Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1913. ... if H f SHOW OF STRENGTH ' I I STOCK MUKET I . JBusmess Small in Volume, K but Wall Street Becomes, jll' ore Optimistic. COPPER METAL HIGHER KfA'dvance in Price Stimulates IE' Buying of Securities; Little H Real Enthusiasm. 1 Br BROAD AT WALL. 2 By International News Service. m -?EW YORK, Jan. 22. Today's stock ;j I market mado c steady display of i length from the opening to the P ;A close. Biislnots was small tn vol . 4 umo end operations were mainly - the covering of short contracts trtth moderate speculation for the ;id .. i.vonce by the room trader and tho scml ' professional operator. Commercial busl rneBS shewn little i any Improvement. Op erations for foreign account barely Te&chod 10,000 shares, mostly on the buy ' log side. ' ,f Nino out of ton brokers would tell you . that prices were better on the Improved t political cltuatlon abroad, which merely lllnetrates that tho favorablo cables ro .colved were considered optimistic; that no enthuslam followed In foreign mar kets did not bother Lhc trade, who saw K rices advancing here. The market Is till In a professional rut and probably K Utile wealccr technically owing to a coneldcrablo reduction In the short inlor ' est that has occurred in the last two days. Wall Street Optimistic $ P Wall street undoubtedly feels more op- ' tlmlstio and Indications of a resumption ' f speculation in specialties helps this i bullish feeling. Rumors of an advance i In American Can encouraged trading In 1 that stock, and Central Leather, a highly gpeculatlvo individual, was moved to 20J. i The tobacco issues wore strong, American Tobacco closing at 283. Liggett fc .Myers - it 2192 and Lorillard at 10.1. ? Attempts to cover short stocks in the Slock Island issues advanced both classes - f shares sharply, tho common touching !8 and tho preferred closing at 41. : London claimed to have early news that B1 settlement would shortly be reached In ho Union Pacific controversy and bought heso shares moderately. For the greater iart of the day Steel common was a lag ;ard and not until late- In the afternoon lid It become strong, closing, however, at 5, up a full polnL itlce in Copper, ivancc In the price of copper met 161 to 165 cents, with a firmer the market, stimulated specula te copper stocks. Amalgamated ticularly strong and active, ad to ToJ and closing within an f the top. American Smelters ong and there aro Indications that ice will bo scored later. Canadian vas active and rumor continues to i name of ISrle with this com hio shares were noticeably strong, inon advancing to 31 S, tho first 1 scored a rise of li and the sec erred scored an advance of 2. robable that we arc overcstlmnt 'avorable effect that may be pro f a settlement of the Balkan dlf Tlwes have been very bad abroad icy markot3 there arc still under Ktrain that cannot be immcdiate ngo ruled today at ' trie highest , touched on this movement; sight old at 5-IS7.G0 and another mil ars gold was engaged for Argen . lltt'lo early to talk about an ad l stock prices, with the idea of nt Increase In values. The rcduc thc abort interest has not been by enough public Inquiry to cro rcal enthusiasm. Closing Stock List. I Sales. I II. L. IClse n Copper . ,1 -12,500! 751 73"J 75 n Agricul ,.' 