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iODABOUT THE LEGISLATURE OF UTAH I plFISCATE HIT OF CITY E, . E introduced in the Sen Be Steal the Fire Ap krafas of Zion. m UNDER CONTROL B'ls of federal buxch K Take Possession of Po EartmentandAlI Prop m Belonging Thereto. Kjintrodueed a lull to confis Kopertf of Salt Lake City K'it under tho control of the KacB, which means tho royal Btflali. It was ka0Trn ns the B'Dr iho object of which to HPfirc andpolicc departments Kike City under tho control of BjVBo dominate the politics of K The senate killed the bill, K doing, the delectable gang, K tho federal bunch, had four Brcid out of tho church Re jtarty hy the Smoot "Mouth." Hi also saw to it that three Erietie, whoso term of office KVtho last senato, yrcro not Ko tho legislature again. Korr Senator Marks with scn K);.SDr introduces tho measure Hbfc and, should it pass and KMjw, the federal bunch will Ko take control of the two Kb of the city.. But thoy will KWwsion. tho constitution Kfisution of property'. Hero MTby tho passage of which the Koch hopes to steal the prop Kit tho Sill Provides. Kl. Within thirty flays after Kg ot and approval of tills act, j bV appointed In all cities of Hjk. h board of fire anil polico HjMrs consisting of three pcr H&Dtj anil freeholders In sulci Hjecctlrcly: provided, that no Hi the city council, nor other of jld city, slinll be a member of Tlicrcby provlrlcd. The gover e slate of Wall, hy and with He 2nd consent of the senate. He Mid appointments. The terms .of said lairds shall ho four Htlo; from March 1. 1P09. and years thereafter, and until HVnoni ar.c appointed and qunll Hjfcd, however, that tho gover HWto authority at any time for Hifflck'iit cause to remove any Huntxrs. At least one member art shall, be of a different po Hlli from the governor nppoint fcgoremor. In making paid ap Ht, iball designate one member llprd who shall act as president. Htiit of such .board shall receive mm 52100.00 per annum, and the I, J1S00.OO per annum, each, to equal monthly installments i city treasury. (Before entering upon the llelr offlco each member of said ill take and subscribe to the rwfd for city officers, which 'filed wit h the city recorder. D alio furnish a bond In the IwO.OQ to be approved by the F. thti faithful performance ' of i.'of his of lice. Ylbe bonnJs shall hold such Ketlngs as they may by rule ma at .all such regular meet jratmberfl of said board shall quorum and be authorized to .Jl business which may come board, except as hereinafter prorlded, that a full board shall l upon tho trial and dctermlnn oy charges preferred against ror member of the flro or po ints, except as otherwise fovers Are Delegated, the powers and duties, ex tern otherwise provided, hcre J"rrw upon cities of the first "- ?' special enactment or "relating to the flro ami po acnus are hereby delegated to m, L5ff r1"1 pollcc eommlsslon 7 created. . to. l.flre department of each class 5i,aii consist of the creator, one chief of de--oat) or mora assistant chiefs ir?;i.and a,,ch otno- officers, .employees as the board shall -The police department of each c'"3, shall consist of the ?5ftrca,ed' one chief or dc iothpr rnrc "P'ns of police 1 1 h)f officers, men and em- to I?. 9ft d?J'S aft0r tl)C aP- ai q"a"fltlon of said board, ihli ?5dn procecd to organize, wUi2U al,PIL proper per- rZfZh0 ,allaU ,,ol(1 t,l0l, otnuT0nhavI,01,-, The chiefs ih?t0 ?a,(1 1,0,1,(1 for Its I thr , 2,aniC8 of Proper per- Si ,hV' created shall rs mi11 th(;8e departments. t&2fiKb'rB ancl employees. Sd t?fcnreH of lhc -('Pec- "IW? ii.ll10 ,ofn,crs. members t duUni Rnf. fult,'"y JIf- i i"'111 Hie laws. IK0" relntinff thereto uiio operaton and effect. HPj. direction of Board. S USm". dcpart.nents H'KsuktWn-1 tho lfnvs- "rders, 'i arc ""nilnir their mm ut nt0 effect. 1 1 TOmLJ '1,al!" '' enforce Hre, 1o "..;" es, R the board Mdlnto fnep,.,loUn". or '"amiss llllr drnC,rv' mo,,,,)cr or cm- jmSly X'te. 1 ' a,V, hp reinstated. Hcfdlnc hLLI,c n'-tl0" of the '"ember or cm Hft?"'1 ativ n,.ti,or "'oJ'ed hy t" be fl ai of the board E "Vie vc!(1n '-oncluslve. and HK1 hav tlio BftF boru'd herebv HJT K60.1 0f th,. ft0 Rood cause HKty. i nn .iserv,re will be XLn "ft .naV havo 1'owor JB?SX of io attenlan.-e i M'B-.ttCrs U ,1l ' ,P P0M6H0I1 Lphc'lleiK.ft C,r ,nvCiUlon. 