Newspaper Page Text
H i THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1913'. ' I' VOTES TAKEN 0!U TIE ALTA MERGER Columbus Consolidated Is in Favor of Deal, but the Extension Is Noi. i ROTH ACTIONS DECISIVE Plan Is to Drive. Tunnel and Open Up New Ground at Alta. - I'' Br the action of stockholders Thurs day morning-, the proposed consolida tion of Alta companies will be consum mated only In part, for while the Colum bia Consolidated shareholders agreed practically unanimously io the proposi tion. Iho Columbus Extension stock holders bv, almost cquai vehemence dis approved of the proposition. There wcro lopresentcd In the Columbus Consoli dated meeting 113,000 ifharoa out of the ?S",000 shares Issued, ivhlle at the Co timbus Intension meeting about 260.000 narc oot of the, 230,000 shares repre 1 nt:d were opposed to the deal. Meeting Adjourned. n adjournment of the Columbus Kx mt!j!oji meeting until Saturday afternoon us taken, but for what purpose wan not definitely stated. Those opposed to tho merger assorted that the action taken at "fitertlay : meeting wan tlnnl and over whelming, ami they could ace no logic In uljouruing llio -mooting unless an ffort wl'l bo made to reconsider tho vot of l li jrhday. If such could bo done legally. The details of the proposition ns out-l-iicd locently In a statement to the Co ' nibus Consolidated jdiarcholdors were Uh follows: A. new company was lo be organized, capitalized for 1.000.000 shares of stock, par vuluc i each. Tho dlo tuhutiou of stock contemplated giving lbo.iKKi shares to the stockholders of the , '"ol.inibtiB Consolidated cominuiy In ex panse fur their old stock; 100,000 sharos ncrp to gn to the Columbus Extension co'i-pnny; 100.000 shares to tho Flagstaff Copper company, and 40.000 to Iho Su perior Vita company. The C00.0OO chares of treasury stock were to be utilised for 'awful corporate purposes, for dovclop i.fiil of the combined properties and tho 'Menrion of a new drain and opera tins tunnel. I Why Extension Objects. Those stockholders of the Columbus I.Mrnjuon company opposing the deal -L to that tho tr-rmr, or tho merger and plane us outlined or the future op . i.ittoni' of liir combined territories wo'ild not benefit the 13x tension cotn mvy. If. they btato. the plan is to drlvo if lunntsJ as now outlined. It would re i eh lo a depth of less than 100 feet rt n tho present deepest Columbus Con ulidated tx?rklugs. and tho byncfItB to r derived would not be In proportion to ,n expense Incurred. They also bellcvo Ir properly la worth more to the i- -cr than Ik measured by the amount ' i' plook In the now company set sIdo f). their use. 1 Thn .Superior Alta shareholders have '"proved of their part of tho deal, and V directors of; tlic Flagstaff company it- expected hen early In tho month, nVn definite action by thorn Is antiel iMtcd. . I15UTTE & SUPERIOR RUMOR IS PERSISTENT r rumor in the east that tho Butte .uporior and American Zinc compi ler are shaping up a merger war r icd in 'artiest yoaterday. anil the in)"! rre k'-nl rather warm handling f.itc unr. It is stated that tho two com panies will be ntoi-pod phnro for nhare In a now company. Tho Hut to Superior ' cnpllallr.od for 160,000 aharon of stock, nlo the .Vmorlenu Zinc company has , ''Ht.oOO nliuroA, of which about 170,000 "iares aro If sued. TM rumored deal may have been ro n'iiilblo for llio erratic action of the P'lM .V Superior Issue during January. Roi5t,ou IMiiuiq? Stocks. Jamo A. Pollock At Co.. linkers and '"oker. furrilnh tho following,, received nvr tholr private wire yesterday aftcr Mooii: , BOSTON COPPER RANOK. ; Salca-1 H. I,. IC'loo Vigomah I I 2 I Ijl 2 Tin He & Kahik Hi s! 3 Butf A- S"up 1,-1 Jo S31 3i lalumct Ari7. .... HP 07i 66J J7l ( hlof Con 300 1 14 li Copper Kongo ' iSi ISi 185 TMly Wait ' 3 i Dals Lhily .1251 H lj H la ISutto 4 IS' Uh U Hfl .Iroux Con 23B r.a 38 3? Oranby Con R5fi f,?J 6Si 63 fJroene Can 0 SJ 9 Hancock 21 i 21 21 Ind Copper IT, HJ IS lnp Con 17 l5t 17 l.ako Con VJo 201! 20 20 tv Roo . nil : ni I MnKon Vallos 2.ri0 S? Si S4 Xoada Con ISi 1SJ 1S MI 'h Utnh C5c' i"5c' Cfo Mplssint; 3S0I fl S 0 North Butte '.. 