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J 8 HE SALTLAKR TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1013. tttftc &alt lafee Tribune Twnied every morning: by Fnlt Ia-Ko Tribune Publishing Company. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dailv and Sunday, one month. , , . $ 1.00 DaIIv and Sunday, three month.... S.cwt Pallv nn.J Sunday, one year 12 00 P indav Tribune, on year 1.00 Sundav Tribune, six months 100 Semi-Weekly Tribune, ono year.... L.SO The Tribune Is on sale In every lm- j portont city of the United Kin.;j ; Readers of the paper may ascertain j the name of the local aent In any City by telephoning: this office, S, r. Rerkwith. Special Agency, Sole Eastern Advcrtlnlnc A.cent. Eastern of fice. Tribune BaUdfnff, New York; West ern office. Tribune Building, Chicago, Runlnss communications should be ad dressed. "The Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah.'" Matters for publication t "Editor The Tribune. Salt Lake City, Utah." Telephone Exchange 26-1. When you fail to K"t your Tribune, tele phone the city circulation department and a copy will be sent you by special messenger. Entered Rt the Postofflce at Salt Lake City as second-ciasa matter. Wednesday, June 19, 1912. All Indications favor the view that is now irainiurjr in sircnffth, thai the people ol Mexico are ppttlnj; 1 i red of revolutions, ft 's about time. President Gomez promises to slump our th6 insurrection in Cuba in ten days. TAis. to ward off iDtervnl inn by the Unitcr States. But if he doesn't do it, then what ? Complaints of the 8te.linr of auto mobiles are beard in all parts of the country, Tb "joy riders" set Ue fashion, and as usual, fashion is eager ly followed. Th 'revolt." of Tim Woodruff riidn '1 mako so U1U0& of a ripp'c as he evidently hoped; and it carried only his own vote. Mis quality of leader ship seems altogether to have do parted from him, i Baltimore. th Pe.morratR insist, Ibe trmporarv chairman rausl be neu tral, li will be comparatively cav to have, it there, hirer, the Democrats have no tuch fierce personal wrangle as is on at Chicaffo. A stiff effort is being organized to fight the tWO-tbird rule in the Demo cratic National convention. But it w not likely n win. Thai rule wan adopted by the Jackson Democrats in 132, and ifi a fixed standard. With Ol. Roosevelt on hand wield ! mcr the " bis slick," and Leader (for mer Boss) Klinn at Chicago with the famous "blacksnake whip," there will be no lck of coercive hardiness to appj ( arn- would-be deserter. Tim Democratic delegates is the Ke. publican National convention, particu I larly VIr. Beney, snowed tbemsolves immoderate aud licentious io speech n the? undoubtedly would he in act were they given the power. Wo trust that the Eagles from Ihrc Male , who ;ire Vro lor ihrir joint convention, will have every faoilitv for then' procedure, and thai their sojourn among us will he ho pleaeanl thai they wil he eager to come aqam. The Powdei Trust hvis heen dissolved by decree of the r B, Supreme ourt. H "ill do business now us several com panies, an l, as in I ho case of the Stan dard Oil Trust, which has made more money since dissolution than ever be fore, it will probably enjoy hugely the process of dissolution. An enormous number of "campaign I visibilities " are snggested, from a recognition by the new National Com mittee of 8 Roosevelt bolting nomi nation a I the regular nomination, to the KTinn proposition that the Presi j dential electors in the Republican Stale- ttc for Roosevelt whether he is nominated or not. Tt is a year fer tile in fakery, but ii is all plain fakery jiihl the same. The final action of the Utah Su preme ' ourt. affirming the validity of the judgment of death in the appeal 0t Thome, one of tho murderers of kTaasell, will he cii received by the public. Mr. Fassell wuh murdered by Biley and Thorne op afarefa 20, 1010, and 'he two murderers have been able 1o Btave off their deeerved punish ment for morn than two years. It is Mirch time th:M t''eir criminal careers cauio to an end. Topoko State Journal: "Politics, in. )e d, make Mr;in;;c bedfellow;. Such erstwhile trust-busters as Governor Johnson of California, Governor Sad ley of Missouri and Governor Stubbs of Kansas, are running crracdh in Chi cago lor George W. Perkins, organ izer of the harvester :ri!.