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1 j I A ' I HI ! 1 Srffl I SPORTING SECTIONS I iHL SLT LAKK TK1BI N E. SUNDAY MOFfMNK. DKl'fcM BKK :J. 1911. ' HK 2 . v wr i j&m ml a 1 This Indian the Athletic Marvel of the Age Redskin Youth From Oklahoma Had No Knowledge of Athletics When He En tered Carlisle, Is Now Wonder of the Athletic World BY JIM NASIUM I NOB tn swhilc. arrow the vmta of the neaefnfj r. dni1 0' startle those who are meannm it for its hrod by gWn, a ; kick that rrabe the entire lunera.1 nrocredinsv V if In objection ! f to the obituary being wntten before tbe demise is complete, "I, the onor Indian' has choaen the most vitally Mta pomrfl in the life of his wlrfare ' txaducer ill which to deiBcmstate that heyet verj muchaJtveone The ri Hood of hi hthWt, Who, years agOne, buried the ar hatchet SOd watched With dimming, eyes the plo point of cmbastion deaecratim? hu bunt inr ffround,. while hi reoPlo hlowly vanished from the face of the earth, MQrtM throng the 'eins ol the mattered retnBaati "i the raw itid occe- conalh- 10 crta itself in the tAOit warlike oj tb peaceful pursuit oi 1 he j Mfcfce that it romp-IB the descendant of the conquerors ot ha hthOT to take the ount. For var e are been secustojnerl to looking to the Carlisls LndlaB grhool for a football teem that could extend to the limit the rlaesiea) eterew o( the larger urriweitiee ol aba paler, and we have seldom b"-n dissppointed, The names ol Freas Hnneoo, BemhaPiarea, Honear, Mount pjMSnnt and o!hr ,oM of the prairies, art emblaaoned on the football tablet of fame in equal prominenr. with thn nf Po. tietfeafinfer, Coy and their paleface brethren. Uile Redskin lik- Soeaiexis. " bis' Bender and Mvera have Sashed athwarl the baseball horuOO. lraxmg a trail of palerare scalp ,n the,r Wake. TV football ae.iaon of 1P11 has whr out prominently in the puBnc ev. another of th-s athl-tir marvels oa a dving rare, and the created 01 tbem oil. This newest Indian marvel, who ia just now the wonder of the ath letic world and of professional trainer? throughout the length and breadth of the United State, who tfritfcout xrcp tion declare him to be the greatest all round athletic marvel the world ha ever seen, ia Jim Thorpe, a Redskin of the Sap and FoX tribe from Oklahoma ' Wonder In Three Years Just, three years ago, .Tim Thorpe fm to the Carlisle Indian School from Prague. Oklahoma, with no knowledge of letter exempt that oht'.ined at n rOtar vation day aehool. and aboiutely noth inp in his n.ind or limbs to indicate to oh ervera that he was any different from the many other Indiana who wvre troll ed that year. On that day, three ahort yean, ago, Jim Thorpe was )net a simple and unaophiatirated Indian, that waa all He wasn't even Jim Thorpe then; that name wag hung onto him at the Carlisle institute because il aounded leaf, like th batting order at a scalping bee than bis original cognomen did. Today Jim Thorpe ia ths wonder of the at.hltic world, and while at. the time of his entrance into the ( a-liale in-f-tjtution he had absolutely no know edge whatever ot athletic, in the three years that have intervened Thorpe haa aerompbfhed a inarcvcloua variety of athletic feata on the footbail and base ball field, on the basketball floor, the track, the athletic field and in ever, I branch of aport-- knoun. ;bat thl "oild of college trainer has benn astonished bv bis achievements and are a unit in declaring that the athletic world will probably never again see his equal. Twenty-live Eastern college coacbea HQ that Thorpe ia the hcut halfba'k the football game has ever developed, in ad dition to which hie physical piowreaa haa looquered so man' fields of athletic hc Uvity that he haa ranked himrlf anions; ! Morld champion in no less than ten branrbea of sport, .and in a down more line Of athletic endeavor he has won laurels any one of which would turn the head of the average paleface college boy. Thorpe haa approached world a rec ords in so many lines of athletics that physical trainer are at a Ion to ae ount for his teats of strength and en durance. At Beat in Football 1 It ia probably on the football field that this remarkable Indian is seen at his beet, while