Newspaper Page Text
IK . . E SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 22, 1912. ' - - 9 V'fcj L& HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT - . f BwffToiT- icMAfiDw 7 of LAoieftrnte their osautv, ) woMswWovrito ' f r Tfi& jwToofr " 1 ' ' P 1 P !H II MLtT f A , V TVfelP- JCgfJC. Sf HEAWSN 15 t0VE - ft ! IN frfe M'.DPL ( ?M-(JOO.HOoKv. ,JM GS-S.AC 111 WJtAS J I iC J vmvmGo A fl 3 J-V OfACASe J He 5NFF'HS UJ I 3 2? U wvard's Advance Guard II Is in the Blue's Territory mmson's Backs and Ends Practice Two Hours Behind Closed Gales 'on Yale Field 'IjrntlionHl ews Service. i' HAVEN", Conn., Nov. 21. 13c i.WLmc of the general Improvement rRphyslcal condition of t lie Yale 'ncad Coach Howe changed liis 'Heigy nnJ put the regulars through iHgatc of tlio final scrimmage for 'Buon. Two clays' rest Is usually UfeA heforo a Harvard game, but Kachc-s have several plays which Hshcsl to relies r.. in aotual foot--Bd heaved them this afternoon at tBpcd eleven, winning a touchdown .Ba lecurcd tlio honor of ripping HUho line for the lust pim-tlee nu of the season. I In and Cap jildln alternated in line smashes dlstnnee from nildrteld, where ill was put. In play from scrlm kW'lth tlio' exception of Carter. Hi assigned to right end, the Employed the lineup which has preJ for Harvard This is the frier uncd at Princeton. Riter and Gallaner were In the play, but dropped out In favor of jtheii the clashing with the scrubs Of the regulars who started the hardly one remained after live B vlicn the long list of subsll rraJiially replaced them, t the distribution of tho subsll Iie coaches iiavc made one of the impclga outlines. The oanipaign ,lhc game lata brought into the ot a different sot of plays than med Bgalnst rrinceto)i and the kt been drilled defonsh ely by the Mof th Talo giiurtl and center fMter Sanford. all tho week, llar.vard brickfield men and ends pnlcd by a number of coaches, h'cral hours practice on the field Htmoon behind closed gale.. fi to Ball Game j Court Trial in Which j5 Defendant Is Acquitted -J Uo The Tribune &. Nov L'l With the world's 0 chainplonehlp successfully dls w ('for the season, the fans of North j n'l pinln Ciiv disposed or their "J differences in Judge W. II. ' J J court today, when A Bnllcy ' n. for assault and found not i'Ll 2? a w The complaining wlt- Milo .r. Sharp of I'lain City. ''i "Hey Ik a resident of North Og i ny residents of both villages ..J 'iei-cu or Interested .spectators. J a.'.o Is a sequel to a ball game ..J ,.at aoiIIi Ogden on August, 17 .J "nj to the evidence. Jack Spires ft raw a decision bv the umpire and tU .,or"a" nK'"t resulted among the jtfl w playcis of tlio two settlements. Ii '' aMlared that during the melea J, "nick him on the head with auffl- rcn to knock him down. , with dlfileulty that Judgo Keed & ;nlnud order In tho courtroom. "orlcs of the wltnesKcs furnished Plniatcrial for laughing purposes. Vic 'vltnesscs testified that the orf, opJen conslalilc and Plain Clty Wcrlff iuldr;fl to 1 Iitj general con- fy trills to arrest ouch other for s the peace Until It was cx w thetn, neither knew lliat the Hi wiis also an officer. i WTE HAS SHADE 1 OVER PAL MOORE JS?nwV w,jr- 0V- 21. Charley "M? Chicago hail a. Might shade over 5mF "f Philadelphia' at the end of 3rLru.liu1 hout hrt tnnlKht. file fiMS ,K Prettiest exhibition ever ZZWhlu br011at out the best there iBBmiti mun. Bl" Wilt era had a big ad van- f5Kf .T,,m!ny uPhy at the end of l",au,nd cmi-wlndiip. Zf3m, Vrlv:'cc, George Morton of TiiH :!oe 1Aiw "f "Waukegnn wjih lilK'i K thc end of I he third round itus from knockout. fj3BJNot Broken; Only Bruised. JmrlJ11-' N,,v- 21. Instead of r t a l,foken neck In last ' Kdiu0.01.1'1111 K"mo, as wa3 rnport fWtirLJll,l,soa "! allege BvrPed v;1,h rw bruised llga .lble today lo walk about Wmething for Moth- ! !jl-' i fjm!iixnht, Designs ami I iBrltations 8iven cllcer I m CDLMER CO. Mass. was. 3200 I razing. 