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The Salt Lake tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, December 29, 1907, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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Russian Parliament Sets Asido
$7,500,000 for This Purpose;
1 More Is deeded.
ST. P13TJ5RSBUBG. "Dec, 23 The
last session of the Hussiun parliament
boforo tbe beginning of the Christmas
holidavs was hold today, and a famine
appropriation of $7,500,000 was passed.
There was only a bare quorum present
and the measure was practically not
flcbated. This appropriation, with a
few local bills, comprises the entire
legislative product of tho first sis
weeks' work of tho third duma.
The famine appropriation today.
which is doublo tho amount originally
proposed in the budget, will bo im
mediately available For tho relief of
about twenty provinces. An addi
tional appropriation will bo necessary
later. A lare part "of tho money
voted today is to be distributed
through tho zemstvos and other local
organizations. This course is adopted
becauso the centralization of relief
work, such as obtained in 190G, showed
the danger of abuses, aB for instance
in the Gucrko Lidval case.
,T. II. Griffin, a former well known
Salt Lake man, now superintendent of
strcots and sanitary affairs at Gold
field, has addressed a letter to the
board of health of Salt Lako in which
he asks for information regarding the
crematory hero. Mr. Griflin wants to
know the present manner of handling
a similar institution. Mr. Griffin had
the street sprinkling contracts in Salt
Lako for several yoars.
The following for'ty-flvo volumes will
bo added to the public library Monday
morninj? December 30, 1907: Miscella
neous -Inioratato Commerce Commis
sion, Report on Regulation of Railway
Rates, G vols.; Lodgo, ed., "History of
Nations,' ' 24 vols. Fiction Barr,
'''Heart of Jessie Laurie;' ' Do La Pos
ture, "Doborah of Tods;" Dostoicff
sky, "Crime and Punishment;" Wells,
"Kmll Emmins' Papers;" "Wilkinn,
"Fair Lavina and Othors." Children's
books Brady, "Indian Fighi3 and
Fighters:" Corman and Gerson. "Geo
graphical Primer;" Fox, "Littio Lady
Marjorio;" Hoffman. "Games for
Everybody;" Mathows, "Dame
Prism';' Ray. "Half a Dozen Girls;"
Rhodes, "Polly's Predicament;"
Spoight and Thompson, "First Book:"
Stoddard, "Two Arrows;" Wells,
"Jinglo Book."
Hear tho great cimbollist at the
'Cullcn Cafe Now Year's Eve.
The girls passed tho boys in tho birth
records of tho past week, although the
margin was small. Out of 50 births To
ported, 29 wcro girls and 21 were boys.
Males led in deaths, there boing 18, and
12 females. Sovon bodies wero shipped
to tho city for burial. There were re
ported during tho wcok 123 cases of
contagious arid infectious diseases, con
sisting of: Smallpox, 4: scarlet fever.
38; diphtheria, 8; measles, 70; typhoid
fovcr, 1$ pnoumonia and pulmonary tu
borculosis, L Four cases of Bmallpox
wero sent to the isolation hospital.
Fifty-nLno houses on account of scarlot
fover and M houses on account of diph
theria remain in quarantine at tho end
of the wcok.
Well-screened, clean Castle Gale.
Clear Creek, Winter Quarters nut and
lumri coal delivored for $5.75, at yard
Controversy of Five Years'
Standing Offers No Possibil
ity of Adjustment.
Salt Lako county's flowing well trait
againBt Murray City, liko Tennyson's
brook, is still gliding merrily along.
Nearly f ivo years ago tho county sued
tho city of Murray for $75, alleging that
tho amount was duo for a flowing well
at Murray purchased by that city. Mur
ray camo back with tho allegation that
in buying the well tho mayor of Mur
ray acted under a misapprehension as
to tho facta and that tho well became
thG proporty of tho city when it was
incorporated. Then an agreed statement
of facts was drawn up and tho matter
has been hanging firo ever Bince.
Saturday the agreed statemont of facts
was withdrawn and the case will be
fought -out on its merits as soon us
it can bo reached.
JACKSON, Mich,, Dec. 28. Mayor
B. O. Glasgow issued a proclamation
today intended to clap a ''lid" on the
city such as has never boforo been at
tempted. All saloons will be closed
after business hours and Sundays, re
sorts aro to bo wiped out of existence
in the city, all slot machines are to be
romoved, cigar stores are to be closed
on Sunday and as many of tho "blue
laws" enforced aB aTo practicable.
Good Printing.
Tribune-Reporter Ptjr. Co., CG W. and
So. St.
