Newspaper Page Text
, THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 29. 19 P. :H jjfi'js IM LI Ip mm Men Killed and More 'Ifcfwo Score Persons In Ejured in Wreck. 5bRe DEATHS LIKELY Silen Rail Supposed to Be i-Cause of Disaster but jl -KgADCLPHIA. Nov. 2S. Four I Ks are known to liavc been killcil Sforo than tvroscorc were injured, TiKrobably fatally, ivlion. tbo Ciu V express on the Pennsylvania a,t)B which left here :it 30:48 .sMnijf nisbt, "wns derailed at Glen (lHpaat ' twenty-fivo miles -west of Kj. shortly liel'orc midnight. Ono 'i5fcch mid tbrco sleeping cars fell ?fcB''cet down an ombanktiicnt iuto ijiK'.of coal oars on the iYcipht lino, fcSt this noiut runs parallel to tho ijifccr tracks. 'M,FINDLr;T. I'ittaburg. W BALDWIN, .New i'ork, Pull jductor. ilBpXES, Pullman conductor. enlified passenger. i mps o j".ui'ol iu "Westchester ElttKjsno Kelly, Chicago, suffering P.JM; Stary lludnut, 2scw York, two ylB'cd ribs. hen IVncneo, Kasl. Brownsville, tBacubMon of the brain. iHer Fallene, Philadelphia, scalp -''and contusions of hip. K.Jlansbusu, Jlarrisbnr, bad!' jr. G. Wilson of Indiana coun Si Hoosylvania, siirainod back. 'fH- C. Miller, Altoona, Ph., HlBHc and hip injured. jiBtbotli iSarcdp, Voungstown, 0., HBifuco aud contusion on liip. WHional names of injured are IB)Dt by tho railroad authorities II HBrisburg as follows: uis. Cedar Ifapids, Ja., jBon of head. not. serious.' JpElizabclh Santrily, faco cut. KRuth ITudnul, Xc'w York, skull iftvSe Work in Snowstorm. uBcarp, all three of tho modern (jBettern, wcro piled iu tho gully VjnHtho track, birtccn of the in- UiBasscugers wcro placed on a Brain aud removed, to tho 'West Mr' hospital, -while trainmen aud ".Bans from tho surrounding rami gglHttrlicd with lanterns iu the midst TMindinjr snowstorm in an effort lM)vor other survivors who might AiBed in tho wreckage. 7: injured persons were taken to iUfcfBHng farmhouses and sonic were another train to the west. SMjBhodics of tho conductors were pKivcdgcd bctweeu two of the fsSlwtniiii. known as the Cleveland iicuinati express, was drawn by iBomotivcs aud consisted of nine -M, ono day couch, a combination J)u aud mail car and United Jinajl car. The- leading loco left the. track supposedly bc Mot a broken rail. The second i B'vc' however, remained on the 1 K'as did all tho cars except the i Hfjocpers, which plunged over the igm Wraont when tho train was Bt to a sudden stop by the loco l leaving iho rails. . w Outbreak of Plague. WBr, K. S. M'., Nov. $. Details , -nmia outhrcak of ;i bubonic plague I fjfcea, Nfw Caledonia, reached t n shin from tho French Island. SO Capias nct-ri planed In quaranttno by .ah department. Twenty natives nro Europeans have already suc ,0 tlio ravages of the plague, it lu4fl Deny Complicity. Bjb, Korea, Nov. !. Seven of Um jWfwuia accused of conspiring tttfM; lc ,lre r Co"'lt Tc.ruuohl, Jap w ' governor xoncral of Korea, were ,'tWMmio 0,c witness stand today, the " May of the new trial. In their tes Ilc' al1 denied complicity in the gfB? your cut glass grBsparkle with LD DUST pwf leaves a greasy film fttfttti which is hard to re the following method of Jjlifeg will, however, make jfcBbystal clear: a wooden tub, or pad 6lietal sink with soiled 5jK'?l cotton. Wash the jSaBto warm suds, made by ,fBjQg a teaspoonful of jSBt washing powder in !jM'of hot water; use a soft " clean surface, then I BBm Wa'cer e same tfWF 'le on lass linen uJfcamers hair brush to pol- JPST TWINS Jo yoar work" SAVS PATRIOTISM BEGETS PRDSPEBITY . - i Bishop Spalding Preaches Thanksgiving Sermon and Finds an Example. That I ho proepority or this country de pends to a Vrcat extent upon patriotlum and Thaukspli-ing should be a day for resolutions for better citizenship, was the thomc of the sermon delivered yesterday morulnp at St. Mark's cathedral