Newspaper Page Text
1 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING-, DECEMBER 30, 1907. 9 : , ., . . . m i-LH jfSSSSSSi NOTICE KhTunerQrvlccE over the SBf"8 Fdward J- Arthur, will bo imfcvi(C l& SScr 31. 1007 at I P QBE Tuerf-,c,rdence of her sister. Mrs. !Kfrom Jds 209 Center street. All K t T. 5f specCnlly Invited to at &f'ind2 ,v view tho remains on day fK Vfrom 11 a. m. to 12:45 p. m. .AND !' ?i5r- s West Templo; p ' v5 I UT " FLOWERS SPder Nat-l Bank of Ilcp. tH'-rOcirTOSBI.ECT FROM. K. jgaSv yards. 422 S. State. 'Birr WANTED 1 BRn rUj nasltlon. or will loan $1,000 'HL for 5100. Amply secured; i m& gdSal. Address F-59, Trlb- :T-TO- LOS AKGBLlg MfTphonc 3110-1 mrZrpZTD FOR OLD BOOKS. KOV 'pganL 133 W. 8Q. Temnle.u 'ifercARBToR osbs for USE !Bh?rTTY7XTS washing at her fBEiVsoclttl Hall avenue. w2546 ;kferTHREE FURNISHED OR UN- Kfuhed rooVa. gas connections pre 1 life (tillable for light housekeeping: i'IK ,flree ,-ont room, and board, by Lr couple, who can givo best of ref WCfee Add. F-39, Tribune. ctTtTset of books to work on K)g3 and Sunday. Address F-41. sBsTTfR l'OO POUND HORSE FOR HIS "K'j during winter: light work; good 'Wfi Bell Phone 4462-K. W2599 BciyER TO BUY STOCK. TOOLS AND ;Knt ranrh: long term. ?S00. or will Ifjde. Address F-41, Tribune. w2G57 BffVTLEMAN'S TICKET TO CHICAGO llpaugalo. F-51, Tribune. w26S7 'fivfTOR SIX-ROOM MODERN COT JiLtf unfurnished, north of 3rd So. and Erf of Main St. Can give reference. Bell , EjjeloSS-NK. Ind. 124. w2183 i VfikcTlMD FAT CALVES: DRY K. Snundesr. Bell fono 2374-Y. w211 : RtsTOirERS FOR WEATHER STRIPS. jjRlrtn Bros.. 140 Main. w850 ,j LnDERN FURNISHED FLAT BY i;j fyoira? couple for winter, at once. P-34.. rpbani. w38 i D BOOKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT ! Sid exchanged at 132 W. So. Tomple. jjT wisio i SgUEST PRICE PAID FOR METALS. ; lima, battles, etc, second-hand mnchin Grtat Western Iron & M. Co., Inc.. I M.JIQ South First West. Ind. 821. Bell J j&.E. 398 ( PGOOD TEAM OF HORSES. 1300 TO tmnwi pounds; no piugs neea appiy; z v Jfcj milch cows. M-34. Tribune. t255 K K) DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND f.i ito&ttress remaking. Utah Bedding and '' lfg. Co. Doth phones 3S3. b303 . HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON, EbRic, rags, bottles, rubber, copper, fcjc Utah Junk Co., 6S E. 8th So. Phone fet. z307 iCaRTY WITH SMALL CAPITAL TO I uke hold mfg. proposition: money sc , mitti', salary each week; references; no j bjfltrc. F-57, Tribune. W2722 UZ KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH- 131ns trunks, valises, best prices paid. pCojr.inorclnl sL Reply by postal card, .i- iRibaei r771-K. t74 R liTODR OLD CLOTHING. WILL CALL. l? ;;SiIwtlon Army. Both phones. t2191 j ' WANTED HELP FEMALE X ;jfinh?FoT'GEN h I Apply 55 G st. w2931 ill MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR CHAM- J I'bttTork at Eagle hotol. W2927 ? C1RL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. ill K. 2nd So. Phone 1401-X. w2016 ' HRST-CLASS CHAMBERMvVID WANT- pM. 73 E. 2nd So. w252G 3WNTER TERM OPENS JANUUARY 2. ,j rllocday and Tuesday will be enroll- i tnt daj-s. Call and pet Information. gfnigor's Business College, 222 S. West fTwipla. w2532 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE ' t i lfD'Jf. small family. 475 3rd Ave. r3: W2535 rwl Glm' FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 3Mpply 1171 First Ave. w2539 lOIBI' FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; JjMamily of three; good wages. Apply 600 TaPoutb. Main St. w2542 faOD COOK TO GO TO THE COUN 7i3r trf; Scs J30. Apply 885 First Ave. jjX (. W2543 ' R,RI F0R GENERiVL HOUSEWORK; -rrAJM TTEElifng. Apply at onco. S98 East yngham. ' w2549 'JJPVAKTED, A, COMPETENT GIRL FOR dUL'TOarcU, housework; good ivagcs; no Pfi. Apply Mrs. Hyde, 955 East 1st Eqath. W2553 i HfEKIBNCED GIRLS FOR FUR SEW 'rS: 11 Stenzel Fur Co., 79 E. 3rd T ;vS2HiS: wisos OFFICE) GIRL; EXPERIENCE UNNEC 4 .ttry. Utah Dental Co., 234 Main. . W2750 .! '!FPK GENERAJj HOUSEWORK; '"all family. 12G South 2nd East. 1 ,i W1G83 rZZ ?;0R GENERAL HOUSEWORK Ianil'S of throe. 3510 South 7th W2616 C00IC- NO. 6 OFFICERS' iLSrs, irort, Douglas. w2C4S fSS. Gl?L F0R GENERAJ. HOUSE- Lglh 30 I st Phono 4589 Bell. W2C32 lTrrUIEGHD BINDERY GTRLS. jUgf Printing Co. wllll df?5 UNDERSTAND ILUR -J3fon?fc e Ea,t LaJ0 Costuming Co., 207 fWUHL State. wOGO "-iJp COMPETENT GIRL FOR apt rrl?.i "ouoowoik; no laundry; good Sf Ia, Aw,,' 30 u 8t. Phones Boll 158. Jl wGlO .-Mi",011 GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Of piiULliiJSOj W1335 lZ Sl,nWANTJ5D FOR GENERAL r&l 127 Sixth East. w!99 mR? 79 SERVE SOFT DRINKS, til 2nd S. w24tt Sn1'?11 ..GENERAL HOUSEWORK; If I iLl famlll" no washing. 104 So. 9th tJ W245.i IWJ.0R GENERAL HOUSEWORK; IS $A hs ,nonh of cil" all family IH tSV2(mo for r,Bt Parly. Enq. 67 So. ?---5i: w2G47 m JcSSPf LAUNDRESS AND fV Hi' hSF -X,.n,Ml 007 2nd Av(i- Dell itflj, -63 W2477 3ft 'lS.TPU TO P1IONB BELL 1138 iVilS btil ba,nc,JS college. I-Ionngor'a la ijvftf -fl- Day and night sesalons. tl403 . 