NQT " JfeP t4t " S v A ADVERTISING IS SIMPLY 10 fb Halt gnu IPftmme. ffiBM I KInlS "T" Trl" V,,,,, S I not "mako good." ftlahln Messenger. , , 70, 150T weather TODAY-rnin SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1908. ' 12 PAGES FIVE CENTS. 1 KeISt Keaksownrecord IL fen-Mile Wind, Aviator Lains in the Air for B Sisfy.Fivo Minutes. WLm PERSON'S WITNESS WONDERFUL FLIGHT K-iane Readily Responds to yish of tlie Gifted Kmericnn Inventor. Bf2,TThroke (he world's record Ltnd distance for a hcavicr Etinir machine which ho cstab-Bfonay- In a flijjht. requiring Hf on account of a ten-mile Hf circled around the drill MfTori Myer fifty-eight times (&les and 52 seconds, exceed SKibo of yesterday's record Kttrro minutes and 37 seconds. IHfcU was witnessed by nearly EKltut the day tho weather was PE'l nntl Mr. Wright did not ar Hjjje field until after -1 o'clock. JBLv;Cc was wheeled across the JHfio deincnnblc wheels and iH.o, tho stnrting track. At 5 iHjti Wright announced that he UjKricl was blowing only about LEtfti au hour when Mr. Wright 4Kd to make his flight. Tho :Htf colaicr; who kept the field iHfaw: tho flights t00,c lhcir PIacc3 iMr. Wright started tho motor. jiido a Quick Ascent Bf$:& Mr. Wright signaled ('. 13 NHr.Ui mechanician, to releaso the mm. Tho aeroplane rose from tho dHEHlcost immediately after leav JHuc n'cgle starting fail. It eon flHti lo dimb higher with each sue hHk round of the field, until it HHM u altitude of 7a feet. For the IgjKtliitr rounds the machine ilew as mBUfruon its previous flights but 'ftqE bilbo on it was seen to pitch 'itiBb km. as tho breeze from the iKsfcdit. As the- niuchinc moved jB'.fM sotijieni eud of the Held to ilMgHtlra cad where tho uero garage WgpxitiM aeroplane is located, Mr. IftHft Ifpt it several points in the 4ivBeuKrrtha niacUiuo pitched it JJKk fekialv seen from below that yPKbiiM promptly to every move Hk kvers by tho "operator. "Oue of JBWiijJit's assistants marked 'the lirgc figures at intervals on .jB of a shed in order that Mr. "MaiiKM see how long ho had been ;LS, lE43clied Altitude of wind, unusuallv strong, BiK"rial flyer during the rouud jiBP.P'iBRcd shandy causing the ilBi itllm "n a,,lrm- Wright iSBSi tis mncliino lower, but ?iKt;0j ' 2o"o fntlt hc Iiad reachcd an tiKvMr-'ri completed the fif- ?lm. r Tmi he llal beaten his rec- SjMt?,e;dB" afternoon, which in -yMMproken lIie worldB rccord cs. gpw m the morning flight of yes- JjM troKd Cavc a lustv cheer, but S t0 bns" m.'iuipulatiug JIK. i llis P s he had ' tr-iiKM, 7a 1J al,ow t""t he heard dmmT-ioi illc spectators. k"flKT.LCttil,f1aown at lo north- jKih 0 -J61? at 11,0 Cll(1 of o Kitttwncd on duty to protect Ihu cmcd a cordon around it, gWJed forward to congratulate yjl.0 sPeed Probable. toEtXofnccrs at the war de- ilKdii T.) "Pressed the belief nEht WU n,a1' a speed klB,J;rtW0 nilles an hour with Eent i" ,nnch'ne which did Bfo? th?rk s,f 1 orc Mcr- This tfiB!?tt0!i observation of Mr. iKBb rcaking experiment of HSi'ionr 52 a9f.8 mal:o forty-two SSBuA?0i.Mnt ne.r lI,c contract jT' ' 1110 cnract price being 1 'SnSo -ft0 bo tak,en on a mens- rJBie wind 1 ,an .f,vc m!lc3 Rh;, tho ,.llc stKrt is to be a jj?o?8Cfu1' S"CCl!1 :it both riJ,itl'Svor ftuncc? his readiness. SMteVAftl0? "ay be iipint, in ,,r,i . ' I' urnass, jMbili neTol? ,Bthc a'lr V W m VA m.lc1""- it Wfe wr A or 'he i S JllB.i,;!1'''-!! Vv,.r ,f.r(,,rn Ureaksoa DRUNKEN INDIAN mmu gerl When Arraigned in Court at Vernal, He Enters Plea of Guilty. TELLS WHERE HE GOT HIS SUPPLY OF LIQUOR As Result, Saloon Man Is Ar rested 'and Put Under Heavy Bond. Special to The Tribune. VERNAL, Sept. 10. Henry Johnson, a Ute Indian, who, on Saturday last, crim inally assaulted the stepdaughter of the postmaster at Fort Duchesne, pleaded guilty to the crime today. The assault was of a most brutal character. The girl put up a desperate fight, and in tho struggle the Indian tore a handful of hair from her head, tore her clothing and ac complished his purpose. The girl was riding a horse when tho Indian, half-crazed with drink, met her and dragged her from tho animal. The Indian mado good his escape, but ho was captured on Sunday by W. S. Ijowc-, deputy in the United States Indian serv ice, and Capt. I Tall, Indian