Newspaper Page Text
Ba 1 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE IS, 191?.., . ; ; - i AID IS PROMISED BY GLUB GOVERNORS They Will Assist Plumbers' Convention; Five New Members. Five applications for membership in the Commercial flub wore approved yesterday at a meeting of the board of governor?. Theso were admitted: Res ident A. J. Mair. F, A SehlegUr, W. .J. Stricklev. 'on -resident J. Leo Fairbanks, Neif York; G, A. Laugtou, Locan. A DOBU&ittee rcprcsontinir the ma.-tc-i . plumbers met with t he bourd of uver nors, asking aid in connection the forthi'oming convection which is to be 1 held July Hi, 17, 18 and 19, The gov ernors assured the committee that the Commercial club would lend every aid within its power. Assurance was given that at. least $2000 would bo forthcom injr for the convention. At a meeting of the mines and min ing committee, D. F. (Jollett, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, made a brief address id which be urged the committee to take action looking to wards the maintenance of a creditable exhibit of minerals at the Chamber of Commerce A sub committee eonsist inc of W. C- Alexander, 0. H. Watson and Grant Snyder was appointed to at tend to the matter. This committee will act in conjunction with a like committee from the .Salt Lake Stock and Mining exchange - a You will tone up your system and feel better for taking, in the morning, -z glass of HunyadiJ. Janos Water m NATURAL LAXATIVE Best Remedy for iii&U CONSTIPATION KEEP BABY'S SKIN CLEM CUTICURA I SOAP Alifetimeof disfigurement and suffer ing often results from the neglect, in inf ancy or childhood, of simple skin af- !fections. In the prevention and treat ment of minor eruptions and in the promotion of permanent skin and hair health, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are absolutely unrivaled. CnMc-nra Soap and Ointment cold thmuttbnut to world I.lbrral timpl ot each mailed Uvr, ita book. AddrM "Catlcur. ' Dept SR. Boitoo. ir-lnC"r :.rr! men hate- i n comfort Wttfe CuCb aara Soap Sharlnc Stick. Llbarai aample fr. I I DENVER & RIO GHANGt I BACK EAST EXCURSIONS. May 18, 25. SI. June 1. B. 8, 12, 1S, SO. 22, 2 July 3, 12, 20. Auguet 1, 2, 10, 23. 31. September 4, 6. Chicago SBS.Ofl St. Loula 49.00 Minneapolis, St. Paul S2.00 Omaha, Kansas City 40.00 Denver, Colorado Springs 22.30 Oood ratumtnr until October li. Stopovera. Diverse Route. STEAMSHIP TICKETS to all carta of the world. . T? your money with this institution subject to check you are protected against loss in two ways. First, your funds are as sured of complete safety by reason of our capital and surplus of $400,000. Secondly, you are protect ed against paying ac counts a second time, for when you pay by check you always have an abso lute receipt for every dol lar expended SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY, 32 MAIN 8T j ' Noted W oman Leader Will Be Here Today To Slop Over En Route to General Federation Meeting. ONE of the most distinguished mem b"hj of the Gnerul Federation or vVom. h h -i 11 1 ;., Mis HH.-ii :tru k BosfteU, chairman ..f the commlt- " on InduntrhM and social con ditions, is expected in sfnt J-ake iiii? aiteroooii on her wnj 10 San Krancsco to aVtlAfld th hl-'-'.iniai mooting oi the general fed era lion. Miss ti swell ) M"-U,d ai :i: i o'clock by way ol Liu Oieajon Short Line. She will xc met iy meniocra ol ihe lo cal hospitality eotnniUtec and taken to the Hotel L'tah, where siie wlh be the guest of the commiuwe during her siay in Salt Lake. It Is thai MlBS Bos well can be Induced to remain OVei Thursday and go on to S:tn r'ranclsco on ihe direct ma' special. BO lliat Bhe may enjoy the enter taiument punned lur lliat day. Should .Miss Boeweil stay .'li" win be one of the dpeakers at the maea meet ing Thursday morning, in which the of ficials on the directors' special trill take part. Miss BOSWell, Whose lioni.