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2 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING, MAY 13, lQ2: '1 SCORNS CHARGE 1 THAT HE FAVORS I ROMAN CHURCH President Taft Issues Slale mm ment Denying That He Sent Major Archibald Butt on Mission to Vatican. OFFICER TOOK TRIP TO REGAIN HEALTH Chief " Executive Believes There Is a Conspiracy for the Purpose of Arousing Religious Prejudice. W- AvSHINGTON. May 12. At the Whlto house today :i personal statement by President Taft was given out. categorically dc HH nylng- that Major Archibald lB Butt, the president's military aide who j (flfl u'as lost on the Titanic, hud gone to LH Rome on any mission whatever from the president to tho Vatican. The statement HH follows: IHH Among the Insidious methods or HH attack pursued by some agalnpt me. HM Ik thfj attempt to arouse religious fHI prejudice on the charge that I am SHH In "omo manner unduly favoring the Roman Catholic church. It haw been fl my personal purpose first as the governor general of the Philippines, second, as eccrotary of war, and jH third as president, to encourage every church as far as possible where this 'doca not involve invld Ions distinctions, and does not dc H part from the rule which separates H our etaic from personal relations to !H all churches. I have unduly favored tH no church, but have treated them all iH with absolute impartiality. flfl Relates the Facts. In 1902 I vlflted Rome and con ferrcd with Pope Leo Xin. in an at tempt to settlo the friar laud cpntro versy, which had n risen in tho Phll Ipplnes whllo I was governor gen oral, and after a time I succeeded in doing ho- "When last March my aide. SH Major Butt, set out on a trip solely for his, health, and proposed to vlplt Rome, lie asked me for a letter of Introduction to the present pope, that ho might have the privilege of an audience, and I gavo him such a let tcr. Tho letter contained nothing but a Ftatemcnt containing a message nf hope. Tlic only message from the H pope or any representative of his In iH answer to this letter of introduction jH which I have received, Ie a cablegram of condolence for all concerned sent IH by Cardinal Merry del Val by dlrec- Hon of tho pope at the time of the Titanic disaster, and making an In fM riulrj' as to the fate of Major Butt. lo which T replied expressing my thanks and giving the facts. The letter Introducing Major Butt c.on talncd no reference to the recent H appointment of American cardinals, H nor comment on or reference to the Catholic church or any matter rclat H lng to It. The stories circulated that 1 have made any infjulry, or that 1 have taken anywhere at any time any part or manifested any Interest in questions of social precedence of H tho recently appointed cardinals, are IH wholly without foundation. jH Conspiracy Is Alleged. jH The evidence that there is a con- f-plracy for the purpose of arousing EH religious prejudice against me Is nhown by tho fact that at the in jH Mance of some one unknown to me it was represented in a great many re B spectable newspapers that I sent a IH message of welcome and congratula- B lions to the newly appointed apos- tolic delegate by wireless to the in fH coming steamer which was bearing HH him to New York. No such message kH was Bent by mc, or by anyone by gH my (authority. A denial of the pub- IH llshcd report was Issued from tho BH Wlilte houec. but the denial has ob- B talncd no publicity. BBABfl Tho Ftatcment that T suspended an tH order made by the Indian comml?- 1 sloner affecting the garb of the KH teachers in Indian schools which have H been transferred from the Catholic H church to tho government la true, T H did this for the reason the commis- ll sloner had issued an order after con- suiting with the secretary of the In H terior and without awaiting his con- B elusions. The propriety of the order m has now been made subject of an H open, free discussion by all the par- H ties in interest, and the decision of H tho secretary of tho interior will soon bi handed down. I say nothing of H the merits of the controversy oxcept that the order reversed a condition IH which has existed for years and af- IH reeled thirty or forty teacher. who. KHH as nuns, had been long beforo my IH time Incorporated in the service of B the government and who would be HI in effect expelled from that service 1 by the order should It provalt. They Hftfl were therefore entitled to a full hcar- WILLIAM H. TAFT. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1A I A SAFETY FOR SAVINGS By reason of the fact that this company con t&vfti ines its loans filst HB mort8tL5es on rea estate, it forms a safe and most .jf dcsirable depository for &PM savings or idle money. Compound interest is al loweu at the rate of 4 per HH cent per annum and care ful, personal attention is extended to all custome-s whether the amount of their deposit is large r small. SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST COIVIPANY, 32 MAIN ST. OPEN UNTIL EIGHT O'CLOCK I OlT can tart a favlnrs Y account with this bank" any Saturday nlerht. as I . tho bank is open until eight o'clock. Cli:rk, me chanics, wage earners, farmers, women and children are cor dially Invited to make this in stitution their banking home. , Wo accept dcp.oslt? In any amount from one dollar up wards, and pay Interest on Hie money at the rate of 1 per cent per annum. THE FUNDS OF THE BANK ARE INVESTED IN FIRST MORTGAGES OR AP PROVED SECURI TIES, Zion's Savings Bank and Trust Company Salt Lake City, Utah. Joseph F. Smith. President. O. C. Bcebe, Cashier. DEPOSITS ACCEPTED BY MAIL. TUFT PROPOSES TO FIGHT fli HEW LIE (Continued from Page One.) In the making of peace treaties with England and France, which have been emasculated through the Influence of Mr. "Roosevelt and his campaign manager. Senator Dixon, and the Democratic members of the senate; In the effective prosecution of work in building and completing the Pana I ma canal, I submit that a record Is formed that entitles this administra tion to the support of the Republi can men and women of California, and that It is progressive in the highest degree. Boon for Workmen. The last important measure which I have urgently recommended to congress, which has passed the sen ate and is now pending In the house, is tho workmen's compensation bill, which changes altogether the law with reference to the liability or the employer to the employee on inter state commerce railroads, and gives an insurance for every employee against the dangers of hla employ ment by requiring the employors to Indemnify the employee against In jury received in the employment not brought about by his will and volun tary account, and fixes a reasonable compensation, graduated according to regular tables and proportioned to the extent of the injuries and the earning capacity of the employee in jured. In the opposition which Mr. Roose velt Ib now making to this adminis tration he is not giving mo a square deal as I have shown by undoubt nble rocord proof. Tie Is appealing to class hatred and forcing sham Is sues in such a way that his success would be a real detriment to the public interest and a dangerous de parture from a wise tradition, which ho himself has recognised, that lim its a citizen to the two terms In tho presidency. FOUR CANDIDATES WILL STUMP OHIO COtitTifBUS. Ohio, May 12. From to morrow morning until primary election day. May 21, there Is scarcely a cross roadB stations in this state so unimpor tant that It does not expect to enter tain at IcaBt one presidential possibility. President Taft, Colonel Roosevelt, Gov ernor Harmon and Senator "La Follotte will tour tho state, while lesser lights, United States senators, cabinet members and department heads are to speak whero limited train facilities and the Inability of the candidates to be in more than one placo at one time will prevent the appearance of the presidential pos sibilities. Taft Begins Today. President Taft will be the first to ar rive. He will finish liis campaign at Marietta tomorrow and will