agent, who both rode over from Whlto Rocks to Fort Duchesne, riding all night, and secured tho Indian at Randlct. Confesses Orime. The following day Johnson confessed his crime and also said he got theMiouor at W. D. Ten Brock's saloon at Fort Duchesne. "William E. Johnson, chief spe cial officer of tho United States Indian service, together with his deputy and Capt. Hall, wont (o Ten Brock's saloon at night and found the saloonkeeper, an Indian and a Mexican all in bed together and several bottles of beer with them. The trio were arrested. On the way to the Jail at tho fort, Wllllum Wash, another bad Utc Indian, was encountered and troublo ensued, and tho result was that ho and another aboriginal who appeared on tho scene were also gathered In, but not without a light, and the wholo six were thrown Into the militnry Jail at the fort. Then they made night hideous with their yells, and they were only quieted when the hose was turned on them. On Tuesday they were brought to Ver nal under an armed guard, as thero was some talk of attacking the officers and trying to free the men. Ten Brock, the saloonkeeper, was charged with selling- liquor to Indians, and lie was held under bonds of ?6&00. CASE AGAINST FITZGERALD HAS FALLEN TO THE GROUND CHICAGO." Sepr. iO. Georgo -V. Fitz gerald," accused by the state authori ties of the theft of 5173.000 from the United States si'trcasury here was freed by Judge Cuctlaln today. United Stales Sublreasuror Boldenwrcck. acting on Instructions not to disclose cvldcnco gathered by the federal authorities, took the stand and refused to testify. Judge Chetlaln thcroupon dismissed the case. When the sensational theft was dis covered Fitzgerald was suspected by tho federal authorities, but they ultimately dropped that lead for lack of incriminat ing evidence. A private detective later worked on the ease for Mr. Boldenwrcck personally, .and secured alleged cyldence on which Fitzgerald was arrested recent ly on a state warrant. At the United States district attor ney's office It was nsscrted that the evi dence was insufficient to convict. This was followed yesterday by Instructions that federal employes should not testify. Without this evidence It was Impossible to show the basic fact that a crime had been committed. No further court action is contemplated. COSGROVE APPEARS1 TO HAVE WON NOMINATION SEATTLE. Sept. 10 Although returns from tho state primaries held on Sep tember S are still Incomplete tho figures available leave no doubt of tho nomina tion of Representative Wesley L. Jones for the United States Senate over Levi Ankeny, Incumbent. To succeed Jones as Representative In Congress from the third district, Miles Polndextcr (Republican) of Spokane bus been chosen. There was no opposition to William E, Humphrey of Seattle, first district, and Francis W. Cushmnn of Tacoma, second district. The close fight for gubernatorial nomi nation seems to be finally determined In favor of Samuel G. Cosgrove, Republican, of Pomeroy, Henry MeBrlde, his closest opponent, having wired congratulations and promised to support Cosgrovc, thus conceding his defeat, No.'irly all of the newly elected memhers of the legislature are formally pledged to tlnj senatorial candidate receiving the highest vote on direct primary. When asked if ho would abide by the result of tho primaries, or would go be fore the legislature for rc-flcc:tlou. Sena tor Ankeny would not commit himself. KERN TO MAKE SPECIAL CAMPAIGN THROUGH WEST CHICAGO, Sept. 0 -John W. Kern. Democratic vice-presidential candidate, will mako a speaking trip in tho South in Octobci. and the national conimlttco ih now arranging tho Itinerary Ho will dollver one or two speeches in Maryland and will apo;tk. in all probability, In West Virginia and Delaware tho first wek in October. Mr. Kern will speak in Wlns-ton-Saleni, N". C. on October 7, when the Statu fair will lie In progress. Tho vleo-inesldontial candidate haa :ilso been urged to mako speeches In Georgia and Tennessee. Senator Gore of Oklahoma and Georgo Fred Williams of Massachu setts aiu to slump the Northwestern Stales. Col. Moses C. Wei more of the finance biiveau announced tonight that JfiOO Dem ocratic newspapers had joined In the movement to raise a popular subscription fund with which lo run the Democratic campaign. Ho nya Unit, in hla opinion, every Democratic newspaper in tho United Hlales will join In this movement. Attompted Robbovy. GUILDFORD, England. Sept, I0.