by Blbhop l1'. S. Spalding. Tho bishop took an Old Tcstamont text from the Uook of Deuter onomy. Ho showed how the tribe of Ashcr, once one of Hi, most powerful of Israel, dwindled t.hroujrh lack of patriot ism until In Christ's time there was but. one person of that tribe living The speaker declared the tribe lost" Its re ligion alonw: with its loss of . patriotism and that prosperity made them a;lllsh. The bishop's application of tho ancient biblical wtory to modern tlme3 and condi tions was in part as follows; The value of the Old Testament consists In its applicability to other cllmos and oilier limes, its descrip tion cf the land allotted to Ashcr de scribes "Utnh. This state of ours is blessed with many children, with Tor tile soli, with mineral wealth, with freedom from civil strife. For those blesslnirs wo render thanks to God. I he perpetuity bf our prosperity de pends upon disinterested patriotism, unselfish public service, loyalty to true religion. Plslntcrcatcd patriotism docs not consist in waving the Stars and Stripes and dei-larlng that ours is the land of the free and the homo or the brave: nor does It consist. In refus ing to honor the flag because one is convinced that the nation is no lonucr the land of the Tree and the homo of the brave. But It consists in realizing1 that tho slate is a necessary and therefore a divinely croatcd social or ganisation and that each true-hearted member in In duty bound to do all in his power to make I he national life Just and honoHt Tho social duly of tho citizen is io! fulfilled when hr has provided for his own family, important as I hat may be. ITo must also be ready, at whatever pnrsonal paorlflco of time and money, to endeavor to weaken and destroy tho forces of social evil by strengthen ing the powers of equality and ir.iter nlty. A man doea nor fulfill his re ligious duty by n-pfallng parrol-llke tho croed of his church and appropri ating Us conventional, social and re ligious offerings. Tt Is his duty so to live that through him God may give new Inspiration for tho trulh and givater aspiration for high living and fdllcr consecration to Christ-like serv ice to the church of which he Is a member. There is but one way to make gratitude sincere, and that Is by using aright God's blessings. Thanks giving is not a. time for comfortable sell-congratulation on how fortunate wo have been, hut a time for solemn resolution to bettor citizenship. .more unselllsh Foc.lal service, deeper and truer worship of him from whom all blessings flow. s Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAST O R 1 A GOLONEL BELL SUMMOEDBY DEATH Sergeant-at-Arms of United Stales Senate Dies as Re sult of Operation. "vVASHlNCTOX, Nov. US, Colonel Dan iel M. nansdcll, scrgcant-at-anns of the United Slates senate, former United Stacs marshal for tho District of Col umbia and an intimate friend of. the lato President Harrison, died here early today as tho result of an operation per formed November 7. 'Colonel Hansdcll was one of the 'Well known figures or public life. Ho had been sergcant-at-arms of the senate for nearly twelve years, having been elected to the post In January, lt'00 As such officer he had practically complete charge of all official senate affairs, tho Issuing of subpoenas In senate Inquiries and the conduct of senate functions. He was 70 years old -and a native of Indianapolis, where his hodv will be hurled Sunday, Colonel Hansdell's 'Washington career began under President Harrison: He had been city cleric and city councillor of Indianapolis a member of public com missions, and had held many positions of prominence hi Kepubllean parly af fairs. In the course of a three-year scr vlco in the union army ho IokL his right arm before his public career began. CARDINAL GIBBONS CELEBRATES MASS Uv International News