Newspaper Page Text
I Why docs The Tribune print more cla&sMd advcrtloinn than any other Salt Lake newspaper? Because It oi-cduccr. more reunite, JhlK fact Ib acknowledged by the advcrtlsnrs. The Tribune la ncknowlcrfjicd to be the classified paper or the I ntcrmountaln territory. Real estate opportunities, chances for employment, the need for lioinc workers, the renting of house.!, lints, apartment, building chances, business opportunities, ovohaiiscs, lost and found theso ur tho y index fingers of prosperity pointing dl- red to facta that many turn to good ac count. The Tribune has experienced men to har.dln your want adds. TO ADVERTISE IN THE TRIBUNE MEANS TO FIND A BUYER. ( Ex. 26-1. Advertlcc where you net results. Ex. 261. J ' , I DIED KIGBY At Ml West Fourth South street. November 20. 1012. Joseph 15. KJgb' . son of Catherine and tho late "VJ1 llain Rlgby: horn Novomber II. lSCti. In Silt l.ahc City. Funoral services Salur faj. November 23. at 2 P. m.. from the Seventh ward meeting house. Friends are Invited to attend and can call at Ihc fani'ly rosldcnco on day of funeral from J 2 to 1:30 p. in. Interment In City i cmctery. CROW -Rear of 320 East First South street. November 20. 1512, of old ape, Mfi-v Sharp Crow, widow of tin tale. ').irlcj II. Crow; horn July "0. 1S31. In JJugland. NoMcc of funeral Idler. FUNERAL NOTICES aEAXFlELD Funeral services of Ns"; caret Maxneld. ago 62 years, wife of lolm W. IWuxheld. 270 Wost Scvcntu vouth. will ho held from the Emantiit Baptist Hiurch, corner Fourth East and Second South, at 2 p. in. Friday, Novom ir "., 1312. Friends wishing to view tho rrtnaJns will please do so l the church between 12:30 and 2 p. m. on the day of moral. Interment In Ml. Olivet cemc tc". Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, pa ptii please copy. I FUNERAL DIREC255 ijincTJ and enibalnier. 1C So. West Temple. Phone 105. d3 i: C O'DONNELU UN DEBT A KER and embalrncr. has moved to new loca 1 on 225-2-7 South West Teniplo street. Bcally bldg. Phone ESQ. o339 LARK1X-HULL UN DERT AICTNG COM pany: modern chipei pariora; 25n So. r d East. Telephone "Wasatch 5132. flpen day and night. k09 CUT FLOWERS st. Phone 106. Cut 'lowers and fu neral designs. nlC32 THi; LEADING FLORIST. W. W. KING. til E. 2nd So. Phone 37. b297 I MONUMENTS. TOMBSTONES la'rgJTstck McKcnzie. Display yards. 442 So. State. DENTISTS DIL. E. TI. CONGER. DENTIST. PRICES reasonable, work guaranteed, c:trac Uon by the uso of somnoformo, Sunday 10 ti 2: 2IS Kearns bldg. Was. 032. hl027 lH. HODGES. DENTIST. SUITE 217-13 Brooks Arcndo bldg. Beat and cheap est Wasatch 3054. Ii30l7 DR. 1'. K. MORGAN, DENTIST, 502 Scott building. Open evenings. d2C03 dr j. h. key son. 20 main st.. tel Wasatch 6628. Good set teeth. ?5.00. d3l03 DR A R. COOK". DENTIST. HAS RE niovcd to 621 IC earns bldg. k2578 ATTORNEYS rowlLiRSMAmo ncys. O. W. Powers, Thomas Marlon nui', .1. W. McKlnncy, Roper W. Powers. iop floor front, Kcurns bids. "Was. 1S50. J. S Fdiringlon, notary. nS-132 V. 1 1. PALMQUIST. ATTORNEY. RH moved to 20L Kcurn3 bldg. "Was. 62!)P. k2015 T). L. OLESON. LAWYER, "2J Boston bldg. Wasatch -H72. oK3Q I SAFES REPAIRED ' AbOtTTlTTIING k tpeclalty. S. U. 1icl. Worku. VVna. j0"j. hlO0 DRESSMAKING AAirJriir'.N' GARMENT CUTLERS -"'ool 410 V, TJroadway. Tlyland lO.lT. fMUlT . School of PromakIng. k2256 COAL AND KINDLING E.rTvKM?. COAU BIXXCK. WOOD and kindling. 1J5 EaaL -Uli b'uuth; both phones. h25 CORSETS. MlruTlTlTAYESrS uiio -vear guarantee. 260 V. 3rd No. ANnittch 25SU-.T. hI038 DAIRIES M'vpTjTTErFDlRy NONE better. J2 qua it h for $1, delivered. Give lis a trial. Wasatch 720. h320S FURNITURE REPAIRING W. WJIJ?mlS&OGG"! 1D15-W. Upholstering, chuira rccancl. o342 GOOD SIIOOiaNGVrBAlTEVDlJcT': club, ?1.50 per day. Apply to gimrd at lub. Shootlns ovcry day. I;U3 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TI IE Go'DAUAJtBI'oTA lug and genoral accountancy. D22 Mc 1'Myro bldg. Wanatch 516 1. c2033 FRUITS AND COAL ioNsnnTjHr Fruits. Vegetables and All JCInds of J a no Groccrlcc, Hay. Grain, Coal and ASATCIL 1112. S30 S. W. TEM. h3107 FOUNDRY frT'AE CASTiNrVTTER- 12 "00 dllTercnt nlor; general foun j dr- work. Wehtm Foundry & Slovo i;-palr Workh. Waatch l(7. 1:2730 SWITCHES i ro.m (oMsBTN7nrTrrp teed Ilarnioiry Millinery. 05S S. Slato. H M". "'Jl S k"722 1 JJJJJJ? WALLPAPER IV 1'irTl RI. FRAMl.N(rANl7l"hD , "nit'i'S. George V. Ebcrt .rc Co.. II I ! CANARY BIRDS H i DEAl TIFUT, lXXGmSVu'uA:GlJ.l H anteed. Hai-U & Roller-, for Chrlsi- ; )i ,i trlfts. Sco Jhcm at Johnson's Shi- 1 di . 