n i 7!?'" .111 "BBjBjBjBJBJBjBJjHHPMjfl'IV
Salt Lake. Warrant Issued for Sears ami
Newton in connection with loss of $300
check. Madam Schumann-Helnk com
pllmcr.ts voice of Miss Halllo Fostor.
ILlcenso refused Caesar Brun. W, P.
Read. superintendent, leaves acrvlco of
" I la.h J'L,IslVL . aml Railway companv.
f-prlngdalo Irrigation company flies arti
cles of Incorporation.
2. Woman's section Y. M. C. A. ban
nuets newsboys. Albert Hackwell corn
nil ts su I eld o with razor. William Hearst
of Murray killed by steam shovel at
lonopah. Nov Paul Banker appointed
superintendent of Brndstreot'a. Attor
ney Newton nrrestcd; allowed to take
New Year's dinner with family. Heavy
snow and hitch winds.
3. Cold wave arrives. R. W. Flanders
appointed contracting agent Rio Grande
road. Ollvo Stevens charged with crim
inal operation; taken 'to Montana. At
torney Newton released on $2000 bond.
, 4-l:L Ccnc" offers Knudson-Bag-ley
$30,000 for water right. Genera Man
ager Bancroft of tho Oregon Short Lino
writes a statement for The Trlbuno re
garding threatened strike of locomotivo
llremen. Utah Poultry association asks
$2000 for two years. Judge Young ro
tlrcs as counsel for Utah Light and
Hallway company. Grain iron's asso
ciation petitions Short Lino to Improve
Its yards. Attorney Newton denounces
County Attorney Chrlstcnsen.
f. Government appropriates $1G0,500
for enlargement of Fort Douglas. Coun
ty Commissioners Instruct Sheriff to
close al! saloons in county on Sunday.
ICggs sell at ?10 per case. W. H. Dick
son Invests ?74,000 In real estate. Quar
terly report shown heavy increaso in
postofilco business. A. Jones sentenced
to three years In penitentiary for burg
6 Max Brown, eon of Senator Arthur
Brown, becomes executor of father's es
tate. Farmers meet to tako steps abat
ing smelter smoke. Salt Lakers lose
?100.000 on Sullivan Trust company
stock. Marion Brashor arrested for
passing many worthless chocks. William
McWhirtcr disturbs peace and Is or
rostcd. 7. Destructive fli"C in shaft of Utah
Mine at Fish Springs. Schools open again
after holidays. Utahns In Now York
wore for Utah potatoes.
S. License of White House bar re
stored. Day murder trial set for Jan-
"Jjjjfl mand. Curfew law to be enforced. Call
yffjtt r convention of Woolgrowers' associa-
mfcJ tion. Samuel Nowhouso first choice for
I W president of Commercial club. Bcgln-
Inlng of construction of Salt Lake Routo
to Ploche announced. Mrs. L. J. Wag
ner lays claim to Edward3 estate.
American Woman's club electa ofllcers.
Federal grand jury in sosslon. Mystcr
i lous Alexander Kecd puzzles Salt Lake
post of lice authorities. New county offi
cials assume positions.
9. Dr. Sanford Bell indorses consolida
tion of Agricultural college and unlvor
slty. Continental Life Insurance com
pany elects officer?!. Oregon Short Line
and San Pedro improvo yards. State
Superintendent Nelson gives out bien
nial report on schools. Tellurldo Realty
company files articles of Incorporation.
Governor Cutler recommends increaso in
salary of his secretary.
10. Compromise In Silver King suit
effected by largo mining Interests. Har
riman to expend 5225.000 orectlng street
car bam. oua Holmes announces that
ho will erect large office building. Coun
ty Commissioners raise salaries of dep-
utles. Newhouse promises to have work
rushed on two eleven-story buildings.
11. Harrlman to erect 5500,000 steam
plant on banks of Jordan river. Sheep
men Invade ZIon. Western Union pre
pares to string wires on Western Pacific,
Old Valley house sold. Heavy snowfall
in ZIon. Lillian Bromway commits sul-
132. Arrangements completed to bore
9-rlesian well In Meadow valley. Death
Valley Dick vagged. Dr. Boatty fathers
bill providing marriage restrictions by
law. Third Iowa cavalry presents high
school cadets with flag. W. H. Jones
appointed assistant superintendent of
Oregon Short Line. Harrlman cancels
ntreet railway bonds. County Commis
sioners hold second secret session to dis
cuss patronage. Attorney Newton exon
erated. Stockmen exercised over fence
problem. Eighteen men chosen by Gov
ernor to represent State at Dry Farming
ongre.su. City plans to lay twenty-four
blocks with macadam.
13. Harry Joseph nominated for
Speaker of tho House. Juycnlle Court
committee makes laws for children- Sec
retary Tlngey reports nearly thousnnd
new corporations last year. Utah sheep
men to Incorporate.
15. Fishermen meet at Commercial
club. Andrew Pedro, Italian, killed in
drunken quarrel. Utah Legislature con
venes. Police raid many resorts.
15. Bar association elects officers. Ex
hibits for cattle and sheep show arrive.
Trial of Ernest Howard, charged with
murder, begins. City buys Knudson
Buglcy water right In Cottonwood. Com
mission of Internal Revenue makes hand
. i" "ng of denatured alcohol easier.
wjjjjp 1C Governor's message read to Lcg-
ITm islalure. Senate committees named,
w Loving cup presented to Walter P. Read
W by street railway employees. Harriman
jfl officers active. Jacob P.lls talks on tu-
J(M berculosls. Coal supply Increases. Grand
Ptm lodge of Masons in session- Mrs. Bes-
s,e Rhodes u"d infant taken out of snow
K drift on lower -State street.
17. Large task for railroads roadjust
jM lug for slxtcen-lmur law. Army paymas-
"ffm. "-ei delayed by snow. Samuel Newhouse
made president of Nlplsslng Mining
llPflf company. William James Barrette elect-
jjfK cd grand master of Masons. Frank Knox
ZHm appointed one of the annual assay com-
(JK mission. Third annual session of Frult-
H' growers' association held. Forty-third
Mm; annual convention of woolgrowers opens.
vmW IS. Fifteen hundred persons attend
JBL sheepmen's convention. Supreme Court
fSM criticised Judge Brown of Juvenile court.
idjE 1adlos' entertainment committee of
K Woolgrowers association nppolnts Mrs.
Sm E. Bonnemort chairman. Railroad men
)kM attend Woolgrowcre' convention. Ernest
Sw, Howard held for killing of Italian labor-
7tm r' Gra,n dealers object to railroad com-
VMi mission. A. J. Knollen awarded prlzo
-MWk cup at sheep show.
W 19- Woolgrowers charge Incompetence
ot F,tlcral officials. Official dip ap
Kfl proved by woolgrowers. Bancroft de-
K nles rumor of a Joint depot. Legislators
Stfm; nnd Mayor visit sheep Bhow. Judge
im Brown of Juvenile court declines to re
gal; federal grand Jury discharged. J.
II. Payllng found dead In lodging-house.
20. Thirty head of sheep sell for $2000.
Wfm 11. Lannan sells old Trlbuno site to
MuM ' iiarrlniun people. Senator F. E. War-UjjBj-
'fn of Cheyenne re-elected president of
oolgrowors' association. Captain John
iltm Aiiir,d, rJ?orlocI to have perlBhcd near
vt oldileld. bOO entries for poultry show.
w oai shortage suspends traffic on Oregon
fPiM. V.,or,' .I;,nu nl Oregon Railway and
l ", "'011,, comp:iny. Federal review
Wm IS1.1,? SSlt Laku- 'rcmnleioii block dam-
ft(M uged by fire.
