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B THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING-, DECEMBER 30, 1907. U I In the World of Sport oikest mm n I TIE WDBTHWEST "Jacks" Have Become a Pest; H Fanners Will Try to Ex- terminate Tliem. Special to The Tribune. SPOKANE. Doc. 29. What Ih declared T will be tilt: largest rabbit drlvo ever 1 pulled off In the Northwest Is schoduled 1 for .January 15 at Wide Hollow, Wash.. west of Spokane, whero hunters and ranchers from various parts of tho slate T will participate In a run that gives prom- Ise of becoming famous In thu history of drives Ranchers mid orchardlsta of Wide Hollow are promoting tho day's 1 sport, which will result In the cxtcr- B mlnatlon of thousands of "Jacks" cavort- ing In the sagebrush and, damaging: np lc trees. Onu party of mounted hunt crs will start from Tamplco and drlvo in an easterly direction; tho second party 1 starting from Nob Hill to meet tho first. while the third contingent will start in the Cowiclic. They will meet, in Cowleho canyon, where the killing will lake place. 1 The last drive took place several years B ago. and since then the "jacks" In the Wide Hollow district have multiplied so H rapidly the arc- now a menace to the I NELSON A XL) UXIIOLZ FIGHT CALLED OFF fcpetial to The Tribune. I OGDEN. Dec. 29. Tt is probable that 1 the lalkod-of fight between "Rattling" Ni-ison anil "Roor" Unholz will not bo i pulled oft here, ns tlrst announced, Janu ary I". Manager Gulncy has received a tele gram from l.'nholz, In California, In which the Boor declares that he does not de sire to sign up with Nelfon until after His contest with Mcmslc. Tho latter con test will be held In California, Janu ary C. .Manager Cuiney says that he will not depend upon Unliolz to meet the Dane, but will open negotiations with Jack Clifford at once, who. light fans declare, I will bo a worthy match for Nelson. I! TRAPS ARE DESERTED: MANY DUCKS KILLED i only three members of the Salt Lake iun club went out to the traps Sunday nflernoon for the regular practice shoot, out of 50 targets. Mills broke 1C: A. cwan, -13. and J. F. Cowan. -12. A. ma lorltv of tho members went out after iu lis. and those who returned early in the day reported the shooting fine. Most I of the boys got tholr limit of twenty- j fi- c ducks at the mouth of the Jordan iv-r and there was also good ahoot '. ng wherever the sloughs were not froz en ovi-r. I Tho season on ducks will close Tues day at sundown and will remain so un til the first day of net October. I CHAMPION ATHLETE WILL I3E MINISTER SPOKANE. Dec. 29 -Ollio P. Snedlger. graduate manager of athletics at the 1'nlverslly of Washington and champion I .ill-round athlete of the Pacific coast. Trlntor and football player, has decided J ' enter the ministry, and will enroll .it a Presbyterian theological seminary urly nt-xt year. He graduated from the i T'nlverslty of California in 1905 and took I's degree in the eollego of law. He i won distinction In track and field ath- tlcs and made a brilliant success on .he gridiron. I Santa Anita Entries. Sp, cia! to Tho Tribune. LOS ANG-KLI2S. Dec. 29. The entries for the racs tti Santa Anita, Alonday afltrnoon. are as fo!hiv3: Kimt rnce. eleven-sixteenths of a mile, tolling Charlos Dolhery. 110; Wolfvlllo, 107- Watornet. 107; Gaga, 107: Hal, 107; .Barney Oldfield. 107; Sen "Bookman. 102. Second race, one mile, selling Jovner, 1'2; Toller. 112; Itetador. 109; Lyda o Wourseman. 109; Quaint, 109; Splnstrcss. W The Sultan, 109. J. C. Crousn, JQ1); Lady ChlnwolJ. 109: Cambyessesa, 10S; Belle Chamber. 105; Taos, 105; Lord Itos slngton, 100; Bellmence, 100; Prince of Orange, 100. Third vace. cloven-sixteenths of a mile, purse Nadzu, 109; Beuna. 109; Bar.zln Jia. 109; Pac Electric, 109: China LUv, 109; Pejovif. 109; Androche. 109; Allevi ator, 109; Ella True, 109; Dancllen, 109; Hermit's Cross. 109: Adelbert Belle, 109; Fiorina. 109; Evorran. 109. Kourth race, seven-olghths of a mile, purfo Sir Edward. 112; Tim Wen. 108; Col. Jack, 10S; Confessor. 107; Rcy Del Mtindo. 107: Summer Cloud, 105; Silver Suf. 1U5; Dulcenla, 100. Fifth race, one rnllo and three-sixteenths, selling A vontellus. 