51 S. AVeitt Tcinplo ut. c275J I ; CATERING ' H r7RSTc1AsTwmK?roA i lerlalnlng at home. Hyland 1G1-J. Ii3101 I i LAJESAND GENTS ' TAILOR H C W. HUlTL. 226 CTTTUTION S bu'ld'ng. opposlt; Z. C. M. I. Your own . n-aferjal made tip. hI3l PERSONAL LADIES 31 000 REVARD; I POSIT1VE ly guarantee my great successful "Monthly" remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases In three to llvo days; no harm, pain or Interference with work; mall $1.50. Double strength, $2. Dr. 23. P. Southing ton Remedy Co., Kansas City, Mo. cl5 LADIES! ASIC YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlohcstcr:: Pills, tho Diamond Brand. For 2C year known as Real, Safest, Al ways Jtellable. Buv of your Druggist. Tako no other. Chlchcstcrs Diamond Brand Pills arc sold by Druggists every where. A LARGE PORTION OF THE WANT Ad readers have a definite point. In mind In ficarelilnc tho Wants they are looking for certain facty. FOR KREMOLA., PHONE Ji. K. WAT. ton. Wasatch loS or nddrcsiS P. O. box 107. rlty. k!3J SECOND-HAND STORES hTghfsTcIesa goods: goods bought, sold or exhanged. Ruckcye Furniture Store, 113 So. W. T. Was. 1623. gS06 I1IGH EST PRICTES PAID FOR OLD clothes and ahoeH. E. Green. Wasatch 1503. o30I WANTED ALL KINDS OF 2ND-HAND furniture; highest price paid. Utah Furniture Co.. 132 West 2nd So. Was. 1317. dflol SECOND-7TATCD FURNITURE WANT cd at vlio Furniture Exchange. 113 So. W. Temple. Bowers & Evans Furniture Co.. Wasatch 2127. h319I H. TT. GOODS BOUGHT, SOLD. EX changed. Glers & Co.. 62 W. 3rd So. Was. P33. c2372 WE BUY LADIES' AND MEN'S CAST off clothing; best prices. L. King, Wa satch 1167. kll3 WE BUV. SELL. EXCHANGE 2ND II D. h. h. goods. Oak Furn. Co., 313 S. Slate. Wasatch 6011. kl302 TYPEWRITERS 'wrenttyI All make? repaired, exchanged and sold. Ulah Typewriter Exchange Co.. Gil Wcs: 2nd South. Phone -130. Established J 904. o21S7 TYPEWRITERS OF ALL mak-p. for salo or rent, STEWART GLEESON CO. TYPEWRITER EX CHANGE. 26 West 2nd South. g2871 REMINGTONS. MONARCH S AND Smith Premiers In evcellent condition for rental purposes: 53 monthly, three months for 53: nrpinpt service. Reming ton Tv-pewrlter Co.. 172 South West Tcm- pie. Phones Wasatch 77 and 7S. klOOl GROCERY SPECIAL brazTtTutsTt Ins, 2Gc' flour, per sacks. 51.00; 1 lbs. rlco or chilli beans. 25c; 2 lbs good but ter, 03c; 2 do", good eggs, G5c, Chicago Store. 116 Wcat 1st. South. U257G NATURE'S FERTDLIZER SILTAKA. powered, dissolvent, odor less, weed less: prepared for plants", bulbs, lawny, shrubbery. Mfg. by Taylor Phosphato & Fertilizer Co., dealers In ferlllo Foils and fertilize. 1IC7 Bueno avc. W. 3SS1-W.. for Hal by Peoples Forwarding Co. Porter-Walton Co. ' h3P2S CHIMNEY CLEANHTG cIuIunsCndf cd and repaired. Salt Lake Furnace & Chimney Co. Was. 2311. k28 CHIMNEY" SWEEPING AND FUR nnoo cleaning. Leave orders at Drnnhl & Frankrn'n. Watfalch 100. klOO.1 WELDING WEVUSLTASTH tlecl or any other metal; bring your broken machines and water Jackets to U3 for repairs. Utah Ornantental 7ron & Bronso Work-, 155 West South Tempi". Wasatch H-78. h22R7 RHEUMATISM cured Br oxygnT'mHe'bok let. Lota or Salt Lake testimonials. Learn this scientific and ONLY CURE. Write or phono today. Utah Oxypathor Co. Hyland 234S-M. S03 Mclnlyro bldg. , hlOOl RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED THE AlEluTT'rH AND only successful maihino invented that sha rponf, hones and atropB razorjj and all kinds safety rai'.or blades Lcavo work Savoy hotel. 26 Esiat l-'lrst South. k2tML ADVERTISING DISTRIBU TORS NOVELTY A DRTISINGCO DistrlbutorK for hand bllln and all kinds of advertising. Halls and windows dec orated. 100 Scott bldg. Was. 60S1. klOSfi SAFES AND VAULTS ACIPLETEL?N1 vaults uIwhvm on hand. A fev second hand eafoa for salp. Wrlto for circular. Shcaly Safo & Vault Co., -11 P. O. place. ' 02673 TAILORS ROsTDLLTTTfE'TA I IvOrTtSSO.STATe". Suits and overcoats from 515 up. glSSS RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS SALT LAKE- STVMPCO Phono 301. 05 West 3rd South, nr.013 ACCORDION PLEATING suNuuiisT "and sTde pTEATTrTa tOE East 3rd South. Phono Hyland 7S7-J. klOS6 TYPEWRITING, SHORTHAND GATRELL'S UNIQUE SCHOOL OF xhorthand and typewriting. 213 D. F. Walker bid;?. h2005 BULBS BRING a'HJSADTljUlTT get 10 per cent discount on fall bulbs. Porter-Walton Co.. 271 Slate. h391S CHINESE HERBS lsuwcjoTxT'tv all dlscaea cured with his cclcbrtad Chlneey remedies. hl25 HAT FACTORY M15Na1?DA1JIE and reblocked. Salt lakr. Hat Factory. 6 W. Trtd South. Was. 2707. 