Newspaper Page Text
aw mm i, Husband Says Wife Demand ed All, or Nothing-; j . Gave Nothing. GETS "TIME TO' SETTLE kevinda' 'Rancc Alleges. That ;r Spouse Drinks to Exeess; v Decree Granted. Refusal of a proffered payment of lihmouv, ou Die theory of all or natlnnp: is a poor business bolicy for any di vorcer, according to a ruling of Junsc 't W. Eorao at . the .rogular divorce imalineo in tlio district court yester day afternoon. ' , ' Bcj.ha Jacobs bad. Henry Jacobs jjted to show cause why ho had aot laid back nliraouy amounting to $oi0. "f offcrcd"hr a part payment once I and ehi? wouldn't take it and that is ' why I'm so far behind," Jacobs told the co'rt. ' . ' . "jfo told mo if I didn t lake part f -pavnunt V would not ect anything aud 1 be' was vcT.v mean about it," exclaimed llrt. Jacobs. t "1 ssid not su,cli. llmig, rotortcd I Jacobs. ' "You didr you did, becan60 you know you did,' so tlicro now," replied 1 "ho woman. j Rcparico was bciug developed to a I frtu point between husbaud and wife wlion tho court' interfered and ruled fj'at since tho plaintiff bad vol. untarilv refused a paymant on tbo : back account Jacobs could not be held , , n contempt of court. However, it was I also ordered . thaU Jacobs-should, make 1 :snmc further payment within thrco 1 weeks. j ,Says Husband Drank. The liabit of coming homo in bibulous 1 Condition throe times a week doesn't ; male ha kind of a husband Jcoyinda Rancc wants and she found no trouble i n obtaining a divorce from Sannicl J. Jance ou such a representation. J?aucc j never v. ries in bis tri-wcekly sprees, uccording to tho testimony of Mrs. j Rnucu and her daughter, Prone Robmcr. ! Rancc. through his attorneys, asked ; permission of the court tq see his 0 ' car-old daughter 0uc6 X week". ' jNTt-b." ! Ranee demurred, declaring that tho lit ' lie girl should bo protected from .the i Influence of. a drunkeu father. The i court compromised by ordering taat ; Ranee would be allowed to visit his rhilfl once a week, but only in tho day j time and only -when perfectly sobor. I Chester A. .Dower was given' a di vorce" ou default ffoui Mar' S. Dower, whom he charged with desertion. They, ivere married in Brooklyn nine years j ig;o and shortly after the wedding--ccra-1 j mony the bride, who was a Mexican ; nomiui, Tan away. Uower said he had ; not bct'n able' to find her and had i heard nothing .of her since that day.' Mrs. Grant Gets Decree. j 1 Elinor M. Grant was given a divorce! j from L". S. Grant and custody of two minor children. She testified, that; hrant had deserted her and that she had been forced to go into the millin- tv business for a living. tale of non-support won a docreo tor Bessie Wilkic from George M. Wilkie. , Winnie Dudley was granted a divorce 'from C'harlcK V. Dadlcy, whom she , -barged with failure lo provide and j Irunkenness. She was given custody I of a child. Final ducrees were given George M, j 'A nlcntinc from Sadie S. Valentine and "Vol Ho C. Keudblom from Arthur IT. jl iKcndblom. I :PEACE ENVOY IS -PUT TO DEATH BY ZAPATA MEXICO CITY, Nov. 20. Emaniao batata, the insurgent leader, carrying a .rceeutthrcat that be would" put j o death ufi.v additional peace envoys j icnt by the government to treat with j "dim, a few days ;igo passed the sen euce of death on two men who had up .roachi'd him ou behalf of the gov ernment, according to news received icre today from Excuautla, Morelos. i hiv of the men was shot. Tho other I reaped, 5 ' A dispatch to the Imparcial from i Vera l.'ruz says that W, W. Canada, the American consul, has informed the cor I Respondent of the Imparcial that the j. united States battleships Kansas, t .Michigan, Vermout and South Carolina 'soon will visit Vera Cruz. The news has caused apprehension