M n;'( J-P' Jo'" , Hard reported safo.
;.,r,,,KK ?ts sell ilenaturod alcohol.
Lnuncll ndvei-ao to payment of
tf&M T.rr. "'"J. 1?ntl ''""rrcrs overruled by
&M ult;'i, at Jnrtg.". Houhc Journal
381 ?TJCOiVCl BrWyer8 demand SO
lv JaV, ewhoiiMo loaves for Cobalt.
VjM alter noMurn. bicycle rldor. arrested
m for robbery. Bishop Jonh C. Watson
jf vl .s estate to throe wJvos. Sugar fac-
n;rl.V season closes. Threatened row
. oyer State printing. Rmor current tlm
H ?n'whotiso will Imlld smelter.
SHcrlaiuI defcndsK Smoot. Epls-
l2aK' ,l J tpn,""i,npy observed bv nienibors
H'H ,?. (""en county physlclnn. W ,r
!W 'Jn lornti naipod president of Commercial'
t in',; lV U- 1IoPl'-'ns. Pioneer', ro-
i,r"s nttev abHcnco of rniarter-centnry.
tfyjgt- Poultry show opens. It o Grandu will
S,-n?W S"0,,7 TcPlon bloc m -
SSS" nnrWanl ,brPv(crJ of elevator bov.
( Judge Brown asked to resign.
l-mi'.,i.I0i,illvY s,lo.w druws bi crowd.
S , "' h "' kl;'l y electric shock.
wr I?! ?0 '"'oiea lurgcst real estate deal
fo?"'ai,.'"lt,or ,,,ar,;. I'Hroducea tax bill
duccn TC0ri r un,,vrHy. Bill Intro-
ouced lu House relulivo lo change of
tP.2 'rom Jj'Rtlcca of tho Poaco. Youns
Men s Republican club meets. John Bog
don, madman, commits sulcldo ln couuty
i.,Vi f,nfants' Home and Day Nursery
i . P"3 n stfIle and I utrcoLi con
Bpihiated. Judgo Brown refuses to rc-
Ealsternera farmluj; land bouSht-.J6-
Jracklaylng on Western Pacific
delayed by severe weather. Poultry
show closes. Thlstlo club celebrates
Burns s anniversary. Thieves rob Wa
satch drug store. Ladles' Literary club
protests against condition of Bldcwalks.
.Dally co3l supply Inadequate.
-i. Waller Colo frozen to death near
IiJy. President Tlsdel of University of
Wyoming visits ZIon. G. A. R. holds
camp fire. Capt. E. A. Wedgwood ap
pointed Inspector-general on staff of
Governor Cutler. Federation of Labor
protests against convicts working on
highways Senator Smith would have
Salt Lako City government controlled by
28. Farmers at Mill Creek want all
pheasants killed. Automoblllsts will en
deavor to got appropriation of ?150,000
for good roads. Commission men hold
29. Preliminary for Gould terminal In
ZIon begins. Pollco capture Charles A.
Brown, notorious criminal. Manufactur
ers' and Morchans' association holds an
nual meeting. Short Lino viaduct nears
completion. House passes first bill of
sosslon. William H. Goldman's wife sues
for dlvorco, with sensational charges.
Plans for Elks' excursion pcrfocted. Pro
vision inspector confiscates tainted to
matoes. Strovoll-Paterson Hardware
company Increases capital stock. City
Engineer recommends larger water
30. Mayor Thompson Indorses Council.
Pneumonia Increases. John P. Lyon en
ters candidacy for president of Repub
lican club. Bryan Invited to visit Legis
lature. F. H. Hamilton, lawyer, sen
tenced to five years ln penltontlary for
forgory. West Templo street grocer ex
posed by foodstuff inspector. Superin
tendent Hlnes reports on water system.
Women's auxiliary elects officers.
Moran sues city.
81. President Hewlett of Manufactur
ers' and Merchants association discusses
coal situation. Mall Carrier Jones ar
rested. Attorney-General Breeden dodg
es county sulL Five new companies file
articles. Treasurer Hills of streot rail
way resigns. Commission cannot oust
Judgo Brown.
1. W. J. Bryiui gives lecture. Woman's
auxiliary elects officers. Gus Holmes
buys real estate ln Goldfleld. Archie En
ger calls Prophet Smith "profit dovll."
Charles Rlls glvon soven years for bur
glary. Schools close their half-year.
2. Charles Rlls, noted criminal, saws
away to liberty at county Jail. High
school boys elect officers. IIouso measure
to aid settlors on arid lands defeated.
Teamsters strike.
3. Bryan dollvors nddress at tho At
las club. Main stroot to bo largely im
proved. Bad meat confiscated. Foderal
crowd gets control of Republican club.
4. Max Floronco of Lyric bar arrested
for Sunday violation. A. T. Day placod
on trial for murder. American club moots.
Unique ceremony takes place at Catholic
6. Big washout on Union Pacific in
Weber canyon. Three days" rain causes
muddy water supply. Council to bar boys
from poolrooms. Forty-flvo carloads coal
arrive. Masons celebrate lodge anniver
sary. Tainted poultry confiscated.
C. Heated debate in House, during
which Representative Kuchler calls down
Alphabet Jensen. Leon Sweet to build
candy factory. Railroads effect 10 per
cent reduction In Colorado-Utah rates.
Commercial club selects committees. Cold
storage plants pronounced clean. Jamos
Iradale electrocuted.
7. Newhouse returns from Cobalt,
Clegg bill almod at foreign bonding com
panies killed. Speaker Joseph denies
newspaper men. Supremo court holds
State law on Hens invalid. Mrs. Lettlco
A. Brown awarded $1500 from city ac
count son's death In conduit. Mill Creek
Power company furnlsheB electricity. Eu
reka Railroad company of Salt Lake files
fi. Srrr.At. rnlltvnv nrriprrs a finn nnn
worth of material. School board issues
$250,000 worth of bonds. Chamber of
Commerce opposes railroad commission.
Counterfeit labels found on tomato cans.
Count John A. Crolghton dies.
S. Chief engineer of Western Pacific
returns from Inspection. IIouso raises
salaries Stato Board of Equalization. Day
sentenced to die for killing of Voss. 550
Elks leave for coast.
10. Big Cottonwood water runs through
Salt Lake mains. Judge Ogden lilies ad
dresses American club. Federation of La
bor to present employees liability bill to
tho Legislature. Smelters and farmers
ranching agreement.
11. Rev. H. E. Hayes installed pastor
of Third Presbyterian church. Bill pro
viding for Galveston plan of government
comes up In Legislature.
12. Street car service is Improved. Sen
ate adopts Galveston plan bill. Chinese
New Year celebration. City will build
fifty mlleB of walk. Alleged owners of
water right seek to enjoin use of con
duit. Gibson, forger, sentenced to one
year. Cutler levies $10 each for Smoot
13. Bill drafted to bar barbed wlro
fences. Senator Kearns arrives from
East. Unltod States Land Register Frank
D. Hobbs dies ln Chicago. Ecllpso store
robbed .
14. Rush of business In the House. Sen
ate passes bill giving former Sheriff $1500.
Manager Cahoon of Progress company
wants Mayor and City Engineer punished.
