Newspaper Page Text
M . THE SALT LAKE -TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING-,- FEBRUARY 9, 1909. 9 H fj?s o-l PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR BASEBALL LEAGUE J I IflMIK FIGHT Kries Demands Too Much Honey for His End of B flic Purse. Ibvsox is anxious m. TO MEET CHAMPION &Fans Believe He Will Go S to the Top With n ts are true that James J. Jef II demand S75.000 to fight Jock for the championship of the i peat many of the flsht fans the opinion that tho match will lie place It also comes ns a lhav Jeffries will not fight un Sets a guarantee, win. lose or hlk- Johnson Is willing to box. aVc all. It would appear, as, the that Jeffries Is the man who j and Johnson the. one who is ilorcl I'liamplon, when asked thought of his chances with 'Mid he was confident of clo the white heavyweight. He said was stronger than he was. but A and science would more than matter?.. Johnson also said thnt confident that Jeffries could not ; wclcht below 250 pounds, as hs nearly 300 now. hile ho fc a lot of surplus fat Jef tries It hard ?o get rid or It, and If too strong on the reduction he I himself weak and after a few could he all In. Johnson says he ched Jeffries fight, and knows m the white, man. How Fightcrn Clinch, history of prlr.e fighting, wbon sood fighter starts for the top il!v insids the plum. When Do tmelit James J. Jeffries to New tK)X he heralded him as a coming n. His first fight was with Bon as. but "Jeff" ma'de such a poor that Dtlaney dropped him like tato. Billy Brady, who is a wise lanlzlng In Jeffries a big. strap h'ter. who ought to make gC;oa Ittle training, picked up the boll Brady figured that Fltzsom d Corbett had about gono their id the subsequent results show idy did not miss the mark, tnc can be said of Jack Johnson, llg, stronc fellow, with a knock en. and is nearly as clever ns ever was. and the fight fans be lt Johnson will reach the top SADA HAS NO USE X FOR THE HORSEMEN IBChsON", Xev. Feb, 8. The attention -k-Nevada tislature was drawn from JKuif-Japnnesc bills and resolutions to Tffiy the introduction in the assembly iBpmlix; of n hill drafted by the Antl iWIng league of Reno, to prohibit HfriK uml liorso cueing in the state. Hbill tvas referred to the committee llc moralP. This bill promises to iBKrbl? fl?ht of the present scission iB legislature. Indications nre that KU pais tho house-. Tho contest will t la the senate. mm HART MATCHED 1 TO FIGHT JIM BARRY jjPreiV ORLEANS. Feb. S. Marvin yjwt, the Kentucky heavyweight, who Dav-elght champion of the world "be lost to Tommy Burns, has been 'pd for a fight at the West Side j kllc rlnb in llcDonoughvillc, on the B of February 24, with Jlmmv Barry Montana. 9 Hart-Barry tight was scheduled IKttbruary 15 at Hot Springs, Wh'eu Wl elub heard of the action of the UKnior of Arkansas In stopping all T-tndlng or contemplated, it wired fWRTSMEN TO ORGANIZE M FISH AND GAME CLUB Silt Lake county sportsmen wilt 41 the Commercial club Tuesday hWfui tl,e Purpose of electing of JB..'f a permanent organization. MMbJeots of the new club will be to .Mtter protection for fish and general in this county, and to jWr114 vrlth like clubs of other coun Kg Protection of the fish and game yMf" -lll iJC nsfcci tn p;iy n anmii UBe"? annual dues, which money. If flElf Mn be sfcured; will be used to fB5fJ?m,c !)lrt,s "ml the benefit Ms ptPlc In the countv. Wk Baseball Playor Dios. dBffnL1? Kcb- S. Jimmy R. iK'll of.,illR bcsl known of tho lWl hJvi 4c3llfornla baseball players. LOanada Wjns Trophy. Hftary t, c"rl,nc trophy resulted in dE-HJ0! Hi" Canadian players. M CORN, OATS, 1 mOLLED BARLEY, Wholesale. jjMg Car Lots a Specialty. MfsTlour Makes Good Broad. TIJR.MOUNTAIN y 3IiING- CO. jj m m m JK' '-V Wt VariGcitethe Utah gem- ed and unmounted. J 0ne 5 for the correct time. FAVORITES BEATEN . 1IJEW1I TRACK Griffin's Inflection, 30 to 1, Wins Easily the First ;3 Time Out. OAKLAND, Feb. S. The racing nt Emeryville today v.