make more than a dozen speeches during the day. Colonel "Roosevelt will arrive Tuesday, and begin his speaking at Bellalre. T-Iis itinerary that day will taJte him over practically the same points whero the president Fpokc the preceding day. Al together Colonel "Roosevelt will make more than sixty speeches. The more Important night speeches will be mado at Canton, Dayton, Columbus and Cleve land. Governor Harmon will begin hi3 trip at "Woostcr "VedneBduy night. He will cover many of the points lately visited by Colonel Bryan in his anti-Harmon trip and has announced that he will speak on the charges made by the "N'c braskan that friends of the governor sought unduly to influence Bryan pledged delegates in 100S. Nagel to Speak. Secretary Nagcl. it ha been an nounced, expects to visit the state. It Is reported he will mako a tpeech for Taft at Gallipolls Saturday, three days before tho primaries. A vlctorj' In tho presidential prefer ence is sought particularly by the Demo cratic candidates as it will carry the right to name the six delegates at large to the national convention, according to the call of the state committee. Republicans will vote only for the dis trict candidates for delegates. The dele gates at largp will be namd by the state convention here June 3 and 1. Both Roosevelt and Taft candidates aro In tlie field. . Although anti-Harmon Democrats hav announced that Colonel Bryan who has already mad two three-day trips through the state, will rturn before th- prima ries, no dates have been set and there Is talk now that the plans may bo changed. Senator L.n Follette will sp.ak in the northern counties and according to tho prent plans will make only a brief visit. CALIFORNIA WILL VOTE ON TUESDA Y SAN FRANCISCO. May 1?. -California will drde at the primaries nrxt Tues- day whether her presidential preference ts for Roosevelt, Taft or La Follette as Republican candidate, and Clark or "WlUon as a Democratic candidate. The ststf snds twenty-six delegates to til national conventions. Neither l"nderwood nor Harmon, the two other Democratic candidate. has dlrctwl any organized campaign for votfs, and vraur, of th political com- i plxtnn of tho state, the Roosevolt can- i vns has attracted more attontlon than J th Democratic. Roosoevlt closed his campaign Wnt nlcht. Governor Hiram W. Johnson has stumped thn Mat for him. aa have Glf ford Plnchot. his former chief forrster (?r!i"ir.r-fsr.nator . BeyeJELd.Ke o: ua, Mrdlll "McCorml"lc of Chicago, and FranJ cis J. Heny. the "fighting prosreutor " His headquarters pfxllcted ysterdny that thi vote In SAn Francisco would be cloHe bit that the country counties, partlcu Jarh in southern California, "would roll up a huge vote for the colonel " Taft tnanagrrs have Imported but one speaker, former Representative Raloh D Clo of Ohio In their cloning ral'y Inst night ;ttaey predicted that San Francico SHOT'S FIIESSE IS PLAINLY SEEN Letter io Friend Shows Doubt 'and Anxiety of the Fed . eral Bunch. BOOSTS COL. LOOSE Strong Effort Made lo Send Uninstrucled "Delegates to National Convention. Special to The Tribune. 'PROVO, May 12. In a letter to a friend in this city received yesterday. Senator Smoot lets tho cat out of the bag, and shows plainly lo what extent the bunch will go in order to curry favor with both of the candidates for the presi dency, whose names will surely be pre sented at tho national Republican con vention in Chicago. Senator Smoot, as well as the rest of the machine cohorts, know thut Colonel C. R. Ixose. the national committee man from Ktah. Is for Roosevelt first, last and all the time: while, at the same time. Smoot. In his letter, demands that txose be sent as a delegate to the Chi cago convention. In the event that the Utah delegation to the Chicago conven tion be Instructed for President Taft, and Colonel Loose elected as one of those delegates, the party workers here and tho delegates from Provo to the state convention arc asking each other, "Will Loose stand for tho tieup and agree to Slav hitched, or