Babies and Tired Mothers Find I K
Comfort in Cuticura. Ifi K
Sleep for skin-tortured babies and rest H B j
for tired mothers is found in a hot bath 11 M.
with Cuticura. Soap and. a ms
gentle anointing with Cutl- B;
' TfTJSo cur a Ointment, tbe great '
rrjXtfgf Skin Cure. This treatment ' iW j
E3?5) affords Instant relief In the
rnoat distressing forms of w '
1 1 itching, burning, scaly, and wL
i F7rZ crusted humors, eczemas. m
iXr-Ji) rashes, irritations, and j ' ft "
chaflngs, of Infancy and W. '
D' ' childhood, and points to a , 1; ;
aDeedy cure when all else fail, j E
il&folaky IS
&J CM Powder 1 f
IlGREETING-- 1908 'agJjiT! :j
W FHE New Years edition of the Tribune ' With the . completion.' of these extensive improve- f9PS ' 9 If
4 'TP S is a fitting medium in which to voice ments e store wil1 once more be prepared to adjust (IfJtP M '
jffl A ll our appreciation of the business a itself to meet the demands of a swiftly growing business. IfLLlflfc 1 H I
fwfif JSM generous public vouchsafed the store- JE iSAw JaBf wmi I
Jf f during the past twelve months. The There 'will be other improvements. They will in- Mfip " jE I
m largest business year in its history clucle the betterment of the store service and extend mfTJr Jl If 1 I
iff has drawn nearly to a close. to the personnel of the working force. Steadily J JUME H f 1
ITP During the last quarter the country passed through f'ie standaid will be laisecl. jJlk IfP I
1 fe financial depression, and unseasonable weather prevailed ' . The store depends largely upon the individual. 5flwJ IP) I
Ifl llr m tafL s thin the province of each salesperson to make JPg j I
a IK The influence, of these potent conditions only tern- the customer a friend of the store,, or drive the customer UTf A II
ia fiwll Porari'y retarded the store's rapid increase over last away ... V III 11
I wi 3rear s Gxtraorclinai-y business. ' We have always demanded efficiency in employes, f rP SllS ' fi
J .W Beginning with the holidays, trade showed marked those who have the personality, the business ac- yA J
tl ft exhilaration and finally forged splendidly ahead. umen to bring and to hold customers; employes who ( ll !
1 H Each of the last three sellin' das exceeded in cash Possess fche knack of .beinS courteous at all times, and VUrsV jtt ,
I M and charges the magnificent business the store enjoyed who understand that politeness is the-first commandment FK H '
U the day before Christmas last year! m ? (l) xnS; fcSTx il
II fef . Our policy includes "no misrepresentation." And J iCwvn$ If
9' 1 hree-marvelous days! . . ' . . rS U Vm ijfifc ' f
II IMh 1S ar reaGning- -t means that the house insists 3VN ftlM ffl
11 St! ' S0' fr tHiS banner f unmatched trade' we upon reliability, even to the loss of sales. V iO! H If
Urn mm gratefully express our thanks to - die purchasing public. ... . r . r . ( S wCxC Ml il
m Ww ao YVe will continue our custom ol satisfying every cus- w B V aV j WW IS
a' 3 ' tomer; of accepting goods back;, of refunding purchase lYxi 3 iH
Jj The dawn of a new year is casting first shafts of light, money. Si m
I IP Cl0UdS StiU discernible but paSsing by' Their We sel1 merchandise at the lowest prices consistent (jU M S
yfB silvei7 lining reveals a promise of restored confidence; with good business. Qur large buying facilities are vi ) i il ; i
renewed prosperity. such thafc no store can undersen us. ' " ( B
H 1$ Because of faith in the outlook, Keith-O'Brien During the flurry our bank met every demand with au m
I g Company is going ahead with its contemplated- im- the cash. Both the savings and checking departments .!? Ztl! I) mk m
S prove'ments. The expense will be heavy. The demands paid out money on checks. No certificates were issued. lyoi inlf m
II of our present fast growing business must be met. The IC- iSV m
9 tre is to be considered. Our planning is for both Keith-O'Brien Company leads today; will lead to- VJ Sa uat ffilf i
I fffl and along big lines. morrow. j M
.1 1 . The same reasons, the same broad policy, the same r) 111! IS
I We are striving to-better our facilities. Added floor character all have made possible the store's remark- v?Nv m(( ( (
8 space will enable stocks to be more attractively ar- able popularity and growth, and will carry it onward to yW Vj5 IS lm
9 ranged. The appearance of the store will be enhanced, greater success. v..-' Cm 1
fl m The improvements will be along lines of elegant But the pinnacle will be reached. ' ' ' , f1 'ill
II Wl simplicity, in harmony with present fixtures. ' The store purposes being to the West what Map Hi 1
lW ? Already work has begun. The entire building will shall Field's is to the middle states, what Wanamakers 25L i& Ijffl
be ready for , is to the' East ' ' '
' Largest ami finest DepartmcntStorc m tke Intermountam "West SaltLake City

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