1 Mltdl"'1 .C lhe ''l 'W an'J couUrt' wiyJS PROMINENT MEMBERS OF UTAH LEGISLATURE case of contumacy or refusal on tho par1 of any person to obey a 3Ubpoona issuea by said board, issuo an order requiring such person to appear and testify and produce books and papers. Sec. 11. The boards herein designated shall have tho power and authority to make all necessary rules nnd regulations, not In conflict with law, looking toward the better discipline, government and ef ficiency of the lire and police regulations of their respective cities. Whenever, in the opinion of the board, the Interests of Kood government require a reduction of thp polico forco or flro force, such re duction may at any time be ordered by the board and said board shall designate which policemen and which firemen shall bo discharged. Would Confiscate Property. J Sec. 12. Immediately upon the organ- I Izatlon of said hoards, all patrol wagons, boxes, telephone service of lire or police j departments, all fire boxes. Ore and po- i lice "stations, engines, horses, hose carts, hook nnd ladder trucks and utunslls, city j Jails, books, papers, nnd other documents of said cities coming under the provis- i Ions of this net. and all other things per- ! tnhilng to the flro and police service and j prison departments of said cities, -shall be- j turned over to and hereafter be under tho absolute control and management of snld fire and police boards: and all hose or apparatus or belongings of any kind bereafter appropriated or provided by said cities shall be under the like con- j trol and management of snld boards. I Sec. 13. During the last quarter of the j calendar year- the said lire and pollee i board shall present to the city council of Its respective city a detailed slate- I ment of tho monoy necessary to defray expenses of the lire, police and prison j departments of the city for the succeed- ; lng year, together with a statement of the probable expense to be Incurred by said board: and In the annual approprln- I tlon ordinance of tho next calendur year i the city council shall provide for the ap propriation of sums of money suflklent to defray the expense Incident to said departments and to be Incurred by said board. Provided, however, that tho city council shall Immediately provide for the necessary expenses of said departments from the time of the completion of the new organization until otherwise provid ed for In this act. Board Wants the Earth. Sec. II. All appropriations made by the city council lor fine said departments shall be under the absolute, full and complete control of the respective boards, and no moneys shall be paid out of such appropriations except upon vouchors rendered by said boards or pay rolls of the said departments certified to by the head of such department and approver! by the president of the- board of the respective cities. Sec. 15, The snld fire and police boards shall, at all times, have full pow er and authority to select, contract for, and purchase all necessary machinery, apparatus, horses, wagons, harness, equipments and utensils of any kind per taining to Lhc said lire department of tho respective cities, and as well, all necessary equipments, horses, patrol wagons nnd other equipment pertaining to said police departments, and they shall also approve oil selections of sites for fire, or police stations, and all patrol and alarm boxes, and may cluinge the location of all patrol and alarm boxes and other personal properly from time to time, ns to them shall seem proper. Upon the passage of an ordinance by the city council of tho respective cities, di recting the purchase of fire or police sta tion .sites, the board shall have full pow er and authority to contract for and pur chase the same and to contract for the erection of such buildings as may bo provided for. Tho said board shall like wise have power to sell and dispose of any of the utensils or personal property belonging to said departments of the re spective cities whenever the same shall no longer be required in the service, at the best prices that can be obtained thcre'for. and the proceeds derived there from shall be turned Into the city treas ury and placed to the credit of the fund belonging to tho department to whlcn the property so sold belonged. Terms of Office. Sec. lf. The terms of nil .officers. -m-plovees and agents. Including the chiefs of 'the present lire and police depart ments in cities of the first class now in office, shall expire upon the completion of the new organization herein provided fOr. and all properly whatsoever now belonging to said departments shall be forthwith turned over to the board here by created. Sec. 1". The city council of each city, except cities of tho first class, of lL'.OtlO and more Inhabitants In this stale Is herein- authorized to create, support, maintain and control a police department and a fire department In their respective cltU-s, See. IS. The police department of each city, except cities of the first class, of 12.000 and more Inhabitants of this state shall consist ot a neao in ueimrnm-ni and such other officers, men, employees and agents as the city council of said cities may by ordinance prescribe. Sec. 13. The fire department of -each city, except cities of the first class, of 12.000 and moni, inhabitants of this stale shall consist of n head of the depart ment, ami such officers, men. employees nnd agents as the city council of said cities ordinance prescribe. But Why Do This? Sec. 20. The mayor of each city, ex cept cities of th first class, of l'.'