Lumbermen hold convention.
15. Helnzo visits Salt Lako. Lumber
men continue convention. Sewer farm
serlouB problem. IL II. Wlleon attempts
suicide. City musicians will entertain
TIartmann. Mayor Thompson fined for
1G, Ten million women wage war
against Sinoot. Smelter smoke difficulty
temporarily settled. Ilclnze becomes ZIon
banker. Stato Senate censures the
House. City donies Moran's claim. Now
houso party roughly assailed.
17. W. S. McCornlck elected president
Utah National bank. Manufacturing of
toilet goods begun by new corporation.
Lumbermen closo convention.
IS. Commltteo on fish and game meet.
Legislators return from outing. President
BurreJJ, who helped establish Ft. Douglas,
visits ZIon.
10, Shopmen roturn to work on Rto
Grande. Depository bill favorably consid
ered ln IIouso. Property owners on Brig
ham street protest against Morris's blun
ders. "Main street" declared legal name
Zlon's chief street.
20. 'Chrlstensen argues against Galves
ton plan, Frank G, Ehrbar falls from steel
arch and is killed. Woman's auxiliary
elects new officers. Reconstruction of
streot car lines begins.
21. House Indignant at Sheriff Emery's
act In attempt to garnishee. Health au
thorities ask help, $5000 annually to bo
collected from .student body at university.
Butchent and Grocers Indorse pure food
bill. Murderer Day uontenced to bo shot
April 10.
22. State will defend land titles. Ncw
houee skyscrapers planned. Cluster lights
for Main street. Cliy Treasurer submits
2.". Clinton B. Leigh, a well-known
newspaper man, and Representative Soth
Taft meet tragic death at Bingham In a
railroad accident. Annual banquet of
Preijs club.
2i. Crisis In affairs of Independent tel
ephone company. Washout on Salt Lako
25. Senate decides that Smoot retains
seat; he will joek re-election. ,
2G. Bigamy bill to shield certain per
sons Is Introduced In House. Commercial
National bank decides to move to new
27. Memorial service In Legislature In
honor of memory of Taft and Leigh'. Chief
of Pollco Sheets Is arrested. Warm
Springs iialoon robbed.
2S. Senate gooa after State Land
1. Opening gun fired In college llghl.
Huiise refuses to ralso salaries ' Hoard of
Equalization. Six .suldieru await trial for
highway robbery. Now englncorn ap
pointed by otroet railway.
2. House acts, on fire and pollco bill.
Sophomores ln Unlvoralty win purso and
trophy in debate.
3. Forty men discharged from army at
Fort Douglas.
4. Parrent goes on stand second time
in tho McWhlrtor ca30. Frank S. Coopor,
former Salt Laker, honored.
t C. Liberty park will bo Improved.
Samuel Nowhouso donates homo for
friendless girls. Hobor J. Grant to ro
turn to Salt Lako.
fi. Sheets prosocutlon goe3 to pieces.
American club holds rousing meeting.
7. Norvy woman arrests two crooks.
Social Democrats enjoy reception. At
torney James Smith arrcslod, charged
with stealing a dog.
8. Two thousand people meet In Salt
Lako Theater to protest against Mormon
dictation In politics. Galveston bills per
ish ln House. Smoot arrives from Wash
ington. Dr. Charles G. Plummor appoint
ed commander First rogiment. IJ. N. G.
0. Council requires lighting poles to
bo uniform. Clearing ground for now Rio
Grande depot la begun. Juvenile court
bill passes Legislature.
10. Artist Lovey 111 In Nevada, near
death. Important deal in west sido prop
erty Is consummated.
11. Crooks crack safo of Parker Lum
bor company. Sanitary Inspector reports
on unsanitary schools. Salt Lako Btako
holds conference.
13, Legislature ncaring end. Railroad
bill Is passed by Senate. Governor ban
quets legislators. Body of Artist Alan
Lovey, who died at Reno, arrives ln Og
don. Chief of Pollco Sheets held for trial.
14. Contracts signed for Nowhouso
buildings. Superintendent Goorgo Golgor
vi iuo ranuo resigns, xsui to prevent
lobbying killed In Legislature.
15. Last legislative day long one. Utah
students win honors nt Pennsylvania.
Alan L. Lovey laid to rest.
16. Robert W. Gibjlor, Insano lover,
under arrest. Shippers complain to Short
17. Rlppor bill killed in Senate. Clar
ence Johnson robbed of $410 on Main
' IS. St, Patrick's day festal occasion.
Clearing ground for skyscrapers on South
Main stroet Is Inaugurated.
19. Former Chlof of Police Lynch
turned down by Senate, which refuses to
confirm him as member of Land board.
Cromar appointed to bo Gamo Commis
sioner. Council sustains Chief of Pollco
Sheets. Union plumbers demand $6 per
20. Canyon Crest association gotii out
of debt. Gov. Cutler stands by brother-in-law
21. Notice of appeal filed ln case of,
A. T. Day. sentenced to death for mur
der. E. AY. Gillctlo named genoral traffic
manager Las Vegas & Tonopan railroad.
Legislative mill slops today.
22. Hotels crowded to limit by visitors.
President Kerr of Agricultural collego
to resign.
23. Twenty high school students sus
pended. Seventh Aiiscrably passes Into
24. Aaron Garslde sues Luke agency
for damagos. Chief Englneor Yard of Rio
Grande dies. National Guard to bo re
habilitated. 25. Great audience at Salvation Army
barracks greets Brigadier Pcbblos. Elks'
animal show under way. Now pastor so
cured by Westminster Presbyterian
26. Mayor Thompson quarantined.
Senator Kearns returns from Mexico.
Traffic blocked by wrecks on Southern
Pacific. Gov. Cutler defies Utah by re
nominating men twice turned down by
Legislature. Michael Marine has both
legs cut on." In Rio Grande yard and dlos.
27. Chemical analysis shows city wa
ter "excellently pure." One thousand
students attending University. Trouble
breaks out In high school gymnasium.
Martin Baburlc, Austrian, ordered to bo
uuponcu. ooiuier rooncrs round guilty.
2S. Gov. Cutler bows to church and
kills eminent domain bill. Shrlnors In
itiate a number. Elks choose new of
ficers. 20. Kx-Gov. Boles of Iowa visits ZIon.
John A. WIdtsoo elected president of
Agricultural collego. Heber Lee dies ln
cigar store. Important changes made In
officials of Rio Grande. Land frauds to
bo probed by- Governor.
30. Collego men appear ln night shirts.
Soldier burglars sentenced to fifteen
years. C. E. Cohovcr celebrates ninety
seventh birthday,
31. No Interments made nt Salt Lake
cemetery today, a unique record. Build
ing permits for March exceed $600,000.
Rev. 1'. A. Simpkln appointed Juvenile
1. Knights Templar attend 111ft
church. F. E. McMllien. president Na
tional Association of Underwriters, visits
ZIon. Lew Klose, cook, beats wife and
wrecks his home.
2. Christen Jensen and Richard W.
Young chosen to represent Utah In Utah
Oregon debate. Comer Thomas, State
mino Inspector, resigns. Newhouio offers
bonus of $50,000 to architect presenting
best plans for new hotel.
3. Committee appointed to organize
Sons of Veterans. Rev. Mr. Simpkln de
clines Juvenile court judgeship. Special
election held on land question. Arthur
W. Long becomes manager of Western
Union t olograph office.