10S; Cork Hill, 107; Pav Me, 102; Belasco, 102; Fon oasta. 102; InvictUH, 102; Hcadful, 102: Ezra, 102: El Prlmeto. 102: Elle. J02; Salina. 1"2: Mary Candlornas. 100; Ban lada, 97; Little Minister, 97; Nolllng Dur ing. 0f. Sixth rice, seven-eighths of a mile, purse Bryan, 109; J. R. Luughery, I0S; Adoration, 103; Nonlc Lucille, 101; Ore line. 94; Stray. 101; Lester Leaser, 103 Josle S., 100; Esther B.f 100. I Entries at Emeryville. Special to The Tribune. OAKLAND, Dec. 29. Tho entries for Monday's races at Emeryville aro aa followwr First race, thrco-auartors of a mile, purse Mtdmont. 113; Yank, 119; Jar'k ful. 119; Alta Spa, 119; Contribution. 101; A'ronsky, 104; Cage Taylor, 101; Last Go, 101; Jockey Monce, 101; Famlorro, 101. Second race, one mile, soiling Bod Ball, 115; IVfay A'mella, 112; Blanche C, 307; Arcourt. 107; Col. Warwick, 107; Soverton, 101; Davo "Webber, 104: Teta nus, 104; Paldenla, 101; Hand Maiden, 30r; Sllvestro, 10-1; Big Store, 99. Third race, mile and a sixteenth, sell ing -Bcnvolio. Ill; Watchful. 109: Edith James. 10S; MJna Gibson. 107; L. f Ack orly, 107: Invader, 100; Mostof, IClfi; Huz :;ah, 106; Hei-chwnod, 10C; Botrou, 10i Gromoiblo, 105; Chcripo, 101. ' Fourth race, one mile, purse Deutsch land. 312; Massa. 104; Sidney F., 101 Judge Nelson. 10."; Royal Blossom, 99; Northwest, 99; Woolma.l'S. Fifth race, three-a.uarter.s of a mile yelling Harold 123; F. M. Brentnin' 123; Marvel P.. 123; Bantam. 122; Cholk Iledrlck. 123; Clovorland. 121; Duko of Orleans, 119; Sophomore, 101; Marsa Ran dolph, 105; Unto. 104. Sixth men. Futurity course, puree St. Avon. 112; Marlon Casey, 109; Bonn, JOG Edith R.. lOfi; St. Modan, 10C; Billy PuIlJ man, 10C; Balriade, JOG; Dlnween, 103 Adcria, 103. PROGRESS. Everything he sees is funny; Every man a friend; Como a rainy day or sunny, He laughs from start to end. fl' World's a mighty Jolly piaco, ' So plum filled up with Jov; Bo thinks little Laughlng-faco Because he's Just a boy. H1 Trust and friendship all hot air Life a dreary grouch; H! ot a icul 1b on the square. Ho will sourly vouch. H Universe has no oxcuae H Sfnco tho gamn began; 1 Hft mn it up in "Wlint's tho usc7" BecaUBQ he's now a man. H New York American. li Ml WILLIAMS BEABY FOB BATTLE Will Box Twenty Rounds at Liigoon on New Year's Afternoon. . ''Kubo" Smith nnd Charles Wil hams, wlio arc to box twenty rounds at. Lagoon Now Year's afternoon, have slopped training and from now on will rest' up, finishing with light, exercise, just enough to koop thomselvcs in con dition. Iho men are down to specified weight and each one is confident of winning the contest. Tom Paiulcr lias seen both men and line instructed them regarding tho rules, especially in re gard to an3' foul work, which ho will not stand for. The men are to go into tho ring and box twenty rounds under Marquis of QucoiiHbury rules for points and the contest will bo awarded to the one .showing the most science. Smith is tho J'avorito, being an old hand in tho riug and having boxed tho best men in the world at his weight. Williams, on tho othor hand, has just como out of the woods, much tho same ns Ketchell, but he believes that ho is it natural born fighter and while ho has had only u few battles ho has trimmed his men in such an easy fashion that his Wyoming admirers aro coming down in a special train to back him against Smith. A special will also bo ruu down from Ogden where Smith has many friends. Manager Wood lias completed all ur rangcmcnls for special trains to run over tho Salt Lake and Ogdon line, the first of which will leave at 1:30, the next at .1 :45 and tho lust train at U p. in. atid will return immediately after tho contest. Blue Grass in Missouri. Kentucky blue grass was introduced in Missouri by an omigrant of tho early days, in order to prevent, a wholesafo 1 exodus of Kontuckians back to their native sod, says thy Kansas City Star. The lull wild prairio grass of Missouri, stretching "from eternity to eternity,' ns one of tho pathfinders expressed it, made the homesteaders seasick. The boy who led tho expedition William