.OOO and moic Inhabitants of this state shall, with the advice and consent of the. city council, appoint such heads of said de partments, and In like manner fill all vacancies In the s3me. See. 21. The city council of each city, except cities of the first class, of 12.0 and more Inhabitants of this stale. Hhall have full power to provide by ordinance the number and grade of officers, men. employees and agents In .-nch depart ment nnd their respective, salaries, ami to Increase or decrease the number of officers, men. employees and agents In each department, and at any time to Increase or decrease the sal aries to be paid. In case tho city council shall at any lime decrease the number of officers, men. employees or agents of either of said departments, tho h"nd of such department shall immedi ately remove such number of officers, men. employees or agents as arc re quired to comply therewith. Sec. 22. All police officers and pollce mon shall possess the powers conferred upon eonstnbktf by law: thoy shall exe cute, and servo all warrants, processes, commitments and all writs whatsoever IsHiieil bv the city justice or tho paee. Sec. The head of each department, except In cllk-a of tho first class, shall, by and with the advice nnd consent of the city council and approval of the mayor, appoint all subordinate officers, employees, men or agents In his depart ment, and in like manner fill all vacan cies in tho same. Any subordinate of ficer, employee, man or-agent may at any time be removed, without cause, and without charges being preferred nnd without a. trial, hearing, or opportunity to be heard, by the head of either de partment with tho consent of the coun cil, or by the mayor with the consent of tho city council whenever In their opin ion tho good .of the service will bo sub served thereby, nnd the same shall be final and conclusive, and shall not bo reversed or called In question before any court. Tho city recorder shall forthwith notify In writing the removed person of his removal, and It shall not be neces i snry to stale any cause for such remov- al. and from the time of such notlfica ! lion, the person so removed shall not In : any case be entitled to any salary or I compensation. Board Is Absolute Sec, 2i. The heads of the police or fire 1 departments of such cities, except cities j of the first class, may. at any lime, be removed without cause, and without ; charges being preferred, nnd without u I trial, hearing or opportunity to be heard, ' j by the mayor, with the consent of the j : city council, whenever in their opinion 1 the good of the service will be subserved thereby. Tho action of the mayor and j ; of the city council In removing ther head I 1 of cither department shall be final and j conclusive, and shall not be reviewed or called In question before any court. The city recorder shall forthwith notify In writing the removed head of either of said departments, of his removal, and it shall not be necessary to state any cause for such removal, and from the time of such notification the person so removed shall not In any case be entitled to any salary or compensation. Sec. 2.". The hnd of each (department, except In cities of lh" first class, may al any time suspend any subordinate of ficer, employee, man or agent employer therein, when in his judgment the good of the service demands It. for a period of time not exceeding fifteen f 15) days, and during the time of sin h suspension the jierson or persons so suspended shall not be entitled to any salary or com pensation. Sec. 20. The city council, except In cities of the first class, shall have power by ordinance to prescribe and define the qualifications nnd duties of the officers and employees of said departments. Sec. 27. Chapter 12. title III. Compiled Laws of Utah, 1007. and all other nets and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act arc hereby re pealed. Sec. 2S. This act shall lake effect ; upon approval. i PROPOSED CHANGE IN PLAN 1 OF INSPECTING PUBLIC WORK I There is a movement on foot among Home of the city's official family with tho legislalors " to attempt legislation talcing over from tho board of public works tho inspection of all public, work nnd placing it with the city engineer's office, and to this end, . was said, Monday, a bill will bo introduced in the legislature, probably today, In place t lie public improvements inspection with the citv engineer. This in effect, was recommended hy t ho mayor in his annual message to tho oily council, submit ted three or four weeks ago. Opposition to tho inspec tion bill may load lo an attempt to abolish the board of public works, it is told. This will bo the result, of purely partisan bias, however, and will not gel very far. it is believed. Tho proposed change of the inspection from the board of works to tho city engineer would place tho entiro responsibility for public improvements upon the city en (iineer. r-.