Newspaper Page Text
. THb SALT LAK1H TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 19H. IJl'RY OBTAINED TO TRY MOORE LIBEL SUIT KNSAS CITY. Jan. 27. A J;ry was cjtuined today Jti tlio trial of tlie libel Mint a gal dm MethodlM Bishop David H. .Moot of Cinclnmitt nnd Mrs. George Robinson of Detroit. prldnt of the Me..odlst Home Missionary -society, brought bv Mrs. Carrie Cope of Topcka. Mrs. Cove charges that In deciding a controversy over a. bequest to the homo missions of Kansas ltlnliop Mooro wrote a letter to Mrs. RohliiKon containing atatemcnU which injured Mrs. "plc ending In the church. The plaintiff f-Ttlu-r alleges Hint Mrs. Robinson clr- tilatcd tin. letter among national or Vcr of the church And $50,000 damages i xr tewl from each defendant. Mrs. P' In prosldnnt of the Kansas Home t- ..rir- society. The trial In being card bv Federal Judge Pollock In Kan ts city. I Here is a remedy that will cure jour old. Wliv waato ttuio and money cx ncrimcntinV when you can ?ct tt prepa ration that has won a wnrld-wldo repu tation liy its euros of this disease and can always be depended upon? It is knowu ovorvwhore as Chamberlain's ouch Ttcmcdy, and is a medicine of xcal mrrit. Tor sale by Schramiu-Jobn-toa DrugA "tlio novcr-substi tutors,' ' f'To' (5) cood storcf. (Advertisement) I The bert farm bin on the niarkot to day is 'Xoeida-by-thc-r.akfl" irrigated 'anL Information and literaturo is for Ibo a&kinjr. National Savings & Trust Co.. 'Pop Floor. Walker Bank Bid?., Salt Lake City. Utah. (Adv.) j NOTICE. All icpalr work not called for by Feb. list, 13'3. will be sold for charges. JT. Thomson, 4 IS Stale. n2. .4 I IX Till! DISTRICT COURT OF THE United State for the district of Ltah. Ti, the matter of Alfred Denny. Jr., torj.rup. No. 1-W3 In bankruptcy. 'Nation for discharge. lo ' r. Honorable John A. Marshal!. 1 !go of lh district court of the United '-"ate."' for the district of Utah: .Vfrr.d Denny. Jr.. of Salt Lako City. '( the count v of Salt Lake and Mate or i tab. In said district, respectfully repre-n-nl.i that on the 7tH day of August loit par.t. he was duly adjudged bank r pt under the actH of congrcos re lating to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his properly and rights of property, and has fully compiled with thn requirements of said acts and of tl o orders of tlx court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prayn that ho may be de-reed by the courl to have a full dls t'arge from all debts provable against An cstato undor Bald bankrupt acts, ex i tp such debts as are excepted by law 'rom such discharge. Dated thl IGth day of September, A. tj 1912. ALITiED DENNY, Jit., Bankrupt. I- OF NOTICE THEREON. D -arid of Utah. Oa this 27th day of January, A. D. '" . :i reading the foregoing petition, It .3 ordered by the court that a hear lz bo litnl upon the flame on the 12Ui d.n of Fobruarv. A. I). 1013, boforo said otirt nt Salt .Lake Clly. In said district, at 10 o'llock In the forenoon: and that of thereof be published In The Salt iM'.rc Tribune, a newspaper printed in k.v 1 district, and that all known credi tors and other persons In Interest may at th suld ttmo and place and loiv cause. If any they have, why the p.nic of the said petitioner should not jc smut 1. n 1 It Is further ordered by the court r iUn clerk fihall send by mail to all ;,',opn crclltorn copies of said petition snd thin order, addrcMsed to tlicm at tulr places of residence as stated. HlUicnis the Honorable. John A. Mar- all. Jndso of the :ald district court, ard tl'o Heal thereof, at Salt lakn City, in pa'd dlHtriel. on the 27th day of Janu ary, A I J. 11' n. Attest: JKHROLD It. LETCJiER, it-jal of court) Clerk. nnoo I IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OF Tlllfl I nltM Slates for the dlalrlct of Ulah. In tho matter of John R. Itrowiiintf, iolunoiry bitukriipl. In bankruptcy, No. 1531. To Urn crodltorg of John R. Browning of Salt Lake City. In the county it Salt Unko and district aforesaid, i bankrupt: ioXI -o I hereby givun that on tho 23lh da of January, 1913. tho uald John R. II-ovMdn was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that tho tlri mectlm? of his cred i'or'' l be held at mv office In th.i Continental block. Salt f.ako City. Utah, on the 7th day of February, WIS. at 10 o'clo k in Uo forenoon, at which time th cald croltors may attend, prove their '.'In?, appoint a IruHtce, o-inmino tho bankrupt, and tntnac.t such other burd :u3 aM may properly come beforo said meeting'. CHARLES BALDWIN, Rofere in lVniltmptcy. ..It Ivikc aty. Jan. 27. 