-as favored by fine weather,1 but the track was muddy owing to tho heavy rain of yesterday. There were several upsets, favorite faring budly. H. T. Griffin's Inflection, starting for tho first time, won the two-year-old race from Vondol and Warfare. Inflec tion was quoted as high as 30 to 1 in somo books, and was played down to 12, The fourth race 'resulted In a good finish, Barney Oldfield beating Steel a head, while Joe Rose was a close third. First race, futurity course, selling Fultord. 103 (Mclntyre), 3 to 1. won; Jim Hanna. 03 (Upton). 15 to 1, second; Doro tlicy Lcdgett. 51 (Taplln?, 25 to 1, third. Time, 1 : 1G '2-5. Incentive, Semper Fi delis. Gib C. Autumn J-eavos. Egotist, Bonfils and Clare C. finished as named. Second race, three and a half fur longs,' purse Inflection, 110 (Xottcn). 12 to 1. won; Vondel, 110 (Scovlllc). IS to 5. second. Warfare. 110 (Ross). 13 to 5, third. Time, 4-5. English Mall. Elcctrowan, Olathe. Amerla Rose, Alrle Falrle, Mile. Mischief.' Emma Zula, Ladv Elizabeth and Triloba finished ns named. Third race, futurity course, selling Descomnets. iS (Upton), 10 lo 1 von Rosamo. 100 (Sullivan), 11 to 10, econd; Oserine. H7 (E. Clark), 10 to 1, third. Time, 1-13 2-5. Llttlo Jane, Blameless, Serenade, Ace of Diamonds and Bill Eat on finished as named. Fourth race, one mile, selling Barney Oldfield. 114 (Archibald), 4 to 1, won; Steel, 107 (Clark). 10 to J. second; Joe Rose. 107 (Keogh). 0 to 5. third. Time, 1:47 2-5. The Per, Rosevalc, Cowen, Pan de Oro and George P. McNear finished as named. Fifth race, mile and one-sixteenth Yakima Belle, 32 (Dcverlch). 6 to 1, won; Prince of Orange, 111 (Archibald), S to 1, second; Okenltc, 111 (Butler). 13 to 1. third. Time. 1:54 4-5. Banposal, Derdon. Harry Rogers, Ornate. Beech wood, Orchan, Blanche C. and Yellow stone finished as named. Sixth race; six furlongs, selling For dcllo, -0& (Lee). 4 to 5, won; Honest, 11! (Keogh). 7 to 5, second; Re Thank ful, 10S (Scoville). 50 to 1. third. Time. I 1:16 2-5. J. C. Core. Wuerzburger, Joe Wooten and East End finished as named. FOUR FAVORITES WIN AT ARCADIA TRACK LOS ANGELES. Feb. S. Four favor ites were successful at Santa Anita park today, and the public had a profitable day. Jockey Shilling carried off tho riding honors by piloting three winners. First race, purse, six furlongs Piute, 105 (E. Dugan), 0 to 5, won; Autocrat, 10S (Cullen), 60 to 1, second; Likely Dieudonne, 105 (Rice), 15 to 1, third. Time, 1:15 2-5. Prince Gal, Azo, Some Stone, Robert Gray, Ml Dirccho, Slgnor, ,Guard Rail, Allen Lee, Empire Expedi tion and Guise also-ran. Second race, purse, three furlongs J. H. Barr, 106 (Shilling), 3 to 1, won; Charles Fox, 109 (Powers), C to 1, sec ond; Hindoo Star, 105 (Yorko). 40 to 1, third, Time, :35 2-5. Mellondale, Arthur Rouse, Dos Sology. C. H. Patten. John Lynch. Miguess and The Wolf also ran, Third race, selling, six and one-half ; furlongs Sir Edward. 122 (Shilling), 2 to I. won; Ilalkc-t, 119 (J. Howard), 5 to 2, second; Ethon, 122 (Shrlner), 9 to 2. third. Time. 1:21 1-5. Tom McGrath and Voorhees also ran. Fourth race, selling, one mile Lord I Standhopc. 115 (E.Dugan). 5 to 1, won; Calves. 109 (Powers), even, second; Cap tain Burnett, 117 (Shilling), 5 to 1, third. Time, 1:41 2-5. Wise Child, Ampcdo, Bay Star. Vanen and Pickaway also ran. Fifth race, selling, five and one-half furlongs C. W. Burt, 110 (Shilling), 1 to 6. won: Ben Stone, 110 (E. Dugan), 15 to- 1, second; Elizabeth F., 107 (Wil liams). 7 to 1. third. Time, 1:07 3-5. Blue Bottle also ran. Sixth race, selling, seven furlongs Otllo, 97 (Goldstein), 4 to 1, won: Home- ! less, 111 (McGee), 5 to 1, second; Undo J-Icnrv. 114 (Powers), 5 to 2, third. Time, 1 ;27. Right Sort, Belle of Menard, Provc dore, Town Topics, Sir Barry, Chcrlpc. Kuropatkln. Lady Kitty and Yankee Tourist also ran. . Seventh race, selling, five and one-half furlongs Kerry. 107 (McGee), 6 to 5, won; Plnaud, 111 (Page). 30 to 1, sec ond; Sink Spring. Ill (R. Brooks). 18 to 5, third. Time, 1:08 3-5. Wood Thorpe. Shlrlev Ropsmorc, Albion H., Velma C, Esther M.. Bright Albert. Saucy M Auburndale and Columbia Girl also ran. Arcadia Entries. Special to The Tribune. LOS ANGELES. Feb. S. Following are the entries for Tuesdays races ut Arcadia: . .. First race, thirteen-slxtcenths of a mile, purse Snowball, 107; Golly Ding, 106; Furnace. 