1:31 1 SECRET SOCIETIES ACACIA LOUGK NU. 17, K. ti A. M. MaMonlo toiuplo. First youth and Sec ond East. Regular meetings first Satur day of month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren cordially Invited. R. E. WIGHT. W, M. F. A. McCARTY. Secretary. n13S0 EL KALA'H TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. S. Regular sessions he'd at Masonic temple, corner Second East and First South, the third Wednesday in each month. Sojourning nobles invited to at tend. C. 11. Fischer, III.. Potentate; J. M. Marriott, ill.. Recorder. , . ARC 10 NT A LODGE NO. 3, . I". --N'D A. M. A I Mason. ! Icmplo, corner Second L. and Firat South streets, first i' V Tuesday of each month. Members of sdstcr lodges and Kojournlng brethren invited. N. W. llowctt. W. M.; Moses C. Phillips. Secrctury. MT. MORIA 1 1 LODGE NO. 2. F. & A. M. Mason lo hall, second Moialay each month, corner First South and. fcecond East. Members of sister lodges and (so journing members In good standing In vited. G. R. Yearsiey. V.r. TvL WASATCH LODGE NO. 1. F. fc A. M. -Masonic lomplc. corner First South and Second East. Regular meetings second Filday of each "month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren cordially Invited. E. A. Lcatherwood. W. M.: A. J. Lowf, Secretary. i J.JNDS CHAPTER NO. jk L Order of Eastern Star K-A Masonic temple. Slated SPIT meetings first Friday tO c:,,',l month. Visiting ifeggA mcmbni-s will receive a Nft oordlal welcome. r JKNNIE R. BRECKON. W. M,: NELLIE T. SPENCER. Secretary. V r MIZPAK CHAPTER NO. Qt B, Order Eastern Star Jfjer stated meetings first ffW Monday of each month. Masonic temple. Corner )y3. Second East and First W 77- Sotith. Visiting members r cordially Invited. GERTRUDE E. BENJAMIN. YV. M". LOUISA STEWARD, ScurcUiry. . ELECTA CHAPTER NO. Pfe. r S. Order Eastorn Star. Jffi&r Slated meetlug-j third Tuesday of each month, -oVmiK Masonic temple, corner PfTtk Second East and First of South. Visiting members r cordially Invited. .LUCENA MARCEL, W. AT. MARY" L. TAYLOR. Secretary. A. A. S. RITE THE FOUR CO-ORDI-nato bodies of the A. A. S. Bite of Free Masonrv will hold stated meetings tho third Thursday in each month at the Ma sonic temple, corner First South and Sec ond East. Sojourning brethren invited. J.,. 71. Harding, 32u deg. N. M. Jordan lodge of Perfection No. 3. M. E. Upman. 32d deg. W. M. James Lowe Chapter of Rose Croii: No. 1. Charles 13. Jack. K. C. C. H. Commander of Salt Lake Council cf Ka dosh No. 1. C. 11. Fisher. 32d deg. M. of K. Consistory No. 1. Gerald It. Ycarsley, 32d dog. Register for all the bodies. UTAH COMMANDERY NO. L KNIGHTS Templar Stated conclave held In Ma sonic Temple, corner Second East and First South, the first Thursday of each month. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially Invited to attend. F. C. RICHMOND. E. C. E. O. LEATHER WOOD. Recorder. glOOl UTAH CHAPTER. NO. J. "R. T. mT Stated convocation second Wcdnsday In each month at Masonic hall, corner Second East nnd First South streets. Companions cordially invited. John T Brcukon, H. P.; Moses C Phillips. Secre tary. Indopendont Ordor of Odd Fellows. .JORDAN LODGE NO. 3, I. O. O. F. Meets every Monday night at I. O. O. F. temple. Visitors invited. C. Cam eron. N. G.: A. L. Weaver, V. G.; W. T. Hopkln3, secretary. al137 J. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY. Subordinate lodges meet as '"Hows: Salt Lake lodge. No 2, Friday. Enterprise lodge, No. 15, Tuesday. MIRIAM REBEKAH LODGE MEETS first and third Saturday evenings of each month, at I. O. O. F. temple. o2l7.1 NiOMI REBEKAH LODGE NO. 1 Meets every second and fourth Satur day evenings of each month at Odd Fel lows lemple, Market, st. 113052 Knights of Pythias. CALANTH.E-MVRTLE LODGE NO. 1, K. f P. Every Monday, K. of P. hall, 12.1 E. P.rd South. Frank Erath. C. C; X. W. Somicdccker. K. of R. and S. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. il Everv Thursday evening. K. of P. hnll, 16t 2nd East. Harold HolineH. C. C. ; S. N. Randolph, K. of R. and S. LINCOLN LODGE NO. 2S, K. OF P. Meets every Saturday ovening at S o'clock in K. of P. ball, 12S E, lird South; entrance Llndon liolel. L. C. Shaw. Jr., C. C; A. O. Garrett. K. of R.Wand S. ROYAL ARCANUM. SALT LAKE COUN cll No. 1517. Second and fourth Wed nesdays, K. of P. hall. I2.'l East 3rd South street. Waller E. Jones, regent; E. L. Jones, secretary. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE OF THE World Salt Lako City lodge No. 250. meets in the Moose clubrootnn. 222 South West Temple street, Thursday nights, S:15 o'clock. GEO. A. WHITAKE R, Dictator. S. R. WELSH. Secretary. GREAT SALT LAKE CAMP NO. 30071, M. W. A. Meets every Monday night at 8 o'clock In the Odd Fellows temple, P. O. pluce. Visltinu members cordially Invited. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES, SALT Iako City tent No. 2. Every Thurs day. 7. O. O. F. hall. Visit I tier Knights Invited. FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET first and third Tucudai's each month at Euglos hull. H. A. Welling, F. S. filial FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES, Salt Lake acrlc No. 67. Every Friday, S p. m Eagles hall. EXCELSIOR CAMP NO. 30332, MODERN Woodmen, mect Tuesday evening in M. W. A. hnll. 1C1 Main st. Visiting neighbors welcome. C. D. Smith, V. c. ; J. W. Ewln. clerk. Utah camp no. r.n?, w. o. w. Wednesday evening. F. O. E. hall, 163 S. W. Temple. Visiting neighbors wel come. Jesso IT. Collins, Consul; E. W. Hall. Clsrk MASSAGE magTetjTT'aI nagc, New York method. Rlioumutisin 1 cured. Treatments $1 00. 20 Galena block. 2nd So. and State, sis. k2I9D MASSEUSE FOR SELECT .LADIES only. Vapor baths, salt rube. Wa satch 2621. k23C3 ELECTRIC TURKISH BATHS. 51 00. Massugc. residence, or 222 Kearns bldg. Wasatch 1007. ifjn MARGARET A IX EN. VAPOR BATHS, masyagc. Room 1. 260i So. Main. kl3o6 MjVSSAGE AND MANICURING. 3215 SO. Main, room No. 2. 264 4 PATENT ATTORNEYS t"patent"sTventi'o trade mark or copyright, ccy J. M. Thomas, 30S Utah Savings & Trust bldg. ol21 SCOTT &. CO., ALL COUNTRIES: terms icasonablc. 226-7 Judga bid?:. g607 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JH?I?LAASs! Mechanical engineer, structural design ing and general drafting. Inventing a uppclnlty. Office No. 902 Kfarns bldtr. Tl V.'asatrh 19:6. K '.'&:. 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST STOLEN FROM TIIK PREM Isca of A. L. Quint. Graham court, U h. p. motor. No, J." rcVard for Information leading- to Its recoverj'. k2o7 t LADY'S WATCH AND CHATELAINE pin, monogram "I. T. D." Reward. Phone Was. 17o::. 02 East Apricot it. kllISS FOUND MRS. WHiLIAM M'GRATH. 'H3 So. 1st West, found 51 in n fat-k of Huslor's flour. She says Uuslcr's Hour Is superior. k2710 LOST HAT BY MR. PURSELL. IN DuChcsne river. 55.00 reward by the Merit Hat Co.. St and Si: East Second South (near Slato). ($2 and S.1 huts.) kOG FOUND MRS. O. VELPZ. 771 E. 1ST South, found $1 In a sack of Hurler's flour Wouldn't you bo glad? k275:: FOUND MRS. W. C. BROWN. 105:5 W. 2nd South, found 51 In a sack of Uus lcr's Hour, which mr.-le baking day very pleasant. k270:t LOST GOL'ij CLASS PIN, NAME ON back. Telcphono Was. 3271-R. Re ward. 1)2231 PKARL SUNBURST WITH DIAMOND center: lost at Colonial theater or on 151 h South and Liberty park car; keep sake: will pay ample reward for return to Mr. Lclthner at supt.'s office B. G. W. depot. 1:2U71 LOST WHIT ID FEMALE SPITZ DOG. yellow cars: answers to namo of Beauty. Liberal reward, return Mlns L. While, Orpheum Jiotcl. room it. k'JOi'iO KOUNU MRS. LUCY H. SIMPSON. 602 So. 7lh WeaU found ?1 In a suck of Huslor's flour. II nays to uso Uuslcr's. k27.V LOST JCNIGHTS OF COLUIBUS gold charm Thursday, llth. at Eagle hall. 2nd So. and West Tcmnlo. or Warm Springs car going norlh. Return to -12 Richards street. Reward. k26iin FOUND MRS. F. W. COOPER, G A It Held. Utah, found 51 in a sack of Uus lcr's Hour. It pays to use HuslerV. k27iL LOST. LADY'S GOLD BREASTPIN. SET with nlno diamonds. Phone Wasatch 177. Reward. k27:S LOST. A JERSEY COW FINDER. IT Y land 20'11-R. Reward. k272l FOUND MRS. GEORGE II. BROWN. S2S So. Sth East, found 51 in a sack of Uuslcr's Hour. Oh, you Husler's. K-27G0 LOST PAIR OF EYEGLASSES IN SALT Lake theater balcony. Liberal reward If returned to a7 West 1st So. k2770 LOST SMALL BLACK PURSE. 1TND cr return half of the money atid purse to 1001 Princeton avn. k2767 PUBLIC AUCTION OF SIX ROO.MS OF PRACTICALLY NEW FURNITURE at 111 South llh East St. ON FRIDAY. NOV. 22. at 2:30 p. m. These goods consist of furniture that has been In use only three months, and is in perfect condi tion.. A partial list. Beautiful solid leather nnd fumed oak par lor suite. Whitney piano, book case in mission oak. heavy leath er rockers, genuine Spanish leath er davenport., Morri3 chair, sodd en oak dining room sot, consist ing of chairs, pedestal table, china closet and buffet, two brass beds and one enameled bed. springs, mattresses, beautiful mahogany chiffonier and dresser, solid oak chiffonier and dresser. Axminstcr, Wilton and tapestry rugs, etc. Tesilcrs invited. UTAH AUCTION & COMMIS SION CO.. AUCTIONEERS. k-2716 PUBLIC AUCTION SALES HELD EV cry Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of new and second-hand furniture. Wo wlH also hold an auction sale at your resi dence for vou. or buy vour furniture out right. Utah Auction Commission Co.. in-19 West 1st South St. kUG9 C. E. OSTERLOH. AUCTIONEER. BES1 dencc, G21 So. Main. "Wasatch 282-1-W. li(85 O T SEBER MAKES FURNITURE auction a specially; consult mo before selling. llylaud 1317. h22S2 CARPET CLEANING TEL77?Y7aTl cleaning, S. L. Carpet Cleaning Co.. ia5 7 lb East. hU207 CARPET AND WALT, PAPER CLEAN lng a specially. National House Clean ing Co.. 215 Tcmplcton bldg. Was. 12515. k27 F. C. GROENDY1CE & CO.. STEAM carpel cleaning: carpels and linoleum remodeled; all work guaranteed. 