1313. nSOlO I ASSIGNEE'S SALE. r .' utidrrttlnol. an niJslpnuo of H s .am. IJurton & Taylor Plumbing com ra . oflfors for sale any jart or all of rv aAtnta of said corporation. Suid as ' fv consist of n stock of plumbing flx turia and supplies, accounts receivable, hr face valuo of which amounts to 5J'j?.ll'. one home and ono wagon. flfTera will be received oraltv or In .r'tlng at 31 Rlchiinls street. or 1 101 SiKrr Hiink building, up to 12 o'clock r.oo-i Satunlay, l'"ebrnary J, 1PIS. T'.o right to reject any and all bids is r.'"rvod. A. R. IRVINI5. Assignor nSOlO PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. (o: lt county cJork or thn rcspoctivo flgners for further information. I IV THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Je'.U Pinup. diM-easfd. The undnrxlsnol will sell at private kiIi the following reai proporty located In bait Ijtko City. Utah: Commencing at a point 5j feet north of thn eonUiwnat corner of lot 2 blooh .i plat A. Salt 7-sk Cltv surrey lit ,-h" like City. Utah: thence, n'orlh ;',1-,vf,?,:.n,.c,!M'! CUBt f': thonce n-urh cl ff-t; thi-nco west 7 feet: thence. I rU. 454 feet; tlicnco wKt SO feet to tins lolnt of beginning; togothur with all jgi f of wuy aJHl easements appurtenant f rcti or UB,a tlifrowllh, on or aft or Tnursda-,. th; SOth day of Jfuiuarv. 9n wrlltMii bids will bo recolved'nt 1 1, . WfTe. of P. U Williams. Esiu in thf, ?7frfJ W , buiIdlS. SHlt Lake City? Dated Jan. 17lh. ipjs. JOHN StLUtP. WH,LIAM G. SHARP P. I WILUAMS. I'P' J In Sharp, decmiacd. . Y jng St Movie, fittorneya. nj73 I"T,CE ERSIiHOUO. v'w U heirb7 s,Vcn lat there uni he brld n Sthjcial inrrtln- r ,fc c4 bo'ders of Utah Srt"tTttk wt. at the ofnce0f,d comyNo: llatn atreet. Snlt L;tke Ctty b&h upon Monday, the 3rd day or ph? r,. 1913. at 10 o'clock forhl 9"rrM or amending paragraph L ax r r lV,vrt,C, nf "rporauYn if Ltah Stivlnss & Trust company tmpowtrlns tl..toard cf dlroctore to .-rate any additional offices of the cor-'""'-d'on that tuny b necessary to carry " i the setJcral buslnees of tho corpora- o Done In puruaticc of a rooolu- of Its board of dlrectorc. l atcd this 11th day of January. 1S12. VT. 8. M'CORMCK. President. G. HALL. Secretary. ti3M BUTTONS. uiekSnt kindsof mmoxS B U st ItabbcTs Ladles' Tailors, ti Orrxulway. mZl9 t ICINTS TiT'TTOVJ MAT'V; from H j"- u rVf 113-L'l Mrr 1'.' Bookkeepers . ; You need not bo out o i po-' . sition. The Tribuno Want Ads . will platre yon quickly. Write That Ad Now! DIED CASE In a local hospital, thlH city. Januarv 27. J01C. of dJabete!. Maggie May Cane, wifo of Alma Case and daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph West, born September 17. 1SS7. In Utah. The body was shipped bv Joseph William Taylor Monday morning to Sigurd. Utah, for burial. FUNERAL NOTICE KEPNER Tho funeral of Clarence R Hpner. only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Jlcpncr, who died at tho family resi dence. 133 South Sixth West street, Janu arv 27. 1013. will be held this (Tuesday) iLfiernoon, January 2S, nt 2:30 o'clock, from the Qualtrough-AIIcott funeral par lors, nil South Main street. Interment, Cltv cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Eli MR W. HALL. UNDERTAKER AND cnibalmcr. 16 So. Weet Temple. Phons SOS. d3 E. O. O'DONNELL. UNDERTAKER. and embalmcr. bus moved to new loca tion. 225-227 South West Tempi street Realty bldg. Phono C80. o339J LARKIN-HULL "UNDERTAKING COM pany; modern chapel parlors. 155 So. rnd East. Wasatch G133, Opon day and night. ml3D2 O H. BANKS. UNDERTAKER AND cmbalmer. Hi State, Murray. Phono Murray 37. n908 CUT FLOWERS. HUDDAICT FLORAL CO.. Ci SO. MAIN sL Phone 106. Cut flowers and fu reral fltslgns. nl633 TPIE LEADING FTORIST. W. W. KING. 2H K 2nd Ho. Phone !7. b297 MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES. laTkhstcTT't McKenzle. Display yards. HZ So. Stat. . FLORISTS. ATLKINDuT'Tmvl from greenhouse. Porter-Walton Co., 274 State. m37Sl WANTED. Miscellaneous. WILL SHIP CAR II. II. GOODS TO LOS Angeles and one to Chicago and one to Portland, and ono to Florida nest ten days: very rearonablo ratco. Kimball Van & Storago Co., 72 So. Main. U2S03 FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANT cd: will pay you firsl-claea prices. Fish er Robblna Co.. 105 So. V. Temple. Wasatch BI71. e253 UTAH JUNK CO.. JUGinSST PRICE paid for Iron, brass, rugn, bottles, rub ber, coppor. etc M0 So. 4th