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H , THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBERS. 1912. 5 "Whenever the lobster tried to throw ''. ' ' ; 'v ; . .' JT ' "1, ch&mpaQ bottle at Mr. Brady he . ?; ' : T i'NAMJIMS"! 1 $25 WO STOMACH 1 i How New York's Champion Lobster Palace First - Nighter and Every- , j Nighter Went Down Before Broad - way Lobsteritis, and How Science ! Has Girded Him Afresh for the Fray fY-V IAMOND JIM" BRADY, so efful H J gent an aurora of Broadway JL that whenever he enters a New York lobBter palace, of which he 1b dean and patron saint, he glitters' like an Iceberg In the land of the midnight sun, has a brand new stomach, and for this choice bit of bric-a-brac he paid $250,000. All this has recently been told In pub lie prints. But now comes the ''whys?" and "hows?" and "what fors?" i Lobsters did it Plain lob b tors; that Is, they were plain until served both live broiled and Newburg to Mr.- Brady. Everybody knows "Diamond Jim" suddenly discovered that his noble stomach refused to work for him in a safe and sane manner, that is, sulked and kicked and growled and bit and scratched and fought until he went to Johns Hopkins Medical College in Baltimore where the great sur ceonB made him a brand new stomach. BV But how many people know it took seven thousand six hundred lobsters to ruin his epicurean Btomach, which for so many years was eternally adorned with vunset vests and glittering diamonds? "If Mr. Brady had been a drinking man be never would have lived through it," i said the physicians. But "Diamond Jim" doesn't even drink tea or coffee. Of course the lobster must stand the greater share of the blame, but careful research into Mr. Brady's remarkable S gastronomic history brings to light that rJ other things also assisted the 7,600 lobsters in getting his stomach so peevish It cost him a quarter of a million to re store Its good humor. According to statisticians, who have : j( been figuring on the scores of years V "Diamond Jim" Brady has been daily, and f sometimes oftcner, dining in the great Hr k i lobster palaces along and around and I ; about the Great White Way. both in I i lonely grandeur and with largo parties of V. all sorts of people, from chattering show J girB to Bolcmn-visagcd millionaires such I statisticians declare that something like the following is responsible for tho de fl : structlon of one perfectly good stomach, the proud possession of Mr. Brady: Lobsters 7,600 . j Nude clams .'.....42,000 Shrimps .16,000 i Soft-shelled crabs, ...".. ..21,000 j Escargots 18,000 Welsh rarebits 1,938 Golden bucks 752 Blue points ...32,000 fl Worcestershire sauce 8 gals. Hl Tabasco .... .......3 quarts Paprika . lbs. Mustard ,..-......4 lbs. Ketchup , 12 gals. -j Gastronomically speaking, tho life of Mr. Brady for the past score of years reads like an epic of Lobster Square, an Odyasy of the Great White Way, a tale of epicurean effort, a Gargantuan lyric am a Brobdignaglan ballad, that only an O. Henry could word-weave into proper verbal succulence. Away back before the palaeolithic time the first living things were little tiny BtomacbB that wriggled about in the mud of the new-formed earth. Later they grow legs and arms and fins and tails and heads and finally man evolved. All this Bhows tho importance of the stomach. Rockefeller offered a million dollars for a new stomach. Constant leaning over to clip coupons is said to have ruined Rockefeller's stomach. He didn't have as much fun losing It as did Mr. Brady. Ho didn't even win any thing by ootag It But the late John W. Gates, the widely beloved "Bet a Million" Gates, made much money by it. It was well known In Wall Street that John D. and John W. were close friends. Then came the wide ly spread announcement that John D. would give a million for a now stomach. Shortly after that Gates would allow it to bo mentioned that Mr. Rockefeller had found a man who would give up his stomach for the million and the opera tion would bo performed. Wall Street would believe that, but It wouldn't believe that John D. could survive the operation, and Btocks would go down like an elevator with no means of support. Then Wall Street would hear that the man had backed out and there would be no operation, whereupon stocks would in stantly soar. And wasn't it peculiar that at the time stocks soared Mr. Gates always unloaded a lot of stock at tho high-water mark figures, which he had thoughtfully pur chased when they wore down7 It worked