98; Joe Gaitens, 88; En field, 98; Golden Legend, 98; Drcdkln. 95; Gerrymander. 95; Belle K., 93; FredOnla, 93. Second race, throe-eighths of a mile, purs. Gar, 10S; Lady Shalor. 10S; My Last, 10S; Folllo Levy, 108; Placid, 10S; Lllllum. 10S; DonUhllda. 10S; Camera. 10S; Roberta. 108; Dora Paine. 10S: Mary's Lamb. 108; CesarllCFS, 10S; Lady Faret. 108. Third race, throe-fiuartera of a lnllf. selling Slbnri. 117; Sink Spring. 114; Chippewa, 114; Morrill, 111: Tavora. 112; Creston. Ill: Billy Bocdner. 100. Fargo Rone. 100; Rosslnro, 98. Fourth race, mllo and ono-elghth, purse Magazine, 109; MIfs Sain, 100; Ma It bio. 99. , , . Fifth race, seven-eighths of a mile, soiling Lord of the Foreat. 109; King of tho Mist. 103, IFnancler. 108: Rublnon, 106; Josle S., 106; Summer Cloud. 106; Spohn. 106; Mopvlna. 106; La Londe. 106; Rev Dfl Mundo, 103; Orlflamh. 101; Bye Bye. 101; Daruma. 101, Wolfvllle, 100; Montclalr, 100; Aunt Rosev 98. Sixth race. elovonslxtiTth5 of a. mile, selling French Cook. 11.', Guise, 110; Stringency, 110; Cull Holland. 107, Wild wood ' Bill, 107: Hamper, 107; Shapdale, 107; Allen Lee. 102. Seventh race, thrcc-nuarters of a mile, selling Llberto, 114; Bright Albert. Ill; Vlvant. 112: Tcndorcrost. 112; Friar of Elgin. Ill: Prince of Castile. 109; Bardo litn. 109; Dencgrc. 100: Soporano, 107: 1 Glenart, 10G; Byron. 93. Class BasketbalL The opening games In the class basket ball series are schoduled for Tuesday evening in the "L"' gymnasium. Two games will be played, the seniors meet ing the sophomores and the freshmen the Juniors- Tho first game will com mence at 3:30. Coach Milne lias two additions to his basketball Bijuad at the "V" who may prove to be stars before, the neason Is over. Henderson Is u medic, who up to date has not had tlmo to play basket ball, although he has had considerable experience. He played with the B. Y. C. at Logan during the seasons or 1902-3 and 4. and was captain of tho team ono sea ton. . . Th other man Is LoiiU Lemar. a Loa Angelas boy, who played for SL Vincent's college several years ago. New World's Record. PITTSBURG. Feb. 8. .7. N. Maaon of Newark. N. J., broke the world'a record for one mile on roller skates tonight at the national professional roller-skating rhamplonshlp meet. Ills time was 2:49 1-5. SAM LANGFOED. Sam Langford, who has no equal in the middleweight class, arid who is tho best man in the heavyweight divi sion, with a possible exception of Jack Johnson, is "ono of tho best boxers in tho world today. He has scienco to give awa' and has the most wicked punch since tho days of Bob Fitzsim mons. Langford is now matched against Johnson to fight in London. Tho match is worrying James J. Jeffries a great deal, as ho does not. like the looks of t Langford and is afraid that A he will fight out a draw with Johnson in a limited contest. Should Johnso-n fail to put Langford away in reasonably good time, the col ored champion will lose a big following, und a fight then with Jeffries would not be the drawing card it would bo if promoted today. There are no men in the middlpwcight class that care to buckle with Langford, and it well for Kctchol, Papko and Kellv to sidetrack this "smoke.'' SETH 1. ILLS CASE SUBMITTED TO COURT i February Term of the Supreme Tribunal of State For mally Opened. The February term of the supreme court of Utah began Monda3'. One case was submitted on briefs und two others were dismissed. The case submitted on briefs was that of tho state against Dr. Scth M. Wells, bettor known as Die "Boy Phenome nal," on tho charge of performing a criminal oporation upon Christina Gar rett, a young woman, at Logan. Sep tember 2, 1902. In tho district court Wells was found guilt- and appealed to the supremo court. Emyras Morgan will escape further prosecution for an alleged statutory of fense, upon a technicality. In the trial court Morgan was discharged upon the technicality that tho complaint acainst him was faulty, in that it charged him with committing a statutory offense an entirely different person. The name of Morgan's nlleccd victim, it