I. D. II. Puery estate decides to build
SCO, 000 modern lodging house. Street
railway makes voluntary raise In wages.
Loving cup presented to A. II. Dutton.
5. Annexation of south side dlHcussed
at Commercial club. Hotels crowded to
doors with tourists.
0. New declaration or manifesto of be
lief adopted by tho Latter-day Saints.
Allco Roach cleared of attempt to kill
Syrian peddlor. Dr. E. G. Gowaus named
as Judgo of Juvenile court.
7. Saints In conference sustain tho
authorities. Bond Issue voted In Gran
ite school district. D. IL Peory Invests
ln Third South property
S. Mormons donato to starving Chi
nese. Denver & Rio Grande employees
onjoy Increase In wages. Mra. Cornelius
Vanderbllt visits ZIon.
0. Stato vonferenco of dry land agri
culturists meets.
10. Mrs. W. T. Hooley kills husband.
Expononts of dry farming In session ln
Barratt hall.
II. Dry farming convention continual.
Elks glvo a minstrel performance which
Is a great success war department re
bukes officers of post for affair In which
local people were tho Injured ones. Mm.
Mayberry found guilty of violation of
postal laws. Mra. Edna Hooley calmly
tells how Hho killed her husband. J. P.
Carter robbed of watch In Jubilee saloon.
12. Mormon elder declares world's re
demption lies In polygamy. Southwestern
pari, of city Is flooded. Commission finds
Mrs. Hooley Insane.
13. Chief Sliems Is acquitted of charges
alleged. Labor federation decides to sup
port stroet car men In demand for higher
wages. Sr-rlmiB Hood threatens Ninth
South canal-
14. Third West ntrcM. bridge wrecked
by flood. Judge Cowans of Juvenile court
talks lo teachers. Attorney-General Breo
don heads Juvenile commission,
15. Arbor day olworvcd. Elder Thomas
explains tithing question. Rising waters
cause grave apprehension.
10. Flood subsides. Genera! clean-up
Inaugurated throughout tho city Arbor
day. Ladlort ot Maecahnes begin grand
lodge nesslons. Bert C. whltcoinb has
both logs severed at Garfield .smeller.
Joshua F. Grant dies a victim of pneu
monia. 17, Ono thousand women attend Mac
cabees mooting. Masked men rob Miner's
saloon. Deal Involving salo Utah Imple
ment company for $250,000 Is mude pub
lic. Slrcf-t railway cmjiioveeii demand
uniform wago i;calo. Short Lino acquires
News building. '
18. Allslon sentenced lo three years lu
penllentlury. IJell telophouo linemen
threaten wallcout,
10. David W. Medbury suoa Lincoln
Nevada Mining and Milling company for
$200,000. Stroot railway employees decide
to confer with Superintendent Wolls re
garding wago scale.
20. Surveyor-Gonornl Mull accidentally
locked In big vault. City, wins In suit
with Alcana;: company.
21. Demands of Htrcet railway men re
fused. P. J. .Moran gets elly contracts.
Slulnoia will visit ZIon.
22. CrackHtncn rob jewelry Btoro and
got $14,000 in valuables. Stroot car men
ballot secrotly. G. A It. names its com
mittees. Flro at. Bingham, loss 15,000.
23. Street car men Issue open letter
to public. Indictments found against
Utah Fuel company. Moran sues city
for $9100 bonus. $1000 reward for cap
turo of Jewelry otoro robbors. Gnorgo
Ado visits ZIon. Governor Cutler aslced
to assist veterans.
21. President Bancroft of street rail
way willing to submit wago question to
arbitration. Federation of Labor ap
points commltteo lo act with car men's
oxecutlvo board. Dr. E. S. Payne ar
rested for putting non-mallablo matter In
25. Deadlock reached In stroet car
men's negotiations. Oregon debaters
reach ZIon. Contract for school text
books la awarded.
26. Jefforson day celebrated with a
banquet. Streot car men select Mavor
Thompson as mediator, College debate
takes placo In evening; Oregon wins.
27. Mayor succeeds In effort for arbi
tration of differences between stroot car
company and men. J. B. Stewart
charged with polygamy. Nurso at L. D.
S. hospital leaves room and patient leaps
to death from fourth-Btory window.
2S. Stroot car employees doclaro for a
strlko. Flro destroys barn of Preston J.
Cannon; loss $J700. Orogon Short Lino
car rcpalrors dissatisfied and threaten to
strlko. Aeronaut falls from parachute
and breaks leg.
29. Street car men strlko and company
experiences many trying situations in at
tempting to movo cars.
30. Street railway strlko settled.
Electrical workors hold off strike. Daring
burglars rob Frank Snldcr'a houao.
1. Dc.ioret News severely criticised by
union men. Street car traffic resumed.
Brakeman Wollley of Oregon Short Lino
saves child'n life at risk of his own.
2. Juvenile court lu a muddle. Clevor
forgor captured.
3. Masked mon rob Onyx Bank saloon
of $1000. Lolnnd Simons, high school
student, suffers from broken skull. Street
railway company signs artlclea with em
ployees. 4. Commercial club arranges Idaho
Utah trade excursion. 5000 Shrlners vis
it ZIon.
5. Senator W. A. Clark and Clarence
Mackay visit ZIon. John Hobbs missing.
6. Federal crowd schemes for fusion
ticket. Postal Telegraph company to
tap Novada mines. Apartments In tho
Covey flats robbed. Joseph Edmond's
life snuffed out by falling under car
loaded with atono.
7. Mormon Jurors drawn to try Chief
of Pollco Shoots. Two Onyx Bank robber
suspocls arrested and locked up. Mer
rlt II. Rogers, formerly chlof engineer
of Rio Grande, succumbs to paralysis
alongsldo track. Infernal device explodes
nnd Injures chambermaid at Orphoum.
Frank Jones knocked from car by elec
tricity and killed. Louvro cafo wallers
walk out.
8. J. M. Richardson dlos on street
from heart dlsoaso. Utah physicians In
annual session.
9. Ono thousand smelter employees
strlko at Murray. John McVcarney ar
rested, and In pollco station admits rob
bery of Onyx saloon.
10. Scrub women strlko in Federal
building. Total assessment of county
renches $57,C8S.417.
11. Tampering with witness alleged in
Rio Grande damago suit. Murray smel
ter Is closed down. Federal Job s-icured
for son of Prophet Smith.
12. Nettle B. Crowthor declared win
ner of The Tribune's beauty contest.
Publisher of McCluro's Magazlno visits
ZIon. Smelter officials hold conference
with striking omployocs. Utah Credit
Men ln annual session.
13. Murray smelter to resume. Angry
Greeks try to lynch an Italian at Gar
field. 14. Smelter strikers return to work at
15. "Lord Bercsford Hope" reported
dead at Ashevlllo. N. C.
10. W. W. Bell, accused of robbery In
McWhirtcr cac. arrives from the east
In custody of Sheriff. State encampment
of G. A. R. being held.
17. Crook Beli socluded by Sheriff and
not permitted to seo lawyers nor report
ers. Forty men return to work at Bing
ham smeller.
18. County board taken G. A. R. to
task. S. S. LIndeman. laborer, killed by
stroet car.
19. German newspaper, owned by Mor
mons, started In Salt Lako. Georgo W.
Culley, penitentiary cook, pardoned. May
21 named Patriotic day ln schools. Po
lygamist Lyman puts kissing under ban. ,
20. Electrical workors again threaten
to strike. Sons of Veterans ask charter.