'SECOND GIRL. 153 R. BRIG! 0 - t794 OAEPET GLEANING t 1 wffiy1 SANITARY WAGON! eflf aMr nrtnS duse: carpeto cleaned 1 " toktin up and returned; work 'TO !!lS.,117B?0U,B Cleanlngal?27 ' iUvp'ri AND nUGB CLEiVNED AND f fnnI)ro.W,lly: -5V'ork guarantood. 'tr ."il0- . Snnllary Wngon" rono 1 snitar,; u 0 noue. Phonen 555. Utah fm?lJSSUM Cloanlue Co., 117 South p0 -P- B1030 -5Ai,L PAFEP. HANGING - . acr 5 p. m. Ko. 6 East So. Temple. WS31 i WANTED HELP MALE MEN TO QUALIFY FOR TRAVELING salesmen; good wages and expenses paid. Call or write Room 8, C5 Main st. w4G7 MEN WANTED FOR RAILWAY MAIL clerks; ploaaant work. Call at onco or write. Room 8, 65 So. Mam. w2S2 MEN TO LEARN ELECTRICITY. I plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, all I kinds of drafting and plan- reading; day and night; no hooka; positions secured. Free catalog. Coyne Trade school, 230 240 Eighth St., San Francisco. p!717 EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. AP ply 213 Commercial Club bldg. w2GG7 JANITOR FOR APARTMENT HOUSE. Inquire Dr. Zimmonnan, 234 Main. v2751 SALESMEN WE STILL HAVE SOME desirable towns not nsslgncd for spe cial reprcspntailvcs to handle our lino of men's mndo-to-ordcr clothes. Write to day, giving 3 references, and if satis factory we will at onco ship to yon (:xpress prepaid) our magnificent outtll of 400 large woolon sumplcH, accessories, and full Instructions, absolutely free. You have cxclualvo rights In your territory and can mako at once ?20 to 60 per week, If you are succossful we will help you start n tailoring store in your town. Rogers, Blake & Co., 203 Market St., Chicago. WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 2. Monday and Tuesday enrollment days.' Call and make your arrangements. Hcn agcr's Business college, 222 S. West Tem ple. w2531 ATTEND HENAGER'S BUSINESS COL lcge If you want good position. Our graduates are caTJSolo of holding the host positions. 11404 PLUM II OF EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, headquarters for all kinds of help, etc. 60. E. 2nd So. Fono 3584. glol STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 4 E. 2nd South Phones 104. C743 SECRET SOCIETIES. ATA7s7"Rm- nato bodies of the A. A. S. RIto of Free Masonry hold stated meetings the third Thursday In each month at tho Masonic Tcmplo. corner First South and Second East. Sojourning brethren Invited. Richard L. Conley. 32 dcg. W. M. Jordan Lodge of Perfection No. 2. A. E. Hutchinson, 32 dcg. W. M. James Lowe Chapter of Roso Croix No. 1. C. B. Diehl, S2 dcg. Commander of Salt Lake Council of Ka dosh No, 1. John S. Crltchlow. 32 dcg. M. of K. Utah Consistory No. 1. Christophor Dlchl. 33d deg. Reglbter of All the- Bodl03. EL KALAH TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S. Regular sessions held at Masonic Tomnlc, corner Second East and First Soutn, the third Wednesday of each month. Sojourning nobles invited to at tend. S. D. Evans, Potentate; W. L. Barnes, Recorder. UTAH COMMANDERY, NO. 1. KNIGHTS Templar Stated conclaves held at Ma sonic Temple, corner Second East nnd First South, the first Thursday of eaoh month. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially invited to attend. E, O. LEATHERWOOD! Recorder. g!900 UTAH CHAPTER. NO. 1, T. R. A. M. Stated convocations first Wednesday In each month at Masonic hall, corner Sec ond and First South streets. Com panions cordially invited. E. O. Lcather wood, H. P.; Moses C. Phillips, Secretary. AARGENTA LODGE, NO. 3. F. and A. M. Al Masonic Tem ple, corner Second East and First South streets, first Tues day of each month. Members of , sister lodges and sojourning: brethren In- i vited. Frederick D. Keolcr, W. M.; Moses : C. Phillips. Secretary. s MT MORI AH LODGE. NO. 2. F. AND A. 1 M. Masonic hall second Monday each month, corner First South and. Second East. Members of sister lodges and so- joumlng members In good standing in vited. G, B. Pfoutz, W. M. ; Chrlsto- i phcr Diehl, Secretary. j WASATCH LODGE, NO. 1, F. AND A. Is I. Masonic hall, second Friday each month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren In good standing in vited. SamueJ C. Park. W. A. 6 J. Lowe, Hecrotary. Z LYNDS CHAPTER, NO. Jg 1, Order Eastern Star. v?Sw Arasonlc Temple Stated J! meetings first Friday each month. Visiting members 4? im V7 will receive a cordial wcl vw pome. Alice E. May, W. v 7kL; Mary G. Wright. Scc- rotaiy. ' 7 Z MIZPAH CHAPTER. NO. Tfc. Jj 5, Order Eastorn Star YihW j Staled meetings first JjJL Monday of each month tg62!W Maaonlc Tcmplo, cornor ty Second East and First V South. Visiting members V cordially Inlvted. Corn J. Mchac, W. M.; Flora E. Sinclair. Secretary. Independent Order of Odd Follows. FIDELITY LODGE, NO. 17. I. O. O. F. Miets every Wednesday night at S o'clock, T. O- O- F. Temple. Visitors wel come. E. E. Smith, N. G.; J. C. Smith,. Secretary. JORDAN LODGE. NO. 3. I. O. O. F. Meets very Monday night at J. O. O. F. Temple. Visitors invited. R. G. Buckle. N. G.; W.