appears, was misspelled. The state appealed to tho supremo court, which Monday dismissed the appeal and Mor gan will co free. This case came up to the supremo court from a southern county. Dr. C. S. Jones's appeal from a .judg ment and fine of $100 for practicing dentistry without a liconse in Utah count', was dismissed o:i the grounds of faultinr-ss. Dr. J6ncs refused to take the examination prescribed for per sons wishing to practice doutistry, it is alleged, and upon trial was found guilty of violating tho statutes on this Btib.iect and fined $100. Ho appealed to tho supremo court, but this Iribunnl Monday hold tho appeal faulty and dismissed it within ten days in which to reinstate it upon tho proper show ing by Dr. Joncp. Save Money by Buying Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. You will pay .iust as much for a bot tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as for any of tho other cough medicines, but you save money in buying it. The saving is in what you get, not what you paj". Tho surc-to-curo-you quality is in cvory bottlo of this rcmody, and you got good results when you take it. Buying cough medicine is an im portant niattor. Neglected colds often develop serious conditions, and when you buy a cough mcdicino you waut to bo suro yon aro gettinc ono that will euro your cold. When you buy Cham berlain's Congh Remodv you take no chances. It always cures. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. For sale by all druggists. AFTER A LONG WAIT WIPE SECURES DECREE After waiting nearly five years from the time of filing her divorce complaint. May Famell has at last gained her free dom from John W. Farnell. In Judge Armstrong's division of the district court Monday afternoon. Mrs. Farnell was granted a divorce from Farnell ond re storm! to her maiden name of Ohlwller Mrs. Farnell filed her complaint Juno 22, 1904. In' It she alleged nonsupport. She married Farnell at Fnrmlngton, the Davis county Gretna Green. August 10, 1902. City and'Neighborhood .THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS on Monday named James E. Dow registrar of ltal statistics for district 10, Bing ham. NATIONAL LECTURER J. O. DAVIS of the Modern Woodmen of America will lecture In the Odd Fellows hall this even ing at S:15 on "Woodcraft." The public Is cordially invited. There will be no charge. J. T. JAKEMAN brought suit against the Utah Newspaper and Mining company In tho district court Monday to recover $2600 alleged to bo due for services ren dered as foreman of the defendant's print ing office, between April 12, 1907, and Feb ruary 6, 1909. O. S. SAVAGE. 21 years old. of 717 East Second South street, and the three minor children of Arthur Butt Laura. 12 years old; Helen. 10, and Kate, S of 330 Second East street, were reportod ill of smallpox to the city health board on Monday. J. CLARENCE WOOD has been recom mended to tho supreme court for mem bership In tho bar of the state. This was tho llrst matter to come to tho consid eration of the supreme court at its ini tial session for the February term Mon day morning. THE regular semi-monthly meeting of the Salt Lake Real Estate association will be hold at the Commercial club on Wednesday afternoon at 12:15 o'clock. A number of Important business matters will bo brought up and tho customary luncheon served, MEMBERS of the Salt Lake City so cialists' organization have all arrange ments completed for the visit to this city of Ida Crouch-Hazlott. who Is a noted socialist orator. She will speak at Li brary hall on Wednesday evening. LUKE OLSON la charged with the at tempted burglary of Wnlter Rousel's store at Bingham Jimectlon, February 6, In a complaint Issued by tho county at torney Monday. Deputy Sheriff Ira Bock stcad of Bingham Junction Is tho com plaining witness. MADAME GADSKI, the famous Metro politan sonrano. and her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham nnd Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Brines, were the guests of Herr Tauseher Gndskl at a luncheon at the Wilson hotel, following the concert at tho Salt Lake theater, Monday evening. TWO