355 s.VV.T. u Hy International News Service. ACM13KIDGI-;, AIuss.. Nov. 21. The advanco guard of the Harvard foot bull family left town this morning en route to New Haven, headed bv Coaches Naughlon. Daly and 'Wigglcsworlh. The players met at Harvard square, but there was no demonstration About a thousand .sludonls were on hand to say "bon voyage'' ami good lurk. Captain Wendell stated before leaving that he was In tiptop shape and that his ankle had resumed its normal healthfulness. "Wo are going to have a hard strug gle, but the boys are one tor all and all for one. With every man In the best of shape. T think wo stand an excellent chance to return to Cambridge with a victory.' Charley Brickley said that he wa O. K.. and had entirely recovered from the. hard usage to whleh ho had been subjected during tho Princeton and Dart mouth games. It Is to him almost en tirely that tho Crimson following look for a chance to gloat over a. defeated KM football team. There Is a great deal of chatter about crossing that blue goal lino, undeseerated for years by Harvard feel, but deep down everybody is pin ning their hopes to tho sturdy former Exeter star. Harvard Is pretty certain to try a kicking game. Saturday against Vale, just aa she has against every op ponent upon whom she could not gain by rushing. There i6 plenty of Yalo money In sight here if a fellow wants to offer -10 lo S on Harvard. Even money Is wh;it the Crimson following is eagerly looking for. Coacli T.eary, in joking talk about the coming contest to the students today, slated that if Vale thinks she can knock the "brick" off of Ilrieklcy she will find out that Harvard can knock tho "pump" out of Punijiclly and tho out of Vale. United States League Wants Chance, Kling and Bresnahan as Managers J3y International News Service. PITT.SBU.ItC, Nov. 21 Captain "Mar shall Henderson and William T. Mc Culluugh, Pittsburg's millionaire promot ers of tho United States Baseball league, are determined to revive tho outlaw or ganization and establish an eight-club circuit, of which Pittsburg will be the eastern limit and Kansas City the west ern outpost. Briefly here is the report ed lineup: Frank Chance, manager, Chicago. John Kllng. manager, Kansas City, Mo. Koger Bresnahan, manager, St. Louis. Hugh Duffy, manager. Milwaukee. "Deacon" Charles Phllllppi, manager, Pittsburg. This Is but an outline cf the plans upon which Captain Henderson and McCul lounh have been at work for six weeks. Cincinnati, Cleveland, Minneapolis and Indianapolis are mentioned, too, as cities In which it Is Intended to put United Slates teams. HIGH'S SECOND TEAM READY FOR TIGERS The high school second team was oul vesteiday afternoon working hard Tor ihe Grand Junction game on Thanksgiv ing day. The rlrst team, however, is taking things easy, as the players con sider their victory over Ogden in the early season indicative of a runaway next Thursday. If Ogden should by any chance win it would be a hard blow to the school, hut might servo as a good lesson to some of the team members. Coach KIchardson is confident that the second team will trim the Colorado team, and to that end has selected the hovs whom ho considers the most conT Hlstent of the second sound. Holden, who showed so well the Jordan team, making the only touchdown for the youngster, and that In the last minutes of play, will not make tlio I rip, Coach Richardson intending to keep him here to sub for the regulars at Ogden. Those who will ko on the Journey, nnleibs some eligibility tangle arises to day, are: Mills, Mulvoy. Wert-. Sheets. I Brcekon, 1,. Pyke,,Klng (captain), J. WilHon, Li. PvOinney, 'latusclia, Lewis, Barnes. Lyman and Hull. Thl morn ing will ho