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fes W$ Salt Cafe Sftfibttne, rl mIIZZ- JlXXXv7nO. 66. SALT LAKE CITY, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1912. 20 PAGES FIVE CENTS. IOOT CHOSEN CHAIRMAN; 558 TO 502 I :eats Roosevelt's Candidate in the First Test of the Republican National Convention I I in win 1st victgry taCOLDNEL Root, Choice of I Bdent's Supporters, 'ted Temporary Bman After Pro Bd Contest; Roose 2Leaders Resort to Wfr Personal Attacks rSrn Tide. Sfc STRUGGLE j)MISED TODAY I yor Hadley, Given fcrity by Roosevelt, lfHKry to Keep Out m invention 92 Dele iSBCredited to Presi- wfty National Com- in WCO. iTn v. e 1"? a ' nsrt threats, charts and 'pr in vfct nf the forces, the. Taft. sup 'sBttie Republir-an national (xTatH today put through the '?flvp of their programme SjB Senator Elilm Root of s5as temporary chairman. the fa-1 tli;.t Vwor airra?n rit' the na jiBaDmittf, consistently 0r'r'r r'Vf motion rirtHpe Roo.:-ivr-lr t'oivos, ii ft'S0re tban fivf" hours to fSB6 on th" airmanship. lpom tho vrn. first name --fieJeKater. ,iit in the on.l found to ha - by a Stm .B0 'r-- TflT r'''Vf 'it Franois rioiflF0- r' ' -in. with four- I pi DtB ,1 SS ROonfident. pJsF1!T,i!:r t 1 DlKR0 7 a'lvantnP op- lioo LtWltb t,,e PrsMDt. how .ipetjRlj '!:'" r' ' ,,tbl3B i W' rf' ;or s,'Tiat"r .iK .ar" livf:1 "T to. some ''uSB ,r"''T" " ' f"r SjBELr'1" v,;ivr: nVBsiiy iav" IF K0t Wa" !,,ad chairman ill, UK'1 tbe national commit- (Jc,kfir'r"" 'f''b B followed. JjSB-'"'- . 'luring gage Two. Root's Defeated Rival GOVERNOR F. E. M 'GOVERN. ' ' ' M HORSE WILL WIN.JAYS LOOSE Thinks Taft and Roosevelt Will Lose Strength; Vote on President Friday. BY F. V FITZ GERALD. CHICAGO, -fune 18. Colonel C. B. Loosp., the Foosovolt member of tbe Utah df ltjjation. said tonight that be was satisfied that Roosevelt could nt be nominated, lie said that, in big opinion both Taft and Roosevelt would lose strength tomorrow, and that thfii th result would be a deadlock for gev eral ballot?. 1 f r- believe thai a dark horpe ultimately be tbe nominee of the convention. Senators .-moot ano" Sutherland botb predicted that Taft would be- stronger in the convention than Roosevelt, and that the president would be renomi nated on tbe first ballot. Tf a vote il lakeu tomorrow on the approval of the temporary roll of the convention, eovr-n Utah delegates will vote for the. neat iu? of the delegates in accordance with the erport of thr national eomntittee. Colonel Loose will oontinne to oppose this plan of procedure. Sena'r Sutherland, who has been 'hr.c.n a member of the committee on resolutions, is assisting in thr prepara tion of a I a nil clank 1ir the platform This plank nil! declare for a non partisan tariff COmmisaioO and re vision of the tariff schedules in con fortuity with the findings of this com" mjstift"i There will In.- no woman's stiff rape plank in tho platform, de spite the agitation tba is being made tor this provision Governor Spry, as B member of tbe committee on credentials, will vote for the ?catiD2 of the delegates now on tb. temporary roll of the convention. Otan d legatee o that I iiere. will be no vote on president before Friday. Senator nei son will QUIT PUBLIC SERVICE By International Navtt Bervloa WA8H1NOTOW, J una is. After twen ty.eigbl e&rfl at almosl Oontlniious serv ,.r. u ,t public official, Knuts Nelson, Hie v, i,. rabla senior eanator from BUnne iota, win in a a-w days announce bis rc rusai to again become a senatorial candi date and bis permanent retirement from public life. Advancing ag- and Increas ing responsibilities o a merabar of the upper bouae of congress i are given aa his reaaon tor quitting public lue. Balloon Makes Record. PARIS. June IS.--A woild ..