7001 Sli 31V "M I Vorth j 1251 2 2 I 2 , Con I 1PJ. lSSl "192 Sup & Boston 170 25 2S 23 Trinltv 761 15 il. HI I' K Smelter. 2R0 41? 413' 413 do' pfd 140! 9i 49i 401 rtah Con I 11 10i' 11 Pond Creole 1.001 2GS 25i! 253 Eagle B B MOl U 1 I li BOSTON CURB CLOSE. 1 Bid. lAskcd. Alaska. $in.R78J14.0O I Vmer Zinc St. 00 J 31.125 Vrcadlan 2.25 I 2.00 Bepole 1.7S ! 2.00 BlnchHm Mines 4.00 ! (,n0 Boston Ely .SO ' S5 Bohemia 2.50 I 2.75 Butte & Jndon .34 ' .35 Butte Central S.12 S.50 Calaveras :i.12ii 3.25 Ft Paso 6.00 I 6.25 Facto & Blue Bll 1.00 1.00 Orronr T.. S.75 9.00 irclvctia 75 troton Copper 5.75 6.00 I SCerr Lak.i 3.061 3.20 Keweenaw , 2.37$ 2.75 Maxs I 4.G2 5.00 lajestlc I .it ,42 1 "May Flower 12.25 12.50 Michigan 1.50 2.00 "Miami 24.00 24.50 Vevnda DoUKlas 2.50 2.62J hlo Copper ,35 1.00 )ld Colony .50 I 7.00 I Opoo 1.50 ' 1.75 ' Ojlbwav I 2.62JI 275 Pond Creek j 23.621 25.87 Shannon f 12.00 ' 12.50 oulh lake 7.0O I 7.25 outlv 1'tah 1 .25 ! .35 i s v. Miami 3.25 I 3. bo Stewart l.S7e! 2,00 rxiolumnn 3.20 I 3.25 1 "tah Apes 2.00 I 2.25 Vlrtorla I 1.25 1 1.75 Winona 2. B0 J 4.00 ( Wvandot I 1.25 ' 1.50 1 ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE For Centurv printinc. You can get the genuine article at 55 57 Postoffico place. H I Toorf 'i u waj to ain fall in forma c H I'on rcsard'rir t,-t' rotate opportuni- H 1 t o? rakc ? so of the Want Co'umns ; AUROfiA MILL PLANS ARE EXPKTED SOON Utahns Join With Nevada Interests in Reviewing- an Old Producer. IThe engineers having In charge the mechanical part of the mill Installation of tho Aurora Consolidated company of Ne vada are expected to Hubmlt the same to the board of directors within throo weeks and if tho board agrees with these plans actual construction woilr will he started immediately thercater. This was the Information srlvnn on Thursday by W. Lester Mansum. who was In tht city from Provo. The Aurora Consolidated company Ik composed of the Knlqht In terests of Utah and tho Knox: and Miller lntereata of Nevada. A dally capacity of 500 tons of ore is contemplated ?or the . mill. There Is a fine tonnage of. gold ore already de veloped for the plant, while tho work now well under way will add materially boforc the close of the year to the blocked reserves. Mr. Manstim stated that up to tho present time tho ore has been clocked alone the strike of tho vein for 500 feet and for a depth of 300 feet, within which area are 500, 000 tons of ore averaging1 54.90 per ton On either side of this blocked area Is a great deal of virgin ground. The vein extends on one side for 300 feet, the values so far Indicating an average of close to $10 per ton. while on tho west ern, or other side the vein extends for 400 "feet from the blocked area. Riving 700 foet of promising but undeveloped ground for future development. Mr. MatiKum believes that tho vein will go to far better depth throughout than the 300?foot level, for on top of the measured tonnage the ore lo twenty foet In width, while II is ttxty feet In width on tho 300. Thia certainly gives promise of greater depth. The manage ment Is sending In a new tunnel, which will tap the ores at a depth of 400 feot. thereby opening new sloping ground and ridding the lovelw above from the water that compelled tho cessation of opera tions by the former owners. Mr. Knox Is expected in Salt Lake within the next few days and a confer ence on Aurora affairs will be had dur ing hla visit here. VERY LITTLE DOING UPON THE EXCHANGE Buufncss yesterday on the local ex change wa3 duller than ever and abso lutely void of anything Interesting. Tho local mining stock market Is completely demoralized and It Is not an caoy matter to tell Just what In needed to inject a bit of llfo into tho game. Sales yester day reached a total of 11,400 shares or stock, tho market value of which was S225G.75. Tho following were the cloying trans-actlono: UNLilSTlSD STOCKS. 1 Bid. lAakod. Blnghani Central-Stand ... 