Newspaper Page Text
H THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING-, DECEMBER 29, 1907. , 63 , C " . ; . ' M f A change inside and outsido of tho National Guard of Utah with regard feio its policies, ils aims and its ideals, V together with vigorous, energetic, uc K tive work, has transformed tno organ K izution during the brief period oT one W yoar from a disorganized, poorly at tended, poorly supported and "little thought-o organization to one which r. stands before the public on a firm B foundation, ready to advance, improve B- and accomplish the I rue purpose for K which it exists. Public sentiment has Bkr changed during the past year. No mk longer do thc members of the guard Kl and lhe public generally regard the Kf- State militia as an organization that Wt- appears for dress parade with no -other 9K Ephore in which it can act, for today ft. the organization has been placed on a B firm bams, the membership increased K- and lhe feeling throughout the organ s' ization so changed thai every man, ft' from (he highest ollicers to the newest private, feels that it is his guard, his ..organization, and that it is his duty Btlo so act and to so work that the guard B shall bo made a success. Such a change Bin a year's time requires tact, pntiencc P'aml perseverance, and all of those quali ities nave been manifest during lhe past t-year by the commanding officers of the E organization. PJt "Will Continue, to Advance. Wt- . Though the National 'Guard has made many improvements during the past .Tear, it still has room to advance- and improve: though the membership has increased over 50 per cent, and though good feeling prevails throughout the organization, the aim during tho coming Byr-nr will be to further advance along lines so that at tho close of the year 100$ lhe Utah " National Guard shall contain 500 men, all working har moniously together. During tho year 1907 tho militia has, with credit, passed the annual in spection by a regular United States POLICE OF SALT LAKE it al' ake City's polico department ?" p3s .isl passed through a checkered, 'jfc'-tr iusy year, marked by two changes in X'S.? jtn0 bead of the force and a wave of crime during the latter part of the ftwelvo months, but despite the reign of lawlessness through which tho city is passing the record is nut a bad one, Ifjfipecially when It is considered that the force is entirely inadequate in numbers In proportion to tho population. Sixty-six men this number includes the chief of police, captain, detectives, ! Patrolmen, de3k sergeants, mounted nf j nccrs, chain-gang guards and pntrol ! wagon drivers control the criminal elo ; 'nent of Salt 'Lake. A comparison in Rizo o tho local police force with thai r any oiher city of tho land empha sizes tho howling need for more police RCn i0, 'riu'rt i,r-' 100,000 people in palt Lfil;ct giving one p'ltrolinan to every 1500 population. Tn other cities of tlie size of Salt Lake there is at I least one patrolman lo every 1000 population, and in many of the cities there is one to each 50 population. Comparisons certainly arc odioti3 in this case. Owing lo unsettled political condi tion?, tho department had three chiefs in the yoar, beginning with George A. Sheets, one of tho best criminal catch ers the Wejil has ever known, -at its I head; but ho resigned because of tho I clamor of the opposition press against him in connection with the alleged swindling of tho MeWhirtur brothers out of $10,000, and Kodcrick -MVKenzio I took his place