West. Phono Wasatch 223. mlS73 ACT WTSELT. Propare for cold snapa by having your footwear well repaired. MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO.. 21 E. Second South. Wasatch 3583. n932 WESTERN JUNK Metal company. Highest priced paid for coppor. brass, rubber, bottles, etc Phono Hyland 231S. 1011 So. Stato at. n2U A FEW UNCLAIMED TAILOR-MADE suits nnd overcoats at a. bargain. Spielberg Tailoring Co.. 67 W. 2nd Bo- klS03 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaklnr. ULih J3eddlnr A Mfg. Co. Phone 383. b2Q3 YOUR OLD CLOTHING; WILL CALL. Salvation Army. Phone. t213l ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS wanted. Tel. Was. 3623. klOSt ALL UNION MEN TO WEAR. OUR J2 and J3 UNION-MADE hats. "Hats of Merit." Merit Hat Co.. S1-E3 E. 2nd So. ni213 LADrES AND GENTLEMEN FOR A dramatic company louring Idaho and Ulah; long engnccnfnt- Address 333 Kensington ave.. Salt Lake City. m226S CATTT.E. ANY KIND, YOUNG AND FAT calves, poultry. I keen two Jersey bulls for service. Cows fetched. A. T. Saun dors. Phono Hyland 2.VM-J. "Roar 1AIT So. Main. nSOlf! WANTED R1TLL OR POODLE PUP: call Wasatch .f,SS-R. n2S0S Wanted to Buv Real Estato WANTED TO HUT LOT AND HOUSE on Ninth East street, off Ninth South. Give complete details and caact location and terms. Address C-S3. Tribune. nS23 5-P.OOM MODERN COTTAGE. ON EASY terms. X. r. V. , V. O. box 17G1. n220D FIVE OK SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, In" nice iMirt of city. Give full jvir tlculnra. AddrofB E-BI, Tribuno. nSOtf Wa,vitTn Bent, WANTED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. youmr couple ntwl Infant. Rooms must bo neatly furnished and have good heat. Hsht. ventilation and bath: good neigh borhood and within 10 minute' rlda from business center. Stnto price, kind of llcht, hit and floors. Htorj-. location, size, num ber and equipments of rooms. Addrew E-K. Tribune. n3011 SMALL HOUSE AND HALF ACRE with water, eolith en it of town pre ferred. Address E-G7. Tribune. n301S WANTED TO LJ5ASIC FOR ONE OR two years, a 4. 5 or tVrcom furntshod hmiht, clos In: must have barn or cMclton boiife. or placo for chickens. Arl dreos E-t. Tribune. n22Jl AT I.K.RT TWO ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng: modern and do?' In. 15-31. Tribune n272G MASSAGE. MANlcTIADVHiuXrORT ease. New York method. Rheumatism cured. 20 Galona block, 2nd South and j State sts. n7C ; VAPOR BATHS AND ELECTRIC treatments. C5 Eat 4th Soutli. n3S5 j NURSE OTNfTnMET CSEPwrLL DO wmc ou8twork If r,rcc:a.r?. vaa , n-w L TKIBU.VE WANT ADS PULL WANTED. Wanted Female Help. t GIRLS IK ALL DEPARTMENTS. AP t PLT READY FOR WORK AT S A . M. AND 1 p. jr. DAILY. TROY LAUNDRY. 21 SOUlf 6TH EAST. 804 SUCCESS INSURANCE UTAH BUSI nesa coll'cgo preparation for business life. Start a couise now. Boctou bide., day or night. eI533 BARCLEY CORSETS ARE LIKE OLD friends: tlioy wear well: made to meas urements: euarantccd to fit. not to break or rust. Wasatch 3091-W. Compotent business women wanted to take agencies in Utah Iottiis. o Woodruff Apt. a343i FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE mcnt First ConBregatlonal church: wo get 3-uu a position free of charge. Tele phono GS22. . t2773 WA NTED 3 ALL ROUND LAUNDRY girls; cood wages. Apply ready for worK. Murray laundry. nlS4 GOOD GIRL TO ASSIST TN GENERAL housework. Xo. 1 Wilflcy apts. ' nlC77 WANTED EXPERIENCED MARKER. steady position, good wages, apply Murray Laundry. n223D VISIT HBNAGER'S RUSIXESS COL logc If you want to eee tho largest, hcst-enulnpcd and most up-to-date com mercial school In the state. Visitors al ways welcome. n23S5 GIRL TO ASSIST WITH 'LTGHT housework. Phono TTyland 1769. n2502 YOUXG GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST with care of children and housework. 225 Modern place. Call mornings. n273 GOOD GIRL FOR GHNERAJ UOUSE work. Apply 1103 3rd ave. n2Q0 YOl" RUN NO RISK WirEN TOU EN roll at Henagcr's Business College. Po sitions secured or tuition refunded. En roll now. n2SCD WANTED A GIRL OR WOMAN JOR general housework: references. Applv 101 Morcanlllo Anne.v. 2SG0 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL T-IOUSE-work; must know how to cook; cood wages: closo In. 53 T). 1st North. n2fiS2 COMPETENT COOK; NO L.AT7NDRY worlc. Call mornlnqs. 1061 Brlgham st. n2059 CTRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, 823 East Second South. n2957 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSDWORK. 