will ho refuse to go, and bv refusing rid the party of the obligation It owes to Mr. Loose?" Smoot Explains. Here Is what Senator Smoot. says In his letter. "I would like to haw Mr. Loose nomi nated as a delegate to Chicago. I am not afraid of Mr. Looso's Judgment. I know what he thinks of Mr. Roosevelt, but I know that Ik will take Into con sideration the political situation in tho sta.te. and I trust that he will be nomi nated." In addition to the above quota tion from the letter, and here Is whero the inconsistency comes In. Mr. Smoot contlnno.3: "The sentiment of the Republicans of tho state, In my opinion, Ir. for Presi dent Taft, and If so, they should not hesitate a moment to Instruct for him no matter If every other state in the union went bark on him." At least nine out of the twelve dele gates to tho stale convention from Provo arc for President Taft, and , at tho ilmc the same largo proportion of th delegates arc ready to cast their votes for Colonel "Loose as a delegate to tho national convention. The Sanpete dele gation to tho state convention has sent word to Provo that they arc for Mr. Loose as a national delegate, and they, too, are aware of "what Loose thinks of Mr. Roosevelt." May Not Bow Down. Regardless of tho letter from Senator Smoot ordering the state convention to Instruct for Mr. Tafl, there is a strong sentiment among tho Provo contingent to send thc.dologatlon unlnstructcd, and as far as tho expression among the stato delegates hereabouts in tho last few days there will be no instructions, unlcsjj the Roosevelt supporters precipitate the question and hrlng on the fight. The attitude of tlie federal bunch in Utah shown plainly that they aro ready to jump Into the band wagon of the winning candidate, and they don't care a snap which one that is, just so long as they can find out long enough In ad vance to retain the fat offices they now occupy. That Is Just why they purpose now to send the delegation from Utah to the Chicago convention unlnstructed. or if they are forced by tho opposition to Instruct for President Taft, to send a delegation some of whom arc friendly to Roosevelt. In either event, thoy fig ure they could retain the patronage, tho sole object of their being a federal hunch. TTcnry Ferris. TTadnr, Nebr.. is the father of ten child ran and for the past iwcntv years has used Foley's Honey and Tar Compound with the best to suite. lie tolls us: "T think Foley's Hone and Tar Compound is tho best cough medicine in the world or I have used it for the past twenty years and can recommend it to anyone needing a cough medicine." Scbrnmm-John-son Co. would go for Taft and that he would carry the stale by fiS.OOO. La Follette has been aided In his cam paign by his wife and personal friends. His appeal has been based on the con tention that neither Taft nor Roosevelt can be nominated or elected, because the disclosures of the campaign havo loft him the only progressive unaffiliated with corporations and unsupported by political bosses. His headquarters quoted no fig ures tonight, merely announcing that the campaign would dose tomorrow with three speeches In San Francisco by the senator himself. TWO CONVENTIONS IN WYOMING TODAY CHEYENNE. Wyo.. May 12. To select six delegates at large to the national convention and a national committeeman, the state convention of both tho Repub lican and Democratic parties In Wyo ming will convene here simultaneously tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock No candidate has enough Instructed delegates to control either convention. Pre-conventlon sentiment indicates, how ever, that President Taft will be In dorsed by the Republicans, while a closo fight between "Wilson ad Clark adherents Is probable among the Democrats. The voting strength of the Republican con vention Is 133. and that of the Demo cratic Is SS. Nine of the Republican dele gates are Instructed for Colonel Roose velt, four not to vote for Roose.velt, and ten for President Taft. The remaining 110 are unlnstructed. but are said to have a preference for President Taft. Rut nine of the Democratic delegates are instructed. Five of these are for Speaker Clatk and four for Governor Wilson. Twenty-two come with a pref erence for Speaker Clark. John R. Osborn of Carbon county and George R. Pcxton of Rvanston county, national coininltt"pmii of tho Republl nn ant! Democrat!