5 .OR ? .035 Ely Witch 06 -07 McDonald ISly 21 .25 Ohio-Kentucky 20 Thompson-Quincy 27 Utah Mlno 35 Michigan-Utah 70 .75 Alta Consolidated 37 .10 Opcx . .09 .11 Columbua Extension 05 Now Yerlngton 12 Lucky Boy 01 '. LISTED STOCKS. I A. M. P. M. I Bid. IAgltod.ll Bid. A:iked. Heck Tun . $ .0SS$ .12 ? .08 $ .031 Blng Amal 06 .01J .05 Black .Tack. .10 .12; .09 .121 C-TallB ... .01 .013 .01 .013 Cent Mam 10 10 Cok Mln .. .15 .17 .14 .17 Col Con .. .10 .20 .10 .30 Con Mor 10 Crown PI . -03 -.031 .03 .035 Daly . ... 1.20 1.50 1.20 1.K0 D-Judge . . COO 6. GO 6.00 6.0O Dragon ... .05 On Eait Princo .01 .021 .01 .021 E C Tolnt 01 01 E T Con 01 01 E T Dovcl 01 01 Emerald . . .005 .05 Gold Chain. .37 .40 .37 .41 C Central . .71 .i6 .74 .30 ttld Qucon 02 Iron Bios . 1.25 1.275 1.25 1.275 Iron King. .001 015 .1 Bowcrn . .001 .10 .005 .10 K William. .035 .039 .03i .04i Lead Klnc. .00 .075 Lent Tlntio -001 .01 0L Lion Hill .. .023 .05 .023 .05 Uttle Bell 35 35 Low Mam . .0i .05 .015 .05 Mammoth 1.25 1.25 Mason Val. S.00 9.00 3.00 9.00 May Day . .21 .22 .21 .215 Mln Flat .J .005 005 Mnt Lako . .03 .05 .02 Mnt L Ext 05 Nov Hills 1.50 1.50 New York 03 Ohio Cop .( .?S 1.00 .97 1.00 Opohongo . .04 .05 .04$ -05 Pioche Dnm .05 .OS 0g Piochfr Met 02 ". .02 Pitts-Ida .. .P0 1.25 .50 1.25 Plutus . .. .061 -075 .081 .07 Prince Con. .SO .82 .77 .80 Rexall 01 Seven Tr. .013 .021 1 .015 .021 S T Ooallt. 40 40 S TC Coallt. 3.025 3.15 S.00 3.05 S K Con .1 .75 I 1.00 So Pac ...! .0111 .15 y .0111 jir Slou Con .1 .031 I ,035 8 Iron Blosj J .005 1 00 Swan Con . ,0L j Tin Cent . .01 j .011 I .01 .011 United Tin. I .0031 .01 I .00? .01 Uncle Sam.' Ml 1 .12 .11 .13 Utah Con .01J' .015 ' -H -013 Union Ohicfl .06 .07 I .06 .07 "Victor Con. I .03 403 .03 .05 Victoria . J .56 .60 I .55 .53 Wilbcrt . . .09 .11 II .09 .11 Tank Con . .15 1 .17511 .14 .13 Tor Cop ..I .04 .10 I .04 .10 G C Crown.' l 02 OrtUll - . I .Mill 011 Mojcow . .1 1 I .50 FORENOON SALES. King William. 3500 at 3c. Prince Con., 100 at SOc: 400 at Sic Silver King Coalition, 50 at J3; 250 at S3 02J. T'tah Con.. 1000 at IJc. Shares gold. $300. Selling value. 51177,75. OPEN BOAUD. Iron Bloseom, 300 at tl.2-71. Lower Mammoth. 1000 at 5c. Sharea sold. 1300. Selling value. J402.50. AFTERNOON SALES. Prince Con.. 200 at 0c: 100 at 7Sc Utah Con. 2000 at lja Shares sold, 2300. Selling valuo. $264. OPEN BOARD. Lower Mammoth, 1500 at'4;c Opohongo, 1000 at 45c. Shares sold, 2500. Selling value, $112.G0. Sax Francisco Oil Stocks. Jam-3 A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers, furnish tho following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: . I Bid. lAeked. i Asii'd OH 142.75 S Caribou 95 Claremont 59 I Illinois Crude I '.04 Monte Cristo 84 ! .S7 Palmer 17 Sauer Dough 1.25 .... S. W. & B 16 . . . . . . . Turner 90 ... wk on ....1 3.03 ,' f The Wants arc closo at. hand make I full uie of the Wants. I0IPAH CAMP OAS IIGITTOTHE TITLE! Senator KeamsIs Impressed! by the Present Showings of District. Thomas Kearus, vice president of the. Halifax Tonopah company, accompanied by David Keith, president of the Silver King Coalition Mines company, and J. A. Edson, president of the Kansas City Southern Railroad company, has com pleted an inspection of the Halifax prop erty at Tonopah. leaving Monday for San Francisco. The party will return In a wcoJc or ten days to Salt Luke by way ot Los AnKcIc?. The members of the party followed their visits to the Halifax by one to tho Tonopah Belmont property adjoining the Halifax, and whose mineral zone is being sought within the Halifax boundary lines. Senator Kearns ex pressed satisfaction with the Halifax conditions, whore a great deal of deep development, effort is being centered, saying regarding the camp na follows: "We cannot say anything about the Belmont, for there Ih nothing lo be said. Everything that could possibly bo re marked has long ago found its way Into 'print regarding this property. It Is one of the biggest propositions that has cvor come to my attention since I en gaged In mining apd that was suvoral years ago. "We would have boon pleased to have, examined all tho mines in tho district, but lacked the time lo make the trips. Tonopah looks' bettor today than It ever has and It is my hollef that the camp is justly entitled to be called the great est