Newspaper Page Text
iN" tffhp feslt 4ftUi WJ-tfihwiM& :z::r !nm. LXXXV., NO. 13. SALT LAKE CITY, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 2 7, 1912. 14 PAGES FIVE CENTS ffTGHEERED JiiLOir is w I FIGHTS BACK 'pint Cheers for Roose velt Transformed Into Mflpturcus Enthusiasm or President. "Don't fflfct Him Get Away Now 1 Jfou Have Him Going" j "tout Hearers ; Charges Moose ve It With Ambi tion to Be Nation's Die- (jtvEALS FOLLY OF fpVAL's doctrines What He Advocates "Jfcn't Be Achieved in t! Jour Years," Says Taft, JjjMlAsks: "And If Not, ;jfcen It Means Another 'VJjfcrm, and Two More itd terms. If He Is Neces nJjry Now, Why Not Hter?" i"' gtnational N'cws Service. ""tWAItK. X. J., Arcil Li.:. I didn't J- sek th-n I am U-.v ;e,t n-.i'.nsi , vl. the wj!! -T.hh n v hack to it - Wfwj nt3 1 nm ho''l"l. ir T ha. r,y 5 tWBfr manhood ni a.n i m,. 0 fir'nt." iPT''Pjgnt Taft hurled tins .-hn !rn? 'f.K11"'6 nt ')lle"f,m'' Roo:,rvcH to- OBiSRefore :i ,T.e.vd ..t i ho; t- n the Hrst rfcimrnt armory, and 3 tMbtUnniEly rhccrerl. !l'(tlEe8Hlng h,s M'1'-''ll"wtl3 ad "FWMnto onu driving speech. I ho tnt resumed his attack upon tth seeking jlm.s.'ir die- feiJvPd pavlnti 1 1 -: I,, usurp tlie crtTjre(l d-. :.. elect 55jjBl,BB Revolution. irffljHf wl'' urnlng the nomination (OOlf Rook,--, , ,(, , ;., , Ki- ull,jBpy ,"" '" " man for DMP' Al" H"' '"nd:il.-.;,K o peculiar rjmwi:. , Tf 1 'JjM tb litions ate by Ml ' :fs charter of p BdWcy t1ie" ' ' social revolu- liiat he ;ulv .rated in that mT1"-' 'fipl'-.i:-.; : f.,,,1- t rEe n,at u ,'ar''1' A: d lf lh?n 01 B1"J,ht' term, two ,.,rc- terms. is "'"soluUiy n..-e;-:.sarv now. lird?M ,atc, ? 'luit Is (. prev-nt 1,1a ' JtVBf,05,:' "' th" yoM pf h,s ife? charmlns Personality, his In nd &WPtUT(" ' t.'.wer over audiences. ' gf,RoOS''v''1' w""1,1 ",M ""''- v ff.rtfW. '" P'-'- 'HhiLr .very four years , Jtiy wnl' n him pieei- SrfK'fc,,U' 1V'!''1 ''lH 'ir'''' tSoB Taft's Vigor. 'Uhtfff1 ' f1''nilnf- s w,KWlrc'd hf' n"v": lhas b''r'a :, rttKl11 r"fik' v-.'i.h. ' PnKl''-' - Sunday bf!,y "g aeain,,..., n frr a r,f 11,0 Bay aa, on W. i:.. r.iil P.K-er m'1 " ,rm'ns wl" "LwKT' tUMl chance """rftff. ma: :i !'i..)y meet face to face. Y Bre ' '' speak In the .ET "'" r-rcllminan- f'dd ress ul 'SSK. "IC Prcs,dellt KOI warmed icCifiSamr'1 ''rive home hh ll &Xv T ir, hul f'itt. . n;"n''' ,nur"llnC his Hsl on IS :in,P !m-:ky rrm over- VEL,1"' r,,,1r spirit of the l5tm:i n-och was Jji'K ,V irn rrantic "f "Go at rSRa h,m'' ',v'n i t rJw that y,.u hav ,,,m eoinjj.:, With Emotion. fVjfr1'- hP0ke " cleni emo- ;(,ljl lkd the platform, pounded "ttfrn t'r,Ml'll "t' " " ' chaw k WTTni '0'"1vcB. If there I, fiJjjWr, that 1 am ROOSEVELT IN FRANTIC TALK ABUSES TAFT "He Wanted War; I Am Going to Give It To Him," He Rages. De nounces President of United States in Fren zied Terms, But Fails to Answer the Charges Against Himself. LAME EXCUSE FOR RECIPROCITY FLOP Again Says Taft Fav ored Lorimer, Yet Gives Not the Slightest Proof; Concedes That Presi dent Means Well; Is Si lent on Morgan's Influ ence Over Himself. By International News Service WORCESTER. Mass., April Zt. Throwing restrain) to the. winds, Colonel Roosevelt here tonight Beatified President Taft mercilessly for tho president's bitter attack upon him. "He wanted war; 1 ant ninc to slve it to him," remarked the ex-president grimly as his train hauled Into Wor cester Jnpt after dusk, Roosevelt kept hia word. He, took up the gauntlet hurled by th president and Scourged him with a Violence that made his audience wince. It was a vltri ollc, vicious attack. The colonH plunged into hist denuncia tion or" the. pre -Id rut before a howling crowd ..f M"00 hi Mechanic's hall Out side the hail were 5000 more who vainly struggled to get in President