11,17 Third East. Hyland 3220-.T. k272.'5 FURRIER i7mTsLrN7oa rmTmlidand repaired. Geneva C. Ulcks Co., 68 So. 6th E. Was. 3707. h-iOOU FURS REMODELED. REPAIRED; EX pert furriers: prices reasonable. Hud son Bay Fur Co., 122 Main. Phone Was. 1161. g!7G6 FURO MADE AND REMODELED; OUR own mado furs In stock, made in a fur-rler-llke way. Jon. Pan ok, Furrier, 127 E. Broadway, adjoining Auerbach's. KSOil STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRS RAnElTcaN Jackets cleaned, 52; L. jackets. 53; stoves repaired- 1 Ontario ct. Phone Wasatch 67M-W. LININGS, GRATES AND WATER jackets. 3ll makes, work guaranteed; G. D. Lovclt foundry. II 7th W. Wa satch 2990. ftM86 BUTTONS dTfIterent TcTntjs'of buttons made at Babbel's Ladles' Tailors. 68 W. 3rd South. h2916 ONLY THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED BUT ton makers In tho west; mado from your own cloth; any size or kind. 119-23 Mercantile bldg. Was. 1677. kl370 OSTEOPATHY Dl7rTXum?T7r EOATiT physician and surgeon, sullu 210 Karns bldg. Hours 9 to 5. g2UI7 DR. G. A. GAMBLE. 60S M'INTYRE bldg. Hours, 10 to 12 and 2 to 1. Wa satch ,15-Sl. g2705 FURS AND TAXIDERMISTS WEUGEv and taxidermist line. We carry complete- lino of manufactured goods. Clean ing, repairing, rc-dyelng and remodeling at cut rales, 23 years in Salt Lake. R. Stcnael Fur Co.. .r7 E. 3rd South. g'.'06S SCOTCH PIES SOTfJlI PIES. SUCh"CsYo1jTiTTn Scotland, with all the flavors and spices; 5c each, 6 for 2oe. T served. McPhlcs Scotch Inn, two doors west S. L. theater h39M HAIR GOODS ' COMBINGS MAIM?N?0vTrC?HI3Sr 51. 50. Ladies, brine them to Velvellnu parlors. G2 E. 1th South. haOIS WHERE TO STOP lincoln"icuse77 2f0 rooms; rates. S6f, 10c and COc; mod ern; baths, 15c. nl'J39 WANTED GOOD WATCHMAKER AND ENGRAV cr desires position, city preferred, or town nyr city. Address X-23. 'Iribunc. k2r.70 IT'S AN EASY MATTER TO SELECT from the most competent domestic helpers If yon will summon thorn to your homo through a AVant Ad. POSITION WANTED TO TAKE CARE of a private place, horse, cow. poul try, by a sober, steady young- man of ex porlencc. Rcasonablo wages. Add res U -r.2, Tribune. k211S THERE'S A WAY TO ADVANCEMENT a path that leads to broader dovol opment and greater remuneration for many that path Is through tho Want col umus. BOOKKEEPER WANTS SET OF BOOKS to icncp pai:t of dny or evening. Ad dress P. O. box 1091. 1:2221 BY EXPERIENCED MALE STRNOG rapher; good references. Call Wasatch 3r.n;-w. uc5S2 IF YOU WOULD SEIZE SUCCESS 1N grcater proportion, Tf you seek ailvancc menl and urn capablo of bearing rcspon slhlllly and can make good the Wants will lc your means of bet torment. YOUNG MAN. 2fi, HAVING J-TNOWL-edgf- of ganollno ctighics. wishes posi tion in garago to learn auto repairing and driving, and enrn expenses while learning. Address X-25, Tribune. k'J510 YOUNG MAN, 23, HIGH SCHOOL graduate, somo buslncKH experience, desires position. Address X-27, Tribune. k2012 S'll-INOGRAPHER. 6 TEARS' EXPER Icnoc. Address X-32. Tribune. k27ll WANTED STTTJA TION FEMA1E- A GOOD LAUNDRESS WANTS WORK Puesday. Wednesday. Thursday, bv day. Apply 35 North 1st West. k256S DRESSMAKING. EXPERIENCED, -lii South 1th ICast. Miss Axelson. k250P A BUSINESS WOMAN AND STENOG raphcr desires position in ofHco. Ex perience and good references. Phono aft ernoon Wasatch r-l!S-.I. 1:2727 WOM-AN WANTS WORK BY 'JhTe DAY, Ironing, cleaning. Hyland 101'8-W k27.-)0 WTLT ARE THE NEEDS IN THE home today arc capable servants needed a cook, a maid or other domestic helpers? The WanU: witl bring them to you. The Wants likewise nil the needs of business they provldo careful, con scientious, painstaking workers In every line of human endeavor. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS LEGITIMATE SUB slltutc for slot machines; patented; sells on sight for $1.00. Particular.