whirling, twisting, dodg- jj THE HIGH GRADE, !j SMOOTH CUTTING I I BLADES, THE PINE 1 FINI8B AND LAST- I I ING QUALITIES 01 jj THE ODELL SAFETY i I RAZOR MAKE IT the I I BEST DOUiAB IN- jj VESTMENT YOU KY- j! m IAOK. YOUR DEALER HAS IT. THE ODELL MFG. CO. CHICAGO, ILL. I t I ! C"CHESTER'S PILLS I w TBB DtAaio?ir KB 4 . SO. a sWtSsa 1H. Ir. fU4 -l ti,t4 -AT'VT inp and daah'tij rhroii((li a broken field o I opposing players who arc powrrlec to stop thiK dusky fiaah, and it is worth five times th price of admission to any game to see Thorpe sprint down the field on onp run through an opposing fenni. one moment bewildering his op ponents with panther like leaps, and the next, crashing hi- way through a rpahfl of won)d-be tneklet ith the ferocity of an enr.igrH bulL lli spectacular runs and sensational kicking have been fea- turfp of every game he has played in this leaaOBj while in the Indians' big game of the year, that against Harvard, on No Lveaibcr 11, :t wr? Thorpe's individual bnlliaa)07 that 'nip. (be Crimson down , to defeat by '.hp score of eighteen to j fifteen. Tn this game Thorpe, though I playing with game leg that bad to be hn,ndaed tightly previous to the game, kicked four fieiH coals out. of four attempts, one of which waa s"nt over the bar from the forty-eight 3 ard line and ail of the from difficult angles, in add'tion to which it was Thorpe's sensa j tional nd routing that carried the ball down to the point irhere those goal were made possible, and it. was Thorpe's spectacular runs that, weip instrumental in the Indians scoring their lone touch id own. Ot the eighteen points scored by the Indians agajnft. Harvard, the uner ring toe of this Indian marvc accounted T"or thirteen, while his ability in evading the Harvard tacklers was the potent fac tor in the scoring of tbe other five. Thorpe's Records Thorpe ;s not onlv also a great basket- ! ball player, at which game be fills the centre position with truly remarkable skill, but he is a baseball pitcher of great talent, and .iIko covers any of the in field or outfield positions with as much crdit as a protes.ional player. Ho can nut the 1; pound shot 43 feet, ha a mark ol '". fac1 m the bread y.inap, and has done the hundred yard- in 10 sec ons his school record being 10 1 -o sec He has done f. iVli inch nt the high jump. 15 4 5 seonds over the high hurdles, while he negotiates the 'J'JO yard hurdles in 2 se(onds. He ia an expert lscro.-se plaver. a skillful ten nis Player and a star at indoor football, handball nnd hockey, besides being n crack shot with both rifle and shotgun It there is anything els in the boa of athletics or sport that this Indian haa ailed to shin- at, it ia only because it has never been brought to his attention, that's all. Thorpe ; just twenty-two years of age; 1 ia six feet tall, and weig.'is about 178 I pounds in condition, which means all ! the ,"TO because be bj a'wav in eondi- I tion He was bom that way He firet attracted 'he attention of tbe world of Collage athletics during his second year! ai the Carlisle school, which means his second year's experience in athletics. when ir. s dual Trivet betwert 'orlile and j Syracuse I Diversity, Thorpe amazed thel officials by capturing first place in both j the high and low hurdles, defeated Thor, I the prcM shot putter, and took first in I that event, grabbed first place in both high and broad jump, and fook second in the hammer throw. Tn th same year, j at the Pennsylvania intercollegiate meet, at Harrisburg, fre, Thorpe won the high jump with a jump of sx feet, and cap-j tured first place in the broad jump, hammer throw, and high and low hur- dies. A week or two later, in the "Mid Idle Atlaritii Athletic Association meet, held at Philadelphia. Thorpe also grab bed off first place in the five events men tioned above in competition with the hest College athletic stars of the eajt By this time tbe College athletic world a as simply laying back and gaing in open-moat hed astonishment at this new Redskin marvel while expert physical trainers looked ar his spare limbs and Ual shook their beads and wondered , where he kepi it all. In the iall of his second year (V.rlisle Thorpe was a suhstitule on