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8 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 25, 1915. ' ' I- Mutt and Jeff Are on Their Way to Turkey ' :-: " :-: :-: , By "Bud' Pi$hM I ' we.(-.oBF , vr last we 11 M . "N Iff if A) ' H: toutio Foe.-oiR.KeV-I I f Tht ) til " -n. m Mjk fjE&WGMBSa LA4TTIWW CROWED rrtC H?ffi5rr SONX6 SCXJP ftLTi -W " rMAT THAT J W81 ff X t f WG'U. GT EVEN AND Jr CON, SjtM,5 CRAB, j " ' A LA CftrVTE lij Voo Pav FoR velVTHN& OftflftWNL-WIMpartD J ;V j ; I IS ? VARSITY BASKETBALL j TEAM PROVES CLASS . Players Show Wonderful Speed, Easily Defeating- Fast Burlington Quintette. The speed that was shown by the uni versity basketball team at times during ' the game with the Burlington club last night surpassed anything' exhibited Sn the state last year. The game was played at the T. M. C. A., and resulted In a score of K to 22 In favor of the team from I the east bench. The strangeness of the floof which baffled the varsity men last Saturday seemed to troublo them little last night. They played a mile a min ute for the first few minutes. At th end of the first half the score was 32 to 11. In the second half, how ever, Bonnion ran In almost an entirely now team and the scoring was not so The featuro of the evening was the lightning-like work of former Captain Brlckson of the university at guard. At rimes he dlvod almost half way across ihe floor and took the ball from the Bur lington forwards before they were nwnro of Ids presence. Holmstead and Ott Romney at forward were not the least bit nervous and executed many long shots from the field as gracefully as they do It on their own floor. Subs Sent In. In the second half, Fitzpalrick. Udy and Hamilton wore put into the game in place of Holmstead. OIL Romney and Erickson. Thc6e men wore not warmed tip and the Burlingtons doubled their Near the end of the game Fitzpatrick made a Ioap for the ball and Htruck Referee Holslngton on the side of the faco with his head so hard that It floored him and almost knocked him out. Tim lineup: U'ah. Burlington. O. Romney. Udy.. If Shot:: Holmstead rf Wetzel Hamilton 1.. Romney c Shea Erlckion lg Bader Fitzpatrick Skldmcre rg Erickson IFreshies Are Victors, yesterday afternoon the first and sec ond basketball teams of the Granite high school went to tho university to meet the first and second teams of the freshman class and both met with dis aster. The first freshman won their game from the first Granite team by the score of 43 to 20, while the second teams' pamc wont to the freshles by the fcore of 47 to 6. The lineups: First Game. First Freshman. First Granite. ' Clark .. if Thoruni IJawley rf Blazzard 3IcJntyre c E. Thorum Real lg Hamilton Aired rg Ausherman Second Game. Second Freshman. Socond Granite. Haul If Staten Ruggerri., rf Bailey Green c Palmer West Ig Erickson Travers rg Stevonson I OFFICIAL SCORES OF : U. S. REVOLVER LEAGUE j SPRINGFIELD, Mass., .Tan. 22, Of- I tidal Hcores from the thirteenth and fourteenth rounds of the Indoor league j race of tho United State3 Revolver asso ciation, which were nnnounccd today, show only two undefeated teams lu the league Manhattan of New York city and Olympic or San Francisco. Spokane i was the last team to drop out of the undefeated list. The results of the flf- ' leenth and sixteenth rounds were an i uounced unofficially as follows: I Fifteenth round Manhattan of Now York defeated Providence. 1120 to 1072: Denver defeated Youngstown, 1J22 to 1044; Sprlnpflctd defeated Tacoma. 1121 to lniS; Olympic of San Francisco de feated Louisville HOD to 1039; Portland, ) Or., defeated Osbornfs Saulto Ste. Marie, ; UPr. to F?2: Boston defeated Cincinnati. , 1091 to Oil: Baltimore defeated Shell Mound of Emeryville, Cal.. 30S2 (o 1070: l Mylex Standlsh of Portland, Me., de feated Dallas, Tex.. 1027 to 1025; National i Capitol of Washington srored 10S2 against Citizens of Rochester. N. i : j St. Louis-Colonial of St. Louis scored t 1076 against Philadelphia; Columbus I scored 1052 against Warren. O. I Sixteenth round Spokane defeated B Providence, 1137 to K6; Springfield dc fi feated Cincinnati. 