- parlies, respectively, probably will ho re-olected without oppo sition. The delegates to the conventions were chosen by county commlttoM. No contests for seats are expected In either convention. Montana for Taft. BUTTE. Mont.. May 13. The Montana state Republican convention at Livings ton May It;, to name dologatos to the Republican convention at Chicago, will be controlled by the Taft force by a majority of about 200. 'based upon ro turns from all of Montana's! forty-two countlen hut fix. which. If all were car ried by Rooaeevlt. would not shake the control of tho Taft forces. Roosevolt is reasonably sure of carrvlng threw of ihcar, counties which wi.l glc him n convention strength of about 233. as compared with -431 for Taft, JjjjjLEY The flavor lasts 8 jfe 0R0ZC0 IS DEFEATED AND FLEES NORTHWARD, (Continued from Page One.) Bv means of the artillory the infantry fire of tho Tebels was held beyond ranee. ' ' lore than twenty federal cannon vrcrc in action at onco. Tho enemy was intrenched in the hills in a line fifteen miles lone. Tho federal firo wns directed eo well that ovary shell hit a vulnerable spot in tho insurrocto coluiuu. After tho first few shots the com mander of the federal cuds, Lieutenant Colonel Rubio Navarrette, located im mediately the position of tho enemy. Soon he silenced an.d "wrecked their ar tillery, all of which fell into tho hands of the government troops. Most of the shells of tho cnem' exploded about six hundred feet in front of tho federal lines, which ucconnts for tho small losses of the government troops. OROZCO WILL BATTLE NEXT AT ARELLANO AT GENERAL OROZCO 'S HEAD QUARTERS. BELLA NO, Mexico, May 12. General Orozco today transferred his headquarters from Escalon, Mexico, where ho has been for the last fort nieht, to Eellano. seventeen miles north. This retreat, ho claims, aa well as that of bis vanguard today was done- in or der to place his men in bettor positions for a tinal stand. Tho rebels fought briskly all day. Losses havo not yet been announced here. Tl was at Rellano recently that tho federals were severely deteated and General Gouzalos Salas committed sui cide. Indications are that tho vicinity of Rellano, with which Orozco is fa miliar, may again be a battleeTOund. General Orozco tonight admitted that his army had been defeated at Conejos and ho has sent a goneral order to all insurrccto troops to raobilizo at Rel lano. lie blames his defeat on the su perior artillery of the federals. General Campa and Genoral Artu gumcflo, who were sent around to the east to flank the federals, havo been reported missing. The rebels aban doned their four positions at 3 o'clock. FEDERALS WIN ANOTHER FIGHT By International News Service. MONTEREY, Mexico, May 12. Philip C. Hana. connul general for tho I'nilcd States here, received advices to day of a hot battle between fedorals an.l rebels near Tlahualila, Dnrango, due north of Torrcon and near Zaru irosn, the terminus of tho Matamoras Tlahualila railroad. The federals wcro repulsed with heavy losses in tho first attack they mado early in the morning, but were later pncccs&ful. Hundreds were killed or wounded on both sidoa. CAVALRY TAKE REBEL POSITIONS MEXICO CITY. Mexico, May 12. General llucrta reported to President Madero tonight that the rosult of the first battle of moment with tho main body of Orozco ' array was a decided victory for the government force?. Orozco was in personal command of his troops, according to information. The battle began soon after 0 o'clock this morning. General Tellez leading tho central column with his retreat cuv ercd bv artillery under Lictitcndnt Colonel Rubio Nnnrrett At t3;.10 tonight many