-T. Hopkins, Secretary. al437 L O. O. F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY. Subordinate lodges moot as follows: Salt Lnko Lodge. No. 2. Friday. Entorprise Lodge, No- 15. Tuesday. MIRLAM REBEKAII LODGE MEETS first and third Saturday evenings of each month at I. P. O. F. Tnmple. o215 NAOMI REBEKAII LODGE NO 1 Meets every Bcoond. and fourth Satur day ovonings of each month at Odd Fel- lows' Temple. Market street. n2550 FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET first and third Wednesdays each month. Knights of Columbus hall. No, 21 West Flrnt South. C. E. White, F, C. H1134 WOODBINE CIRCLE NO. 41, WOODMEN of tho World Meet o every Monday. 8 o'clock, at Eagles' hall. Knights of Pythias. CALANTH E-M YRTLE LODGE NO. 1 Every Monday, K. of P. hall. C. E. Tlolman, C. C; C. E. Baiter, K. of 11. and S- LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23. K. OK P. Mo.cuh every Saturday evening at S o'clock, K. of P- hall. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3 Every Thursday evening. K. of P. hall. HIORAQON TEMPLE NO. 3, PYTHLVN SIstOK Meets every Friday evening at K. of P. hall. Evelyn Vandlvcr, R. C. o2573 KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES, Salt Lake City Tent No. 2 Every Thursday, I. O. O, F. hull. Visiting Knights Invited. LAJDIES OF THE MACCABEES, SALT Lake City Hive No. i Meets every' first and third Wednesday, S p. m., in I. O. O. F. hall. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, Salt Luko Aerie No. 67 Every Friday, 8 p. m EaglPH' hall. ROYAL ARCANUM, SALT LAKE COUN cll No, 1517 Second and fourth Thurs days, Jennings block. G. 1C. Smith, Ro gent; E. L. Jones. Secretary. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. LODGE 4170 Meets every first, and third .Friday night, T. O. O. F Temple C. E. Hcmon wnv, Dictator; W. T. Hopklna, Roportor. ullGO SCAVENGEE UTAHQArCOHAYT 394S. Boll phone 2G10-K. 93 HAT FACTORY ME??' jTaTSLANEjET" "aND blocked; Panamas a Hpoclalty. Bolt Lake Hat Factory, 24 E. 1st South, Phono 2737-NK, M138 FOR RENT 6-ROOM BRICK. BRICK CELLAR. barn, $15 per month Call 3779-X. w2922 FOrt RENT NICE MODERN BRTCK rottago and larpo barn, 847 So. nth East, or will sell cheap. Inquire bookkeeper Knutsford hotel. W2921 SIX-ROOM; GAS, ELECTRIC LIGHT; bath, hot and cold water; ?30. 753 East Dth South. W293G GOOD BARN FOR RENT CHEAP. 539 So. 1st W. Phono Bell 3134-Y. w292S FOUR-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 555 So. W. Tcmplo. W1170 $25.00 9.111 WINDSOR. b'-RM. BRICK, modern, with furnace and attic. J25.00 37 W. 6th So., 2 new, modern 5;r. brick. 550.00959 E. 2nd South, D-rni. modern. 515.00 Desk room, 17 W. 2nd So. Capital If. E. Inv. Co., 17 W. 2nd So. ' W2004 6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. ?25. 237 j C street. w2363 THREE FRONT UNFURNISHED tooina. 22G Wosl 6th South. w347 MODERN G-ROOM HOUSE; DESIR ablo location; close to business. 135 B street. w2K57 FIVE-ROOM MODERN BRICK COT tage. 1017 South 9th East. Bell tel. 2355-X. . w21 19 A SEVEN RM. COTTAGE ON 4TII East. Inquire 320 4th East. W2702 425 EAST 3RD SO.. CLOSE IN, MOD crn six-room house. w271 1 S-P.OOM MODERN HOUSE; FURNI luro for sale. 242 2nd East. W24G4 MODERN 4-ROOM APARTMENT, COR. E and 1st ave. W2752 CHOICE 2-ROOM BRICK: PANTRY, elec. light and "water. 556 So. 2nd West. W2411 COSY 4-ROOM COTTAGE, WITH halh, clothes closet and pantry. 74 L St. w26G0 3- ROOM FRAME COTTAGE; CLOSE11 In. Bell phone 13. - w2660 C-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. PARTLY furnished; walking distance; $25. 237 C St.. cornor 6th Ave. w.662 2 FRONT ROOMS, UNFURN.. MOD., for light housekeeping. 202 G St. w2G61 4- ROOM HOUSE. 510; FURNITURE for sale. 9C7 W. 3id South. V2G26 3 ROOMS; ELEC. LIGHT, WATER, close Jn, for man and wife or two la- dles. 167 Center street. Bell 1274-Z. w2G22 $60 LARGE ROOM. NO. 141 E. 2ND SO. S30 Storeroom. No. 143 E. 2nd South. $27.50 6 rooms, mod., No. 9 Wellington court. $20 G-room houso. No. 2 Cllft Ave. 520 G-roorn houso. No. 1 Cllft Ave. $15 Room In Newell block. ILLLORAN-JUDGE CO.. Agents. Real Estate, Loans and Fire Insurance, 14 West 3rd South St. Both phones 823. w2609 UNFURNISHED ROOM. 334 E. 2ND South. ; W2629 WARM STABLE, GOOD SIZE. SI 1ST Ave. W2634 FOUR PARTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Lyric theater. Enquire of manager. N w2675 2 F17RN. OR UNFURN. FRONT BASE; mcnt rooms, cuo aiaie. w-uoo 2 UNFURN. FRONT ROOMS OVER Butler grocery. 210 State St. w26SG 5-ROOM BRICK; 1353 LINCOLN AVE. Eng. S25 E 4th South. w26S3 TWO ROOMS; MODERN: NO CHIL- dren. 553 East 3rd So. St. l2r8l 2 UNFURN. FRONT ROOMS: ELEC. lights; no children; $10 per mo. 1223 South 7th East. w2452 4-ROOM MODERN; NO CHILDREN. rear 531 So. W. Temple, houso No. 11. W2457 COTTAGE OF 2 LARGE ROOMS; SUM- rncr kitchen, toilet and water In house; fin. 864 2nd avonuo. Inqulro next door cast. - W1240 4-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. ENQ, 553 W. 1st No. Phono Ind. I03G. w2541 TWO MOD. BRICK COTTAGES, ONE 5 room and summer kitchen; one 4-room. 774 E. Sth So. W1334 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN. G4 "F" ST., $35. Equity Investment Co., 210 South Main St. . wlD99 10-RM. BR., THOROUGHLY MODERN, S19 S. 3rd East; $60. 