devoted to a football asaem yiw TTnllko other assemblies of tho vear, the one this morning will bo held Indoors, it room being reserved for each cla;:s. There will be specchou from fac ulty members and the first tcrun play ers will tell how they are going to trim Ogden. but the chief interest will cen-t-r on the squad of youngsters, for this l'i the first time high school haH had a strong second team. LUSSI AND KEENAN SOLD TO SENATORS "Blip Lusfii. first bos-man. and "Bill" ICocnan. pitcher of the Hierm team, have been pureha.sed by Washington In the American lenuuc, according to ro porls from tho Montana town. Luuk will be given a trial in the outfield, and hln hitting, baso running and ngjrrcne Ivoness gives him a chance, to mat cood. Keenan. whose real namo lo Sulli van, pitched good ball at times Jaet year in the Union aenoclallon. and aa Wash ington lo in need of pitching talent, ho wlil have overy opportunity to make ROOd. . Player Frick Buds Hifl Life POllTKND, Or.. Nov. 21, While his wife wailown town buying l clcets to Oklahoma, where he was to go In sea ch of health, James Krlck, utility imiuiuer of the Oakland Baseball team of the Pa cmc Coast league, last night drank car hollo acid, causing his death. , AD KNOCKS OUT A " SMMTB Uses "Crippled Left" on Kid Alackey, Who Goes Down for the CSunl. By International News Service. SAX FllANCJSCO, Nov. 21. When Ad WolgasL was training for his recent light with Joe Mandot in New Orleans, an ancient darkey referred to him as "that III LI o bundle of fuss. ' That probably describes heller than anything else the lightweight champion's training day ill the iSea) Itock gymnasium. With only a brief letup at midday, Ad was at It. from early, morning until htf in the afternoon and. not a thing in the training line was overlooked. At night fall his sparring purl pers were a sorry looking bunch and at least one of them Kid Muekey, a l.-os. Angeles product gently slumbered while Wolgast's train ing staff applied restoratives. "I Just wanted lo convince some of the wise ones that it was my appendix and not my stamina, that thoso I.os Angeles doctors got," declared .Wolgast. tonlghl. "There has been too . much talk about this thing and I ain getting 1 1 red of it. A few days ago, in addition to being a physical wreck, my left hand was oul ot commission. Jf you happened to notice today it was this crippled loft that pul one of my sparring partners down for the count. Next week Itltchie will be In n position to give you more definite infor mation on it." Tho 200 light fans who watched the champion's workout came away from the Seal Itock gymnasium firmly convinced that the Wolgast thai Itltchie will meet next Thursday afternoon Is a different one from tho one Willie hanunurca around the ring for four rounds lait spring. Tho only criticism that could he made on Ad's ivcrk was his judgment of distance, which was not of the best. But. Ihls fault can bo easily remedied between now and light time, and It now seems to be a- foregone conclusion thai Wolgast will stop Into tho ring a pro hibitive favorilo over the local boy. Ritchie put in a busy day at Shannon's and ;it the conclusion of his work an nounced that he io now below the i:iS pound mark. FRESHMEN ELEVEN LEAVES FOR IDAHO The "university freshmen held thcln last practtco last night and will leave tills morning for Albion. Ida., where they play tho Idaho state normal school to morrow. Tho Alhlon toam is one of the best in that section ot the country, and think that If they win from the fresh men by a good score, they will bo second only lo the Boise In the high school division of the west and northwest moun tain dllvslon. At any rate tlio defeat of tho University of Idaho bv Utah last vear and the existing ill feeling between the two schools makes tho Idaho normal