Peace society to be formed hero.
21. Electrical workers vote to call
strike. Information made public that
Moffat road will connect with Wcstorn
Pacific nt Salt Lako. Company organ
ized .to build Rio Grande depot. Con
demned murderer Day turns to religion.
22. Electrical men strlko. A. W.
Lundstrum. former Mormon, flays priest
hood. City Creek a raging torrent. Till
man will speak at Salt Lake Thcntor.
23. Pollco capture what they suppose
Is one of Daynes Jewelry house robbers.
Judgo J. A. Miner dies suddenly. Ray
mond Croomenes. lad of twelve years, has
head severed from body by cnglno on Salt
Lako Route.
24. Board of Education working on tex
book bids.
25. Hcnd of tho Salvation Army visits
Salt Lake. Senator A. W. Clark and
party arrive. Utah Federation places Boll
and Independent companies on unfair
2fi, Volunteers of Amorlca Invade ZIon.
Prehistoric ruins found ln Utah. Senator
Tillman lectures.
27. Knights of Columbus tako ln big
class. Commercial club boosters roturn
from Idaho trip.
2S. John Croomenes attempts suicide.
President Smith, head of Reorganized
Church of Latter-day Saints here. G. W.
Balrd. retired admiral, visits ZIon. Minors
voto lo aid strikers.
20. Judgo Armstrong refuses to penult
filing of new conspiracy Information In
Sheets case. Crook tolls of Daynes bur
glais. New gymnasium for L. D. S. "uni
versity Is decided upon.
31. Momorlal day celebrated. Gould
officials visit Salt Lako. Woman held up
by bold soldier.
I. Georgo L. Moats killed ln mlno at
Dugway. Tooele county. Smelter smoke
coses submlllod to throe arbitrators. Two
hoboes captured believed lo be tnuclir
wauted highwaymen.
2 Chief of Police Sheets asks for
change of vonue. One hundred and sixth
anniversary of the birth of Brlgham
Young celebrated. Child eals poisoned
candy and dies.
3. Modern Woodmen hold memorial
!. Immigration aulhorlllna check impor
tation of gli'Is to ZIon. Clgarmaker Otto
R. IJahun crackH Jolte and then kills hlm
nolf. Homer P. Edvards slugged and
robbed. Clgarmakers .strike. Five hun
dred high school boys participate In
mimic battle. &
5. John S. Burleson, inessonger boy,
mectH death on crowded slroct. Outyldo
carpenters quit work Tuesday.
0. W. II. RIton has m-ck broken under
wagon and dlos. Scandinavian day Is ob
served. 7. Rleha.nl M. Bourne, clubman, com
mits suicide ln City Crook canyon. Sal
aries of school teachers increased
S. Thousands of school children cele
brate at Lagoon. Utah dentists In an
nual session. John K Hansen, city edit
or of Desorct News, dies from pnoumunja.
Strike IhrcatciiN all Zlou'a mills.
9. Salt Lake wins next convention of
C. T. U. Jordan rlvor overflows banks,
causing alarm. Negro slashes three
white nifin with razor. Dannor and Arm
strong resign as chairman and oocrctary
American city committee.
10. Ilrlghaiii II ltoborts, ln an nd
dress, hurls defiance- al all vJho condemn
his llf. Sons of VutoraiiM mustered In.
Robbed of watch and fob at Salt Palace,
L. Lumon complains lo poller
II. " Apostio Teasdalo died Sunday
night. Herman Obrovllch, Stanlsu Me
Dlch'ti wife's lover, klllud by killer.
112. Unknown man crushed to death In
Rio Grande yards. Elghty-ulx pupils
graduate from high school. Ono thou
sand Indian war votorana enjoy day at
13. Alleged murderer of Obrovllch sur
rendoni to pollco. Big wiro robbery
brought to light. Eight planing mills,
start operations again.
14. Three thousand pooplo celebrate
Minora day nt Salt Palace. Thuga as
sault old man In railroad yard. Mrs.
Flosslo Massl dlos by laudanum.
15. Omaha boosters arrive ln ZIon.
Armed guards to rldo on earn to Fort
16. Oregon Short Lino switchmen go
put on strike. Omaha visitors given
nearly wolcoino ln ZIon. Soldier makes
rough house at post and deserts.
17. Mrs. S. J. Townscnd. wife of Dr.
Townsend, whllo Insane, commits sulcldo.
Mrs. Hobor M- Wells, wife of cx-Gov.
Wells, seriously Injured lu automobile
accldenL II. A- Malnqulst takes mor
phlno to end hln life.
13. Judgo Christopher Reed dlca sud
denly. 19. Orango J. Salisbury, ZIon million
aire, dloB In New York. Jcwclera and
opticians hold annual excursion. Stewart
Jonklns killed under car.
20. Hon. J. Warron Kolfor visits Salt
Lako. Utah teacheni visit Loo Angeles.
21. Gov. Cutler guest of State Guard
at Camp Callahan.
22. Austrian robbed of $-!00 and thrown
Into creek by thugs at Murray. Hon. J.
R. Garfield, Secretary of tho Interior, and
party, arrive. J. Kruttschnltt pays hur
ried visit to Salt Lako. Louis C. Fans
ler Is drowned ln Salt Lako. Surgeons
amputate loft leg of Mrs. Hobor M. Wells
on nccount of Injuries received in auto
mobile accident.
23. Warrants Issued againat W. H.
Pitts and B. D. Blackman for selling bad
21. NowRpapcr men dine at Lagoon.
25. Jim Donaldson placed on trial.
William G. Odcll trios sulcldo by lauda
num route.
26. Two negroes ongago ln murderous
fight. Old folks spend day at Lagoon.
27. American!) will havo outing at La
good. 23. Street railway dccldon to placa
lights at dangor points.
29. Preliminary trial of Austrian mur
derer begins. Caino and Junghaudcl sue
Frank Hagonbarth for $90,000.
30. Greek Injured In shooting at Na
tional Bar saloon. Largo bear caught
near city.
. July.
1. The Church coal mines, near Coal
ville, bought by company headed by Col.
C. D. Moore, H. P. Mason nnd J. R.
2. Tho plant of the mill company at
Murray destroyed by flro; loss $20,000. A
runaway tram at Bingham Junction kllln
two men and Injures two. Threo cars of
powder explodes near Bock's Hot Springs;
no ono hurt.
4, Independence day generally cele
brated ln Utah.
5 Nel3 Anderson of ITebor City com
mits Bulcldo by taking carbolic acid.
6. The Jury ln tho case of Jim Don
aldson rondcrs verdict of guilty. Louis
Lynn deposed as president of Electrical
9. Dr. James E. Talmago resigns from
tho University of Utah.
14. Linus W. TImby. an Insurance
man. Jumps from third-story window of
St. Mark's hospital and Is killed. Ho
was sunering irom typnoiu.
15. R. B. Donough. a Salt Laker, fa
tally scalded by an overturned engine at
Kemnieror, Wyo.
13. Mrs. Jano Williams of Wanshlp
Is killed by lightning.
20. Steamship Columbia Is sunk in Pa
cific. Among tho passongors wore Miss
Blanche Musser of Salt Lako and Wi
nona White of Beaver. Tho latter was
22. Edward Lawrenco White, aged
10, smothered under brick dust at brick
24. Tho society of Sons and Daughters
of Plonecra organized at tho AsFembly
hall, wilh Apostio Smoot as-president.