August 17. It was dis l covered that he, technically, was not a I citizen of the I'liiled States, and he, too, stepped out, giving way October 17 to Thomas D Pitt, the incumbent. The reign of lawlessness that has ' marked f'hirf T'jtt's roign is not to his IL i$m "WALHUTTA HAIR STAIR" BSCS? &Mfek&- R"KtoreH Gray, Sln.?.fccl or VfejlJiw. flKsfjM WAUl)iViVj Inlatanem,lr. CivCi(inv;m(lo HhJSm KM3 x&irs' n:u Liiit i frown i iiic!r. hikwi WSSfcr?, JWTriide JJuci noHuuli or ruli off. Oca- ftUSHyj Wfefcft. O't lUrk f..n? no polson.i and In jiQtr.1lr.k7 'UffiWs. uorjTTcnsy. bout liTniUlruiMiUtf, wW$,7 TbShK we 5lH ttr.d von ft Trial ia: for. bOc. wntVMJ. IV.WHV 1 6i lnn:o d;o (elg'jt urnrs a muclO co. If vonr "lniprftt ffil&5?j7 TmX&K. don't Mil V. ocnil illrcit to n. Pond tlio yellow SfflnZElff , fortiJsK rmppcr from two twitics Tmrrhnscl from n iln'i'?ul ClvJpSS I , . r Solo Ln Suit take, J(aii, by lliv 1". 2. iZlLZ, IMlVO VOSIVAZV- 1 " army officer. During the paBt year the most successful encampment, both with rogaTd to tho number of mon partici pating and work accomplished, was held during tho last week of August, near discredit, as ', tho criminal olcinent evorywhero becomes more restless and active from necessity at the approach of tho fall and winter seasons, and ovcry city experiences an incrcasu in crime in the cooler months. The personnel of tho departments is as follows: Forty-seven patrolmen, seven detectives, three desk sergeants, three duty sergeants, three .iailcrs, four mounted men on chain-gang guard, three patrol-wagon drivers, chief and captain. This loaves only fortj'-two men, divided into three shifts of eight hours each, to guard tho city day and uight. The equipment of the department consists of I wo patrol wagons, live horses and one buggy for the uso of tho chief and captain. There are no bicvclo policemen. There are twenty-four cells in the .jail proper. The women's department has six cells and will aCcommodalo eight females. Then there is the juve nile femule department, with accommo dation!! for six more, also a female "drunkhoudc. ' ' The .jnvonilo ward proper will accommodate ten with its live cells. In the men's ' dninkhouse"' twenty mav be placed. The lodgers' 1 room will hold eight or ten. The jail I also is provided with a "ora.y" house 1 and padded cell and an emergency hos ' pital.- Dr. S. 0. I'aul is the police sur ! goon, and Jdrs. Mary Hampton is the I matron. I Plain but good food is furnished the ' prisoners. The chnin gain:, made up of I the must fractious, usually numbering , about fifteen, gets three meals a dav, ' wh'-le other prisoners receive only two. Policeman . Kast is in charge of tho chain uang. Tho food is prepared in the jail kitchen. The police .station is an old. ram shackle building, long a landmark in S:tll Lake, but the jail in modern and up to date in every particular. It is of brick and two storieu high, with base ment. Gulv 011c casualty occurred to yiu Q- Ameri can Fork, m Utah county. 