Newspaper Page Text
JW i ' THB SALT LAKB TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 26, 1912. n '! BmLE-REAL ESTATE 5Jpprovecl andTJnimprovjed .Iln St. Phone W. ouO. 75x133 fool of ground on South SKd West oil the car line, with cc t tfMnViil sidewalk?, city water passing "KJonnrly. This wo"ll mako 2 good mWlns sr"ls. The price la 5650. F balance $15 per month. I? fill East, near Browning avc. wc '! for salo a 87J-root lot by J37 Eet deep, with Hldewalk assessment rrBiid cllv water, one block from 5Rvcl street, cloan to school, for HBp Bnlanco $15 per month. TJEi South, near Oth East, is one of 'o ?Kp nicest corner lots southeast; It wHtSlS.' feet to a Hi-foot alley, cast AflBtontnp?. It la so situated that an ther houee can be built In the rear IT'vjBiiKl vet face the street, If ono cares use It to tho best advantage. JslL Balance $20 per month. 4$ Bfa'f a block from Oth East, between WMh on(l 1lltn South, a -1-room niod Kfcl?BLrn brick coltapy for sale, practi 5jjMlly new, electric fixtures, full XuiKorcli across tho front, all newlv "iSLfMtoted Inside and newly painted n'llrfculdc. screened back porch, ull us itlStanieuls paid: the lot is -10x100 tii'BS Priw $2100. -OjEjb, Balance $20 per month. -jBiKh East and ,lt'1 So,,lh u'c have lljlittcd for Immediate salo one of the sitpioJt complete four-room bungalows Southoast. The house Is equipped ; .Hrlln electric fixtures, splendid oak c Elifcnantel, new window shades. Ilno js$)Heum In the kitchen and bathroom. 'fcsdMwmentod basement, sidewalk hj&round the house, sidewalk In front WhjjMjjld for. full back porch largo M0Ugh for a sleeping porch, full T -rront porch, iiiEldc finish selected ,D ltlacli grain fir; house has nlcchall. 1 iBlnlng room, bis; box window for '1 powers. bedroom wltli clothes wosct, bathroom equipped with r -iMnodern plumbing and the kitchen Bias a most complete buffet. This ;5;6ifcou8e can bo purchused for the low fcleo of $2750. own. Balance $25 per month. .'SiSu'f block ' from 0th East and 10th : rtoutli we have just had listed with p a 5-voom brick cottage on a OxlSo-foot lot to a 12-foot alley. lE4frhe house lias been newly painted - rtButaklc and in and papered insMe,' ;ti JBltilPped with modern plumbing. Itctnc light fixtures, basement- T)e grounds are well laid out with HN finest kind of shrubery, such as "Slllpwcfi, etc. fine lawn, plenty of vwKbade. fruit trees, with a good D Eun in the rear and a splendid !slic)(c:i run. all fenced, and asscss Bq3 all paid for, for the sum of -GcftSl1' Balance 525 per month. Cott uvood we have a -H-acroJ "JS fact of ground which the owner rt"J itist sell aL once. The whole tract i4lS i' planted to young apple trees, tlch should bear heavily next ar It has ft S-hour water right ATM Vry S days. U has a new 2-room u ramc building and a splendid blckcti run capable of housing scv ttl hundred chickens. The soil is iiiaij iccllent for all purposes. Price COO. sari Jh. Balance S20 per month. urn i n of ground has Just been listed lUi us for sale, about one mile jMtl juthcusl of Ilolliday. together with :.J i sliares of prior right water in the jt anner ditch, assuring a good wa a. supply through the season. The round has excellent facilities for r Using potatoes, stniwberrles, rasp wji frrlcs, onions and such other fruits Jd vegetables as will grow in this Imate. It has a small frame house $ n It will, a good barn; two-thirds meed; fc S3250. ; jj.' Balance 530 per month. ; ( i I Sr CAP.LQUI5T CO-MPANY. r alti St, Phone Y. 350. 1 US) ' k2067 .! ; -Jj '1LYON- IJOilE BUILDERS Od '? DOS T OVERLOOK THIS. Xw bungalow, built of mottled yjjJ" prefs.jd brick. 5 large rooms and j'Tocned sleeping porch. Bulll--i fj DI"lck fire place. French win rgi ;lpvE, Torrid Zone furnace, buffet ' rJfUclicn. beautiful slash Kraln fir f'ntRiltjr woodwork, hand-rubbed AW finiHli. Fine electric tlxtureu JLot -iUxMo; east front; North ul iJ??.lcnch. luat sell quick at k""t0. On terms. N'OR TMIS. ' 6-room brick home, on lot SOx tfVfl! rir5 ?.n,y 5 ''lock from 111b Eat ri1 VL Chicken coops, xuragc. 