-?. Clsha Co.. Anderson, Ind- k21S0 MISCELLANEOUS. TO SELL. S-room modern brick, on cast aide, near new high school: ?lfi0 cash, 520 per month. You must act quick. N. W. CLAYTON CO.. "Real estate. loans and insurance. 113 Main. Was. SD77. k2G-IO YOUR MONEY IS WELL SPENT when your shoes arc repaired with Mon arch of the Oaks Leather. MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO.. 21 E. Second South. Phone 35S3. rrrir ASSESSMENT WORK. WILT j GJVE 75,000 SHARES TREAS nry stock and furnish provisions and necessary supplies to have assessment work done In Bis Cottonwood. Sco Wm. Crowe. 27 Latimer blk. h3304 ri' IS AN EASY MATTER TO TURN 11! 1 Wanls o account Just slop and think for a moment what you need most, then put tho Wants to work for you. WILL SHIP OAR II. II. GOODS TO LOS Angeles and one to Chicago and one to Portland, and 0110 to Florida next ten days; very rcasonablo rates. Kimball Van & Storage Co... 72 So. Main. n2S0S FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANTED: wl pay you first-class price. II. C Fisher ffc Co., 165 So. W. Temple. Wa satch BI71. e2f3 LIST YOUR SECOND-HAND AUTOMO bllo with us. Wo have customers for nil kinds and slses. Fowler, 53-50 So. W. T. .g3362 ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND CLOTH -Ing, trunks, valises; best prices paid. 2." Commercial st. Reply by postal card. Phone 3771. f74 UTAH JUNK CO.. HIGHEST PRICE paid for Iron, bras':, rags, bottles, rub ber, copper, etc. 810 So. 1th West. Phone Wasatch 22!). m1D72 A FEW UNCLAIMED TAILOR-MADE suits and overcoats at a bargain. Spielberg Tailoring Co.. 57 W. 2nd So. kISOS TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaking, Utah Bedding Mfg. Co. Phone 3S3. b202 WTTX BUY ALL 2XD-1TAND GOODS wo can cel. Mlch'g 3rurn. Co., 3-43 State. Was. T.l'.T.. 1:1976 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture. carnctK. stoves, trunk's, and valises. Wasatch S0C. g337S HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PECOND hand clothing. A. Alport. 115 South Wost Tomplc. Wasatch 3016-W. 1iS1P2 I PAT THE BEST PRICES FOR TOUR old clothes. Bell 5021. a25 YOUR OLD CLOTHTN-G: WILL CALL. Salvallon Arms". Phone. 121D1 ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS wanted. Tel. Was. 3625. klOSt PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE EQUIPMENT. Oi)er"linic '-ln'ir. apparatu;:. etc. t dreS3 X-26, Tribune. k'.'630 WANTED BOARD AND ROOM y7ung ""man deTes" room! breakfast and dinner In nihalo family, dcslrablu location; no other boardem; best references required. Address X-31. Tribune. k27.'!'j WANTED TO BUY. THE AVANT COLUMNS ARE SCANNED I by thousands, many of whom aro pros pective purchasers. WILL PAY CASH FOR FO UP. -ROOM house, inuist be In southeast part of city. Also at bargain if you want your money at onco. Box 101 Ruth. Nevada. 1:32S WOULD LI KE TO BUT MODERN brick house, four or moro rooms, largo lot. In good location; must bo a bar gain. X-1P. Tribune. k2o065 12-GAUGE PUMP GUN. MUST BE good order and cheap, for cash. Ad dress W-10. Tribune. 1:1302 WANTED TO TRADE WILL TRADE TWO DOZEN ROLLS assorted music for 65-note player for fi.'i-potH muslis which I have not played. Bring your music. SOS First avc k!6Jl PRINTING, AJUKiW PRESUAlrS BIGGEST plant. Printing. Binding, Office Sup plies and Furnllurc. Legal Blanks. 66 W. 2nd So. Exchange 202. k!25 COAL.WOOD, HAY & GRAIN CCviGlrTTiSa " AU kinds o coal. wood, hay and grain. 175 West Broadway, Was. 11C1. K17S2 WANTED WANTED- PBMAiB HELP . C1RLS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. AP PL READY FOR AVOP.K AT S A. M. ',VD i M- DAILY. THOY LAUNDRY. 121 SOUTH liTU EAST. . . gSUJ SUCCESS INSURANC12 UTAH BUSI ncss College preparation for buslnea? me. Start, a courso now. Boston bldcr.. 'lay or night. el533 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGEXITY. BASE monl First Congregational church: wu ret you a. position free or chaige. TU ph(no 5322. 12773 W A N l'E D SO L7CITORS FOR T .OCAL work: exio)lent. pav for bright parties. Apply Monday 'J 0 10 a. 111., 301 New- housQ Building. h'-'Sll GIRL TO CARE FOR BABY AND HEL0 with dishes after schcol. Wnxatch 6.-J. h::0S7 WANT ADSTlVVE SHAPED THE FU lurc. of thousands of men and women -thev have afforded the opportunity that led to experience, efficiency and advance ment. MIDDLE AG Ell LADY TO LIVE WITH and euro for oM ladv; cnmrorlablo home; room and j.oard and ?1 a day- Ex perienced nurso iireferrd. but not re qulrcd. Address V-215 Tribune. k57 WILLOW PLUMES MADE FROM OLD feathers, faultlessly cleaned, curled and dyed any H)iadc: !wMcbcs made from your comblngM. 