- WOULD STOP GAS AND OTHER COMPANIES' METER DEPOSITS Representative Russell is after the J gas and electric companies. Monday he j introduced, a bill which declares that it shall be unlawful for any person, company, firm or corporation doing business in the state or exercising any j rights under a franchise from the pco- ' plo to charge patrons, or consumers; or customers, for tho installation of motors or measuring devices, or to re quire of patrons, consumers, or cus tomers:, lo deposit with said company, firm or corporation any sum or sums of money for the installation of or for the use 'of such meter or measuring de vice, or for any purpose whatsoever in cident to the service furnished by said company, firm or corporation, to its patrons," consumers or customers. Mvery person, company, firm or corporation violating this art shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. BAD WALKS TO JOINT BUILDING CAUSES COMPLAINT There was much complaint Monday at the joint conunitlee. who have con trol of the City and County building, should permit the walks leading from the street lo the building to be in the condition that prevailed Monday. There liar) been an effort apparently to remove the snow, but the ap proaches wore still in a dangerous con dition. The surface of the walks was u glare of ice, and it was with dif ficulty that many were able lo walk a I; all. .Some one is derelict in their duty and Hip powers f.iat aro in con trol should see that tho walks are kept in condition, so that people can walk upon them without risk of breaking a limb. REMEMBER The social at the Odeon Academy Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. ! ; Legislative Calendar New Bills in the Senate. S. B. rso. SO, by Marks Providing for police and llro departments In cities of this state of 12,000 and more inhabitants; providing a board of polico and fire com missioners for cities of the first class, de fining their powers and duties; provid ing for control and maintenance of said board in cities of the first class, and pro viding powers and duties of said depart ments In said cities, and for tho mainte nance and control of said departments, and repealing chapter 12, title 13, com piled laws of Utah, 1907, and all other acts and parts of acts in conflict here with. Referred to judiciary committee S. 13. No. 00, by Bennor X. Smith An act amending section 2919 of the com piled laws of Utah, 1907, relating to par tics and to actions or proceedings by or against joint tenants, or tenants in com i mon, or Joint tenant against co-tenant. Referred to judiciary committee. I S. 13. 2s"o. 91. by Badger An art crc lallng an annual license tax pnj-ablo by jail foreign and domestic corporations In I this stale with certain exceptions; pro I vldlng for penalties and forfeitures and I the enforcement thereof, and for the rovo ' cation of charters of domestic corpora i lions falling to comply with tho provls i Ions of this act. Referred to private cor- porallons and insurance committee. S. H. No. 92. bv Slookcy An act pro ! vldlng for archacloglcal and historical ' exploration and Investigation In connec I tlon with tho University of Utah, and ! making an appropriation therefor. Rc i ferred to public Institutions committee. Bills Passed by the Senate. S. It. No. 31. by Slookcy An act pro viding for the punishment of convicts, serving less than life Imprisonment, who shall be found guilty of assault upon of ficers and others. . . S. R. No. 1". by Benner X. Smith An act appropriating ?lfi00 for refurnishing the offices of the governor and secretary of slate. S. B. No, !, bv Kuchler An act pro viding for the appropriation of S3000, to be paid lo Margaret CMark upon her re lease of the state from all obligation In the matter of the death of her husband, Sevinore 1j. Clark, who was killed while discharging his duty as a deputy sheriff of Weber county. S. "B. No. 19, by I iulanlskl An act pro viding for the taking of testimony of hus band and wife lp certain cases. S. 1! No. 20. bv Benner N. Smith An art providing for the punishment of convicts serving life terms In the peni tentiary, upon conviction of officers or others." House Bill Passed by Senate. H. 13. No. -I I, by Russell An act desig nating persons who shall be deemed va- Scnate Petitions. A petition signed by -1C00 citizens of Weber county relating to proposed pro hibition legislation. Referred to manufac tories and commerce committee. New Bill3 in House. ; 11 Ti. No. 109. by Archibald Amend ing sections 1892 and 1S91, compiled laws of Utah. 1907, relating lo schools in cities of the first and second class. Re ferred to committee on education. 