- is in New i'ork, win te a prbmienl rigurc -'ii lh biennial programin- She will give a, report from her committee Saturday. J unci J9, and will speak on 'What We Arc. Learning.'' The same afternoon She Will have hr department conferenci . when the subject" will he "Opportunities foi a ciai Development," "Responsibility of lOmployers." 'Attitude ol tne Employee," 'Real Efdclency" and "Child Labor Problem." Miss Bos well was sent to Panama by the government three years ngo to in troduce club life there, so that the Ameri can women tn the Isthmus would bo more contented. The experiment proved a suc cess and Miss BOSWell made another trip to Panama on behalf of Ihe government a year ago to fOBter her Iniant clubs, which she found In nourishing condi tion The hal nf the industrial and social work of the federation Is a lltt;; woman of genial, pleasing and magnetic person ality, who wins her way Into the hearts and confidence of all with whom she comes In contact. She Is considered an authority on Industrial and social condi tions and Is much in demand as a speaker on these themes. She has spent considerable time In Washington In the Interest of better laws for women and children in social and Industrial rela tions. Miss BostvH has tied been stronc re cently and it. may be 'hat she will pre fer making a quiet trip to California In of the regular delegations, so that she may rest before the opening ol the biennial. In this event It Will be arranged for her to meet as many of the Sail Lake club women as possible In a quiet way. It is expected that Mrs. A I Qorham, president of the Utah Federation, who lias been visiting in Chicago Evanston and Iowa, will arrive home on the same train with Miss Eoswell. A meeting of all of the committees hav. Ing in charg.- the entertainment of dele gates on their way to San Francisco held n meeting yesterday morning at the. Com mercial club, when Secretary Joseph K. Calne of the Commercial club gas'e a talk along the line of points of Salt Lake and l'tah history In which the vis itors would likely be Interested A meet ing of the chairmen of committees win be held at the Hotel Htah this morn ing at 10 o'clock. Tlie information com mittee will meet at the Hotel Utah at il o'clock. The ' Line a Day Book" arranged bv the publicity committee is Just out. It Is neatly bound in blue with gold lettering. Carrying out the federation colors, bine and gotd A notice of the general enter tainment planned for the guests, with a list of the points of Interest covered In the automobile rides is given in the front of the book, with the information that a trained nurse and woman physi cian will be on duty at the Hotel l'tah to be at the disposal of the visitors dur ing their stay in the city. An Invita tion to visit the chamber of commerce to view a display of l'tah products Is also included. Blank pages, dated from June 24 to July G for notes of ih trip, are the main feature of the little vol ume, which is for distribution among the isitors Special information concerning Yellowstone is given In the back. Mrs C H McMahon. chairman of the general federation programme commit tee, distributed programmes yesterday morning to the members Of the enter tainment committees Mrs. Lee Charles Miller, chairman of the local finance committee, desires that all bills made for the enteriamineni of the guests requiring immediate payment be sent to her by Saturday, sine.