15 i-penrlnir fruit trees. WoOO taken U .. -500 carh. ?2." per mouth. .ry'J !'T8'K about our SNAPS. JjKk 'UGirr os state st. rSKl ic car fai c". H acrco fine soil: 4mil?0om ame house. A dandy for poultry business $2000; jB;one'alf cash, balance to suit. PJB .."e liavc SOxUo. located in the .S.,1 "nt'ng district in city. We ' iE".1"1"'1 2 twelve-room aparl imentB 0n this that will rent for VaiSmi Icasi1 ?I50 Per month, and sell 'V3Bl;Lyou ,for $10,000. Small cash liMJJ'"cnt; Jet the rent pay the --.oalanco. Get busy. HSd' J'OME BUILDERS CO., JMp EaHt Broadway. -JBS Wasatch 2030. SBffDoyn and $15 per Month. isSMn thlM '-lwon hrlck house, to if J!ME.t5 Jfcm or Poplar Grove. Tho im cy ,n, lh,! '"nr- The prlco '1fVB5''liJ -iCw".V olt' ror the above VBTtn or'n:man," this Is your "iKhonuV t0 tco lh,ff nuick. if you ft "iBtoi i.yf STREET. Hil oiiV ''''walking dlKtanoe: ZrmL&l? nv,a1lci; 'd stroct graded. tdm. ' ch'Pest lota in"" Hall ifiKm. icrn,H' ?50 down and $10 ji3K0B,?ffl!iP COMPANY. fM-i!iAJN STREET. k31. BiS B-nopM Bl'.VOVLnW .luTn ""hod hardwood nor 'ffij-r' acceptable Call Hy. 1231 .f. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE VV ' HALLORAN-.TUDGB LOAN' ' TRUST COMPANY. No. 056 Brooks avenue, you wilt f'"'L o,lc of the best: six-room hiiii C Sl- Bfoohs avenue la two KllS "'of Oth South and between 0th and 10th East streets SI?,,. ,H. vcry nrctly street, all now homes. There are three "J?' . ''ccnPllon hall, living v.?.i' d,1,In5 room and kitchen. r.;ld.V00d n?01t? ,n three rooms. n2nL?orcl1' screen Hlecplns Porch This property has a facln on .Brooks avenue and on Lib erty stveet. $3600.00 will buy the Property and will make terms. No. 221 So JOth East, think or tim location and a six-room modern home with a lot 2Jx10 rods with paving- and all other taxes pah, for $3200.00; $K00.00 ?2000-00nd th 101 18 V,llUCd UL No. 1022 So. 2nd West, a real nargion. five-room shingle bung alow, modern except furnace, dining room paneled with plate rail and very fine mantel ln liv ing room. good .light fixtures. connected with sewer; $2000.00. 5200.00 cash. We want an offer on this property at So. 950 E. 2nd bouth street eight-room mod em two-story home with all pav ing taxes paid, ir tVi0 house Is loo largo you cun mako it into two apartments which will rent readlb- and will pay big Interest on tho Investment. No reason- ' able offer refused. No. 1SS K street, between 3rd and -1th avenues, aix-room mod ern bungalow, hot water heat, hard wood floors, lanro living room with mantel, beautiful light, fixtures, built of light brick, con nected with sewer, and all spe cial taxes paid. Go see thlr property und then see ue. We will guarantee the price to be right. You can pet key next door on the north. W e arc making a. specialty of exchanging properties. Have you' " what you want? if not sec us. HALLOR AN-JUDGE LOAN (.-. TRUST COMPANY. , , ' . i Agents for THE ROYAL, " "The World's Greatest Fire In surance Company." We will write your bond. , -1 Six per cent mortgage iofini or. hand for investors. We act in capacity of agent in any business affairs. HALLORAN-JUDGE LOAN .fc TRUST COMPANY. Exchange 1$1. 300 Main. - . . ..... -r,w '" ... - . Ko-D ' VHJ , , VERY CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE CHEAP. 37i:;125 feet on 10th East, prlca ft730. Ttrms to suit buyer. 50x120 feet on Logan avonuo, price $&30, Terms to suit buyer. 374x157 feet on E. 3.nd Oth So., prlco $300. Terms to suit buyer. 50x125 feet on So. Sth Eosl, price $1000. Terms to suit buyer. 50x1 B0 feet on 11th E. and Harvard ave.. prlco $1100. Termn to suit buyer. HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN & TRUST CO., Wosulch 2H. C2 E. First South St; . . kS060 BETT1LVON HOME BUILDERS CO. A SPECIAL SNAP. acres choice land, 25 bearing fruit treef, cherries, plums, ap ples, pears, nprlools, raspberrlcn. Vlco l-room house, concrete cellar, flowing well. Barn and coops. Ono block from car line. Ideal place for poultry business. Only $1750. On terms. liETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. 