doubly anxious to trim the freshles. iw. thev think that would to some extent repay tho roughing tho Morjcow boys received when they played tho east benchers. Coach Olcson wants his team to re deem Itself from tho high school de feat, and thinks that a successful inva sion of Idaho by the freshles would nut the two local teu'ihs on si moro even basis. , , . . ,. , . Tho tr-am put In a most spirited work out last night. Besides Coach Olcson and Manager Fcrron. these men wljl go to Albion: Kred Stack, fullback: Tray Prs. left half. Margclts, rlfrlit half. LUIle. lefl end-. Daly, left tackle: Peterson, lcrt guard: Well nor. center. Parry, right guard; Brockmeycr, right, tackle: W . Stack right end; Gardener, quarter. Hunter, Hudson. Smith and Conroy will go iu1 substitutes. srosrr THE COLD WINDS ? $ v - 4 LfeT UP jON THE? 0ALD HGAPtrP MAN Mdt TME K-Y SASOH OPENS TO WE SALT M I N&5 OF Pf" ta-CA-RA-Ra-ra oivww-irie 0NLA.MP fop onomyieitfpiiusr POOR DEFE7M PANT ROLLED gSO0NH (WE OH 746 FLOOR ANP H5WJ?,,?ln d AT Acp WIBfr-FltfT I HS TRIED TO PIE-'THE NBN ZSfXSS al! A G D "Ar? UJflPtf Cm nUcp UIM PftP GUITF Nt) HP'Ntr HALFM as LITTLE CMLD ITS FIRST WORKED 0V6RHINP(-Hfc D0EN SCHOONGFR TfE VTGpc HEWAS MAKMG: IT . 1 SOME TIME 'AND7M6N HP GALLAHTTAR LZKNEb AlK FThS M0O56 TO 'Hut OPENGD H'5 an D C&lRPty OJER THB BA2. AND GRABS WOO p SHei. AND PE , "kr,Ut OVA(JCALL A MAvJ lrt&F0LV5 ARM PlPtt, NSjlT Aft CrHT DOWN ,? r,inr W "iFYOUCOOKep ' fKGAfhj 'AMD W6 WAJ MAfcWG 'Ervr-r, OF VOL CAN 0, WOULD .HOQSgTO H15 WQOPJHgp, ATiiiTr Kj.p rAF THe 5TRAR5 VHP LEAVE IWh YIW ARF Vwen fatMoms DQ?pa So, now we have" I halt! reyou I Ispeak, mou qotouno 'fv THE LOST TCHRZdKTOOZ ABULQ-ARIN, r TPJKSTfl KNQV PRopMET'5 Q00Q THAT'S FORTi-, AND TWe PORT VOU Mr", HE 0 4'Lt HAVE vHO I Roq-3 traQULTt' ;0F KHSHOOTJ?. CzsfjTALKS VOU 9AST.N J ARE WHO ft Boulder Crippled on Eve of Final Game of 1912 Football Season Supporters of Utah university's foot ball team who are hoping I ha I Colorado university, (he nearest contender for the conference championship, will lose Sat urday's game to the School of .Mines, may derive a degree of satisfaction from the battered condition of tho Boulder lineup as Indicated In a special lo the News, as follows: Never In its history has a football team of tho University of Colorado been In such physical condition on tho eve of a groat football battle as In the 1!H-' eleven, which is to meet the School of Minos here on Satur day for the Iwenty-slMh lime. Rlghl half filattery. Left-half Donovan. .Left-end Kemp find Kight-.guard Croutcr all being on the hospital list Tho reports thai the team came out of the Kansas game In good physical condition have been unfounded, tho real status having been unknown to even Captain lartman until last night, when Hlattery and Croutcr, two of the star members of the team, failed to put In an appearance for practice- Tonight the latter re turned, but Donovan and Kemp, in addition to flattery, wore ordered to their rooms by the team doctor. W. V. Wnsson. With these four stars on tho hos pital list, Colorado is left in a bad way, as Coach Folsom has no A-l substitutes with whom to work. This evening Sloan, who has been play lug tacklo on the first team, was relegaled lo Iho second eleven, while Andriis, who has been subbing since spraining ills ankle four weeks ago. was put In hie place McCrary was placed In Donovan's half and Tenters in Slattory's. The work of calling signals was civen to Fullback Ivcrs, who directed the freshmen team last, year to good ail vantage in all of Us high school games. Weight of Public Opinion Decides Winner, Says Gamp TynCM .TOHN"SOX, the Denver sporting X writer, Is still seeking . excuscu to award the football conference ehampion lo Colorado university, despite the fact tliat the element, of luck figured