Smith by name is yot living in Macon, Mo., jutil his front "lawn is velvet car peted with the blue grass brought from Kentucky in a bedtick in 1S40. Mr. Smith was ninety years old on May 4 lust. Ho was twenty-two vears old when he led tho expedition from Ken tucky to this state. The emigrants had not been in the state long when they began putting their things back in the wagons. "What's iho matter with you fol lows'" asked Smith. "Can't live in a land where grass's over the oxen's back," said a homesick inn n. "Wo can cut it." "It don't look good to us." Smith begged and pleaded, but most of thoso who came here with him went back. Ho knew what was the matter. Two or three men agreed to wait until young Smith wpiii back homo aud re turned with his grass seed. He made the long I front northern Mis souri to liPxingN i. Ky., for that pur pose alone, but -i'iits proved that it was worth all the (rouble Whon tho wild grass was cleaned out and the blue grass sown in its place the region be gan to look homelike. Smith made another trip, and this time he carried commissions from people far and wide for blue grass seed. Somo of the pio neers journeyed a hundred miles or moro to got a sack of tho emblem of old Kentucky when Smith got back with his load. The Kontuckians began to conic back as Missouri assumed the appearance of 1 heir native state. Year by year the bluo grass territor3' was extended, until loday Missouri is as worthy of the title, "The Blue Grass State," as is the home of Colonel Wat tcrson. Mr. Smith is now Cull of vears and proud of his part in tho slate's develop ment. He has only one real mistako to look back upon with regret. That is that he did not buy St. Louis when it was offered to him for $25 au acre. He had the money, too. On his first trip to Missouri he stopped over a day or two at the French hamlet. A laud agent took him to one si do and' said: "Stranger, I've got one of the best propositions you ever heard of land right in the heart of tho city at $2fi an acre! Tliink of it! Some day this town will be a place of five or six vcs. ten thousand people! Then your lots will be worth $100 apiece! How's that for profit! Situated right here on tho river, got. two 'bus lines, a couple of taverns, a newspaper and a church or two. It's the chance of a lifetime, for a young man like you!" Phut was in March, 1S30. "The place scorned dead," said Mr. Smith, in speaking of the matter re cently. "Thcro didn't seem to be enough life around the town to gel. up a cockfight, and T decided to push on lo better prospects. Even tho people there excepting the real estate agents, didn't seem very sauguino over thy out look. It certainly never occurred to mo that my $1500 at that time had tho power of putting me in the class with Monio Cristo had I not steeled myself against the voice of tho promoter. I guess he didn't know it cither, or he'd have taken the bargain himself. "When I go lo St. Louis these days it's an in teresting subject for contemplation to walk up and down Hroadway and recall the time I turned it down at $25 an acre." THE LESSON OP A CEOAKEE, He's very sure the world Is wrong, Tho times are out of Joint. Disaster's due ere very long In fact, we've reached the point Where not a ray of hope remains To uav. us from the pit, ' And so ho takes the greatest pains To make tho moot of It. I!o cannot 3ee the sky above, He cannot feel the nun, Xo tlowora bloom for hhn in love, No laughing rivers run. Instead, his life is all a blank. Ills days aro days of woe, His heart- is cold, his flngera dank His spirits vory low. What good can such a man nchlcvc? This much, If nothing more; When we are ready to bellevo Our hotter days are o'er, The spectacle of such a chap Doth tell iik with disgust. And so wo vow through all mishap ' To laugh a hit, or bust! Birmingham Age-Herald. Fond Mamma Are you keeping all his letters? The Giddy Girl Yen, denrio. Fond Mamma That's right, T havo just heard that he's likely to inherit a fortune. They may come in handy. Chicago liecord-Herald. 