300j T.3i BSlI 5ii n .Beet Sug.. 500 372 37 374 n Can S.oOO1 29j L'Si! -Oil red 30011SJ 11B115 n C & Fdy.. 200 63i' 5.Tj 531 n Cot Oil. 2,900; 5lil IS5!, UJ n Ice Scour. . l00 24 t '.'32; 23J n Linseed .. I '.. . . J0i u Locomo .. S00! 40J! 30J 40 n S Ref.. 6,700 73j 7L'J' 73 Ted .. ,i. . . .1051 n Sugar. Ref OOOtllGljllG IllC n Tel & Tel. 1,100 1332 133M133& n Tobacco - 2.200 21)0 I2SB '2Sf la Mining Co 2,000 SSilj 37?i 38i i 2.300 ior.yi05 11053 red 300 lOlJUOlJ 101 ? Coast Line. 000 1298 1231 12!1 ro & Ohio... 2,000 1062 103? J00 ?m Steel 100 381 3SS apld Transit 1.100" Oui' S0J 92 n Pacific 4.1002 IT 244312463 Leather .... 1,7001 291 27 2SJ Ohio 1.300! 7Si! 773' 7S' Gr Western.' ; I ' 30 : St Paul ' 2,500)1141 H31314i &. Nv 3001137 13Gi';I37 i el Sz Iron 900i 331 33 33 lated Clas ... 300U3&.t 138 '13S roducts 700 33i 13 12'i e & IJudoon. COOllfio 164 165 & R Grande. 100 1114 2U 211 rod 200 3SB! 3S 33fi s' Secur 3,200 18j: 17 17n 4,:i00' 31B 30J 31 i referred SOU- -ISJ, -IS 4S 'referred 300 40 40 -10 Electric .... 2,400 142511.42 1421 thern pfd.... 3,200 128i!127fi 12SS c certs 2,3001 305' SOjl 39A Central 2O01271 127 '127 ro Mot 200 173 27E 179 rrnd 7001 01 CO i 60'J rarvestcr .... 30011031 10SJI10S Iarinc pfd 100! 19 19 194 tional Paper. 100' 10a 10i! 30 Uonal Pump 100! id lfifl id C Southern. 2U0! 2G1 201 261 : Gas ' 10,. Valley 4,50011613 1005 lfih t asUvlIlc... 200ll381'13Sl 13S P & S S M I i;-9 5 Texiifl 3001 2S 27il 273 ri Paclllc .... 2,400l 415 4IJI 41 C U lllscult ' 100J121 121 1119 il Lead ! ,.l I .fii of Mex 2d pfd, '....!..! 251 prk Ontrai .... 10010R 10S JlOSt & Western.. ino 32 nA- 32 : & JVcHlnm. 300 1l2lll2i'll2l American .... 300 SO f SO I SO rn Pacific .... 1,600 193'119 llU'S 1 100 311 31.1 30 lvanla 700 1221 122i'll25 Gas ....'114 1 & L Louis ' ' 9SS irg Coal 2001 223 2211 'i'U 1 Steel Car. ,.l 200 33 33 33 n Palace Car. ! 163 lc Iron & St.. :m 213 2 (El 24? "cd . ; 300i S3I? 833' S3 Uslund Co I 3 000' "3 1 ""5 irred ' 5,200! 41 : 39i! 4.1 c S V 2nd pfd.' jool 20': 2(7. 2i:s Td Air Line...' 600' 19R. 1611 15 irrc(j ... ,1 .... ! 40 31iof .St & Iron . . . I 4 gur,o'Prn Railway ,. 900' 27i 27V 27 jaFfrrP(J J 001, 791 701791 fmr. Copper ..' r.oo, vl 311 su ' popinc .... loo- 201! co;: 201 SK Fac,mc ' 20.700 ir.flZ!l.Vl7 IMS 1 IlVK ?:t.n,0!, Rnny.. 721 A 1 Wft aaeB Hub.. J.400I (J7M G5 ' 67 r .IUK St?l,ie Steel.1 70.1II01, C5S! C4 65', , PAfPr- 300 110 !0.')MIW! w.P Caro Chom.! 400J G8JI m 371 l$Vf!mi" Maryland ""SflO 'i'u:''' ' lFSySMP lc?trk' 000 76 ' 743 !h 'rajlor tho day, 323,300 share.-. MARKET FOR COPPER Electrotic Selling' in New York for 16.50; Lead Quiet and Unchanged. y Copper (electro) ....1 516.50? v Lead, New York $4.25gH.33 ! 4 Bar silver 62 Jc - Silver In London 2S5d ,.,, v N'EW YORK, Jan. 22. Copper Firm; standard spot to February, $15.50 bid: March and April, flG.oOrflUO.OO; electro lytic, $16.50; lalce, SlC.uOQ'lSu; castings, $10.00. Tin Firm; spot. ?50. 10(S00.65; January. $5 0.4 0 50. 65; February, 550 00'G0.20; March. $ 49.62i4P.S7. Lead Quiet; 54.25(3)'l.S3. Spelter Quiet: .7,20'H7.30. Antimony Dull; Cooksons, $9.7510.00. 10.00. Iron Unchanged and unsottllcd. Copper arrivals. 200 tons. Exporla this month, 16.4S3 tons. London cop per, steady; spot, JC70 Ss 9d; futures. i:70 13s fld. . Ivocal e.cliange sales, tin, 15 tons. Lon don tin. steady; spot. 22S 5s: futures. 