Taft. had awakened Massachusetts with his con demnation of Roosevelt and Worcester wanted to hear how Roosevelt would re ply to It. Ih caustic phrase the furious Roose velt branded Toft'S administration as a failure, saying he failed to comprehend What the nation wanted. He accused the president of having committed an "Unpardonable Mn for any man calling himself :'- gentleman' In having resorted to OOnfldenttal correspondence to assail hhn. In loud voice Colonel Roosevelt characterized the president's attitude toward him as "crooked hypocrisy." Leaves for Boston. Colonel Roosevelt left here after his speech for Boston, where he will start tomorrow on "a whirlwind campaign of the state. When the colonel stepped on the Stage the crowd cheered him wildly for a min ute. rJarlv In his speei h Colonel Roosevelt took tip the break In friendship between President Taft and himself, saying: "Mr. Taft yesterday said that never In thought or deed had he been disloyal in his friendship for me ti is hard for me to answer such a statement save by calling it the grosses) and mont astound ing hypocrisy. When Mr. Taft made that statement lie had just sent la to tii T'nlW-d Slntc:i senate on half tui hour s notice. obvloul. In collusion with the Lorimer Democratic senator who made the request, papers that were In tended to convey the Impression that I hud Improperly favored the harvester trupt try declnllng to prosecute It In 1907. EBvery Taft newspaper I have seen has 80 interpreted Mr Taft's action. Seeks to Shift Blame, 'Mr. Taft was a member of mv cabi net when this Identical case was folly discussed before the cabinet, and my memory Is that he himself made the mo tion that there should be no prosecution of the harvester trust pending tho mak ing of an Investigation Into the trust by the commissioner of corporations In pur suance of the senate resolution, "When Mr. Taft. obviously to influence the Massachusetts primaries and n col lusion with one of Mr, Lo rimer's sen atorial supporters of the opposite polit ical part:., ink--? the action he did, he has not only In thought, word ami ded been disloyal to our past friendship, but has been disloyal ro every canon of ordinary decency and fair dealing such n should obtain between even In dealing with a man's bitterest opponent. Such conduct represents Die very cmokodest kind of a erooked deal, and when Mr. 'Iift. within twenty-four hours of taking It, complains that he has not been given a square deal by me. he e-vposes himself to derision and contempt. "This 1 not an exceptional Instance of how he has behaved to mo The same Course wan followed 1at summer in con nection with the Tennessee Coal A. Iron company. The assaults upon mo by Mr. Taft's campaign managers, made In Washing-ton under Mr. Taft's very eyes, have boen foul to the verge of inde- 'Contlnuad oa Pago Two.) RICH WIDOW TO MARRY CHOOSES ITALIAN BARON MRS. WYLIE REYNOLDS. j Modistes Are Preparing One of Most Expensive Trous seaus Ever Made in Paris. Special Cable to The Tribune. PARIS, April 20.-Mra, Wylif Rey nolds, ho beautiful widow of a millionaire banker of racfTSOn, Mich., is the latest American wom an whose engagement to a Duro pcnti nobleman has been announced Mr.M Reynolds is now with a party of Iriend, iho guest of her fiance. Baron dl FranclscI, at his palace near Caserta. The young nobleman is the son of Marchess dl Trlanara, and ix connected With th Bourbons Of Parma and the Bourbons or the two Sicin?. who arc themselves branches of the oldest roi-al house In the world. Parisian modistes are now busily en gaged on Mrs. Reynolds's trousseau, which Is reported to be one of the most elaborate and most expensive that has ever been created in the city of fashion. SUTHERLAND INVITED TO DELIVER ORATION