CASES of sufferlnK poor were earod for Monday by the Salvation anny. Thev were those of Mrs Emily Soren son," of 413 West Second South street, and Mr. Orman. of tho Oxford rooming house. Each has several small children and It Is only by aid of tho Snlvntlon army that the wolf Is kept from the door. PROPERTY OWNERS WILL -HOLD MASS MEETING Property owiito affected by sldowalk extension 10S will hold a mass meeting In the Thirty-first ward meeting house j Thursday evening to protest against the ! paying of their assessments for the Im provement until tin- Inferior sidewalk on Ninth East, Eighth and Lake streets and i Wlnsor avenue, laid last fall, Is taken up by the contractor. James Kennedy, and rein Id properly. The Irate property ownors say they wore promised that thoy would not havo to make any payments upon tho side walk until It was completed and accept ed, but recently assessment notices have been sent them; honce the meeting, which will probably result in tho decision of the property owners to refuse to pay the assessment until the inferior sidewalk la remedied. The billiard hall formerly conducted by S. Hicks, No. 33-37 West Second South street, over Rioger & Lindloy. will bo opened under now management soon, with additional new Brunswick-Balkc-Collcndor tables. The room will be thoroughly renovated and tablc6 put in first-class condition. Trunk Is Stolen. A trunk of clothing was stolen from a rooming house conducted by Peter Butko vlch. at 121 South Third West street, Monday evening. Titer in the night Po llcoman Casskly nrrest"d three men sus , pectcd of being guilty of the robbery. LAMY IS CONSIDERED SKATING CHAMPION Does Not Register, and Must Rot urn Prizes Won at Cleveland. i NEW YORK, Feb. 8. Crack skaters of Canada and the United States will bo seen at SL Nicholas rink tonight in tho International amateur indoor skating championships. The star of tho contest, or at leaot the man in whom the most interest, is centered, Is Edmund Lamy uf Saranac Lake, N. Y., who has shown sucli rcinarkablo speed In his recent vic tories at Cleveland, Pittsburg, Saranac Luke and Montreal, Lamy may bo handi capped to some extent by the short runs In the rink, but his followers say that he will sweep everything before him as usual. Several prominent western skat ers are entered, among them A. Ander son and Harry Kaad of Chicago and Charlos T. i3her of Milwaukee, Lamy Ju3t at present is having a bit of technical trouble with tho racing hoard of the Eastern Amateur Skating associa tion. He has failed to register, it Is said, and his case will be considered at a meeting of the board today. He will be requested to return the prizes ho won during the tirst two days of the. Cleve land races, on tho ground that he was improperly registered then. "UNCLE" JOHN SHARP FOR THE GAME WARDEN The friends of "Uncle" John Sharp are trying to urge him to again accept tho appointment of state fish and game com missioner. If It Is tendered -him. Sharp Is not out after the Job, one reason be ing that there were so many against him the last year he was in. But now. after two years, a great many of tho sportsmen realize that Sharp was greatly handicapped In every way. and would like to sec him have another trial. There Is no doubt In the minds of the sportsmen that Sharp Is head and shoul ders above any man In the state on tho propagation of fish. Wild game will take care of Itself If the laws are enforced, but the fish, never. Estoppey in Training, PASADENA. Cal.. Feb. S. Eugene Estoppey. an athlete, announces that ho will start on Wednesday to walk from Pasadena lo San Diego within twenty four hours, a distance of 110 miles. He takes this trip as a training stunt. Ho has contracted to riln lOOfi miles nt tho Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, sleeping between miles. Hare After Fighters. SACRAMENTO, Feb. S. Senator John P. Hare Introduced in the senate today a bill aimed at prize Ilphtlng. that Is much more drastic tlian the ono present ed by Senator Honry M. Willis a week ago. It not only prohibits all flstlc en counters where fees are charged for ad mission, but makes It