In a majority of that college's victories and that It has been repeatedly scored Sunt. Johnson wired Walter Camp isklnr "How la eastern championship dH-nnlned-cn form, gauge of battle or nercentagcV'' Mr. Camp answered as fol lows: There Is really no such thing as a football championship as the game In now played. , , . TJaoh Individual picks his own champion team and the weight or public opinion awards the champlon- Football Is not nt all like baseball In this respect. In baseball Iho teams nlav each other a ories of gineu and tho percentage decides Iho title. TlilH is net so In football. There 18 no league, no organization, the big teams do not play the saine weak er teams, and thcro can therefore bo no percentage comparison. Sometimes ono team Is so marked -v Hiioerlor that there can bo no fo-lbt on the question. When this tq not so tho championship is purely a mutter of individual opinion. fSMKiicd) WALTJSK CAMP. Commetlng on Camp's ruling, Johnson Say3Mr'1 ('amp'sWiatemont upholds tho contention made In tho News some days at'0 that no eleven let entitled to a. championship nlmiily because it happen to have won mora and lout fewf-r games than another. in effect, tho "Father of Football" rules that the gauge of battle, con sidered In conjunction with ''form. Is the. onlv definite ivny ol deciding tlic vletor'or the year. Considered In Its relation to tho Uocky Mountain conference cham pionship, Mr. Camp's decision leaves the matter of the title one onen to general dlscusr-lon. In which Iho "weight of public opinion," not tho Individual opinion of export will bo Hie final Judge, Naturally, therefore II may bo ex pected that In Utah the M,onnons will bo unite generally balled as the champions of the year In the event that Colorado h; defealed, while opinion In this stale will be divided between Mlnes and Utah. However. If .Colorado wins from Mines, Judging - Utah opinion from puch expressions as have filtered through by newspaper and mall routes, the State university will bo genertilly conceded I he title; first, because they will have displayed the most consistent form and better de velopment throughout a reason of play; second. bccauKe under I ho cauge of battle rule, which Is, briefly, that a championship can only bo won from a champion, only tho team which defeated Colorado could be considered as champions.' With the modifying consideration of form. Ag gies run Id not logically be held the champions any moro than could the eleven which defeated them after their defeat of Colorado. Aa Mr. Camp, in addition to hlu position as foremost football export In tho world, Ip editor of Ihe official Hpaldlng football .guide, his ruling will bo final Insofar as the guide Is . concerned, arid avIII bo exactly followed. Jackaon to Wrestle Sacos. Young I'eler .laekson will leave today Tor Ogden, where he wrestles Peter Fa cos tomorrow night at the Poonle'H (hcatrr. Jai k.xou Is In good condition and Is confident of winning the bout, MINBBS VS. COLORADO. DENVER, K"ov. 20. The one col lege football game in Colorado next Saturday, that "between tlio Univer sity of Colorado and tho Colorado School of Mines, is causing much In terest, on account of tho fact that it will decide which team shall tio Utah for first place In tho Rocky Mountain conference. Both teams havo a long list of cripples and several star playors will not he in the lineups when tho teams meet at Boulder. Johnson of the Mines, Will Referee the Game Between Utah and Aggies At a meeting of several students, In cluding captains of all teams and faculty members, also Professors Merrill, Cunningham and Reynolds, of the uni versity last evening It was decided to of ficially adopt the new plan of awards to athioles which was recently drawn up by the athletic council. It was further de cided that members of