10 and 12 East Broad way. Wasatch 2030. k3H7 7 pnAME. NEEDS REPAIRS. LARGE ' l.Vt mm Main and 11th So.; easy tenns; w I 'take lots Part payment; $1000. &lr moflorn bungalow, new s. c.; easy f-iki. nlco ots part; $31o0. 10 0 'acres Choi land; good water risht; Phono v. . eTMi-rr.Y MODERN HIGH-CLASS 7- live. Phonn Wafatoh 263i-J. TWO FINW BUILDING LOTS. SOUTH TBSl on good, easy terms. 13-28. Tribune, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Pvcdand Unimproved. . . . ( ' MEEKS fc M'CARTNEY CAN RECOMMEND THESE: j $22501 block from Oth East pavement, -r. brick, partly modern; 50x133; very line location. Eusy terms. Notlco the price? 93500 J block from 0th East pavement, near Oth So., C-room nne buff brick cottage; 2i by 157 to al ley; modern, with furnace, gas, sidewalk and sewer all paid. Terms. Notice tho price? $3550 On Sth So. near 5th ast pave mont, a fine red pressed brick cottage: lot 2Jxl0 rods; gas, sewer, walks, barn. This Is very close In. Notice the prlco? Many other bargains equally as good at $1-175, $1750. $3300. If you want a nap at any tlmo In any part of tho city wq have It. Telephone us, W. 2622. $750 buys a fine corner for a home on 15th East car line; water in; faces the city and valley; only $20 cash. 510 per month. Cars now running by this corner. Let us show It to you. " "JThs Real Estate Hustlers. MEEKS & M'CARTNEY,V 209-210 Boston Bldg., Salt Lake. H01 Title Ins. Bids. Los Angctce. ;:). ' ' ' 'J : K CENTRAL PACIFIC LANDS. BOX ELDER COUNTY. UTAH. AND ELKO COUNTY. NEVADA. $3.00 TO S10.00 PER ACRE. VAL LEY AND BENCH LAND, TEN YEARS TO PAY. ONLY ONE TENTH DOWN. AN OPPORTU NITY TO BUY THAT COMES BUT ONCE IN A LIFETIME. YOU BUY DIRECT FROM THE R, R. COMPANY. PARTICU LARS OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 15 W. 2ND SOUTH ST.. " ' SALT LAKE CITY5: ' I k3072 CROMER, 73 West 3rd South St. ?0xl40-foot corner, with -i-rnoin house., city water and outbuildings on 7th East car line. 51200: -10x150 with brick store and i living rooms, barn and outbuild ings, corner of Stato near 11th South, $2500; 74ixlGo feet with 7-room Iioubc to trade for smaller home: 06x165 feet with lame house on 4th East near 2nd South, $C500; 42x165 feet with old build ings on 1st West and 2nd South, to trade for a homo on cast side; 2 acres with house, barn and outbuilding?, near 15th South and State, $2500. or will trado for city: a fine modern double flat on 7th East near 2nd South for vacant ground close in. will pay cash difference; 10 acres with 10 shares of water closo to city llmltp, $1000. I have good buys, many trades and cheap Iioubcs to rent Wasatch 1852. kSO'lO FIGURE, FIGURE THIS OUT YOURSELF. A piece of buplnesB property' In Suit Lake City, that will double In value with in five years. It will coiit you todBy $25,000; $5000 cash; $5000 two years; $15,000 ten years; (3 per cent. Rental In come new $1600 per year. For tuoro In formation addrcus Y-Jl, Tribune i t 1(5257 LOT BARGAINS. $650 Thif client needs the money and must sell his two lots on 7th Eaat nl.. Just below 10th South St.. for $650 cash. Cement walks arc In and paid for. Property niUBt be sold In ten days. Let us show you these lots, $750 7ixl73 to alley on Sth East, one half block south of Liberty park; c ment walk, two rows of line shade trees. Street will be paved Inside of six months and will then be one of the prettiest stroelp In tho city, and lots should double ln value. Terms lo suit. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO.. 66 Went Broadway. ' 1(3202 TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, 150 MAIN STREET. 'now pressed brick, double mod. house, 7 blocks from C. & C. bldg.; 3 rooins each Me Attic Moorrd for 2 more roouit). Live In one sldo or house and draw $180 ner voar- rent from tho other (or 7 pur confT. $2600. No less cqst more. You can't equal it ln this city. Call quick. ; FOUR LOTS. CORNER 5TII EAST AND Clc'Hand at-' uhndc trees and ce ment walks; thrnu lots are very doslrab e nd can be bought at a low flBiire. Ad plresa owner. C. F. Uhl. Anaconda, Mont. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -5r5vedj SMITH. TARPEY & SMITH, olo Ncwhouso Bids. Wnsutch 5763. specll: $C000 This 6th East house Is near 3rd South on a lot 10x115.5 feet. It has 0 roomH and bath, hardwood noorp. hot air furnace, and at this price Ik surely a snap. Muat bo sold noon. See ub now. $2030On Browning avenue, modern 5-room brick bungalow, one block from the Ninth East pavement It has a southern- exposure, is Mt uatcd on a large lot and cap be had for $500 down and ?25 per month. $1000 On Ninth East. This Mottled brick bungalow, recently complet ed, has a living room, dining room, kitchen, a bathroom, 3 bedrooms with closets, front and rear porches, a fully cemented base ment und a furnace. Sec It soon. $1250 On TC street. A splendid brick bungalow of C rooms; maple floors, beamed ceilings, cemented basetnciiL with furnace and sta tionary tubs. The lot Is 11x132 feet. An , exceptionally nlco place. $2350 On Jensen avunuc. For the mon ey this 1-room brick bungalow could pot bo duplicated. It Is mod ern ln every way and but one-half block from tho car line. Let us show It to you. $5500 On East Second South. An ar tistic hungalow of 7 rooms, with beamed ceilings, oak floors and built-in features; the basement Is cemented. In fact, the place is up to tho minute in every rcspoct; terms. See un for trackage, vacant lots and business property. We have orchards, alfalfa and wheat lands "to (rado for city property. WE WRITE INSURANCE. j SMITH. TARPEY & SMITH 515 Newhouae Bide. Wasatch 576S. k3075 HOMES THAT ARE BARGAINS AND MUST BE SOLD. 3-roo'in cottage, southeast, good location and south front on Main street, good lot, water, gas, lights, connected with sewer. $300 cash. " Price S1250. 1-room now brick cottage, close to Den ver & Rio Grande Bhops. fine largo lot, large roome, water, lights, pantry and clothes closets, front and rear porches. $200 cash. $15 per mo. 7'tlce S1000. 5-room modern bungalow, southeast; besl thing on the market; built-in niantol und bookcase, china cabinet in dining room, window scat, buffet kitchen, sleeping porch, cement basement, large lot. 5500 cash. $25 per mo. Price $2900. Beautiful 0-rooin modern bungalow, large front porch, sleeping and scrqened-in back porch, largo reception hali, built in mantel and bookcase, buffet kitchen, linen closet and laundry chute, double floor, window scat, full basement; lot 50x212 feet. BeBt buy in tho city and lot largo enough for chickens and gar den. Located southeast. $300 cash. S35 per mo. Price $3850. ' HOFFMAN BROS. LOAN &. TRUST CO.. Wasatch 2M. 22 E. First South St. IC306S $1750 j-ioo CASPL 1-roorn modern house, 2 years old: contains swell electric light fixtures, kitchen cabinet. Good chicken rune, cement walks, shade troes, Insurance all paid for; lo cated in southeast district, with aouth frontage, In choice locality! only half-block from car line. You can pay balance at $15 por month. PROGRESS REALTYfc BLDG. COMPANT, . . SS0, Koarns Bldg. v; j i k306 TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY." 130 MAIN STREET. (5053) 5100 down and $lo.00 per mo. Good 4-rm. and kitchen, cellar, city wator and clcc. lights. Near Sth So. and 10th E. sis. Price only $1000.00. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. 150 MAIN STREET. 1(3171 CATTLE RANCHES, FRUIT RANCHES, BIG FARMS. LITTLE FARMS ALL KINDS OF FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE AT RIGHT PRICES. PROGRESS REALTY & BLDG. COMPANY, 220 Kcarns Bldg. , k.lOPo IF TOU WANT MONET For your real eiitKto, ue A. M'KELLAR & CO., 63 W. 2ND SO. S3370 IF YOU HAVE A BARGAIN WE CAN sell It. If you want a bargain In real estate wo have It. J. L. Dunham Co.. Was. 4133. 73 W. 2d So, at. KB REAL .ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. A. 40-ftcro Improved farm In Sanpete county for good proporty In or neanSalt Lako City. Address S-6P, Tribune. -h780 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved. i 100-ACRE FARM IN SOUTH ERN IDAHO FOR SALT LAKE INCOME-BEARING PROPER- TY. $1000 VALUATION. PROGRESS REALTY BLDG. COMPANY. . ,,. . 