25. David Keith sells his Interests ln
the Kclth-O'Brlen storo and purchases
tho D. F. Walker building.
26. Gen. J. Franklin Boll visits Salt
1. The Twenty-ninth Infantry. 500
strong, leaves Fort Douglas for the Phil
ippines. The body of Plrernan Eugene
Duinalt, who was drowned in tho Weber
river two months before, Is found. John
McLcod, an aged resident of Park City,
dangerously wounded by hunters.
2. Tho Supreme Court of Utah decid
ed that mlleago for Judges Is Illegal. Jo
seph Reed of Murray loses a fourteen-month-old
child by drowning.
3. Henry John Bnrncs of Farmlngton
drowned ln the Lagoon lake.
4. W. J. God a, an aeronaut, fatally
burned at Ogden by falling from his bal
loon upon electric wires. Three men hurt,
two fatally, at tho Daly West mlno ln
Park City.
5. The Robinson mill at American
Fork, owned by tho Cannon company
of Salt Lako. burns.
6. Mayor Ezra Thompson tenders his
resignation, which Is accepted. A. Frod
Woy and James Breen purchaso Beck's
Hot Springs property. LIUo May Fow
ler, aged 3, burned to death.
7. Justice of the Peace Durand of
Murray sued for $15,000 for false Im
prisonment by Walter Best. Detective
Georgo Raleigh tenders his resignation.
S. James K. Weton of Ogden killed
near Wells, Nov., while saving the lives
of women from an approaching train.
9. The Woslorn Union Telegraph op
erators go out on slrlko. Royal cafe
partly destroyed by tire. Joseph II.
Mack confessed at Ogden that ho had
been a burglar for fifty years.
10. Alma Thomas, son of J. M. Thom
as, aged 5 years, killed whllo riding In a
cart. Calvin Smith, aged 17, drowned
whllo swimming at Logan.
11. Tho body of James W. Mackay
of Granger brought homo from Novada.
W. Ralph Hacking drowned In a pond
near Vernal.
12. The Poslal telegraphers leave their
keys. Charles Rowbotlmm, a quarryman,
terribly Injured by a premature explo
sion. Lawrenco Knight, aged 6. of Sla
lervillo, has his foot severed by a mow
er. Mrs. Bruce and daughter of Star val-
iry arresiou on suspicion oi muracring
tho husband and father.
13. John S. Hransford was selected as
Mayor of Salt Lake, to succeed Ezra
Thompson. Miss Vina Tracy of Ogden
nearly loat hor entlro scalp in machinery
of tho Troy laundry. Lavon Hansen,
I aged S years, drowned In Logan river.
Family of Green Taylor, 433 In number,
met in reunion at Hariisvlllo.
11. Striking bollermakers of Ogden re
turn to work. Tho Utah Fuel company
raises tho wages of all lis employees.
16. The body of William 13. Preston.
Jr.. recovered from tho Logan river. Ab
salom AllenJohn. a Spanish-American
war veteran, fell dead at Fort Douglas.
Edward Clay, aged 15, was drowned at
Garrison, Millard county.
17. C. S. McDermolt electrocuted hi a
burning building at Bingham Junction,
18. W. P. Lynn burled, undor aus
pices of the Elks.
19. Ex-Chlcf of Police Georgo Shoots ;
hold to the District court on a. charge ;
of accepting a bribe. It. Proctor shot
lu tho leg while chasing a burglar from
his houso. 1
20. Rodorlck McKonzle assumes the '
duties of chief , of pollco of Suit Lake. Two 1
sons or William Wall, aged 9 and 7 years,
of Aurora, Sevlor county, drowned!
21. Oscar S. Straus, chief of tho De-
partmcnt of Commerce, visited Salt Lake. ,
George M. Spencer of Taylorsvlllo killed 1
by lightning, while hauling liny. Joseph
Bcmpkc cscapcH from Stato prison. i
22. "Death Valley Scotty" visits Salt ?
Lake. Mrs. Maud Balllnglon Booth of I
.Salvation Army visits Salt Lake. Henry "i
Hummer confesses to stealing $2100 from
tho Salt Lako llardwaro company. Jo
seph Anilrow Pottlt. fnrmurly of Salt I
Lake, Bhot to death at Whllo Hocks. ;i
25. A severe hallalorm vlhlts Hrlgluun V
City, doslrqylng much fruit. Miss Ella
Dcder8on of New York has her log broken '
whllo visiting tho Daly Wost mine lu ;
Park City. Peter .1. ChristenHou commit- i
ted sulcldo by taking poison. (
26. Tho price of coal advanced to $6.50
per ton lu Salt Lako.
27. Mls.q Mabel Miller, visiting Salt
Lako from Nebraska City, Neb., jumps
to death from a Salt Palace car.
28. Tho MnthodlslB of Utah met ln
convention. Bishop Neely of South Amer
ica presiding. Emcr B. Brlmhall of Span
ish Fork killed by lightning.
30. Attorney William Newton arrest
ed in connection with- tho allegod theft
of a check. C. II. Calland, an Ogden rail
road man, reported to bo $3700 Khort In
his accounts.
i W' ir Braclv. a gambler, shot and
killed Georgia Harris on Commercial
stroot and then took his own llfo. Datus
R. Hammond, brother of former Secre
tary of State James T. Hammond,
drowned In the Boar rlvor canal.
2. Labor day celebrated on a big
scale In Salt Lake. The Methodist con
ference transfers Rev. Benjamin Young
from Salt Lake to Portland, Ore. Judge
Marshall overrules domurrcr ln the case
of Don C. Bobbins and others in the coal
land cases.
3. Vice-President Fairbanks pays high
tribute to tho Ogden tabornaclo choir at
the Irrigation congress, Sacramento. Ex
Chlcf of Pollco George ShcetB arraigned
beforo Judgo Morse and pleaded not
1. Petition submitted to tho District
court asking for a grand Jury to Investi
gate coniblnatlonB In restraint of trade.
Clyde Sykes, aged fourtocn, of American
Fork, killed by lightning.
5. J. W. Blom, n Hollander, committed
suicide. Richard Arnold killed at Tav
lorsvlllo by a load of wood tipping on
6. Tho firm of Brown. Terry & Wood
ruff sells Its furnishing business. Judgo
G-. G. Armstrong slgn an order calling
for a special grand Jury. Mrs. W. M.
Goda. whoso husband, an aeronaut, was
killed nt Ogden, commits sulcldo.
7. A venire drawn ln tho district
court for a special grand Jury. Vice
President Fairbanks a Salt Lako visitor
for a short tlmo. David H. Moffat, tho
Denver railroad builder, in Provo, In con
ference with Jesse Knight on railroad
matters. Ogden has a disastrous fire on
Washington avenue.
8. Whllo temporarily Insane. R. S.
Campbell makes attempt upon his own
mu ill. JJUIUI. Wl.KISt: L. -WUUIWQ UL
Pleasant Green, aged twelve, drowns whllo
In swimming. Tho Ogden tabornaclo
choir returns from a triumphant trip to
9. Aaron Rose, Jr.. of Ogden, has his
throat terribly slashed In a saloon brawl.
Arthur Cook aged eighty-three, Is found
dead at 37 Vino street. Ephralm Page,
aged seventy-one. of West Jordan, killed
by falling from a load of grain.