226 5s. London lead. 17 2s 6d. London spelter, 26 2s O'd. Iron, Clovcland warrants, 66s td In 'London, Uqw York Bonds. U S ref 2s reg.,101 L S deb Is 1931 .021 do coupon ....101 L & X un 4s ... 98 do 3s rcg 1021 M K & T 1st 4s 94 do coupon 1021 do gen 4Js .. SCI do 4s rcg 1131 Mo Pac Is ... 693 do coupon ....113J do conv 5s 871 Pan 3s coupon. 102 N Ry of M 48. 871 A-Chalm 1st 5s. 59 N Y C gen 31s . 86J Ain Agr 5s 101 do deb Is 903 Am TfcT cv 43.105 N P 4s 9S1 Am Tobac 6n ..121a do 3s 67J Armour&Co -li-a. 92 O S L rfdg 4b. 911 1 Atcli gen 4s ... 98 Reading gen 4s. 971 B & O -Is ..... 97SStL&SF fg 4b. 701 do 3Ss 91 do zeti 5s ... SU dies & O -tie... 991 S P col -Is 91 do conv 41s 02i .do cv Is 13 CB&Q Joint 4e. 953 do 1st ref Is. 03fc do gen 4s .... 0&i U P Is 99 D & R G ref 5s. S3R do cv 4s .... 9a3 III C 1st rof 4s, 96 do lst&rof 4s. 951 Int Mel 4is .. 793 U S Sled 2d 58.1018 Inter M" M lis. 65 AV'ab lst&cxt 4s 623 K C S ref 5s.. 9Si Condition of Treasury. WrA SITING TON". Jan. 22. The condi tion of the United Slates treasury at the beginning of business today was: "Working balance 582,230.375 In banks and Philippine treas ury 31.00S.O43 Total of general fund 136.142.6S5 RecelptB yesterday 2.07S.340 Disbursements 2.047,183 The deficit this fiscal year. $7,462,731, as jigalnst a deficit of 26.135.557 last year." The figures for receipts, disbursements and deficit exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. Money Market. NRW YORK, Jan. 22. Money on call, steady: 23tfI22 per cent: ruling rate. 2 per rent; closing bid, 21 per cent; offered al 23 per cent. Time loani, weaker; sixty days, SJtfPi per cent, and ninety days, 4 per cent; six montliP, 4(5'4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4J(JT'5 per cont. Sterling exchange, strong, with actual business In bankers' bills nt 54.83.50 for sixty-day bills and at S4.S7.70 for de mand. Commercial bills, 54.823. Bar silver, 62Jc. Mexican dollars. 49c. Government bonds, steady. Railroad bonds. Irregular. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Kansas Oity. KANSAS CITY. Jan. .22. Cattle Re ceipts, 7000. Including 300 southerns; market steady; native steers. ?6.90fS.50; southern steers, 55.60i7.35; southern cowd and heifers, $3.75(3i6.o0; native cows and heifers, $3.75!fi)6.75: Htockcrs and feeders. ?5.75n7.65; bulls, $5.006.50; calves, $6.5010.25; western steers, 56.00 CfS.OO; western cows, i3.756.75. 'Hogs RccelptB, 15,000; market steady to 5c lower; bulk, $7.25Ri7.40; heavy, S7.357.45; pp.ckers and butchers, $7.30 7.40; light. $7.15(3)7.30; pigs, ?6.256.S5. Sheep Receipts, 30,000; market steady; muttons. S-I.OOIJS.Sd; lambs. $7.50 9.10; range wethers and yearlings, $5.25 7.60; range ewes, $3.no5.50. Chicago. CHICAGO. Jan. 22. Cattle Receipts, 16,000; market slow, generally steady; beeves. ?5.85$?9.19; Tmcp.s steers, 54.70(g) 5.75; western slcof, $5.407.19; Block ers and feeders. $4.75(0)7.50; cows and heifers. $2.70?T7.39; calves, $7.003 10.85. Hogs Receipts. 40.000: market cjulot, r.c lower than Tucsdav's average; light, 57.25tfl'7 521; mixed, $7.25(3)7.55: heavy. $7.05(g)7.55; rough. 37.037.25; pigs, $6.00 f?'7.40; bulk, $7.40(5-7.50. Sheep Receipts, 2S.000: market strong at Tuesday's oloso; native. $4.85(?T6.50: wofilcrn, ?4.90ig0.50: yearlings, $0.40C $8.50; lambB, native, S7.00(&9.50: west ern, $7-009,50. Omaha. SOUTH OMAHA. Jan. 22. Cattle Re ceipts, 4300; market, steady to stronger; native steers. $0.50S$.50; cows and heif ers, ?3,75fT7.00; western steers. $G.G0g) S.00: Texas steers. S4.75'?)G.2o; range cows and heifers, ?3.50(g)6.75; calves, $5.75 OO. 25. Hogs Receipts, 16.400; market 5c lower: heavy. $7.25(3)7.35; light, ?7.00(f?) 7.30: pigs, $5 G07.00; bulk of sales. $7.15 7.30. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; market steady; lambs, weak. yearlings, $7.503.25: wethers, $5.50(g6.25: lamba, $S.009.00. Coffee Futures Steady. KEW YORK, Jan. 22. Coffee futures opent'd steady at unchanged pricds, but oasod under a Utile traxle selling. Rc porCe lhal the Balkan troubles had been settled caused rallies later. The close was steady at from 2 to 10 points net lower. Sales'. 35,000; Janu.ury, 13.0So; February. 13.15c: March. 13.24c; April, 13.36c; May. lo.ISc; June. 13,57c; July, 13.6 lo; August. 13.71c; Scptomber. 13.7Sc; October, 13.73c; Xovembor, 15.'09c; De cember, 13.61c. Spot coffee dull: Rio 7s. l!!3c; Santos 4s. 15Ec; mild coffee unlet; Cordova, 16 5lSc. , Evaporated Fruits, NT3V YORK. Jan. 22. ISvapora'.ed ap ples (inlet; prime. 5S!r to 53c; prunus ir regular; uprlcotf quiet and steady; poaches quiet: raisins dull. St. Louio Wool. ST. LOUIS, Jan, 2. Wool steady; me dium grades combing and clothing, 20n(8 2fic: light fine. 19Ti'21o? heavy fine, v:,Q ISc; tub-washc!. 27iQ'36c. Flax, Oats aud Kyo. MINNKAPOUS, Jan. 22. Xo. 3 yel low corn, 43irt5)4ic. No. 4 wlille ontr.. 3llfi73llc. N9, 2 vyc. 57a59Jc. Bran. 519. 50. Hour First patents, 1.fi0(y (.65, sec ond putcnl!i. 34.J5SM.00: first clears, .fU.10 iTIMO: second clears. 52,30(02.60. Flax. .J1.292. Barley. 4O(tr0Oc. Cotton Markot. t XEW YORK. Jnn. 22. Cotton cloacd ll'inn and from 5 to 22 polnU net higher. I :iiV OI1LEANS. Jan. 22, Spot cot firm, ir up. Middling, 124o; talce, 1 1200 IJUl.'H, WHEAT DROPS BACK. while mm up Heavy Primary Receipts of Oats Militates Against Price of That Cereal. CHICAGO, Jan. 22, Wheat and oats were heavy arid slightly lower today; com firm and provisions ateady. Wheat exhibited a flurry of firmness early on tho corn strength, but at no time did the price ciual yesterday's close. Against tho prlco wero generally lower cables, easier ocean freight:?, a poor cash domand, both domestic and ex port; and heavy primary receipts. Al 92o resting orders for May wore reached and tho close, while under yesterday, was ic over tho bottom. Tho strength of corn waa Interrupted only once when pit traders, following the early buying, sold to securo quick profits. This was near tho close and knocked only lc off the lop of tho price. Argen tine weather, still dry, was the factor, us has been the case recently. So impor lant has tho influence of this surplus grain country become in its relation to the rest of the world that tho board of trade hay arranged to receive Buenos Ayrcs quotations direct. Ono authority estimates thai the Argentine corn crop will bo 40.000.000 bushels under last year's. Another expert declared thai, tho crop was too far advanced to suffer much from tho heat. Cash oats aggregating 300,000 biwhols wero sold today and the prlco advanced 5c to c. but futures eased off despite this and the corn strength. Heavy pri mary receipts were against tho price Provisions opened at a lower lovel on tho Increased hog run and a decline at the yards, but. a rather mysterious de mand developed later and closing prices were a shade over yesterday. RANGE OF THE LEADING .FUTIJR.1CS. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close. May 93 931 92 93 July 903 90J 90" 90 Sept SSS S3 SSfi 89" Corn May 5i; 522 51S 521 July 52i' 03c 52J 638 Sept 53E 54? 535 5lj Oats May 31? 341 33 34-J July 341 311 34- 34j Sept 314 34i 33J 34 i CASH QUOTATION'S. Mess pork, new, J8.601S.62 ; laid, ?10.12i; ribs, $9.50 10.25. GRAIN STATISTICS. Clearances wheat and flour equaled 747,000 bushels. Primary receipts, 1, 059.000 bushels, against 442,000 bushels a year ago. Estimates for tomorrow; Wheat. 05 cars; corn, 469 cars; oats, 215 cars; hogs, 34.000 head. New York Produce. NEW YOlRK, Jan. 22. Flour quiol. prices quiet; receipts, 86,000; shipmctns, 26.000. Wheat Spot easy; No. 2 red. $1.09 nominal elevator and $1.10 nominal i. o. h. afloat. No. 1 northern Duluth, ?1.00i f. o. b. afloat; futures wero easy early on lhc cables, rallied on covering, but again declined on liberal receipts, clos ing i(S'io not lower. May, 98 7-16(5) 99 7-lUc; closed. 99 3-16c; July, closed 97Jc, Receipts, 83.000; shipments, 93,000. Bonded wheat .January closed $1.00, May. .93 9-lCc; July. 97Sc. Hops Easy; stale, medium to choice, 1912. 22323c. Hides Finn. Petroleum Steady. Wool Steady. Raw sugar Barely steady: Muscovado. .89 test, ?2.n8:' centrifugal. .96 test. $3.4S; molasses, .89 test. $2.73; refined quiet Chicago Produce. CHICAGO. Jan. 22 Butter, steady; creameries, 2433Jc. Eggs Firm, receipts. 4526 cases; fresh rccelpta at mark, cases included. 1922c; refrigerator firsts. 17c: firsts, 221(0)223c, Potatoes Firm; receipts, 10 cars; Michigan, 47ffi50c; Minnesota, 454Sc: Wisconsin, 44 4 Sc. Poultry Steady; dressed turkeys, 22c; hens, 13c; springs, 13c. There Is a Heap of Solace In Being Able to Depend Upon a Well Earnod Reputation. For months Salt Lake City roadora have seen the constant expression of praieo for Doau's Kidney- Pills, and read about the nood -work thoy havo done in this locality. What other remedy ever produced such convincinR proof of merit? Karos Searle. 1S15 Lake street, Salt Lake City, Utah, says: "You may con tinue lo publish the testimonial I gave in favor of Doan's Kidney Pills somo years ago. This remedy did mo a creat deal of cood, and I am, therefore, al ways pleaded to praise it. Backache annoyed me off and on for a number of years, and I was unablo lo get ro. lief until I commenced taking Doan's Kidney Pills procured at Schramm Johnson's Drug Store. Many people havo sought information of mo regard ing Doau's Kidney Pills, and I havo always advised the uso of this rcmcd' when tho opportunity has occurred." For sale at Schrainm-Johnson's drug store, Salt Lake City, Utah, and by all dctilcre. Price i30c Fostcr-Mil'burn Co,. '.Buffalo, N. 7., solo agonts for the Uuitod Slates. Itcmombor tho name Doans and tako no other. (AdrerlUsmcnO Jl freeI ( 1 ,X x Every man who 6 jSTZ wants tq be a ral 8 V "irwl raan should read our NV-y3 bio free book tailing Yi "i how Electra-Vlta cures jdSdi the worat oaotta of weak ANraMtf nose, lost power, debility rSSrl and chroilo troublos, ser I EloctraVlta la an eleo trie body appliance, worn- while you leep. wo want no monoy If It fallo to cure. Write for cur free book today. THE ElBOTPuA-VITA CO. Dept. 18. 