-t, a power in the steel trust, and a rr nt partner of the firm of J. Piorponl idorgan 4; Co., the father of most of the trusts." San Francisco Chronicle: "There bray be nothing iniquitous about a I bird term, but it is certainly bare faced hypocrisy t' pooh-pooh at those wtmj denounce it and sav that there i3 iio cause for alarm in the same breath that a perpteual Presidency is defend ed as something desirable, In the Out look fur liny 35th, a magazine edited in part bj Roosevelt, we hDd the state merit: 'There i no reason why the people of the eountry should not con tinue a President in office as long as he serves them well." Perhaps the Colonel did not pen this sentence, but whoever did quite overlooks the fact I that there is a verv excellent reason, I to wit: The American people do not want or nood a perpetual President," GOOD FOR THE FIRST DAY' The first day's work of the Republi can National 'onve.n(i0n in Chicago i eminently satisfactory. The opposition massed aaic.-d. Senator Boot, tho '1 aft candidate for temporary chairman, and Root won handsomely against that com bined opposition. This shows that the Taft forces are in control of the con vection; tkev have the majority of the delegates. It can fairly bo presumed, therefore, that Taft's nomination is reasonably sine. The preliminary skirmishing was vig orous, and the opposition lost no opportunity- to press its case. But as against steadfast majorities, minorities do not win The roll -al waa tedious, and tho in tcrcM. manifested bv everybody in itj was very keon. .Salt Lnko City thronged the bulletin hoards, and displayed the greatest political anxiety of the yoar thus far, to keep track of the vote as it was reported. State after State The Taft forces stood firm for Root, there was littlo wavering. The oppo sition also stood firm, and the liue-up as made on the vote as between Sen ator Root and Governor McGovcrn can fairly be assumed to bo a close index of the standing of the delegates on the Presidential nomination. Senator Root with his 558 votes, be ing 20 raoro than the half of all who voted, is the forerunner of Taft, who will cet the like vote. Important, developments are likely to occur today, The contention that the delegates whom the Roosevelt m3n agcrs affect to assume are yet in con test, should not vote, is folly; they voted, a; they had the right to ote. They will continue to vote, also, and the Taft conteatees "ill vote the, Taft way,, just as thov have done thus far. Thfl content between the Rooicrelt and the Taft forces is something more, than spirited; il is bitter. The evil words hurled from the Roosevelt side, aro words thai ought not t have been spoken, and that are certain to be re gretted. The people of the United States do not take kindly to billing9 calo or extravagant abuse, nor to pot house brawling in a great, assemblage such as this convention. If anything were needed to consolidate the Taft cote absolutely, and at tho same time bo disgust f ho American people with the spectacle presented by such intemper ance of Language on the part of the Roosevelt shouters, tho proceedings of yesterdaj an- well calculated thereto, and also destroy whatever chances Col. Roosevelt might have had, and in I he. same degree to advance the for tunes of President Taft We look to see the vote Rs cast yes terday substantially maintained throughout the cons ent ion. As to the threatened bolt, we assume (hat tho danger of that is now past, The Roosevelt delegates have gone into the convention, have participated in the proceedings, and have thus ac quiesced in the