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I 2 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNL, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1912. BOLT ARRANGED BY ROOSEVELT FACTION CHIEFS; Seeing Thev Have Not Votes Enough to Control Conven tion, They Decide on Radical Action. (Continued From Page One.) physical fight begin on the floor of the convention, and thou carried to the platform- Alabama hus born picked to statt the skirmishing:, with the rough and ready hut unseated TtXtOI behind Colonel Cecil . Lyon to do the reul storming when the signal Is given. iul in the melee Senator William ft. Rorh is apon the programme to snateti the gavel from the Blender hand of the diminutive Victor Ilosew&ter, and take control. Borah Opposed to Rough Work It ia hut f.nlr to Senator Horah to state that he if Opposed t" thnt programme. He kdvleed against II In the Roosevelt Olincil Of war t ti t k I t . vii itor Roaewater Is to be import-mi. only as the chairman- now- of the na tional committee. He will give the or ders for the Tuft forces, but he will not try to enforce their,. A higher, and, tn any physical contest, a better man, la to b on the job for that particular J purpose, Rosewater, by custom, Is to call the convention to order and he in command unto h temporary chairman i chosen Bol he l to he only the vocal chair man: the rcHi acting chairman is to he Barman P. ScTiuetUer, assistant chief f police of lilcago. it win not tie front Rosewater, hut from Sbhuettler thai Borah will have td snatch the gaveL And SchuetUer. he it unVjsstood, a. the hero of th Hay ma rice I riot. He is six feet and seven inches tall and weighs pounds in ! flfrlitltiK condition. SchuetUer will have a( hie hack and; around him If""' picked plain clothes men. I At the doors there will he five hundred uniformed men listening for his whistle And aiding and abettinc will be a force of assistant sergeants-at-asms so big that till hands are ashamed to mention the number Force Intended. There is the schedule of the primar len for the first battle. And when the time comes the Rooseveltians mean to force the fighting. The battle If it cOmes, wilt start even before the election of a temporary chair man Is attempted, it will be over the makeup of the convention. Coflonel Roosevelt's demand if this That the delegates Against whom his forves have decided there Is a real con test, shall not be given seats In the con vention. He contend! that they shall not have a voice In the election of the temporary orpanlaztlon and that the states they represenl shall not have members on the credentials committee Those r!er rntes tiumher seventy-eight, which in to say that out of the 354 con tester seaU". in addition t) the nineteen Roosevelt delegates seated seventyelghl others were steam rolled by the national committee. if the colonel can throw out those seventy-eight Taft men he will control the convention and the credentials com mittee. He will be able to defeat Root for temporary chairman, place his own men on the permanent roll and nominate himself without bolting. And that is what Be means to do if force can accomplish his purpose. Hadley to Begin Fight. Five minutes after the convention Is cuiieri to order the fight will start. Pol lowing the prayer by Father Callaghan, and the reading of the call of the na tional convention, Governor Hadley of Missouri Is to offer n minority report from the national committee members who w ere road rolled, demanding that Die seventy-eight delegates in contest shall not be allowed to part in the proceedings until the convention Is per manently organized. Rosewater will rule the report out of order, and Hadley will appeal front t ho decision and demand a rolicail. The call on the first state Alabama win bring on the riot Two seats from that state for 'lie Ninth district are among the seventy-eight Rosewater and the whole Taft crowd will Insist on their j right to vote, the Roosevelt forces will legist, the uproar Will be starter and In I its midst Borah Will grab the gavel and take command. That is 'he Roosevelt' scheme, as coolly planned its a naval demonstration has ever been planned by j hoard of strategy. Plan Is Roosevelt's, And so determined Colonel Roose- j Veil to carry out that plan that he has jelven to Governor Dnn?n as the alter native to accepting his share of the bur den Of currying It .ut. Ih ultimatum that he. Roosevelt; will put an indepen dent candidate for governor of Illinois in (he ftel, against Deneen and beat him for -;., tinn. And the Illinois delegation battled for eigiu hours todaj over th quesUon of whether the would accept tne Roosex eit plan without amendment Let It be understood thHt BO close s the count of noseh by the Rooseveltians themselves that they regard the consoli dated co-operation of Illinois as essen tial to the SUCCeSS of their plans. And when the eight hours' struggle in the Illinois delegation was ended, no .