6-rm. mod br , 819 E. 3rd So.. $2G. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO., 251 S. Main. Wo wrlto Fire Insurance. Phonos 27. wS09 TWO ROOMS, PANTRY, CLOSET, ETC. 339 W. 3rd North at. w308 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN BRICK, WITH furnace heat, 28 D atrcet. Inquire 38 D street. w342 760 FIRST AVE. SIX-ROOM MODERN. $30.00. w485 STORE AND LIVING ROOMS. IN qulro ZZ W. 1st So. e288S SECOND AVE., NEAR S., BEAUTIFUL new 9-room, thoroughly modern, hard wood finished house; $60. Stowe & Pal men 12904 OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT, ESPE clally suitable for doctors and lawyor. Applv Rental Dept. S. L. Sec. and Trust Co., '32 So. Main. t2245 5-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. 303 W. 4TH North. t2312 4-RM. NEW MOD. BRICK. 15 MINUTES' from P. O. $20 mo. Goddard, 31 E. 1st So. will iJUA-ttiJ AJNJJ itUUffl TVRESPECTABLE YOUNG MEN TO hoard in prlvato family: modern. In nuico 303 S. Fifth East. w2437 BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE RES Idence; bath, phono. 357 South 2nd East. W2710 2 MOD. ROO.MS. WITH BOARD, FOR gentlemen. 354 Brlghnm. w2731 MODERN ROOM, STEAM ITEAtT ' good table board. 270 West. So. Templo. w27S7 ROOM AND BOARD. 25 APPLE ST. t3014 GOOD ROOM AND BOARD AT 717 SO. Main. Mr?. Clum. Wellman. w2G2 1 UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS, 2ND S. and 13th E. Rooms from S3 to $16 per month; newly furnished, steam heat, hot nnd cold running water, cafo In connec tion: excellent car service. J. F. Whltte more. prop. Ind- phono 3080. w2307 1ST-CLASS FURN. FRONT ROOM; good board, homo cooking; steam heat and baths; nice, quiet location; suitable for man and wife. 223 So. 2nd East. w2130 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. WITH STEAM heat and good board. 315 East 2nd So. tD29 BOARD AND ROOM; HOME COOKING. at 326 So. 3rd East. slOOl WANTED SITUATION BANK CLERKrCOMPETENT AND RE llablc, wants steady position after Jan. 1. Address box 284. city. w2344 JAPANESE SCHOOL BOY WANTS po sition at housework: speak English. Harry Furuyu. 31 Richard St. W2631 MTDDLE-AGED LADY OF EXPER lonco wants position as housokooper In hotel or rooming-bonne, or In widower's homo. F-49, Tribune. w2071 RELLVBLE WOMAN WISHES Posi tion a3 cook or housekeeper. F-lo. Tribune. w26l FIRST-CLASS PLANING MILL MAN wants position with responsible firm: can lay out any kind of mill work and do machine work. Address F-4G, Trib une; w26G0 POSITION BY YOUNG MAN EXPER Inncod in hardware and general office work. Boat of rcforoncos. Phono 4654-K. C D. F.. 328 E. 2nd South St. W2299 MOVING, PACKING, SHIPPING, STORAGE rdmaTTanand So. Went Tomple. Phones G55, Effi cient, prompt, thorough t2821 FOR RENT FURNISHED 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD cm. 217 West 4th South W2923 FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, ELE? gnntly furnished. Cull No. 3 Dubcl ave nue. after noon. W2.030 TWO ROOMS AND PANTRY, NEWLY furnished for housekeeping. )l No. 2d West. W2731 MODERN, WELL FURNISHED fi-ROOM house. Apply 459 2d East, opposite courthouse. w2925 TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS' FOR housekeeping, with hath. In modern flat, closo in. Address F-3S, Tribune. ; . W2933 2 MOD. FURN. ROOMS, WITH GAS. 203 S. oth East. Phone 2325-K, w!753 G MODERN ROOMS. 523 E. 5TII SO- W1756 DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOMS: misomiblo; heat, bath and eloctrlc light. 123 W. 4th So. Phono Ind. 127L W21S4 3- ROOM. CLEAN. MODERN. COM plctely furnished houso. with basement, $40. 219 S. 2nd East. Bell 3421-K. w2304 TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms. 437 East 1st So. w2700 SEVERAL FINE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 676 So. Main. w2701 4- ROOM MOD. HOUSE, FURNISHED. 55G So. 1st Wost. Inq. 558 So. Main. W209S THREE FURN. ROOMS. WITH BATH; hot and cold water. 739 W. 1st No. w270S TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. modern. 217 West Fourth South. w2753 ONE SUITE. SPLENDIDLY ADAPTED for office. Hi So. Main. w271S FURNISHED ROOMS', WITH OR W1TIJ out housekeeping. 150 E. Brlghum. Bell phone 4701-K. w2720 THREE-ROOM. FLAT, NEAR O. S. L, 270 West So. Temple. W2726 MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping. 24 Church st., 4th So. between Main and State. w2409 LARGE FURN. ROOM FOR HOUSE- keeplng. 222 W. No. Temple, rear. . w!94S THREE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeping; modern, Apply 3 Temple Tor race; W24S0 SIX MONTHS' LEASE ON SEVEN room terra cotta hrick house, well fur nished, on oar line, southeast; imme diate possession. Bell phone 1606, w2743 DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, mod., with gas. GO E. 4th So. W2742 WELL-FURN. 7-ROOM BRICK; LARGE grounds: stable. Bell phone 1606. w2208 NEWLY FURN. ROOM. AND BATH. modern, gentleman only. 320 E. 5th So. Phone 986-K. wlS15 TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS on ground floor. 