-coid for iltutu for dlrlalbls balloons today by the dirigible Contevan alraWp ffiffing to tho jfrweh army whlcb at- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl TO BOLT THURSDAY IF M LOST Roosevelt Leaders Map Out Plan of Battle Covering Every Angle. By Tntma.nona i News Bervlce OHlOAlrp, June 18. -In a fonr hour eonieronee with all of the Leaders of his forces and his political advisers early tonipht. ai th f'onci'ess hotel, Theodore Booseyelf outlined clearly i.h plan of hi? battle for tomorrow and for tbe remaining days of the couTeu tion. He will bolt i lie convention on Thursday if ho has no! won hip right by the time the Bret ballot is taken on the presidential nomination, Thie is the programme; Tomorrow the credential? committee will make its report, and tho big guns of the lloosevelt. artillery will bo trained acain?! that report. It is assumed at the outset that tbe report of tho credentials committee will bo wholly aeainst tho IJoosovelt faction. It. is agfumeil that the report will uphold in every particular tho ac tion of the national steamroller. It is assumed that the credentials com mittee will teat every delegate that the national committee seated last week. Roosevelt will demand vote imme diately on that report and he will do aiand that tho contested delegates be prevented from voting on the credeu tials committee report, holding that to permit contested delegates to vote would be tu let them act as jury in the eases in which they are defendants. Seventy-live, of the contest have boon picked out as boiue especially meritorious. They are cases in which the seating of the Taft delegates was, in the opinion of the Roosevelt men, particularly outrageous. The center of lire will be directed against those seventy-five Roosevelt and bis managers have an ticipated every step in. I bo figbt . They know what they will do at every stage of the battle, no matter which way tho wind blows. Tbev hope that they will be able to prevent the contested delegates from voting on their own cases. Failing to do that, this will be tbe next step in the battle. Tbe Roosevelt forte-, will undertake, aided by I he constant weakening of the Taft lines, to unseat tho steam roller delegates in spite of the vote of those same delegates. They will carry their figbl to the floor of Hie convention, resisting every move of the enemy, struggling for every possible .(Continued on f ago Wine.), FORESEES TRIO OF REPUBLICANS AS MIES Taft Will Surely Get Regular Nomination, Roosevelt Will Certain ly Bolt and La Follette Probably Will, Says Hamilton. HENEY FEATURE OF ONLY FIGHT Gives Fierce Description of "Big Steve" of Colo rado; Stirs Bradley of Kentucky to Fury and Comes Off Unscathed. BY EDWARD H. HAMILTON. By LntarnatlasiaJ Ncw Baevlee, CHICAGO, .lone Is. William Howard Taft will bo renominated for pres ident or the t'nitod States by this convention. Theodore RoOMVelt eertjunly ami Robert If. Il Vol tette probably will also b Republlean candidate); tWe-te ttut people of the. land next November. Under thase cireum Btaneea, If a Democrat cannot he elected president, then they mljrht as well (clve up and .idmtt that a Democrat cannot be sleeted si pn The election of Ellhu Root, the pmy old fox of the, pai-ty, as the temporary chairman, tells the whole tale. Wht vra.s put over today ran be put over to morrow and the next day and so on In definitely. The manikins i in complete control, and any one must pause and make s.rln.nn to that engine. Nobody pretends to ay that Taft can he elected. Nobody fieems to care a hang: If lie Ik defe.ated. Tho men who sup ported Root today supported him In or der lo be nt the roloiie.l, and not be- causs they have any love for Taft. Confidence Is Lacking1. rhr- feeling aiund the lobbies tonight I re. t 'ne of exultation on the part of the Taft supporters. Thoy act In the s.'iiio (ga:y fashion that all of us did at Reno when Johnson thrashed Jeffries. Of course, the people mo mad clear through. AH their boasts. their bluster, their devotional enthusi asm has come bo nothing ah the parad ing of Teddy np and down the land has brought defeat. The rocket Is now tho stick. So the Roosevelters nre mooting and gnashing their teeth and devising- ways and means for making- the colonel an opposition candidate. It has always been a certainly that he would be nn opporl tlon candidate In CMs of defeat. Three Candidates Likely. The Roosevelt leaders always have ex PQi ld La Follette to be out as an Inde pendent against the colonel In case tho latter won the nomination; so " Bob" may be counted on a a third Re publican candidate, making trouble all along the line. Rut for nil the preliminary talk of force and fury and fisticuffs. It was a doleful sort of convention today- No