organization. There is nothing remaining thai i;, in I he least, likely to give even a plausible excuse for a bolt. FAKE CONTESTS AND BOSSES. Pour yearp ago Col. Roosevelt was on precisely I he opposite iido of tho Southern delegate question from the side he is m this year. At. that time he WTole as follows to a l'rjond in In diana: At present various effort arc being made to c-t up bolting delegations from the Southern States, and the meetings at which these no-caJlod delegates are uhoMn ne usually announced us non ofnceholdera " conventions. A:, a. rule, nan means, only to tar a.s it means any thing, that they ace held under the lead "f persons who wish to ho put In office. but whose character and capacity are such that they have nm been regarded as fit to be appointed under thla admin istration. In the?.- cases, be jt remem bered, that The failure to Becure office Is not the r-snli of the political action of ihe men In iiue.-.tinn. On I he contrary their political action is due to their fail ure to secure office. li see ma that those who ?ot up the contests against Col. Roosevelt's pro gramme four e,irh ago were unworthy poiiu,-;,! scamps who had no standing at home and deserved no considera tion abroad. This .ear, however, the Contests in those Slates are the es sence oi virtuous effort, while those who hold ici the regular conventions are the brigands, thieves, and ruffians of the Republican part v. A curious light is shown up..n these Roosevelt contests from the southern stales in the Washington Times, which is owned by Mr. Frank Edunsey, one of the greatest sponsors for and sup porters of CoL Roosevelt. Mr. Munsey explaJhs that tho contests wero not real, that they wore got up "for psy chological effect as s move in practical polities; it was necessary for tho Roose velt people to start contests on those aarly Taft elections in order that a tabulation of delegate strength could be pat oat that would diow Roosevelt holding a good haud in the game." Thai Is, it was all a bluff and a game, although Roosevelt has been especially rare in denouncing the word "game" ah ii-ed in this connection. Still, Mr Minie;. evidently considered the whole matter a? a game, and the Roosevelt contests i legitimate Huff 0 that game As be explains, a table rhowing "Taft 150, Roosevelt 10"' was a shock ing confession of inferiority but the tab!,, which showed "Taft SA, Rooee velt 19, contested 187" looked a whole lot better. And so, as Mr. Munsey putr it in his pap'.-r That Ik the Whol Story of the larger cumber ..r Southern contests that wer started early to the game, it was never expected thai they would be taken very seriously; they served a uaeful purpos. eldlng then. In favoj of Aft - In most caeee without r al drvtetoa. Ami yet, ahen it came l throwing : out those eonteeta, which wero con- fessod fakes, what an uproar the Roosevelt faction made! And neither did his workers ceaso their effort at any time to capture tboso Southern delegations which are now pronounced to be so verv outrageous. Tt is, they claim, a shamo to allow Bnch delega tions to come in and voto in a Repub lican convention when thev have no possibility of returning elcetornl rotes from their States. But nevertheless, if tho Colonel could have got those dele gallons either by fair or by foul, he would have rejoiced. The fact that the National Committee, the Roosevelt member! thereon concurring, voted to throw ont. those contestants, made an end of the Faroe which is bo freely confessed by Mr. Munsey, Another contention of Colonel Roose velt's is that the bosses mustn't dis pose of the Presidency; that it ig the hich prerogative of the people to Bay who shall occupy that office. This Is a truism, admitted ,y everybody. "But it is not admitted by everybody dial Roosevelt is the people, and that every thing must give way to him according ly. Four years ago, however, he him self, acting as the big boss, undertook to dispose of the Presidency and, in