Newspaper Page Text
Ttih iS ALT LAiiHi TKiisU NJS, MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 19UY. 3 I if THE WORLD I HAS OF jNTEREST WfiiftlVHI Makf Speeches: hvs J ' nlcnt 1 HfHirr. From Christmas Outing. 1 oNF PHASE OK I) RUCK I ' MVSTKKV TO BK ( LEAKED ijj Several Notable Trials (if Iu m ' fcmational Moment to Be Concluded. ! I I Ajthongii the dullness of the holidays i L thr we. k promises ;i number of ovents F more or less importance ud interest. f pt the least r.f these is tin- speech of i jjry Tnfl. on Mond.-iv- '-;r,'i't. b- p fort 'bo Merchants' association of Boston. Tbiv will be the Secretary 'a jnt publi'' .iiipr.arance since Ins return from li's t;l' av'-ur"-' tr' world and re- fc ports from Washing on say that his friends have urejed him to seize the opporrnnuv jV,r some decisive nttci ,M6 in his ' :;" ;i candidate for tiir Pre.-iii'-m '.:. noiniminon. Mr. Taft 9 J,ubit will I.- "'I "o Philippines," and JrCTCn in ti'O event Unit ho avoids poli ,jt?fit is j, that, his remarks will h, inu-irtiint a- .-MiipiifyinR his recent iotcrviows en the varimi .!;;. see 01 the I Phiiii'Vi'"- '!"'' ion. particularly with j ftVrrtH'.- to the- per.din tariff pro pols. . R'itL the return of President Boqse wlt iarl in the week, from his outing is Vir-'iina. i: imptol.alde tliai u,mt new development m:.y o.-cur in -he Kavv department sensation, which US week brought about the resignation of B6ar-Adur:i! Brov.-nson from the I bureau "f navigation, uud sent nirn to the re'ired It--'- Chid interest now 'rntere'in '-he Admiral V letter of res imtion, nnd tliere are intimations that I it niav In- made public cvi-n before it i hmuc'i' out by t he anticipated Con a! aci nil, Aroha.-s-'i'lni Aoki. w'.mse n al m ffokiu was rreeiiTl;. aimouuced. proi. .L will lake his departure from Kvliiiii,'!-"! tin week. 1 1. i- under KLr,. tost he v. ill proceed dire-( to HL j-.;,,, ,-:n. llr'f nIioiiIv tiller :.--! enr of hi Mte.-e r MM' 1- ;.-ne.:i!l v tuinmtuee.l !i is H be r-iuiii' J I" V---bnyloii, M Inn li- lection ha noi been .h. i. daily M -ici.i',ik-- d. nor has any intimation 3 r,mi. .-,, ; "I'm' '., ; o when the new ill Sbifoadin will assume iiis pot. In ; I A Home Made Happy by Chamberlain's I Cough Remedy. gf About two mouth? ago our babv 'r! ' .-:! r. (-..-:-.-' '' ' ' ' ' 1 i 1 " 1 " . and at last resulted in a - v.-re attack j nf bronchitis. We had two doctors, but l no relief was ob'aj.M-d. livery body I bought sh"-- would die. I went eight M .re- '-. tin -i rt a in r :-ir W.kiy wbic!i had becu recommended to i w and trul' l to get it, when one of Hbt storekeepers insisted that I try I Chtrabrrlaiu Cough Remedy. L did sc. Irjud oor bnby is alive and well todny. f iGfo. W. hp".v-.-. Ibdiv Springs, N. '. tjlClarabfrlaia 's Cough Remedy alwa res nr.d is pleasant and safe to t?.li. fcr ywlp nil drugeistn. I . Don't Cough; buy I a faottie of A. D. S. Syrup of White Piue Com I . pound With Tar. ( It will give you instant relief. 25c and 50c a Bottle, i GODBE-PiTTS I DRUG CO. Phones No. 140. The Money-Back" j Shoe Sale ! j Is On. You Should Not Miss It. Davis Shoe Co. i the meantime Japan is represented at Washington only by a charge. I No little political interest attaches to the opening of the New York Legis Intnrc on Wednesday. It is felt that the Doming i ogl ther "f the Republican leaders from aJl the Stato may hare some decided affect on the Hughes movement for the Republican Presidential nomination, and at the same time Die result of the contest oer the Legislative offies will be looki 1 upon as clearly defining the strength of the Hughes and the auli Hughee sentiment. Governor Hughes's message also will probably have an In terest broader than State lines, by reason of the belief that he will treat upon the financial situation in connec tion with his recommendations as baaed on the report of 'lie commission which he appointed to suggest legislation for the further safeguarding of the State banks and trust companies. l least one of the many puzzling pbase3 of tho famous Drnce-Duke 01 Portland mystery promises to be cleared within the next few days by the oTicning of the coffin supposed to contain the body of the eecentric. Baker-.