the freshman team should receive gray sweaters decorated with the class numerals. Manager Cameron yesterday received a telegram from Athletic Director John son of tho Colorado Hchool of Mines lo the effect that the Mines tram will be in .Suit Lake Thanksgiving day en route to Los Angeles, where It. plays Pomona col lege the following .Saturday. The mem bers rt Ihe Golden team will bo the guests of Utah university at tlio Utah-Aggie game and Dlroctor Johnson, who is an authority on the game, will refereo the game. In the lust Issue of Iho Aggie school paper the students expressed confidence of winning from Utah und predicted a score of to 0 In favor of the fanners. Professor Bolln of the university physi cal education department woe in Logan rceentlv find stutod that the enthusiasm over tile game Is rampant and that the Logan studcsits will come down to the game S00 strong "with an augmented brass band. Lon Uomncv was out In uniform again last night for the first time since the Moulder game and his presence added materially to tin- spirit of the boys, al though he Is still lame. The practice consisted of signal work, runnlnt: and passing. Tho boys are now nil In fine shape with the exception of Jtomney and will go uftcr tho Aggies with the same determination with which they attacked the Tigers. . Word was received from Lieutenant Nellv vestetdav that bo trill bo unable to officiate in the game Thanksgiving day. WESTERNERS ACCEPT UPTON'S CHALLENGE I S'AX FRANCISCO, Nov. 21. Sir Thomas Llpton'i; challenge for nn tutor national yarfit. race here in 1915 was ac cepted today. At a' luncheon of the San FranclKco Commercial club, given in honor of .Sir Thotna6. the following letter was read to him: ' . , "On behalf of a syndicate yet to be named, permit me to accent, your chal lenge for a nice in the 23 -meter class, to bo sailed hero In llMS. "Wo will meet yuu with a boat de signed under th. universal rule, built and sailed by San l'ranclacann, and may the best boat. win. (Sluned) "THOMAS L. MILLER." Mr. Miller Is president of tlio West Coast Life Insurance company. It is estl.'imted that the American dc fender ulll cost about S75.000 and oho probablv will be named "Tho Nineteen Fifteen." Japanese Wrestlers to Compete With Americans At Deseret Gym Tonight Fred Cnibbc, Hyde Cowley and .1. An derson, three of the cleverest amateur wrestlers in the suite, will try to con vince three ' Japanese wrestlers tonlghl that the American style of the mat game is superior to Ihe Oriental style. These bouts will be the feature of the senior class' open house lonlght at the Deseret gymnasium. Basketball and volleyball games be tween members of the senior class will be played: marching, caleslhcnlcs and gymnastics will be performed, and the entertainment promises to lie interest ing. Dr. C. C!. Plummcr will referee the wrestling bouts. A series of swimming races in which a six-men team from Ihe State Agricul tural college will contest with the best Oesercl gymnasium swimmers, is ar ranged for Wednesday evening. Coach Tcctzel brings the Aggie football team to Salt Lako City for the annual game with Utah, find will briny along his swimming team to contest with the local experts. A road relay race between loams from the boys' class and lunlor class of ihe Deseret gymnasium' has been arranged for Thanksgiving morning. The nice will start at Sandy and finish at5 the gym. Kaeh runner will cover a unart cl ef a. mile. A featuro of the race will be the care (riven the contestants. Au tomobiles will pick up each runner ns ho cumplH.tes his distance, and will hurry him to the gymnasium for his bath and rub-down. lOJghty boys will lake part Jn the run. YAMADA WINS MATCH FROM MORN.1NGSTAR By International News Service. NEW YORK. Nov. 21. Kojl Yamsrta, (he Japanese cue expert, defeated Ora Mornlngstar In a special mutch at 18.2 balk-lino billiards at the Hotel Astor to night Tor the honor of third standing In tho recent world's championship billiard tournament, conducted at that hotol. "Ya niada led Mornlngstar all the way and concluded the match with a beautiful run of 77. The final score was; Yamada, 000: Morningstar. 