-ran was sure just what that delegation win do when It get on the floor of the convention. Governor Deneen claimed that no more tnan eight of th flf tv-eight would back sway from the fil! Roosevelt programme.) Th Roosevelt -instructed but Taft -hearted members Insisted they would have at least twelve and perhaps twenty to op- 1 pOSe the Roosevelt S' lieme of taking vio lent control if peaceful domination I.- de nied. Texas to Lead Battle. But it is Texas that is to lead the real battle, when the time comee for force. The twentj -six unseated support -ot Colonel Lyon will lead the rush. The colonel is to see that they get seats In the convention and he Is not afraid but thai they will come when he whis tles if they can. There are other details of the Roose velt plan. First of all. the doors of the convention hall are to be stormed, if that -an be effected. A mob is to howl m the entrances, force, crowd and in timidate, if the Roosevelt men are. not rernvltted to enter. Rut anyone who sruesses that the Taft leaders have made no preparations to tOp the Roosevelt battle plan is mis taken. They are the best of all pre pared to meet force. The fifjfi police and the unknown number of United States - hals Is the answer to any demonstra te. n with arms or fists. N'o detail In their preparations to head rft any erup tion ; that sort has been overlooked. GEORGIANS IN LINE FOR THE "PRESIDENT CTTI"AGO. June 17. Twenty-six of Georgla'6 twenty-eight delegates to the national convention, including all the Df gioes. went on record for Taft at tho cau cus of the delegation today Clark Grier and ,T. II. Boone, both white delegates, served notice that they Intended to dis regard tiie instructions and vole for Roosevelt. Pe-veral of the negro delegates heeame to disorderly while Mr. Boone, who is I j . SOME SKETCHES OF CONVENTION NOTABLES Study them carefully and you can easily pick out the men who are fighting tor and against the strenuous man from Oyster Bay. postmaster at Hazelhurati Ga., was ex plaining why he would vote for Roose velt, that Boone lost his temper and called the disturbers "a bunch of infernal scoun drels." The negroes Advanced on Boone whereupon he picked up a chair and lilted it menacingly into the air. Peacemakers separated the combatants and Boone re tired. Later he returned to tho hall and apologized to the chairman Henry Lincoln Johnson, recognized leader of the twelve negroes on 1 he dele gation, said he thought Mr. Boone also owed an apology to those men he had designated as "scoundrels ' BOone em phatically declined to apologise The tesi of the relative strength of Taft and Roosevelt In the delegation came on a resolution that the chairman cast the delegation's entire vote as a unit for Taft. J. C Styles, -I L. Fererson and S. H Bllncey, Whose names were attached to the letter made public last night by Roosevelt headquarters, voted "yes." The three admitted privately that they had signed the letter under the misap prehension that the state leaders had gone over to Roosevelt. While tiie caucus was in progress cries of "throw him out; lie don't helong in here.' came through the door A moment later the door opened and out came a negro wearing a Roosevelt badge, propelled by 8 dozen willing haids. The nesrro was Dr. .7. M, Lewis of Chicago, who said he was looking for Grier to tell him that he had located A. N', Fluker, one of the delegates Injured In a wreck early mday Orler had claimed that Flnker was friendly to Roosevelt and that the Taft forces were trying to hide him. The i Taft supporters denied they had tried to hide Fluker. Delegates in Accident. CHICAGO, June 17. More than a score of men and women, among whom were members of the Georgia Taft delegation to the Republican national convention, were injured today, some seriously. In a collision between a Pennsylvania passen ger train and several empty coaches in the .cards