the football team, and the next year broke into the ganv- as a regular player at half-hack and scored the touchdown that tied Peon It was in tins Penn izame that he found himsof and first began to astonish the football world ai he had astonished the world ! of college athletics. Following this he failed to return from his summer vacation and missed a term 1 ai. the Carlisle institution, but. this fall I he returned and renewed his conquest ! of the paleface on the football field in such whirlwind fashion that he has com polled the college football experts to ' acknowledge this wild Indian to be the best half-back the game has eer known ' Thorpe's whole ambition in life now is to gain a place on the Olympic teem, which ambition will no doubt be gmii tied, anl if any old nation in the wide universe can dig up am thine that can , smother this redskin marvel in the all round events all past, records will be kicked into the middle of the Mediter ranian Sea, that's all. Most Indifferent of Athletes Thorpe Ls probably the most indifferent athlete we have pvpi- had He makes no special preparations for hia efforts, and simply meanders carlesbly up to his tasks SDd does them in an unconscious way that paralyzes the spectators. There is nothing showy or suggestive of ex treme effort in his work. In this reaptct he is the Lajov ot the atbJetir field. Thorpe i a Irving exemplification of the saying that 'there arc better fish in the sea than have ever been caught," and juat how close this fish came to es caping the net and living out hi entire existence sploshing around in the un known depths of some obscure poo ;s shown by the incident, or accident, that waa responsible for the discovery of the greatest all-round athlete the world has ever seen. On his native heath in Oklahoma, Thorpe, whose father was a trader, and later a farmer, waa considered but an average Indian youth. He had shown no athletic ability tbat was calculated to Btartle the natives, and waa, in fact, 'always considered rather a careless and I shiftless youth, lisoldng In ambition, whose predominating trait wn- I sense of humor. He was always muted up in any prank that mipht be perpet rated at the reservation school, and while alwa.s a victor in the sports and games with 1 the other Indian ,outli. he had nevei .displayed any exceptional athletic nbil lity, becauae ho had never been extended to the point where he reached his limits tions, and with his usual careless and , shiftless nature he never did anything better than he just had to to get awaj I with it. While all thin time there waa a latent ability that was destined to ! make this careless child of Nature the athletic marvel of the age slumbering tn j his frame, it never even entered bis own head that he was capable of doing any- j thing remarkabir Down in Oklahoma they can't figure out yet how it hap- nencd Discovery of Thorpe The Indian School ( 'onmi)s;onor. who! induced Jim Thorpe's father to sign an application 'blank to have him entered 1 in the Carlisle School at the age of eighteen, knew not that he was the 1 ( hnstopher Columbus of the greatest athlete the world had ever seen. To the Commissioner thtre wus nothing about the yottBg dim Thorpe to recommend him above the many other Indian youth9 'he was eni'olbnc for entrance at Carlisle, and the fact that Thorpe's name appealed on that application blank i9tcad of one of the neighboring boys was a mere ac cident of circumstance! In the spring of IH'IS, (Jlcn;i Warner, athletic coach of the Carlisle Indian School, was standing on the athletic field at Carlisle watching the candidates for the Indian track toam practising their stunts, when he saw n young In dian bov. who lnd been working about the grounds clad in overalls, walking over and rionchiagly taking one of the high jumps st which the ciembeis of lii track team had btien straining. The careless manner in which lie did it almost knocked Warner oft his feet. He didn't know who this Indian waa, but he determined to watch him. He next saw hirn go Into B .hurdle race, clad in his overalls, with some members of the team who were in the regulation, track regalia, and the way that overalled Indian skimmed those hurdles caused Warner to ao over and tap him on the shoulder and say: Hey. you. go over to the Rym uiid get into a track suit." Thus was the accidental discovery of the world's groatcJH athlete sc omplisbed, and Jim Thorpe's astounding career f'd PRINCETON IS FIRST IN FOOTBALL HONORS BY WALTER MARCHAND. Ey Lageefl Wire to The Tribune. Ni;W YORK. Deo. '-'. With the returns of the fonthaM season of 1311 nil In. flr.