPLETE AND MODERN -IN EVERY RESPECT. 8 ROOMS. LARGE CEMENTED BASEMENTS, WITH ROUND OAK FUR NACES. LAUNDRY TRAYS. POLISHED FLOORS UP AND DOWNSTAIRS, MANTELS, ELECTRIC LIGHT FIX TURES. CEMENTED SIDE WALKS; IN FACT. COM PLETE TO MOVE INTO. GO AND LOOK AT THEM AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THEM. IK" 'rr.TT'CC' liniTCre a nr. TOO LARGE, I HAVE MANY OTHERS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY AND CAN GIVE YOU BETTER VALUES AND BETTER HOMES OUT OF MY OFFICE THAN ANY OTHER AGENCY IN THE CITY. A. RICIITER. 19 WEST 1ST SOUTH ST. PHONES 641. I W2132 ; ONLY THREE MORE DAYS AND WIS bid adieu to tho old year, and our great desire is to malto a few moro hap py before tho new ynor arrives. C'onio In Monday and wc will surely surprise you. both in prices and terms. 3-room cottages from $800 to $1000 ca-ch, on terms; $150 cash nnd $12 to 515 por month. 5-room cottages from $1250 to $1600, and $15 to $2(1 per month. Cholco ' mod. 5-room cottages from $2500 up to $3000; Inrger orios In proportion. A few snaps loft In vacant lots and trackago proporty. Somo cholco farms and ranches, I Call early. Mahan Inv. Co., 27 Euglo i blk. W2681 6-ROOM FRAME, 50-FOOT FRONT, 1236 ' Emerson Avo. 7-nn. frame anil stable, 722 Owon St. 7-nu. brick, stable, chicken houso and fruit; 75-ft. front, 935 Logon Avo. Seo W. S. Glesy & Co., 103 Tribuno building. wCCOO WEST SIDE COTTAGE NEW. MOD. '1-rm. brick, $2000; easy terms. God durd. 31 E. 1st So. St. W2093 FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE WE HAVE 41 ACRES facing cast on Third East bo twecn Eleventh and Twelfth South. The owners havo ln Btructed us to sell this tract as a whole, or to suit purchasor, at $1500 per aero. Cash or terms. Lots ' north of Capitol grounds, $450 each and up. 10x8 rods facing south and . wost. corner Twelfth East and. Seventh South, 4-room brick cottago. $3000. - 41x120 feet, alley In rear, facing south on Seventh South between Eleventh and Twelfth East, $600. x 40x1 32-foot lots, with alleys in rear, facing cast or west, on Ellznhntli strnnt. between Eleventh and Twelfth -East and Sixth and Seventh South. Theeo are fine lota and in a growing locality. $450 each, ensh or terms. Elegant 10-room modern on Sixth East between Second and Third South; par quetry flooring, plate glass windows, auto garage, largo lot, Wc want an offer. 35x115 feet. 6th So., just cast of 3rd East; has alley In rear. $1200. 100x183 feet, facing wast, on State street. Just south of Capitol grounds; one of tho best sites In tho city. It ought to soil readily for $100 per foot; all we aro asking Ib $50 per foot, and can mako you terms. 49ixl32 feet, Just north of the Eaglo gate, facing west; elegant apartment house site; lawn; paved streot; close In; only :sooo. 50x132 foot on Main St., bet. 11th and 12th South; west front. $500. 6-rm. mod. brick, 57x125 feot: 819 E. 3rd South. $3500. We can make you Icrms on any or the above; we will take clearing houso certlfl calec or checks In payment. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CO., 251 South Main. Wo Writ Flro Insurance. Phones 27. W2607 ' LITTLE & LITTLE. Good Investments In Salt Lako real osiuto beat all other credits. You can't make a mlstako If vou will lako our advlco In buying. 