1 - I COIWSCTS PUT JNTO "CRIBS" I I WHEN THEY BECOME UNRULY When n prisonor in the ponitontiary in Lausing, Kan., becomes so unruly that no ordinary punishment will im prove his temper and make him oboy orders ho Is put in the crib. Pcrhap3 you havo visited Lansing, gone through the twine plant, furni turo factory, overall factory, the library and chapel, tho mines; but. havo you over soon the craukhousc nnd the crib TInrdly likely that you have. Tho crankhouse is a most unpleasant place to visit. There are sights in there that you would not bo likely to forget soon, nnd of course the guards want to spare you from seeing such dis agreeable things the cribs, for in stance; always thu cribs. You'll ncvor forget them. You may never sec a man fastened in ono of these things and you may hear much from the guards about tho ferocity of those who havo had to sub mit to such reforming influences; you may be told that the latent prisoner who suffered thero tried to kill the cook or attacked tho doctor, but nothing ho had done could bo quito bad onough. you will say, to make such punishment justifiable or to drive tho memory of it from your mind. When you got homo again and put on your lounging robe and light .your pipe to smoke while you read tho even ing paper, you'll tliink of that diaboli cal contrivance iu the crankhouso in Lansing prison, and tho chances aro 3'ou won't read j'onr napor undorstandingly. Nothing over will make you forgot en tirely the vacant, staring eyes and ex pressionless faces of tho unhappy wretches in the crankhouse. most of whom know all about the crib and its qiuet torturo. Quiet torture; that's it. exactly. W. II. Haskell, wnrden and Senator: J. II. Dobsou, deputy warden, mild niannercd. agreeable, an excellent official, long tried and capable these men did not invent the crib. They found it thore when they followed in another's foot steps. It is said by competent persons that tltev have almost censed to use it except for insane prisoners, who must be restrained to save their own lives. The pity of it is thnt the wnrden has not burned it long ago. Of courso, kid-glove methods never would succeed in Lansing or any other penitentiary, because many of tho men and women who are imprisoned thore aro the sort that need and heed only tho very strictest discipline. Iso one doubts that Warden Haskell would not be long in command if ho didn't keep a tight rein on his wards,' but most people nowadays havo como to think that a dark cell and occa sionally a bull ring on tho door or wall is punishment severe enough for the most depraved. If you tie a mau's hands over his head "and make him stand thnt way Tor four or five hours at a time rou 'vo punished him pretty severely. He'll bo ready to do almost anything, promise any tiling. But when you shut him in a crib a slatted cofiin in a house with crazy men you stir up tho worst there is in that man, and some day, sooner or later, some one will pay for it. It makes your heart grow tighter when you see some of these things. You can't deny a shudder and a feel ing of compassion for the fellows that aro in there, many of them for life, depending for every favor on the cn priciousnesa of the guards, who can , MISFORTUNE PURSUES NEW filM BANKER Wreck of (lie Sloanier Alps j Sweeps Away Last oi' Wil liam Adlcr's Resources. NKW OULEANS, l.a, Dec. 20. Almost unparalleled misfortunes have been heaped. In the short space of one week. upon William Adler, one of New Orlcins foremost bankers and a leading whole sale grocer of tho South. Tho n nival of news today that Mr. Adler Is a ship wrecked refugee at IJellze, British Hon duras, added another chapter to a record already long. Ono week ago tonight Mr. Ariler's rcn Igna'.ion as j.n silent of the Statu Na tional bank uho I: the financial cycles of New Orleans. &I'-.ce then the bank has announced that It ni st. go out o busi ness: Mr. Adler's whol'sale grocery firm, one of the lar;cst in tho South, has g, no Into the l a d of a r c Ivor; a load of groceries co.isl-ne:! to Honduras, w i Ii, J Mr. Adlcr's fronds claimed, was ono of his last hopes of recouping his fortune, J has been lost by ship wreck, nnd tho : stcumor Alps, carrying both the groceries , and Mr. Adler, and