12S S street. n2DG0 WANTED GOOD. EXPERXENCJCD girl for general housework: must have roforenccP. 121S East 1st South. u3021 TOUXG GIRL AT 7TO.MD TO MA ICE "hungc and wrap pkga. "Davis Shoes," 23R So. Maln. . 1)3028 NURSE GITtL FOR AFTERNOONS. AP ply No. 19 Ruby apL Call niornliics. H3007 MTDDTjE-AGED WOM"AN FOR CITAM' bcr work. Apply Ilorculcs hotel. n2991 Wanted Situation Female. YOUNG LADY. XTDAT A'l 'PEv R A.NO 13. deslros situation as offico girl: can write, good hand and keep small set bookti. Inquire IOCS 3rd avo. Phone "Wa satch 1337-M". n27CS COLORED IiADT, WITH GOOD TIEF erftnec. wishes position In ninall family to do scneral housework. Phone AVa sattoh 49U0-W. TiHOOtJ LADY BOOKKEEPER DESIRES Posi tion; lcst of rofcreucos. Address E-49, Tribune. n2S(Jl EXPIORrEXCED NURSE FOR BA BY. 520 Weat fith South. n2718 GROCERY SPECIAL. IRESlT CHEESE IjB 20ci BEST ham, lb.. ISc; l bars A. B. Naptha, Fahy. Borajc. Castllo soap, 25c: salt bacon, lb., 10c: Saponlllcr lye r,e; Ivlngn ford gloss starch, 10c; 3 Ho 11 and her ring, 10c: M. J. B. Wedding 15. coffee. 'S5c; dried apricots. Ib., 15c: good vinegar, gal., 15c: 3 cans peas, oysters, Red Seal ly. or Van Camp pork and baaus. 25c: good creamery butter, 30c; compound lard. 35c, fiOa. 51.10; cottolcne, 30c. COs. 51. -15; 5s lard, 70c; 10s. $1.35: 4 pkgs. pancake flour. 25c: 1C1 lbs. sugnr. 51.00: S4 lbs. Hiigur, 50c: 1 lbs. 2 ozs. stigar, 25c; Quaker Oats, 10c; A pkgy. cereal coffee. 25c; good broom, 20c: 2 cans Humo's salmon, 35c; split pea. lb., 5c: high pat ent flour. $1.05: straight grado fiour, Jl.OO; Germade. sack. 30c: tall cm Sal mon. 10c; 3 pkgn. raisins. 25c: 2 cans corn. 15c: 4 lbs. dried prunes, 25c; plno applc, can. 10c; 3 lbs. Sultana raisins. 25c. Chlcaco Store. 110 W. First South. n301S PERSONAL. ladies tiooo reward; i FosrrrvE- ly guarantee my great successful "Monthly" remedy; safely relieves com of the lonpent. most obstinate, abnormal cases In thre to five days; no harm, pain or lntcrfcrcnco with work; mall fl.CO. Doublo strength. 2. Dr. B. P. Bouthlucton Remedy Co., Kansas City. Mo. ' el5 1-ADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOP. Chlchcsters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as Best. Safest. Al ways Reliable. Buy of your Drucglst no other. Chichcsters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by Druggists every where. AUCTION "SALES. cTETSTETadTAU dance. -13t So. Main. Wasatch 2S21-W. MSG C. L. SE3ER MAKES FURNITURE auction a specialty; consult m beforo ; filing. Hyland 1317. li222 LOST AND FOUND. LljBTTTAlTyS talttlng It. P.. tickets and money. Lost at Rax theater Sunday evening. Finder leave ut Tribune office, rownrd. nZ0C2 LOST. ON ASHTON AVE. CAR OR 3TH Kit. box containing corxet. R.-turn S37 9th East; reward. n295S U)HV mTR BTT.L TKRRIiJr PUP. I f( a hrr, ' n Rpnard 715 -l n e. rao:o WANTED Wanted Male Help. WANTED MAN TC TAKE CHARGE AND DEVELOP A NEW LOCAL BUKLVESS. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED. MUST HAVE UNQUESTIONABLE REFERENCES AS TO HONESTY AND SOBRIETY. SHOCLD HAVE ABILITY A S SAJLESM A N. AND SLIGI IT KNOWL EDGE OF I'.OOKKEEPING. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 1315. STATING HOW LONG IN CITY, FOILMJJR POSITIONS AND LENGTH OF TIME IN EACH, AND FHtMS TO WHOM WE LVY P.EFER. n2751 ABLE-BODIED MEN WANTED FOR the U. S. mnrlno corps, botwoen tho nges of J9 and 35; must bo native born or havo first papers: monthly pay J15 to 160; additional compensation poHslble: food, clothing, quarters and medical attendauco freo; after 30 years' scrvlco can retire -rrlth 76 per cent of pay and hllowances: service on board ship and ashore in all parts of the world. Apply at U. S. Marino Corps Recruiting Ofllce. ICS Main st.. Salt Lako City. Utah. n3 WANT RELIA"BLE CAPABLE AC countant, age 23 to 35; permanent position, good salary right man, must take stock In company, which will also answer as bond. Upon severing conncc- i tion utock must bo returned for amount puf up in llrst place. Phono W. 3190 any ttrno today aud arrungo appoint ment. n3029 DANCE LEARX TO DANCE. WALTZ, two-step, three-step, taught tn four lessons. 03 PostoMca place, bet. Mala and WcGt Temple. Dancing Tucoday. Thunday and Saturday nights. Mr. and Mrs. Woodward, Instructors. Lessons dally. m2445 JAPANESE GENERAL AGENCY. Help of all kinds furnished. Phone Wa catch 1311. 250 WeHt 1st South. 