Special to The Tribune. WASHINGTON. April 2. Senator Sutherland has been Invited to deliver one of the Memorial day addresses at Arling ton remetery on May -'n. Pcnator Warren has called the atten tion of the prxrtoffice department to an apparently exaggerated statement, con tained In newspaper advertisements in regard to Canadian lands and opportuni ties for settlers in Canada, through the Criltoc" States malls. The department has directed an investigation of these adver tisements with the view to thoir suppres sion if it is found they are being used for fraudulent purposes by speculalve companies or Individuals In connection with the attempted sale cf Canadian lands. The public buildings committee of the senate today reported favorably Senatoi Heyburn's bill appropriating 90,000 for a public- building at Twin Kails and U6, 000 for a building and site at Idaho Falls, Ida. MISS JUDITH RICE IS ON ROAD TO RECOVERY Special to The Tribune. BOSTON, Maes.. Aprii '.!. Miss Judith Rice of Halt Lake, the artist's model, who attempted to commit suicide In n room Pt the Parker house last Sunday by shooting herself In the breast, Is slowly rallying from the effects of the wound. Ntid at the Grace hospital It wan salo1 she WOUld probably recover. When MlSS Rice was first brought Into tho hospital it was thought she would only 11v a few hours, but her wonderful physique came to her roscue and the doctors now believe she will have recovered sufficiently to be able to leave the hospital in two weeks. Salt Lakers in New York. Social to The Tribune. NEJW YORK. April ?fi. -Herald Square, J. fi. Horllok, fir, m. R, Stewart; Wal dorf. M, H. Kirk. I WIDOW WINS SUIT TO SETJSI WILL Culmination of Fight Be tween Wife and Daughter of Collins L. Batch. By International News Service. NEW YORK, April 26.--Mrs Georgia C Balch, widow of Collins L. Baloh, a wealthy manufacturer of celluloid, today won the will contest that she brought against her daughter, Grace C. Balch. A Jury in the supreme court set aside the will of Mr. Balch upon the ground that he was incompetent to make a will in October, 1910, and unduly Influenced by Grace. This Is the Second victory for Mrs. Balch. In June, 1909, she was committed to Bloom ingd ale asylum for tho Insane uion pet 1 1 ton of Grace and compelled to remain there until her cousin, Harland FI. Sweot of I.,os Angeles, got a hearing for her in rourt and st her free. Mrs. Balch at once arranged with Joseph Lesser, her attorney, to ttaxt tho tight to break the will: The Balch contest has be-ri conspicuous ! for the bitterness of the relations between 1 mother and daughter. Mrs. Balch testi fled that she had concealed for many 1 years, for reasons of family pride, the ' fact that Grace had ill-treated her and i subjected her to many kinds of abuse. 1 Jt was not until Grace mentioned the al- , lege!! "kidnaping" of her mother and her ' Incarceration In an asylum that the ( mother threw aside her reserve and ex- 1 posed her relations with Orace, Letters that Mrs. Bukh wrote from J the asylum to Grace, praying hoi to hlp ( her mother to get free and promising her certain real estate, were read in ( court. Mrs. Balch testified that Qract ' II..... i.,a tMiut, j i ! . i in, . .'it .- i,iu ih.-ii l.i,) other letters that Mrs. Batch sent out of J the asylum to friends, Grace did not testify in contradiction to any of these J charges. j Mrs. Ralh testified that Grace put her j in an asylum to get Mr Balch to revoke ) another will, dividing his $350,000 estate J equally between his daughter and the t mother, anrf to cxe.