federal wound' ed were being brought, into camp. Among thorn was the commander of Held cavalry. A short 'time before an order had been given for a genearl advance, but this was countermanded upon receipt of news that tho brigade had boon cut to pieces by the rebel cavalry, Goneral liuerta said the conduct of his men was heroic and that there wa.1 tho best poesible co-oporation between the divisions of his army. A later re port said a cavalry attack bv the fed erals had forced the rebels from their positions. FLOOD conns SHOW IFJHEI NEW ORLEANS. May 12. Another day of sunshine here and throughout Louisiana lent an improved aspect to flood conditions. State and federal re-1 gineers announced that tho fow re ports received from points north of here wero encouraging, although the situa tion at Baton Rouge would demand continued hard work to prevent a break in the front levee. A fall of two-tenths of a foot was re corded here in the twenty-four hours ending at 7 o'clock tonight, tho gauge registering 21.3. At Baton Rouge there was a rise of nearly a tenth. The levoe at the lower end of tho Torraa crevasse is reported sloughing off and gradually adding to the width of tho gap. Tomorrow tho United States steamship Ram will reach Torras and Assistnut Engineer Waddill will be gin tying the ends of the crevasse. BATON ROUGE, La., May 12. Wa ter from the Torras crcvasso could bo seen from tho capitol tonight. Backed up from the Atchafalaya Bwamplauds, it had almost reached Port Allen, across the river. The water began to cover the sugar plantations north of Cham berlain and tonight several rich plan tations that line tho west bank of the Mississippi are inundated. Captain Logan of tho United States army relief corps dispatched boats to tho "country around Lottio and Erwiu ville to get the peoplo out of tho newly flooded territory- I WOMAN LOSES LIFE, BUT SAVES HUSBAND JELLICO, Ky., May 12. Fifteen minutes of battle and bedlam follow inc an attempt of Marshal Tom Bow lin to arrest a promiscuous shooter to day resulted in the death of tho mar shal's wife and Wilov 7'arton and tho Hcrious in,inrv of at least thrco others. Twenty-f ivo persons worn in volved in the battle and at least 150 shots wcro firod. When Marshal Bowlin and Parton opened firo on each other Mrs. Bow lin sprang in front of hor husband. Shot twice, she fell to the ground dead. Tho sbootincr appeared then to becoino ccncral. When the smoko cleared awav Parton was doad, shot through tho cbcBt, and friouds -were seen bear ing away his wounded father, Wesley Parton of feud fame. Al Butcher, who Btipported the mar shal, had a bullet hole in hi neck and rnav die, while Al Bowlin. brother of tho marflhal lind been clubbed on to head with a revoher ABTDR'S OLD FOE " is mi mim (Continued from Pago One.) accnmmulation. If that seoms impos sible owing to the productivity of American labor, then decree that after tho doath of tho owner of the fortune all but $2,000,000 goes into thn treas ury of lho city or stato where ho re sides. "Confiscate all coal lands, so that, in tho future we shall have no strikes in that business. "Take over for government control the Standard Oil company and the to bacco trust, inasmuch as they do not seem able to repent of their sins. "ITavo the government own and run all express companies, telegraph and telephone concerns. Tf all this could be accomplished t lie kingdom of God would bo hastened mightily in our midst." The Rev. George Chalmers Rich mond will bo remembered as the clorgv man who preached several sermons in sovoro criticism of Colonel Astor's re marriage after his divorce from Ava Willing Astor. "We abhor the Astor alliance,' said tho rector at that time. "It arouses all our moral anger. Tho Episcopal church is opposed to this alliance. Ft is contrary to our canons and Mr. Astor will bo socially ostracised by thj best people tho minute he contracts the bar gain already mado." FEIGNS DEATH AND CAPTURES MURDERERS GAINESVILLE, Fla., May 12. Mar shall Slaughter and Deputy