Sendee "WASHIN'GTON. Nov. 123. J u the presence of- .President Tuft., eiht mcni Urs of the cabinet, the majority of the nienibcrri of the supremo court of the United States and representatives l all tho twenty-ono republics o the western hemisphere, Cardinal Uibboiis ioday celebrated the annual mass to uommcmora le Pan -A mencan u n i i. Tho mass, held iu bl. Patrick h Kp man Catholic church, was remarkable this vcar for the presence- ol. pray tie-ally all ouieiul WasbinKtou, and Uio hi- clmrcli whs crowded to ho doors loiTs before the time set or the open ing of Urn ceremonies. To oflsct tlio somber black woru by al the dip lomaU, the pillar. of the church were wre-tlbVd iu Amorican flags and the dark Sue and white ol! tho Pan-Amon- Cffl.KniMi.St Hoi'. .Ws J. Kcanc archbishop of Dubuque, delivorcj t-Uo -nrmoii which formed the principal Sum of ho ceremony, choosing tor I Vm Uio uoed of international U. Pierce, chaplam ot tbo hoimu. strdngIvidence By j liOTEDSTATESMAN Hon. Marsliall rJ?ankcrslcy I Writes of Important .Pacts: I Mimy SucJi Letters. . There Is no better known man in .Hons- I ton, Tcxafi, right now than Jlarshrtll Tankcrslcy, formorly practitioner of law, and a great power in tho country at one I time. He was formerly a member of the I legislature and he and hla parents were among tho pioneers of this city. 11 r. Tankcr.iley says: "I have been afflicted with asthma, and I catarrh of the stomach for ten years. I also had a bad cough which troubled mc In damp weather, and has been getting steadily, worse for years. A few days i ago when r was feeling unusually d- i pressed, a friend of mine advised me to ? try Plant Juice ami I decided lo follow S his advice. I have finished one boltlc 1 and am ready to bei;ln on another ono It has acted on my liver and kidneys and purified my blood in fine shnpe. .My Jj cough is much better and I feel greatly ; bencllted In every way. I am going to ' continue the treatment." ; Plant Juice is tho greatest remedy of j the age for all diseases of tho stomach, I kldis, liver and blood, for biliousness, I iicrvounncss, sleeplessness and a general 1 run down condition. It will give Imme- I dlate results. For sale at Schramm- I Johnson's Five Drug Stores. 1 (Ad7ftlement) Ej RODZIAID CHOSEN PBESIDEIT OF DUMA Americans of Jewish Faith or American Goods Will Not Cain Favor in Russia. jj ST PETERSBURG. Nov. L'S The 1 "Russian ilnma mel today. M. Hod- I zjuuko. the Oclobcrist dejiuty of S VckaterinoHlav. wlio was prcHdent of the lliird dtima, was re-clcctcd jtresident by a voto of 251 to 150. M. Itodziaoko, who was rc-clcclcd hy the vote of the constitutional center with 1 ho aid of the left, in his address spoke of tho public interest in the ttal kans and the necessity for sacrifices in money and. if necessary, men, on the part of .Russia. The whole house cheered enthusiast i- I cally. Thus the legend that tho Russian press did not reflect public upiuiou in championing tho cause-o the Slavs was I discredited. ; The new dnma disappointed tho gloomy critics who prodiclcd tho. tri umph of reaction. At the last moment members favoring the constitutional priuciplo rallied and previously irre concilable foes in the opposition and the center formed a coalition which carried tho war into the enemy's cam) i by excluding I lie right from any possi bility of electing tho pVcsidcnt. " I The fourth duina declared itself a progressive body, but it cannot be in ferred becauho of that; that a majorily will be found to favor the American i contention in tho passport controversy. Thcro are onty tbrco of tho Jewish faith in the new house. ; Tho oxtronio nationalists are cvi- j dently in tho minority, but the bulk of the members, it is said, aro not pre pared to give Ajricridin Jews or Ameri can goods preferential treatment. The policy of the