220 Kearn3 Bldg. 1(3066 FOR SALE. T R A DI-f OR RENT. ONE OF THE BEST AND MOST elegant homes on East First South street is to be sold within the next few davs. There are 8 nice rooms and slcopfng Porch. House Is extra grade red pressed brick, in excellent condition Inside and out. h;iH full cemented t-oompartment basement. 3 elegant mantels and fire places, separate bath and toilet and every modern convenience. Will sacrifice at very low figure on isy terms, trado for smaller house, desirable vacant prop erty or rent to a desirable tenant. Sec owners, A. B, IRVINE, 723 Boston Bldg. Wasatch 531. or A. N. ROSEN CAUM. 61G Kcarns Bldg. Wasatch 5$F3. 1(3207 FAIRMOUNT SPRINGS ADDITION. Lots 5275 and upward. The heat lots In the city. Ninth East, near 12th South. $10.00 cash and $5,00 per month. $2650-00. $1000.00 cash, balance 7 per cent, for a j -room modern 2-story brick residence, racing south on Third avenue. Has furnace. Is connected with sewer and gas. All special assessments and taxes are pnid in full. Large barn. Absolutelv the biggest snap on the market. A". Rlchter. 73 Main St Phone Was. 011. . k!M 60 TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. i 150 MAIN STREET. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. I (50SS) I No. 1105 E. 2nd So. .St.. Cor. lot, 51x115 ft.; S-room brick house: sewer and ".sidewalks paid; fine shade. A small amount spent for repairs will make a 56000 property. Here is a r,ood home for someone at the price of a cottage. $3650.00. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. 150 MAIN STREET. k3470 S-ROOM. MODERN BRICK. EAST side, near new high school, $150 cash. $20 per month. You must act quick, as this Is a forced sale, N. W. CLAYTON CO., Real-estate. loans and insurance. 113 Main. Was. 5077. k3224 TELL YOUR REALTY OFFERINGS IN tho'Wants moke your description ade quate, give all tho Important facts a3 to location, transportation. convenience, kind of buildings and other Information. 7-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE. LARGE barn, lot 50x150 to alley, shade and fruit trees, S1S50. SEARS INVESTMENT CO.. Phone Was. 170. H E. 3rd So. k350 WILL SELL FINE EXCLUSIVE RESI denco in rapidly-growing section; 11 acres; 3-room brick house: large orchard, hedges. lawns, garage, barn; on car line. .Address U-50, Tribune. h3637 A GOOD BUY MODERN S-ROOM pressed brick; good locality, one-half block from public school, on State street: ono block north of Eagle gate. Address X-14, Tribune. k2322 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; FIRST class neighborhood; $35 a month: wlli give lease and tint to suit tenants; furni ture for sale at a sacrifice. Immediate possession- Wasatch 324-.T. k203I U BEAUTIFUL LOTS. 5TI1 EAST BOU levard, 2 line corners: $1000; one-half cash: worth J7000. Owner obliged to sell. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO.. 66 W. Broadway. k3260 A 400-ACRE STOCK FARM. WTTII IN dependent water In Iron county, for property In Salt Lake City or farm In Salt Lake or Utah counties. Address S 5$. Tribune, b300 BIG SNAP IN REAL ESTATE- 12-RM. modern house on large lot. near now capltol site, $260n. Leaving town. J. V. Ayrcs, 1017 E. 3rd South. Hyland -157-W k3 12i) MUST LEAVE CITY AND WILL SELL honio cheap for $2250; easy terms; pew 1-room brick, all modern and complete; fine- lawn, etc., southeast. Address U 30, Tribune h36275 ASIITON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE loans and Insurance. 41 Main 3treet. Phones 007 m3072 FOR SALE LOTS 13 AND H. BLOCK 20. Douslas Park subdivision. Vista at.. Suit Lake City. Utah. F. E. Col vljlu, Oskalooaa. Iowa k?731 HAVE YOU A PARTICULAR LOCALITY In mind? Would you llko to accuro a house, flat, or an apartment in a cer tain neighborhood. Would you like to buy a country place or would you be in terested ln a vacant lot or acreage? Call upon Tho Tribune Wants to givo you complete Information regarding realty that will Interest you niQBt. TYPEWRITERS "wiREN?TYr All makes repaired, exchanged and gold. Utah Typewriter Exchange Co.. 311 Walker Bank bldg. Phono 130. Estab llshcd 1001- Q21S7 HIGH-GRADE TYPEWRITERS OF ALL muken for salo or rent. STEWART GLEESON CO. TYPEWRITER EX CHANGE. 