13-10 MEN'S UNCALLED-FOR TAJLOR mado cults and overcoats at a sacri fice. Spielberg Tailoring Co., 67 W. Sec ond South. k!80i MJEN WANTED TO WEAR OUR trusses; lit guaranteed. Rex Drug Co.. W. Tcmplo and Broadway. n3.7J FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE uicnt First Congregational church, we get you a poaltlon freo of churgo. Tplj Phone Wasatch 6822. t365 TWO MEN FOR AUTO DRYVTNG AND rcpalrlnp; experteoce unneciUBary. t-ail 73 PoBtofnco placa. m11 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, roctaurant and household help. Hcadquartero for laborers. 65 West 2nd fc'outh. Phone 484. c.743 SHEPPARD'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY "Tho Red Front," 112 West 2nd South. Headquarters railroad and mining help. Wasatch 3534. el 5 43 PERSONAL ATTENTION AND THOR oughnciiu characterize Utah Business Collbgo training. Day and night. Begin now. Boston building. sR37 FIFTY MJEN WANTED. "EIGHTH South and Tenth East; sower work. Houscr & Sim, contractors. "133 MEN". WOMEN GET GOVERNMENT parcel post Jobs ?20 week. Wrlto for Mat of positions open. Franklin Institute. Dept. 42S-A, Rochester. N. Y. n!482 TWO LIVE SOLICITORS FOR NEWS papcr proposition; men with some nuraory stock cxpcrlcnco preferred. Ap ply City Circulation Dept. Evening Tele gram. nlC53 SALESMAN TO TAKE ORDERS FOR custom tailored suits of clothes and custom mado shirts In Salt Iako and nearby towns. Address D-26, Tribuno. nl648 WANTED 1ST-CLASS MARKER AND Hortcr. good wages to right party, steady position; apply Murray Laundry. P2240 WANTED FIRST-CLASS FOREMAN on curb and gutter work. Must be fully acquainted with every detail of the work. Apply by letter, giving references, to E-1S. Tribune. n2359 WOULD YOU T.naS TO SEE Till!) largest, best and most up-to-date com mercial school in tho slate" Visit Ifrjn ager'M Business college. Vlulloru wel come any time. :23S6 TEAMSTER AND BARN jroiEMAN mlddlo-agcd ; wife act as janitor for ofllco; cottage of two rooms furnished: sober and reliable; Ilrst-class rcfcroucca required. Apply 15-23, Tribune. n2!33 YOUTH, 17 TO 20 TEARS OTjD, JUST leaving Iilgh Fchool proforred; muHt bo quick nt fignren: Tgond prospocls; douiro to Icirn engineering buDlneso adranlago. Reply, giving references and salary. E-21. Tribune. ' n'2-134 BOOKKEEPER. CONTRACTOR'S OF flee: must havo had exporlcnco similar buulncss. Ton't reply If you can't fill tho bill. Givo references, ago, salary ex pected. 1-3-25. Tribune. n2435 JAP UABOR AGENCY. Abcolirlcly reliable; no commission. W. Watt, 53 Richards st. Wasatch 4849. n2515 SOLICITOIIS, LA"DY OR GENT; steady position. Call evenings, 1502 S. 10th Kant. n2750 NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO ENROLL at Hennger'y Business Collego. Posi tions secured for all graduates. Enroll toduy. n2870 WANTED TUTOTl IN GEOMETRY Phono Wasatch 50SS-.T. between 9 and 12 n. m. n302C WANTED LA RGE DELIVERY BOY. 4C1 East 2nd South. n3024 TWO OR THREE GOOD SOLICITORS for In and out of citv; good field and commission. Address E-51, Tribune. n2l'93 MALE STENOGRAPHEl R. R. OR coal offico experience. Apply Central Coal ,t Colcc Co., 10 2nd Po. n30O2 Wanted Salesmen. WANTED-RELIABLE MAN TO SELL manufacturers line advcrtlslnc. signs, calendars, novelties, fans. etc. Unusuallv attractive line Liberal commlK.sIon prop osition. Best selling sign lino ever offered- Send references with application. Wo also have attractive wide line proposi tion. Up-to-Datc Advertising Co , Canls teo. New Tork. n2C27 Wanted Situation Male. MAIL ORDER EXPERT WOULD LTKE to become connected with Salt Laki enterprise: can Install mall order Rvstsra In any lino of business. Would like to secure an Interview with nnv ono lnter tst3. Addresg A -31. Tribune. mlS7S MAN OF TWENTY" YEa1s'-EXPEr7-c'e collwting. and thoroughly familiar with city, wants a position. Address E-40. Tribune. n2793 SITUATION AS NIGHT CLERK OR Janitor. Address A-20, Tribune. ml77S AS BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT OR collector, thorough knowledge o.Tlco work. E. E. Hardlc. Waatch 3754-W 111483 GENTLEMAN WANTS POSITION AS clerk: can furnish the best references. ' Address D-15. Tribune. nl507 YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ' APPEAR ancc, good ddcatlon. cljan habits, one year's clerical experience, wlshea work; v.HIing to wowk. too. Address E-5 Tribune. noo5 SET OF BOOKS TO KEEP EA'EN lnga 1' experienced bookkeeper; can furnish referonce. Address F-l, Trib une P2017 POOR YOUNG MAN ATTENDING school wishes place to work for board. Address E-50. Tribune. n3009 music teacher! ' EXPERIENCED GEMAN MITSIC teacher wiiiheH beginners a.