80 successful was this oncampmcnt and so elated4 and satisfied wore tho men who participated that it is highly prob ablo that land will bo purchased and lico force in lf07. That was tho shoot ing of roliceman Charles S. Ford, new ly appointed, by .Too Garcia and ,loo Sullivan, desperadoes. Policeman John Lvou shot and killed .loo Dowd, des perado, and shot and slights wounded Dalo AVhitmore. Both were resisting arrest. The policeman was exonerated of blamo in each instance Tho records of tho criminal court show only ono case of first-degree mur dor. There were many petty casos, however, running tho total record up to 101(5 cases, an increase of 210 over 100G. The receipts from fines and forfeitures this year were $20,215.05. while last year 'they wero $I7,S01.70. The re-i-eipts from city cases wero :?lS,015i70; from State, $KI20..'J5. Tho .State cases numbered .'tS9, ranging from petit lar ceny to first -degree murder. Grand larceny led with 51 casos. Christopher B. Diehl is judge of tho Police court, which court is held in tho second storv. west wing of tho old city hall. His court is a sort of clear ing house for tho city's misdemeanors and crimes. All classes of criminals come beforo him. Ue is a capable iudgo. If he errs at. all, it is on the side" of mercy a commendable fault. Tribuno "Wnt Arts. Bell phono 5201. lnd. phono oUO-313. CLARK'S CRUISE OF THE "ARABIC" T1C.OU0 toiiH. lino, large, PTSn unusually steady. M , - THE OMEN 1 I February 6 to April 17, 1908. .Seventy days. coutliiK only W00.00 and up, liichidlnK Bliore excursion. SPECIAL I FEATURES:. Madeira, Cadiz. Seville, i Alfjlers, Malta, 19 Days In Egypt and the Holy Land. Constantliioplo. Athena. Home, the Hlvlera. etc TOIIKR ROUND THE WORM',). 40 TOURS TO; EUROPE I most coinprnhenslve mid attravtlvc over ufTrtritd. j F. C. CLARK, Times Oldfj. New York. h the encampments hold at American Fork in tho future. Composition, of Guaid. Tho National Guard of Utah consists of two battalions of infantry, a battery of light artillery, a liospital corps, a signal corpB and a band. For admin istrative purposes all organizations aro attached lo the infantry. The first bat talion of infantry consists of compa nies IT and C of Salt Lako and B of Ogden; tho second of companies 1") of Mount Pleasant, A. of Ncphi and F of Manti. The station of thc hospital corps, signal corps and band is at Salt Lake. The armory at Salt Lako' is located on .Pierpont "street, and while not con structed with that uso in view, is cpm modious and comfortable, and fairly well suited for such purpose. The floor space of the drill hall is 50x5)0 feet. Each organization occupies the hall one night each week for drill purposes, and when not so occupied it is open to tho use of the guard lr games and social purposes. In addition to the drill hall, oacu organization has its own co'mpany room, locker room and ofticc. The building also contains the Adjutant General's office, regiinontal headquar ters and other office rooms. The Ogden armory, tho homo of Corn- , pnny B, was built especially for that J purpose, ft contains well-planned, ac- j commodations for two companies, in-1 eluding oflieo rooms, company rooms, gymnasium rooms, quartermaster's and ordnance rooms and a commodious drill hall. The armor- is nicely furnished throughout. So far as quarters are concerned, B is tho most fortunate com pany of the guard, At Manti, Mount l'Moasant and Ncphi tho opera-houses aro used as armories.' The accommo li I in iir it "Manti arc unsatisfactory. y. ' PAST RECORDS OP DECEMBER WEATHER Tho first two wooks of the month wero unusually ploasant, as had been predicted, with a tomporatnre nearly two degrees abovo tho normal for each day. Tho third wcok dropped below the normal by about tho Bamo amount, howover, and was cloud' and unpleas ant. Tho first storm of any conse quenco was a rainstorm which occurred on tho seventh and eighth days of tho mouth. Thcro was a snowstorm on tho 11th, which changed to rain, however, and thou have been