-nte the disputed will J Which gave the daughter SPKio a year in- ) come from the estate and her mother only S $2600. ) The oferutoi-? of the wit sought to es- j tabllsh the fact that Mr. Balch has act- ( sd In an eccentric manner for many years ) and that she was prompted to brlnr the ( will contest to spite Grace. S Dr, D. K. Pearson Dies. ( CHICAGO, April 27. -Dr. T K. Pear- ) uuti, the aged philanthropist, died in a I sanitarium at Hinsdale carl;. ttls I mornlns. t ins cMy AWAITING FATE UPONSCAFFDLD Stayer of J, Walter Axtell De clares He Will "Die Game" if He Is Hanged Next Tuesday. NEITHER HOPEFUL NOR DESPONDENT Refuses to Talk When Asked if He Expects to Meet Victim in the Next World. JJ. MORRIS, who -will be executed next Tuesday, unless the hoard of pardons or the governor of T'tah interpose some stay, Is a problem for the student of rriminologv. When seen by s representative of The Tribune at the prison yesterday, ids eyes were clear, his hands steady and his voice even and we! modulated, but there were lenRe lines in his face that plainly told the strain under which the slayer of J. Walter Axtell was laboring. Neither in attitude, tone nor gesture was there any indication of clinging des perately to a last straw of hope that he might secure, a reprieve or a commutation of sentence; nor. on the other hand, was there to be ?pPn any of tbr palpable bravado that marked the demeanor of Frank Rose, the barber who eight years ago, while Intoxicated, killed his wife and continued his spree, leaving their Infant son alone by the body of the dead mother. Rose request e- (ho court to order his execution without the formality of a trial, and the last words that he spoke em bodied a ourse of defiance and the boast, "T have klll.vl hundreds of people' Not Like Morten sen. Nor did the condemned man In any wise suggest the attitude assumed by Peter Mortensen, who a year before Rose was executed paid the death penalty for the murder of James Kay, his brother In the Mormon church and a fellow Sunday s'-hooi teacher. Mortensen wap a verita ble "fish "' lie exhausted evcrv known le gal means to escape the death chair, but was never shaken out of his sto lidity, and the prison physician who pinned the target on his heart one minute before the executioners fired their volley declared that at that moment his pulse was lower than the normal beat it had when he sat for an hour talking with the newspaper men In his cell. Morris appear"; to have adopted the view of a philosopher. lie expresses neither hope nor fear Deputy Warden I re escort -d a Tribune T-epresentat Ive back to the "murderers' row' of the cellhouses and said to one of the death watch - "Ask Morris to come out." The condemned inan. who was slowlv pacing the narrow corridor, stepped out quietly and calmly as soon as ho was called and the heavy Iron door opened A guard who stood by his side placed a stool for him and he seated himself with in four feet of the reporter. Forces a Smile. Morris smiled, but the Bmile seomed forced, and yet when his smile vanished there was no expression of pain or an guish. With an ah1 of attention he waited quietly for the first question- :'Mr. Morris," said the interviewer, "it Is the custom of a newmaper to af ford to the man who is facing death (Continued on Page Nine.) MOTHER CHAINS HER ; CHILD TO FLOOR I Police Rescue Nine-Year-Old Boy When Neighbors Tell Them of His Plight. WOMAN JUSTIFIES ACT Declares She Was Acting Un der Command of God in So Shackling Son. haitied to the floor by means of a Hog leah, the steel collar of which had Chafed his little tliroat until the ten der flesh was raw. Roy Winegar, aged 9 years, was rescued by tho police last night from The hands of bis Frenzied mother. Mrs. M. Winegsr, 641 North Second West street, who told the offi cers she was acting under divine an thority when she imprisoned the child. Attracted bv piteous cries of tho little fellow, neighbors of