29U. Yamada averaged i:: il-n and had high runs of 77. 51 and I.". Mornlngstar av eraged S u-U7, with high runs of .1G, 31 and 27. O'ROURKE OPPOSES ''''OUTLAW". LEAGUE OMAHA, Nov. 21. William OT.ourke, president of the Omaha club i.if the West ern league of baseball clubs, paid todav he was opposed to the formation of aii outlaw league in American association and Western league territory. "T am fullv in accord with President "Tip" O'Neill," said O'lloucke. . "L do not see how such a league could exist or be a financial success. I have boon approached regarding the matter, but am not at liberty to say who Is behind tlio movement." Navy's Mascot Dead. " ANNAPOLIS. Md., Nov. 20. "Bill." the famous goat mascot of tlio. navy, which, has paraded the sldo lines at Franklin field, Philadelphia, at tho Navy-Army football gaums for many years. Is dead, and the midshipmen are In mourning. .Bill succumbed to an attack of colic A big ttngora will take his place at this year's game. "Bill's" skin will bo stulfed and a place of honor be given It In the trophy room. Sullivan to Judgo Race, ITHACA. N. Y.. Nov, 21. lames IS. Sullivan, secretary-treasurer of the Ama teur Athletic union, will be the referee for the Inlercolloglate cross -country run bore Saturday atternoon. Twelve col leges In the east will be represented III the meet, with seven men eacli. , HOT 15 FAVORITE 1 AT ODDS OF 8 T0 10 1 Rivers Supporters Accepting These Figures, mid -Price ;D1 Will Go Down.. ! LOS ANGELES. Nov. 21. Willi their mm Thanksgiving day return match only a ' WW f"v days away, Joe Mandot and Joe n BtWlfl 111 vers this afternoon started on the final iimll grind of training in preparation for thn 4 iffi! bout, the winner of which will be 4 Mm matched with the winner of tho Wol- Hlul gast-Ritclilo battle for the lightweight , RljO championship. I(H Odds r if 10 lo S arc being laid on Man- ; Bltfl dot to again beat the Mexican. These , MM odds nre being snapped up by Til very. wSJm admirers, who are encouraged by the Elm dark-skinned boxer's good behavior and w his greitly Improved appearance. Should ' XEjfl the rush of Rivers money continue. It In Kjjfl likely that the odtls will be at evens Hffl when tile fif-'ht day rolls around. fM Mandot came here hi fine condition and has been taking tiling easy through Am fear of iroiiiK stale. With only six days ' ;Jjl left to put on the finishing touches, ho ' .ryi began work at lop speed today. lie 'BIBI lvjxed two rounds cadi with Hobo i fSM Dougherty. Johnny Schlff and Kid Sny- iittBl der tills afternoon Another sparring j RH partner will bo ndtb-d lo his rtaff to- morrow, and on Saturday ho will step flW eight rounds and then increuso the going . But to ten rounds on Sunday IHf Rivers has been forced to lay off box- : kQj Ins; for several days because of a snllt IrB eyelid. The eye lias healed sufficiently, III however, for him to resume sparring, j Ki ami this will form the iniist " Bnl part of his workout ouch day until ho ; MU knocks off training on Wednesday. Kiv- i IH ers claims he. has solved (he Mandot I (jftfl shift, which proved his undoing on Labor MR day by mailing him inlss his best blows. i jffl Thursday'?; Jamestown Rc3ults. 03 , First race, five antl a half furlong.". , m selling Jonquil, iny (Turnerl. 5 lo 1. MB won; Gardenia, 100 (Peak). 3 to I, sec- end; Llndcsla. 10fl (Martin). 