nerc, as it is considered unusual that uaval visits of courtesy should be in l inch strength. IvSTEEVER DISCREDITS REPORT OF INVASION EL PASO. Tcx Xov. 20. No news of the reported invasion of New Mex ico in Sierra county by Mexican rebels has been received at Tort Bliss from the border patrol, which covers evorv part of the Now Mexico and Old Mex ico border. Gen. !E. Z. Stcever dis credits the report. If true, it is be lieved that the mounted aud armed men compos eomo expeditions organ ized in tho United States with tho in tention of entering Mexico lo partfc''. pato in the rebel operations about Juarez. II CHARGES AGAINST I GORDON DISMISSED I C LEV.EL-AXD, Xov. " 20. Charges I jgaiuet Attorney William Gordon, 1 Democratic cougrct;sman-clcct from the 9 twentieth Ohio district, of having ap- J proprlated more than his share of a legal fee. wad dismissed by Judge Wil- m Ha Vickcry and C. J. Estop here today I $ "unjust, unlruo and without fouq- I datiou." I Attorney It. L. Dcoran of Tiffin, O., J filed Ibo charges during the last cam- 1 jaicn. Tbo fee iu question was for the 1 ettlcment of an estate. ) A. ,T. Bailey, a 31. K. engineer, fcatcsville, Ark., says: "T suffered vritb kidney and bladder trouble to bad 1 was unable to work, I had such severe . pains in -my back I could hardly got un. X tried several physicians with nq . result, but Eolcy's Kidnoy Pills have loco wonders for me. I recommend v'aem all." bchramm-Johuson, Drugs. 1 (AdvortieomontO Years of -Suffering Catarrh nnd Blood DIsoaQ -Doctors Failed to Curo. MJss Mabel T Dawkins. 1214 Lafn;' , ette St., Fort Wayne. Ind.. wrlt? Tor three vears 1 was troubled nil .catarrh and blood disease. I tried sev cval doctors and a dozen different rem edies, but none of them did me an: good. A friend told me of Hood's Sar eaparllla. r took two bottles or Jill medicine and was as well and strom as ever. I feel like a different person and recommend Hood's to any one sua ferlns from catarrh." Get It today in usual liquid form or Chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs HUIUDREOS KILLED 1 THE PHILIPPE Great Damage Caused by the Typhoon Which Swept Is: lands Several Days Ago. MANILA, iS'ov. 20. Ov?4ng to tho prostratiou of tBo telegraph wires, no definite estimate is yet possible of -the number of fatalities or of tho property losses caused by the . typboou that crossed tho Islands of Samar, Lcyto aud North Panay several days ago. Such information as has bceu re ceived indicates that 2G0 person's were killed at Samar and Lcyto and forty iu tho other territory traversed by tho storm. Despite the enormous damage iu Taclobnu, .capital of Leyte, the fa talities there were less than a. dozen. Tho government is forwarding relief supplies to the stricken district. No word has been received from Mjndinao excopt a 'wirolc;s dispatch from tho transport "Warren, vhich said the slorm was unusually scvpro. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.0. A ty phoon swept Visayas, Philippine is land, on Novombcr 25 and carried away three-fourths oC Lhc town of Taclnbau and tho capital of Leyte, according to a .dispatch received today at the in sular bureau from Ibo govemor-guu-' oral of the Philippines. No details of the disaster were told in tho brief report and no estimate was made of the loss of life. War depart ment officials say that there. is no rca sou for believing that a great number of lives were lost. TESTIFIES TO SAVE HIS" WIFE "William T, Kirby Declares Wo man 'Did Not" Profit' by His Banking'-Operations. CHICAGO. Nov. 29. William T. Kirby, hanker-physician, testified be fore Federal Judgo Laudis today to save his wifp from possible punish. ment for cpufccmpj, o.t', .court shouldering all tho blame of various transactions which precipitated the failure-of the Jsirb' Savings bank, Tbo bankpr was placed oil the stand at the conclusion of the case against Mrs. Kirby. Later he was questioned in his own behalf, similar, proceedings, being iu process against h'ijn in which a dcriiand to turn over $10,000 has been mado by Judge Land is. "Mv wife never got a dollar of the .