fact, did dispose Of it. Tt was Ihrough Roosevelt's efforts that Taft was nomi nated and elected. This Mr. Taft him self confessed in B fervid letter of thanks. Put how does it happen that it was perfectly proper for one big boss to dispose of the Persideney four years ago, and that this year H Is such a terrible outrage for bosses (unless Ibey rhangc to hie side and become 'leaders"') 1o have anything to say about the nomination of a President? NOT PREPARED FOR WAR. In a recent statement Mr. Btimson, Secretary of War, stated that we are not prepared for a war, which is Irue enough: for the United Stales bar. nev er been prepared for a war when a war b'oke out, But an Eastern contempor ary, combating Secretary Stim bob's ef fort, to get, the. country at least some what prepared for a W8JC that might break out, state.-, that "we have always managerl o pul no a. stiff argument when the proper time came," meaning therebv that we have been able to fight our battles to a. successful finish, sven though we were not prepared al the be ginning. True, m part, but at what a fearful sacrifice! The. War of the Revolutiou dragged on for seven yeaTB. The constant com plaint bv YV a hm M op through out the duration of that war was that be had no adequate force, that the country was unable, bv reason of its lack of military preparation, U do the worfe that its armies ought to do. He was always short of men, and woe fully scant of military supplies. Therefore the war dragged and was enormously more costly in lives and iu money- than it would have been if prop er provision could have heei made for adequate armies at the beginning. le the war of 1812, tho country raado a shameful spectacle of il.selt through its inefficiency, its inability to strike any effective blow. There was no military force adequate to the oocs sion, the Slates responded feebly and uncertainly to calls for troops, and the arming and supplying of such forces as were put in the field were so skimped that the commander.- wore vehement in protest against being so badly equipped and supplied. That war which ought to have been a splendid triumph for the United States resulted in the failure of everv effort to gain any real ad vantage, save, onlv on the sea. The war with Mexico came nearer vindicating Ibe idea that, the United states, even when unprepared for war. is able to wage war, than any other contest we have ever had Tho troops under General Taylor d;d good work in northern Mexico, and they he'd that line, while General Scott, with tho small regular army, advanced to the capital and compelled tho submission of the Mexican Government. But a war practically Fought with les- tnen 20,000 effective men iu the field can hardly be called a wax in the modern sense. The War of fi,. Rebellion was the most disastrous that any nation ever fought to a. sue. ess while beginning with no preparation. Volunteers were enrolled by tho hundred thousand, and melted away in the stress of camp life, and tho toilsome marching, to mere fragments of. commands. Regiments starting with a thousand men w.-re lucky if at, the end of the campaign they were able to muster one third of the number this, of course, in the early period of the war; for later the soldiers who had been tried out made a glorious showing for themselves, and for their count rv. But in the lirst years of the war, men were sacrificed by the tens of thousands to Inefficient off r- ing. to disease. I,, weakness, and to unfitness for the field. Tn & total death roll of tiie war of about 350,000 during its progress, 183,287, or more than half, died of disease, this sayiiif nothing ol the -10. '100 who died in rebel inons. In the war with Spain, it was the same old story. Volunteers were en rolled enthusiastically, and went into camp to die by the hundreds of dis ease, without the slightest opportunity of getting to the front or doing any real service. ft Is a cruel thoughtlessness that urges the idea that we