light snow flurries on nearly ovcry day sinco then, with tho exception of two days. Tho cloudy days have been greatly in excess in this month also. Tho first throo days wero about tho only really clear days for the onttro month. The wind velocity has been light, although "old Boreas ' got busy on the 13th and blew at tho rato of thirty-oight miles an hour for a while from tho northwest. Tho pro vailing winds have- boon from tho southwest. The lowost tomporaturo for tho month occurred on December 21, when tho mercury dropped to .19 do grocs. The warmest day was on I)o cembor 4, with a teniporaturo of JiG degrees. Tho amount of snow has been about normal, with a littlo over six inches on the lovol. The prccipitntion of rain and molted snow was a littlo less than ono and a half inches for the three weeks. Cure sore throat. Relieve Bronchitis and Asthma. Contain nothing injurious. but plans aro made which, if carriod to a successful conclusion, will give . Co'mpany F a home second to nono in the State. Each battalion, to conform to tho organization of tho regular army, should consist of four companies, and it is expoctod that Provb and Richfield will soon muster in tho two additional companies nocded to tnako four compa nies in each battalion. Officers of tho Militia. The present officors of tho guard aro: adjutant-general, T,. A. Wedgwood, colonel. Charlcs.Cf, Pluramer; Lieutenant C. 3L Arns, acting rogimental adjutant: Captain Earl V. Smith, regimental quartermaster; Captain Fisher Harris, regimental commissary; Sergeant Wil liams, regimental sergeant-major; Ser goant Bostj regimental quartermaster; Sergeant Lindquist, regimental commis sary, and Sergeant Nophi Hicks, regi mental color sergeant; Major W. G. Williams, in command of ' First bat talion; Lieutenant Kneiss. adjutant First battalion; Lieutenant W. JL Bar ratt, commissary First battalion; Major Fred Kammcrman, in command of the Second battalion; Lieutenant .T. E. Hyde, Jr., adjutant Second battalion; I Lioutcnant E. D. Sorcnson, commissary I Second battalion; .Captain L. M. Pcxton, ' Company A; Captain A. W. Johnson, Company B; Captain 1L K. Eakle. Com I pnny 0; Captain Gideon F. Sidwcll, I Company P; Captain Freeman Bassett, State Boards. Board of Pardons Governor. Attorncr General and threo Supremo Justices. Hoard of Examiners Governor, Secre tary of State. Attorney-General. Uoard of Loan Commissioners Gover nor. Secretary of State. Attorney-General. State Board of Insanity Governor, State Treasurer. Stato Auditor- Plato Bourd of Corrections Governor Cutlor. Ellas A. Smith. Dr. G. B. Pfoutz. Stiuo Board of Land Commissioners William J. Lynch. T. C. Calllster. WIN" 11am Candland, Henry Tluyes, William Thuync. , v . Stato Board of Education A. C. Nel son. J. T. Kingsbury. William Allison, .John A. Wldteoc. D. 11. Chrlstcnsen. Stato Board of Equalization R. R. Tanner. John .T. Thomas, It. W- Salis bury. John Watson Regents of tho University J. T. Kings bury. Frank Plorcc, W. W. Rlter, Walde mar Van Cott. Richard W. Young, A. II. Lund, Rebecca E. Little. Dr. Charlos G. Flummer, Samuel Newhouso. Trustees of Asricultural College Susa Youris Gates, Lorenzo Stohl, Thomas Smart, Mrs. A. W. McCuno, J. W. N. "Whltccotton, A. S. Coudon, John Q. Adams. . , , Trustees Stato Industrial School Dr. E. M. Conroy, Harry Joseph, T. B. Evans. Trustees School for Deaf and Dumb Maud May Babcock. Mrs. A. B. Coroy. tho Rev. Peter Slrapkln. John W. F. Volker. Isaac L. Clark. Stato Board of HorticultureThomas