government will he to render tho Eussian market independ ent of American cotton and American agricultural machinery and in this it is fairly certain lo be "supported hy tho duma. E Organizing Boycott. I ST. PETRUSnurtG, Nov. I'S. Several B meetings have been held at Ohr.'e Ku. I China, to organise a Imycott of ItusHian goods, according lo a dispatch from that ! city. The Chinese aro endeavoring to collect a war fund amounting to 5fi,fil)O,0O(i and to enlist 2000 volunteers among tho I Inhabitants. f Wake Up! You I Lazy Stomach! j i ! Make Your Stomach Cheerfully Do Its Work Stuait'a Dyspepsia Tablets Digest Your Food and As sist the Stomach. People who complain they aro worn to a Irazzlo aro nearly always dyspeptic and aro recommended to uso Stuart's I Dyspepsia Tablets. Tlio 'stomach gets e lasy. food ferments and sours, gas belches up. tliero aro symptoms of I bloating, tho blood becomes thick, aud sluggish, the liver is blamed, iho head m is heavy, the mind a blank and the I dining room is a chamber of horrors. Ono of the greatest evils of our mod- 9 cm lifo is the quick lunch. To this cvij, as much or more, than any other, may bo traced tho preponderance of the' stomach troubles of our, times. .In stead of taking time to thoroughly masticate tbo food before, swallowiug it, tho average person rushes through the meal, bolting the food, doglulitiou talcing place while it is only partially mixed saliva, aud only half mas ticated, thus leaving the stomach lo do tlio work the teeth should have done. Sluart's Dyspepsia Tablets contain digestivo elements, a single grain being capable of digesting 3000 grains of food, including meats, eggs, grain, vege tables, starches and mineral matters. Thev prepare ovory particle of food by ihorough digestion for ready absorption und assimilation by tho lacteal glands, which pans it into tho blood, -whenco it is conducted to alt "harts of the S3'stciu, rebuilding and revitalizing it, Evorv druggist hns Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets in block aud. sella them al 50 conta a box. ( Advertisement.) NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- INO' , Wntlro in hereby clven that tho nnnual mMtlnic f the tockholflew of tho Godlva Mlnlne company will bo hold at tho office if tin wmpany. room 723 Kcarnn bulld fngMahi street. Salt lake City. Utah, nn Alondav. the 2nd day of Docomher. at 3:fC o'clock p. in.. for the elect on if directors and officflrs for tho ensuing wnr. and for tho transaction of ouch ofhor bufitness hu may bo brought befcro TlAMKS BBBICLlSy. crctary f1 Dated Nov, 12, 131". 17" ' j . J i j Millinery, Price and Less Toy Opening Saturday Bankrupt Stock of I I I I j UiilrimniLHl J.Inls one-quni'tcr ol'i' M A ljcltcr i0taiUCH to $10.00, iiL " I I ' 1 1M Main Floor Annex Exchaiigo 22. Call All Departments. oac'1 I 3 : Corset Dept. Annex The United Stores' and . I Manufacturer's Sale I STARTS AO A TN 'J'ODAY WJTH JlliPLENISHED STOCKS and rcsLcG salespeople- This has been a great vreek nl, Walker's H he great values olVorctl have Llironged thp aisles ike holiday week.. Come today and Saturday you cannot afford to miss this 1 , opportimily. All departments arc represented Avith excellent valuc3 in this sale. 1 All Ladies' Suits at Half and Less I Main Floor in the Annex I H Clioose from any of our regular slock ol: handsome tailored suits at ;just half price. This is surely a typical suit value, as wo a have reserved none in this sale. .'Every suit included, consisting ol: handsome rich velvet, suits., epongo, charmense, chilTon. "broad- B t cloth, velour, v.'idcM-ale and imperial serges. Every color is represented, includiug white serge street suits. The coals arc ex- 1 1 quisitely lined in rich satin or silk and beautifully I rimmed in fancy braid, velvet and silk frogs. I, i The Best Suit