$20,006," said Kirby. "Sho brought $10,000 in ouc'-thousand-dollar bills to the Blackstonc hotol I had already taken $10,000 from the bank myself. I had $20,000 iu a -satchel when I loft tho Blackstonc in the taxicab with a man whom "do not know. "We rode to a store on Michigan avenue. We went to the rear of lhc building. I handed some of the $20, 000 to the man and put sonic nf. it in my own pocket. My wifo got none of tho money, nor did she know anything of my transactions.' ' The phone is out what a' relief. 13. K, Walton left cream on .three weeks' trial for two years, novor failed iu nineteen years to curo eczema, pim ples, freckles, diecoloratioDS. Price, $1.0Q C. 0. D. P. O. box 107 Salt Lake. (Ailvprtlecmenl) SUFFRAGE BAND MIK HOSTILE Rock, Is Hurled a I Carriage Supposed to Contain Lloyd- George-' ABEKDJ3EN.' Scotland, Nov. 20. Somc excitement was caused hero this evening when what at first was be lieved to bo an infernal machine in tended tor David Lloyd-Gcorge, chan cellor of the exchequer, was found in tho hands of a suffragette who was dis covered hidiug iu the hall where Mr. Lloyd-Gcorge was to deliver an ad dress. It turned out, however, to "be a box containing firecrackers. The woman' who had it.and two of her suffragetto companions were arrested. The3r were , hiding bchiud the organ in the music hall and were- diecovorcd beforo tho doors were opened. After the mooting another militant suffragette hurled a stono at, .one of the automobiles occupied by Mr. Lloyd-Gcorgo-'s party with the intention, it; is believed, of injuring the chancollor. She picked out tho wrong car, however, and the missile went through the window of ono tbal; was not occupied bj' Mr. Lloyd-George. This woman was arrested. In his speech the chancellor said, that a great chaugo "in tho prosont iniqui tous land laws was imperatively neccs sary. " In" tho Highlands th'ousauds of acres which could -be used to produce the finest soldiers in tho world had been transformed into deer preserves." Ho added that statistics showed largo numbers of robust, follows were leaving the country annually as though it was plague-qtriekeu, and said much of this emigration would be stopped by a free land system. DIVIDENDS MAY GO ..HIGHER- SOON Utali Copper, Ray Consolidated and Chino Now in Favorable Situation. i Special to The Tribune. NEW YORK, Nov. 20. "Dividend -developments in" the three important porphyry companies, Utah Coppor, Hay Consolidated and .Chino " Copper, will como probably early in 1013. Chino will go on a $-1 per annum basis as soon as the company has $1,000,000 in cash bu hand, aud that depends upon the 'promptness if the .company's turnover-of its metals. Until the re cent revival in foreign demand Chino had. 'so.kl little copper for a long time, and while tho present outlook is good for an initial dividend declaration next" 'mouth, a lagging "copper market would probably mean that the' initial dividend would not bo paid until the first of April." Pay -Consolidated is expected to be in a position to inaugurate a dividend at the rate of $2 a share on tho .1st of April, and it is expected that Utah Copper will iucrcaso its rato to $6 a share at the' samo time. FARMER WAS "FENCE" FOR BAND OF ROBBERS CHICAGO, Nov. U0. Arrest todav of four men alleged to bo members oC a formidable gang of robbers, i-esultcd In tlio discovery In a barn of loot consisting