-- .she will leave the city Saturday evening to be gone two weeks. The information bureau r,f which Mrs. Joseph M. Cohen is '-hair-man. . prepar ing some special information regarding woman b suffrage In Utah Some general Information and statistics with regard the divorce law in this state will alo be prepared. Mrs. F. E Marcv, chairman of the decoration committee, requests that donation.- of flower- :r. sent to loe main entrance of the Hotel l'tah on Thurs day. Friday and Baturdaj mornings. Mis. Bllsabeth H. foray, society edi tor of The Tribune, will attend the Fed eration meeting and Will appear on the programme in the press conference on the afternoon of June t5 Her topic will be "The Chib tn Relation to the Press " other topb- to be discussed at the eon fereneei at which Mrs. n. McMahon, of this city. will preside, will he "Women m Political Reporters," HELPFUL WORDS From a Salt Lake City Citizen. Is your back lame and painful! Does it ache especially after exer tionf Is there a soreness in the kiduey I region T These symptoms indicate weak kid neys. There, is danger in delay. Weak kidneys fast get weaker. Give your trouble prompt attention Dean's Kidney Pills act quickly Tbey strengthen weak kidneys. Bead this 8alt Lake City testimony G. A. Bates, 246 East Sixth South St., Salt Lake City, Utah, says "It jjivej me pleasure to recommeud Doan 's Kid J iiey Pill. 1 used about seven boxes, procured at Schramm Johnson 's Drug store, last year and was entirely re lieved of backache and kidney trou ble." For sale at Pehrnmm -Johnson 's Drug Bt .e. Salt Lake City, Utah, and hv a dealer. Price. 50c. Foster Milhurn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. -Remember the name Doan's and take no other. HflCaPCa i 7Ar 7 r-7 -y-i HELEN VAHICK B O SWELL "Straight Reporting vs. Feature Writing" and "Newspaper Work as a Preparation for Literature. The Idaho -lelosratlon of club women, en route to San Francisco will arrive In , .Salt Lake in a special car Saturday I morning, June 22, remaining in the city i until 2:36 In the afternoon The state Federation meeting will close at Boiso. ; Thursday, the delegates win leave the ;ni day for the biennial Eighteen del-Jpg'ite.-; will jrn lo San Cra nclsco. The Wisconsin delegation, numbering eighty-five, will arrive .Saturday morn I ing at ' o'clock. Club Notes. Miss Pr-s Qearharl Morrison, of Lin coln, Neb., a dramatic reader, will give la programme at the Phillips "onsreg-a.-,tl-inal church Tuesday evening, Juno In the interest of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. The art section Of the. Ladies' Liter ary club was Invited to the studio of ii. L. A. Culmer yesterday afternoon to examine a famous art collection, owned by a visiting artist. The collection con- I tains B number of originals by some of ! the Rreat master? j The Home and Foreign Iflssionary so n ielli nf the First Methodist church will have lheii annual mite bo: opening and carry out a special programme thl aft ernoon at the home of Mrs. M IS Wat son. L'.' Ninth avenue. Refreshments , will be served following the programme. ... Tlie Woman's Missionary society of the First Presbyterian church win meet this afternoon at 2:30 O'clock with Mrs. llenrv C. Catrow, 13 Fifth Last street. . The Frances K. WtllaVd W C T Ui will meet at ihe Liberty park Methodist church 'his ftornlng ,( 9:30 o'clock to 'make bouquets for distribution In jails i and hospitals In