Judd. J. D. Wndley, C. A. Htckenlooner, J. Edward Taylor. Stato Board of Health and Vital Sta tistics F. S. Baacom, T. B. Beatty, Fred Stauffor, A. B. Steolo. S. H. Allen, W. R. Caldorwood. A. F. Doremus. Stato Board of Pharmacy W. IT. Day ton. J. L. Fronkon, W. W. Cook. B. F. Ritor, John Culloy. Stato Board of Medical Examinors D. C. Budgo. A. S. Condon. Charles L. Olson, A. C. EwLng. Frod W. Taylor, F. H. Straup, R. W. FlBhor, Ralph Rlcharda, A. P. Hibbs. State Boanl of Dental Examinors E. A. Tripp, A. C. Wherry, W. G, Dolrymple, S. H. Cla-WTion, II. W. Davis. State Board of Labor Conciliation and Arbitration John Dorn. Thomas C. Pan cake. Arthur Paraon. Wllljam Drysdalo. Stato Fair jVsooclatlon Directors Jamoa G. McDonald, M. K. Parsons, Mrs. Pris cIUa J. Rlter. T. II. Smith, J. II. Seely. W. C Winder, Lester D. Freed, Joseph A. SUvor, F. J. Hcwlott, Robert R, In'ino, Mrs. Emma A. JiJmpey. Utati Art Inatituto J. Leo Fairbanks, A. B, "Wright, Mrs. V. S. Stephens, Edwin Evano, Leslie S. Hodgson, S. Wesley Browning, Myra L. Sawyor, M. M. Young. CommloGlonera on uniform Legislation C. R. Holllngsworth, Ashby Snow, S. II. Lund. State Board of Accountancy Ralph B. Hoag, William J. Batoman, J. W. Ed munds. Stato Board Examiners of Barbers Dr. C. M. Bonodlct, I'orlcy A. Hill, Wil liam M. Piggot. Stato Board of Optometry Dr, L. W. Snow, F. J. Alexander. II. O. Jonson. Stato Board of Park Commissioners George Webb. Joseph R. Murdock. Slate Board of Sheep Commissioners li, U. Anderson, John E. Austin, J. S. Ostler. , State Board of Vctorlnary Examiners John Ernst, N. C. Spauldlng, Jr., F. Parker. MEMBERS OF LEGISLATURE. Sonato. First DlstrlcU-Prttor Clegg, Tooelo City. Tooelo county. Second District llc.rschel Bullen. Jr., Logon, Cache- county. Third District Wesley K. WiUton. Woodruff, Rich county. Fourth District E. T. Hulanlskl, Og- i Company H; Lieutenant Alpha BT. Man- Kj.' ning, signal corps; Captain W. 11. Tyn- jKj . dale, hospital corps; Captain W. C. SjJ' , Webb, battery, and Major Cleveland of K1 tho band. , 11'- Targot rractico. K ; t A feature which has proved bene- R -4 ficial to the members of the guard ! - during the past-year has been the target w J1 practice which has been held during m ,.1", tho summer on tho range at Fort Doug- ft 4 i1 las. Tho Bnck bill allows the State S:jT' about $4000, to bo. usod for ammuni- U J i tion. During no year has this money 1' j all been used to purchase ammunition, jl; U and as the money cannot bo used for IImH anything elso Utah is accumulating an pi:-'v ammunition credit with Undo Sam. . A riflo club has been organized in h", connection with the National Guard, Rtt' which though not a part of the guard is KcJ; vet a feature of National Guard work. Br,;' . This rifle club was organized during R V November. Major JW. G. Williams is R president of tho club. Interest in the WA'.l club is being inanifostod by mcmbors I', of the guard and citizens generally. tfi& i'i B3' next year it is hoped that tho new j club will be able to send a delecation wtifc .of eighteen mcu to tho national rifle IB, , V- shoot, which is to bo held at Camp 5; ' Perry, O. Last year Utah was ono of og, tho' three States not represented in vLl" 1 this contest, but it is expected that tho aVl State will ai least send ono team next Ka'S mi ll : ,pi i State, County and -City Officials pi I 1 STATE OFFICERS. John C. Cutler, Govornor. - Charley S. Tlngey. Secretary of State. J. A. Edwards. Stato Auditor. .lames Christiansen, State