1136 to 71; Denver srored 113R against Citizens of Roch F Bter, N. Y.: Manhattan of New York K defeated Osborn of Snuit Sle. Marie, a 111C to S12; Boston defeated Belleville H TIL, 106R to 37G; Plttnburg defeated Baltl K more, 1105 to 1025; Olympic of San Fron I f.lsco scored 1103 against Warren, O.; D Portland. Or., defeated Youmrttown. O I 1101 to 1031; Shell Mound of Em?rvvlHe' R Cal.. defeated MyleH Stanaisjj of Port jf land. Me., 10S7 to 1055: National Capitol p ' of Washington defeated Louisville. 1075 r tn 1044: Columbus, O.. defeated Dallas. E Tex., 1042 to 1037; Tacoma scored 1021 I against Philadelphia, b Rochester. Warren and Philadelphia L wern the three teams unheard from In these two rounds. IFrawley Law Will Stand. NEAV YORK. Jan. 22. After a visit to Albany to learn the viw of Governor Suiter regarding the talk of a possible repeal or amendment of the boxing law. James R. Price, the mcenily appointed member of the Mate athletic commission, declared today that the sport would not bt disturbed In this state no long as H was kept clean from annd bru- tallty. He said Goveror Sul'.er was at- Isfied with th w the sport is hnlng ondu"tcd at p-esrnt but desired that tho commission see that nothing occurred which would offend public morals. E. C. Mulroney Is Elected Union League Presides! Directors Still Determined That the Organization Shall Have Eight Clubs With Dillon, Mont., as Possible Member. Special to The Tribune. BUTTE. Mont., Jan. 22. With the brightest prospects 1st the history of the organization, the Union league magnates tonight held a meeting and in record time trans acted ull the business on hand and ad Ijourned until Marcli 25 when the sched ule meeting will be held probably In Butte. E. C. Milroncy of Missoula wuh elected president by n unanimous vote after tho candidacy of William Floto of Butte. F. H. Cooney of Great Falls and Walter Brat-, of Salt Lake had been mentioned. Arkcll submitted the name of Cooney. while Murphy suggested Floto. McClos koy then presented the name of Mulroney and his election was Immediately ratified. E. F, Murphy, president of the Buttn club, was elected vice president. The presi dent of the league ucts as secretary and trcasuror. I Perhaps the most important detail next to the election of a president, hvas the message received. Mulroney, from Aug ust Herrmann, chairman of the national commission, to the effect that the Union league would be allowed a salary limit of 31650, exclusive of a playing manager. This was the figure that has prevailed in the post two yeara. but at a recent meeting, when the salary limits of the various leagues were adjusted, class D leagues were placed on a basis of 31200. This raised a storm of protest and as the Union league was not represented al tho meeting Mulroney Immediately took ud tho matter with Herrmann and the tele gram rccelvod yesterday was most wel come newB to the magnates as It assures a high grade of baseball. Want Eight Clubs. It was decided at the meeting tonight thai by February 15 $500 of tho $1000 forfeit required of each club shall be placed In the hands of the president and that the remaining 5500 must bo up by March 25, when tho schedule meeting will be held. Tho matter of enlarging the circuit to Include eight clubs was gone Into. Idaho Falls seemed to find tho most favor, along with Pocatello, which It Is understood Is ready to Join at any time. Dillon, Mont., Is favorably considered by several of the leaguo heads. Lcwlston Is anxious to Join tho league, but it is thought that the city's location makes too long a Jump. Dillon Is not absolutely out of it. John McCloskcy, who will handle the HAH VICTOR li ST FILLS In Preliminary Peyton and Hemp Wrestle One Hour io a Draw. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, Jan. 22. Jack Ifarbcrtson, the Ogden wtestlcr, threw George McLaugh lin of Malnd. Idaho, twice In 50 minutes here tonight, using a. reverae body hold caclt time. The first fall was obtained in 41 minutes and the second in 0 minutes. In the last bout McLaughlin, who out weighed Ilarbertson by about five nounds. started rough tactics, but Harbertson quickly pinned his shoulders to the mat. In the preliminary event Harlan Pey ton wrestled one hour with Billy Hemp without cither getting a fall. At the ex piration of 40 minutes both men left the ring thinking that Referee Clillds had awarded the match to Peyton, but they were called back and wrestled 20 min utes more-. ITarburthon'K friends are elated over hie victory as McLaughlin Is Ihe man to I whom Yokel recently lost a handicap in which he agreed to throw McLaughlin twice in an hour. Yokel got the first fall, but did not have time enough left for the second. A good crowd saw the wrestling here tonight. OGDEN TWIRLER IS I SIGNED BY BROWNS i i ST. LOUIS. Jan. 22 Dwight Stone, pitcher, formerly qt the Ogden team of the Union association, was signed today by the St. Louis American' league club. Hardware TJbwlcrs Win. The Hardware bowlers won throe straight games from the All-Americans last night. Tonight tho Windsors and Continental Oil play. HARDWARES. DlsUer 105 2ul ISA 512 Simmons :..212 1 US 177 552 Gifford H5 151 1ST Myers 152 1011 150 4S0 Williams .v 101 ID!) inn 523 Handicap 9 p 0 27 S4i 55 S-ll 25S0 ALL-AMERICANS. Donley 153 172 172 501 McKcnzic 112 122 2?A Donkln 151 16H 134 4S1 AnuVreou 150 103 181 605 Fohmlerer . .. .124 12S ... 252 Httnei , 14, 152 533 ' 735 .78 7C1 2275 Salt Lake baseball club tills season, said tonight that his successor in Ogden would probably be either "Kitty" Knight, who was a member of the Ogden pitch ing staff last year, or Cnu-ucr Strlpp. who was with Butte during the early pari of last season and finished with Ogden. Dannv Shay, former Kansas City manager who is looking for a berth In the Union association, Is now at Pocatello, and may conclude to handle the club there if that cltv Joins tho Union association. Four experienced managers arc under consideration by the Butte club and a selection will be made at an early date. Cliff Blankenshlp will again guide the destinies of the Missoula club, while First Bnscman Hester has accepted the management of the Great Falls club. Ac cording to Helena's reprcfientalive, Frank Hucisman Is talked of seriously for man ager of their team, although no definite arrangement has been made. ORGANIZE SALT LAKE CLfUB. W H. Booth, Jr., Is Chosen President of the Local Corporation. Certainty that tho Union association team of Salt Lake will havo a more com modious and better ball park this year was the chief development of the organ-" lzation meeting yesterday afternoon in the Commercial club. Articles of incor poration were approved. The capital will be $30,000 of which $20,000 In shares of 525 arc to be issued immediately It Is expected that all this stock will be sub scribed by next Saturday night. Thero will be no difficulty whatever In placing all the stock as numerous business men are eager to lake blocks of It- At the meetlnc yesterday the following officers of tho club were chosen: W. FT. Booth, Jr.. president; E. D. C. Mclntyrc. vice president: B. G- Hltc. secretary and treasurer. These officers, with Joseph Nelson and Chester N. S'ulton. constitute the board of directors. J. J. McCloskey wag elected general manager. Later on It Is probable that some of these directors, may give way to some one else as their business affairs will require all their time. Money was pledged to take up the op tion on the franchise which Is deposited in tlie National Bank of the Republic. This will take $10,000 and the other ?10, 000 to accrue from the Immedlato sale of stock will lie placed In tho club treasury. Attorney George F. Wasson prepared i the Incorporation papers. JIM BASEY CAPTURES FEATURE HT JUABEZ 1 Reliable Old Sprinter Wins Fourth Race Under Able Ride by Loftus. By International News Service. 