of automobile?, motorcycles, bales of clothing, leather and other merchandise, said to have been stolen In systematic raids on freight cars. It Ih alleged that automobiles stolen by the gang were traced to a farmer at Thawvllle, III., who disposed of cars shipped to him. 4 Movies " Did Not Help. By International News Service. WASHINGTON, Nov. 2f. Clarence F. Doge, Republican candidate for congress at Colorado Springs, Colo., found moving picture advertising an unprofitable cam paign pursuit, according to a statement he Died with the clerk of the house to day. Although ho spent S1S13, of which S-lnil was to display himself in the "movies," he was defeated. BUDGET COIWTEE " WILL O0P0SED .House Democrats Lined Up in Advance Against Sug gestion of President. WASHINGTON, NovKoo. A revolu tionary rol'orm in tho entire fiscal i scheme of tho government is project ed in a resolution to bo pressed in tho house at tho coming session by Kepre scnative Shcrley of Kentucky, the third ranking Democrat on the house appropriations committee. Iicpresoutativc JShcrlcy 's resolution contemplates tho creation pi" a budget: committee in the house which shall have origiual jurisdiction over all es-' ttmatca for annual expenditures aud shall allot the various appropriation committees of the house the amounts available for the Aaji.ous branches of the government service. "Every effort will bn mado to havo tho measure opcr ativo'with tho advent of the new. Demo cratic administration, Mr. Shcrley said today. The resolution will run counter to the budget proposals of President Tafl, which will bo submitted to congress in a special message just bofore the holi daya. Tho president contemplates a general budget schome liy which the estimates of the various departments will bo submitted to tho house in bulk, with .a general statement of the country's financial condition. Chairman TTcury of tho rules com mittee said he was in sympathy with tho purposes of Ibo Shcrley resolution aud that he believed favorable action by the committee 011 tho resolution or one along similar lines could bo secured at the coming session. Tho resolution would create a com mittco consisting -of the chairman anil ranking minority members of each of the. house committees handling appro priation bills, the chairmau and ranking minority memherg of the ways and moans committee and the chairman and the, rankiujg minority members of Ihe rules committee. "I beliovo this plan will bo workod out," 3?eproscntative Henry said, "if the comittoo can be held down to fif teen or eighteen or twenty members. Under tho Shcrley resolution there would he thirty members ol: tho com mittee, which would 'bo too bulky, T believe." AV'hilo tho Democratic congressmen .planned a budget system at tho cap itol, tho president today spent two hours going over the estimates for tho next fiscal year and planning the budget message which ho will send in with a sample budget statement to he preparqd by the economy aud efficiency commission. "Tho house," said Mr. Shcrley. dis cussing President Taft's proposal,' "will never brook auy usurpation of its power of collecting and expeuding tho government, funds by the executive of t icial3 0 f the government." AUTO THIEVES "MAKE ' " ANOTHER RICH" HAUL CHICAGO, Nov. 29 For the second time within a week thieves early today hurled a horseshoe, wrapped in a news paper, through the window of a store ou Michigau boulevard, loaded their plunder iu an automobile and escaped. Furs valued at $J500 was tho latest loot of tho automobile handits,"' taken from an establishment at 604 South Michigan boulevard. Last woelt tbo same gang, tho police say, robbed a jewelry store a block away of $2500 in' gems by breaking the window with a horseshoe. CASE