702 Marks 8t, L San rranelECO, Oftl. f?WTOk lilottieited and eltould know CWlAMJcuvi about ihe wonderful PMM U MARVEL Whirling Sproy livWRQWa ThonwV8DlnalSyrinoo. iBeaOtconveeleot. It Ask tout dnjgeistfor It-Vjfctnf-m rr"'" If ho cinnot tupply thtfjyKjt'-fC MARVEL, accept co otherT7 Ttov bitjutndttainp for llluitraUd flT booV isaled. It elves full pattlcu. Will M Ut and directions itwaluabloto tTWnmsg MAVVEL CO.. Uit23d Elrcct.Mcw totkTflU For 6alo by Scliramm-Johnson, Oruas, Five Stores. Mall orders aollcltad. I THE USUAL SEMG AA l I PRICE IS - - ...... tPXlllf I Illustration , . . . IH 1ET jT iHF- EVERYBODY'S I I mmsSI f?$ m CYCLOPEDIA I I MSMi ttSTxt Wm OFFERED TO I From Tlie Tribune to Its Readers I 1 j J Millions of dollars are now "being spent in advertising the larger cyclopedias, with K I liF l5lIQ.I..Ilt J,en voumes arid upwards they are more cumbersome, less accessible, and not nearly so r 1 m ... , , valuable for quick reference in home, school or office. J R Wo positively ffuarantco to refund ... . , r . 1T : .. , tj 1 tho amount paid 'by any reader who A few of the many topics m the appendix are Electoral votes, Legal Holidays, ffl jH I dopofliYha? 1t1?noEtVS World's Wealth, Libraries, Foreign Coin .Values, -Armies and Navies,, and numerous 1 factory and as represented. other topics. ., a THE ITMIUlfLJME Moro than 500 subjocts aro treated in the colored pages the best; artistsvb'oing em- 9 ployed. Hundreds of text illustrations. U !To California AND RETURN FEBRUARY FIRST DIVERSE ROUTES Stopovers and Long Limits SPECIAL TRAIN Personally conducted Leaves Salt Lake at 12 Noon February 1. Make your GS. reservations early. gMj CITY TICKET OFFICE, lflll 169 SOUTH MAIN STREET. T DIVIDEND NO. 1. Eaglo &. Blue Bell Mining Company, Mlnen located in Tlntlc mlnlnp district. Utah. Notice 1 hereby given to tho stock holders o thn EnKle & Bluo Bell MlnlnK company, a. Utah corporation, that divi dend No. 1, of nvu cents per sharo. has beon declared hy tho board of directors upon the outstanding capital atoclc of tho Eagle $. Bluo Boll Ilnlnf? company, payable February 1, 1013, to stockholder!; of record January 25, 1913. Trims for books close January 2o, 19115, at noon. Stockholder!! who hold cortlflcatea under original capitalization are reuuested to exchange their certificates for proper certificates made noqoBsary by amend ments to tho articles of Incorporation adopted by the stockholders and In force. Dated January Hi. 1913. TAM1CS "P. GRAVES. President. SYDNEY S. MILLETT. Treasurer, nlBGO ASSESSMENT NO. 4, O. K. Sliver Alining & Milling company, principal placo of business, Salt 1-alto City, Utah; location of mlneo. Indian Springs, Tooele county, Utah. Notlco Is hereby given that al a meet ing or tho board of directors of tho O. Ellvor Mining & Milling company, hold on the 23rd day of Dccembor, 1913, an BOHsment No. 4 of ono-quartor (i) cont per share wan levied upon the capital stock of Uih corporation. Issued and out standing, payablo Immediately to the sec retary at his offlco, 123G Beck street Gait lake City, Utah- Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Thursday, tho 30th day of January, 1918, will bp delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment Is made before, will bo nold on Thursday, the 20th day of February. 