Mr?. Wine gar telephoned the police and Officers Husbands, Sullivan ami Sergeant Sieg fus went to the scene They found the woman, "Rible in hand, reading aloud frnm the ancient prophets.' In onp corner was the chained hoy, strain ing at the end of a three foot leash that was fastened by means of staples to the floor. Three other children, the oldest 14 years of age, were iu the room. When the officers asked -why she had chained the boy, Mrs replied that God had given her in structions how to rear her children, anrl that the hand of man must not interfere. To substantiate her claim, 6he rend a passage from the Bible wherein it ig set down that parents shall chastise their offspring as thev soe fit, even to placing them in t bains. "Tt is so written and so it must be," nhe. said. "Yes, mamma, but that's only in the "Bible; it ain't in any other books," spoke up the chained boy, The police released the child at oueo ajid warned the mother against a repetition of her act. She attempted to Testram them, hut upon being told that, she would be arrested if she in terfered, she consented to the Unfast ening of the chain. The officers made no attempt to take the children from her. though tho juvenile court officers were notified of the affair and an investigation will be mado by them today. DOZEN PERSONS HURT IN KANSAS TORNADO By International News Service. Kansas (1TY. April 36. More than a dozen persons were hadly injured, sev eral fatally, In a tornado which devas tated southeast Kansas last night The greatest damage was done ten miles southwest of Neodeshn. Kan. The mother of Leo Pittman was killed, while Pittman received fatal In juries. A girl and a boy who lived al the Iapsley home received fatal Injuries The tornado completely destroyed the town of Quaker. Several members of the family of Prank T.ikea were fatally in jured. A grove of two acres of large maple trees was uprooted and twisted Into a tangled mass of debris. In the cen ter of which was interwoven the wreck age of three farm dwelling houses. The storm exartod a toll of one life at Sedan and Injured a dozen persons, three fatally House.-, barns, churches and school buildings were destroyed. At Independence, dwelling houses were blown away. J The Sunday Tribune SECRETS BEHIND THE SCENES Actress paints a satl pic- j ! ture of stae life as toltl in "My Actor Husband,'' a new j and vivid autobiography by a woman who hides her name. ! PRINCE PIGNATELLI Hr wins a $60,000,000 heiress. Miss j Mary Duke, daughter of the tobacco trust kini:, adds a new t kind of matrimonial alliance to the remarkable fam- j ily collection. j SNOWSHOEING IN THE WASATCH J. Cecil Alter writes t a thrilling story of winter climbing in the Wasatch range. ? ! This slory is handsomely illustrated with pictures taken by S himself. 2 PARALLEL STORIES "Tho Loot of thp Kingston Nation- ! al" is the theme of the detective story this week. BOX SCORES rf bier league and Union league pames. as well ( as the fullest reports received in Salt Lake of all minor ! learaies. McBETH'S BRILLIANT ARTICLE Tt deals with Russell j Ford 's mysterious curve, and will interest every baseball player or fan. r j NAUGHTON analyses the Johnson-Fly nn fight situation. s OTHER FEATURES The Hearst eomie. supplement, Nell j Brinldey illustration. Vanderheyden Fyles's dramatic letter and fascinating articles by Ella AVheeler Wilcox, Dorothy ! Di.T, Thomas Tapper and Mabel Umer. ! WIRELESS MEN I ASLEEP OR OFF I DOM NOT I Several Smaller Vessels Within Easy Reach of the Titanic When the Leviathan of the Deep Rushed to Her Doom in the Field of Ice in the Darkness of Night. CALIFORNIAN WAS H WITHIN 20 MILES Donkey Engineer's Story of Seeing Signals of Distress Confirmed By Evidence of Captain Lord; Vice