several times. Diamond Jim Brady determined some twenty-one years ago to eat all the lobsters there were, to Bimply annihilate the tribe of lobBters. Has he succeeded? Perhaps not, but lobsters cost about five times as much now as they did twonty ono years ago. For Information concern ing what happened to the supply ask Mr. Brady. Now he's back with a brand new stomach and good for another twenty-one years. By that time women will be wear ing lobsters instead of diamond tiaras. Any one who can start with a nlckle and make millions, aB he did, is de termined. He got his title through the same sort of determination. It was the result of a sartorial and precious-stone duel with John J. Ryan, horseman and plunger. It happened In tho dayB before Judge Hughes but that Is a sad story. It happened at Saratoga. Ryan ap peared in tho ring wearing white shoes, a wide panama, a pearl-gray suit, a diamond stick pin about the Bl2e of a walnut and four diamond rings so heavy that it was like lifting a dumbbell to get his hands up to his vest pocket Brady didn't have more than forty or fifty thousand dollars worth of diamonds on him In this round and he went to the ropes. But in the second round he came up strong on the aggressive, wear ing a suit the shade of milk chocolate. Ryan looked at him. Brady nonchalantly threw open his coat revealing a vest of still lighter chocolate silk, emb, tldered with threads of gold and buttoned with diamonds as big as a knob on a closet door. Ryan was sparring feoby for air In this round, but in tho third round Ryan ap peared with a suit of Caribbean blue, a soft blue hat adorned with a sash buckled with diamonds and rubles and with dia monds on his shoe buckles. Every one pitied Brady, for they could see ho would be knocked out But ho was not Just as nonchalantly as ever he removed his coat because of the excessive heat, turned about and allowed Ryan to see his waistband. Around the top of his trousers was a belt of ten karet blue-white dia monds, and to these Brady had hitched his suspenders. Ryan gasped, fell uncon scious and took tho count and since then Brady has been "Diamond Jim." Once again "Diamond Jim" strolls into the lobster palaceB with chattering show girls and others, or In lordly solitude Once again he orders the largest live broiled lobsters In the place, jabB a fork Into it and stows It away In his new Btomach. A happy ending Indeed for an ordinary 3 lobster to be gently stowed away in a $250,000 stomach. 4.?umr U lB some thing like this: Old stomach 7.6OO lobsters New stomach (to date). 47 lobsters Professor L. K. Hlrshberg, A.B. M d M.A-, of Johns Hopkins, likens John Hon kins to the magician in Aladdin, who went about giving new lamps for old lnR much as it gave Mr. Brady a now stomach tor his old one. WB "As soon as Mr. Brady was brou-ht Johns Hopkins," says Professor HIrah W "his physician. Dr. Plaggemyer aid the other doctors of the Institution gave Mm painstaking as well as nalns-remoiMn? treatment First of course came the clrl ful examination, then a supervised rHnT "He had to cut out his lobster before th experts could cut out his old stomach or that part of It that had become useless With this diet a careful washing out 5 the stomach with the stomach tube ona or two hypordormlc injections of a certain drug, routine massage, alcohol baths and no 4ulBtors. "Many surgeon- who had prorlouslv or. Tta,ev?Ir Brady d?cIared at once there should bo an operation. They were con yinccd until the Johns Hopkins treatment that cutting Into Mr. Brady's gullet or cz zard would effect the desired relief Not so, Dr. Plaggemyer and his consultants They soon proved to Mr. Brady's and their own satisfaction that cutting out mayon nalso dressings, lobster Newburg and tabasco sauce was as good as cutting out a stomach. The course of events proved this to be true. "After several months In the Johns Hop- i "Diamond Jim Woke to the realiza- gT phant Jw?1'0 tion that his stomach was gone.' r ? yv. new tomL : kins Hospital, Dr. Plaggemyer and the J jMw JmK ant T4 Ho hospital physicians found that Mr. Brady Vsft Igs. tfl down and OUtWtf (.1 was well; that his digestive machinery was ws WJ-oPiSSP Jm 'WV working as smoothly as In former times, &k' W'S j A 'm a and aJlof his striking organs wore again v j4&0 Jw ' " h Mr. Brady has returned and tho Rlalto f'J . ' ' vM hiiA- is oi.rjoyed. He gave a dinner at which S 5$j2c 1 f' r.;; lX M&S5(t' he ate a whole lobster to celebrate his ' " aA. flsm complete recovery. "'y: ,