-ire. i merchant, who is alleged by some CO have been one and the same with the fifth Duke of Portland. When the grave, made more than forty ycarfl ago. is opened it will be known wheth er it contains the remains of a man or 0 roll of lead. a has been dnelarod by witnesses. The datf of the exhumation is n can folly KM pi Becxet. beyond the , la e i that it will occur this week. ... New Year's week fiuds tho baltie Bhip fleet at sea, after its Christmas rest at Port of Spain. The battleships, which cleared from that port Sunday, are now headed for Rio, on the second longest stage of the voyage to .m PraT'Cisco. Nearly :'.0('i0 miles of steam ing lie ahead of them and they are scheduled to reach Rio on January 11. 1 There the fleet will remain for ten days. Dining its stav an elaborate pro gramme of entertainments has been arranged. The week probably iil see the end of several notable trials which for a . !:." time have hell public attention. ; i The indications are thai by Wednesday i or Thursday the fourth trial of Caleb Powers for alleged complied v in the i murder of Governor Goebel of Kentucky will have been concluded and the case i be in the hands of the iurv. There also is 8 bare chance that the Pettibone trial at Boise will come to a conclusion. A few days should also see the end of the densational proceedings against Heir i Harden in the famous rterlfft court ; scandal libel suit, and at Sr.. Peters burg the trial of the members of the ! last Duma for participation in the Bp- called Viborg manifesto, probably will conclude uu Monday or Tusda.-. see An international pugilistic contest of more than ordinary interest in the sporting world will be decided at San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon. Lbe A I tell, the recognized American feath . erv.cight champion, will meet Owen i Moran, the clever little English boxer, ! in a twen$y-nve-round contest, and one of the fastest and hardest battles of recent years is confidently antfei I pnted, A ft ell is a strong favorite : among followers of prize ring affairs, : although Moran finds much favor w-tli those who have seen his previous per ; formances in this conntry. The Latest Ont, I Pdx Box, the most sanitary broad made. 1 Vienna Baker'. JINGLING BELLS FOLLOW THE SNOW 1 ! Mantle of White Meets the Ap prova at Least of Some People. Snow la' on the jrround n(j the atr was cold, Sunday. The snow crunched underfoot and the found was dial use able; tho sky was dark and cloudy. A few idetghs, with jlnglinK belts, ran thiTui;h the streets and gave sf:no indi cation of life, but otherwise the eltj api)cutred dead. Few persons wre out of doors, and tliove who were looked as thougai they were sorry for it. It wo.i dull and cold, and the temper- atiire went down to 26 degrees, arid nev er went any higher Uvixi 82 during the entire day. Sunday's rcronl at the looal office of i tlie weather tnircnu for tho twenty -four liourn ending at l p. rn. . Maximum temperature. 32 detrreeSi ) minimum temperature, .'iti deneei . mean temperature. L'8 degrees, whJcii Is 1 d?- I jfrei below norrnsJ. I A ecunnilii-ted excess of temperature I since tho first of thr. month, 98 degrees. Accumulated cxccbs of temperature since January 1. 