Ever &iq ?25' ss-iu " c;7plclc line f mblurM to AK I , I . r . nnr tt ,Jflia'J?! au1 nolw colors; all sizes, special yt.Trw1 n Shown at This Price P 1 Posihvely .I3.00 and $-17.00 Suits. AVc Jkito put a special $27'50 AN 30'00 SUlTS-of widewale A J9 qj I price on these Suits $19.95. Wo invite comparison on these. serge aud bouclc cloth, special at ip M.enlO I garments as we are sure you cannot duplicate Ihem. IMany oTTTmcs 1 i 1 1 i n . B 1 0 , ., ,. , , ,11 1 c.,i ;ro 4i,nf S3o.00 AND S32.50 SUITS 0. handsome broad cloth, serge and H only one of a kind, exclusive models and choice labrics that 1 Avill suit t lie most particular individual. Every desirable male- fancy novelty $Jff 1 t rial and color. -Well wlh your investigation $19.95. v cloths, special pXV&0 1 , 1 Misses' Coat Suits and Boys' Overcoats I Juvenile Department, Main Floor, Annex I H Misses' Coats $15.00 Misses' Suits, $9.95 Boys' Overcoats I I ereat value giving in Junior and , H Misses' Coats, at remaVkablc reductions Thc bcst mov aucl llllsses sult cvcl' Overcoats for boySf sues S to .17. Man- lor our bier sale S,,0W11 0,' 0n,.y' :i fcAV the'sc ' uish coals for boys in excellent quality , $30.00 Coat, reversible cloth. .-$15.95 , suiUs left to go at this price, but these woralcds am inannif.h I S25.00 Plaid, double faced ma- are bargains at that. Consisting of fine winlcr box 1 H I temls 10'DV all wool serge, in navy. bi'MVn and red. . . i 1, n u n, 1 1 S con nn T?preiiii nintit 1 fi 95 , styles with belt, others the semi lilted Jg. J $30,00 Rcvcvisible cloth ... lb. Jo ( mixtures in grey and brown. So . p. ,.innr. H $25.00 Reversible Cloth Ccat. .$10.9o . ? style, wide roll collar. Prices, slO.00, JM 3 S25.00 Reversible Cloth Coat. .$14.95 serviceable for winter wear. .hegular ;md j -Just one of a kind-Excellent values $13.00 suits $9.9o. - I H at these prices quoted. All wool mate- jU1 t M H rials in attractive pretty styles. Sizes rf7r nn I 0 Pin Z"7 OC 3O.Ol lmiu S KOaVS 1 ' 13. 15, Hi and i7. $15.00 Junior loats, .!5 II Navy blue only, but this is not the cast wO. ZfO 1 Girls' JBath ROueS v of tj1Q material, -aiieli is all wool, beau- . Children's coats made of lustrous, 1 j A complete range of sizes and prices. back th r h . sizeg g y 1 ) H Prettv patterns in scroll designs in color- . . . '.. ... , , n- ,. , I ings of red, blue, brown and tan, $2.50, wnlc belt trimmed 111 buttons; special at values for ipb.Oo: excellent quilted linings, 1 I $2.98, $3.50 and $3.98. $7.95. high turnover collar; special $0.95. ' '1 Cent Fuel i lIMSH Used By I OT D. & R. G. S h Railroad A. railroad is not confined to Coal that proves the best by H tlio coals oil'cicd by otio-mnr- t.hcso is a jrotty hitfli qual- R kol. Tlioy liavo a choice of il.V coal tho kind oC coal many. uvc-ry mill and factory opcr- M ., , K.,.. ator, and cvoy Jiomo consum- I Thu coal n rn.lroad b,os ilAbcnl,on 1 ;::!r.tvuil,r,.niivo tufei; .u.i n .vor dc-n. i Thermal Unit test. cr supply you today with M T Derby Season Now I 11 live styles, made liilliiSBl to please our 'partial- RS-BBftli Ib nv c pricc j long." short, round or jjjpP jB Utah's Greatest Olothing Store, pP 136011 Uwfiltt t i 11 DENTAL CO. B12 MAIN STREET. Honest Work Konest Prices Plnla extraction ot teeth or no pi7. All vvoric jruarnntoed, REMEMBER 00, We Treat You Right! Offlcs haursi 8:30 a. m, tn fl p. m. I Sundays. 10 to 3, Phonci 1126. ffl mi 1 1 in 1 1 hi bi i ii w "i wiiii ii 1 1 i mini i miiiiitwmi Truth Is Mighty i l and Will Prevail I Salt Lake City, Vl-dh. Av, 0, 01'J. :H j have used Oil of Edou lor a i'al.n growth as laro as an on thu hat-.v. '1 of my neck, ivliich rcmuvod tho samo. rBH ItUUb'UT BlirDGTS, 3 CM N. Cth W. St. JM "Wo ncll tho Oil ol' Kdcn and Bweot Hl Spirits of Kdcn. Towuacnd Di.u Co., . jlMI L'7U If out li Stale. . 3 (AOTcrtlscmcnt) f Jr r H