374 So. W. Temple. W2695 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, CHEAP. 504 So. 1st West. W26GS MODERN FURNISHED ROOM, SUITA ble for two. No. 5 St. Regis apart monts. 34? E. 2nd So. w2619 LARGE. NICELY FURN. ROOMS, quiet house, $1.50 to $3.00 per week. The Richelieu, 2nd So- .and 3rd East. Phono 3908. w2C03 NEW, MOD ROOMS IN PRIVATE home. 140 2nd East. Phone 3712 Ind. W2613 FUR. ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT housekeeping. 242 West 1st So. W2644 ROOMS. EVERYTHING MOD. '81 1ST Ave. W2GS3 THREE-ROOM COTTAGE, NICELY fur., on Kensington ave.. bet. 2nd and 3rd East. Capital Avenue addition. Phono 10954 Ind. W2637 ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for two. 41 E, 3rd South. W2659 NEWLY FURN. ROOMS AND BATH: gentlemen only. 415 S. W. Temp. w7G 5 MOD. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, ONE-I unfurnished room and a butcher shop, close to car line. Enq. 324 W. 6th So. Ind. phone 3724. w2447 NEW AND ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms by day, week or mouth. The Crescent rooming house, 329 So. State. W21I8 ONE LARGE. WELL FURNISHED housekeeping room; modern, 512 E. 5th South. W2522 FOUR-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. 341 First street; modern. w2510 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlomcn; also housekeeping rooms. 570 So. Main. w2512 FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMST Inqulro 323 E. 2nd South. w2519 8-ROOM MODERN, FURNISHED; PI ano, furnace; complete for housekeep ing; close in. 30 East Flret North Ref erence, Enquiro 313 Tcmplcton bldg. W2460 NICE, LARGE FRONT ROOM, NICELY fur., for parlor, and sleeping room ad Jolnlug; modern; cheap- 3403-NY. a!240 NICELY FURN. ROOMS FOR GENTLE men; mod. 353 E 3rd So. tl791 FOR MEN ONLY BRAND NEW ROOM in prlvato family; everything mod.; fur nace heat. S67 E, 6th So. t2S37 ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, MODERN. 424 K. 4th So. Phono 4S62-Z. t2533 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH or without private bath, at tho Hotel Ely. 41 West 3rd South. w!069 DESIRABLE ROOMS, REASONABLE; steam hoat, bath. Phono 1271 Ind. 123 W. 4th S. wD52 ONE NICELY FURN. ROOM. WITH all modern conveniences. 45L Third East. ) W2091 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 363 S. W. Tcmplo. t2051 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM ON ground floor: modern house; gentlemen preferred; roforonoos. Phono Ind. 2160. s2379 NEWLY FURNISHED MOD. ROOM; gontlomon only. 634 So. Main. e3310 ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, WITH hath, suitable for man and wife or two gentleman. 311 So. Pth Enst. wll02 NICELY FURN. ROOM. FOR GENTLE inan; mod. conveniences; references. 32 Sth East. t!379 TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keoping rooms; strictly mod. 216 W. 1st South. W1169 ONE MODERN. FURNISHED ROOM; prlvato family; ?9 per month. 56S East Brlgham. Boll phono 1933-IC w!34S FIRST-CLASS SUITE OF HOUSE kooplng rooms, ground floor. 153 West 5th South. t!070 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. ftirnlohcd; bath, electric light. 474 S. West Tcmplo. WS57 ONE FURN. FRONT ROOM: GENTLE mcn proforrcd. 0 ChurcH St. U366 BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED ROOM. Ev erything first-class. 315 Euot Socond South. r2576 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; FUR naco hent; mod. houoe. 270 E. 2d So. w-2257. TWO FURN. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS.' 151 So. W. Tcmplo W20S9 MODERN, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 137 So. W. Temple. w3G0 AUTO REPAIRING FmSNCLsTIN EnniYTATIU lar. All work guaranteed. Prices rea sonable. Phonn Boll 1850. wl45i MIDWIFE ' PiuvArE'TiolJn caeea. Mrs. LIzjiIo GelBlor, 336 West 3rd No. Bell 1493-X. Ind. 4037. rf17 SAFES NiwANl3 SECOND -HAND; CASH, r.radn or tlmu. Sorensen-Stout Co., uulo BjjnntH for the "reliable Hall's oafoo." Bowaro of imitatlono. Offico 1. X. L. Furniture Store. 41 to 61 E. 3rd Go. a441 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AND ROOMING HOUSES CAPITAL R. E. INV. CO., 17 W. 2nd So. St., BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DEPART MENT. $2800 2S rooms, modern, in heart of city, clearing from $150 to $200 per month. 