a misdemeanor to witness a fight, the maximum penalty for this offense being S500. FIFTH SOUTH STREET IS IN BAD CONDITION Fifth South street, near the corner of Second East, Is In a very dangerous con dition, owing to a leak In tho big water main, which was repaired several weeks ago, but seems to have broken loose again. At that time the city filled tho main trench at thot point with gravel, but It lias settled and on either side ts now mud and water as deep as the trench and a terror to passing t.eams. The city. Is it urged, should close the south side of the street until It can bo thoroughly repaired, and will get itself into trouble If It does not do so. Early Monday morning a Clover Leaf dairy wagon drovo Into tho "pudding." and was not extricated until 9 o'clock. Throe teamp having failed to budge It, a street car hooked on with a chain and pulled it to hard ground. SHRINERS WILL SIMPLY OWN COLONIAL TONIGHT Tonight at tho Colonial theater the nobles of El Kalah shrine will own the house, and what that means everyone who has oven soon the bunch turned loose knows well enough. The Shrlners wore given ample oppor tunity to tho pick of their seats for 'the evening up to last Saturday, and there wero a few who forgot to ask In time. So the house will not hold all Shrlnors, and, in fact, the Shrlners want the public to come, too. There will he as much entertainment In watching the befezed boys clad In their waiters' uniforms, accompanied by the best women on earth, as In the show It self: and It Is a good show. too. NEW MEMBERS ELECTED BY COMMERCIAL CLUB At tho mooting of the board of gov ernors of the Commercial club, Monday afternoon, the following now members wero elected: Joseph Kimball, president of tho Irrigation Land und Power com pany; J. K. Newcomb, real estate; Alex ander W. Soott, mining; .1. A Do Bouze.k. president, and manager of the De Uuuzek Tluntso company, engravers, all of Salt Lake City; R. Butlor, salosman for M. E. S. Smith & Co- of Omaha; Barlow Ferguson, livestock, Bolso, Ida.: ami G. A, Chapman, woolgrowcr. of Evanstou, Wyo. Oast of Ohar actors. Tryouts have not boon completed for the various parts In tho ploy entitled "Alabama," which will bo presented by the students of tho L. D. S. university some time the early part of tho coming month. Rehearsals are now In order. The cast is composed of twelve, charac ters, who nre as follows: James Fan Ft, Jr., Joel Richards. Arthur Smith. How ard Anderson. Arthur Calverly, Shirley Jones, J. F. Bowman. Dr. Hedges. Miss Flora Tanner. Miss Jaoobson. Miss Cor nelia Fife and Miss Alice Edwards. Title Is Quioted. Judge Morse In the district court Mon day en tared Judgment In tho case of the Bingham Gold Placer Mining company against Mary J. Strlngham and eight others, quieting title In the Curtis placer mining claim. U S. mt No. 38. in the lower placer mining district this county. In the plaintiff except as for the conflict over that part of the claim In the north west qunrter of section 17. township 3 south, range 2 west, of which the String hams were found to be the owners. Salt Lake Bank Cleavings, Bank clearings for the month of Feb ruary continue to keep up to the high standard act by .the totals for the month of January, ond show on excellent In crease over tho amounts for tho corre sponding days of a year ago. The figures for the first week of February, ending February 6. aro ns follows: For week end ing February fi, 1909. $5,132,011.76. as com pared with J4 074. SIS. 52. or n gain over the same week for 100S of $1,057,193.24. Lion Is Foreclosod. Judge Morse of tho district court Mon day entered Judgment In favor of J. A. Eardley agnlnst .Tenn1 B. Scimnk, fore elnolnsr n mechanics Hen upon a dwelling house In lot C, block 3, plat L, Suit Lake VALUABLE LUTEIN SLIDES ARE STOLEN Shields Leaves Suit Case Con taining Collections of Years Unguarded. RENO. Nev., Feb. S. G. O. Shields, president of League of American Sportsmen, editor of Shlelds's Magazine, ; formerly Recreation, and a contributor to national magazines, was robbed in the i Reno station last night of his suitcase, containing all his valuable lantern slides of wild anlmalH photographed in their wild haunts. He left the case in tho waiting room while ho went to purchase a ticket and when he returned It was gone. Shields, who halls from New York, has been lecturing for the last month in Cali fornia, at the request of David Starr Jordan, president of tho Leland Stanford university. The Inst faw-dayB ho has been lecturing in Nevada.. He planned to return to California last night, but. on account of the theft, will remain here a few days, In hope of recovering the atolen goods, EmcryvJllo Entries. Special to Tho Tribune. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. S. Emeryville entries for Tuesday's races: First rno':, six. furlongs, four-year-olds nnd upward Constontia, 105; Paladlnl. 107; Mansard. 107; Platoon. 107; Stand over, 107; Crystal Wave, 104; Old Settler, 104; Stone-man. 104; Wllmore, 99; Massa. 109: Antlgo. 110, Second race, three furlongs, two-year- I olds, purse Gladyn Bunker. 104; Penn. 104: Livonia. 99; Mrs. Dot. 99, Redeem. I 99; Coppcrtown. 109; Madeline L.. 109; Rivera. 97: Grahamc. 97; Contra Costa. 1 106; Bnlronln. 106: Fire, 112. ! Third race, dx furlong3, four-ycar.olds and upward, selling Mabel Hollander, 105: Belle Kinney. 105; Billy Myer. 10 U Sophomore. 102J May Amelia. 101); Bussll. 10; Grace G., 107: Tawasentha, 1 107: I Plausible. 107; Dargln. 107; Aftermath. I 107: St. Avon, 107. I Fourth race, mile and one-cjuartcr. I four-year-olds and upward, selling First Peep. Ill; Jacomo, 111: Fulletta. Ill; Clamor. 101, Legatee. 101: Banrldgc, 96; Pan-DO-Oro. 103; Orcagna, 106. Fifth race, mil and twenty yards, three-vcnr-olds and upward, selling Woolen. 109; Doello, 109; Bucket Brigade. 109; Molar. 109. Mary B. Clurk, 109; Con vent Boll, 109; Dainty Belle. 106; Apt. 101: Mlnalto. 97; Estclla C. 108; Earl Rogers, 114; Belmore. 111. Sixth race. Futurity course, three-year-olds and upward, purse Fanatic. 100: Workbox. 1 in; Don Juan. 102; Wal senkind. 102: Ocean Queen. 105: Meddling Hannah, 100; Minnie Bright. 100. Madden Granted Divorce. "LEXINGTON. Ky.,. Feb. 3. John E. Madden, the noted turfman, was granted a divorce In the circuit court here today from Louisa Madden-Bell. Mrs. Bell had been granted a divorce, from Madden In anothor state and married Bell, who is nlso widely known. Madden, In the meantime, had filed a suit against her. nnd the decision today Is In that case. City survey, upon which there was still due the plaintiff 575 of S95C.50 for labor . and material. Mrs. Schank set. up as defenso for the nonpayment of the $75 that the roof was Improperly, finished. I, . , In Hotel Corridors MRS. CHAMBERS KELLER and son I and Mrs. Will S. Reamer, all of Dead- ' wood, S. D.. arc guests at the Kcnyon. Mrs. Keller is the wlfo of tho well known attorney for the famous Homestako gold mine, one of tho greatest mines in the world, while here sister, Mrs. Reamer, Ja the wife of the former sheriff of Doadwood county. Mr. Reamer has the distinction of having arrested several famous road agents, and with having shot and killed a number of robbers who had attempted to wreck and TOb a pay train. He se cured the arrest of "Spud" Murphy at the time, and his conviction. Botli ladies are the daughters of Seth Bullock. United States marshal for South Dakota, who was appointed by President Roosevelt. Mr. Bullock was with the president at San Juan Hill and rode to its summit with him. He Is a noted plainsman. The ladles are on routo to California, where they will remain until June. REV. J. E. CARVER and wife. Miss Bos8man and Miss Blddie. all of Ogdon. stopped at tho Wilson Monday. They came here to hear Madame Gadski sing, and were delighted with her. , t MR. AND MRS. E. S. CHAFEY. of Chafey. Nov,, are registered at the Cul len. Mr. Chafey Its a noted mining man. t R. R. RIPLEY, ono of tho officials of the Western Pacific railroad. Is at the Cullen. Mr. Ripley arrived Monday from San Francisco on Important business. w C' W. SCOFIELD. C. E. Van Btbbcr and Chase Andrews, all prominent New York business men and financiers, are at the Knutsford. t EDWARD BRANDENSTEIN of San Francisco, ono