Treasurer. M. A. Breeden. Attorney-General. A. C. Nelson, Superltitcndent of Public Instruction. IJ. B. Cromar. Fish and Game Commis sioner. John Peterson, Food and Dairy Corn mj&slnner. John E. Pettll. Coal Mine Inspector. Caleb Tanner. Stale Engineer. Clmrlcn S. Glnzlor. Bank Examiner. Herman Harms, State Chemist. Governor's Staff. E. A. Wcdffwood. Adjutant-General. A. P. Kessler. Quartermaster-General. Georgo M. Hansen. Commissary-General. A. S. Bower. Surgeon-General. A. B. Irvine. Judge Advoeato-Gcneral. George A. Seaman. Inspector-General. Miles R. Taylor. Aldc-dc-Camp. J. A. Grccncwald, Tnspector-Gcncral. Judges. W. M. McCarty. Chief Justice Supreme Court. -D. N. Straup, Associate Justice Supreme Court. Joseph E. Frlck. Associate Justice Su promc Court. W. W. Mfttighn, Judge First District. J. A. Howell, .Iudgo Second District. C. W. Morse. Judge Third District. T. D. Lewis. Judge Third District. M. L. Ritchie, .Iudgo Third District. George G. Armstrong, Judge Third Dis trict. ' J. E. Booth. Judge Fourth District. Joshua Greenwood. Judge Fifth District. J. F. Chldoster. Judge Sixth District. Ferdinand Erlckson. Judge Seventh District. District Attorneys. Fred J. Tlolton, First District. George Halvorson. Second District. F. C. Loofbourow. Third District. D. D. Houts. Fourth District. J. A. Melville. Fifth District. J. A. Erlckson. Sixth District. F. F- Woods. Seventh District. w den, Weber county; Charles R. Holllngs- B,tA worth, Ogden. Weber county. Qlh' Fifth District Frederick Rasband. Park City, Summit county. Ul i Sixth District Banner A". Smith, Salt Wit Lake City; William X. Williams, Salt EHiS' Lake City: Stephen II. Love, Salt IiUe I 15' City: George N". Lawrence, Sail Lake Si. H1 City: Samuel C Park. Salt Lake City. R tfij Seventh District Henry Gardner. trill Spanish Fork. Utah county; John Y.' m)h Smith. Lehl. Utah county. mU; Eighth District Thomas C. Calllster, St h Fillmore, Millard county. IJ I Ninth District John II. Seely. ML ft $ Pleasant, banpote county. H f" Tenth District Willis Johnson, Circle- ( jj; vlllc, - Pluto county. t :,, I-JIovonth Dlfitrict Albert E. Miller. St: ', h George. Washington county. fa .. Twelfth District Alouso Brinkorhoff. , i", (" Emery, Emery county. ??(' House of Representatives. 1.1'' First District Wlllard S. Hans'feiv W. fS.,' Fleldin?. Box Elder county. ' iy Secoml District II. A. Pcdorson, Lo-- ra li; gan. Cache county: Brlghani A. L-lcji- HI fS ; drlcks. LewLston. Cache county; William Wtim II. Mnughan. Wellsvlllc. Cache county. 8 Third District Samuel Weston, Gar- Ki j den ClU. Rich eountv. K? a . Fourth District Rudolph Kuchler.' Og- IM ; I ' den. Wobor county; Oeorpt A. Fultcr, vm I' Eden, Weber county; George S. Dean, OR I, North Ogdn. Wobor county: Harvey P. K, 1:' Randal). Ogden, Weber county. TC ! Fifth District C. RI. Croft, i.lorgan M City. Morgan county. 9m $ Sixth District .lames A. 12ldrcdgc, mi g:( Woods Cross. Davis county. Hi Seventh Dlstri'-t Andrew G. Benson, I j.', Crrantsville. Tooelo county. Uiju'i Eighth District Harry fe. Joseph. Salt 'Klf.' Iikd City; Harry J. Robinson. Bingham. 1 1 R:" Suit Lake county: Charlos E. Marks. Mill 1 1 if' Creek. Salt Lake county; Preston D. I LIU" Richards. Sugar. Salt Lako county; Brig- II II'. hnni-Clegg. Salt Lake City: John M. f "Mills. Suit Lake City: William McMillan. I5?' Salt Lako City; John Q Crltchlow. Snlt 13!'' Lako City: Daniel MoRac. Granger. Salt PSl'B' Lako county: Ncphi Jensen, Forest Dale, gftt S" Salt Lako county. j 3. Ninth District William D. Sutton. 