330 feet of business frontage with two and threo-story brick buildings on ono half of It (other half not Improved), right In tho business center, on paved streot. The Improvements would cost over $50. 000, and wc offer tho wholo proposition for $85,000, on good terms. It's the greatest buy In town, and will mako vou rich. 1151x132 feet on a comer, with a 16 room mod. houso (now renting for 575 por mo.), only li blocks east of Salt Lako Theater, on 1st South, for $150 per foot. It s a snap. Brlgham street coraor (closo in), at a prico less than you can buy from any other agent, a half-mllo farther out, 55 feot on 3rd So. (tho depot and com ing business streot), close to Main, at 2-3 tho price asked by other agents. A large business corner (that Is worth at least, according to adjoining property, $100,000) for $40,000. 60 feet of business frontago, worth $000 per foot. Elegant business block on it that cost over $10,000. See us Monday about this. Wo can soli for less than $40,000. Wo also handle smnll deals and can give you houses from $1200 up, and any thing In lots. Wo have some good buys in modern small and lurgc residences. j LITTLE & LITTLE. Under Natl. Bank of Republic. . W2603 HERE'S A SNAP; RENTING PROPOSI- tlon. You can roallzo $150 a month aft er all taxes aro paid by Investing $16,000. Proporty very close in and always rented. Address F-40. Tribuno. W2613 OR RENT. NEW, MODERN BRICK cottago. Addresu 1077 h. 9th East, this c'ty- 0435 WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all. TutU Bros., 153 Main. Red ball signs. ol397 VACANT AND IMPROVED PROPERTY all parts of city. Meeks A Lynch. 315 Atlas block. pl831 PROPERTY AT THE LOWEST MAR kot prico listed and sold at Ranck Real Estate Inv. Co.. suite 232 D. F. Walker. bZ433 INVESTORS' REAL ESTATE SNAPS. Kelsey & Gillespie. 22 Eust lt South. P1280 SEE ASHTON & JENKINS. ACTIVE real ostate agents, 75 Main at. n324 4, 5 AND 7-ROOM HOUSES. INQUIRE of ownr, 825 E. 4th South. Terms. w540 OUR MOTTO; QUICK SALES IN REAL I'.atate. W. L. Wlmmor. successor to Anderson R, E. Co., 300-301 Now Herald building. Foneg 474. WE HAVE PROPERTY EVERYWHERE. E. E. Cosady & Co., 407 Atlas block. xl6C0 FARM LANDS, UNIMPROVED. $8.50 and $10 an acre. 402 D. F. Walkor blk. A. L. Scott. Bell 289. r2385 SAMPLE BARGAINS. If you want to hoII your houso. Hat It with us. C. F. Llttlo & Co.. 209-10 Atlas block. pSS IF YOU WANT TO SELL. Seo C. W. Miller. 112 W. 2nd South. m2603 IF YOU WANT MONEY For your real cstoto seo A, M'KELLAR & CO.. C3J W. 2ND SO. r3263 FOR BUILDING LOTS SEE FRITSCH. No. 12 E. 2nd South st. 1:1194 $600 LOT ON 6TH AVE GODDARD Inv. Co.. 31 E. 1st So. w209J LOT $350 $25 CASH, ST, MO.. FOR choice 10 ft. lot, 12th uve. Goddnrd. 31 E. 1st So. st, wl'092 THERE IS A REASON t. WHY MORE HOMES ARE SOLD THROUGH MY -AGENCY THAN ANY OTHER IN THIS CITY. DO YOU CARE TO 3CNOW? ' ASK ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING BUYERS OR SELLERS. THEY WU,T, T35LL YOU. P. A. Soronsen to M, E. Curtis. lot 3rd South , $ 6,500 Portland Cement Co. to L. Brcsse, cottago Poplar Arcado 1,200 Irving Inv. Co, to Davis" Be Lovltt, terr;ico 43,000 Portland Cement Co. to Lillian M. Smith, cottago 1,200 R. B. Carter to Jos. Levitt, lot cor. 2nd W. and 2nd So 16,500 J. Manning