should bo unpre pared for war all the time because wo. have been able heretofore to e.:ve a good account of ourselves, thongh at a frightful cost, wil bout such pre paration. The fact is that there would have been no war with Spain if we had had an adequate army and navy, j That war came because Spain supposed herself to be superior both in army and navy to the I nited States. The of the Spanish war, added to the Philip pine fighting and occupation, has been tremendous. it would have easily kept up tux army of luO.000 to IGu.u'JO men of a regular army, properly offi cered and cared for. These, provided years before that contest, would have averted the war altogether. That is one great point that those who resist the military preparations al wavs miss, and vet it is the groat ar gument in favor of keeping up our navy; that, is, that with a proper mili tary and navy equipment wc are no temptation to aey nation to provoke a war. When wo aro fully able to de fend ourselves, when this ability is evi dent and is ready for service at any time, there is no likelihood pf any war being forced upon u3, and we do not wis.h to force war upon anv other na tion; we simply wish to be left alone in peace and in our commanding position among tho nations. But in order to bo left in peace, it is necessary I hat we should rolain and maintain that com manding position, Nothing else than sufficient preparation both in army and navy will do this, Therefore we favor a sufficient army to be the ample nu cleus for the rallvmg of needed forces upon, at anv time that there is call; and in the meantime we favor the main tenanca of our navy at such a high rotate of strength and efficiency that if will be a warning to all nations lo keep their hands off, and also to respect, the Monroo doctrine, to the protection of which we are fully committed. THE GALLAGHER SALE. Tho Tribune yesterday morning re ported a sale of property on Main street which, while not so great jn ag gregate amount n& some other sales t hat havo been noted, ii typical of the advance of Salt Lake realty. Tiight vcars ago Mr. John Gallacher pur chased this property from former -Mayor rJzra Thompson, paying him $lo."0 a front foot for it. In these eight years Mr. Gallacher has had the use of the property, and has almost dou bled bin monev in its rise in value. That is; he paid some $33,000 for tho property, and now sells Lt for $60,000 He has therefore made more than $3000 a year on this property mereU by holding it aud having, besides, the use of it. in tho meantime. Tho advance In price of property on Main street, has been the phenomenon of valuations in this city. It shows that formerly I ho price at which Mam Btreet property was held was altogelher too low. Now if is reach ing metropolitan figures. Thoso who have held on to their Main street prop erty are those who win, and those who bought a.t, the lowor estimates a.lso win, and those who sold are the losers. The lesson is tha.t it is always a good paying investment to buy Salt Lake realty. COMPARATIVE irrjMANENESS. There was a general uprising of pro tect against tho cruel and napaoious administration of the Kongo Free State bv Leopold, tho late avaricious, unscrupulous, and cons lemeless kjrjg of Belgium. Letters were written to newspapers in all tho civilized world exploiting the erueltios that wee prac ticed, the floggings, the rnaimiogs and tho tortures inflicted upon the natives in order to compel thcru to bring in each his or her quota, of rubber. Pite ous pictures were printed of mangled human beings, some who had lost hands, some feet, and some victims of cruel tortures, because thoy had failed to bring in the rubber required. The enginery through which all this cruelty and these mutilations were inflicted was represented pictonally in t.ho press. Manv books of the same order, giving Like accounts and similar pic tures, were printed. Finally, tho Bel gians became aroused and determined to put au end