of the union station here Two locomotives were partly wrecked and windows in several of the coaches were shattered- PROTEST IS MADE TO THE PRESIDENT CHICAGO. June 17. At a mass meet ing of uncontested Roosevelt delegates, called together after 11 o'clock tonight, a thousand -word protest was wired to President Taft against "the announced intention of Victor Rosewater, cilalrman of the national committee, to allow the contested delegates to vote on their own cases." The meeting was attended by all who could be drummed together at the late hour and all were Invited to sign the document. Mr Taft Is asked to use the weight of ' hie influence in this crisis to prevent euch action hy Mr. Rosewater. It is claimed by the protestants that there are about seventy-nve delegates who are generally regarded as not honestly entitled to vote in the convention. It Is urged as con-' itrary to justice and to parllamentar v law that these contested nelegateg vote on their own case... "They will In effect n vote.' says the piotext, "If they vote on the temporary organization of the con vention." The protest proceeds: 'A nomination h a convention so mad? up could not command the respect of the American people. It is our desire to appeal from the biased, factional de cision of a national committee, a ma jority of whose members have been re pudiated by the Repunlican voters to the 000 uncontested delegates who repre sent the Republican party today. "We are threatened with 8 denial of tiie right to make that appeal. This threat will not be carried out unless you at least tacitly consent to it. because the majority of tho national committee assume to be working under your lead ership." Most of the contested cases are thrn outlined to the president, partlculai stress being laid on those from Texas, Washing ton nnd California. The telegram concludes: "These are but samples, Wo are will ing to siihtnlt these cases to any court, to an arbitration board, to the lion un contested delegates, or to any tribunal except the beneficiaries of the fraudulent decisions of the national committee In our opinion the rank and file of the Re publican party will neither tolerate nor support a nomination made by delegates seated In this fraudulent manner. In this crisis in the history not only of the Republican party, but of free govern ment will you remove this blot from the Republican party, by calling on your supporters In this convention to disavow this action of the national committee?" ELECTION OF ROOT NOW A CERTAINTY CHICAGO. June II -That Senator Root will be ejected temporary chairman of the national convention immediately after cpnverilnc; tomorrow was asserted '.onlght after a meeting of lepresenla- tlvea of practical ail state delegatUons. The meeting was attended by the chairman of each of the states having a Taft delegation and by a representa tive of the faction favorable to Mr. Taft in states where the president Is In the minority. Representative oimstead, the parlia mentary adviser of the national commit tee, told the conference that no proceed ing legally would be permitted tn inter fere wtth the election of a temporary chairman as the flrat order of business after the prayer and the reading of the call. ' After the meeting adjourned Mr. Barnes gao the press ihe conclusions arrived at. "Mr. Root will have ninety-two ma jority over all," be said, and added "Theae arc rockbott.on figures. They have been prepared after a thorough canvass of the delegates "N'o other business will he transacted until the organization is completed This Is In the line of wall known parliamen tary practice and any attempt to devi ate from it will be for the purpose of creating disorder to deceive ih- pub lie" Strong Protest. CHICAGO, June 17 Members and member.'