owned by blni, Is a total Iofs by the same wreck. I3y merest j slip of chance, the Insurance polio on t the shipload of groceries was rendered worlhloss by falluro of premium payment. Misfortune has a Inn dall a blow at one of Mr. Adle.'s nios.Rl filen s. Mo6C.s Schwartz, a prominent New Orleans mer chant, who was with Mr. Adler 'n the Alps and whoso foundry heio w.nt Inlo receivership shoitly after tho s. earner sailed. Tho Alps l'cs on Glover's Reef, nearly fifty miles from the- port a io was g for Puerto Cor'ez, My dura?. W. IS. Law. once has be ;n appointed manager the whnV .al grocery llrm of A. Adler Jt Co.. with l-slrucii ns lo put the basin-"-.? on Its fel If po-slh o Kasttirn c.o.ltor aic heavily InUre ted In the Adler firm. I "FATHER." Ho called me "father" yesterday Since then I have dono little moro Than notice that my hair Is gray, And that 1 fumble at iho door, And that my shoulders have a stoop That 1 have never known they had I wish he'd come In with a whoop And climb my linc-ei-, and cull mo "Dad!" He called me "father" and II. seemed Am though my boy, the boy i had. Were but a boy of whom 1 dreamod. That never was Ihoro such a lad As ho who begged for fairy tales, And wanted stories evcrj' night. And greeted mo with cherry halls Ah, but he was a Joyous sight! His hair was golden, and was curled Ii. crisp, short ringlets on his brow No boy was yet In all the world As jolly as he wuf, somehow; And deep within his eye? was irust And faith and great belief In mo A boy that made me know I must Bo Just as true as man can be! He called mo "father" yslorday Since then T know my oyes are dim, Iror now my boy is gono away And I may see no more of him. I listen for his Hying feet And for his accents guy and glad Such as I heard when once we'd meet When he would run, and call me "Dad!" Chlcugo Post. make or break them, according to the way lhey may feel about il, after din ner sonic day. It isn't liard lo understand thai a man who has lived eighteen or twenty years in prison is likely to go out with a chip on his shoulder or a grudge against somo onu in authority. ' That spirit produces gossip and gossip some times gets into books and these bookii hold fearful talcs. There was "Tho Kansas Inferno," written in Lansing by a life prisoner, il in said. This book was published in Wichita, and no one knows how the publisher got the manuscript. It tolls nbout tho crib in this way. "Tt is a box with holes" for air, into which a prisoner is put face downward, with a bar ucross his back, his hands bound to his sides or breast. His head and his neck and his feet aro then 'triced upJ so thut ho is in tho form of a bow, and there ho stays, somo tiiues for forty-eight hours. Men havo becomo raving maniacs in the crib." Enough to Drivo Man Mad. The cribs in tho "erankliou8o'' in Lansing do not quite como up to this description. Thoy aro cases mado of oak slats about seven or eight feet long, four foot wido, and probably four foot deep large enough to hold a vory big man. Thero is no bar or placo foV one to bo faatonod, and the prisoner is not tied to it in any way. His hands aro put in a leather muff, resting on his breast, and he lies on his back. Tho crib is closed and he is left there alone to think it over. There is another crib a few feet away and perhaps it contains a gibbor iug malefactor vho finds delight in yelling aud bumping his head against the slats. This is enough to drivo tho other man crazy if ho isn't in as bad a condition himself, and in any circum stances it ccrtninl' does noihing to ward quieting the most obstreperous prisoner. If he is just mean and lazy and vicious, it makes him worse if it does not drive him mad to stay there in that crib, tho most solitary of all soli tary confinement, the perfection of cruel ingenuity, not so degrading, per haps, as the whipping post used in some State prisons today, but infinitely more harmiul to the low remaining Bhrcdfl of mornl'ty, 100 times more de structive of ruanltood, a relic of bar barous times. Just how far tho prison officials go in punishing convicts is a question that has received much attention. It