to T. Salmon, residence Brlgham st, 4,700 Aaron Koysor to M. M. Jackson, houso N ut 1,700 A. M. Utt to E. Mchosy. lot 6th South , 1,450 E. J. Raddatz to A. Shepherd, house 3rd South 2.snn T, J. Maroney to L. D. Gordon, residence 4th So 18,000 Mrs. Belle E. BIckford to D. El liott Kcllcy, residenco 1st Bt.... 6,100 N. G. Strlngham to T. Hayncs. lot Sth East 595 D. B. Hempstead to A. Rudlnc, lot 3rd East 4,400 C. A. Calllson .to Busby, house II at 2,400 L. A. MatthowH to A. W. Steele, cottago 6th ave 3,200 A. Bleak lo A. Ilodglns, cottage 2nd North , 2,800 W. H. Austin to C. II. Valentine, houso Q sL 3,000 R. Fenton to A. Rudlnc, lot Cth East 700 J. Hcmslcy to G. II. Islaud, house 12th East 2,100 TI. A. Porchcr to Mary Dover, houso Q st 2,750 J. Lynch to Mary Corf! eld, resi dence 3rd So 3,750 Gertrudo PIttman to Wm. Quick, realdonce 4th ave 5,000 A. B. Cline lo W. IT. Austin, resi dence 1st ave S.750 Lillian M. Smith to A. Rlchtcr, cottago Poplar Arcado 1,250 A. RIchter to J. Larson, cottago Poplar Arcade 1.400 A. Rudlnc to E. S. Kimball, real donce Park avo 4,500 A. Rudlno to Geo. Bowles, lot 8th South '. .. 850 Mary B. Dover to Lucy A. Rlchtcr, lot 3rd ave 1.400 M. E. Curtis to B. Eckstein, lot 3rd So 7.500 A. RIchter to T. IT. Bussman, lot 3rd ave 1,600 J. M. WibHey to M. E. Curtis, lot 2nd ave '. 4.100 J. Oldham to L. L. Goddard 26,000 Joscphlno Larson to Mary C. Jag- gors, house Fern st 1,900. Laura A. Tollcs to A. M. Rosser, residence 11th East 1 . . 4,700 L. A. Copcland to Rachel S. Miller, rcsldenrc 1st ave 6,500 A. Richter to W. P. Cooper, rcsl- denco 3rd ave . 5.500 A. Rlchtcr to Imogene J. Melville. 5,000 M. Kimball to Wm. Spry, residence 1st North 4,500 C. J. V. Young to Thos. Stephens, cottage R st. 3,500 J. Fletcher. Jr.. to T. Carney, lot cor. 3rd So. and 7th E. 2,000 Kate Mltchcncr To .T.-W. Carroll, cottago 2nd avenue 8,600 J. H. R. Franklin to Kate Mltchc- ner. cottago 5th avo. ...- 2,700 Sadie Thompson to Wm. Partridge, nouso .iru lasi l.zuu Jas. Langton to Wm. Quick, lot I 4th East 5,000 Win. Quick to Jas. Langton, farm Rlverton 3,500 IT. B. Merrlarn to Clara Simon, lot 12th East 1,500 Anna Houston to A. Rlchtcr, hou."; 6th Wost COO A. RIchter to Thos. Butte, houso Cth West SOO .T. P. KJcrgard lo Kate Mltchener. cottage 5th ave. 2,700 Ell Price to R. M. King, houso 1st West 1,900 C. A. Calllson to O. W. Holstcn. cottago 3rd ave S.600 A. H. Walsh to Thomas Prlchard, cottago Sth East 3,000 A. RIchter to John Dudcr, residence 3rd avenue 5,000 A. RIchter to L. O. Tart, residence 3rd avo S.500 A. RIchter to W. M. Wantland. resldonce 3rd ave 6,000 J. F. Harding to Sarah Neldon, residence P st 4,500 Annie Staddloman to H. Brain, lot Sth East 1.S50 A. Rudine to Anna Lloyd, resi dence 2nd avo S.500 C. A. Calllson lo W. H. Young, cottage 3rd avo 3,250 D. M. Hcllck to D. M. Heaston, cottage 12th East 2.S50 C. A. Calllson to W. H. Young. cottage 3rd uve 3,250 A. W. Steolo to Stanley Wade. cottago 6th ave 3,400 J. M. Denny to IT. Bates, cottago 4th East 3,600 Geo. Wclr to J. R. Mellen, cottago Cully ave 1.400 Julfa H. Warrum to M. G. Catcs, residence 2nd ave 7,750 M. E. Curtis to M. G. Catcs. lot 2nd avo 1.500 C. T. Calllson to J. M. Richardson, cottage York st 2.500 Laura IT. Sherman to E. L. Davis, residence 1st avo 13,000 C. W. Gates to J. E. Burrows, lot 1st nvo 2,100 Ellen S Sandbcrg to Goo. C. C'hrlstcnron. cottage 3rd E 1.S00 1 Sallle K. Palmer to J. Hanson, J cottago Graeber ave 1.000 : "J. Stout t to A. Peterson, cottage ' 4th So 2.500 ' Mrs. A. C. Vincent to W. A. Lee. residence 1st So 5.250 Mary Kraack to Mary McGrath, fnrrn S.500 J. B. Trlbole to Solomon, houso : 3rd East '. 