1918. at 10 o'clock iu m., at the company's office, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together witty tho costs of advertising and expense of sale. It. M. HOLT. Secretary, First publication, December 29, 1912. Tribune Want Ads Pull I JgS 1 CURE Wm I 1 ' mSz CONSULTATION FREE! i H 1 M$S? 1 Sjva a SQTJA'ltB DEA-L, My In MS!k services are the best you can get In Salt 1 W W&&bym Lake or clsevhere. I cure tho disease I I r '&! trtat ana do not trcat anything excopt R f2? Consult mo free of charge. S Va' , J MY FEE NEED NOTBE PAID UNLESS I V JrM&v f I deslro to reach the poor as well as 1 I the rich man, and by making my fee very wA -MtitSa BKyOTW.. low, payablo on such easy terms. I there- j M Tj VByaHajp increaso my business and secure last- I (7 wz&vw log (rratttudc from thousands who would ' .w y otncrwlse remftliiafnicted If- it were not 1 I J 9S$5&Bm WTP PTTRF Kidney and Bladder dls- R bll WIj v-x eases, Scrofula, Diabases i H H 1 of the BowelB. Liver. Stomach, and Rup- I dJjHgXBvSL 1 jfl. ture. Bronchitis, Catarrh. Neuralgia, Dys- H I Htg gtmfPPy? -" pepsla. Rheumatism. Skin Diseases, and 3 111111 lllliu'jlJ 1 iU'KvvsJWHBlflalRL- u 1 diseases of men. H l ygllKHTO a''co before you phico your J My cure for weak men stops every drain and builds up tho physical and IH nervous system, purines and enriches the blood, cleanses and heals the ' a bladder and kldnoys. Invigorates the liver, revives the spirits, brightens the lntelluct. and, above all. restores the wasted power of vitality. Wrlto for self. examlnnrton blank or call at my office today. IH I Hours 9 a. in. to 6 p. tn.; evenings, 7 to S; Sundays, 3 a. in. to 12 noon. IIB SALT LAKE MEDICAL ISTSTUTE : 1591 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' AN NUAL MEETING UTAH SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. The annual meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho Utah Savings & Trust com pany, a corporation, will be held on Monday, tho 3rd day of February, 1913, at 10 o'clock o, nv, at lt general place of business, No. 235 Main street. Salt Lake City, Utah, for the election of of ficers and transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come beforo tho meeting. N. O. HALL, Secrotary Utah Savings & Trust com pany, Salt Lake City, Utah. January 11. 1913. n991 TOUNG NlEff Xev Gonorrhoea and Gleet gotP&bsv Okay Bpssifis. St U tho ONLY medicine which will aareeaeb aofl Bvery csia. NO CASE known It has dw felled is care, no matter bowosrioua or ot hem IcaurstaodLoft ftstatts from it ue will wloulnh voa. -Ilisabsolutebraefo.orevonUetriotoroOn flll end canbB ttkea wHnoi-t incooveaioacijBQ IS d& deisnUon froiu basin wa. I'RICS'Jr - WHY SUFFER? I When a cure is ' guavantocd of all ourablq pains and disease, regardless of namo, arisinc from natural cauaos. A $2 bottlo of OIL OF EDEN (sam dIo 75 ceuts) rolaxea, opens poroa, al- IH lays pain, dissolves and rooioves an JH ulcerated tumor, enlargement of tlio gland, Koitqr or other falso and impuro gatliorines of tbe external eystoni. A m bottlo of SWEET SPIRITS OF EDEN ((lamplo 61) will ' purifv; tho blood, restore vitality to aD rreak parts; rcprulatoe livor, kidndya, stomach and bowels. Cure chronic, constipation, disordered digestion, eick and? bilious headache and nervous prostration. If your druggist has not -got them, on receipt of prico tbey willbe delivered to any address in tho X7. S. by CALLTTORNIA CO-OP MEDICAL- CO. 330 South West Tomple. Lock Bor 813. IH ( Advortisemoat,')