needs much more. It. is important to record in this connection that of the 23'S in mates of Lansing prison January 21 only four wore in dark cells. In ordinary circumstances this sort of restraint serves every purpose. The cells are large and clean and well ven tilaled. i3rond and water form tho en tiro menu until he feels that he can obey the rules. There are several large, airy, light cells in a now brick house in which men are jnit when they refuse to work. Obviously a man will work in time if he knows ho will get nothing to eat until ho has completed a task. When a man is put in ono of these cells a wheelbarrow load of stone is put in with him and a hammer. When he has mado "little ones out of all tho big ones" he gets his dinner or supper and not sooner, it seldom falls. When a man has been put in the crib a few times he is fit lor nothing else except in tho crankhouso. There aro several in that house now who (Ho. Kansas Correspondence Chicago Chronicle, DEEP SEA TRAGEDY. Why is It that the ocean moans? That's what I'd llko to know; ! It may bo that the lobster Has pinched lis undor-tow. Chicago Journal. And maybe it is Just tho pain That thrills Its bosom wide. What time It shudders at the bar And thinks of last night's tide. Cleveland Loader. Perhaps you'd moan a bit vourself If now- and then a whale, Escaping from a sword llsh, Should lash you with his tall. Philadelphia Public. Ledger. The ilckle ocean wooed the moon, They to a parson hied, Tho sound you hear is onlv this: Tho moaning of tho tide. Llpplncott's. O, to UiIh question of much weight. An answer do you crave? It may be that the mermaids wish To havo a Marcel wave. G. W. Ilustod. Jr., "Wlnthrop. Maso. Those aro not moans, those sounds you hear. Tto-echoing round tho shores: The son. you know, has adenoid?. And thoso aro ocean's shores. Boston Globe. Norway's Master of Music It was Hans -von Bulow who called Grieg the "Chopin of the North," and tho sobriquet was not inappropriate. It cannot bo doubted that Chopin 's bold new harmony was one of the sub-con-scious forces that, helped to shape Grieg's musical genius. His mother ap preciated nnd delighted in Chopin's mu mc at a time when it was little under stood and much underrated: and from childhood Chopin 4 was Grieg's best loved composer. In his student davs he ' was deeply moved by the "intense minor mood of the Slavic folk music iu Chopin's harmonics and tho sadness ovor the unhappy fate of his native laud in his melodies." Tho musical style of the two masters havo many points of similarity. They are akin in refinement, in the kind and even the j dogrec of originality with which each has enriched his art, iu mairy of their anna and methods. After Chopin, Grieg is perhaps the greatest nationalist among composers; and like the groat Polo again lie raised his nationalism in to world-wide acceptance he. wrote iu no dialect, but. in the universal lan guage. If Grieg never quito attained i to 1 ho heights of Chopin in his piano- 1 forte music, he surpassed his Polish pre decessor in the ability lo handle other instruments and in his songs, of which ho published no fewer than one hun dred and .twenty-five. It is these songs that constitute Ed- ' yard Grieg's highest achievement: and f in all his music he ia first of all tho singer amazingly fertilo in easily com prehensible and alluring melodies, lie ; patterned these original melodies after (.he folk-songs of that Northlaud he loved so ardently, just as ho often em- j ployed the rhythms of its folk-dances; ' and by these , means he inipnrtcd to his work a fascinating oxotic touch and uuccecded in evoking as if by magic the moods of the land and the people. He is an impressionist in music, who given us intimate glimpses of tho rug ged grandeurs of his country and charming portraits of its lusty, yet often melancholy, sous and daughters; and his tone-pictures are nlwavs re fined by an exquisite delicacy of feel ing. I'Vom "Euvnrd Grieg, 'The Cho pin of the North. ' " by G. W. Harm, in the American Review of Reviews. IThis is the Starting Day of Our Great p Semi-Annual soM ' A Great Day of I Srd Money