body bo much ns let go a punch. There was no effort to do anything by force Tho platoon and battalions and regi ments of police that were hold In rcadl nesa might as well hac boen out on the Montana mountains, so far as their serv ice! were needed, though they were very much In the way of themselves anil everybody else. California is "Sassy," California, through Governor Johmion and Francis J. Hcney, was "Hasulcst" und "scrappiest" Of all the states- But "sass" and "scrap'' us they would, tho votes of K. H Tryon and Morris Meyer feld, Jr , tho two seated Taft dolegateu, were counted for Root as they will he counted for Tuft. The two men did not It anywhere near their colleagues, but were way back of the Arizona dele gation. When their n&imts were called at tbe tall of the California list they were urged up to the front quhitly and rhclr votes taken while Governor John son was making a turmoil of protest. Then the two slipped quietly out of the convention hall ami were seen no more. Johnson stormed and shouted and threatened, but the vote was announced: McGovern. 24; Root. 2; and there was no way for the angry Capfornlans to ohangs the result. Wow! but they aro a mail denedi a revengeful lot. After the vote wa:. announced they put on tho black (Continued on Page Two.) I Vote, by States on the j Temporary Chairman States Root McGovern Alabama 22 2 ) Arizona 6 j Arkansas 17 1 California 2 24 !; Colorado 12 I Connecticut 14 . . I Delaware 6 . . ( Florida 12 Georgia 22 6 Idaho 8 j Illinois 9 49 j Iowa 16 10 Indiana 20 10 I Kansas 2 18 j Kentucky 23 3 ) Louisiana 20 i Maine 12 Maryland 8 8 j ? Massachusetts 18 18 Michigan 19 10 Minnesota 24 I Mississippi 16 4 ) j Missouri -. 16 20 j Montana 8 j Nebraska 16 ) Nevada 6 . . ) New Hampshire . . 8 .. ? New Jersey - 28 j New Mexico 6 2 j ! New York 76 IS j North Carolina 3 21 i Ii North Dakota 9 j Ohio H 34 Oklahoma . . 4 16 S Oregon - 3 6 s Pennsylvania 12 64 s j Rhode Islu-nd 10 j South Carolina 11 7 l South Dakota 10 j j Tennessee 23 1 j i Texas mm 31 8 j Utah 7 1 j Vermont , , . 6 2 ! I Virginia 22 2 Washington 14 . . I West Virginia , , 16 ! Wisconsin 13 ) Wyoming - 6 . . Alaska 2 I District of Columbia 2 . . ) ) Hawaii 6 i ) Philippines 2 . . I Porto Rico 2 . . 558 502 Scattering Gronna 1. Louder 9, Hauser 3. i Absent Texas 1, Oregon 1, Michigan 1. j CUDAHYS RECONCILED: FORGET DIFFERENCES By International News FVrvlfe. kan? s CITY, June IS.--A reconcilia tion between Mr. and Mr. John P. (Jank) Cudaby haB heen effected. Since the divorce ohtalnd by Mrs. Cudahy from her hufhnnd two years as;o Mr Gudahy has been living alone at the Hotel Raltimore and on his farm near Bolton. Mrs. Cudahy han heen liv ing In ii n apartment at 3527 Main street The children who were talcon from the mother under tho divorce agreement were given to tho parents of Mr. Cudahy with whom thov have been since that time. i Mr. Cudahy was at the apartment of Mrs. Cudahy when a reporter culled there this afternoon Both Mr and Mm. Cud ahy said that their differences luid been settled and they hoped there would he no further occasion for trouble. Two years Ago a formal decree of divorce was Istmed to tho Cudahy s fol lowing the Ben national attack of tho hus band upon Jere LIIHh, b. banker. Iat week a rcc'.inclliutlon was effected and the two returned to housekeeping In the apartment occupied by Mrs. Cudahy The second union Involves the church, and follows the nge-old question of the supremacy of the church or tho etate- Is a canonical law greater than a law of the government? In the Cudahy case it has settled that what the church hnB bound together no Jaw can break asiuid er. The Cndahys went reunited on that Idea. Catholics In religion and heredity, they came to the belief that their inar rlutre in the Catholic fuith was not brok en bv the divorce decree two ycarB ago, and thus they began their married lite anew. , . At the Cudahy home tonight few de tails of the i ouutnn were given out. It was admitted that the two had hogun to tve together again and it was stated that an sffectlvs reconciliation has been made. DISTRICT ATTORKY OEFIESTHE COURT By International News Service. LOS ANGELES, June 18. The Darrow trial fcession ended this evenlnsr with an open defiance