51 and up. according to stzo. 10S Soulh 2ii.l East. b301 1 STENOGRAPHERS. TAKE SPEED Dic tation at Practical School. Consll tutlou building; Wasatch (5706. 1:1277 WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO Invest from $30" to S500 in ladles' fur nishings; best opporlunltv In city; good location. Vor furlber Information call. 5 o'clock, room 352 Kenyon hold. k1322 THE WANT ADS HOLD MANY Possi bilities for workers. There are hundreds of chances within Ihc reach of llmso who find advancement lmposlblo In their present positioi;.". The Wants la to every legillniate Uric of human endeavor, they radlato to evry bnHlnes,5 and bring their iuflocrico to bear wherever workers aro sough I. WANTED GIRL FOR GF.NERA T . housework; small fa mil v. 230 S. "5th East. klOSO COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR genoral housework: small family. 3 1 Twelfth East st. k20f.S WANTED -EXPERIENCED GIRT FOR general housework. 7Io 3rd avc. 1:2053 YOUNG COLORED GIRL TO ASSIST with housework. Hy. 100-W. k23D5 NEA'P, RELIABLE NURSE GIRL. BE tweun ages 35 and 17; none othr. frail hclwnijn 2 p. in. and 5 p. in., 1351 East So. Temple. k2l01 NEW SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING just oiienv'al no E. Broadway. IIv Innd 1D57. Cutler's School of Dressmak ing 1.-22567, GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; family of thric. 17 Church si.; phone Wasatch 3175-W. k2150 Lj DY ORGANIST. INQUIRE 222 Mc Intyre bldg. k2515 GIRL FOR GENERAT, HOUSEWORK and cooking; 670 E. S. Temple. Was, 2SI1. k2572 FAMJLT COOK. AT ONCE. GOOD P-VT to right party; 120 H st. k2516 GOOD GIRL- FOR GENERAL UOUSE work: small family. 027 E. So. Tcmnlo. Wasatch 1003.- k2631 YOUNG GIRL OR LADY LIVING CLOSE to 3rd South and 6th or 7lh East, who would like to take care of a young baby during evening, ' when necessary Give phone number In reply. Address X-2S. Tribune. k2010 BE SURE AND VISIT II ENAG ICR'S Business College "before you decide o enro'l elsewhere. Got the best. Posi tions guaranteed. U2i;ri6 WANTED-YOUNG LADV AS COM panloii and share work of sum 11 apart -; incut; good, comforlablo luuno sleep h: salary liy arniogijiuent. I'obb, 2 Stewart aparluienls. Phone Wasatch '.250-M. k27::7 j GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL lIQUSE-j work. 613 Sth avc. Wasatch 2760. k 272:'l 2 HAIR WEAVERS AT SASSE'S HAIR factory, 2IS Main St. k2757 UOUSEKEIDPER TO KEEP HOUSE for widower: one who would jl:o a good home and small wages, for the wlnlcr: no objections to woman wilh one child. X-33. Tribune. k2763 GJRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: 3-rooiu ant.: 2 in family. Apply II Stewart apt:;., 1st avc. and C si., after 11 a. m. Ic276l A FIRST-CLASS KITCHEN GIRL. AP plv 212 2nd Easl. k276C G Mil 1 TO COOK AND ASSIST 1N housowork; no washing. 30) 1st avn. l;276S VACUUM CLEANERS eTetiuc aacjum ciTiTAiirrs rented, 51.23 day. Wo deliver, demon slrato anil collect them. "American" 105 Atlas block. Wasatch 2721. kl RENT A "SANTO" VACUUM CJ.EAN er and bo convinced before huvini: a tileancr al any price. Stewnrt-GIeeson Co.. Was. 200. g352S LAUNDRD3S PALACE LAUNDRY CO. Office 7o v,-. Second South, plume. Office 70 E. Second South. Wan. 1 ISI. Office 33 10. Third South. Wa. 3710. Works 75S E. Fourth Soulh. Hyland 2562. anil llyln.nd Sfi'J. Laundry brought to offices saves 25 per cent. No extra charge for one-day specials. 1:2537 HAY, GRAIN AND FLOUR OURItU'ES ARE RIGHT. DELIVER IES arc made promptly. Idaho Caah Hay i'i Grain Store. 25'J W. Third South. Wasatch 5059. WHOLESALE A SPECIALTY. 1.1 a 16 EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT DlirARTIIUR UURRuWS 1AM EItbvTN product), not "mado In Germanv" 30-31 Continental Bmk hide. g306S PYORRHEA SPECIALIS5: DTLROBERT W. 'l I A iTlTI ' YOR R I TEA AND ORAL PROPHYLAXIS. 630 KEARNS BLDG. a2253 SECOND-HAND SHOES MENTTixIrorTi dies' Oxfoids nnd shoes at 35c up. Thurcsoii. US South State st. h2103 SEWING MACHINES WE SELL. RENT AND REPaTrVLL lnnkcs. 3G0 State. Wasatch 1703. (13 U6 FURjNTITURE CLEANED. for iubnT'irio ciTea'ing' vnd French polishing call Hyland 230S-R. . kis:o SECOND-HAND CLOTHING I PAY BEST FRTcEirORECOND iiaud cb.ilhliig. W. Gllckmiin. 71 S. W Tcniplu. Wasatch 1513. kI707 WANTED Lf A S IC u urliwT nither be one of the ,-,,.i,,iiJR "ro or half-rallui cm I u i W r.2.00(. plcki.1 men v:l,n lrJ c.M$ on the ,-oad (l ouuivu: ,t" .?Mrtw jiavy will comprise men iiSmd ban before. If you rti I onvoonW' -.1, .-all at nmv rccudtli..- -! Judge building. Salt Lake nu jiS? ask for full Italia about ni!W0 hour, promotion, etc. 0i"somi 8H! c nallng boolc froc. 