district In the world." FEDERAL TAKES OVER MORE MINING GROUND Special io The Tribune. BURK1E, Ida.. .Ian. 30. The Federal Mining company has added another big Coeur d'Alcno mine to its rapidly grow ing list of holdings by the purchase of the Frisco properties at Mace. The con sideration for tho deal Is understood to have been $230,000. The purchase in cludes a 500-ton mill, water and other valuable rights. This transfer Involves llftccn separate properties, orlglnaly worked under throe different ownerships, but later they were all merged into the Frisco company, which operated a a lead producer. Tho properties wero abandoned for a tlmo owing to the excess ot .luc In the ore and the high cost of keeping the mlno worklngu free of water. The now processes of trcutmcnt of alne ores at the Morning mine of the Fed oral company will be uacd in the case of tho Frisco ores, and it -means the erec tion of a new and largo plant. The. Frls "o has a dividend record of about 51, iOO.000. A largo force of men is now engaged cleaning Up Iho mine. SPRING VALLEY COAL WILL PRODUCE SOON By the middle of February tho man agonicnt of tho Spring Valley Coal com pany oxpeotr. to have lift coal upon the market of tho weal. Thia is the enter prise "orought Into bolng hy tho .Tense Knight intorostH of Provo, and a wide market for the coal is 'being prepared hy Lowia M. Cannon, I he general sales agent for the company. Tho company has equipped the mines for a daily coal production of 2000 tons. Kcrtr York Mining. Sl.oclui. Janicn A. Pollock & Co.. bank em and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon" N1SW YORK L1STJ.TD STOCKS. I I L. Clse Chi no 4.500, -13J I2l 12S Goldfleld Con 100 2 2(2 Nevada Con 1,000 IS 1R4 IS Ray Con 3.000 19? 195 191 Tcnn Cop 400 3 IS 31 31 Miami Cod 40n 25 24i 211 Utah Cop 2. 800 555 5431 545 Inspiration 100 163 KJ'I 105 Studebakor Con ... 300 34 34r.l 34$ Ont Silver 3 25! 25 NETvV TORJC CURB RANGE. I Salen. II. I L. ICIso First Nat Con I I 211 2 2 GIroux Con I 1.500l 3!l 32 33 Tukon Gold I 311 3 :. Ohio Cop 1.000 111 New Keystone 13 15 l South Utah Ill Mason Valloy 300 S3 Bradn Cop I 3.000 Pi 95 9i ICly Con I 900 12cl 12c 12o La Roso I 8001 31 35 31 Mays Oil I 1,0001 21c 21c 2ic Kerr Lako ) 500 3J 3J 35 Tonopah 1 350 H on 5 AJaska I 3001 Hi 13gl 1H NEW TORK .CURB CLOSE. 1 Bid. lAskcd. Ely Cons $ .12 If .14 First Nat Copper ........ 2.00 I 2.25 Giroux Con 3.25 1 3.371 Yukon Gold .... 3.00 I 3.25 Now Keyntone 1.B2J Nlnlsslng S.S75 9.00 Ohio Copper ..I .95 1.00 La Rose . 2.625 2.75 South Utah .25 .60 British Col Copper 4.25 1 4.50 Bay Stat Gas...;.. I .50 I .152 Brad en I 9.375 9. 625 Mason Valley S.25 9.0') Sioux Consolidated 04 .01 Colorado 11 .20 Iron Blossom 1.25 1.35 Carlsa 05 .15 Novada ITIHn I 1.375 1.45 Nevadaa in San Francisco. James A. Pollock iz Co., ba ulcers and brokem, furnish tho following, received over their private wlro yesterday aflcr noon: I Bid. Asked. Goldflcld I J Atlanta $ .16 J .17 Booth .02 Blue Bull .04 .05 C O. D .07 .OX Combination Fraction 91 .07 Daisy .- .05 Dlamondfleld B. B , .03 .01 i Florence 45 Goldflcld Con 2.00 2.05 Kewanoa ...4.... .05 .05 Jumbo Extension ......... I .3, I ...... . Lone Star 03 .04 Merger Mines 2S .23 Oro 07 .OS Silver Pick Consolidated... .,05 Yellow Tiger 02 .03 Manhattan Dexter Union 03 Gold Wdgo 10 .11 Manhattan Consolidated. . .10 .12 Manhattan Dexter .03 White Caps .... .09 .10 Comslock Consolidated Virginia 13 ,14 Confidence - 12 .19 Hale and Norcross nfi Mexican 7$ Ophlr 24 .25 Sierra Nevada .17 .IS Tonopah Belmont I s.25 Boston 1 .04 Gypsy Queen ,. .. .01 .05 Jim Butler ..... .70 .71 Halifax . 1.00 Tonopah Merger S7 .SS Midway .34 .35 Monarch Pitts. Ext 15 .10 Montana 1.S0 Mizpah Extension , C4 North Star 20 Rescue Eula 11 Tonopah Extension 1.975 West End ,. 1.37J 1.421 Other districts Pittsburg SI'vcr Pak . 54 .... . Nevada Hills , 1 37 1.47J Round Mountain . , ... 