-oleci or the Republican national committee and four state commit tet chairmen, thirteen in all. .n a public statement today denounced the action of the national committee in making up the temporary roll call of the national con vention. The proteetania who signed the protest were Ilcnrv PJ. Wesson, chairman Penn sylvania Republican state committee; Walter y. Brown, chairman Ohio state committe, . Rorden F Whiting, national committeeman-elecl of New Jersey; Wil liam .llen White, national committee-mam-elect Of Kansas; Meyer LlSBner, chairman California Republican state committee and national committeeman elect; R. B Howell, national commlttee-man-elect of Nebraska; Thomas Thorson national committeeman of South Dakota; i. A. Caswell, national committeeman elect of Minnesota. Thomas H. Neighb haua, national commltteeman-elect of Missouri; Richard Pearson national com mitteeman of North Carolina; George C. Pristley, national committeeman of Okla homa; William Seymour Edwards, na tional committeeman of West Virginia, and Frank Knox, chairman Michigan slate committee. Thr statement follows We denounce (lie fraud by which the discredited majority of the Republican national committee R8JI made up a tem porary rojl of the national convention, and we deny the right 'f the committee to make a roll that might result in a nomination that Is effected by dishonesty and trickery. We desire to serve notice on the committee and on the convention thai the rank and tile of our party never has permitted dishonesty In the party machinery to be a test of partj regular ity' Strenuous Reception. CHICAGO, June 17. Colonel Roose veil's reception to the Roosevelt delegates and alternates todav was the most stren uous experience he has gone through since he reached Chicago. SevOraJ times before the apparently endless string of enthusiasts had passed him, he cried out. "Not another man; not another one." I fe beean the hand shaking with ylm and enthusiasm, but after a half hour of it perspiration was roiling down his face, his Voice was getting weaker. Once he flashed out In another indig nant protest against the action of the national committee of the California contested delegate case. He declared "thcro was never anything like It." "That's the kind of action that makes revolutions," he exclaimed. Three flashlight photographs. taken within ten feet of Colonel Roosevelt, helped to increase hlb nervousness and make the long procession more than his patience could endure. Finally he de clared : "Hold the line as 11 is and I'll pass along It." Policemen did the best they could to hold 1t, and the colonel, with a bodyguard of policemen and plain clothe? assistants, was hustled to the hack end of the room, up a private siair cas,- and around through the hotel corridors to the room of the Illinois delegation, where an "ex perience meeting" was being held be hind closed doors. As Colonel Roosevelt was forcibly pro pelled Into this room policemen pushed the crowd back, blocked progress down the stairway and stopped every one. Th, declaration Of the guardian of the Illinois headquarters, that "only Illinois delegates could get in." dispersed the crowd tern porarily. Lineup in Illinois. CHICAGO. June 17 At a second cau cus tonight, forty-one members of the Illi nois delegation voted to support any can didate for temporary chairman presented by the Roosevelt faction It was assumed thai the candidate wotid be Senator Ho rah. Six voted in favor of Senator Root, four did not vote, and seven were absent. Preparing for Bolt. CHICAGO, June 17. The Oklahoma delegation today recognized the possibil ity a bolt nnd In caucuses by a vote of IS to 2 defeated a resolution binding lt aelf to support the nominee of th con vention for president and vice president. Trams to Saltair every l- minutei Admission to Salt Pnlace jrrounds free There's many an auto hartin ar TTir.gpi by means of The Tribune's Want ''olttmDs. The ehanifine of makes and models, trading securities tor au to fill such information forma part of The Wants. TJancinjr at Salt Palace tonight. BATTLE BEGINS AFTER OPENING PHERIS MADE Governor Johnson of Califor nia Promises Lively Time in Republican Convention as Soon as the Blessing Is Asked. BY EDWARD H. HAMILTON. By In tet national News Service. CHICAGO, June 17. "If there. Is to be a prayer, that prayer may get through In peace. But after that the fighting will begin at once." So declared Governor Hiram W, Johnson Of California this evening when asked how soon the clash would come In tomorrow's convention. The governor smiled in glee at the thought of combat, for cine Johnson dearly loves the fray the wading in With both fists- the punch ing of heads fof course In metaphor! and the. knockdown and dragout of poll tics. "Will California lead the fisrht?" was a natural question. "I don't know that California will lead the fighting,'1 was the reply, spoken re luctantly and regretfully, as if the apex of fhe scrapping wfldge was the position in which the governor lotfged to be. ;N'o, I don't know that we will lead the fight, but