10. A serious wreck of passonger train
occurs on the O. S. L. at Beck's Hot
Sprlnga. Tho Brlgham City woolen mills
are destroyed by fire. Edgar P. Johnson
dies at Ogden from Injuries received
whllo acting as brakeman. Fred Stelncr,
aged sixteen, killed at tho U. S. nmelter,
Murray. Georgo W. Roso of Salt Lake
killed by Mexican bandits at Guna Juato.
Mrs. Rose was wounded but recovered.
11. Guy Harris of Lima. Ind.. arrives
In Salt Lako for tho body of his daugh
ter, Georgia Harris, murdered by William
Bray. Bray committed suicide. John
Thomas of Park City dies from injuries
rocolved In a runaway. Don Morgan,
aged sovontccn, of Mill Creek, shot by
highwaymen at Cokevllle, Wyo. One of
the robbers was afterward killed. Sam
Tondl, an Italian saloon keeper, Bhoots
Mlko Caraccl throe times, causing fatal
injuries. Jack Wilson of Bingham run
over and killed in tho Salt Lako railroad
13. Senator Ben Tillman of South
Carolina lectures In Ogden.
14. The Utah Independent Telophono
company la reorganized- Clyde C- Rogora
kills Lowls Jones at Ogden. Both woro
16. Tho R. G. W. Railway company is
sued In the District court on a mortgage
executed ln 1S79. Lorenzo J. Hadock
chosen socrotary and manager of tho M.
.and M. association.
17. Richard P. Morris nominated for
Mayor of Salt Lake City by the church
Democratic party. Mrs. Lyman R. Mar
llneau waa burled al Logan. John R.
Edwards of Logan buncoed out of $3000
ln a bogus foot race.
18. Thousands of pcoplo visit Brlgham
City, the occasion being Peach day. Mrs.
ThomaB E. Marriott of Sandy seriously
Injured la a railroad wreck near St- Jo
soph, Mo. Dr Earl S. Beers was fatally
beaten at Ogden by C. F Walker of Salt
Lake. James McNcnrney found guilty of
robbing tho Onyx Bank saloon on May 2.
19. John S. Dmnsford nominated for
Mayor of Salt Lake City by the Amer
ican party. Christian Nlelson, aged sev
enty, of Pleasant Grove, commits sulcldo
by drowning. George W. Rose, who was
I murdered In Mexico, burled ln Salt Lake.
t Jesse W. Price of Lewiston, Cache coun
ty, killed by a train. A son of Willis L.
Johnson of Vernal accidentally Bhot to
death by a companion.
20. The Salt Lake Boys' band returns
from an extended trip East. Dr. Beers
dies from his Injuries. Olof Olson of
Sandy bleeds to death in Salt Lake hay
21. George Sakllns, a Greek, dies at
Murray from Injuries ln a trolley acci
dent. 22. "Gunplay" Maxwell and L. C. Rcl
dle. a fireman, enfcge In pistol duel at
Helper, in which both were wounded.
A young Greek named Sthanaslo3 Barras
commits sulcldo at Ogden.
24. Republican prltnarica hold In Salt M
Lake. mm
25. At Park City 250 Daly West miners i
go out on strike. Friend S'tone, formerly Via
of Ogden, dies from an accidental gunshot II
wound. ftfl
26. Tho Lehi Mercantile company II
makes assignment to tho Utah Credit
Men's association. !
27. John P. Holland, a minor, killed ifl
y L cXn at th0 Sllver King mlno In !tl
Park City. 9M
28. The body of Detective Matt Rhod3
arrives In Salt Lake from Indianapolis, Ifl
where ho died ln hospital. ifl
4.20.Detc1l;tlVR Matt Rhodes burled from i
tho Masonic temple. William Thorn, an Ifl
aged citizen, laid to rest, after services ifl
at Pioneer stake hall. jffl
,30-..Ul'' Charles G. Plummcr nominated ' Ifl
for Mayor of Salt Lako by tho church ffl
Republican party. flfl
October. vl
t .?,- -Georgo Thorn, a G. A. R. veteran, 11
killed by a runaway horse near tho Rio 'ffl
Grande Western depot. William Mc- fM
j nrtcr secured a personal Judgment !ffl
ugalnst Jim Donaldson for $1250. &8H
2. Silas S. Jones of Butlervllle com- JifM
mils suicide. The Chlpman roller mills
atAmcrlcan Fork bum. 'BUI!
3. Handcart veterans meet In reunion 'S?B1
at Salt Lake. liflfl
4. Tho seventy-seventh semi-annual if HE
conference ot tho Latter-day Saints SIH
church opened. Mormon missionaries ' 'imi
are expelled from Saxonv. Gormany. M
5. Loula Saresena, an Italian, klllod at V Bjfl
Sunnysldo. by John Talloricod, after the Kfl
formor had fired three shots at the latter. I Bs
. Elder Anthony W; HMns of Mexico ifl!
chosen to fill the place In the apostloshlp Wtl
made vacant by tho death of Apofltle Bfl
Georgo Teasdalo. Wri
8- The preliminary hearing of Fred Ml
nlker and Ed Lawrence, for tho killing H
of " Bcors, commences at Ogden. James K
McNearney sentenced to twenty years for flt
robbing the Onyx saloon. K
9. Alvln Monrad commits suicide at ' fll
Ogden, A special grand Jury Impaneled 'fit
In Salt Lake.
10. First Assistant Postmastor-Genoral M
F. H. Hitchcock visits Salt Lake. Tha K
Utah Presbyterian synod moots In con- flr
vcntlon ln Salt Lake. El
11. Fred Tremavnn run nvnr on,! km
by an Oregon Short Lino freight train. If J
12c Daniel Guggenheim visits Salt m
Lake. The U. of U. football team do- fl? !