11. U. No. 110. bv Smith To amend section 1212. complied laws or Utah. 1907. making fornication a felony. Referred to committee on judiciary. H. U. No. 111. by Bussell Making It a misdemeanor to require deposits for the Installation or use. of motors m- measur ing devices. Referred to committee on public utilities. Ilr 13. No. 112, by committee on mines and smelting To amend the coal and hvdrn-carbon mining laws of Utah so that all coal and hydro-carbon mines will come within the law; to regulate the use of explosives, ventilation, lighting, timbering and safety of employees. Re ferred to committee on mining and smelt ing. If. B. No. tin. by Knrdlcy to estab lish the public service commission and prescribing Its powers and duties, and to provide for the regulation and control of railroads and other public sen-Ice cor porations, and making an appropriation therefor. Referred to committee on pub lic utilities. 71. B. No. Hi. by Nielsen --Repealing chapter 120. session laws of Utah. 1901. Referred to committee on judiciary. II. B No. llfi. by Ashton (by request) Providing for the security of public fund" deposited In banks and the payment of Interest on same. Referred to committee on public funds. II. B. No. 11. by Ashton (bv reouest) Amending chapter 10. compiled laws of Utah, 1907. relating to surety companies: providing for payment by officials of bond premiums-, release of sureties on of ficial, court anil private bonds: penalty for procuring bonds In company not au thorized to do a surety business in Utah, and providing for reductions In amounts of fiduciaries' bonds. Referred to com mittee on Insurance IT. T5. No. 117, by Rust;ell Amending sections 080 nnd 2fi. complied lawa of Utah, 1907. Referred to committee on Judiciary. TI. b; No. 11S. by Russell To amend subdivision IS of section oil of tho com piled laws of Utah, 1907. Referred to committee on judiciary. . II. B. No. 119. by Russell To amend subdivision 52 of section oil of the com- I piled laws of Utah. 1907. Referred to comm'ttee on judiciary . i II. T3. No. 120. by Russell To validate certain nets of counties of the first class from the month of .Tunc. 1900. to the month of February. 1907. Referred to the co"im'ltee on .iudiclnrv. IT B No. 121. by Russell To amend subdivision 10. section ",il. complied laws of Utah. 1907. Referred to committee on judiciary. 11? B. No. 122. by Fuller monding section 1HG9. compiled laws of Utah. 1907, relating to the levying of taxes for the establishment and maintenance of a free public library and gymnasium In citlca of the third clnHs and In towns, Rc-fe'-red to eoniPi'1 tee on library. TI. B. No. 12:: by" Baker Amending section 2050. complied laws of U' and fixing the salary of tho clerk of tho supremo court, the adjutant general and assistant adjutant general and the state bank examiner. Referred to committee on judiciary. II. B. No. 121, by Baker Amending nnd re-enacting section 2920, compiled laws of Utah, 1907, regarding tho read justment of actions, Referred to com mittee on judiciary. 71, B. No. 125, by Morris Creating n, board of commissioners of Indian war records, prescribing Its duties and com pensation, and appropriating the sum of GOOD ROADS BILLS ARE UMN ROUSE Two of the Several Measures Are Pushed Through After Long Debate. BILLS, OF COURSE, CREATE COMMISSIONS GALORE j Gang Which Dominated Affairs Political, in Utah Let Noth ing Get Away. The house on Monday took up, con sidered and passed two of tho several road bills which have been introduced by tho house. Tho first one creates a commission consisting of five, throe of whom, oS course, would necessarily be impractical, and while the provisions of the bill provido that this commission shall serve without compensation, in the, general round up it will bo found that there is something that would como to the crowd. There was a prolonged debate over tho bill. .Representative Archibald wanted to cut tho commission to three in number, as t.hc bill meant poli tics pure and simple. Mr. Thornlcy was against any political machine run ning the roads" of tho state or direct ing control of the road fund. Mr. Morris held that the treasurer of state, who was to bo ono of tho commission, would know nothing about road building; then the state engineer had too much to do: to take a member from the Agricultural college as one of the commission would leave a class unprovided for during his absence. Ho believed that members of the faculty in both the Agricultural col lege and the State University should remain at their posts, and notmix in matters outside, lie declared that the way the commission would run things Mint it would mean a political niacin no, and s-aid that in his (Washington coijnty) that t ho matter of roads was entirely political, and that no one was given a job on highways unless he voted the Republican ticket. He be lieved in having practical nteu in charge of the roads. There were a number of others who participated in the discussion, and finally the motion of Mr. Archibald to strike out and make the commission