20 to 1. K third. Time. 1:0 1-fi. ; l '.Second race, two miles. hurdle - Jesuit, L ley) (('liarllaiid). even, won; Lir.zle Flat. VK 1 Jf. (Henderson). :: to 1. second: Orderly JM NAt.Uii (Keating), 20 to 1, third. Time. ' H Third race, six furlongs, selling Mon- y cri'if, 10: (Mederio). J lo 1. won; Napier. 1 Q 101 fRuxtonl, S to . second: Joe Galtcns. H HO f(Wolf), 30 to 1. third. Time. J :J 1. Fourth race. mile, handicap Lahore, : Bra UD (Mutwein, u to 2, won: Carlton G.. ,j M 1,1'.! (Peak), f. to 1, second: Guy Fischer. U ! Jp; (Turner), 7 to 2, third. Time. 4 H f ' Fifth nice, six furlongs, selling De- I I duction. 101 (Turner), 8 to 1. won: Pre- jB I inlcr, OS (Teahannl. 10 to 1. eccond: J jjj I 'AmorcL 112 (Klrschbaum), 6 to 1. third. ! Ill Time. 1:11. until SIxth race, mile and an eighth, selling J S Donald McDonald. 103 (Teahaiin). 1 to ' tlfl 2, won; Aplaslcr. 102 (Turner), 10 to 1. j Tm second; Supervisor. 102 (Ambrose). 10 to ' jtfl 1, Jhlrd. Time, l'.iH. .; MM j Today's Jamestown Entries. ' jjlH First Race Eleven-sixteenths of fljfl mile, selling. 1 iffl C550 Smash .. .. 103 5300 Old Coin ..It Wt enno Kciiv .. ..ion 6:un schaitcr ...112 aa KIR 1 Votes .. ..103 6201 PalatabJft ..Hi! WM UuOl Marr A. K-106 Also eligible: mU ir:il Goldv .. . .HiGJ tUlfi Flo! !( ffiil G3H'Mattu L. . . 100 j C5-I I Mama. J JO $fj 6I2lBrush .. . . 10P CS3D Honey'5 l?B 63'H "Tikes Pk... 112 tm Second Race Mile, selling. 6515 Dipper .... 98I6B5C Munasaeh ..107 ; nSI o9G2 Ilondant .. P5j6r.l7 Her 10? 1 f f.n2." Llttlo tP..- 100ltI502 Col. Cook ,.10H Va G"0l Tick Tack. 100) Master Jlm.lin . K (;r,5t Wood .Dove.lOOl i.."i4r Pardner ....112 1 il Go-tt Napier .. ..1051 fio5.' Dj'nnmlto MS. fi532' Camellia, . .105 Co 10 Breaker J..112 ;ml 5020 J. "Howell. .103! 'ffljH Third Race Three-auartern of a mlhv mfiW MOi't'IcIc Tack..l01'fi.W5.G. 3. Davl8.'.llt iSl R1JS Old Hank. .101 Win T-rowIet 111 iffll 0r.4f! Doormat ..101 oflol Manhulmer .III ., BBB 6 163 Chll. Chlc.r.100 2124 TOircourt ..111. flHI C5'lt C. Currali..l0ll 5071 M3rdlo .. ..lit 'Bin C171 Eton" Blue.l0n(J301 Q. Beachey.Ilt sHca 009RS D. Da)Ty..l00 iHff Fourth Tiace Three-quarters of a mile, jratt lmndican. ... iml L'Alclon ... 00' f.521 Bci-om .. . .tl.f jBHl U353 Euskln lOSIl'-rHL' Caugh Hlll .lVf 'Sal G177 Roval T. ..102JS3C') Pr. Ahmed. 108 ' ! 0512 Grovcr H. llfil jm 1 Fifth Raco Three-quarters of a mile, 3Kj j y77"nust Pun .101! 0540 D. News TT-IOI 3wfll CMS Toddling ..101 4032 Little Pal .101 SMH floli: Slim Prln,.101 01-78:. Cat .. ..T.IU 1W 6001 Bencdict'e .100 U.ri2S St. Regis ..111 SDll "itO'.l Vigorous ..101 C43S St. Joseph .111 SKIl Clfif; Astrologer .104 C302 Tho Squire. Ill iBIB 3001 Vu Cup-. '.ilOfi " " ;I Sixth Race Mile and one-sLxtocnth. fl 4371Ckauffman . PRl B27 Crania. ..I0o Nfl f."7S llempst'd . SSlfiuSi Sldon lo a G5G2 A Se.llcir. .101 liSfil Lucky G 10? jffil -7.11 Harlem L. . I0P.I i530 ITaldoman ..l"? Hlt "liSSL T. 3IcUon..l0r. 6351 Little Eng.,10a jfflU CGG2 Stairs 1031 6714 Ev. Doris ..100 W 6551 First Peep. 103 fflj Sovtinlh Race MIlo and one-sixteenth, selling. BUl 5010 lOmllv Lee.. PSI i5oC2 Nimbuil ...JOS vBIRd CCCl Kxcallbur .10110502 Heretic.. ...108 iffril iM21 laingorrd .10G C527 Mollle S ...10s Gt.25 Rllly Viin"r.10t!l 6350 Kn. Deck... tit ?H m Glf.O S. Barber.. 103 KGr.l Lord Wells. lit ! S IB 0555 G. Castle... 10SI C071 Irish Kid ..111 l345.r--ui of L...10SI iU 9 Track fust. ''5!KI Smith and Sullivan Draw. ffliltl nUFFALO. N. Y.r Nov. 21. Gunboat i($ffl Smith of California and Jack (Twin) lii'Ca Sullivan of Cambridge. Mass., fought a. &lf!l& trn-rountl thaw here tonight. The tneo fVi;? 16 ran Into clinches constantly and no blows illi'lifi of consequence were exchanged. ?juvj $36.95 ffl Spokane and Roturu, Hifll Via Oregon Sliorl Line. November 22 'lipfli and 2.!, for 'nirricau Miniuir coDprcss. l iKlt Tjimlt. December S. City tickot. office. tftl Hotel Utah. (Adverliscmcut.) L "IB