feats the Denver university eleven at Salt M
Luko. A dozen men held up by a single Bt
highwayman at the Wilson bar. m
14. Roy Sessions of Syracuse. Utah, ,fl?
killed by Oregon Short Lino No. 16, Leo ft
Sandall, a bulcher of Layton. Is severely B
Injured; both wore 19 years of age. B
Frank Pierce of Salt Lake Is appointed M
First Assistant Socrctarv of the Interior. H
15. Mrs. Victoria Radnall of Ploasant
Grove commits suicide. 91
16. Escaped convict Allen J. Lawrence (flll
givo3 himself up. Harry Mlkesel of En- Xtl
rcka dies at St. Mark's hospital, from a JB
17. Jesse Knight gives $100,000 to B. jH
Y. U., Provo. ' SB
18. Thomas Coughlln killed at tho Bt
Newhouse building on Main streot bv ths H
falling of a derrick. Frank Bowdcn killed iHfl
In Tooelo by being run over by a thresh- nB
lng machlno. LlUlo Jordan, aged 18, com- "aH
mlts suicide. AH
20. Tho supposed remains of Ezra. BW
Penny and son, George, missing nlno SU
years, discovered near Frisco, Utah. Tho -iQflfl
Murray stago is held up by a lone high- jnfl
wayrnan; the women are not molested. SBl
21. John Douglas, sorving a life term SB
in the Utah penitentiary for wife mur- fBJ
der. thwarted ln attempt nt suicide. JBfl
22. Tom D. Pitt" Installed as Chief of Bj
Pollco of Salt Lake, 'having been ap- iBfl
Solntcd tho night before, vice Roderick 3mm
TcKcnzlc. resigned. Smm
23. Tho Layton bank dynamited by -Jlflfl
safe-crackcrs. ViBH
26. A. J. Greenfield dies as a result of flH
nicotine poisoning at Ogden. (Bfl
2S. Lightning causes a serious fire at i (Bfl
Woods Cross. IfWl
29. Juso Tuckodo, a Japancso, placed jail
on trial for killing a fellow-countryman JK
at- Garfield, July 4. y jBJ
30. Mrs. Amelia Dudlcr dies of mor- 1& HW
phlno poisoning. HB
31 Mra. Byron Cummlnga cho3on iflR
president of tho Utah Federation of ; mM
Women's clubs. vBjfl(
November. ; KftjJ
2. Frank Canovcr. a Provo electrician. pH
electrocuted by a live wire. Mrs. Wll- MB
Ham Dunn of HoytsvlIIe. Summit county, RflBJ
killed by a runaway team. lAB
4. Albert T. Day sentenced by Judge J ilfra
Armstrong to bo shot Dccembor 13, for Ilflfli
the murder of H. H. Voss; his oentcnoo . ILflB
was afterward commuted to life imprls- JIkBI
onmcn L Jim Donaldson sentenced to JImD
serve ten years in tho State prison for iLnfl
tho part ho took In tho McWhirtcr rob- ilWB
bcry. sflQ
5. American ticket elected in Salt Lake- .'HH
by on overwhelming majority. sBB
7. The Independent Telophohe stock tBBl
turned over to new owners, at Roches- nHfl
ter. N. Y. Bfl
10. E. D. Crowther. a veteran actor, JBBI
trampled to death at Milner, Ida. ufflfl
14. Bishop Robert T. Burton Is burled ImBI
from the Assembly hall. VtflB
17.' Georgo Y. Wallace resigns na SlSjfl
president of the Bell Telephone com- uflBl
pany, and H. Vance Lane of Omaha is Bfl
elected to the position. UM
19. Salt Lake's fir3t snow of tho sea- 9SH
son fell during the night. - BflB
29. Joe Smith, alias Dowd. killed by IBB
Officer J. M. Lyon. In sclf-dofcnse. fiBBJ
Salt Lake City Is Healthy H
.Salt Lake City is ono of tho healthi
est cities iu tho country and overy ef
fort is beinrr made, not, only to keep it
so, but to lower tho death rate each
succeed inj: year throuph tho taking of
timely sanitary precautions. Up to No
vember I, 1007, there had boon 3016
deaths in tho city. Of this number,
31.7 wero non-residents and 1509 were
residents. Eestimatiiip: tho population
at 75,000, this would make tho r.ito
soven per thousand. Following is the
record of doatha, births and principal
causes of death by months;
Januaryt deaths 116, SO residents and
27 noii-resideuts; males 73, females 43.
Births, 11U; males 100. females 91.
Principal causes of death, simple men-iug-itis,
12; heart disenso, 14; poison, 2;
bronchitis and senile debility, S; pneu
monia, 0
February Deaths, 105; 70 residents
and 35 non residents; males 75, females
30. Births, 133: males SI, females 52.
Principal causes of death: Diphtheria.
15; simple momugitis, 10; disease of
heart, 7: accidents, 7; poisoning, I;
rancor, 4; senile debility, 0. j
March Deaths. 81; 46 residents and .
15 non-residents; males 4S and females !
;i3. Bi rl lis, 175; males SO. females SO.
Principal causes of death: Diphtheria
md croup, 4; simplo meningitis, S; dis
eases of heart. 7; pneumonia, II: ap
londicits, 3; senile debility, (i; fracture, '
L; accident, 2.
April Deaths. SO: 55 rosidonts and '
25 non-residents; males 47, females 33.
EJirths, 159; males 7S. females SI, Prin- j
;ipal causes of death: Diphtheria and
roup, 4; simple meningitis. G: apo-
iloxy. 4; pnonmonia, 1.1; acute ne- (
ihritis. 4; seuilo debility, 0; fracture,
accident, " ,
May Deaths, S7: Gl residents and i
!G non-residents; males 57 and females i
17. Births, 17G; males 05, females SI.
Principal causes of death: Diphtheria ' i
:nd croup, 3; simplo mcuingitis, S; dis
ascs of heart, 0; pneumonia. S; senile
iebility, 4: accidouts, 2; poisoning-, 1.
June Deaths, S5; 57 residents and2S I
non-residents; males 55, females 30. ammn
Births, 161; males SO. females SI. Prin- ulfll
cipal causes of death: Typhoid fever, , nf
2; diphtheria and croup, 2; consumption, fflflg
2; cancer, 5; alcoholism, 2; pneumonia. wBSm
2; simple meningitis. 7; peritonitis, 5; fiSH
appendicitis, 2; suicides, 5; accidents, HflB
7; poisonings and external violence-, 3. BflB
July Deaths, SS: G7 rosidonta and 'fflflB
21 Tion residents: males 49 and females gjflflj
30. Births, 213; males 103, females ?BWB
110. Principal causes of death: Typhoid. Big
fever, 2; whooping coujrh, 2; consump- DlB
tion. 3; simple meningitis, 4; apoplexy, 8 9
1; disoascs of heart, G; pnuemonia, 5; f 1 flfl
sonilo debility, 3; accidents and ox- 1i!Bfi
ternrU violence, 6." jf mtit
August Deaths, S7; GO residents and jJJ Iffll
13 non-residents; males 52 and females "KtiljfflH
30. Births, 142; males 70, fomales 72. iSt fiffi
Principal causes of death: Typhoid fo iin
ver. 3; diphtheria and croup, 2; Bimplo ..&! j
meningitis, ("diseases of heart, G; puou- Wjij
monia. 3; scnilo debility nud suicide, 1. jMVB
September Deaths, S5; GO residents MflmP
and 25 non-residents; males 50 and fo- tffflWSf'
malo3 35. Births. 160; males 74, fe-
males SG. Principal causes of death: ilvflw
Typhoid fever. 4; diphtheria and croup,
3; consumption. 5; simple meningitis, jfcftffJAjl
3; diseases of heart, 6; pneumonia, 2; tffl&l&,
Bright's disease. 7; senile debility, 4; jPlf!i'
suicide, 1; tracturo, 1; other accidents, 10 'VfijH
3; poibonings and external violence, 3. J WIb'
October Deaths, 100; 5G rosidonts I .jfro'
nnd 44 iion-residonls; malos 57 and fe- . Axjl
males 43. Births. 104; males 91, fe- MMf-
males 103. Principal causes of death: IBMr
Typhoid fever, 12; diphtheria and tfif'
croup, 2; cancor, 5; simple meningitis, j '
3; apoplexy, 3; diseases of heart, G; W fl f
pneumonia. 12; senile debility, I; j At I.
Bright's diseaso, 4; suicide, 1;" frac- .j i P
ture, 1; accidents, 5. Tllfl? '
November Deaths, 107: 60 residents '');ia
nnd 3S non-residents. Births, 14G; mnlca l?n teHi
70, females 67. Principal causes ot Mil JjB
death: Tj-phoid fever. G; scarlet fover, j Wkv
fi; measles, 2; simple meningitis, 2; (Ij gnu''
iliscascs of heart. 1; pneumonia, '.I; ' f fffj Bi
lirigjit's dibcase, G: sonile debility, 4; iipRi
suicide, 1; accidents and violence, 4. ! I TO iff
Not included in tho causes of death ; j 2n fK
ivcre twonty-nine childron under 2 veurs 1 nEw,.
)f ago, who died of diarrhoea and ea- w JrjSr