OF 13.' F.' O'NEIL IN HANDS OF JURY 'CO EUR D'ALENE. Ida., Nov. 29. The case against B. F. O'Ncil, former president ofv the defunct Slate Bank of Commerce at Wallace, who is charged with violating tho hankng laws in that ho issued a false "bank re port in May, 390U, went to the 3"ry late today. . . In its iustructious the court said that former Cashier IU. S. Wymau was not an accomplice,-and that it dovolved ou the jury to determine whether Vy man's predecessor, Gary Burke, was. StIa Is TH:E timC t0 hu? tbe b7 tbc thiBS's Jie needs to 'tfflPCnT I, l) wear; and our store is THE place where quality reigns WTMt IPjtyS all wlere Most, for your money. AYe do " vllUTie "business, that's why. lM JkfSAMPECK clothes for boys could not be better made; j&Jjg " all style and durability; $5 upwards. Other suits and w?' overcoats, $2.50 up. e Sweaters and sweater . coats, ,$1 HOLLAND SHOES, made to to $3. . . wear; wax calf, button and blucher, Goodyear welt, white oak UNDERWEAR, two-piece or soles. Sizes 9 to 13 $2.25; 1, union suits, 50c up, - .to 5V, $2.75. GUARANTEED HOSE, four "pairs $1. GLOVES, leathers, gauntlets, fleece lined, unlined, t dress kids, woolen. Mittens, leathers and woolens,.' 11 Begin to buy him things for Xmas now. mm vS. Everything . for men to wear at- work or-'leisure. Sp fj$N Utah's Greatest Clothing Store. , , toM finrQAfo lISSmliiT. M. J j JJw M (ft ft pea I'l ,n J Beautiful hro aW ". fJ """T A big ' lot or 1 1 corsets six J; KEI&I cor3ols In good 3 9 supp ortors " " " a. I styles. Co'tUli I 1 , newost models, Last Day of the Greatest Week of covered, aix a 1 Val laco trimmed supportora - i I regular ?5.00 Mff B irR aful Sl l8 values. Satur. B W MmL fee fflf & ffl ?n?l 3 P 4 fl c A AO e have ever exeriencedeymy yard ffkQ l; 8 of Silks tremendously l-a y) k 75 of season's most clogant coats included in this Sat- k & 1 jstffrW urday Woudor Of for BoautifuL models ' In Cliincliillas, , Y' L&w6$&yM TMk Soalottcs. Diagonal atrjpo liouclc.n, Broadcloths and Heavy ft m AWv fcvh. . m, M frz 1 t3 9 ncrgoH Tull and semi lined vitli "best duality satin M rlj fi; I EC)i p&a mLot inch and "Johnny" longths nil tho new ideas in huge col- p $ M 1 I v k3 Walj larn and cuffs, novolty lapels, throw acarfs, braid binding, j&'ra j fj U 1 nH velvet facing, otc. These go Saturday at a prico on which ftSI VQjf p NV nv comav'son' r w Haudsomo Jiue of coats for children from 3 to U years of age. lii'il 1 ; X IS Tliey 001110 'm Zlhclincs, Cheviots, Quilted Caraculs, Mixturos, IrWML "i ' WXfA etc. All tho wanted colors new ideas in trimmings Various 'hT' Im ' tifcgir ideas in Corduroy, plaid chock, velvet and JPVCt IsiTOlliS' c JA self collars and cuffs Values to $10. 'bffi sjwWfflfiB Saturday you choose at : I Fifty snappy suits iu tills Saturday offering I-Iandsomoly fft M S' Wl tailored models in serges, worsteds, mixtures, diagonals, 4M n H ' i w-mk fifik bU corduroys, etc. Two, tliroo and four button, cutaway and jk. ft R M fe&y lVwfH R straight front models Some in Norfolk style and fancy 1M U Vi M Wi VBrafiM 5Ia ) m, effects Chooso from these splendid ?16.00 to $20.00 val- CiRf a y Mb W ,WMnm I k ucs at only , W Mi W pi Sifiriif FsifiFi K' j h .From the iomesSie lisle N ft ' SSLK 49c for 90c Kimono Silks. F HftP ' 33 Inches, wide In all tho beautiful lli t patterns and an elegant range mIj nwCT Vsft " n of color combinations, light and dark mSSigw o Vw Annrnnr'ioh Knc i grounds, 30 styles pick from all Sat- )i ' PPlO)naie I QT , ! "r,ay " ,. : & Xmas Giving i -! $10.90 for 18.00-Down QniltsCj A OQ. ' SPECSALS " I I Silk- covered-In-a fine range -of col.T ffl " w,.,.i. -n i ' ," i " ' ' , , " ore and patterns and filled with finest KlSSS Women s boot silk. hose Utile top. m. black . aiid j k eiderdown," and all In tho large 6x7- I II ' white, also an all silk h osc. A broken lot of bet- S ' foot size. Pick from. allr each rma jr ter -values in tan, blue, pink, navy, "7 r B etc., to closo Vr E S1.98 for $3.50 Comforts. kjl JJ Children's and Misses' fine ribbed silk - hose in Elegant comforts, large size cov- nffl W h?P black, pink aud blue. Nearly all sizes. Cift.