12L PASO, Tex., Jan. 22. Jim Bufcoy, ably piloted by Jockey Loftus, won tho feature race here today. He was heavily played and closed quoted at 6 to 5. Tho attendance today was large. Results: First race, three and a half furlongs Othello, 107 (Hoffman), 11 to ft. won: Panhachapi. 104 (Gro.fe), 0 to 1. second; Old Gotch. 105 (Steele). HO to 1. third. Time, :J2 2-5. Ooma. Paw. C. J. Nolan, Benedict and Rlmlfax also ran. Second race, six furlongs Bdmoud Ad ams. 107 (Carter), 5 to 3. won: Tim Judge, 107 (Hoffman). 3 to 1, second: Mazurka. 103 (Burlingame), G to 1. third. Time, 1:15. King Stalwart, Ic.irlnn. Wll hite. Doc Allen. Lady Young. Don En rique. Swlftsure and Satlnwbod also ran. Third race, seven furlongs Chantlclor. 105 (Steele), 4 to 1. won: Bye White, 112 (Burlingame). 7 to 2. second; Suffragist, 110 (Small), 7 to 2. third. Time, 1:27 1-5. Coll net, Oswald B.. Elpato, Annual In terest and Rose O'Neil also ran. Fourth race, six furlongs Jim Basey, 114 (Loftus), 1; to 5. won; Tllford Thomas. 102 (Carter), 3 to 1, second; Kootenay, OS (McCabe). 21 to 5, third. Time, 1:13. Lady Panchlta, Scnoca and Cockspur also ran. Fifth race, six furlongs hllc Talc, 100 (McCabe), 15 to 1. won: Connaught, 107 (Hoffman). S to 5, second; Weyanoke, 105 (Steele). 2 to I. third. Time. 1.14. Stout Heart and Veatcd Rights also ran, j Sixth race, one mile Puck. 110 (Lof I ttis). 11 to 10. won; Mycenae, 103 tRob I bins), to 1. second; Maislc Girl. 00 GIANT PITCHER IS SENT TO THE COAST NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Manager Mc Graw of the New York National league club announced today that Pitcher Louis Druckfi has been released to the Sacra mento club of the Pacific Coaal league. Druckc Joined the Glantu in 1000 and the following season gave promise of devel oping into a star. In the winter of 1910 11 he hurt his shoulder in a subway accident and Won a verdict against the miction company for Injury to'hla pitch- 1 ing arm. McGraw nent Drucke to To ronto under an optional agreement early lact summer and recalled him in Sep tember, but was not satisfied thai he would return to form. COMMERCIAL LEAGUE BASKETBALL GAMES Undefeated Hardware Team Again Scores Victory Over Telephone Boys. Without any diminution in the interest that has centered about the Commercial League basketball games from tho start, the series oC hist evening were even more entertaining than the two previous sets. In the first game, the Hardware beat the Telephone boyp. 27 to 21. Tho second was taken by the Jewelers from the Bank quintette, 20 to 14. Tho third contest ended IS to 14. the llallldays nos ing out tho Henager five In the last two minutes of play. In all of the contests the play was live ly and no result was determined until in the last few minutes of play. The plan followed in those contests of short halves permits the men to travel at top speed all of the way without becoming fagged. Shaw, for Henagers. played a strong game. He Is a big fellow, over six feet and weighing around the 200-pound mark. Prior to Joining the local 1". M. C. A., he was star player on the Montana "U" football squad. Some of Shaw's baskets wcro spectacular for, with smaller op ponents clinging to his arms, he tossed tho ball with exceptional accuracy. Gunn Is Effective. Wilcox, the Y. M. C. A.'s star forward and captain of the Continental live In this league, was unable to make a bas ket against Captain Gunn of the Jew elers' quintette. Eight of the Banks' fourteen .points came from the foul line, the rough work of the Jewelers permit ting a close score In the first half. Hoff man of the Hardware five showed up in ids old-time form, getting nine baskets. Walker and Dye also played strong ball The teams have played three games each, leaving seven games for each five yet to play. Although it Is too early In the series for any live to have victory assured, tho Hardware five, under Hoff man, havo not been beaten. Tho stand ing at present Is: Hardwares, 1.000; Continentals, .6CG; Hallidays, .666; Jew elers, ,333; Telephones, .333; Henagers, .000. The lineups and box scores for last night follow: Hardwares. Telephones. Walker If Morrison Howe rf Dye Hoffman (capt.) c. Grundfor (capt.) Rydalch Ig Rice Hudson rg Taylor Final score Hardware, 27; Telephone, 21. Field baskets Hoffman, 1); Grund for and Dye, 3 each; Walker, Howe and Morrison, 2 each; Taylor. 