--A. (hiring attempt was made last night to ideal a number of valuable Jewels belong Jlv"..to Mrfi' 'onn U'anl. daughter of Wli telnw Held, the American embassador In London. Mrs, Ward was visiting at . oj plosdon, near here. Upon going to her room to rot Irs she found her door locked on the inside. Tho door was forced and her JowelB wore found laid oul all ready lo bn tnkcu away. Tho only 1,"!C?- ss .'.V' a P',rso. valued at J..0H. lhe thieves had ontcred Iho house by a rope ladder. THE BIG MITT OF UTAH G: O. P. No. 12 "It h More Blessed io Give Than to Receive." ARGUING BIG CASE ' - -AGIST PRESIDENT Question of Executive's Right to Set Aside Forest Reserves Is Raised. CARSON CITY, Nov., Sept, 10. Ono of the most important suits filed in thi3 State for 3'ears is being argued in tho Federal court hero against tho right of President Roosevelt and others to set aside timber lands as forest reser vations under an act of Congress mak ing such provisions. Tho Eureka Livc tock company is tho complainant. The suit is against President Roosevelt, Sec retary of Agriculture Wilson, Chief Forester Pinchot and Forester Uaruott. The case was argued yesterday be fore Judge Farringtou and will bo con cluded tomorrow, when United States District Attorney Piatt will finish his argument. The forest reservation involved is the Monitor forest reserve in Eureka coun ty.'' Tho plaintiff company states that when tho president and subordinates set asido this tract of land as a forest reserve, the company was grazing five thousand sheep, and now iho forestry department refuses to allow them to continue to do so, thcrateuing to confis cate tho sheep if the company persists in such action. Tho plaintiffs claim the land is more valuablo for agricul tural and mineral purposes than for timber and thcreforo should not bo set aside. C, K. LORD. PROMINENT RAILROAD MAN, DIES PHILADELPHIA. Sept. '10. Charles K. Lord, president of the Tonopah & Gold field Railroad company and formerly third vice-president of the Baltimore &. Ohio railroad, died today at the PrcB byterlan hospital In this city. Death was due to Bright's disease. The body will be taken to Baltimore, Saturday, on which day the funeral prob ablv will be held. Charles K. Lord was born In Hoosark Falls, N. Y and was 00 years old. Ho early engaged in the railroad business ! and wan employed on many railroads in various capacities until 1880, when he was mado general passenger agent of tho Baltimore &. Ohio. In 1891 ho was promoted to the third vice-presidency and held that office until tho receivership in 1S9C, Ho then became president of the . Consolidated Gas company. Mr. Lord was ono of the four commissioners who supervised tho rebuilding of the burned district after the great fire in Baltimore In 1903. and last year he was elected president of the Tonopah & Goldfleld railroad and vice-president of tho Tono pah Mining company. BISHOP J. L. SPALDING TENDERS RESIGNATION PEORIA. 111., Sept. 10. Tha resignation of Right Rev. John Lancaster Spalding, bishop of the diocese of Peolla, becauso of continued 111 health, was unofficially announced from his residence today. The bishop Is now in Ills sixty-ninth venr and still uuffeiu from tho paralysis which brought him near to death. CHICAGO, Sept. 10. While Bishop Spalding's physical condition was well known to Catholic leadera here, news of his resignation camo as a surprise. Bishop P. J. Muldoon, tho newly chosen heud of tho diocese of Rockford, III., said that It wan too early to consider who would succeed lo tho position. Index to Today's Tribune -r I- Departments. Page ! Editorial ....! i. Society n Mines 4 Markots " i' Intermountalu 8 n .t. v Domestic. I Orvllle Wright breaks I1I3 own i- world's record In aeroplane v night 1 Drunken Indian confesses lo v brutal assault upon girl at J. Vernal 1 ! Bryan comes back strong in re- i v aponse to criticism of Speaker Cannon 1 v- Important case against Presi- .J 4. dent Roosevelt in Nevada Fed- -x eral court 1 -r 4. Answer of oil trust in reply to 4 petition of Government for re- 4 4. hearing 1 4 New evidence In Rustin tragedy -;- J. at Omaha 1 -! I- Wifo of New York millionaire r J. bedecks herself with Jewels 4- and commits suicide S j. v Local . v I E. IT. Harriman proposes to ex 4 pend $6,000,000 in Salt Lake... 3 .f- Church Ropubllcan primaries ! elect Chrlstensen delegations. .12 .j. Rev. Peter A. Slmpkln returns from European trip 1- -J Dick Hawkins, negro, shot head i . by David Logan, also a negro. .12 ! .u Federal orders are ' Ignored by J. bunch that controls Utah 12 ! 