Sheriff Whito of Archer, Fla., wero decoyed to a lonely spot and assassinated. J. A. Manning, another deputy, feigned doath and escaped after being wounded. TTo shot ouo of the murder ers, capturing him and his throe sons, who are now in .iail. Shortly after midnight Slaughter re ceived a message regarding a gambling camo among negroes on tho outskirts of tho town. Ho deputized White and Manninji and started for tho scene. Everything seemed to bo quiet and when tho officers started to reconnoi tor thev were greeted with a volly of shots. . Slauehtor and Whito fell at the first fire. Both wero dead whon aid ar rived. Manning also fell with a wound in his abdomen. Ho feigned death, and. as tho ncero nssnilnnts started awav. shot Cain Perry, one of the number, and, at tho noint of a pistol, captured Pony's threo sons. Scrofula is a bad thine to inherit or acquire, but thoro is this about it Hood's Sarsaparilla completely cures even tho worst cases. i Excursion to Provo, $1.90, Via D. & R. a., May 15th. Tho Republican Convention Special will leave Salt Lake at 8:30 a. m., ar riving at Provo 0:40 a. m. Returning, leavo Provo 30 minutes after closo of convention. Six trains oach wav. Tickets good on an- train, goinc May 1-lth and 15th, roturning until May 17th. ' FREE Moving Picture Lecture On "Th0 Old Overland Trail," "Salt Lako City" and "Yellowstone Park." Snlt Lake theater cvoning of May 14, by .7. W Erwin, international descrip tive lert'ircr. Over 3000 foot moving picture film and 175 stcrcopticon .ilules. DELINQUENT NOTICE. J Abraham Irrigation company tcn ' n atd under the laws of ilieSltUofl , (J Principal place of biih'nrsj, yi a t Main street. Salt I.ak (Vj iuJ; t Xnio Ther arc rlcliiiqutn' n1' mhll foliowlns lpfcrlb(l fiir'k. t. i-sm assessment loviM on ih Ha k March, A. D. 131:'. tl ' hhU t tstl set opposite the nnnio. jf ttt m;i IT. shareholders as foiiow f nri& No. Name- hsr Aa irtj-I 16Gcors? X. NlildMidorl M Ji m a 22 H'lone B. Wllnar. p , " 27 llclene B. Wilbur M TL, 55 -Martha B. Mason. . : 5 J.8!, 7C M C Boa Is .... 'J , TJtf 77 M. C. Bonis S ' W 97 Julia A. Mason a al J" 1 123 Van D. Spaldlnc. .-"to 1 'J? ' 12I Alvln 13. Hnrnlsh I" ; J 174 Hart J. VUzc raid S- Wr 1SS Emma I., rv'vcr .. p lh 203 Eda Empson ; l8' 201 Erla Kiiipson . " KH 205 Eda Empson V 5i, t 221 Van D. Spaldliis . ,!M ifUthi 226 Van D. SpaWiiiq !J tH4.. 2S6 Arthur J. Wesiovcr.. JJ 0d&j 290 Van D. Spnldlns . . J , 31fi Hopan Brothers ..rj 321 Amanda E. Grlgle? W 330-Alex. W. Rcld ...; ta 7: 334-E. O. White . ...Donald Hossnn . .1 ...-Peter Peterson.. .. J t ttf 339-H. J- Fitzgerald .... 344-Van D. Spaldlnir .. t 351 R. Shepherd W . Jfi? 358- R. Shepherd . . J , J V 359- Cnlvm B. Bench . " 360- Cnlvln B. Bacrt 36C Clnifl. Tym; .... - n 375-Mrn. C E. J. Rice. 407 Calvin B. J3aeh f , 410 Milton Company "te 417 Moses BIHslein .... 1" ; 424 E. O. l'e il 429 H. B. Cola " nW 437 Frank Knox & G. S. Holmes M T 413 -lames W. Hoggan, T Plcdeee, : ill f 447-H. J.. OT1,d M Indln accordance with Mili, company. 351 South .Vy f W A , Cltv. Utah, on the lstnoa) r,ly.iM?1 11 1912 at 2:00 p. m., to pay K .element, thereon tosjth 351 South Main street. SU U" ,p Utah. m" H NOTICE TCOACT0fc Denver, Colo.. , W Jt Sealed proposal m & Jt theRlo Grande J"X hM pany 01 it? office, room un,f JJU v W Denver . Colorado. June Stlii,""1 ',h, eoot"Jcl,Si materials for and the r7rtLr . pipe line fom Bemu " jCIln(ril A near Santa Maria la Whl Colorado rrtns!t of 9Bt. and at the ofce of fmi cons-ultintf nneCT:to5So. ,,1 tip bulldlnp. Denver. QnM&jM U Each bid shall be c YM'J3m certified check for 0Gourty rfJl Vhh9C resen-e- ! ''JfllJ THE RIO GRANDE BE?E" INDIANAPOMR I- m two hundred and ,.an v Skik Soel.11.1 "Clonal conj fm)t nlzcd hero toda " fftM formulate IW """Cff and Thursday. uid nj fll nate candidate, for Pj fiKvi president of ,,etnLou'ul?Bip U the most Important q itaSFt. termlned. Is Uie party toward then KM hour this rnomlns- t jn n Messengers f " ,1 'iS Postm;iater f'"LJlnd unH' could nol be ascertain