Newspaper Page Text
jj THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY I, 1913. ' i v i . .- IMF PflfCES ARE I 11 FEW HERE am High .Values of Nevada Doug Hfl las Ores Proof Against Low HI Piiced Copper. H COMPANY IN FINE SHAPE Vice President Berryhill Gives HI Interesting Account of Mine Conditions. 2aH TfciLt the Nevada Douglas Copper com M i3 panr ba a copper producer thai Is Si K practically proof against a low-priced I "S copper market, by virtue of the extent sf S m1 dlvcr35lt" of valucH of Us oro ton Li ffi nar&g, 1b the statomont mado on Friday f; ' 3 by James G. Borryhlll, vlco prcBldcnt of . t. w tho company, who ban returned from an ! B Inspection of this Ycrington proposition. ! f O When Been by Tho Tribune Mr. JJcrry- 1 hilt eald: i 9 "During tho month of January the lM 1 Nevada Douglas company has produced fj? $ 18,500 tons of ore. of which two-thlrdB 3& w came from tho Ludwlg mlno. the rn- il ' jf mainder from tho Douglas Hill ruction. Production from tho Iudwlg mlno Is j. ' Z from tho flrat, eocond, fourth, sixth and o "Tho third level Is not developed ex- iLp tenrtvdy, yet thcro 1 a splondld field at I , C that point for developing tho oro bodies i I k; shown to exist both above and below It, IF M! "whllo the sloping: operations fihow the Ijfi oro to ha practically continuous from ES 6 above tho first level on down. ftf-J Secondary Enrichment. U$ Rj "Below tho fifth level twenty-five foot WW ? beglnB tho zone of secondary onrlch- jV fcf ment, and bodies large and rich, carrying ki wi chalcoclte, aro demonstrated, whllo to K tho north on the seventh level this oro K, BR runs Into chalcopyrilo. JVt the southern IS nd of the miiif a winze hoa been driven 'St "or a considerable distance below the r SN seventh level, tho oro all tho way assay- :P f jj Jag from 14 to 25 per cent copper. Slop- is n iai' opened In this ond of tho mlno an iT 5 ore bodv of ovor sixty font In width. lr ? "Shaft sinking below tho oevonth level SK 13 'bolng done at this time, and thla Bhaft 'It lB nlncty-flvc fnot vertically below tho if ar Fcventh. The. shaft will bo put down If ;'. about 200 feet and tho lower portion of 3 f the mlno will be opened. A straight T i drift will bn driven to connect with the lr fc "wlnzo above referred lo and everything Jv 5) promlHef continuoun oro In thla work; ( Jjj "The company lias drifted to tho south "2 W on 0 600-foot level farther than at any hfjw point In tho Ludwlg property, and all "IffSC oondJUons point to tho early development ,B? of a, now oro body there. "When it is i" Bp taken Into consideration how limited tho ft' Jlold Is already dovoloped In the Tiiidwig K; : and the tremendous territory available E H for future operation! along thla mtn- oral cone. It can bo appreciated whnt tho '"i !Si futtiro possibilities of the Ludwlg aro. lo pay nothlnsr of tho fine promise In tho ' 'C, zone of fecondai-' enrichment below the b-'S 700 level. Tho valuca of tho Ludwic con- ' 4 ' 7)or ores are po high that this mnlfes th. J f mine, prartlcnlly proof against u low price '' ) for tho metal. ' Many Bodies Connected. ; ! "On the Douglas Hill section tho lower -i tunnel, which opens- the. resources 150 i ? feet below tho original IcvoIf. 1ms now . 'I f been connected with thco upper worlc Ings and within a week production from . "-i.Jf thin part of the property will be started in earnest. The old transportation lun- t,'1 1 nc'J lh''n bo abandoned and produc- ;..!' tion thereafter very materially reduced in ' , t tonL ' ): "A recent dlsclosuro in tho property Is , of lntret and importance, for It proven :' J that tho EC-called Jewel Box. Big Stope, -4 Glory Hole Xo. 5, Orom Glory Hole and tho two Glory holes connected, ono on . "i I tho rwuth. tho other on tho north, once . j' considered separate bodies of ore, are. as ' a matter of fact, one immense body. ' j l "Farther to the northeast, what Is , '1 t known as the Meat House ore body has , hcon opened for fifty fcot In width and , ' for 100 feet in lnngth. may In time prove 1 to bo connected with this big body or Jewel Box resource. It will take some J j.t months yet to determine the relation - of the two resources. "sJ" "Douglas Mill oro production will be Increased to 250 or 300 tons' dally Just i n.r. soon as th trestle work connecting Trith tho completed ore bins is finished. 