-.d advanced pupils on violin and all wind instru ments. Room 71. Dcseret Ban" bid? n:US FOR RENT. For RentHouses Unfurnished. 354 XI NTH AVE.. FOUR MODERN UN furnlHhod rooms, 520. "-room modern house on A street, exceptionally nice place. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. Wasatch 3030. n593 PART OF C-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, cither 3 rooms upstairs or 3 rooms downstairs. Inqulro 420 E. 10th South. nl921 STRICTLY MODERN 3-ROOM COT tagc. with gaf, for two people. C20 So. 1st West. Wasatch 3S52. n!99i B-ROOM MOD. BRICK. 370 E. HTH SO. BOTIIWELL & McCONAUGHY. CC3 Boyd Park Bldg. ml303 27 HOUSES. ALL KINDS. PRICES AND LOCATIONS. TUTTLB BROS. CO.. 159 MAIN STREET. 12213 2 OR 4-ROOM BRICK COTTAGE, 53 PER mo.; closo In. Was. C557. hliS. HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR UNFvER slty. Call at 313 S. 13th East. gl463 TWO 0-ROOM. THOROUGHLY MOD ern residences"; 68 and 70 Second aye.; 135 per month each. Inquire Utah Sav ings Sz Trust Co. ho2i3 5- ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. CLOSE In. 525 per month. Inquire Vienna BufTct or phono Wasatch 2739. k2il3 11-ROOM BRICK, MODERN; 123 EAST 4th So. Apply In rear. Coombs A Hagcn. Phone Wat. 5077. ml-41 6- ROOM MODERN: GAS AND 1'INO leutn In kitchen; 518. 72S E. 8th South. Hyland 354-W. tn614 A FINE, LARGE STORE: ALSO NICE light ofJJee- rooms. In Hooper bldg. J Wlrthlln. 202 Hooper bldg. m!112 CLOSE IN; SAVE CAR FARE; 6-ROOM house. Inqulro 35 W. 5th So. mlll5 4-nM. FR WITH BATH. 474 G ST., 515. Wnbatch 3012. tl43t 1J BLOCKS POSTOFFICE. S-ROOM modern; 7-room modem. Phono W. 146. u8S9 23 HOUSES. ALL, KINDS AND PRICES. TuttJo Bros. Co.. 159 Main ot. n!410 4, 5 AND 8-ROOM MOD. BRICK houses. Phono W. 6186. u2243 FIVE ROOMS, STRICTLY MODERN; rent reasonable. 556 No. 1st Wost Wasatch 3163-R. n2380 1 BEAUTIFUL R60MS. BATH AND range. Apply 43S E;ist Broadway. n252D 4-ROOM. MODERN PRESSED BRICK cottage, with large basement, cheap. IIS 7th ave. . n2616 4-ROOM COTTAGE AT oTH EAST AND 10th South; barn and largo lot: $10 per mo. Hoffman Brothers Loan & Trust. rVminnnv "I V-i T.'irst South, Was. 214. n26U 3 GOOD ROOMS AND SUM7V1ER kitchen, screened porch, 57. 528 E. 4lh South. n27S7 4- ROOM PARTLY MOD. UNFURN. cottage, roar 752 E. 3rd So.. 517. H2799 SIX-ROOM. BRICK, GOOD BARN. WA tcr and electric light. Tclephono Wa satch 1092-M. Rent 515. n28G3 5- ROOM MODERN. $20.00 PER MONTH: also -1-room apartment. 515.00 per month. 6C8 E. 7th South. 1)3012 NEW 5-ROOM MODERN. GAS RANGE; Inqulro 145 S. W. Temple. Phone 354(T-W. n2D3S For Rent Houses Furnished. 4lOOMl3rBA Closo In, n. c, 527. Phone Wasatch 47H-W. H20S4 4-ROOM MOD. HOUSE. OI1.EAP. FOR l)artlculnra phono Hyland 1509-W. n2Sot 2 TWO-ROOM APTS. INQUIRE 38 W. Gth So. Was. D249-W. niCIO THREE-ROOM TERRACE. MODERN except heat, with two disappearing beds. 520 per mo.: 6th So. and 6th East. Phono Hyland 3326-J. in2620 For Rent Miscellaneous. SA-M?LjVROo1vraN bv 70 feot. Apply Capital Electric t". 21 West. 1st South street- tie.'.. For Rent Garage. autcpSbujTgaragIa etc., fully equipped and tho best loca tion In lb city: Stato street bot. 2nd and 3rd South, formerly occupied by the Randull-Dodd Co. Apply G. S. Holmes, office Semloh hotel. 1304 Furniture Moving". furniture, bates. stc. Alex Pickering TronufT Co. cSS4 PATENT ATTORNEYS. TpvrlSNTrvSTm trado mark or copyright, oco J. M. Thomas. 30S Utah Savlnca & Trust bldg. ol24 SCOTT & CO.. ALL COUNTRIES; terms reasonable. 225-7 Judge bldg. g07 COLORS RESTORED. IN CARPETS. OLD, FAtSea"nd colorless rugs and carpets made to look like new. without Injury to the most costly fabric Prices reasonable Frank Martin. 5C W. 1st South Phono Wusalch 22GC. nTOi; MECHANICAL ENGINEERING JOHN J. I.AAS. MECHANICAL ENgT ncer: structural designing. general drafting: Inventing u specialty. t'02 Kearna bldg W .4926. n23C6 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING beTttI'rice clothing. W. Gllckinan 71 South West Temple. Was. 4513. nlGHS CHIROPRACTORS clClirCCl?raRDljAT praetors'. Incurables and female- trou bles our apeclulty Consultation free. Suite 403. 235 Main Bt. nl8 FURRIER AND TAXIDERMIST evrytThng in thTuXand taxidermist lino made as you want It. R. Stenzcl Fur Co., 57 E. Broadway 23 ycaru In Salt Lake. n525 FOUNDRY. STOVH OA STlasTXTTK 1tN3FOK 12,000 different stoves: general foun dry work. Western Foundry i Stovi Repair Works. Wasatch 4474. k273 CARPET CLEANING. cleaning. S. L. Carp.jt Cleaning Co., 436 7th East. b3207 WHERE TO STOP. linoTnhouse! cseast! istsoT 250 rooms- rates, 35c 40c and EOc; mod rn: batha. 