'mV, IuImM Man o' '.Varsuiiin." Tells I K ,?nfix' guuge nnd Jiilerwlli,- p, EWf U.e navy Send ly,u.. lo Hu'r Mfl W ANTED KOR V.. S. bodied unmarried men. between SnV i,fnin' ,a5; " ,,ZunM of ""Hod HiMS good character an.l tcnipi.rato o can speak, jeud and write Al-' tangmiKc. Vw Infurmi. tlon ml rru ting orflcer. Walkers bSnk fl Mal,, una 2nd So. Btr.. Salt wn rizAc.n you atradb in iM 1 u,h R'eclrlclty, antoinohllrs. dIuBEi' day: 10 Jobs 5o!ng. Caialoguofree" -olVi' Sch001 cnttactlng Co., LEr MAN WHO HAS oilLTEDNW crstandp Uu, Am,rlcnu vJoHl " Mhisrs. need Ilot nipl. Vhmo Eureka. Utah. 0 t MEN. WOMEN. GET GOVEFpftjTl for liMt of pusll Ions open. FraiVliW sllUilc. Dept. IM W.. Rochoji'HK 1! P HIGHEST -OMMISSION,s PAir Si coinpelent agciUu. Must furnlnhi Tts onccs. Good soiling proposition. tO!av; start worlc liiiincdlatly 1 r Umd & Water Co.. S16 Newliouao' Spi "'g' ij ytt STROCK'w EMPLOYMENT AQE7 Hotel, restaurant and household'l M Pu West 2nd South riion STIEPPARD'S EMPLOYS' FNTAC31 ! "Tho Red Fronl." U2 Wst 2iil 0 Hoadiiuartorn railroad mid mining Wasatch 3331. . i fl PERSONAL ATTENTION AND ji il ongbuess characlorlso Utah Bm C College training. Day and nlcht nov. Boston building. " 1 FR1-:E EMPLOYMENT AGENCY '-T &, ment First Congregational chiiruh " get yon a position frco of clmrce., Jli phono Wasatch 5S2?. 'i . 'f FIFTY YOUNG MEN WITH BICTt !? good wages: steady employ miit; a to learn telegraphy. W. u. Tel. ' , li 3 GOOD SOLICITORS FOR SPJ work: good salary and steady nm '? 10 t0 12 a. m., 312 Constitution bit 1 MEN WANTED TO WEAR HO LI HATS. NO MORE. NO LESI EAST THIRD SOUTH. 50 MEN WANTED. SEWER W long Job. 10th East and 6lh So. Jl & Sim. contractors. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WA3 No canvassing or soliciting retj Good income assured. Addrcs N Co-Opcratlvc Reallv Co. VS27 li building, Washington, D. C. BE A DETECTIVE-EARN $150 T( per month; travel over world. 1 for particulars. National Dot Agency, Dept. 214. Chicago. BE DETECTIVE EARN 5100 TO month; travel over tho world, v National Dclcclivc Service, Los An Cal. FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK T about over 260.000 protected poslth U. S. service. 7loro than -50.000 acs every your. Then; is a big chance for you. sure and generous pay, HI employment. Easy to get- Just al booklet (' 210. No obligation. Earhap kins. Washington, D. C lB WANTED -TWO MEN AT ONCE learn aulo driving and repairing. 73 "Postofficc piece. MAN OR WOMAN EVERT. COUNT! state; goad salary: easy. pleaEaiitj nlfied work: grand xulxe to bo3t wt nothing to sell. P. O. box 176. THE WANTS MEAN OPPORTUNI a chance for betterment. .7 A PA N F,S G EN ERA L AGENC! Help of nil kinds furnished. Pliotia salch 1311. 256 West 1st South. i M EN'S UNCALLED-FOR TU made snila and o'. ercoalrj al a. J fico. Spielberg Tallorhi? Co., 57 Vf. ond South. MKN V,' ANTED TO WEAR OUR TR cs; nt guaranteed. Rex Drug Co." Temple and Broadway. EMPLOYERS HAVE COME TO t to The Trlbiino want3 a3 the H of liiiniinonlng to llioni a.ppllcaiiU positions in every line of hunian deiivor. Skilled specialists. ca helpers in I he of rice, shop or fact theso who can bear rvpoii3lbiIlty make good In their tasks. 'i Fl RST-CLASS STENOGRA PHEK,-; ply. giving reference. AdtlrcasV Tribune. I EXPERIENf.'ED SALESMAN TO T n lino of samples for men's ti made suits on ibo road In Utah Idaho, and lake orders for them good proposition for tho right mou; dxpKH X-7, Tribune. ATTEND HENAGERS Bl'SlNESSji lege the school that gets results crailualos placed in good positions roll now. 1 WANTED BOOKKEEPER I cashier for grn. nidsc. store In i! hi mining -amp. Must bo able to, bond. State. cxpcrlonco and wanted. Give references and tele) number. Address X-13. Tribune; R R. STENOGRAPHER. 2 YEARSV perience. at once, J7j. Rcinll Typewriter Co. : 7M10N. MUST BE UT3LL DRES Honest, energetic Bockcr, 311 M( nick, S:30 a. in. 'j BOOK' K ICEPER A ND OEFrCB 7 stale ciuallfication and salary AJ . X-31. Tribune. J ROY WITH BICYCLE. PAN CO. J tq dub. 35 East llh Fouth at. j- BARBER WANTED. 521. WESTi fc oii.l So. Guarantee. . TAILOR MADE CORSET, SlKEBLTcOTtSE 4 tee. Mrs. Mann. Hi". u0D3-J. w 7th So. j SIGNS AND SCENERY;! cTiTTrTnoi'EitsoN. 20 vl'"dS b; brusK. chipped glass lUid painted. Wafalcli 1503. i OPTICAL PARLORSJ C. M. Pctcri;cn. 58 East It It So. h LIVERY STABLEJ ? M'1?TABrS, CARRIAGES j light livery horses bought anaft n Pbon Si. . I PLUMBING ELECTRICWJ $ plumbing and electrical rcp-lrs. j , ;.2S. : "' CUSHIONSJPHOLTERI 5dA:rrRlsss and fjrril?l paired. Malt Lake Multrcsa & MI rhono 3233. !-fl i '.'1