1 t The tramllno will then be reduced some 400 or 500 feet in length, which will have ' i a big Influence on production costs. By . ' February 1 the Nevada Douglas company ; tvIII bo producing 500 ton3 of ore daily.' Leaching Experiments. "Substantial progrftss is being made in 1 , developing a process of leaching the low grade orca of tho mlno, but enough Is not ' yet known to amount lo a dclinttc dem- j onstration, and these experiments will bo continued. The Tcrington district as j a wholn Is a decidedly promltrinp con- . dltion and during 1J?13 the world win i hear much from it." :'j NEW LEAD FURNACES . j AT TOOELE SMELTER 'i . i Fe'oruary will witness an extension of operations at tho International Smelting T &. Refining company lead plant, the third ' ' blast furnace being shaped lo ko into commission on the fifth, while the fourth ' -will bo ready for work by the fifteenth of this month. This will give tho com- -pany a total lead smelting capacity of ,- 1OO0 tons of ore dally. Thero Is a large tonnage stock-pile at the plant, and even greater capacity could be cared for were tho furnaces in readiness. General Manager William "Wraith Is on : his war to Indiana where hn will inspect the new lead refining plant of the In- temational company. : Ore and Bullion. ' The ore and bullion report for Friday. i given by MxCornlck & Co.. was as fol lows: Oro received. 5161,000; bullion shipped, 570,000; total. $221,000. IDAHO MERGER NOW IS FURJUOGRESSEO Day Interests Bringing- About Unity of Ownership in Coeur d'AIenes. SpccJal to Tho Tribune. WALLACE, Ida., Jan. 31. Of marked slgnlflcanco was tho purchase by Hurry U Day, president of tho Fedora Mining company, and sissocIatcH, of a half Inter est In twelve claims from William O'llcaru, a resident of Burke. The Kroup Is known an the laher-O'Hcarn group. Michael Maher. formor sheriff of Sho shone, county, owning the other half In terest, which ho still retains, thereby becoming a. partner of the Days. The purchase price hns not been made pub lic, but it is said to have been not less than 100.000. Thla deal tends to further substantiate tho rumor that pluna arc under way lor an ImmiMtHo combination of a number of the Coeur d'Alono's biggest produolng mines, embracing mainly the holdings of the Day Interests and the Federal hold ings. Llttlo but nKsc4smcut work has been dono on tho Maher-O'Heam group, but Its proximity to tho Tlger-Foonnan lonr gave It position among prospects with possibilities, while developments during recent yearn In tho Marsh have Increased appreciation of it. The group lies north of the Marsh. Work at Marsh Mine. Tho Marah mlno at Burke, under now control, Is going along stcudlly with dc volopmnet work, tho ore extracted in tho courue of development meeting nil operating expenses, besides adding ma terially each mouth to the reserve fund. Tho Marah ore !h similar to that of Kb neighbor, the liocla. A two-compartment incllno Bhaft, which begins from a point In the tunnel 700 feet from tho en trance, is tho only means of communica tion now between the three levels of the mine, and tho output of the mine la necessarily curtailed, as the waste ma terial, as well as the shipping rock, must he hoisted through thin shaft. The now shaft, which was begun some time ago, at a point 500 feet further Into the moun tain, will be completed before spring, and then work on the upraise will be begun. Thoro arc now slxty-flvc men employed at the mine. As soon as tho three levels arc connected by the new shaft, tho working foroo will be augmented and an electric