three instead of five, was put and lost. The bill was then passed. Morris and Smith voting in the negative. The second bill passed established a system of public roads, and it was passed with but two dissenting votes, viz., Morris and Nclsou. Then the house adjourned. $i000 for the compensation and expenses of the "members thereof. Referred to committee on military affairs. II. 73. No. 12G. by llugh A. McMillln To regulate, restrict, control and prohibit the sale and handling of Intoxicating liquors and to regulate tho Issuance ot licenses therefor, to provide for the sub mission at special elections In tho sev eral counties of this stnto of lhc, ques tion whether the sale of Intoxicating li quors as beverages shall be prohibited therein; lo provide for tho petitioning for calling and conducting such elections, and for the contest of tho result thereof; to provide for tho registration and qual ification of voters nt such elections; to provide for the termlnatln of licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors; to provide for and prescribe tho terms and conditions upon which Intoxicating li quors may be sold for certain purposes; lo define the meaning of the words "In toxicating liquors;" to create prohibition districts and define the meaning theceof; to prohibit the employment of minors lo sell Intoxicating liquors as beverages; lo declare the duties of peace ofllrers and prosecuting attorneys in relation to tho unlawful sale of Intoxicating liquors; lo fix penalties for the violation of .this act and proscribe the procedure in pros ecutions, and to repeal all acts conflicting therewith. Referred to the committee on Judiciary. 11. B. No. 127. by Smith Relating lo schoolhouses In cities of the third class, Incorporated towns or school districts. Referred to committee on education. Bills Passed by House. II,' B. No. 7. by 'William McMillan RxtendlnK tho time for complying with the provisions of title S2, compiled laws of Utah, 1907. relating to townsltes. II. B. No. on. hy Ilcnrlo (by request) Creating a state road commission; de fining Its duties: also creating a system of state roads; also creating a slate road bulldlng fund and providing for its ex penditure: also repealing chapter t, title .10. compiled laws of Utah, 1907. II. B. No, o0, by Ilenrlo (by request) Establishing a standard system of con struction of public roads In the state of Utah and the various counties thereof. Senate Bills Passed by House. S. R. No. 10, by Marks Relating to salaries of certain stato officers. This fixes the salary of tho secretary of state, which was Inadvertently omitted two years ago from salary bill. Bills Signed by Governor. S. B. No. 2, by Badger Providing that February 12, the birthday of Abraham r Inonlri hfi fleelared a holiday. Give a Girl , her choice 0 all the different brands of chocolates offered to the public today, and her first choice, her last choice nnd her choice at; all times will be l,he pure, pleasing and popu lar Sweef'-is Society , Chocolates - COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAM WAR RECORDS Proposed Measure Which, of Course. Means a Commis sion, Is Introduced; In the house Monday Mr. Morris introduced a bill which creates a board of commissioners to bo known as "Com missioners o Tndian "War Records," to consist of tho adjutant-general of tho state, who shall bo tho chairman and custodian of the records thereof, and two mcinbor3 to bo appointed by the governor. Tho bill roads: The duties of tho board shall be to ascertain tho names of tho persons who wero members of any organization per forming military duty during any of tho Indian wars or expeditions against tho Indians, or who performed the duties of homo guards as members of any organi zation doing military duty during the tlmo of any Tndian war or expedition in this state, and to ascertain the charac ter of tho servlco rendered, tho duration of the same, with what organization, and the name of tho commanding officer under whom such service was rendered, and such other facts relaUng to ouch service na tho board shall deem perti nent and proper. The members of said board to bo ap pointed by the governor, as aforesaid, shall have power, by virtue of their of fice, to administer oaths, take testimony and subpoena, witnesses. The adjutant general of the state, chair man of snld board, shall receive no com pensation for his services. Tho commis sioners to bo appointed by the governor, as aforesaid, shall recelvo the sum of $3 per day for the time actually employed In tho performance of their duties under this act. and tho actual expenses paid and Incurred by them while actually engaged in tho performance of such duties. The per diem and expenses of said board as aforesaid, and tho necessary clerical and other expenses Incurred by the adjutant general's office, shall bo al lowed by tho state board of examiners, and paid, upon