you cap say that we will fight fOr our rights from tiie start to the end. We will have our I went J -six ---ote.9 solidly count ! ' "Then will Uabams lead of in the Roosevelt firing?" I Inquired, trxing to gei the plan of battle agreed upon. Refuses to Give Plan. "Aa to the plans for the contest, I am not at liberty to speak." replied the gov ernor, "hut everything after the prayer will he fought over "How do yon think the convention stands for 'he balloting?" "There Is no man in Chicago tonight who knows that," put In Framis J. Heney, who was with the governor. "That s JUB( about the situation," as sented Johnson. "N'o man ran say how the convention stands between Roosevelt, and Taft or between the progressives and the conservatives. Tomorrow we will get a teat Until then all is guess work and uncertainty." Meyer Llsaner, chairman of the Re publican state ,-entral committee and the new national committeeman from the state, was very busy todav In circulat ing a protest agalmst the aetlon of the national committee In seating so many Tafl delegates and unseating so many Roosevelt oien Finally, lie issued the following denunciation, Signed as repre Committee Attacked. We denounce the fraud by which the discredited majority of the Re publican national commit tee has made up a temporary roll of the national convention, and we. deny the right Of the committee to make a roll that might result in a nomination that Is effected by dishonesty and trickery. We desire to 5rve notice on the committee and on the convention that the rank and tile 0f our party never has permitted dishonesty In the party machinery to be a test of party regu larity. (Signatures i HENRY E WA8HON, Chairman Pennsylvania State Com mittee WALTER BPOW.V. Chairman Ohio Ctate. Central Com mittee. BOHDEN" T. WHITING, National Committeeman -ejeet of N"ew Jersey. WILLIAM ALLEN WHITE, National f'ommitteeman of Kansm METER LI6SNER, Chairman California Republican Stat Committee and National r0mmit-tedman-elect. R R. HOWELL, National Commltteeman-elect Ne braska . THOMAS THoRSON, National Committeeman. South Da kota. L A. CASWELL. National Committeeman Minnesota THOMAS K. NIEDRINGHAl'-S National Committeeman, Missouri RICHMOND PIERSON, j National Committeeman. North Caro lina. GEORGE E. PRIESTLY. National Committeeman, Oklahoma WILLIAM SETMOUR EDWARDS National Committeeman. West Vir ginia. PRANK KNOX'. Chairman Michigan State Central Committee. Called on Roosevelt. The Callfornlans made a call on T R in the morning and shook him by his moist, engaging hand. Then that dele gation Issued its statement of Its own case against the national committee put It in printed form, sent It to everv dele gation and appointed missionaries to visit those delegations supposed to be wavering or unfriendly and ask them to stand by the fai- western state n tu effort to kep Its delegation of twenty" Six Intact under t!i, leadership or -T,-,y ernor Johnson. Meantime Morris Meyerfeld Jr the Orpheum circuit man one of t)-,e tn. Taft delegates seated in place of Tharlec B. Whaeler and Philip Bancroft, has -ir lived on the scene. He 1 not full of fight and bludgeoning, but very mlldlv says he will take his seat In the dele gation and cast the vote. "Well, you're going right Into the deputation proves valuo. Tested throughout Ihree gpnerations known the world over as the most reliablepre ventiveand corrective of stomach, liver, boavel troubles so unequal crl reputation has been pecuml by BEECHAM'S PILLS Sold everywhere 'a boxen 10c. 25c midst of a hard light, ' I said to him at tho Blackstone. "Oh, 1 am a man Of peace always a man of peace," he said with a smile. 'What do yon propose to do m this?" "Oh, I shall ro in and take my seat. Then I shall cast my vote That Is nil. I am not going to hit anybody or call anybody name" ' "Where's E. ii Tryon, your col league?" "He was to have heen here today but now I understand he Is not coming until tomorrow. But we'll both tie in Our seats.' Will Ignore Taft Pair. The Roosevelt Callfornlans will en tirely ignore the presence of Tryon and Meyerfeld There may even be an ef fort to put Wheeler and Bancroft in the seats of the two Tnft men. In any event Wheeler and Bancroft will be In the seats of t lie alternates ready for any emergency. The "slide' to Roosevelt that seemed to he starting yesterday did not gather snowball increasing proportions to.ja There were claims of converted dele