Saving j ' $ for Clothes M ' J tofc Ljke former events of mm 1 coYan the kind in this store this mMi ' $22.50 & $20 Suits is to be a sale notable for wWSmk eLnd Overcoats. the genuineness of its of- WWM WSk ferings and will appeal to 1 ta oSice are quick to' recognize a of an chance to get "their f i $27.50 & $25 Suits Sort" at a real saving. f jWS ! and Overcoats. Be with the discrimin- I JP5" ators and you'll be here hpr Sr HATS FANCY VESTS ferf ow UNDERWEAR SHIRTS $57.50, $55 $30 FANCY SUSPENDERS I Suits & vercoats- NECKWEAR AND PANTS 6 $45, $42.50 & $40 jmjlim Children's Suits & Overcoats. Cjpy Clothin d F' All Blue and Black 8WI . j . 1 , Goods included 228-230 main msnings reduced THE OLD AND THE NEW. The baby ulept well In tho eradlo of olrt. By tho roaring blaze, when the nights wcro cold. And Homebody rocked with rhythmic cwoep Till the buby eyelids wore clo3cd In sleep. In summer tlmo, too, by the open door, Crooning a lullaby, o'er and o'or, j Tho foot inuat keop the cradle swinging. Tho tired voice must go on a-s!nglng. The baby Hlecps well In the eradlo today; Iu the Illckeriug gas logs tho shadows play, With a rhythmic sweep does the crudlo rock To and fro llko an eight-day clock. Wound up each night, it swings along, While the gramophone croons out tho sung, And the baby cares little so long us there's swinging And tho gramophone keeps up its singing. Joke That Is Not Funny. In the Amoricnn Magazine lOruust Poolo writes an article on "Now Read ers of tho Neffs." A million new read ers como to this country from foreign shoros every year. Mr. Poolo tells many iutorestinpr stories. For example: Over on tho Enst Side, in two rear rooms, in a tenement near tho river, lived a Norwegian with his wife and thoir boy Christy. "Jl'y boy," no said to nio; "he is why wo come to America, to give him good chances. An now he grow Amer ican so fast I can't keep close." To koop close, he, too, was tryiug to "grow American fast." And as the Subway was no help, he was working hard every night learning lo read the newspaper. "I must know." he said anxiously, "I must know dcHo t'ings. Mv boy ho play games wid sonic dice. 'J'o him I say: " ' Christy, it is wicked to gamble.' But ho say:" " 'Fadder. it is not wicked. Tt is ! good business.' An' he talk to me Wall Street. JTo talk an' I see ho is wrong, but to make him nee right T must know. Bo T read." llo assumod a shrewd, knowing expression, ludicrously out of keeping on his big, serious face. "1 begin to know woll dis gamble busi ness, "rhe said. ''An' also I read Graft. My boy ho talk too much dc Crrat'tors. Jlo talk to me big Tammany man nn' Trust, mon an business mon. Soon I. get myself angry. ' ' Christy 1 T say to my boy. 'Desc men you must not like so much. All desp men are burglars! ' But ho laugh. " 'No, not on your life-! ho say. 'Burglars go to jail. Dese men are only drafters!' " At Ibis tho doctor and T both laughed. The big man leaned back and stared at us. perplexed and indignant. "NVliy, ia it a noko?" he asked " Vou ' American men see so often jokes. " He thought hard for a moment'. "Maybo vou sec too often," he added. Wc laughed again. "irou ure right," said tho doctor. "Wo do. And America needs men just like you, men who won't bco tho joke ! ' ' HER TASTE FOR GORE. T. At seventeen alio proudly wore his colors and was glad to see IIow little fear he had of gore; his punt ing filled her heart with glee; Shn shouted when lie got tho ball and clapped her hands to see him run. And though his bleeding features all were shapeless when the game was dono She praised hi in for the way ho saved dear alma mater from disgrace And sweetly pressed her lips against the only clean spot on his fact. II. With chilling dread, at thirty-eight she offered up a solemn prayer. The record he had mado was great, but widly she refused to care; 5ho heard the faint nnd far-off cheers. and had forebodings that were dark Thero was a lull! A thousand fears came crowding In upon her hark! 