Lo the atrocities. They bought out the interests of the cruel old king, and set on foot reforms which were calculated to avert the scom and denunciations of the world. It seems, in fact, that I here have been groat ameliorations of tho for mer scandalous conditions that pre vailed while King Leopold had undis puted .swa ; and yet there is appa rently something to desire by way of reform on the Kongo. A dispatch rc ceutly Bent from tho Britiih consul at Bo ma in Sir Bdward Grey, the Bnt ish Foreign Minister, reports the new laws affecting the natives, and gives this a? the ouc dealing officially with permitted punishment: BUogging Is limited to twelve strokes, old nic-n. the sick women, and children being entirely exempted, and If faint ing: or the appearance of a wound super- -venes as the result, the application Of I further punishment is forbidden. J Tt appears, therefore, that only I able bodied men arc to be tied up aud I flogged, unless they choose to adopt the i ruso of faiutitiu' and thus meanly shirking the strokes that arc their due. Of course, the regulation named is simply the official promulgation. Thore is no surety that CTUel aud rapa.cious agents in remote stations wil not ex ceed those punishments, aud will not practically continue the old outrages which tbey hae been accustomed to inflict. Kongo seems to be a placo Outside of the heart-beat of humanity, and subject to the old laws of savag- r .,r semi-civilization from which the world at large has emerged. When the sell lenient was reached on an auction contest in Pans through a keen competition In bids for the Hondon bust of Washington that is " pictured on our two cent stamps, it aas found that the 190,000 bid for :t was the result of a competition be tween a brisk acnt of J. 1'. Morgan and an equally brisk agent of his daughter, Miss Anna Morgan. it Was funny, but not to the Morgans. The old man's agent got the picture, though. And now it is Champ ("lark who is "a second Lincoln. " And it must he confessed that compared with Col. Roosevelt, he mu have a shade the better of it, with both a ioig way ofX A FEW SUGGESTIONS ABOUT FAMOUS SPOTS FOR YOUR SUMMER OTJTTNQ, B The following aunounceuieuts of California's Hotels, Sanitariums, Heal lb. and Summer Apt will solve the vacation question. Literature and valuable information will be iurnuhed pr'oJB our FREE Information Bureau or by writing direct " TH ENCHANTING Sit OF we PACIFIC ohmm T1I RBSO&T WITH A COOL. DRY. MA- "!s F.rsi:. SUMMKR CLIMATE ITS DEWOHTFUTj COOL Nttfdnj BRIN& I PBRVVCT RF,ST. ?! rnr (SIiAND VILLA AND CANVAS CTTT an. beautifully (United under ih'iT fr 5 n 1 rloro tr kiwI xtorAJt nnd ronvnn- ! Imirorv pine jioero ITBttB. Rcfl.ion- B iM r.ii- am tin lrnppBinr r.tiri nt Av.tlon Wiir. f. whM Ik enl'Mil xwlinmlin, 7K-hUns:. J (Ishlnff and nfhr water (Sports. th rio H llKliiiiil mountila roi'-hlnc. the band OOD- iSj Carta Riven hy 1 1. r Ifimina Calulluii Island Murlno Rand, the .-POrfr Golf Conn.. M 3 n it the various otlirr anuieaiaata -'i jp recreation!, appeal evorr summer to tbou- C"' knnri!, T.ho Annually Mimmrr rhora Beautiful qnlrt retroa! lor horjehi-k E rlillnc. llolrl Metropolr ! conducted on Euro- pat. i Write for booklet. J If yon are in the market to buy a home advertise in the Wants. Many house owners are seeking purchasers. I Whether for Health, Rest orl Recreation. Let Beautiful I LONG BEACH BE YOUR DESTINATION I Plan to Go Early and Stay! Late, Where the Cool Sea, I Breezes Always Blow. Dllghtfiil and cool througrboiit I he summer months Plenty of cottages, I apartments anrl hotels. Horrid of t h- famoun Hotel Virginia. Excellent roada I for motoring; headquarter:! of theB SUNSET YACHT CLUB; fishing, surf bathing, tennis, golfing,! $100,000 Bath S35.0O0 Andtro- rl'ini and other sportf. and tnUIflD- I ments too numerous to mention. BETTER WRITE R. L. BISBY.B SECRETARY, CHAMBER OF COM B MERCE, 1 .