1 .30 ' EUREKA COUNTY IS ' WAITING PATIENTLY Siate Mine Inspector. Sums ' Up the Situation in His Report. The many Utah Investors Interested In mining properties In Eureka' county will read with Interest the nortlon of the an nual report of Edward Ryan, state mine Inspector of Nevada, which deals with the territory In question. It is generally known that tho property owners of L5u reka are waiting for what they consider adequate freight rate adjustments bo fore resuming operations upon the many meritorious propositions there, but so far 110 likely solution to this difficulty ap pears In sight. H Mr. Ryan says in part: Splendid Record. It is claimed that tho moductlon of this district reached the enormous sum of 200,000.000 and for many yearn fur nished the greater per cent of the world's lead supply. Like others of the older camps, the remaining ore deposits, being considered of lower grade, although of Immense magnitude, remained untouched. 1 am reliably informed that from the older mines Eureka could, from pres ent development, put out 300 tons dally for a period of ten years. Tho lead ore from this district was always considered a very necessary ingredient In fluxing and could doubtless find a market were it possible to reach an amicable agree ment, with the transportation companies, which would moan so much to the people of Eureka and tho mining Industry gen erally. At present thero Is llttlo doing outsido tho Eureka Windfall and the, Cyanide. Tho Windfall ls located five miles cast of Eureka- and is a free-milling goki property. It Is worked through a 500 foot vertical two-compartment shaft. The ore la hoisted In a skip by a 50 horsopower gasoline hoist and trammed to the 120-ton mill adjacent lo the mine. This property has been one or tho main stays of the camp and at present is working ninety men in mine and mill. Two Leading Mines. 1. TJ' .pya",o'c groun lies two and oie miif miles west of Eureka, it Is worked through a 207-foot two-compartment vertical ."shaft, one compartment or which In used for a. man way. The property Is equipped with an 1S-horsepowcr gasoline engine, safolv crosshead and soven-elRhtha-ineh cable. Working five. men. Tho Eureka Consolidated is the extensively developed mlno In the dis trict, and although now Idle will no doubt rosinno operations Just as soon as an amicable adjustment of Iranspnrla l'on. rates can be had with the officials of tho Eui Jika and Palisade railroad. This properly Ih operated through threo shafts, one 730 and the others 1200 feet doop. One of lhe3o shafts Is one of the lar gest hoisting onglnca In tho state. S00 Moreopowor. Power Is furishcd by four 50-horKcpowor bnilcrt:. The oro is mined py what I3 known as the aluclng nvs-lem. STRONG MARKET IS SURPRISE IN EAST u,iwc:' poloc,,i Co.. bankers and bickers, furnish tho following, received noon- P :,lC w,r,i ,CBterday aftcr- 'rVbpr Co.. Boston Both mat kola .showed surprising strength to day. Tho buying was confident and well sustained and tho rally lasted all through the uesalon. Grairby adanccd to B'Ji an.I closed W bid; East Cutto sold III and .North Butte 511. and many new buv uS urt !orn,Avor? nollccabln all through tho HsL Wo do not look for anv ex tended advance, hut think wo maV a few davn' provi"s Dri':e8 fi Hie' next f.05ti & Bryan, New York. Activity wan moro general today than for quit" a period and Iho list advanced in a buoy ant manner, shortn rolmnting rapldlv and offeringa light. In the afternoon, 'how ever, profit-taking tales, ar-rompanied bv conflicting advices from the ol.hor slo rHative to Iho political aspect, "eaujicd recessions from high lovcK Some 1 scattered liquidation look place In Norfolk ,t A estcrn after It was an nounced that t he road would make an olTerlng of convertible "oonds at a latei date, out aside from the action of that issue, tho tr..nd of the lnndard nhnrou appeared to be upward. Of course such covering as haa been witnessed during tho past few kcskIoiih that mav tnd to f-omowhat woaken tho lorhnlcal position 01 markcl. but owing to the fact that extended long linen have not as t b.