2,450 J ITattle Bergman to Wm. Brother. resldenco J st 3.S50 Geo. Bennett to L. D. S. church. 2 lotn Sth East 650 A. B. Bobbins to E. Thomas, houso ard South 2,100 , J. Fletcher to W. G. Woolley. lot $ Sth East 650 C. Baxter to Mrs. A. M. Anderson, 2 lots Rico st 600 W. Lynch to J. Rogers, rcsldonco 2nd ave 8,000 A. JJ. .awver, Jr., to .i. v. vc3t, lot 5th So 1.SO0 A. Wolsh to A. Hudson, cottage Sth Eust 3,500 D. A. Nelson to C. A. Larsen. resl denco 3rd Eust 4.600 Jas- Tnylor to A. Rlchtcr. lot' 3rd and U st 4.000 Luele R. Thomas, lot 2nd ave., to A. Rlchtcr 1.650 W. H. rrobnnd to J. Doran. cot tago iJth So 2.500 Mrs. W. IT. Bergman to Lee. 5 cottagos Barrows avo 11,000 Anna Hulvorscn to Jano II. Shields, houso State at 1,700 Alma Cornwall to A. Rlchtcr, I t acrca 9lh East 1,000 Tho business opportunity department under the able management of Mr. A. L. Brattaln has boon equally successful for tho same reason. He has placed more satisfied clients In first class European hotels and mercantile Investments of nil kinds than all agonts combined. His siller aggregato over $100,000. Such cholco places as the Koith apartments, tho Windsor hotel. Elk hotel, tho Cliad bourno. tho Lennox, the Raleigh, Hotel Ely. Hotel Herald, are among his nu merous sales. Why. then, should you seek other agents for real estate, loans, lire Insur ance or commercial Investments, when the above list of satisfied clients will demonstrate our ability to satisfy you? A. RICHTER, 19 West 1st South st. Phonci 641. . v S OBSALE IE HAPPY NEyV YEAR TO ALL. " ANOTHER COLUMN ON THIS PAGE SHOULD PROVE MY ABILITY TO PLEASE EVERY INTENDING PUR- 'j CHASER OF A LOT, HOME OR IN- VESTMENT PROPOSITION. THAT I I HAVE MANY PLACES FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING LIST WILL PROVE. 1 THEY ARE THE BEST SELECTED ', M PROPERTIES OFFERED FOR SALPJ, AND NO OTHER AGENT CAN DUPLI- $ '1 CATE THEM. . '1 CASH OR TERMS. ' ill 217 Roc'd St., 3-room cottago $ 1,000 jl 225 Fern St., Broom brick 2,CD0 I S 226 West 6th North. 6-room mod. i X brick , 3.1550 , 931 W. 1st So., 6-room mod. frame. 2,309 j 643 South 1st West, 3-room cottago 2,100 I ft Bunch of lots, 2nd So. noar 10th 3 West, 'each $250 and $400 9 919 Windsor Ave,, 5-room mod,, 1J whlto brick f C,500 31th E. near 10th So.. 6-room mod. 3,000 J 9th So. near 9th East, 6-room mod. I brick . .-. 3,000 I 148 So. 12th East, 6-room mod brk. S.000 I r 818 Fifth Ave, 6-room modern.... 3,000 y 1st Ave,, near K. 6-room brick.... 3,000 Princeton Ave., 6-room modem, . rl largo lot 2,250 lt 11th East near 11th Eo 5-room j- mod., beauty , 3,000 t Near 5lh So. and 11th East, 4-rm. I good houso i(500 f Near 10th East and Brlgham. 4-rm. I brick 1,750 ( Near Sth Eant and Sth South, 4-rm. I brick 2,009 7-room brick, Gth near D 3,150 2nd Ave, noar L, 5-room, elegant. 