4 Sporting Nows. Automobiles return from Gunnl- J son endurance contest 9 - Olympic athletes will arrive to- ! f day 0 4H"l"I"I"HIHHrH-"r"Il,!"I"I- F0RAKER IS CORDIALLY RECEIVED BY TAFT CINCINNATI. O . Sept. 10. Tim call of Senator Foraker to tho offices of Judge TaTt in the Sinton hotel, the half-hour conferenco which followed, and tho state ments of cordiality by each party to tho conferenco, constituted tho new featuro of the day at tho Taft headquarters. "We had a very pleasant personal talk," said Senator Foraker on leaving. "Yes, wo talked about politics, about nothing but politics, you might say." "There Is nothing to say, except that we repeated what wo said at Toledo," was Judge Taft's comment after his call er had gone. He added. "We discussed the general aspects of Ihe campaign. Senator Foraker said he wauled to do all he could to bring about Republican success, and that when I needed him I should call on him, Tho Sonator Is to take an active part In the campaign." Mr. Tuft expressed the desire that re ports of tho interview should contain no reference to "peace pact," as ho laugh ingly remarkod, "Thero has never been Interruption of peace personally between myself and Senator Foraker." CANNON OPENS HIS RE-ELECTION CAMPAIGN DANVILLE. 111.. Sent. 10, Speaker Jo Hcph G Cannon tonight opened the cam paign for re-election to congress In his home town. Almost his ontlro address of nearly two hours was devoted to tho labor question. Ho paid his respects to Samuel Gompors, president of tho Ameri can Federation of Labor, who spoke here on Labor day and nttneked Mr. Cannon. Inviting union worklngmcn to vote against him, Mr. Cannon plainly said he would never vote in congress for tho boycott and soma other things demand ed by Gompcrs. Including an antl-in-Junctlon law that would make fish of 0110 and fowl of another. Mr. Cannon was escorted from his home to the the ater by tho Cannon Escort club, an or ganisation that has taken an active part I In every campaign hero for twenty years. I B EVINCE 11 Dl. RUSTIN TRAGEDY Testimony of Physician Who At tended Victim Leads to Ar rest of C. E. Davis. OMATIA, Sept. 10, Lato this after noon County Attorno3' English filed a complaint against Charles E. Davis, charging him with murder in tho first degree in connection with tho shooting of Dr. Frederick Rustin tho morning of Sopt. 2 Tho time of tho hearing was not set. An important development was brought to the ntteution of the count attorncy lato this afternoon when Dr. .T. P. Lord, the physician called by Mrs. Rustin to attend her husband immed iately following tho shooting, told the police that on his wav to tho Rustin homo in the morning of the shooting ho met a man answering the description of Davis, two blocks from where Dr. Rustin was shot and coming from tho direction of tho dying physician's home. This featuro was not, brought out at tho inquest nlthough Dr. Lord was ouo of tho witnesses. Regarded as Significant Chief Donahue this afternoon de clared it was tho most significant bit of evidence thus far secured. Dr. Lord gave a very minuto description of tho man which follows very closely in detail that of Charles E. Davis. "Tho man camo staggering along the Btrcet." said Dr. Lord. "Ho passed not more than thirty feet from me. I noted him particularly becauso of tho hour and the circumstances although 1 did not speak to him." Dr. Lord's storj' fits rcell into tho evidence presented to the coroner's jury and indicates that tho man might huvo been in tho vicinitj' of tho Rustin resi dence ten to fifteen minutes beforo Dr. Lord met him, or about tho timo tho shooting is s.aid to have occurred. Tho police are still searching for tho missing