trolley lino Installed from tho tunnel portal to the shaft station. This will incrcaso tho mine's output, it is eald, to a point meaning dividends. If io eald that a combination of the Mullan copper properties Is being planned. The ' companies involved are said to bo tho National, the Missoula Copper and the Independent, which ad join the National. It Is said that all three properties can he easily and eco nomically worked from the National Cop per lower tunnel, a situation that is proving an Important factor in the nego tiations. Charles MclClnnis of Wallace, general managor of tho National. Is now In tho cast conferring, it Is said, with caatorn stockholders of all three com panion relative to combining and It is hellcvcd that he will accomplish his mis sion. Boulder Creek Find. Word cornea also from the Mullan dis trict that good showings arc resulting from development work In the property of tho Boulder Crcok Mining company. Samples of quartz brought down from the prop'crtv aro shot full of jralona. and are well charged with clialcopyrlto. Tho ga lena is the prevailing metallic clement in the face of tho 300-foot, drift being run from a 1000-foot tunnel. While tho values have not attained the degrco re quired by the market, they havo been plead ily Improving. Tho drift 1b follow ing the hanging wall In a body of unde termined width. Nevadas In San Francisco. James A. Pollock fc Co., bankers and brokers, furnish the following; received over their prlvato wire yesterday after- noon: j Bid. )Asked. Goldfleld Atlanta 5 .16 J .17 Bluo Bull 04 C. O. D .07 Combination Fraction 06 .07 Daisy 05 Diamondficld B B 04 .05 Florence 43 .45 Goldfleld Con U.02J Kcwanos 015 Jumbo Intension as .one Star 0.1 .01 Merger Mines 2S .23 Oro 07 .08 Sliver Pick Con On .06 Tellow Tiger 02 .03 Manhattan Big Four . .SO" ....... Gold Wedge 10 Manhattan Con in .12 Manhattan Dexter 03 .04 White Caps 03 I .10 Comstock J Con Virginia is .15 Confidence ,.; .12 Hale and Norcross 06 Mexican 75 ,7S Ophlr 25 .26 Savugc 03 Sierra Nevada 16 .17 Tonopah Boston 04 Cash Boy o? .10 Gypsy Queen OS .0 4 Jim Butler fig .70 Halifax 1.021 Tonopah Merger S8" .90 Midway 32 .33 Monarch Pitts Ex 15 Montana Mlxpah Extension 60 MacNamara 22 . North Star , .20 .21 Rescuo Eula 11 Tonopah Extension 1.974 2.00 Other districts I Pitts Silver Peak 65 Nevada Hills 1.7,5 1,45 Hound Mountain go ... Mining Notes. W. H. Webber arrived in the city Frl dny from Nevadn. E. a Davics of W. H. Child fc Co.. is out again, after a severe tussle with the grippe. j II 'tTlrC TALK ABOUT MILL 11 MERGER DEAL Butte & Superior Company Subject of a Considerable . Discussion. STOCK VERY ERRATIC I American Zinc Siock Firmer on .Rumored Merger With ; Butle Company. There are few propositions that have been discussed more than the Butte .fc Superior during the past thirty or sixty days, and any stock that experiences the erratic market action that has charac terized this proposition for a few weeks past can hardly expect to escape criti cism, or, at least, be subject to rumor equally as erratic. The east reiterated again on Friday J that tho Butte - Superior and the Amer ican Zinc merger Is on the tapis, point ing out at the same time tlmt the appre ciation of tho American Zinc stock mar ket wise on the strength of such rumored consolidation, while the Butte & Superior stock stood still, was a good and aufil clcnl Indication Butte & Superior shareholders may not be as satisfied with the deal as tho American Zinc stock holders. Bo these rumorH falso or fair, they nevertheless receive more or I ?s.