President Franklin Admits Hold ing Back News. BY JAMES J. MONTAGUE. Bv International News Service. WASHINGTON, April 16. Flfteeh minutes before the TUantc sent her cry for help across the north Atlantic the wireless op erator of the '"allfornlan, Which lay quietly in an icefield leas than twenty miles away, slipped the receivers from his ears, pulled off his clothes and lurnerj Into his berth. The rockets that were sent up from the sinking mai itie giant were seen from the Cplifomlan'S bridsre. but no one thought it worth while to arouse the Wireless man and ask him to find out what was the matter Had this been done the steamer could have been rushed through the Icefield to pick up the Struggling Titanic passengers and hun dredn of them would have Ix-en saved. Off Duty at Night. TIiIk testimony, which lonfirms the af fidavit of lonkey Knsln-er ;ill of the Callfornian. first published by the In ternational News Service, was given by ii ,i in inu uuuvnvwi, ana Cyril Bvans, his wirele.-,s man. before the senate subcommittee today It estab lishes beyond question the faef that on small vessels the wlroless men are. asleep or off duty before the hours of darkness that are most perilous to steamships. Ten minutes longer and the Carpa thla's operator. Oottam. would have been t"-ond the sound of the Tltajtlc's C. Q. D. The Carpathla was more than fifty miles away, yet she answ-ered the call. The Callfornian, within sight of the Ti tan I c'i rockets. lay unresponsive till aroused, got Lhe dreadful news and the vessel rushed too late to t tie rescne. Another Vessel Close. It was also brought out In the testi mony that Within four mllea of the Call fornian, between her and the Tftanio. lay still another vessel. The CaJIfornlan sought to communicate with her, but got no response and she finally, accord ing to the testimony of Captain Lord, hauled off . to the southwest. It was either from this vessel or beyond her that the rockets that flashed up from the horizon were seen. If It was from her, she may have seen the Titanic, but Lord think- not, for lie L sure that sh sailed iiwav on her ronr and h s.w her yellow funnel above the horizon na she was burrvlnir southward throngti th dawn PosstBly It was be-vynd her that the rockets were flrecl and that they came I from the doomed White Star l!nr. Neither Iord nor anyone else cJi say. ! Rushed to Her Doom. The Callfornian, so Wtrele8 Operator Fvans testified, had at. 9 o'clock on Ut evening of the catastrophe Informed the Titanic that Ice was all about. For reply, he ?ot "Shut up! We are busy talking to Cape Ilace." Thus it has heen made clear that, lying -all about the Ill-fated levia than there were vessels not only ready utni Willing to come to her aid. hut actu ally warning her of the danger she was In. F-tut the Titanic rushed on toward the Iceberg that was' to destroy hr, and be eauss the smaller ship could not afford etia operators at 20 a month epiece. her frantic C. Q. P. was flashed Into dead receivers and her passengers and ere ik perished needlessly in the ley sea. The Callfornian hsd bc-n gossiping wtth H . many other ships, all of theni within the wv jj danger zone. The Frankfuert was within a f w tnil" of her and so was the Mount. L'O M Temple, although there is no record that Pufl she spoke the latter vessel. But tho small fIH steamers only carried one operator, and - 1 in the reaJ hours of pel 1 1 they were as useless b If they had been on the oppo site side of the earth. , Panic On Titanic. in the testimony of Able Seaman fr Bvans, which was taken late In the after- Efl noon, tho slory was told of what ap proached very near panic while the boats were being lowered on the Titanic. A woman jumped for boat 10, which was . i y (Continued on Page Two.J