-t IjonOrs must gn to I'rinceion. it may- he argued by entttrsiaatte frlMHl f oilier leainn that Princeton has not the strongest eleven and they may make h plausible argument . lv means of diagram and analvNts of plav. but In foot ball, as In other frames, It Is the core which counts and on the sooie thp laurel wieaih must be presented to hung: in lli trophy room of old Nassau. Princeton luck ta a irood cry to aootl tfce fecliitfns of the vanquished, but the team which can to tlwoiiicii the season without a single orient . -talked ngalnst It and nan, on thiv suocaostve Satur days, defeat llai'vairi Dartmouth and Yale lias something benldca luck tn the lineup. Prim-eton luck Is the ame kind of lu.-k Lhat made the Philadelphia Athletics tb world's champions In hareball. The new rules which have had U.eir first real trial this seuson. are hero to r-tsy. Not onlv do thee make the nlav more op n and Interesting- to the spec tator, hut the) lutve cut out In large ire t :. "rough houe" which waa bringing; the game into flishapote. Another good renull bus be-n the bring ing up of ihe plaving strength of the mailer Institution. Former Iv the games played bv Harvard. Princeton. Vnle. Pennvvlvanhi and th 111; ivltli the mam from small collets, were mart ly try out for the big teams with the results never in doubt. .Vow when Brown. Dartmouth, Carlisle, Army. N'avv penn State and several other m.,ll teal is line up Hg-auisl the best of tbem it means haul from the very start And thh is good for the Harvard Uaa Good Men. lar.;ri v;u be in the game nei vearg. She has a freshman team which has won all Its games snd ban never bad Its goal crossed. Kreahman foothill .1 a rule, does not amount to much, snd 1 of little Interest even to th colleges games are ol Importance onlv because I they give some son ir line oh u. col I lego's prospects for other years, pros pacta, Inclden tally, thai are noi always What they seem to be. These youngster at Harvard, however. ! arc an exceptional lot. The team is thai heaviest fnslnnun eleven Harvard has! ever had. Hardwlclt, a 178 -pounder, is 1 the highest man In tin- backfleld, bar-, ring Quarterns lc l.og;m. and the linos- j men. a weil-balanoed set as to weight.! average around i"z. KuilbjuJ Grickicv : is a delicate sort Ot child who oau maae I isS i) training hard. .Me is not only a line plunger of Un,j oinmon "ilrength. but hah shown such wonderful hKIH In the drop -kicking lin-1 that he is sJreadj considered a rertainty for nc.t year's varsity. Not In year I ban Harvard had s back coiiibinmc such 1 rushing slreneih an.t kicking ability, j Hrirkley, tnoro than any other man., has been rejjwjiistbt.. for Die Hatvard' cubs' preeent exalted position among the J freslpnan tcauis. Harawlck nn Bradleo Ait: 'otb Ko,,f punier and consistent ground gainers bm the line. though heavy. Is rather weak. Ti.- s' f oiulai 1 defense has done more to foster that I scoreless record than the forward?. Hrtckley wt .ti !.!:, h! gg a drop kicker when Harvard, '15. defeated the Princeton freshmen, li to ". That morn ing the stookv Crimson fullback kl ked four Weld pouls. scoring all lit-, team's points at ilUuincp. rangiiiK up to 'i h I Boat Lymph tabjef' Johnson. Oruajav "Tils Ncvei -fiunstitn- seven swde. Ail told, he had ix ohem to score, all bul the first a placemen) ef fort from the thlrty-aeven-Vard line ditficuii anglea. Onlj Tliorpe, who kicked fMir aKiiiufi ill" Harvard v.u-ii;. week, has equaled thin record ( Brickie y '.. Though mo-t of the strength "f the fain it- concentrated in the back B Id uuartette, there are two youiiplcin 1 unusual ability In the rush line, both bearing familiar names. There in another Withlngton, youBger brother of Paul and Lathrop, as well as :t second VPlggli worth There was a Prothingham G the l-a. k held, bul he had the bridge of his nose broken at Princeton and his fa 1 genarally badly mussed op. Yale and Princeton are not so Well sup plied with star fi flimen The TlgCl ! CUbs have been beaten or fled by vcr , nearly every team thev have played, and the Bulldog's pupt-. though boasting of n better record, aie no strong.