4 I H Park City. Summit county. "iilf1 Tenth District John T. Giles, lleber, llUS Wasatch county. 9iif Eleventh District Charles F. West- B phal. Pleasant Grove. Utah county; Jo- BSJ ii seph J. Jackson, American Fork. L'tah fl f j, county; B. JL Uowcr. Provo, L'tah coun- jflll ty; George A. Hone, Benjamin, Utah 11 If? county. L'' Twelfth District .fohn N. Davis, Ver- - B T nnl. Uintah county. BWI Thirteenth District Braxton Barr.ett, S4h' Mammoth. Juab county. SUw.' Fourteenth District P. P. Dyrcng, HftH Muntl, Sanpete county; C R. Durlus, 'BrN Ephralm, Sanpete county. llf tyR Fifteenth District James Bown3, Cas- tie Gate. Carbon county. ' uj j Sixteenth District Carl E. Larson. BRi 5 Castle Dale. Emevy countj. Eft: if 'i Seventeenth District J. P. Miller, wthl' Moah. Grand county. (li?i;j Eighteenth District Martin Jonsen, SH!ei'l I Redmond. Sovler county. ffl:lv i Nlneteonth District Oi-cll L. Thomp- SBJ l son, Sclplo. Millard county. Hjk $, Twentieth District J. F. Tolton. KkM' Beavor. Beaver countj. W'U'i ; Twonty-flr?t District James Long, Jr., KJ" . Klmberly, Pluto county. W-i'h Twenty - second District Vacancy, jJBMrJ : caused by death. . . Wei i Twentv-thlrd District ..ohn N. Henrle, W&i Pangultch, Garfield county. ME, . Twcntv-fourth Dlstrict-Iohn Parr-. MgL Cedar City, Iron county. ' Twonty-nrth District Thomas P. Cot- W. , tarn, St. George, Washing-ton county. fBiv , Twenty-sixth District Heber J. Meeks, W, ;, Ordeo-llle, Kane county. K?'v' Twenty-seventh District Robert P. l& ' Y . Holt, Verdure, San Juan county. ', Salt Lake County Officers. WRX f: J. U. Eldredge. Jr., County Clerk ; P. O. Hi Perkins, County Recorder; Frank Hlsm- ?) ' botham, County Auditor; Campbell M. Wfc it Brown. County Assessor: John a. Groes- (flTj bock, Counly Treasurer: C. Frank Emery. fwih County Sheriff: Wlllard Hanson, county ' BT ': Attornoy; J. B. Swcnson. County Sur- veyor; John C Mackoy. James L. Clinton ,D1 and i. B. Cosgrlff, County Commisaloii' jEfc .'; W ;1 Salt Lako Oity Officers. jSj ! ',' J. S. Bransfocd, Mayor; J. B. Morctpn. W 't ' Recorder: Grant Snydor. Treasuror; Ku- -,' ; dolph Alff, Auditor; k J. Dlnnlny, Attor- r, fh.,. ncv. City Judgos-C. B. Diehl and J. J. J J Jjtfc. Whltaker. K.- ffVJ '1 Oity Oouncfi. SCr I First' Ward L. D. Martin, Oliver Ilodg- Jgffi ' son, J. D. Murdock. Off f , ; Second Vard-E. G. O'Donnoll. L. J. JSh , , Wood. G. H. Raybould. tmlil' J Third Ward lohn Hoiley. F. &. i-crn- -8f,! i etrom H. F. Cowburn. , ,, '. Fourth TWard-W. Mont Ferry, U.K. -MR ! "FlW'Ward-rL Davis. Mark Rocdall; Sftl T. R. Black. ' Kn 'j Appointive Ofiicors. 'Wt.' ' AnTot ltroCelseyand Irrlga- HJ ' tion .r, T. Ralolgh. , , yfy ' !, SuporlntendenL of Waterworks 1 rank BtiM! Landnnd Water Commissioner Frank MKH SupStendent of Parks-IL V. Heath. JJ :? Soxton J. E. Wlseomh. E'l: 1 Oil Inspoctor and Inspector of We'shta WLt I and Measures H. IT. Broiigh. J '(f Building Inspector D. W. Gamble, H.'LK Found Keeper Walter Crome. BBpJSV Chief of Police-Tom D. Pitt. KL, M Chlof of Flro Dcpartmont-C. T. Vail. ffi'. ffv Health Commissioner Dr. M. R. Slew- KdIIH ""Board of Hoalth John S. Bransford. ox- Kff h officio, chairman; Dr. R. W. Fisher and MUi'M Dr F H Raloy. flwo Board of Public Works Fred J. Leon- ISlftN' ard, chairman; Charles D. Rooklcdgc. A . f. A j. Halloran. C. P. Brooks, Samuol M. JUti .j, B Food 'inspect or W. J. Frazler. K?',', Humane Ofi'lcor T. A. Hcringer. Plumbing Inspector Frederick Spenco- I ' 1 '