gates mostly negroes and counter claims that the conversions had not taken pla-r But there was less thrill, less excite ment, less singing and marching than on previous davs. The Roosevelters hot tied their enthusiasm for the big meet ing at nielit. and iher never has been any Taft enthusiasm at any stage of the play So the day before the ble: flchl baa been generally voted stupid, vacant and forlorn Tomorrow, what? Perhaps some broken heads. perhaps a bolt and the splitting of the old Republican party. Certainly much throbbing of hearts and straininc of voices in one of the greatest conventions of all American history. California's statement of her case for the Roosevell delegate was prepared by Assemblyman C C. Young of Berke ley, former Mayor Clinton T.. White of Sacramento and Francis I- Heney, law yers all. Then Chester If Rowell of Fresno, editor, was commissioned to boil the work down to shape. When all the work was done, this was the way the case In the Fourth district was put be fore the delegates: Issues in California Case. The national Republican commit tee has refused to recognize the cre dentials of the secretary of the State of California as to two of the elected delegates front that state on the ground that the law Of Califor nia provided for the election of all the delegates bv the state at large Instead of electing part of them at large and part of them by districts. At the California primary election, there was. as provided hy law, one group of twenty-six candidates run ning' at larice aF Taft delegates These candidates were not segre gated on the ballots by districts and all of them were voted on by the voters Of the entire state AM the candidates for delegates assented to this law, by qualifving to run, and by running under It, and the candi dates for presidency personally assented to It, by filing over their signatures their approvals of the lists of delegates running under their respective names. President Taft was the first candidate to thus send in his approval and thus became a pj.rty to the election under the pro visions of the law. The Roosevelt delegates were elect ed by majorities averaging over 76,000 and their ejection was accepted by everyone In California, including the Taft con. mi ttee, the Tnft newspapers and the- candidates themselves. Cer tificates of election were issued to them by the secretar of state, which are the only certificates Issued to or presented by any claimants from ( alifornla. Subsequently a contest against two of the elected delegates was Inspired from outside the State and the national committee, on that contest, has unseated the two dele gates named in the contest and has seated the two defeated candidates named as contestants Three of the Roosevelt delegates, Hiram W. Johnson. Charles S. Wli"il er and Philip Bancroft, were resi dents of the Fourth congressional district, comprising roughly, the northern half of the ity of San Fran isco. Three of the Taft delegates, Abbie S. Krebs, Morris Meyerfeld Jr.. and E. H. Tryon were likewise residents of the Fourth congres-donri! district though. like all the Other candidates, tney were voted on in the whole state at latge. District a New One, The congressional dis;rlr-L i?, a new district, but the election was held under the law in the old precincts It happens that the new district line cuts through the middle of fourteen precincts, m which 165S Roosevelt j votes were cast. In these precincts Ik, r. , 1 1 J . . rne rnree Kooaeveit candidates for delegates who resided In the district received votes and the three Taft candidates received 883, t?sr. and 885 Notes respect tveh . The registrar of voters, in making up his nrst returna to the secretary of state, arbitrarily divided the votes in these border precincts between the two congressional districts, and the secretary of state, mistakenly- sup posing the returns to represent the ascertained vote In the two districts taaued a certified statement that the tWenty-StX Taft delegates had re. eelved majorities averaging about 50 In the fourth district. Both officials Biihsequen-lv discovered th3lr mis take and rescinded their certificates and affidavits from them were pre sented to the national committee, showing that it was impossible "to determine which candidate received the most votes within the boundaries of the Fourth district. The whole city of Fan Frnncisc,-,. comprising the Fourth and Fifth districts- the Roosevelt candidates received VOteS averaging 21,600 and the Taft candi dates vot.