15c nl33i FURNITURE REPAIRING. 1645-W. Upholstering, chalra racaned. , 0342 KEY FITTING. cycle Supply Co. Fhon Ball 23. 71 FOR RENT. Apartments Furnished. niLVNSFORD APARTMENTS. (Near Eagle Oate.) Location best In city: furnished and unfurnished oullos; furnished suites, with or without board; American P'an: ca In connection; "open to tho public. x68 THE COVEY. New. elegnntly furnished housekeeping apartments; elevator service: flroproot building; prices reasonable; East putn Templo; finest location In city. ph$ Wasatch CC71. "72 T1IE COLONIAL. Elegantly furnished two and three room apartments, with reduced rales from $20 and up; slnglo rooms, with or with out bath. 510 and up. Bell phone NICE 3ROOM FURNISHED MODERN Hat. 415 So. 3rd East. 520. A. Mc Kellar & Co., 631 W. 2nd So. n761 BliiTTFUL Fl VE-ROOM A PART mcnt. No. 4 Wesley; 213 Third sivc ii2iGS 4-RM. FURNISHED FLAT, WITH Pi ano. Apply Apt. N, Tho Meredith, or call Wasatch 2050-W. ""31 2. 3. AND 1-ROOM. WITH HEAT, ntrlctlv mod.: nicely furnished: rent reasonable. 125 II at. -"S 3. ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISHED. IN qulro 2S0 B St. Wasatch -1979-R. n2S57 1-ROO.M FURNISHED APT.. 230 EAST 3rd So.. Nan" ex. Inquire apt. 1. Wa satch 110. " "S01D 4-UOOM" APT.. FURN., GROUND floor. ?25. Call 52S E. 4th So. n2iS0 4-ROOM MODERN FLAT. ELEGANTLY furnished. 537.50. Hy. 2577-R. n2G83 Apartments Unfurnished. 4-RM. APT. IN OAKS. 3RD S. AND 4th E $3H'2 7-rni. mod., 325 W. 1st South 20.00 7-nn. mod.. G50 S. Main 25.00 9-rm. mod., 118 S. 2nd West 35.00 LITTLE Sc. LITTLE, No. 1 W. 2nd So. n2001 520.00 3-ROOM FliAT, MODERN BX copt heat. 250 2nd East. Wasatch 4035-W. m3201 THREE-ROOM A PA RTM BN-T, STEAM heat. 520; 4G4 So. 5th East, apt. o. k35o vlERYliTNlT9RM? APARTMENT IN tho "Godbo" (formerly tho Stauffer). Call HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO.. 36L Main St. Phono Was. 27. m3284 4 ROOMS MODERN. ON FIR.ST FLOOR. close In. The Avalon, 226 East 3rd So. Savo car fare. I.'hono Was, 5876-M or seo Janitor. nl91 PVAXHOU:. 5-RM. STR. MOD. TUP tlo Bros. Co., 159 Main St. nl727 Housekeeping Rooms. iuODEmTllOOMS FOIt IsT?L. OAS range: rent very reasonable. 12 Ken dall terrace. 4th and 5th So., off "W. Tem ple. f530 ONE Oft TWO ROOMS. MODERN: rent reasonable S45 W. 2nd N. m3424 STRICTLY MOD. 2-ROOM FURN1S1UDD apt.; bath, pantry and closet, gas or coal range. No children. 555 So, West Temple. nl4l6 2 MODERN ROOMS. LARGE PANTRY, gas and coal range, use of laundry. Phono Waaatch 1018-W. 302 E. 1th So. nl750 TUREJ3 NICELY FURNTSI1BD KOO'.MS; gas; cottago In rear. 113 "West Broad way. Cheap. n20S0 ROOMS YOR HOUSEKEEPING. 150 No. Main. :i2091 FURNISHED IT. K. ROOMS. 221 POP lar ave, 3rd So. bet. 1st and 2nd West. H2302 TWO MODERN FRONT KOOM5;: ALL conveniences; ?13. 17i-Iand 112S-W. AM E. -Ill) South. x n21i"il LIGHT HOUSEICTJIOPING ROOMS; modern. G2S So. Main. Wasatch fioi2. n2130 2 AND 3-ROOM APTS. 413 SO. 1ST West. Wasatch 5704 -W. n2531 DESIRABLE 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished for h. k.; gas, light. 705 So. West Temple. n2S02 2 LARGE MODERN HOUSEKEEPING rooms; ground floor; no children. G01 So. Main. n2G9S HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 33 FLORAL uvc, on Second South opposite GnrrhMt theatre. n2G97 ONE ROOM FOR L. H. IC, GROUND floor. 48 So. 2nd Ea3t. n300l BOARD AND ROOM. BOARL AND UOoSiTTs A WEEK? Romni, ?1.50 up. Rear H4 E. Second South. blV2 NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND board; gentlemen only. 234 So. 2nd R ml4S9 DESIRABLE MOD. ROOMS WITH board, home cooking. S24 E. 2nd So. m2733 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board. 23G So. 3rd East. m2913 BOARD AND ROOM. 351 E. SO. TEM ple; can accommodate four adults: no chlldron. n!005 FOR ONE OR TWO. WITH THE COM forts of a pleasant home. Call Was. 3089-W. nlOGG PLEASANT. ' FURNISHED. STEAM healed room, with or without board. 71 No. Si Ate. nl7 52 ELEGANT FRONT ROOM, WITH board, $25 per month. 121 So. I-'Irst West. n2238 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AND board for slush; perron. 225 E. South Temple. u'J'olG 110 A RD A ND ROOM IN PRIVATE family, homo cooking, for ono or two young men 113 So. 1M) East. n249S NICELY FURNISHED ROOM.' FIRST closs board. In private family. 410 E. 2nd So. Hy. 754 -W. n2777 BOARD AND ROOM OR TABLE BOARD. 