3,800 R near 1st, 6-room modem 3,500 ' 6-room, 2-story modern, 3rd 4,700 i 6- room mod., 7th Ave., closo in, A new 4,500 1 Comer on J St., 7-room mod., ?- ' story 4,200 6th iiost, nenr 1st So., 6-rm. mod. 4,700 9-rrn. modorn, south front, 4th Ave. 4,650 M Elegant 6-room mod., 2nd Ave.... 6,000 H 7- room mod. cottage. North Stato 9 street 5,000 3-room mod., corner, 1st Ave. 7,509 fl 3-room mod., comer, 1st Ave., ' n large lot, bam.. g,O0O 9-mom mnii. 9nr! lr nm . 10 largo lot and barn .". 5,500 3-room mod.., 2nd Ave., comer 5,500 jjjfl 8-room mod., 7th Ave., beautiful fiJS homo s.OOO illi 1 2-room mod., East 1st South 1S.000 fl 10-room mod., East lat South 11,000 ,;'J INVESTMENTS. H Terrace, rent $36 per mo 4,000 j W S modern bricks, rent $230 per mo. 27,000 1 ffl Lot. East 1st South, improvements, jfl rent $85 12,000 11 40 feet opposite county building, Q rent $25 per mo 10,000 4- M Finest Stato street property, $750 per j Jl These are only a few of the manv prop. H crtios listed with me for sail. IM A. Rlchtcr. 19 West 1st South. fl FIRE INSURANCE. '. H Our insuranco business has trebled in ! the Inst year. Wo ropresent two of tho j I best companies In this country, the Ger- j man American and tho Now Hampshire. R Both companies woro among the few that H D paid tholr losses in San Francisco 4sV fl promptly. FIro insuranco rates on real- y donees and household goods are so rea- A HJ sonablc that no one can afford to bi H U without it. Don't fall to insure your fill holdings, and let mo 'do lt for you. BJ A. Rlchtcr. 19 West 1st South. j JM LOANS. . fl A great many loans a reasonable rates . B of Interest havo beon made through ir.y H Dfflce during the past year. I have 7 and K 5 por cent money on hand, whicn I can H loan on good real estate security. Try nH mo for a loan. ' & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. fl f2150 27 well-furnished rooms, reason- H ablo rent, long lease; caters mostly B to transient; always full; loc, best H part of Main St.; $1500 cash, bal. fflj easy terms. Nover before offered B at this prico; modem. WD ;1SOO 22 rooms, woll loc; rent $110; til leaso; ulways full; clears $125. $760 13 room3, IT, K., not rent, $35; J) II modern: a genuine 3nap; J block 211 from Main bt. I M , $3500 26 rooms, Main St.. rent $125: leaao 3 4 years; extra well furnished. DM $876060 rooms, swell, long lease; finest s, 8H $9000 S5-room hotel, long lease, very low MM rent: nothing batter; clears $400 to V $650; central loc. uB $500 10 TI. IC rooms; rent $35. !& $5500 An elegant European hotel of 25 JHJ rooms?; elaborately furnished; most - Imvi modern conveniences; prlvato 4mbH baths, etc.; extra long lease and A M low rent; located In the businoss ill HJ heart of the city. Tf you are look- Ml (fl lug for something up to date, sea Jf IH this place. fw IS T also havo on rny confidential list a iIfih proposition in tho hotel line American , Wm and European plan very largo, first- r Jl class in all particulars. Seo or wrlto mo t i for particulars. (If you do not mean , S business, don't apply.) tm I also carry on this list two commercial filfi businesses, best locations, and bonnfido; ' IM ono nt about $30,000; the othor at $85,000. ffl Seo me for particulars. j m A. L. BR ATTAIN, Mgr. B. O. Dept " jS A, RICHTER, fflj , 19 West 1st South St. , W Phones 6H. ' lm