-x H creel with French sllkollnc and filled $1,25 values Saturday , ar with crovn jewel batting, having fee) JH ., , and appearance of down quilts big "a I'l' $3,50 value for A I ' v" $1.69 for $3.00 BlanJets. torn 9 m jLdtzZJ, A' S In the extra 12-4 size, gray or tan, W 1 Pg QlSF HoX- fflSS ' German wool finish pretty borders Jw Ar-fu&stfcC. v .'j'l the pair OB 5 8 6 0 SSO! 6 XTif - S t, 25c for 45c Bath Towels. . ?fa!5lJP I ; And 15c Is' not a fictitious value wUtk WffliUCtf r, , , ni 1 ; m 23x45-lnch size, double thread with fi Jf&w H Q ti blue, red or white borders. An extra isHfwHLj? Women's 1-clasp pique seam un- J N fine value at, each qhs sr dressed kid glove3 in gray, brown gferfl fa 1 nc -r cn mu o;il-c m or black. Somo silk lined. Most do- 0 fell 0 M a I 25c for 60c Tub Silks. QkfB sirablo to street wear, for Satur- ga3.U I 1 1 i .The prettiest ever gotten out thor- ,V day, $2.00 value ft f 1 0UHhlyM,aslnHntJ0S ZiaBI . Children's soft fleece lined dressed f, ) - I Ktdtedt5runPdr.,niSS oniy:thcPyn?d..a.n; kiclo ves, 1-clasp & tan only.JSc Pgl i S 1-3 and 1-2 off on Odd Pairs of women's io-button suede gloves ftC I - - ClU'tainS. 1 aMt JL black only. All sizes. Best $3.75 $JW$ si Probably 100 pairs In all. They In-"- flfj values, special elude cvci-y net. and every good stylc, Tfy . . Z 0niTnanto you of " k,nt,a", 5,0 f.1 3 9 & ' I $1.98 for $3.50 Bath Robe . WH1i1 S BtS Blankets. Women's fine ribbed imported Swiss vests ' 3 ... vovas Kirr correct r M Fancy crochet band across bust, silk tapo, otc. T welgM and 3Gern?aXn finish. Beautiful 1 Values from S1.25 to $1.00, at just ONE-UAlP' color combination valst and nock I prico, cords to match and all go Saturday ' I only at. each $1.25 values Xmas price 6oC ' 17c for 50c Scarfs and Squares jg fm $135 values Xmas price ......-- 68c I di i ,'8-28-lnch squares and 17x54-Incb 3 rffo . . nnn 1 m I Scarfs, hemstitched and drawn work, M M M $1-50 VallieS XlliaS pilCS YDC I " having all the appearance of Mcxl- M w oi 1Q I j can work and each, only . S2.25 Values XmaS pilCe $l.lo M ! 98c for $3.00 Scarfs and $2.50 values Xmas price $1.75 I il " 18 Center Pieces ikf $3.00 values Xmas price .. .: : $1.50 I I I Scarfs, 'all linen, with cluny lace Ilw id . -u- ., tl 7R H M W edge and Inoertlon. also embroidered HSTfei $3.50 Values XnUls pilCe ...$1.75 ' I centerpieces, round or square, 30x30 JFIf , n . co OS "' Inches, vlth cmbroldercry and as- S S4.50 ValllCS Xmas price !p,40 M sorted colored printing. Pick of all at, each ; x Neckwear GUMrenfs - ( XAJT'-i Dainty neckpieces in : WL--1 collars, stocks, Robe- BTJedaLb : Vmm I All colomfocor ,50 i J i iSp si cacl1 Salurday 10 doso I ; $i Miftjim -w Ornaments Sc 1 25 11 fcf SoS A splondid assortment I I -n 1 ' of new metal bows and Qoo-o I B M HHa ornaments wortli 35c 31" 9 - ,1 OILS Wk a"" 506 C"",nlay Dresses i jc Bb HWI BBSS S IsV4R'Chl o mi I ?&3?8 Ses 2 to 6 years All 1 1 ' lo TO IO JIT mr&S ipcri-lly prteea -u- Jtt mm Wtfcb with aud without foot I Sri I ' ' " worth 75c a pair. Sat- ' i ' m figy urday I " ' Reductions W 49c Flannelette , , Two great sample liues iuclud- Collars OWOS 0 ing newly oveI7 Mud of toy ff iSSSuife ntT !" SSTSSt " manufactured. Finest kid and flS liroWwoS and laco trim- ?f "VnAroldory 1 s A diHHd dolls in all stees. Yfi M'7c S"' & SSSffltaJJSISS P" TOYLAND p "r2 for 25c ' ggf-n! t V ! ) fm