-..n fostered, wo arc Inclined to hellcvj that unices the foreign situation again bc- eBii'lai,?nlnS' vhMi does not seem probable. If rollablo private udvlccw a 10 1 to bo accepted ats a criterion, tho policv or making Judicious -purchases on the 00 caaionnl weak periods will prove profit- i able for moderate turns. RICO WELLINGTON AT PROVO MOLDS ANNUAL Special io The Tribune. PUOVO, L'lah. .Ian. 30 --The P,o Wellington slockholdi-rs lodav in 'annual session elected lh following boanl of di rectors: .rpMo ICnlghl, Clinton IX pj v, W LcHtor Manmim. .1. w. Knight CharlcH Bates and .1. W. Burton Presi dent Knight was r-elocted to head tho contrany. and .Mr. Mungim. was gain selected as secretary and treasurer I7Jo"lo, l'h?r, rPy Product no definite time has boon sot as yet for lions.1 cocnn,rftS opera- Orc Shipments. The Utah Oro Sampling companv on Thurarfay reloascd A cars of o k &MrAr?iLd 2 onch fro,n Nevada , d California camps. Ore and Bullion. Tho ore and bullion report for Thurs day, given by McCornlck ,t Co.. was as follows: Ore received, J50.00O; bullion shipped, $S:',000; loial. $130,000. U1,,,m" Metal Markot. 1 '''ho metal iiiotatloiiH for Thuritdiiv ! posted by -McCornlck t Co.. wcr " a fol iZlh hiIVor' "e; ,pn(J' ""Wj'c'nner. Good Men Needed. The United States civil service commis sion has announced the following exami nations, to be held in the near futuro: Architectural draftsman and Junior archl o11 ,drftS!"i," minimum salaries 51J00 and JS 10; business teacher. $1000 assistant forest pathologist. 51410:. forum' pathologist. ? 10S0-. assistant Irrigation en gineer. $1200; scientific assistant In .oll Hiirvoying. J060. Information concerning tlieso examinations can b obtained at the federal building. u W. P.. Vox. 305 w. Washincton St.. Noblesville, Inc., sajs: "After nuf fer-ini: manv months with kidnoy trou ble, after trying other remedies and prescriptions, I purchased a box of Foley Kidnov Pills which not only did me raoro jjood than any other remedies T ever used, but havo positively set my kidneys right. Other members a my family hnvo used them with similar re sults." Toko at tho first Bifln of kid ney trouble. Scbramm-Jobnson, Brugs, "Tho Nevor Substitutors," fiv (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) EnJK!!'!'ha1y of only a few hours from . .'vS 'U IHt I'jlijr the very heart of Chicago to ni HjPNew York, Boston E nnd points down East on the jfSK l?3 I world's most famous train K ' if I Twentieth Century Limited m 1 Lr. Chicnflo 12.40 noon . Ar. New York 9.40 . m. jfe3 , .IihIm iW't A Ar. Boston 11.55 n.xn. Hr 'l'll'T'l! '"W; I Ten other fast daily trains between I Chicago and the east, including V I ' Lake Shore Six B ! !m! 1 f W I Lear. CkIcflo 10.15 a. xa. Arrive New York 9.11 n. m. !r n 1 ' 1 V- ( 1- I Lake Shore Limited aB!?! 1? I ChicnCo5'3Bcon8lYrk6'25" , ffliSSli I New York Express BiMmRffli ff I Lm Chicago 1 1.30 p.m. Arrive New York 7.00 . m. N"" ,11 I S fjZ 'ML NewYorkfentel fines r $mm i Lake Shore-"Tke Water-Level Route" r IJSgC mi ni J IYou Can Sleep ' 'Mnjllil 3 wj J Vm AH rrains Ifare fmm La Snlle. Street Station. mol cottTrmtcny V J JlJOJiM n I 11 71 7 M IflrW located in the very henrt of Chico. the onb station on the TtnfW Uli I 1 J I ' BE Elevated Loop, xnd arrive t the wooderful.. iw GriH Cttrol ' j I B i t Tmt& t 111 t Terminal, In the heart of NerYorlt' bosmcj and betel district. 1 ' " " 1 H i j3 I U im on wnbmj. surface nnd derated lines. IKjJJt f i Jl !!3B J UjjMt Jl KWt thaTping areferrirdonor for complete . S fl j S231g?BL T i WEATHER FORECAStT Weather forecatt for Salt Lake City -ind state or Utah Fair Ffclday and Satur day. Compiiralive weather data at S?.It Laka City January SO. 1013: I-Ughest lempcrature today was 30 de crees: hlclH'St In this month Mlnco 1S7-1 w.-ia fiO dotrroe.i: lowest lust night v.'au 20 ricsrcori; lowest thia nonth alnco IS74 waa 20 dce:reca below aero: mean tem perature for today -wab 31 desreca; nor mal vras :;o deKrcca: accumulated defi ciency slnco (lie firat of tho month Is 57 degreea. , RHstlve humidity at 6 a. ni. todav was GO per cent: relative humidity at 0 p. in. today win fill nor cent. Total precipitation for the tironly-four hours eudinp at 6 j. in. was nono: total for thia month to dale la .77 of an inch; accumulated deficiency for thia month to date la .05 of an Inch. Sun risen at 7:10 a. in. and sots at 5:44 p. in., January 31. 