-.s averaging 18,250 aside the law of California, the national committee arbitrarily chose two of the three Roosevelt delegates who lived In their district and unseated them, and as arbitrar ily chose two of the three Taft can didates who tesided in the district and seated tiiein. it will be seen that the decision was based on neither law nor fact, since It was In direct repudiation of the law and had no facts other than guess Work as to the vote and arbitrary selection as to the two Individuals. Says Contests Law. Tt will he seen that the contest was not against the election of those delegates, which was undented, hut against the law Itself and the right of the state to pass It The law passed the mate legisla ture by unanimous vote of both houses, it was accepted by all parties and factions. All candl dates ran under Its provisions and all the votes were cast under It No attempt was made by lh" Taft tac tion to conduct a primary In any other manner, and no protest was made against the law. In fact the law was expressly accepted, In writ ing, bj the Taft organization and hv PTeaidenl Taft personally To repu diate It now is plain ' welching" on their pari. They should not submitted their case to the election if they did not Intend to abide bv Its results. The law itself was the result of the deliberate Judgment of the h-gls lature and the people of California. It was their opinion that since the BREAK mil OELEGATIONWD PLANOFWl Said to Interpret njffll 1(1 M Ho Must Vojiw T;,n Iy on FirsifcA W ILL OPPOSE R0o A) TEMPORARY CHjAc Senator Smoot ChosegAios man of Delegation James M. PetersooEw Richfield Secretanllhe By F. V. TITZ GftirM THE Special I i The Tribune Hfe Cure AGO. 111., j,1Dt ,. Ci 'n. T-niM Fhjm and Jamea M p.tHat The r.n V alternnte fln, "mtt and In his plaee u,. w,,; Mi en Burner X. Smith of fait7BlN Taft ,,,,,-,. wrj ,hcJrtli 'he yandmrr c,-,-nrri(.,s 0,miri. tlon b - th. t ,.ih rj.!, "BM? William Spry repr' A credential.--. -ommlKo, i' Joseph Howell on th,: comr.'i'JM J' manent organization. f.-..5"pftzs '. ator Sutherland r,r ' resolution, -, ,.; u-r .h-jsTjU1 the c-.rn nut t-o on rules ijijB business. Smoot to Notify NomimjB t 'nitod States S-iuto-r Rifc W represent rui, f.n , : v; ::,,JN ra' fv (he successful caniMatf ?)MW,! of his nmr;,.-,- th Jfc ''-'( tor Gr-orge Sutherland wP! IjJ " like service fnr the vlc jsW"1' nominee. Colonel C. e. LooB animonslv or .-fa, g mJRP ' nation-,; . .m:v it te from l'ttl lm' Ix)cse Is a -.ire: sr Rooj;v)t J and he ar-n.-cjv.-J ,i.3t in (flL -the re-nomination nf PntsMiistHW' "'""i'd resitn ti: r.atltTtfBljD ' tee. Ie declared, li'iwrner, lB was the nominee of the connHjcne would work for his ekrlloo.m, ((Vl not i-o-isi.-io-.-,ti; ,r on thHjit,, enmmille under the rlf'-UMaHljiim How Loose Will Vote. Colonel Loose will vott mi nomlnati - i .f Tut on ''-yfcnp iot hot j-.-.-. I.,-, 1,1 . v.'.;i not on ar.v .-'ik-, ,-r-j mc hilloL foisK, will otr. for the teni.noratjt , Iiosr n l,y ti... R.i' S"V,-;t fidBj other ?('Voi .Ir.lrC-H.los 1 stronc Co- T.;fl; ami will "'tmyj, tor Root fo. icmp'T.iry chL'tifm C R Holllnsraworth of F'Tj, l-.ccn chosen a an h"norarr Sbto i dent of the convention. w:y Will Get in Hall. The following reiddJil itmi tn been appointed Scrge.inlS-UdBl! all! the Republic;, i national pvui: llairc S Joseph. E. U. CaJUMbctu Ml',...;, l Tool? m, B In m Moront Heine.-, ci,.r.vln K JB tit M. As !' wn ariM : lin Am. .lie !hf otlvr r?a!eB5 In ntteiidan.-e;..i I '"L'BPPt E fessoi Kiioch Jo-rK(-r.fC". son. Keith M rtenaen, Ma i'd Mi'- Pabcork, f'MtBte Gardner. S-Jendricksoc, to a ltd re- so Ti-"'iuc. K OV-'at- fti..u ,HPHM I;, in at i A!fBTOlr - Olotiel -v-rJg -r !n the yP'!t .''.PT'5"' i,e w'" the 1-..r:v.;n;i.rr. I.BntJjip I r.,-'rc-s who flrota PJ 'who 'lemnaw !JW we: "p'a'.-srd fore inj 'qJ From' 'the languags .f.JE,. lejepraphed hy c,";?Kbi2? Rents th e on the comaWjA understood fTh -dK!' la. '' However. II is .P" - fn" Th n ttWTADD' e be?-n ln Question at Issue. Ife;; menLor"th',Vf'Tl fSK what I hey r-l'' ' B How. he 1" L KiD -: ' 'ifiHotfB ir'ne' pu' :;; ' r yi.' Hse 7hnAnUncan fffuW tht i-'-c-y;;'- rlvthetj tlonal contention i Iff fBBSP nominee JObJP'' thr.'.w ,ha! ' , Pk M HThcnsSSsS on tomorrow nd then ljSjMH of the doma lr .roun-.h or to iMSaiT - r n7iB4k " It ' sWaR Admission tn 3 r-MW free. I