verified vouchers, in tho mn nner provided by law. Tho sum of SfiOOO, or as much thereof as may bo necessary, Is hereby appro priated out of any moneys In the state treasury, not otherwlso appropriated, for the payment of the compensation and ex penses of said board, as aforesaid. PETITIONS FROM TJTAHNS ASKING FOR PROHIBITION In the hnuso on Monday there was presented petitions praying for tho pas sago of a prohibition law. which peti tions were said to have signatures ap pended thereto numbering 30,000. It was said that tho petitions came from various cities in the state, but in view that thev were not read, no one knows, or will know, where they came from until the minute clerk enters it up and has it printed in tho journal. Who presented these petitions no member of the houso knows, if a petition is worth anything, if tho petitioners aro to bo treated as they believe thev should be, it certainly is tho duty of some ono to at, least read tho namo of the placo where the petition comes from, together with the total number of signatures thereon. Tho people arc certainly entitled to bo heard. The right of petition is accorded them mi dor the constitution. Tho legislators aro their scrvanls. What the master demands, tho slave usually accords. Why not read the names of places where petitions originate? MR. SPEAKER TAKES A VACATION TO HIS HOME Tho house excused Mr. Speaker on Monday afternoon in order that he might have opportunity to visit his homo in Logan, whero business of im portance needed looking after. This is the first time the speaker, has been absent from his post during the ses sion. During the absence of tho speaker Representative Thompson occupied tho chair, and he succeeded in so hand ling tho houso that the regular daily clash between Representatives Morris and H. A. McMillin was averted; that Representative Ashton availed himself of opportunity to talk without throw ing any phrases in a foreign tongue: that Representative Porter was hold down so that ho did havo to de clare that his bill regulating tho liquor traffic was a real prohibition bill, and that Representative McRao did not take advantage when tho opportunity pre sented to declaro himself on tho mat ter of smelter smoke, speaks volumes for Mr. Thompson. In wielding the gavel tho gentleman from Millard is a success. UNIVERSITY WOULD DIG INTO THE DEAD PAST Undor a bill introduced in the sen- i ale Monday, should it. finally roach the statute books, the dead past is to bo dug into by tho stato, under tho direc tion of tho regents of riio university, for which purpose the bill provides a fund of $2000. Tho object of the meas ure, which wns introduced by Senator Stookov, is to enablo iho stato to loaru as much as possible, by means of ex cavations, and other investigation, con corning the history of thoso departed races, whose works are all that remain to tell that they once peopled a por tion of tho state. FAMILY COUGH SYRUP Cure3 Any Cough in Five Hours. NEW PRESCRIPTION HERE. Hero is given the most effective l cough prescription known to tho medical world. It is a mild laxative, too, and this is what a body needs when suffer ing with cough and cold on tho hiugs A cough or cold indicates poisons in the system, causing inflammation and congestion. Nearly all cough syrups re lieve, but make the iroublo worse by their constipating effects. " This pro scription not only relieves quickly, but it cures any cough that is curable. Get one-half ounce fluid wild cherry bark, one ounce compound essence cardiol and three ounces syrup white pine com pound. Mix in a bottle, Tako for acute cough or bronchitis twenty drops every half hour for four hours. Then one half to ono toaspoonful three or four iimcs daib'. Give children loss accord ing to age. A few hours' treatment will cure aud heal tho throat and lungs of all but consumptives. Cut this out and givo it to pome friend who may need it to be saved from an early death by con sumption, N .. SENATOR KUCHLER - li I DEFE POSITION , I Tells Committee From Weber- H County Where He Stands . t H Upon Liquor Question. IS OPPOSED ABSOLUTELY TO ! I STATE-WIDE PROHIBITION 5 H 7 I Believes That Present Laws Lm Upon tho Statute Books LW Should Be Enforced. H Thoro was handed to Senator Knoh Icr on Monday potitions from tho peo- LL plo of Wpber county bearing 4600 sig naturos. These petitions wore pre sontod to the senator from Wober by a committcof six, headed by Apostle D. O. McKay. Other memberB of the committee wero 0. 