1'JIG. WE AT HIS R OBSERVATIONS. Tompcrn.ture. 2. --a Stutiono. w S 52 K SALT LAKE iltS 0 291 JJO Boiso r,2 !!5 IS .00 Cheycniio 'Si 28 111 .11 Chicago ' ..... -IS 50 USl .00 lenver :jo ye 2S .00 Des rolivia p.O Dodge Cily ;:i II n .00 Duluth l 22 2 .00 ruii-ango Sfi ' li 20 .00 Grand Junction ....... I.'l 46 20 .00 Mavro JS 2S 18 .00 Helena SI 3'? 21 f,0 Huron 14 2fi 22 .01 Jacksonville ,. 00 CS -IS .00 Kansas City :tc 48 30 .00 LandiM- 2S 34 It? .00 Los Aiu;elcy r2 t!2 10 .00 Moclena 10 41 IS .00 loorhead .. C is IS .06 New Orleana . tit 70 IS .00 Ncw Vorlc 4G 30 .00 North Platto 30 3S 30 .00 OklHliouia 42 SI 42 .00 PliocnK CS 70 40 .00 Pocjilello ; .... 2S 2S IS .00 Portland. Or. U 4t 3S .00 Rapid City v, 2S RO 21 .11 Rosohiir?r to 40 3 .00 San DIoko 2 ;"S IG .00 SI. Louis -14 58 44 J)2 St. Paul 20 2fi 21 .0" San Fninclsco 3C f!2 U .Oo Seattle it .. 3S .00 Slierldan 20l 30 22 .03 Spokane 2' 2S 20 .00 Tonopah 42 40 30 .00 Washington Fi2 HO 30 .00 Wllllston 10 1010 .02 VlnnTTiur;a 10 4C 22 .00 - Indicates below zero. Try the New Way of Curing Corns Easy An One, Two. Three, No Fuss, Mo Pain, by Using "GETS-IT," Just take two seconds to put a little "GIOTS-lT" on that corn. That corn is "done for" as sure . aa the' sun rises. Tho corn shrivels up, vanishes. That's "When I Think of All thc Thlno I Tried' I for Corns and Failed, and 'GETS IT' Oot 'Em In a Hurry." tho nurpnno you got by using- this now plan corn cure. There's nothing to stick to tho Blocking- or sock; your corn pains stop. You're saved the j bother of applying- plasters that makoi thc corn bulgo out from tho core. You'r axved salves that eat Into the healthy flesh and "pull"; no more fuss ing with bandages. You don't have to help by picking and dragging out your corns, or cutting with knives or razors. "GKTS-IT" is afe, painless, stops pain, nevor hurts healthy fleah. It ls guaran teed. Try Jt on wart, callouses and bunions, too, . "GETS-IT" Is oold at all druggists at 2o cents a botUo, or sent direct by E I.a-ivTonce fc Co . Chicngo. (Advcrtlsn ment ) 4 TDDAY VOU CAN GET YOlRCYCL0PEOIA! ProscMt a Coupon nnd $2.35 at the Offiuo of The Tribunes and Get Your Set. . Now comes tho distribution day of Tho Tribune's groat book bargain. Cbuponsi will bo redeemed today at thin office as shown In tho coupon printed' on another pago of thia Issue. - J)vorybody'3 Cyclopedia is a fivc-vol-umo referenco work containing accurate Information on all subjects. It is of con venient size, easy to handle and com plete. No school boy and girl, no man a.nd woman, can afford to miss tho op portunity of getting It at tho bargain prico offered today and tomorrow. For thee two days tho compMo set of live volumes will bo clvon to readers , oT Tho Tribune for '$2.3K "and ono coupon. Tho regular soiling price of this flvc volumo sol. Is 512. Millions of dollnrs arc apont In putting out expounivo fel thai soil on tho in stallment, plan all the wav from 530 to .100 each. Everybody's Cyclopedia Is a combination of all the useful Information contained In the largo, cumbersome sots, but it is carefully "boiled down" to meot tho needs of all who rcuulrn a complete, accural o and authoritative referenco work. This offer in tho result of the largest book order over placed with a publisher, and readers jir0 ow given the benefit of It. The Tribune guarantees lo refund tho amount paid by any reudor who H ncls Everybody's Cyclopedia, ls not on tirely satisfactory and a represented. The sets are loo bulky to be sent bv mail, but out of town readers may get them for ?2.3o. the sets lo bo sent bv express, shipping charges to bo paid bv the receiver PARK ACCEPTS NEW PQSJT1QN forme r Iloinz Mnnngci' Goos to llie Keenc-Jrcland & P;irlc Company. A. h. Park, for twelve yearn ono ot the fifty-seven varieties of Hclnr. salos- J-f". .fl,f! ?'cst- imI lalur manager for l lab, Wyoming. Montana and Idaho, has rcslgiicd this position to become mana--er Tor tin: Kfcnc-Jreland Park com pany of El Paso. Tex. Mr. Park Is ui of thc best-known traveling men in th west, ,ls home being In Salt Tvtkc. Uo and Alr.. Park. 