36 West 2nd South. g2S71 REMINGTONS. MONARCHS AND Smith Premiers In excellent condition for rental purpoHcs; $3 monthly, throe months for 33; prompt service. Reming ton Typewriter Co., 172 South West Tom pl. Phones Wanatch 77 und IS. klOOl PRIVATE HOME CCUPrYMATl vate and confidential cases: nurse and doctor services and legal adoption; nine miles from Salt Lake City on the Bnin bergur electric. Bountiful, Utah, Mary A. Tolman. 1U211 WILLOWS MERE; CONFIDENTIAL confinement, seclusion, legal adopllop Mrs. F. Phillips, llth E. but. 12t.h and 13th So. Sugar Sta, Hyland I231-M. 1(30$2 SCOTCH PIES Scotland, with all the flavorn and trplccu: Co each, 6 for 25c T served. McPIifcs' Scotch Inn, two doors west S. L. theater h3914 PRINTING. aT?rw'"r1s1 biggest plant. Printing, Binding, Office Sup plies and Furniture, Legal Blanks. 66 W. 2nd So. Exchange 202, 1(125 FOR SALE FARM LANDS. Farm Lands 1 . ; " -SMTH. .TARPEY lt SMITH. -. ol5 Newhouae bldg. Was. . 5703. special: : rru-S:lOF AS FINE LAND AS t pRnJl,N UTAH, WITH A WA 4iRr.vW?AIT J'Vr ,i5 A "WONDER-nflaM?,- SITUATION. SUPERIOR wnH-t.VT' fANAI' FROM THE RtV ,KT,1..1.1? LATERALS TO THE LAND. '"IK DITCHES ON THE PROP- "TY TS12LF wvK BEEN COM IV WnV.r,T,iy?,T ,01, n,T,: TRACT IK i v.T?ASlLih-.H' ''A B I IS MEADOW. ANT4'AIT IS PASTUBW LAND. IT IS FLLLY FENCED AND HAS PLF.N OF PUBLIC RANGE A D J O I N I NO . ?nuveALr&FAl TIMOTHY AND r.S'VvYk,0" HORSES. 1IOGS, SHEEP OR CATTLE IT IS THE PIAPE THF ?S lCrB W PER A C lUi OS LIB J'.RAL TERMS. THE WVTHr? ORTII MORE THAN Til IS, A ND WE GUARANTEE THAT IF A FIRST- ii00T'r.roAiD.. PROPERLY CARES trpffirTCT 'B PROCEEDS PRR IT'fP VNAP! THINK TIHS OVER! SMITH TARPEY & SMITH. olo Ncwhouse bldg. Was. 576S. . k3074 v - SOME I OF THE BEST LAND IN THE STATE LIES IN THE NORTH END OF UTAH COUN - ihiP.VJ13 SOUTH END OF SALT LAKE COUNTY. NEXT JEAR THIS LAND UERETO- I'ORE WITHOUT A WATER RIGHT WILL BE UNDER WA TER AND WILL BE SERVED BY AN ELECTRIC TNTI2RUR BAN RAILROAD NOW BEING CONSTRUCTED. WE HAVE SOLD 700 ACRES SfrrJ113 J-AXDS ALREADY THIS FALL. WHY NOT IN VESTIGATE LANDS NEAR SALT LAKE CITY AT ONE THIRD TO ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE INSTEAD OF GOING LONG DISTANCES AWAY? MAPS. INFORMATION. ETC.. AT OUR OFFICE. AUTOMO BILE AT YOUR SERVICE. MERRILL-KIRKH AM -HARDY . . COMPANY. 13 EXCHANGE PLACE. BOSTON BUILDING. SALT LAKE CITY. k3071 $700 INVESTED IN A PARK VALLEY farm will make you Independent. It will buy 40 acres. You get flvo years' time in which lo pay for It. Long sum mers, rich soil and a plentiful supply of water (furnished by gasoline pump I wells) insure bumper crops each year. I This- year's crops were the equal or any produced anywhere In this country. Write us today for complete Information. PACIFIC LAND & WATER CO.. SI 6 Ncwhouse Bldg.. Salt Lake City. Utah. 1(3404 DAIRY FARM OF 50 ACRES: 35 CHOICE fresh dairy cows, with good milk routo paying big; with 6-room house, horse and cow barns; horses, harness, wagons, milk cans, chickens, plga; every thing complete. We guarantee this busi ness to pay above all expenses $300 per month. Price S7000: one-half cash. You can easily mako this clear In two years. Address V-3. Tribune. k216 FARM LANDS AND HOMESTEAD LO cations; Smoot act relinquishments wanted. If you t!on"t prove up sell your claim, Write us. Bargains In Utah lands. Irrigated and "dry farms." West ern Land Co.. 212 Judge bldg. 1(1350 SUBURBAN ACREAGE IS EXPERL enclng Increased demand at this time and It likewise presents excellent oppor tunities that may bo taken advantage- ot by those- who employ Tho Trlbuno Want Ads to aid them ln tho purchase and solo of property. Government Lands. &OVI3RNlNTWINS DEiSIONiN great land suit against S. P. R, R.: sweeping victory for government; final decision will affect 14.250 quarter sec tions, valuo $75,000,000; prepare yourself for final .outcome:' send 25c today for de tailed Information, maps, description of lands, etc. Douglas County Abstract Co,. Roseburg, Or. h3103 GET A HOMESTEAD IN THE POTATO, applo and alfalfR. belt, along the West ern Pacific railroad. Write to D. E. Lane. Doyle. Cal. h3285 G O VERNMENT WINS DECISION IN great