revolver and have covered every foot of territory within sovcral blocks of the Rustin homo without success. GOOD DEMOCRAT DECLINES HEARST'S PROFFERED HONOR LOS ANGELES. Sept. 10. Joseph Call former United States district attorney, and ono of the prominent Democrats ot southern California, who was vestcrdav nominated for Congress from the Seventh dlslrict by tho Independence league, to day declined tho nomination. He said, In part: "I am surprised to learn that tho Inde pendence league ha3 decided to nominate me for Congress. "I am not a member of nor In any way affiliated with that organization, and un der no circumstances will I accept the nomination. "I am convinced that tho effect of tho independenco league organisation Is u atalk votcn from Bryan for tho benefit of Tuft. Mr. Bryan and tho Democratic purty have mj full support In this campaign." Boat Wrockod; Five Lost. GRIMSBY, England. Sept. 10. Tho British steamer Pacific. lfifiS tons, from Sunderland to tho River Platte, was wrecked off this port yesterday. A trawl er rescued eighteen of iter crew from a hoavy sea. Fivo of her men lost their lives. BRYAN GETS BACK ' AT 'ME JOE" Makes Pointed Reply to State ment of Speaker Concerning Amount of His Fortune. GIVES FRANK STATEMENT OF HIS WEALTH AT PRESENT Questions if Mr. Cannon Is Will ing to Tell Public How He Acquired His Riches. OLNY, 111., Sept. 10. Giving a de tailed statement of tho amount of prop erty owned by him, which he placed at $150,000 at tho outside. William J, Bryan, Democratic candidate for presi dent, in a speech hero today, declared as false tho accusation of Speaker Jo seph G. Cannon, mado yesterdaj' in Springfield, 111., that he wns worth a million dollars, and callod upon j.ho speaker to bo as frank in making known to the world tho amount of his own earthly possessions. In the course of his remarks Speaker Cannon is cred ited with saying that Mr. Bryan had accumulated "a "million dollars selling wind and ink to the public. How Ho Saved Money. "I was worth about $3000 when I was elected to congross," said Mr. Bryan. "I served four 3-cars and by careful econoin3' I saved botweon $3000 and $4000, or about $1000 a year, so that when I went out of congress in tho spring of 1S91 I was worth about $6000 or $7000. During the period that elapsed between tho end of. my congressional terms and 1113' nomination for tho presidency, about a 3"car and four mouths, I engaged in speaking and lecturing and added but a small sum to ni3' savings. After the election in 1S96, my earning power as a lec turcr was largely enhanced In the prominenco which the campaign had given inc. My book "My First Bat tle" brought mo $17,000, and I gavo an equal amount of the profits to tho various committees that had carriod on tho campaign of 1S9G. Profitable Lectures, "My lectures have been nrofitablo and nvv writings paid me well, but no ono attends the lectures unless he wants to do so, and no one bu3-s what I write unless ho is interested in reading it. More than half of my timo since 1890 has been given to gratuitous work, and 3"et I have been able to support myself and accumulate propert3' which I would cstimato at about $125,000. but as one can never accurately say what property is worth until ho sells it, I fix $150,000 as tho outsido limit, the maximum of my wealth, and I n,m willing to leavo tho public to determine whether that is more than I ought to have carnod or whether I have earned it honestly. And now, having answered the criticism of Mr, Cannon and showing that his ac cusation is false, I think E am .-justified in asking him to bo as frank with the public as I have been. Wliero Cannon Is At. "Ho began holding office in 3S6.1 when I was a 3'car old, and during tho last fort3"-soveu 3'ears ho lias held of fico more than forty .years of the time, and about thirty-five .years of that time he has been a member of Congress and has been drawing a salary that tho members of Congress thougfit so inade quate that the salary has recently been increased Will he tell us what lie has been soiling, to whom ho has sold it, and how much ho got for it? Ho ought to tell us whether he has mado any money lecturing or writing that is by selling wind and ink, to choose his own choico