'will leave Saturday even ing for Texas. Ono of the largest projects that t!i Koene-.Ii eland & park company. -vIH handlers tho development of tho Rio virgin j.and .t Irrigation company tract near ht George. Tho company will j,pend more than JI.IO.OOo on thin project In a diverting- dajn and Irrigation works, tak ing thu water from tho Virgin rlvr. Tho soil Is said lo bo well adapted to the cul turo of spin -tropleiti nuts and fruits and the ball Lake people who havo boon In terested In tho Rio Virgin company until Is absorption by the ICccnc-Ireland & Park company believe that that section Sf 'VVol,ill,ry ,,as a sPlo"Hd future AV. rr Al'-'Corll,lt "d others were owners of tho trai-t until rcccntlv. The Itio Virgin tni.-t H jri Arizona. Just across tho Utah lino, and Is south- n - i l' l-L001"?.'-''. MCM ove1' thlrty-Ilve ml es from Hie Salt Lak- Route. An vl?i.f:M ,B l.,c,'" oslnieted and de yclopuieiit worl; Is to start at once. A L. Jacobs, a Salt Lake engineer, has rc P01,e'1 favorably on UiC proposition. The Keone-lroland ,t p;irk company also has an Immonso tmct of lund in Mexico, , Just across the Rio Gnmde river from. u Paso, which will be developed as soon as there Is moro assurance of Till?."','",1 p.c,aco. u,or"? tho Mexican bor der and In tho Interior. New Corporations Central Exploration & Development company. Salt , Lako: capital stock. ?5o" 000; sharea. 10 cents each: Dr. Harry McGarvey president; v. il Hutchinson, vice president; M. F. Eckln. secretary and treasurer. Copy of artinles of Incorporation or thc James .Stewart & Co. hied with secretary ?,A8tat0; caP,tn' atocl.-. 5100.000; shares, 5100 each: James C. Stewart, prcnldcnt; J. B. A. I-osburgh. secretary. Charges Husband Was Cruel. Charging extreme cruelty, Louctta Knudson yesterday filed suit In thc dis trict court for divorce from Alfred W. Knudson. proprietor and manager of the Knudson Novelty works. Mnj. Knudson alleges that her husband has frequently assaulted her and struck her with his clenched fist and hns rcpcaledJr iiiB oned to take her Ufa Sh0 ufeH monthly alimony and J7G altorcirtiB Blossom, ou Vacation. D. H. Blossom, city cnglnr, WaP, to tho northwest on a two Tetkr" iB! tion. 2v. Blossom attt'ivled a mHkH water engineering experts at BoJmjV lerdny anl will go on to PonlutlK Scattlo today. Whilo In SaiUt lit'B study I lie "zone" method of cpgtfH scsumcnt in vogue in that dtj aad)BC Is provided foi- in Hie new vatH1 provemciit measure pending LtinB pre.enl legislature. -.'!B BedWettingCuS io Ten Days;M URI-STOP WILL 0UElB Don't WaII Tor Chllilren'lo OirtjfwIWj Trouble Start Them Taking L'rfJ N Stop TodAy, Bed wctllpgs a. dlscug sadtbntfH given prompt attention. Tho success realized by L'rl-Stop tttaiiH: short' of marvelous and many cmrlW been effected in Suit Lake City. !'3 Bed-wetting ts not i local cmH alone, but, Is a dlBcaoc embruiiCK entlro urinary nyHtcm. S-U'lM bladder and kidneys. Uri-Stop (i In tablet form, purr and liirc)tK uffectcd parte arc toned up, iQjMH and restored to their normal C09''9K Can bo tuk.n by tbi moat ilellali'dW Mall orders filled by the mvn!vit Prlco. $1.00. Write for free adrtWJ Boellger ""liPiiiical Co., Mfrt-.TcoW who are so cunfldcnl of tns tcMHt )oworu of I'rl-Stop that they 'WB refund your nionoy if vou re W. lit"d after a careful trial. K Ou sale and recoinmeiKltJ bj"BrajjB Johnnon, Drugs. "Tho Xtm-taam tors," Fivo (B) JJood Store. rW (AdvcrtlscmcnO I Business Buildi satisfaction ?VP STOCKS, BONDS, QjjlJW PROVISIONS, CQTTOI James i Pollock iW BANKERS AND DH0KE"- 333-330 South Main Street (W 'C Salt Lake City. E Direct Trlvuto Wire to Jl Duplex System-Olio Relay t0 n and Boston. Correspondents Jlcnibnra All JHfc Stocks Carried on tiSmF, Specialists In Mountain J puie and TcIccrapnJP J. A. Murray,kyfce : Prei. Et J. C. Lynch, Vice Prei. W. F. Earlo, Cashier. , , l -t E. A. CulbertBon. Aist. CJim The National Bank o' W United State 'Sjh SuSlus and " Undn IdVd ''X-Mt and wide connections ci uMU tend thu best l0Sll)1Ierchant corporation, hrolccr. ncrcn , ffcl, vlduul. hour per cent iniv f3B , tlmn deposits. . jjj, SK!P i Wo are a moinher or i qty Clcanng House "ti