2!9 degrees. Relative humidity. SO por coot Total precipitation from 6 p. m. to p. m., .15 of an Inch. Accumulated excess of precipitation stnee the first of the month, .99 of an inch. Aoeumnlated e.rces of prectpltatlon since January 1, 3.63 inches WIT L CONTINUE FIGHT FOR SUNDAY THEATERS j KANSAS CITY, Deo. i'0. The closing of the Grand opera-house, which Is man- nj;ed by A. Judah, who has been the lead Ing spirit In tho oppopltlon to the Pun- ! day-dosing policy of Judge William H. I Wallaco of the Criminal court, was Die . feature of the situation In this . tty to day. All other theaters. except the I Willis-Wood and Majestic, which tu lated two Sundays ago, were open today as usual, making It apparent that the contest between Judge Walls and the theaters is to be continued Indefinitely. It was thought that the surrender Of manager Judah would mean the closing of all theaters on Sunday, but the other managers held a conference and decided to continue the right. The present grand Jury, which favor? Judge Wallace's position, will go out of existence next Saturday, it. will return Indictments next week against pri-.m-who worked in theaters and other-, wl o violated tho .Sunday-closing law today, .luiige Wallace has announced that an other grand Jury, with the same, convic tions regarding the Sunday law. will be .ailed, and that there will he no eessa- , Hon In the Sunday-closing campaign Deputy marshals were busy today ".mi' erlng evidence to be submitted to iho ; grand jury. Tn consideration for Iho promise f MenaRer Judah and tho pool hall niana- i uts to remain closed on Sunday In the i future. Judge Wnllaee has agreed not o. I press the prosecution of persons who have been indicted for working on Sunday in the Grand theater or in the varlou pool halls of the city. STARTLING FIGURES SHOW MAGNITUDE OF CANAL WASHINGTON, Dee. 20 The engi neers on the Panama canal are dealing In vast figures these das. and the Canal Record just received conveys In a graphic i manner an Idea of the magnitude of the work to be done upon the loi ks of the canalA it is stated, for Instance, that the : amount of concrete to be us'- in building ' these locks would suffice to construct j eight-room city houses of the. generous sice of 80x80 feet, with two stories and basemen and with concrete floors and roof, to the number of 22,StC. Allowing each of these houses a seventy-Ave -foot lot. thev would make u continuous street from New Tork to Philadelphia, with enough houses left over to make a vow on one side of the street from Philadel phia to Washington The houses would furnish suburban homes for 190,000 peo ple, or. according to city standards made', have a population equal to Hum of the I city of Minneapolis. CASTOR 1 A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Tf ! Signature of LaSjj'C&&&: 112 MAIN STREET. A full Ujio of professional niounts and supplies. Kodaks and Developing. i Imow what's ool until you use . $ IfliirflffdelttS jGhocolate As the bad effects of coffee and wishy-washy coffee substitutes are more generally recognized and under stood, the use of Ghirardelli's Ground I 'hocolate as a beverage becomes more general, li is the experience of thou sands who have substituted chocolate for coffee that not. only do they llud it a more delicious beverage, but their general health is greatly improved. Tins is due to the fact that this chocolnle is not 8 mere stimulant, but, it is a per fect food, wbieb is readily digested and assimilated bv the most sensitive, stom achs. Chocolate, uned regularly, is a remedy for chronic dyspepsia. Urjdoulit edlj the purest, most dolioious and most convenient chocolate on the market is Ghirarrlclli k Liround Chocolate. It. is the original genuine ground chocolate and is made by a special process which blends the chocolate and sugar in such a manner as to render it easily digest ible and at the same time produces an exquisite flavor. Ghirardelli "s Ground 1 hocolato for cooking purposes will he found vastly superior to the OUt-of-date cake chocolates it is more convenient to ose; and imparts to every thing in which it is used a delightful flavor. PIZZ TALK THE NEWHOUSE SUNDAE Six Stories High, 1st -) iea Ft nly 1 lash 2nd Vanilla rce Cream. 3rd PTUited Chocolate. 