language, no has been greatly hampered in tho accumulation of mono.y b3' tho strict attention to pub lic duties and 3'ct ho is reDuted to bo wealthy. If ho will tell us .just how much he is worth wo can then guess how much ho might havo been worth had ho boon free to dovoto his talents to mono3' making. Being the third man in influenco in our government, coming next to tho vico-president, if not even aboc the vico-president, in his power to influence legislation, is it not fair that ho should appl.y to himself the same rulo that ho applies to mo and tako the public into his conGdcuco? Let him tell us how much ho is worth and how ho mado it. Lot him tell us what ho hns been selling, to whom ho sold it, and how much ho got for it. If ho thinks that tho wealth of a presidential candidate and tho course of such a can didate's incomo shall bo known, will ho dcn.y that tho speaker's wealth and his sources of income should be known?" SUICIDE OR MURDER; BLACKMAIL IS ALLEGED 1 NEW YORK, Sept JO. Behoving that Mrs. Rosa Zcller was murdered and her lifeless body left In the kitchen of her apartment In West Ono Hundred anil Third street, the coroner today caused tho arrest of Albert Zeller. the dead woman's husband, and Mrs. Lena Gicgur, a sister of Mr. Zeller. Tho husband was charged with homicide and Mrs, Glogar wan held as a witness. Zeller reported tho case lo tho police as a suicide, hut Mrs. Glogar paid that Mrs. Zfllor was In faluatcd with Dr. Jacob Ffnakmnn, by whom sho was formerly cmplovod as a housekeeper. Zeller Is an engineer. His wiTo wao a handsomo woman, HI years old. Dr. Hockman told tho coroner lodav that Mrs. Zeller had demanded monev of him and that bo had paid her moro than ?.'!000 In the past year. Dr. Mockman declined to tell tho naluro of the alleged blackmail. j Mclntyro In Ousted. NEW YORK. Sept. 10 The expulsion of John G. Mclntyre from membership in the Now York Stock Exchango was an nounced on that exchange today, and his scat on the exchange was ordered to be sold. President Thomas in announcing the decision, said It had bern discovered that tho failure of T. A. Mclntyre & Co., of which Mclntyro was a member, was due to recklessness and unbusinesslike dealings. Unemployed Parade. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 10. Tho unem ployed of thla city today organized a pro cession and marched to the town hall. Two deputations wore received bv tho lord mayor. They showed that 10.000 or the luborerri of Llvorpool wore out of work, and requested relief. I TRUST FILES ; I REPLY TO PETITION (1 Urges Upholding of Decision of I the Circuit Court of JH Appeals. jB FINDS FAULT WITH JH VIEWS OF U. S. COUNSEL- , ' jH Government Now Has Opportu- " j nity to Make. Rejoinder to ": These Allegations. ; CHICAGO, September 10. Counsel : j for the Standard Oil compan3 of Indi: ! j ana in an auswer filed today to tho po- B jH tition of tho government attorne3's for J, a re-hearing of tho appeal from Judgn Ki VM Landis' judgment fining the companj'' 1 1 lH $29,2-10,000 for tho violation of tho an- '' illl ti-rcbato laws, uphold tho decision' of , J; jH Judges Grosscup, Baker and Seaman of tho United States circuit court ' of t ! Appeals, reversing tho judgment and ) lifting tho burden of the enormous fine, ( as good law amp- justified b3' the rcc- . ords of the case. ' Takes Up Each Point if Point b3' point tho answer, which ; was formally placed on record at the ' J : opening of tho offico of the clerk of J tho court, by Colonel R. "V. Stowart, V ' general attorney in Chicago for tho ? ; IH Standard Oil company, takes up tho ; arguments of the petition for rc-hcar- ing which set forth alleged errors and particularly suggested that the upper ) court had erred in its understanding , : H of. what tho trial judge reallv- had said concerning tho previous offenses by tho , " ! Standard Oil compnu3' of Indiana, or ' RH tho Standard Oil compan3' of !STew Jcr- 1 A iH In tho petition for rc-hearing tho i reviowing judges arc charged with as- j iiiH Burning that Judge Lnndis attempted to f tr3' and punish tho Standard Oil com- ' -il pain of New Jcrsc3 in tho originnl J M proceedings which wero ag'iinst the 5 'H Standard Oil company of Inuiana. On this point the answer declares