of an order of the court by Assistant District Attorney Ford. Judge Hutton had just admonished George Behm. uncle of Ortlo McMan! gal, who was on the witness stand under cross-examination by Darrow, not to talk to anyone about the case until his ap pearance in court tomorrow morning. "To be fair to the court," said Fond. "I want to Instruct Mr. Behm to be In my office tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock so that if I want to talk to him about this testimony I will be able to do bo." "Mr. Ford." began the court, "I have admonished the witness." "I do not recognize the power of the oourt to prevent us from talking with the witness as to his testimony and if occasion arises I expect to do so." Tho defouse had asked for the court's Instruction to the witness, but had been unable to produce any authority, finally falling baok on the declaration that it was a matter of common law, which Ford denied. Behm was subjocted to a rigid cross examination by Darrow as to his own dealings with him. Darrow succcedod In tangling the witness concerning the tu toring he alleged Darrow had given him :iB to hlo testimony before the grand jury last Auguut. A letter written by Darrow to Bohm at hlB home at Portage, Wis., introduced Into ovideuce by District Attorney Fred erlckn woo tho sensation of the day, The letter was written in regard to a dispute of a claim Bohm had made for expenses for the trip thar he made to Los Angeles to induce Ortlo McMnniga to repudiate his confession. In It Darrow admits the payment to Bohm of J5L NOMINATION OF I TAFT FORECAST 1 BY FIRST TEST I Vote Indicates That Even Deducting Roose velt Delegates Who Voted for Root, Presi dent Still Has Majority of Ten, Counting the Instructed Delegates Who, Like Col. Loose, Voted for McGovern. s COLONELS CLAIMS I RAPIDLY WEAKEN I Betting Changes and Is Now Three to One Against Roosevelt and Two to One Against Taft; Talk of a Com promise Candidate Has Been Revived. BY JAMES J. MONTAGUE. CHICAGO, June IS With El ihu Root fleeted temporary chairman o' the national Republican convention over Fran cis E. McGovern oT Wisconsin the Rnoscvrlt candidate by -i vote of 558 to 502, each faction of tbe Republican party is loudly claiming (hat the other has boon defeated. "Roosevelt, is out of it." was the .jubilant cry of the Tafi men as they left the hall after a highly placid session that lasted from noon till 7 :30 p. m. Roosevelt Men Still Shout. "tt'e've cot Taft beateu." was the shout of the Booserelt nien, as lem porarilv (hey abandoned their talk of' bolt, and went into eoufereuee vith a view to fitrpnsrtheninc their Hues. Toniehl the ceneralu commanding the rival forces, neither confident of vic tory for their own catnlidate?, aro an alyzing the result and trying to get some comfort out of it. Up to a late hour, neither side was hopeful of any thing but. the defeat of tlic other. Result of First Test. The total votes cast In tin? convention for temporary chairman was 1073 out of a total of 107$, divided ns follows: Root BBS. MrGovern BW. Louder !l. Hauser 3. Gronna L Not. voting 6. TKIs gave Root, the choice of the na tional commtttea, a majority of 38 over aJl. The 520 votes cast asalnst Root Included the 36 lo LaKollette and 10 for Cummins, which would indicate that the Roosevelt strength expressed by the bal lot represented 474 votes. This Is not a fair statement of the Roosevelt strength, as the convention is now con stituted, as of the delogates instructed for RooBevolt, seven In Illinois, eight in Maryland and three in Oregon a total of eighteen, declared for Root. Taft Has a Majority. On the other hand McGovern apparent ly gained from the instructed Taft dele gates one each in Arkansas, Kentucky and Utah, two in Ohio and five from Ha wait a total of ton. This would jndlcato a net gain for Roosevelt, should instruc tions be followed. In the vota for presi dent of eight, and Increase bia total to 482, or fifty. eight short of a majority of the convontlon- Tho effort upon the Taft vote in the final Btruggle, if conditions remain as at present, would bo a loss of eight from the vote cast for Root, leaving Taft with 55(1, ,r ten mora than a msjorlty of the convention. , . . Tho Ktutos showing the variations trom