-,- There are promising men on both, but !i will I tak- a lot of couching to bring them up I to vai sity foi ni. Yale pigytra Ornduato It look as though Tale Is going to 1 up against it next year Nine or 1 - '..1' .' i'.'itij:. i. i'iii siad-.-ate j.ext J-io. And the worst of it Is that the young mulei IssVat New H.iven hart not shirwil tip any too well this vear. The mi n Iweming blue tog.- tut the !at time ;u r raucis. wcuny, i niajfi. .Mcucvnt. I'aul. Howe. I-Teemau. l.oree, R'-illy and gtrout. Camp, bpauldlnc. Bomeisler and Ketch am are the only tirst-striug men 01 this keason's eleicn that will be on the job when ihe call fur candidates is issued next year. The only eleven, east or west. Which baa been able to make any cotialsteni headway with the rushing game t fllen Warner's "thin ted line and bBcklleld heroes'' from Carlisle. The Indians have shown the Strong est scoring inachtno In the e,ast. with a fat. powerful, mailing attack well bol stered with the fine kicking sblllty. De ferflvly the Indians are not as strong I as Princeton. Yale. Dartmouth or West Poin i u t llicv deserve cr d ' ' r L tempting mote lonov.-r- 1; . team, and thereby giving thai new- game g i.-iiicr teat Dartmouth lost botb her sig ganiai tins j year lliroiigb 1 h- .,,,,.. Mukes. and ly j xo doing has v,et the record for sodi bi-vc.-. Princeton s Held goal, resulting from ballet dance nil by ir- If. hns made a football record to lust for years, if not fore ye r. Her defeat by Harvard 1 came from a blocked u. . on a muddy field. The Hanover gladiators should re iv.- sympalhy from all. for undoubtedly Dartmouth lias; one of tho most powerful elevens ot the season. O'Brien of the Iowa eleven looks to be the atar among the western tirop-kh-kors. account; soliciteo. Natioual Dank of Ihe Republic A thoroughly modern savings depart conducted in connection with thU bank. Salo deposit boxes lor rem. U. 3. Depoeltory. Frank Know, president: James A Mur ray, vice president: W. W. Earls cashisr; C. A Culbeitson, assistant cashier. Capital paid Id, 13Uo.UuJ. lniere: pall cu time deposit. ii m jj! Back East Excursions. Nov. 18. returnlnn Jan. 1?. Dec. 21. 22. returnlnn Feb 19 Chlcaoo $55 to St. Louta 49.00 6t. Paul 52.00 Cmaha. Kanaaa C.ty . 40.00 Low rales to other .its. Phone lnd. 4342, Bell Exchange & i p Me 'v-2i.-r'' loweil It had never dawned ujj6r3 t hie ' atmpfominded Indian that bo possessed any mole ability tha.i tlit .., n- .net Age youth, and even now he eeenbes liis ; u-ccnt successes more 0'.-n or 'he the part ot his opopnent t!,nu in any ; specially remarkable abiht' on his own port If this careless Indian 1- ver called upon to discard his nonchalant ! manner nnd really exert himself, we j tremble for all past, records SHITS RAINCOATS OVERCOATS CEAVENBTTES j Why Pay More Wlun you ran come hfjre h in 1 1 the choice of i he boiISC, any n or ovrrcoat. i - 1 s " f p;is up these Daod bargains. Look ilf lino over bct'oro you rlovide. Who inatj,' the $lo.0U garment j possible. j a8 MARVEL, ir.cpt no oOiByB but end sump for lllujtrtfd 11 book tA. It elvci full partial- OaggH Urs and dlr-ctlont invalujtile to ''"JM MAimi CO.. 44 East 234 5trtit,S 'rleji For sale by SCH RAMM-JOJffll DRUGS. PIVB STORES, aSO CBS EX Mmf T't- B(.- G tor ttB"SJiW flfSMgtV d 1.-o h 'r sen lDamwmIiB bmSaw rr"a' rn nT uc,erUHuH fiuirnte! rot to WiM fteeaata contagion. I UPJgl Sold I..T PrasaiaifejH B or in pljln xrPI'r' 1 XfSfiflAB ptrrni.l. r'Clir 01 or hre boitle, Z a. MM. HHH Circular on rqu"-B BBhTho Btmi Chsmietl (K M ??W Hfi CINCINNATI, o Amm 'c'9saaW AmwA pea I Tr -.lfTcriBC f(flH I pBr ne np lbJ2H W w I ffj lof life should tsksJJM Coupon I Tbey buvo luorergBl let vitallBiui: ''"IS ' bforfl heon oflered. B i raid in plain pa-'kace only orj re'eiFM flhllVf r .vp ii It i . 1. Mi.'wJ I 'Bl Hood's bar .aparilla, Luwull, Ma J 1 TnbuneWanAdji