it to Vl be a matter of no cousoquenco whether ;" the trial court referred to the New Jer- scy compan3" of the Indiana company as 1 '. , not "a virgin offender." J Real Point at Issue 1 . The real point is, says the answer, ' didtho. .trial court-in imposing pun- r ishmcnt tako into consideration tho re- ' IH latiou between tho Standard Oil com- i'IH pauy of New Jersey and tho Standard ItM Oil company of Indiana and did it base ' 'iH its fino upon the wealth of the Standard IH Oil company of New Jcrsc3' and ita I jH ability to pa3', instead of upon M10 f lH wealth of tho Standard Oil company t' IH of Indiana, and its abilitj- to pa.y," ' -t j To determine this question the 1 , Standard Oil company's attorne's as- K fH sort that a fow sentences oxtractod by I IH tho government counsel from tho words I t-fl of Judge Landis are not sufficient and ' 'Jl quote at length from Judge Landis 'a fi opinion to show that he referred to the , ill cw Jersey corporation as tho "real j 'il defendant" and to tho Indiana com- pauy as tho "nominal defendant." ' 3 'jH Wliy Fine Was Imposed. , ' jfH Tho conclusion stated by tho answer V ihH is "that tho enormous fino indicted j upon tho defendant was becauso of thu -1 ownership of its stock by tho Standard flH Oil company of Now Jersey and because ll of the financial standing of tho latter ' , corporation is be3'ond disputo when tho ; ll entire opinion of the trial court is con- j VRH sidered. ' , I I ' A large part of tho petition for re- ' j hearing, the auswer asserts, is a rcitcr- ' t ation of points which no ono disputes, 1 and counsel for tho defendant continue I their attack on tho potition b3' declar- j . 'M ing that the government attorneys are 1 t vM mistaken in their interpretation of tha . ' I 1H Armour case, cited in the petition, and i jH in suggesting that the reviewing court I j 4H is in conflict with tho Supreme court. f I TH On the question of knowledge of the lawful rato on tho part of the defend- 1 'H ant shipper, which was one of tho points ' on which great emphasis wns laid in I . tho petition for rehearing, tho auswer , i assorts that tho exceptions of tho gov- . :H eminent 'sa counsel nro based on a mis- ' '1 approhension of the opinion and tlin v i record in tho case. Tho exclusion of I i pH certain evidence and tho question of in- ' J Pi tent aro discussed in detail in tho an- ' -ft ipH swer which asserts that the reviewing j Y court was iustified in tho ruling which . m ! HH1H it made. ( 1 fHIIH Boast for Attorneys. ia On the point of tho number of of- 1 I jf fenscs which tho petition for rehearing jlH asserted wns obscure in the opinion or tho reviowing court, tho answer con- , 4 ..HUH tends that, the government's, counsel has j iHIH raised a cloud wliero thero is none, and j ijlHIH thnt tho ruling of the court clearly , ( shows that the number of offenses was , ''EH regulated' by the settlements and pn3-- 1 ', iH ments of w'hich there wero thirty-six, ' and not by the carloads numbering 1162, il on which 'tho fine was predicated, iiH In 'conclusion the answor which was 1 I, . JiH prepared by Attorney John S. Miller, ( J ....H who together with Moritz T?osenthal and ; iH Alfred D. Edd' represents tho defend- , iH nnt. asserts that the suggestion of tho ; i'l government's counsel that the rc-hearing j ' H bo granted in order to ccrtif3" a ques- lion to the- federal supremo court is 1 iH not a proper ono becauso thero was no . iH division of opinion among tho judges j ;.H of tho reviewing court. .pH Copies of the answer of the Standard IH Oil coinpairy wnro served later in tho VtiiH dav on the chief clerk in the offices 'ill of'Unitcd States District Attorno3' lll Sims. 2 M Under the ruins of federal judicial . -M procedure, tho government attorneys 'j 'fB havo tho right to tile a reply to tho H answer lo their petition if they discover $ H in it new matter which they consider Il needs a rejoinder. H Answer to Bo Prosonted i 'H The answer will bo presented to '- -j .H Judges Grosscup, Baker and Seaman . i lH of tho United States circuit court of t 'JM appeals nnd will probabl.v bo considered IHIIH at. the October term of eourr, which i 'il opens October (i. j "HHH II is not for the court to hear nr,g- v ' 'R 1 - -tfH