land suit against S. P. R. R.; sweeping victors' for government: final declsloli will afTed 15.250 quarter sec tions, value $75,000,000; prcparo yoursolf for finul outcome; send 25c today for de tailed Information, maps, description of landsi. etc. Douglea County Abstract Co.. Roseburg, Or. h3103 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR 320 ACRES of land under enlarged homostead en try, apply to box X-12. Tribune. I(303S For Sale or Trade. IF YOU HAVE ANY FARM LANDS. city properly, automobiles, horses, va hlcles. pet slock, household goods, etc.. to exchange, use The Tribune. Exchange columns. Abstracts Title Insurance. UTAn'lsAvTNiis'" furnish abtracts and title Insurunc?: attend to all details in transferring and mortgaging land titles. Capital $250,000. 235 Main. R2r.23 DENTISTS DR. E. H. CONGER, DENTIST. PRICKS . reasonable, work guaranteed, extrac tion by the uoo of Homnoforme. Sunday 10 to 2: 2 IS Kcarns bldg. Was. 032. hl027 DR. HODGES. DENTIST. SUITE 217-18 Brooks Arcade bldg. Best and cheap est. Wafatch 3031. h3017 DR. F. K MORGAN. DENTIST, 502 Scott building. Open uvcitlugs. d2663 DR. J. B. KEYSOR. 210 MAIN ST.. TEL Wasatch 662S, Good act teeth. $5.00. d3103 DR. A. R. COOK. DENTIST. HAS RE moved to 621 Koarns bldg. k?57S ATTORNEYS PmviORir & MARIONEAUX. ATTOIN ncys. O. W. Powers, Thomas Marlon ranx, J. W. McKlnnoy. Roger W. Powers. Top floor front, Kcarns bldg. Was. 3S50. .1. S. Farrlnglon. notary. n3433 F. L. PAl.MO.UIST, ATTORNEY. RE moved to 201 Kcarna bldg. Was. 6200. k2015 D. L. OLESON. LAWYER. 307 Boston bldg, Wasatch 1472. p630 DRESSMAKING vimcAN gTrmeIst curacrtEr school 410 E. Broadway. Hyland 1037. Culler's School of Drcssmr.lcliig. k2236 MRS. M. E. CRAWFORD. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, moderate price; No. II Havward apt., cornor 2nd North and 2nd West. k3.'02 TAILOR MADE CORSETS sTmELTAiREir toe. Mitt. Mann. Hy. 300S-J. 000 E. 7th So. 1(414 SECRET SOCIETIES ;'' POR RENT ToTSgEROOM WITH ' hard Vvoo.I flour. Apply roum 1, Mackii- IH to:ili block 113161 . AUA'CIA LOUGK NO. 17. F. A. M. ' Masonic temple, Ftnii South and Sec ono East. Regular uieeUiins first Satur day or month. Members of sister lodges and sojourning brethren cordially Invited : R. E- WIGHT, W. M. F. A. McCARTY. Secretary. M330 EL KALAH TEMPLE, A. A. O. N. M. S. Regular Hcaslons held at Masonic lemple, corner Second East and First ) South, the third Wednesday in each 1 month. Sojourning nobles Invited tu at tend. C. 11. F'.iihm-, ill.. Potentate. J- IH M. Marriott. III., lu-uorder. j ,Q , ARGENT A LODGE NO. 3. ' t )9. v- ASn A- AL At Mason r lc Ipiuplf. corner Second Z. ftnu First South streets, flrr 1 y Tuesday of each month .Meinbera of sister lodges and sojourning t brethrcii Invited. N. W. 1-lcwctt. W. M. , Moaea c. Phillips, Secretary j MT. MORIAll LODGE NO. 2. F. & A. j M. Masonic lln.11, aeiond Monday -ach ( 1 month, corner First South and Second i Last. Members of sister lodges and o- I Journlng lnembcrs In good standing In vlted. G R. Yearsiey. V. M. WASATCH LODGE NO. 1. F. & A. A Masonic temple, vorner First South .ual 1 Second East. Regular meetings second I Filday of each month. Members o' sister lodgi-a and sojourning brethren cordially Invited. E. A. Lcathcrwood. W. M.; A. J. Lowe. Secretary. LINDS CHAPTER- NO 1, Order of Eastern Star Masonlq temple. Stated meetings first Friday each month. Visiting members will receive a cordial welcome. JENNIE R. BRECKON. W. M.; NELLIE T SPENCER. Secretan'. Tk MIZPA1I CHAPTER NO Isa. 5 Order Eastern Star JSjSv Stated meetings first jH tZ&TZg&W Monday of each month , tM SwfegA. Masonic temple, come. Ic. Second East and First I IB W South. Visiting- members i V cordially invited. i GERTRUDE E. BENJAMIN. W. M. l' LOUISA STEWARD, Secrctury. k ELECTA CHAPTER NO. liji .j S. Order Eastern Star . , ll Jjffi&Hr -Stated meetings third &&J$tw? Tuesday of each month. Maeonlc temple, corner hV, Second East and First W South. Visiting members ; y cordially Invited. LUCENA MARCEL. W. M. I MARY L. TAYLOR." Secretary. j A. A. S. RITE THE FOUR, CO-ORDI- natc bodies of the A. A. S. Kilo uf Frc - Masonry will hold staled meetings the third Thursday in each month at tho Ma- ' tM sonic temple, corner First South and Sec oud East. Sojourning brethren invited. L. 71. Harding. 