1. Baslcets from foul line Hoffman, Morrison. Dye and Grunfor, each 1. Jewelers Win Easily. Jewelers. Continentals. Chick Howe If.. .Wilcox (capt.) Hampton... rf Tracy, Jarvis Parker c Anderson Gunn (capt) lg. Upham Post. Bleak rg. . . Jarvis. Tracy Final score Jewelers. 20; Continentals, 14. Field baskets Parker. 4; Hampton, 3; Gunn, Howe and Anderson. 2 each; Jarvis, . Baskets from foul line Wil cox, S out of 14: ITowe, 4 out of C. Hallidays Victorious. llallldays. Uenagors. Hammond (capt ) . , . .If Bono Bowen rf Candland Castro c Shaw Flandro Ig ICorns Blgelow rg.. Molsington (c.) Final score Hallidays, is-, Henagers. 14. Field baskets Bowen. 5; Shaw, 3; CandlarTd. 2; Hammond and Bono. 1 each. Baskets from foul line Hammond. 3 out of 9; Castro, 3 out of 6: Shaw and Korns, each 1. Referee Shatz. Umpire Smith. Time keeper Porter. (Nathan). 7 to 1. third. Time. 1:30 4-3. Dutch Rock, ITaniy and Golden Agnes also ran. Today's Race Entries. First race, six furlongs, selling: Index. WL Index. Wt. 6809 Ladv Young, 103 6815 Commcnda'n 108 6880 Ah Moon . . .103 0901 Evran 10S C870 Auto Girl . .103 6001 Good Intent. 108 6904 Brcdwell . . .105 5000 Tallow Dip. . .108 6900 Hugh Gray. .105 C825 Hannls 108 BS04 Roberta . .. .106 6891 ,T. Walton. ...Ill Second raco, six furlongs, purse; 6875 Amelia B. , . .100I6S87 xTho Cinder,105 C416 Barsac . .. .102 .... Valletta .....108 6887 xWentworth 102 6850 Rooster . . . .110 1 159 Colquitt 10238S7 Weyanoke ..113 6S87 Konnoth 105 xSchrclbor entry Third race, one mile, soiling G8I4 Sleepland ... 0216906 Ladv Willie. .105 6851 Lot ta Creed. 95 6874 Mary Emily. .105 6900 Coppers .... 97 6008 Gift 107 G909 HarWm Maid 97 6890 Lcscar 110 6909 Guy Spcncer.102 6818 Duncraggln .110 5S90 Calethumpn. 102 Fourth race, five and a half furlongs, purse: 6912 Flo. Roberts. 99(6888 Irish Gent... 103 6840 Pride of Lis. 10513773 Amon 113 C781 Furlong . ...10S Fifth race, five and a half furlongs, selling: GSOSVclie Forty.. S5 CS36 Compton ....103 0227 Mnrsand . 9S6S81 Percy Hend..l04 R718Mlnr.o Jim. .101)6900 Garla.nd . ...10S 6791 Song of R...101 6900 Rosontu 106 6893 Beda 103I6S01M. Mol!otte. .108 0173 Mona Cano,. 103MS23 Gnrnmell . ..108 Sixth race, six furlongs, soiling: 08(11 Royal Dolly. 9ST.813 Clint Tucker.108 6429 Lawn 103:6827 Bob Farley .108 6S09 S. Holmes.. .103 690S Gclico 108 6505 Ori mar Lad ,105'6S70 Hidden H....10S 6901 Anna McG. .106'6905 Oscuro . .,.103 6873 Derfoot . . .IOS'5690 Cool J03 Kodak Pictures Finished. Mail us your films. Fait Lake Photo Supply Co. lofj Main street. Exclusive photo dealers. (Advertisement.) W STATE ' and "R5AJ McGoorty Wins; Willard Knocks Out Bauer; Cupid Conquers Bat By International News Service. NEW YORK. Jan. 22. Eddie Mc Goorty of Oshkouh, Wis., ran plumb against a snag In Freddie Hicks of Detroit al. tho Fairmont tonight. Before tho fight it was generally thought and liberally hot that Hicks would not bo there at the finish. It didn't come out that way, however. When the bell rang at the end of the tenth Mr. Hicks bobbed up quite serenely. McGoorty pulled through by superior generalship alone. Hicks was a jjcnulno surprise. Inasmuch as ho failed to fall for one of Mr. McGoorty's Justlv cele brated jolts to tho jowl. M:lc was booed when lie left the ring with a silly smile on chagrin on his face. WillarH Makes Goo"d. By International News Service. FORT WAYXE, Ind., Jan. 22. Jess Willard. the Kansas heavyweight, made good here tonight in his contest with Frank Bauer of St. diaries, III. In tho twelfth, Jess ripped In a vicious