of tho largest coffee Im porters of tho Pacific coast, Is a guest at the Knutsford CITIES ARE HAMED I fob mmi I Lucas Writes Montana Towns to ! Get Ready for Baseball , H Invasion. fl ZI0N FANS DELIGHTED f H WITH BRIGHT PROSPECTS j H Walker Field May Not Be ' I Available for Coining ' Season. j HELENA. Mont.. Feb. 8. President Lucas of the Northwestern league has written to Chief of Police Jack Flannery regarding the establishment of an Inter- ! mountain league, the town3 to bo takon ) in to Include Helena, Butte. Salt Lake, Boise and Ogden. tho league being In- I tended as a feeder for tho Northwestern. There lu a meeting of the prominent offl clals of the league scheduled In Portland i this week, and after they have decided ! on certain mnttcrs several of them will IH leavo for Helena, Butte. Salt Lake and other cities Interested In the matter and i will attempt to Interest tho fans of thoso cities In an intermountaln league. PEOPLE WILL SUPPORT jH GOOD BASEBALL GAMES I The announcement that President I Lucas of the. Northwest league would be here in a few days for the purpose of taking up the matter of organizing an intermountaln baseball league was hailed with delight by the bascnall fans, and It is hoped that the league will be a go. The people of this city like good base- ball, and with such a league in existence wo will be able to get pretty good ball. The fans remember the good old days when Charlie Griffin ran tho Salt Lak. team in the Utah-Idaho league, and if we could gel baseball n:ch as was put out In those days, additions to the grand 1 stand would have to be made every week BBB A baseball meeting will be held hero ' probably no later than Friday, and j Lucas reports that ho has already raised i the money to put in the Salt Lako team. HBb With the coming In of baseball, a suit able diamond will bo the next ouestlon. Several groj'hound men have a loaso on the Walker field, where it is proposed to , put in a rabbit racecourse, and If this 1 IHBB goes in It will be impossible to use the , field for baseball. High School Pennant. j The pennant for the high school base- ball championship ha:; arrived and will be- presented to the school at the next meetlnp: of the athletic association. Mar. agcr Cameron lias worked hnrd for a trophy, and through his efforts the I Western Arms and. Sporting Goods com- . pany gave a largo red and black pen nam. that Is now on exhibition In the store window, fllH A mooting of all baseball candidates will be held In the near future, when they will Hlgn up for different positions and' receive instructions as to training HH from Robert Porter, who will coach the team this year. (rubber sale 1 j I Fountain and Family Syringes In i x all sizes and many styles. 50c up. X J K Hot Water Bags that will rellovo A X your aches. Rubber Gloves, Cusli- h X ions and Sheeting. Baby Com- i) 0 fors. in fact, everything in rubber. O I HBB K It will pay you to call. Selling at f) A ray do"tvn prices. Both phones 457. (j O Remember the number. O 0 209 Main. Konyon Pharmacy. x g GEO. T. BRICE DRUG CO. & I SALT LAKE I 1 I TURF EXCIQViSTC4E. : 18 E. Second South. jH California and Eastern Races. Di rcct Wiro for nil Sporting Events. OALTTORNTA ORANGES. I RIPE, JUICY, LUSCIOUS. Wo ship only choice Fruits. We will i ship you by express, prepaid, , Ono Box of Navel Oranges for $2.60. ) In ordering, give ncnresl express office. i Wo ship direct and fill orders samo day. DEXTER SUPPLY CO., Long Beach, Calif. IH Lock Box 65. ) ! tSta t j ! 322 So. Main Si Is Still Giving I 1 I 1 WE OFFER TO THE PUBLIC Onr Men's 5 9.00 Suits for S3.63 f ffl Our Mon's 512.50 Suits for. $5.85 : 1 Our Men's SltvOO Suits for i $7.49 i E Boys' $3.00 Suits S1.3S 9 1 Boys' $1.50 Suits $2.17 p Wo have all sizes in the latest patterns and styles to select from. Conic i H and get your choico before the' are picked over. Men's, Boys' and I S Children's furnishings at half price. REMEMBER THE NUMBER, 322 E I SOUTH MAIN; IT'S RIGHT BELOW WALKER'S. I FLOR DE BALTIMORE CIGARS. ' jH A soou" smoke cvory rattle out of the box. j RHIGER : LINDLEY, Sold everywhere. Distributors. p