continuation of the cel ebration of flowrr mission dav It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten re I quires any internal treatment whatever, j All that is needed is a free application of Chamberlain's Liniment and niassap ing the parts at each application- Try , it and see how quickly it will relieve the pain and soreness Sold by all ! dealer?. Famous Stage Beauties look with horror on skin Eruptions. Blotches. Bores or Pimples. They ilon't have them, nor will any one, who uses Bucklen 's Arnica Salve. It clorifies the face. Eczema or Salt Kbeum van ish before it. Ii cures -ore Hps, chapped bands, chilblains, bealg I urns, cuts and bruises Une ualerl rot piles. Only -' at Bphramm'-Johnson, Drugs. I WEATHER FORECAStT WEATHKR FORECAST 1 OK SALT LAKJE CITY I AND Till: STATE "I" i TAH :l NKRAU.V PAIR Tl E8DAT AND WRDNEBDAT OemparatlTa waatlier data Ball Laka r"ltv. .Iiino IT, 1P12 Hlghaat ;rm)r;illr IHat - H Arr-t. hlghaal in this inoiiiii itdoa lTt waa 101 it grei.-. ionri iit niitht wan 47 dasraas; lovaai rhlii mnnlh rr 't wo; ?" leRrep. in, an ioni prrabire fi today VII U BaBTSaa, luTnial was HS lirgrfff a''-urnultttcl 1ell Irnry nlfe-e the flrst ol the mnnlh if IT rt"nrr.. ; accumulated cx-T alno January 1 I "'' 1 -cr - nl'lc liunildlty n 4 a. m. today waa T.4 ! pit oaBI relative humidity at 6 p Dl, todn o I C.T por i eut. I Tolnl i:e-lpltatlon for the twenty-four hour ent!ln(5 at C p. in. .01 of an Inch; total for thin rflorjtfl to dato la ."2 of :i Inch. acaniatatad rea for thin monlli to ilato Is .10 of an Inrh; total precipitation alnte January 1 to dare I. . 10 .'Ii Inrhea, aOCUBllllatad OXCaafl a'.nrc Jauuary 1 I la .74 of an Inch Sun riaea at (:U a. m . mo aaai t 1:09 p. m. June 15 lBlt. WRATHMB OESERVATIQWa Tamparatura M j fe 9m r -1 Stations. :. p f Z - ? S. r - r I Is i 3 r : i I : I : I : r ! 'AI.7 LAI-.E . fi I i il i Tl Hnire I ( I 71 I SO 00 riieyenn. 1 44 1 4 I 3 I .it r-hlc.go I i 70 f.K I .no Penv.r I 44 I 44 I 40 1 24 Pe. Molnea 1 I I t.2 I .00 Poda-. t-'ItT 1 M I M I 41 I 1 44 I'uluth bZ 1 i I 44 I .00 Puranao 4 I N I t0 I .00 lirand JDnrtlon (4 1 M I (0 I .07 Havre M I 70 i 43 I .00 Helena H I 70 ! 44 1 .00 Huron 4H I 41 I .00 .! kfonvllle .. 90 H 74 j 0,) K.n.a City II I M I II .CO tender M I ii I 38 I .J2 LiM Anuelea 71 I IS I 60 j .00 Modena 70 I 72 I 44 j .00 Moorhead M I CO I 43 I 00 Mr (irleana 1)4 I M I 78 01 New York 74 I III I J North Plan. 16 f 4 j 10 .00 I Oklahoma M 1 70 ' r.4 13.04 Phoaula t I M I II I .00 I Pocarello .... tS S I 40 00 j Or. M I M I SI M I Rapid rity . SO I tj .. 00 I Rofehurg H I a rr, I 00 'San Dleao I II I 70 I AO I 00 Kl. Loul. ! II ! M I 61 I 10 t Paul I II j 10 I 4( 00 San Pran -laeo l ' 71 ' &(. 00 I Seattla 12 ! 14 f II ! 00 j '.lor AO I 14 ! .IS j .00 Spokana 50 I J r.0 I 00 Tooopali 71 I 74 I 10 I .00 Waahnaton 7 I M ! ' 70 WUIIatoa .. 12 1 I i I .00 Wmiirmiifri 71 (,q j w Sorenrien Enters Plea. Alfred Sorensen. who or, April M Phot aiv! k 1 1 ! -'I Tlvirnas II McOIHIh, appeared yeaterday before Judfra P. La9of bourow In the criminal dlvtalon of tbs Third diatrnet OOUrt and entered a plaai of not Kullty to a charge of mvirder In tha ftrat deKre. The date of th trla: l haa not yet been set poslam ens m mm AND eOMFOHT Pcplam and PoslaRI P'-np menu asl ins kln health and bomfort to n:' who are afflicted with anv ami" Ins or dls figurlng .kin disease. These troubl cause acute distress, particularly in hdt weather, when bodily cot-tort is d.lfQtuJt under best c ndJUons ltchlnR stops when Postlam, Is applied, Irrltatloti 's subdued, anciv akin Is