0. Richards, presi dent of Ogdcn stake of Zion; Hiram Belknap, bishop's counsellor; Parley T. Wright, I. L. Clark and Rev. McCreary of tho M. E. church of Ogden. All of tho committco but one arc officers or members of tho dominant church. The committeo called on Senator Kuchler at his apartments in the Wil son hotel. Apostlo McKay was the spokesman and he presented tho pcti tions and urged the senator to do nil in liis power to bring about, stato-wido prohibition. Senator Kuchler, in re- mWm ply to Apostlo McKay, said: Kuchler Defines Position, "My campaign "in Weber county was mado upon a platform in which no mention was mado of, or allusion mado WM to, the liquor traffic in an' way. Dur- WM ing the campaign there wero coftaiu in- , terests in tho party who, in a friendly WM way. desired to know my attitude re- JwM garding tho return of Rood Smoot to mwm the senate. At that timo I said to WM them that I was favorable to tho ro- WM turn of Smoot to the senate, so that, ho might be oxonorated aud proven jH that he was the choice of the party and that ifj I was elected I would uso every effort to secure tho renomination WM and rc-eloction of Smoot, which I did VwM nt tho very earliest opportunity. This wl was the only promise I made, and was of my own free will and onry to per sonal friends. mmm "During tho campaign, " continued Senator Kuchler, "I was approached U by Rev. McCreary, soliciting and wi asking me to support, if elected, lo- Wt cal option ir Utah. Since then I have M given the subject a great deal of U thought, and believing in tho great' Wi American principal that the majority of the people should rule, have decided U that the greatest good for the people Wm of Utah on this question would be U derived through local option, oithor by Wt slate, county, city or district. Now Wt you come to me requesting me to work Wi for absolute prohibition for this state or Wa .nothing. wi "t am opposed to browcry-ownod WM saloons or tho licensing of any saloon WM whoso owner or manager is unable to U read and write the English language. Wm Should Enforce Present Laws. "Now. Apostlo McKay, do you not fl know that wero you to take these '1(100 people represented by this petition and m lead them to the office of tho mayor M and city council of Ogdcn, who havo U the power to revoke any or every li cense held by a saloon in Ogdcn. Utah. bv tomorrow, at this time you could U cjoso every saloon in operation in our WM city? Why como here asking mo to Wt mnlco new laws when you aro counte- nnncing and supporting men who fail U in every particular to enforco tho laws. Wt now upon tho slatuto books?'' Aftor this, brief addresses were made U by each member of the committee. Wi strong pleas being made by each and 'WMm that they were earnest in their plead- mWMt inizs was demonstrated when Mr. Wright exclaimed: " Wo are represent- ing the peoplo in t his light. Jf 3-011 WM champion our cause now we will not wM only return you to this sennto, but will send you to the senato of the mWM United States." Conference in tho Opon. L The conference was in tho open. The LwM talks wero free and frank. There was no effort, no attempt at oratory. The-' WM newspaper meii who were present ex- WM pressed the opinion at the conclusion WM of tho conference, that the plea made wM by Mr. Richards was the strongest heard by them during this session of- WM the legislature. It was clean-cut, logical WM and forceful. Tho committee, when mwm they left the apartments, thanked Soiintor Kuchler for tho consideration given aud the frank talk he delivered. CORPORATIONS MUST PAY AN ADDITIONAL TAX LM Under a bill introduced in tho senate Mondav, by Senator Badger, corpora- mmmM tions, both' foreign and domestic, aro WM callod upon to pay an additional tax WM upon their license and a percentage mMmM upon their authorized capital stock in WM excess of $20,000. The bill exempts all M corporations organized for religious, educational, benevolent and irrigation WM purposes Tho tax callod for is $1U. on the- license of corporations not ex emptcd. nnd 10 cents upon each thou- WM sand dollars of its authorized capital WM stock, in excess of $20,000 up to and WM including $250,000 and S cents upon WM each thousand dollars of authorized capital stock, over $250,000 up to and WM including $500,000 and 5 cents per thousand over $500,000 up to and includ ing $1,000.00. Two cents per thousand is called for between a capitalization mm of $1,00,000 and including $10,000,000. and 1 cent per thousand above thai. The bill further provides that in WM cues whero the capital stock issue is nominal, the selling pj-ieo of lhc stock WM shall bo taken by tho secretary 01 state as a basis upon which lo levy his as scssment. and where the value of the stock cannot be ascertained, the as- sessnicnt shall be lovied upon the price jH as sot forth in tho articles of incur poratiou. One section provides that m default of tho payment ot the tax. an additional $25 shall be added, and tit tho tax and tho default shall remain ' mMmm unpaid during the year, then the cov- poration shall suffer the loss ot its mmmM title and right lo do business under the laws of the slate. The governor, how ever, has the right to reinstate any such com puny who shall later inako good all arrears and attendant costs.' jH