-ncc r-;.'l:. r-ril. 3 1 DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED AT LONG BEACH, CAL. LONG BEACH SANITARIUM Slr E A L TH jrZi ,jq RESORT " I Ci5ttr but a few H hinri!4 from f-TLA b r a a. ken'. i&yjijyvnfc rpgjjiJ Every Mim- "fii'c, h, r z c 8 irethnHs Of f - treat in e n t used, and k' en Hi- sme as at Bat -1 1 Creek- Scientific electrical treat -mnT3. Finest, electric equipment in w-st. Pressed hrl'k hnlldlng. Gr.-.'l-uii.te nurses. Every outdoor attrac tion. A perfect summer resort Write for special booklet and rate! card to W. RAY SIMPSON. MfeT. I tvona: Beach. CaJ. Tn ii iimssi mm ii i i YOU CAN LEAVE SALT LAKE ON OVER LAND 11:50 P. M. AND ENJOY THE REFRESHING COOL SEA BREEZES AT BEAUTIFUL HOTEL DEL C0R0NAD0 I V CORONADO BEACH CAL. THE SECOND DAY AT 1:20 P. M. Hott Del Coronado Is famous tho world over for It excellence In r-ulslne. thorouflhneis of service and the variety of recreations and summer comforts It offer. "Just fifteen mlnute.s across the bav from San Diego." On the west it fa:es the broad Pacific, -whence comes tho refreshing sp breeses that plvc Coronado aurh an equable summer climate, and On the oqsr. It overlooks the azure of San DlegO Bav. where is enjoyed every wa.tei- snort Yachting, canning and swimming ar tiiree of lt: perfect environments Hotel do! Cofonado IS easily ;i;ce9siblo to rvory outdoor amusement. Rnd tho Famous Coronado Country club, which nL?.lDtain(? the sportiest L8-bola o!f Course In the westi Polo Field and an oomforts and conveniences Bcenlc roads for motorln surf and tnk hathlns. wafer nolo, saddle livery, sen. tLsi,tie trios ;uvl countless Other attractions. CORONADO Is absolutely free from mosquitoes and all other annoying Insects w Wrlto for Summer Booklet and r.ites to H. W Wills. Manager. For Information pertain tnz to Palrn Bungalows and Tent city write. Joahua B Hammond, f.nlc:'? Coronado Tent City Always Insist onwGold Nugget" Butter 1 g It is absolutely "THE BEST TO BE HAD" L foil the market, because it is made from the "SWEETEST AND PUREST CREAM." Q Are selling children's slippers at big reductions,a splendid variety Men See our sample shoes, b' to 7-1-2, (tJ jp guaranteed $6 values tPtJTTt) Don't forget onr new home. 25 EAST THIRD SOUTH Have We Your Account? if not we'll welcome it, un-i will t-6 glad to serve you In .-ill banking oapacltlb and will treat you aa you deserve to ti treated' with -vr courtesy and consideration! UTAH STATE NATIONAL BANK, S.ilt Lake City, Utah. When nothing else will start dirt You KNOW SAPOLIO WILL DO IT Works Without Waste CLEANS-SC0URS.P0USHEJ I THE MOST M A GNinTrBH , RESORT HOTE?!'' rooms for Its u'i.rr.sV-h'iMtiE fn.?c Kur? bathing. Tr,-0 cHP courts on frroun.Js. The fuCM from i-i courtn and varior, i ' a m u.s n i n t L.on g Bich text Bummer -lhn it", b-iiill(Tj 'KJ' inotoHng fishing, nurf tohlgt LHj in;imtn"''" a'idliorhim, vth tosK" nther rc:r-arnns .jV.-. W-liTR' rr- -, ;..Elt- From Ogdenfc Salt Lake Cifc w and m Missouri R.Ivor Points ...-.-.pto St. Louis, Mo Peoria, 111 .....RS MinncapolU. Minn. .,4,.-,,Mtmu St. Paul, Minn. Chicago, III "bji Also reduced rates to ettaKjJ, STOP-OVERS AWmmi ( Juno 1 , P. 8, 12. 13, maM V 'Jnly 3, 12, 20 Kfcto ail August 1. & M, ft feed faai0 ( September 4, 5 B6 jBt For furllior infonnlaB tsjlfa y from other points, addra R8 A. T. & S F. By., 233 JttSf, bait Lake City, Utah. IeH: DACK EAST EXCUR5,Cfl1. July 3, 12, 20. BS August 1. 2, 10, 23. IJ.H1 6eptember 4, 6. BMj Chicago u"jKrT St. Louis ""Wkuw Minneapolis, St. Paul K "7 Omaha, Kan-.!': City- '"') Denver, Colorado SprlnQl "Wjjji R Good returning until 'JJd! EtOpOVCTB. Di76T! n STEAMSHIP TICKEflWr to a1.. tKfc For conven- ience of women ffgl we have a small check book and f bank book JB&; which will shp-;i into the purse. K Open an accoitst LB' day for tie payment of household "d.Pcrottj8J bills by check- R Bafer t.han ,---"u cash, and a check is M "walker, 2S BROTHERS K, BANKERS Founded W A Tower of Strengtc-m. s12 main EE( El1 wtTrk runteei : Ug We TreTt YoU fftt