'Twns ho 'twnG ho! They'd brought him home her hero lived but, filled with fright. She saw the scratch upon his cheek and fainted at the awful sight. Chicago Record-Herald. Paris Gowns From Sixth Avenue. Tt is not only the high-priced dress makers that one must consider in dis cussing the extravaganco of American women. Iu New York City alono are 4S00 firms that manufacture 'ready-made garments for women. Many or these aro designed from imported moden.. Sixteen hundred gowns a day havo been sold in a shop that gets its supply from ouo of these places. I "You mean." I questioned, "that when we buy a $n0 gown in a Sixth avonuo department store, we are reallv buying a French gown so far as escsu tials arc concerned ?" "Certainly," said Coralie, "for there aro only u few dressmakers in this country who are daring enough to or iginate. Manufacturers go abroad for uiodols. Yet, on tho other hand, tho French often borrow from American customers their original ideas. Years ago when pretty Juliette Paquin ap peared one famous day at Armenonvillc in a simple whit.o linen suit with Eton jacket, distinct among the elaborate gowns that represented millions of dol lars, she said frankly to her admirers that she hud taken "tho iden from an American girl. It is not only our American dollars, but the clever ca prices of Americnn customers that have helped in making these cstablish nieuts." Gertrude lynch in Everybody's. SALT LAKE TURF EXCHANGE. 48 East Second South St. California ind Eastern races. Direct wire lor nil sporttnc events. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and every I other old day the PANDORA CIGAR is I always the same. 1 1 RIEGER & MNDLEY, I Tho Whisky Merchants, Distributers. I JOST PURSE. WITH -Z KEYS. GET REWAE5 at Electric theater. -titt LOST BETWEEN THE HOUR OF 11 and 1, Sunday, small gold watcli, Idlt! "E." If returned to 361! So. ."rd E., fir.!" will receive liberal reward. wSJ TWO 2-YEAR-OLD COLTSi BLACj and white, sorrcll. Return to 3113 & State. Phone 3341. Liberal rewaiJ. vira TAN AND BLACK HITCH TERFJEL rough coat, motal tag fastened uirad neck with string; reward. WeJls-?arci Co.. 123 Slain. rfG OXIDIZED SILVER CHAIN WITH FIVE amethyst Jewels, about fl 30 Tuerfn night, near il street, on South Teci car going east; get reward at 511 Doit. 2 A BAY ilARE. 7 YEARS OLD. BRAND-' cd with mule shoe on left thigh, a Mti star on head. Lost about 7th Inst. Ihi saddle and brldlo on. both stamped Blrf ham Livery and Transfer Co., wbo su pay reward If returned. tlW ONE 2-YEAR-OLD COLT. FLAX 5IAXE and tail, with bald face; ono bnm; Shetland pony. Return to J. T. HaiJ- man, fl32 Washington St., 1st anJ West.. 0th Fouth. Reward. rsm- ".1 REMOVED J. PHIL KLIPPLE'S CARRIAGE SHOP, moved to rear 119 West North Ttafr St., Silver Bros. Iron Works building. 1 Trig DR. G. A. GAMBLE, OSTKOPATlT Announces that ho has romovocl III ncc to 120 South Main St.. rooms 20i-l Hours 10 to 12 u. m. and 2 to 5 pc. Phones 5281 and 711. ra PJNALS BLACKHEADS pfjIPLES, ULCEJ3 I of tho face and neck cured by Dr. u , W. Higginfi, 30 West Third South. AB caseB guaranteed. r'ii WANTED PRESENT ADDRESS OF Clarence W. Clark, last eocn la S" Lake Sept.; Information of cxtremo V3J awaits him. Address New York Alter-, nev. Tribune. i5 EXPERT LOCK AND SAFE REPAIR- ing. Carter's. 325 S. W. Tcmpis Bell phone 11-iO-X. iS I IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF Til ; United States for tho district of L Jru. i In the. mater of Lewis T. Larsen, bankrupt. In bankruptcy. No. 1121 j To the creditors of Lewis T- '-arD,,,; Salt Lnko Cltv. In the enmity of Lake, and district aforesaid, a ImnKrUP Notice is hereby given that on 16th day of December. 1907. lie m Lewis T. Larsen was duly adjmliealM' bankrupt, and that the llrst nicellnS JJ Ills creditors will bo held at my y in the Commercial block, Salt Lake Lii.-t Ulah, on the Sth day of January, j-, a I 10 o'clock In tho forenon, at which im the said creditors may attend, prove tn, claims, appoint a. trustee. oxllnehj.' bankrupt, and transact such other ou- ness as may properly como beforo meeting. i CHARLES BALDWIN , Referee In Bankruptc). Salt Lake City. December 2S. 130. I My greatest pleas- ure is my patrons! satisfaction. ; "Any thing jnGo) JOHN F. BOES j JEWELER 259 Main St.