52S00 25 room.', partly modern, two-year loase, lent only $50. $700 10 rooms, for light housekeeping, rent $30, Income $76. $1500 16 roomp, modern, splendid location. $775 12 rooms, one-half for light housekeep ing, rent $40, lease. $375 - 6 rooms, thoroughly modern, elegantly furnished, low rent, a genuine snap. $525 Restaurant, stock and fixtures, two liv ing rooms and furniture, rent $'-5, $650 One-half Intcreci In fine puying saloan. located In heart of city. For business investments see us. Wo nro able to advise you correctly- PhoneF- Bell. aSOl; Ind., 06. W2G73 $215027 WELL FURNISHED ROOMS; reasonable rent, long, lease; caters mostly to transient; always full; loc. best part of Main st.; $lc00 cash. bal. easv terms. Never before offered nt this price; modem. $1S00 22 rooms, well loc.: rent ?H0; lcnse; always full; clears $12o. $75012 rooms, H. K.. not rent, $3S. modern; a genuine snap: 1 block from Mam st. $350026 rooms, Main at., rent $125; lease 4 yrs; extra well furnished. $8750" 60 rooms, swell, long lease; finest loc. $9000 85-room hotel, long lease, very low rent; nothing better: clears $100 to $650: central loc. $50010 II. K. rooms; rent $35. A. RICITTER REAL ESTATE. j A. L. BRATTA IN, Mgr. B. O. Dept., 19 W. 1st So. Both Phones 641. W2131 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS MOVING PICTURE SHOW; GOOD town; long lease. 515 Atlas block; phono 2461. W2931 SECOND-HAND FORD RUNABOUT. 4 cyllndor. good condition, cheap for cash. Ford Auto Co., 142 Main st.; both phones 468 s3126 A GOOD 6-HOLE BORN RANGE, cheap. Inquire 449 So. Sth E- w2151 R. R. TICKET, SALT LAKE - TO Helper and return. Address 0-3, Trib une w608 R. R. TICKET TO GREEN RIVER. Utah; cheap. Address 0-4. Tribune. W609 LUNCH COUNTER DOING GOOD BUSI ness. 304 So. Stale. w2300 ONE BLACK MARE. WEIGHT 900 lbs. Apply 130 North First Weot. W255S TWO NICKEL-COPPER COFFEE URNS, 4 -gal. each; guaranteed to be in per fect condition. J. II. R. Franklin Co.. 2CS South Main. w2310 READ THIS NEW FURNITURE OF 3 rooms; modern house: earns $G0 month. f?ron.t barcaln ' Part cash. bal. easv. Come today. 544 E. 1st South. w887 IS HEAD OF DRAUGHT HORSES. IN qulre 5th floor. McCornlck blk. Blng liam Con. M. & S. Co. w!523 WEATHER STRIPS EXCLUDE THE cold. Rivers Bros.. 14S Main. wS51 IMPROVEMENTS ON MINIDOKA PRO Ject, $1500, part cash, balance real es tate security. Leon Dawson, Heyburn. Ida. w745 SLX DRAWER NATIONAL CASH REG lster counter shelves, showcases, scals, wagonB and groceries, a.t Ell L. Price's. 18 So. Main et. t2113 R. R. TICKET TO MILFORD AND RE turn, cheap. Address 0-3, Tribune, j U521 RETURN R. R. TICKET SALT LAKE to Modena. Address 0-4. Tribune. tir22 ELEGANT ONYX FOUNTAIN AND drug fixtures. A C. Smith, 142 South Main St. . W2524 LADY'S FIRST-CLASS TICKET TO Chicago; reasonable. Add. F-36. Trlb unc. w253S GOOD PIANO. $50; A BARGAIN. REAR 530 East 3rd South. w2509 HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD. IOWA Stable. 129 Wost South Tcmplo. nil 13 IF IT'S ROOMING HOUSES OR BUSI noss opportunities, see J. K. Now comb. 414 Tribune bldg. Ind. 126; Boll 1G34-Y. o63 A LARGE NUMBER OF 2ND-HAND automobiles at one-half original cost; ovopv ono guaranteed. Sharman Auto Co.. 109-1U W. South Temple. sl86 I IOWA STABLE LADIES' AND GENTS' saddlo horses; divided skirts. Phono 4408. m263 DEBTS COLLECTED ANYWHERE: NO feo unless successful: special attention to logal matters. Phoenix Law assocla tlon. 614. Trlbuno bldg. r!269 TROUT EGGS FOR SALE. ADDRESS Lost Lake Trout Hatchery, Crecdo. Colorado. P2035 A CHOICE LOT OF HOUSEHOLD FUR nlturo. cheap. 237 C street. W2G61 A FINE JERSEY COW FOR SALE. fresh In a day of two 725 Seventh st. W2G20 500 EGG JUEERLEE INCUBATOR; also six brooders, cheap; leaving city. 431 York st. W2649 SALOON IN GOOD LOCATION. CHEAP party leaving city on account of slck ncss. H-ol, Tribune. w26 11 GOOD FARM, STOCK AND TOOLS. $5000; part cash or trade: balnnco long tlmo; excellent location for fruit. Ad dregs F-13. Tribune. w2658 OR EXCHANGE, ONE GOOD STEEL range, with reservoir for small range without reservoir. 12G K st. Ind. 1095. Boll 1377-Y. W2689 BARGAIN IF TAKEN AT ONCE, FUR nll.uro seven-room, modern house, cen trally located. Phono, Main 763-X. W2741 A LARGE FIREPROOF SAFE. CHEAP. Rellablo Loan office, 66 East 2nd South. W269G AT COALTER'S, 39 Main St.. nnxt door ',. C. M. I. A few slightly used pianos at GENU INE BARGAIN PRICES. 1 upright mahogany piano. $100; $190. 1 upright mahogany. $350; $175. 1 upright Circassian-walnut, $150; $260. 1 aquaro piano, $15. Organs from $25 up. FERGUS COALTER. Next door Z. C M'. 1. w270S LARGE OAK ROLLER-TOP DESK FOR sale. 24 E. Brlgham. Room 2G. W2732 SHEET METAL WORKERS HBTpFEECIr'SO promptly oxocutoa all orders for tin und cornice work; estimates furnished; both phonce 2167. m2207 UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING palorfijiiniTuIru wioltiBred and repaired. Estlmatos submitted on request. Phones 3299, 8, L. Matt, Si Mnfg. Co., 531-5 W. 3rd So. 224 ASSATERS 7mU5MCNsr?n chemists, removed to 239 South Wopt Templo. w!792 WIjffijCT.TOSTCP LTNcmTN'Tio' prlotor. 68 East First. South; 200 rooms; rates CGo. 35c and 60c. xl961 CASH REGISTERS NXrToNAL'sn Groshell, anion agent, 221 Main ntrant. Expert cash register repairing. Second hand rerrlstera always In stock. nlfi80 t IF YOU CAN FIND IN THIS CITY BETTER CONSTRUCT ED AND FINISHED HOUSES THAN THE TWO I AM BUILDTNG ONE ON 2ND AVE., BETWEEN O AND P STS.. AND THE OTHER ON 3RD AVE.. NEAR U ST, I AVILL SELL THEM TO YOU AT YOUR OWN FIGURES. "MY PRICES AND TERMS FOR THESE HOUSES ARE REASONABLE COMPARED ( WITH HOMES OF SAME ! NUMBER OF ROOMS IN SAME LOCATION AND CHEAPER CONSTRUCTED. MY HOUSES ARE COMPLETE AND MODERN IN EVERY RESPECT. 