211 E. 1st South. n2G87 BOARD AND ROOM FOR TWO GEN tlemen. 123 West 4th South. ?5 per week. ; n2S39 FURRIER. FURS CLEANED. RODKLEDM) repaired. Geneva C. Iflcki Co. ES So. Cth 15. Was. 3707. 1)4093 FURS REMODELED. REPAIRED: EN pcrt furrlors: prices reasonable. Hud 5on Bay Fur Co.. 122 Main. Phono Was. "6- cl75l NATURE'S FERTILIZER. SILTAKA. POWrTEREDTlljSO odorless, wccdless; prepared for plantH. bulbs, lawne. shrubbery. Mfg. bv Taylor Pboi-phato & Krlllsr Co.. dc'alors in fertile s-jIH find fertilizers. 1167 Bueno ?.vc- 3SS1-W.. for sale by Peoples horwurding Co. Porttr-Walton Co. m3779 CLEANING ArO) DYEING. Garment's insured. Superior work Prompt auto dellverj". Three phone 9.4. 975. 990. 11I-1C E Broadway. m736 TREE PRUNING. ' mZ?' r, tho Gardener. G3 East Flrt Sou at. Wm. 34J?. FOR RENT W For Ront Furnished W Newly furnished: 4r baiha,,LEWm 1 erms reaionablu. 05 tooL "M S Ek clean. oms, tlrtjK IIN-ISIIEi7717oo"Mg fSS"-5I R university. 313 So. Kf5? 1 D,A "p, newly FujuaSnTrTxS? I?; 52.50 to 54.00 antr alnglo rooms. IaulrolVj larce Pi-EASArnSbSiW convenloncp. hot water h?, It Wasatch 512D-J. 0r llcal' -Vi K THE HYLAND; iODpfrTr-- K per month up; hoatvi 1 if ', -OJifclir cation, free frSm'SkJ SSU . siis.& FURNISHED ROOM, MODlnTSP Emciy apts. "JiAi ICEtY FURNISHED ROoTT l ;at, for Kcntlcmcn, in nrivai 1.0 A at. Was. 4 IG4-W U ft. to 3-R, SECOND EAST. ROOMr""-; nlRhed, one suitable for tu0. .3. nlshcd rooms, houaokocplngr ftt" ii-.V AND BEAUTIFUL Ptlcr-- rooms, gentlemnn preferred, Main. Wan. 207S-R. tlcrTi Hj A NEW AND BBAU'rnUTTrn rooms, sultablo for 1st vOf Was. 2078-R. lo3 HANDSOMELY FURXISIir.TTr- till NICELY FURNISHED ROOMHm heat nnd telephone; U5 go & 555 Was. 275-W. furnished ROOMsTsmuTr 51.50 a week and up; Kl R l 1 257S-W. "tEfcl, sna 2 FURN. RMS. FOR LIGHT'forT? keeping; 354 E. fith So. ,0j- TWO NICELY FURNISinm 1 privato family. 510 month; c 1 01 a K i' 6 Concord court. :;-jf, E. 3rd S0. For Rent Unfurnished Eooa. '"'oirT'pATtTLT unfurnished roomi. eo N7nmw2B mr. PALMER HOTEL. M W. 1ST B0. All nodorn rooms. J3.00 to 56.00 dcwmTi Transients. 75o to 51.00 per day. aj For Rent-Stores and Offlcit oerojmTroeb omest to bo hud In tho rattll dWriH State botwoen 2nd and Srd South. U, quaro feet of floor space; spproilMljf.j 2000 square feet baaemant In dfifl Will divide space to suit tenant Apply G. S. Holme?. Boinloh btgi tf FOR RENT VERY DEailUBLE WAEli houoo en O. S. L. switch. flouMl-i meat and 2-slory brick, elcctrio As ter, floor scales, heating plant irA im In offices; centrally located: rtot uf reasonable. Phono Eichauje 111; Htf land 806. TWO SMALL STORES. WITH EUk gunl fronts, suitable for Jeweler, tew 1st, conl and real opiate office t, and nectcd with second floor for raUHwgiB Hulls, otc. etc.; vory bct Iocat!3a.kfc city. Mohcsy'g. 274-276 Main at tg FOR RENT STOREROOMS iUUl pises: all prices, low rontids; BliUA.'K 2nd South st. Pay you to Invcnljlitw Apply G. S. Hoi in cb, Semloh hotel rf TWO STOREROOMS. CORNER IITO 'M and 2nd South. Apply SemloB jjH TWO "LARGE STOREROOMS. HMlB So Slate. Apply O. S. Holmti, EfB lob hotel. jjfj OFFICE ROOMS. TRIBUNE BUODDft'B Inqulro F. J. Westcott. 1001 JB STORE FOR RENT, SUITABLE fB garage or wholesale or retaU. STORES AT REAROKABbU JUlH FRITSCM. ?02 FELT BI.PO. 2 STORES. 331-353 W. TESIPIiS; bo U3cd oeparatoly or tosether. cheap. W. J. Dooloy. 7g P. 0. WfaM GOOD STOREROOMS AT IM AB E. 2nd So.: also r,7 Coral, it mm g s. uni inii in'Tii 143-5 SOUTH STATE STBBCTjnK -location for retail business. IvPjm above number. WHL DIVIDE MAIN ST. STOR&Jjjjg Unusual chance, confectlonirr Zk iewolcr. rcal estate or coal offlCfc For Rmu-Hotel FOR RENT ON LONG SE..ffi3B room, fireproof, modern with private hatha; central lottlfB dr:B P. O. boy 146. y STOVE ANORANOBJREAMB BNSCONNECTj Jackets cleaned, U; J' J"? faM stoves ropalMd. 4 Ontario ct "K, LININGS, GRATES Jn.-kota. all makw. work C. p. I.ovntt foundry. STOVE AND ILVNGE E(?Hm Water Jackets leaned i jjm R street. Wnsat"'' Ril9-'. J Office 70 W. Second 8outg A Office 79 E. Second South-ww Off lea 33 E. Third S (OuUv W Works 75S E. Fourth South, m end IUiwd 3 Laundry brought to office PJNoCVra ctarBbrjnB DRESSMAKINQ. JK school. 110 E. Bru'l M Cutler's School atDrcSV FASHIONABLE ,.D " WS-flH prices right: C3-iaJP HOTELS PALMER I OTEIVrr& IelV llJR Rates bv welc. rratiei-ggy PPLJBS- FOX FRUIT FARM Al'ffffi J&jK buehol: iwtatoc. Jf) !BKl llvcred phnn. Slu-m 13-i ggX HOMJS PAPiCU ffW work; experienced '"J"' ' Office. Duval's vvtr to B,