comforted, neat fn) sleep ma; be enjoyed The complete cure of acsema, acne, all eruptions, itch- Ini: trotitU-. .vtiTi'eirn. MIuks. waMs and every form of skin aHment la easily ao-i.imillHl-,'il h this perfect remedy P'OSLAM ;-i". v V, besidra assiytlitK in the work of heuiln? should he u.ed tlaily for its man-, benefits to the skin, wheth er or- not disease Is present. Best for baby's bath: absolutely pure; soothes ten der skin: neVer Irritates. Schramm -Johnson, Druse, "The Never Substltutors.v five i good stores, and all druggists sell Poslam (price, so cents i 11 tu Posh-m Soup fprlee. 25 cents) Por free samples, write to the Emergency Laboratories, 82 West 86th street. New York City Salt Lake Statistics Marriage Licenses. TVIII'.ir-' S lifiKeague and fiertrude MrHale. '.c,!h of Sait Lake S. L Bn.-h. Salt Lake, and Lola Burnett. Black fool. Ida. Antonv T. J. Pufrenoe and MaOhalUi leather, Salt Lake. William P. Preston and Mahcl Amiujen. both of ?ait Lake Loronao Pullmor, Wllford Ward, and Flora A. Turner, Murray. Hymm Andrewa and Marpuorlte Prderfen, both of Salt Lake. Births. Prederlrk Turner Roblnnon. 7S West Third Noith. hov Noimnn T Hall.tticer. C51 Kael. Eltthln Pouth. boy. C. W Melnom, 2'- Haul Second South. Klrl Deaths. Edward N Riis'-h, Trovo. paralyala. Moranrlcr Wellcn. Si Marks hospital, broken oeok. Francis B. Pos. 1212 fndiana ovonue. apo plexy i atharlna J. Rhode. 7I Eat South Temple, nephritis, Chrlltlan Kirk. Abbott. Il0pllal. California. fr.T-i i:rcl xkull. Bugena Bertram fJoia, ocden. appendleitle. Ml laral FnM II Malln MI Eat Sixth South, double tonelllMo John B White, Holy rrona hOapltal, nephrltla. Lillian Carroll Coles. IUj Lnlrd avenue, cardiac .J Million Real Estate Transfers. Christopher SJaton nd wife to Orace A. Paticraon. Iota I and . block 5, rerklna fire I addition I 460 M A. Miller and wife lo Victoria Chrla-lem-en. lota 13 14 and 15. block 1. For est Dale 1 William II Decker mid wife to Nannie F. tore, lota 7 and 8, block 1. Poplar Grove J Inst&rd Jenen to John H. riant aod wife, lotf. I and . block 3. S'ipcrloi addition . 2?5 W. N. Davln and ti Ife to William J. Drake, lot I. block 10. CtT Talk 1.400 E. It WlckM to Faullne MrCee. lota in and M. Mork 1. Perkttia I Third ad dition ... I Marian A. M. Cannon in WaalaV Johninn. loir, BS, El and fiO. block I. Emeiaon Helghta addition S50 George M Cannon to Wesley Johnaon, lOtl B and 1. block 3. Knmrvon Helghti. . . (100 William Savage Jr and wife, to John La Roy Savage part lot 3 block 59. plat C... 1 Q orKi CapaaOD and wife to Oacar H. Cape-.-op. part iSbtloq 'J7. townaliln 1 couth. rauKe t east ... i.700 Salt t.ake Ac Jordan M. & E company to Sell Lake & Osdea Railway rompanv. pari, aat tlon township 1 north, range 1 west loo C'omr and rlino with us at Lagoon Barbecue day. Fare 25c. i WILL FURNISH FREE COFFINS FOR FLIES As an added Incenilvc to the "swat the fl " content, to he conducted by the state board of health, the. Union i?aper Box Company Of ihis city yesterday notified Dr T. Ti Beatty, secretary of the hoard of health, thai they would contribute free boxes in which the carcasses of flies may be kept by i ontestants The boxes will have ;i capacity of one Kill and will hold about 1600 flies. The contest was originated by Louis and Adolph Simon of Salt Lake se-.-eral weeks ago. when they offered $1000 to be distributed In prize money by the hoard r.f health i" those in the state who kin the greatest number of Hies iluring the Beason. The mUs governing the contest will be announced by the state board of i health within a few days! J NERVOUS DESPONDENT j WOMEN Find Relief in Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Their Own Statements So Testify. Platea, Pa. "When I wrote to you first I was troubled with female weak i.i: ,. i . ; ...... 