3 2d dcg. N. M. Jordan lodge of Perfectlou No. -l M. E. Llpman, 32d deg W. M. James Lowh Chaplcr of Rose Croix No. 1. Charles B. Jack. K. C. C II. jH Commander of Salt Lake Couucll of Ka dosh No. 1. C. TI. Fisher. 32d dcg. M. of K. Consistory No. 1. V Gerald R. Yearsiey, 32d dcg. Register for all the bodies. , UTAH COMMANDERY NO. 1, KNIGHTS Templar Stated conclave held In Ma1- vM sonic Temple, corner Second East and First South, the first Thursday of eauh month. Sojourning Sir Knights cordially''- Invited to attend. F. C. RICHMOND. E. C. E. O. LEATHERWOOD. Recorder. glOOt UTAH CHAPTER. NO. 1, R. a! M Stated convocation second Wcdn?day 4 , In each month at Masonic hall, corner ' IH Second East and First South streets. , Companions cordially Invited. John T Brcckon, H. P.; Moses C. Phillips. Secre tary. Indspondcnt Order of Odd Fellow.?. .JORDAN LODGE NO. 3. I. O. O. F. Meets every Monday night at I. O- O. F. temple. Visitors invited. C. Cam cron, X. G-: A. L. Weaver, V. G. ; W. T Hopkins, secretary. aH37 1. O. O. F. TEMPLE DIRECTORY. Subordinate lodges meet as Allows: Salt Lako lodge, No. 2, Friday. Enterprise lodge, No. 15, Tucsda.v. mTrLAM REBEKAH LODGE MEET:? i first and third Saturday evenings of . fM each month at I. O. O. F. temple. o2175 IH NAOMI REBEKAII LODGE, NO- , Meets every second and fourth Satur- j H day evenings of each month at Odd Fc - lows temple. Markct st. n3552 i Knights of Pythias. i CALANTILE-M YRTLE LODGE NO. 1. - K, of P. Every Monday, K. of P. hall, 123 E. 3rd South. Frank Erath, C. C : i N. W. Sonucdcckcr, K. of R. and S. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3"- F Everv Thursday evening. K. of P. hall. 16L 2nd East. Harold Holmes, C. C; S. N. Randolph. 1C. of R. and S. j LINCOLN LODGE NO. 2S, K. OF P. ' Meets every Saturday evening at 5 o'clock In K. of P. hall. 123 E. 3rd South. ntfanco Linden hotel. L. C. Shaw. Jr.. I C. C: A. O. Garrett. TC. of R. and S. ROYAL ARCA.NUM. SALT LAKE COUN- ' ! ell No. 1517. Second and fourth Wed- ' rictdnyy, IC. of P. hull, 123 East 3rd South i street. Walter E. Jones, regent; E. L. , 1 Jones, secretary. I LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE' OF THE World Salt Lake City lodge No. 250 meets In the Moose cluhrooms, 222 South ) West Temple street, Thursday nights, S: 15 o'clock. G?:0. A. WHITAKER. Dictator . S. R. WELSH, Secretary. GREAT SALT LAKE CAMP NO. 1007L tT. W. A- Meets every Monday night ut S o'clock in thu Odd Fellows temple. P. O. place. Vi&Uing members cordially Invited. , KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES, SALT Lako City tent No. 2- Every Thurs- , dav, I. O. O. F. hall. Visiting Knight? i Invited. - , ) FORESTERS OF AMERICA MEET I first and third Tuesdays . each month-.. at Eagles hall. II. A. Welling, F. S- SU31 1 FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. , . Salt Lake aerie No. G7. Every Friday. S p. m.. EaglcB hall. jH EXC13LSIOR CAMP NO. 10S02. MODERN Woodmen, meets Tucrday cvoning in H M. W. A. hall. 161 Main st. Visiting neighbors welcome. C. D. Smith, V. C, fM J. W. Ewln, clerk. , UTAH CAMP NO. 331?, W. O. W Wednesday evening, F. O. E. hull, 163 S. W. Tcmplo. Visiting neighbors wol- . IH come. Jesse II. Collins, Consul; E. W. 1 , B Hall. Clerk. j, VACUUM CLEANERS ! elecrIcvacjumc rented, $1.25 day. Wo dcllvor. demon- strata and collect them. "American" 105 Atlas block. Wasatch 2721. kj RENT A "SANTO" VACUUM CLEAN- and be convinced before buying a clcuner at any price. Stcwart-Gleesoii Co.. Was 290. g352S FURNITURECJLEANED FOIt inmNTTURE CLEANJNG AND . French polishing call Hyland 230S-R. ! SECOND-ILjLNJJLOHIN " ';H . ipa y'best price for second- lH hand clothing. W. GMckman, 71 S W , Templp Watatch W4. 77 j jlH TYPEVRITING, SHORTHAND . :iH gaI-Ill unique school of f ! J shorthand and typewriting. 313 D. F. " rH Walker bldg. 1(2SC 1 Hl CATERING " FrRTcTASSVORlc L tcrtalnhii; at home. Hyland i&l-J. JH