8 ROOMS, LARGE ' CEMENTED BASEMENTS, i WITH ROUND OAK FUR NACES, LAUNDRY TRAYS. POLTSHED FLOORS UP AND DOWNSTAIRS. MANTELS. ELECTRIC LIGHT FIX- ' TURES, CEMENTED SIDE WALKS; IN FACT. COM PLETE TO MOVE INTO. GO AND LOOK AT THEM AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF THEM. IF THESE HOUSES ARE TOO LARGE, I HAVE MANY OTHERS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY" AND CAN GIVE YOU BETTER VALUES AND BETTER HOMES OUT OF MY OFFICE THAN ANY OTHER AGENCY IN THE CITY. A. RICMTER. IP WEST 1ST SOUTH ST. PHONES 641. i W2132 . ; WE ARE HIGHLY Pleased with the number of lots we have sold this year In all parte of the city in the most popular additions ami wo wish to express our appreciation for the liberal patronage. It is hardly likely that we will sell all our lots, this year, conscquentls we ! will have some left for next year. If you have bought lota of us, und hnve found out our liberal way of doing! busi ness, come and buy some more. If you have not, come and make a start. We know it will not hurl you to own real estate In this town; in fact. It will do you good. More people get rich by own ing real estate than any other way. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., 78 W. 2nd South. BUY NOW, WHILE YOU CAN PICK UP A REAL BARGAIN. NOTICE TO BARGAIN HUNTERS. If taken soon, a new, large, 5-roomed house, large pantry, closets, bathroom, porcelain tub, sink in kitchen, yellow plno finish, large front porch, back porch screened, largo lot 80x115 feet; house can he had for loss than $2800, located southeast. Terms may be arranged. Sec this neat. 4 -roomed, pressed brick cottage; pantry, closet, cellar, etc. Price, $1750. Easy ' terms. j RANCK REAL ESTATE k INV. CO.. i 231 D. F. Walker Bldg. W2C4S SPECIAL BARGAINS. ! S700 For 2-room house, oak furniture, first-class chicken house nnd yard, j 21 chickens. 4 good lots, less than 1 block from car line, $5500 For ISO acres. 42 shares of water, ' mostly under cultivation, 20 miles from Salt Lake, on railroad. $1000 For roomlng-houue, 11 rooms, well furnished, lowest rent In Salt ; Lake; net Income $90 per month, i $1G00 For rooming-house, 20 rooms, only $40 rent, good furniture, well lo- j catcd, net income $100 per month, i Don't go by, anchor now. 1 ANCHOR REALTY CO.. 1 33i So. West Temple. Room 2. w265G i ONLY THREE MORE DAYS AND WE bid adieu to the old year, and our ! proat desire Is to make a few more hap py before the new year arrives. Como ' In Monday and we will surely surprise , vou, both In prices and terms. 3-rooni . cottages from $S00 to $1000 each, on terms; $150 cash and $12 to $15 per j month. 5-room cottages from $1250 to $IG00, and $15 to $20 per month. Choice ! mod, 6-room cottagos from $2500 up to $3000; larger ones In proportion. A few 1 snaps left In vacant lots and trackage "property. Some choice farms and ranches, i Call early. Mahan Inv. Co., 27 Eagle blk. w26Sl M ONEYJ? OILCAN ! RWOODS FORSALARr LOANS; low rate: enny terms; private. Room ! 309 Tribune Building. t2675 ( DURING' THIS SO-CALLED PANIC. wo have more money than ever to loan on real estate. Rub3cI L. Tracy, 11 East ; 1st South. t2093 : ON MORTGAGES: NO COMMISSION; 1 lowest rates. Pomeroy, 3G West First North. uSSl ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. LARGE or small amount?. Thus. W. Partridge. : 4 Comniorcial block. wSS ; THE CITY LOAN AGENCY MAKES i lonnn to salaried people. 610-G11 Tribune building. Q2181 ON REAL ESTATE; LOWEST RATES. Elmer E. Darling Co., 142 Main st. m!56S DON'T BORROW MONEY ON YOUR salary until vou see me; lowest raton F. A. Newton. 421 Herald bldg. c20S7 $1000 TO $5000; ONE TO FIVE YEARS; farm or city property. James K. Shaw k Co., over 153 South Main street. rlOGo AMOUNTS OF $5P0 AND UP. LOW rate of intorost. Houston Real Estate Inv- Co.. 251 S. Main st. Phones 27. J1299 ' THE CITY LOAN AGENCY MAKES ; loans lo salaried people. 61U-611 Tribune building. t940 ! QUICK LOANS ARE AS IMPORTANT j as cheap money. We furnish both. The T-Inmo Trust k Savings Co., G-10 West First South. aG65 MONEY SUPPLIED SALARIED PEOPLE ' and others upon tholr own names, with out security; cheapest rates; easiest pay ments; offices In 60 principal cities; save voursclf money by getting our terms first. Tulman. 338 Atlas bldg. y373 ATTORNEYS Maurice M. Kalghn. Richard B. Thurman. KAIGHN k THURMAN, Attorneys and Counselors at Law. Practice In all the Courts of Utah. Rooms -114. 415. D. F. Walker Building. Salt Lake City. Utah. W1S69 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES an epISrienced" ANDSUCCESS ful organizer and builder of rallroad6. power plants, otc. with private cllontclo for bond investments, offers. his services as manager for any largo proposition of merit: aged thlrty-threo. Address Vin ccnt R. Coon. Louisville. Ky. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC. EMPRESS LINE OF THE ATLANTIC. First cabin winter rate, $55 Up Superior accommodation available. Safely, speed and comfort combined. Wrlto for particulars. C. E. BENJAMIN. Gen. Agt., 232 South Clark street, Chicago. 111. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES " RENTED.' REPAIRED, exchanged, sold. Utah Typowritor Ex chango Co.. 62 W. 2nd South. olSQS SEWING BY THE DAY BY EXPER lencod dressmaker. Phone Ind. 3804. 280 E. 2nd South, w2672 OjSAXE REAL ESTATE gl WE HAVE 4J ACRES IB I facing enst on Third East be- I H 1 tween Eleventh and Twelfth fl South. The owners have In- I 1 structcd us to sell this tract as . mM S a whole, or to suit purchaser, I a at $1500 per acre. Cash or" ( i Lots' north of Capltct 1 grounds. $150 each and up. Hi 10x8 tods facing south and. H t west, corner Twelfth Eafat and mm I Seventh South, 4-room brick . WM J 41x120 foot, alloy in rear, Mr I ' facing iiouth on Seventh South' ! between Eleventh and Twelfth Mft j 40xl32-foot lots, with alleys RBI In rear, facing east or west, on IiHK, Elizabeth street. between llHH ' Eleventh and Twelfth East RHH and Sixth and Sovcnth South. BULf These are fine lots und in a HB growing locality. 1B each, cash or terms. Ri Elegant 10-room modr.m mmm house on Sixth East between SB Second and Third South; par- mW: ouctry flooring, plate gla-i.i IB -windows, auto garage, largi HK lot. We want an,offcr. WUMi. 35x115 feet, Gth So.. Just IB east of 3rd East: lias alley In mWr f 100x183 feet, facing west. IkI on State strcot, just south of Bl Capitol grounds; one of tho V best sites In the city. It I ought to sell readily for $100 IB per foot; all we are asking Is IB I $50 per foot, and can make IB I you terms. K 405x132 feet, just north of BB' the Eaglo gate, facing west; Bi i elegant apartment house site; IB I lawn; paved street; close In; . nE . 50x132 feet on Main St.. IWm bet. 11th and 12th South', west vm - L ,6-rm. mod, brick,' 57x125- Mmm Xfeet; S19 E. ardSouth. IH Wc can make you terms Bl on any of the above; we will Bl take clearing house ccrtlfl- Bl cates or checks in payment. mmm HOUSTON REAL ESTATE S INVESTMENT CO,, Bl 251 South Main. BIl We Write Fire Insurance. H SAMPLE BARGAINS" Bl $3000 For neivtl-room cottage; por. br, mwlM elec. light, toilet, cement walk; B $4750 For full 2-story, pore, bath, eloc Bl light, toilet, good cellar, sewer con- Bfl neclcd, cement walk; owner leav- ! ing the city. H $5250 For fine 6-room: new in design; B piped for gas for light and heat: B full basement; two toilets; pore. H $6200 For 8-room, full 2-story; with, B fine attic and cement bascmont; 2 B toilets; first floor all hard wood. B $5500 This 13 built for a home; strictly B mod.; bath and toilet soparatc; mL finest plumbing; big cement base- B in e nt. B $900 Vor lot 2ix7 to alley, near South B Temple. B $1575 For S2j-ft. front, near Brighanr C. F. LITTLE & CO., J' B v A. B. Hirlh, Manager. B Both phones 2S4S. 209-210 Atlas Blk. B 5-ROOM FRAME, 50-FOOT FRONT, 1236 H Emerson Ave. B 7-rm. frame and stable, 722 Owen St.' S 7-rm. brick, stable, chicken house and fruit. 75-ft. front: 935 Logan Ave. , See W. S. Gleoy k Co., 403 Tribunn Bl 1 building, w2600 Bl HERE'S A SNAP; RENTING PROPOS1- Bl i tlon. You can realize $150 a month aft. Bl ' cr all taxes are paid by Investing $16,00u. Bl Property very close In and always rented. IHI Address F-40, Tribune. w2613 Ml OR RENT. NEW. MODERN BRICS Bfl cottage. Address 1077 S. 9th East, thJa HI city. o485 M WE SELL REAL ESTATE, THAT'S I all. Tuttlo Bros.. 153 Main, Red ball , wlgns. Q1397 , VACANT AND IMPROVED PROPERTT all parts of city. Meeks k Lynch, 315 j Atlae block. plS.U . H I PROPERTY AT THE LOWEST MAR- H ! kot price listed and sold' at Ranck Real ! Eatalo Inv. Co., suite 233 D. F Walker. Ml I INVESTORS' REAL ESTATE SNAPS. W 1 Kolsey k aillesplo, 22 East l3t South. JBH SEE ASHTON k JENKINS. A.CTIVE U rcial estate agents. 75 Main at. n23-i 4, 5 AND 7-ROOM HOUSES. INQUIRE B of owner, S25 E, 4th South. Terms. Ul OUR MOTTO: QUICK SALES IN REAL B ostato. W. L. Wlmmer. successor to K Anderson R. E. Co., 300-301 New Herald am building. Fonps 474. e!44 ffll WE HAVE PROPERTY EVERYWHERE. B E. E. Casndy k Co., 407 Atla3 block H FARM LANDS. UNIMPROVED. $8.50 jffi and $10 an acre. 402 D. F. Walker blk. nf A. L. Scott. Bell 289. r2385 U SAMPLE BARGAINS. H If you want to sell your house, llpt It- H with un. C. F. Llttlo & Co., 209-10 Atlas R block. v$l H IF YOU WANT TO SELL, tM See C W. Miller. 112 W. 2nd Soutln ' VM IF YOU WANT MONEY . R For vour real estato noo v K f A. M7KELLAR & CO., C3j W. 2ND SO. I for build:ng LOTS SEE FRITSCH. B I No. 12 E. 2nd South st. kllO OM $600 LOT ON GTII AVE. GODDARD ' Bfl Inv. Co.. 31 E. 1st So. w2691 Bl LOT $350 $25 CASH, McT FOR Bj choice 40 ft. lot. 12th ave. Goddard. ol K E. Ut So. xt. w283 m WEST SIDE COTTAGE NEW. MOD. B 4-mi. brick. $2000; nsy tenns. God- M dard. 31 E- let So, at. w3693 SACRIFICE NEW MOD. BRICK, NOR. H bench; "snap" for cash: $250. God- Bf dard I. Co.. 31 E. 1st So. St. "2690 W HOME A "BEAUTY:" 5-ROOM MOD. M brick, nor. bench; snap; small poymont M down nnd $30 per tno. Prlcpi $82o0. Ood- mm dard inv. Co., 31 E. 1st So. w;6Dl