1 1 h Crushed Stra wherries. Mti Mexican Pecan. Hh- Marasc hino Cherries. Served in a thin-blown skyscraper glass. MEXICAN PECAN (Fit for a Queen.) The ' ream that has no equal. FRUITED CHOCOLATE (Society's Favorite.) Acknowledged Queen of Frozen Dainties. NEXT SEASON: Montevideo Ice Cream Will be alt the rage. Driseh! & franken, Where Soda is vnd right. 271 .Main. Bell, 100 and 1SS; Ind., IQ0, The inos. beautiful thing In tho vrorld is a tliaciorxd. It is also the only thing that does not deteriorate by use and on ac count of scarcity grows more valuable each year. Yon buy at bottom prices when you get your jewels of us yjj LAKE jCITY. UT4J1 MONARCH HARDWAREO C4BfeOLL)XCLV PUKE GARDNER DAILY STSKNHfSgt c Gloves for Every J Member of the c ? family. i C Glove sea-son is here. J Tlic Gardner store has the C largest assortment of t Gloves of every kind. c I I Men's heavy lined Gloves ; 3 50c to $1.50. N Mon'g heavy lined Mitts. p f.Oc to $1.50. Automobile Gauntlets, c t S2..50 and C c Men's Ftu Gloves, $1.00 a to $G.O0. s Men's Wool Gloves, 25c y C to Sl-25. Fino BJd and Mocha Gloves, both lined aud un- S , r lined, for men and boys. i Boys' Wool Gloves, 25c, S 1 35c, 50c. ) ' r Boys' Fur Gloves, BSC, Z 75c and up. I S Ladies' Driving Gaunt. S ) lets, $1.-00. V- Bllasea' Woo) Gloves. 'J"c 2 y and 50c. 3 Children':; Wool Olovee, 3 15c to 50c. N . ? Infants' Mlttp, Lfjc ? NO SPOS Or flaws found in our perfectly laundered products. Tnere is good cneer with each package. TROY LAUNDRY, j "THE LAUNDRY OF QUALITY." Both Phones 192. 166 Main St. i 1 Tho Tribune Gives Your Wants the Largest Circulation. COAL REDUCTION! Udj TON I Bamberger Coal 1 Company 1 The best quality, well screened, clean Castle Gate, Clear Creek, Winter Quarters and Sunnyside nut and lump coal will be delivered promptly at $5.75 Per Ton) 9ftftfth I $5.25 Per Ton) mm Wb I BAMBERGER I I 161 Meighn St., U. S. A. I I I Bell Tel. Exchange 2. I Ind. Tel. 2000 and 2001. I" HOLIDAY ImONEyT I I We recently collected money for the following clients. We viil collect Bj some for you If you turn In your claims. I pf. '.'.i- 'v. Met ntlle, I Central N wsper I nlon, 356 Dear- 3 J v' Eiardesty, 90 EUo Grande Ave., , R Rl eltj FInnell i. Hut things, Bingham Can- j Hyrum naird. care of Mutual Life yon, I UUl l1 Ins. Co., city. .r.'o Chance, Bayrr.on'i, Alberta, Can- M J-. Sirs Christian Johnson, Fountain ..dn. I W C:--en t't.ih. h B. .- le CO.. Kavsville. Utah. 9 W A. '.., 101". V 1st South, city. . ,lo.-..- .!. r.rHfr, opd.-n. trtah. 1 H Pre5 Smith. West Jordan. Utah. - .(,., ) :ik'"': ' . ftcder: T't .t. ''V'oH i"'o, H .'.poi . Gi enew F'urnitiire Co., 33 W. 3rd fl Rl r:iilredc;e bldg.. city. South, cltv. 9 8 Ir. V. II. Ilaky. 61 Mercantile blk.. ( Will G. Fnrrell, 207 Ieseret Xewn m j Hen.j-iey a ESmsley, 1645 B. nth B. H.' "w. ii'.'j'slon. isos So. -tth East. I H. iJ. Mason. Grass Creek. Utah. Dr. K i' i . '.o r-i . F.nk ' t- , rush. H Nye A Son. Garfield, Utah. N'troi M. Long, -Murray. Utah. U I Koprr A Mayer. Zang saloon, city. H. (J. Bateg, Park Cltv. Utah. i-J I Uaron Co. Blnpham Junction, TTtah- C. II. Titus. ' lv .-.i ; bi,-'.-. .-try. W Red Streaks of Honer.ty Exist In Everybody. MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, g M Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts; Francis O. Luke, Gen'l Mgr.. 77-100 Com W mcrclal Nat I Bldg., Salt Lake City. Utah. 'SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US." tefcl fefffAti foXfAt feOY3 feSlj Ifc lQ EOYALNUT, fcjg5 Wc-Tn tbe Bl'ead this labPl' RDt flf DRBAy yu eet thc toest nut LggggL kObl DREftb bread. made of the best ma- v iBD I EOYAL BAKING COMPANY. j gRfiAlj Bfc&Ai BRA&LBRtAD j Bmbj ::. BreaD AFTER 16 YEARS OF OCCUPANCY OF OUR PRESENT LOCATION WE ARE j I For Lack of a New Location We Will Positively Retire from Business 1 I Our entire Stock of Diamonds, Watches TJT T"jOT Jf A J J Tl (TfJ ? 1 ; and Jewelry will be Sold at i J il 1 j I A , U A A mJj . I J NOTHING RESERVED! SAFE AND FIXTURES FOR SALE! 1 Jl- - SALES DAILY, BEGINNING JANUARY 2nd, 1908 H C" " . . - LssssssssssssHHHSbsHbbssssHI&ssssssBBMbssssss