7.. ness and backache, ,mcjw- i, and was so nervous SISfev 1iat wou'd cry at jtgjfyy . tne 'east noise, it iSZ BT: would startle me so. r W. ' 1 e?'an t0 take Ly- ZL dia E. Pink ham's -lyK remedies, and I don't imKiPMyr have, any more cry Wl'Nfl I ing 5Pells- I 8leep ' Ik H ' sound and my ner 'fi ' vousness is better. : ' I will recommend your medicines to all suffering women." Mrs. Mary Halstead, Platea, Pa.f Box 98. Here is the report of another genuine case, which still further shows that Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound may be relied upon. Walcott, N. Dakota. "I had inflam mation which caused pain in my side, and my hack ached all the time. I was so blue that I felt like crying if any one even Bpoke to me. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I began to gain right away. I continued its use and now I am a well woman." Mrs. Amelia Dahl, Walcott, N. Dakota. If tou wanl sprrial adrice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a iromau and held lu strict confidence. Cloak&SmtHoast f 2S8 260 MAIN ST. I ' ' The Store That Gives Value. 1 ' I Crowded to the DooA Monday I WITH EAGER BUYERS expresses the enthu W siasm displayed at our Clearance Sale of the I entire stock of Tailored and Fancy Suits. i The women of Salt Lake Citv are thoroughly aware of thefl that a store doing a STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS is saving themJ dreds of dollars annually. The mere fact of our phenomenal grrjl in the women's ready-to-wear business is ample proof that they dnj ognize the value and advance styles we arc offering, because allflj clientele are those whose credit is perfectly good in every other J in the city, and it stands to reason that we give them more stylel; better value, or they would buy where they have an account. p Those of you who have been accustomed to the credit svstemB the advanced thinking women of this age, and help reduce htm cost of living by paying cash, not to credit stores, but to tliel store that does only a cash business. The enthusiastic response to our Sunday advertisement meaff continuation for a few days of the most astounding price cuttingF 1 on stylish high-class merchandise ever offered in this city. f Every suit in the house included, nothing reserved. Jgj All $30.00, $35.00, $40.00, tffc gK taK $45.00, $47.50 Suits B j&jr W for oje price . VP JL O m All $50.00, $60.00, $70.00. gt $75.00, $80.00, $85.00 Suits J? J? Wtx FOR ONE PRICE . . . W &d 4kd J 258-260 MAIN ST. ' ' ' The Store That Gives Value. " Wl PS ii A Excursions East jyi From Salt Lake or Ogden to j m Denver and return $22.60 1 Kansaai Oity and return 40 00 St, Louis and return 49.00 Omaha and return 40 00 JJ, Chicago and return 55 .00 i St. Paul and return 52 .00 Plxptrtionately low rates to other points. I DATES OF SALE: 1 May 18, 25 and 31. J aTune 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 20, 22 and 29. S , July 3, 12 and 0. JH August 1, 2, 10, 23 and 31. IjHj September 4 and 5. jHtL LIMIT, OCTOBER 31ST, 1912. iZrr STOPOVERS; DIVERSE ROUTES. tP Excursions West To Ang-eles, San Francisco, P irtland, JWJMUM Tacoma, Seattle and other points, at flMU var-OUB times during- the summer. For further parttculars call av (jmfa City Ticket Office, Hotel Utah, vkW&CjJ TELEPHONE 4 r I 51 Qlfy? . EXCHANGE 1 J) k9u-U -aalllKHV0ut JaarrT r "aQaW " We Treat Vof Sill