right uppercut. which sent the Illinois fighter to the mat. The referee Immediately stopped the contest and Willard was credited with a knockout. It was a costly victory for Willard. as ho broke the knuckle of the middle fin ger of his right hand when he landed the punch which sent his opponent to the canvas. As a result, the big fellow had to csill off his match with Tom Daly, scheduled in Philadelphia on Saturdav night. Bauer never had a chance with Willard. whoso weight, height and reach enabled him to simply play with his op ponent. In the third round Jess crossed his right to Bauer's jaw and the latter went to tho canvas for the count of two. In the fourth session Willard Jabbed Bauer on tho Tight eye and opened up a gash which bled freely for the remainder of the bout. A stinging right to the nose caused the claret to flow freely and when Bauer left the ring his face was smeared with blood. Cupid Conquers Bat. CHICAGO, Jan. 22. Jack Robinson, manager of Battling Nelson, put In a full day's work today arranging for the mar riage tomorrow at Hegewlsch of the for mer lightweight champion and Miss Fay King, a Denver cartoonist. Robinson chartered two Bpccial trains to carry tho bridal party to and from 1 Hegewlsch, hired a brass band to fur- , nish music, obtained a marriage license, completed the holiday programme for "Bat's" native city, arranged for a com plete wedding party from preacher to ring bearers and ordered a wedding feast. The fighter and his fiancee will be met on the arrival of their train from Den ver tomorrow morning by a crowd of friends In automobiles. They will speed across Chicago on their special trains, on which the band will give a concert. After tho wedding the bridal couple will return to Chicago. The Battling Dane's honeymoon will be brief, is he will return to the ring Feb ruary 5, when ho has a battle scheduled at Racine. Wis. It developed today that the course of true love between Bat and Miss King struck several unexpected bumps Jan uary 2. According to Robinson, Nelson received word on that date that he rap Idly was being "counted out" In the bat tle for a bride. He loft Immediately for Youngstown, Ohio, whero he had his hands treated and hurried on to Denver, announcing ho would show Ids Denver rival he "still was good for a finish fight." Nelson Is 30 years old and his fiancee (Continued on Following Page.) SON OF GOVEiil DEAF TOJILLSPIli Archie Johnson Refuses B Listen lo Persons Who 0 ject to His Boxing m SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 22.-Amr4jjM was given today, by officials in chutS of tho Pacific coast amateur boxlnt tQK namenta to bo held In the Olympic- cS tomorrow night that Arohie JohnE would appear as an aspirant for tho torwolght title. Johnson Is a ton'jfe Hira m Johnson, recent progrejsive raH lnoe for the vice presidency, M Pressure has been brought to bur (nil many sources to induce the young jSj tornoy to forego bin Intention ot cc9 pctlng in tho tournament, but he said night that he would be a contestant, jflj flrpt opponent will be Ernie Clarx 61 uKl Angeles, a Lob Angeles u'eltarweHi known for clovcrncss and hard hlUluM Phil Wand, director of the luuroanHi said tonight jD "Johnson is one of the best bozsB liave ever seen and he Is anxious to biB back tho amateur welterweight chiunpUHli ship to San Francisco. Tic sets MH ing harmful in his participation in lK tournament and has turned & dtaf -2rSf those who havo sought to dlwunls nHl I understand that neither JohniotvMl father, nor Hiram W. Johnson, Jr.. H brother, has voiced any objection t&.Wfi meeting Clark." -fl. Bush Signs Contract. .9j DETROIT. Mich., Jan. 22. ShottriBt Bush of the Detroit American lUHp baseball club signed his 1913 cocbR today. I G5IAY BROS. & CO. iou-mcMMN What Salt Lake Men Have Been Waiting For! I Grays Big lwice-a4 Year Clean-Up Suit Salei Thursday, Friday, Saturday I Now Get YOURS for FOURTEEN NINETY-FIVE ! I ALL OVERCOATS HALF PRICE! Gray s Gray's Gray'st