- credence among those Interested. Banquo's Ghost Again. Another persistent lln of discussion j regarding tho Butte & Superior Is that thi mill in not doing Its proper work. This discussion Is carried on plncipally from Butte by way of Boston, and the following Butte dispatch to the Boston Financial News is in keeping with this particular phase of Butte & Superior af fairs: "There has been little cnangr In the mill situation at the Butte & Superior property during the past week, and what ever may be said or authorised by the management, the mill is still in tho ex perimental stage and is not meeting the efficiency which was predicted for It. It Is only the high grade of ore and tho trreat quantity which Is possible of treat ment that saves the plant from being al most a comploto failure. Against a sav ing .of bolter than 90 per cent of the min eral content of the oro. which it was at first announced Hint the concentrator was making, the plant at the present time is making a recovery of less than 70 per cent, and tho tailings are carry ing a heavy loss In mineral. "Some months ago, under inntruetlons from D. C. Jnckling, general manager of tho company, the coarse jigrs In the main concentrating department of ono side of the mill wore ordered replaced with tables. Results havo proved that the Butte & 'Superior 7.lnc ores cannot prop erly be treated with table concentration, and it Is the general opinion of those familiar with the treatment of zinc orer. that It will not bo very long before the tables will be taken out and tho old jigs Installed to take their nlacc. It Is In this portion of the mill that t hi losses are heaviest. Future Revamping. "Wliile operations in the mill have been Intermittent during tho past few months, owing to adjustmenl5, better than 400 tons have been treated on an average and during the past few weeks an avcV ngo of about 600 tons a day -have been milled, and the dally shipment of concen trates has been four cars. Tho concen trates at tho present time carry about in per cent zinc. At this rate the com pany is making fair earnings, but with tho mill operating at an efficiency which it Is believed that It could be operated by tho use of jigs Instead of tables, the earnings should be materially greater "Some work Is being done on the first section, to bring It up to a producing stage, but it Is not probable that it will bo finished until tno success or failure of tho present concentrating tables is de termined by tho management." Boston Minincj Stocks. James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers, furnish tho following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: BOSTON COPPER RANGE. I Sales-I II. I L. Clse Algomah ! 2V 191 H Butte & Balaklava.. 50' ?.h 3J 31 Butte fc Superior... 1.3551 35 I 3-1 J 54 Calumet fc Arizona.. SO G6J1 G6i 6fii Chief Consolidated .. 250 1$! lj! 19 Copper Range I 245! 4S I -IS I 48 Daly West ' 1 .'! 4 Davis Daly 50 l? VI 1 East Butte 951 14 ' I I 14 Glroux Con G2'i! Zi .'lit .15 Granby Con ' 75 CO 69 I C9 Greene C 75 S3 S?l 82 Hancock 21 i 21 21 Indiana Copper 15 14j 15 Inspiration Con 17 16 17 Lake Copper 75 20 20 20 La Rose 110 3! 3l 31 Mason Valloy 115 St Sg! SJ Nevada Con 50 lSlj 1SJ 1SJ Niplsslng 395 9 1 9 ' 9 North Butte ' 220 31V 31 I 31 North Lake 501 2" 2 I 2 Ray Consolidated ... 150 195 193 19? Superior & Boston.. 2,1351 3J' 22 1 8j Trinity ! 5 ! 4a! 5 U. S. Smelter com.. 1001 413' ml 413 TT. S. Smelter pfd... 90 40L'l 192 49? Utah Consolidated .. 50 10J 10! 10! Pond Creek 150 25J 25 25 American Zinc S,2S0 32 j 31i 31 B BOSTON CURB CLOSE. I Bid. lAskcd. Alaska ?11.25 IJ14.37! American Zinc 31.50 J 31.75 Arcndlan j 2.25 I 2.50 Begole I 1.50 ! 2.00 Bingham Mines ' l-00 1 4.50 Boston Ely 82 I .85 Bohemia 2.50 2.75 Butte & London 35 I .37 Butte Central fi.25 I S.50 Calaveras S.12J 3.25 Eagle & Blue Bell 1.00 ! 1.06i El Paso j C.12S1 C25 Greene-Cananea 3.061 3.125 Helvetia 75 Hoton Copper 5.75 6.00 Kerr Lake 3-20 3.25 Keweenaw 2.62 2.75 Mass 1.75 5.00 Mayflower 12.50 13.00 Majestic .41 .42 Michigan 1.50 2.00 Miami Copper .23.25 23.75 Nevada Douglas 2.50 2.C2J Old Colony I 6.25 I C.75 Ohio Coppr 93 ,S6 OJlbway 2.02J 3.00 Oneco 1.50 1.75 Pond Creek 25.62S 25.871 Shannon , 12.00 12.50 South Lake 6.75 7.25 South Utah 25 .30 S. W. Miami 3.00 3.50 Stewart 1 75 1.87J Tuolumne 3.00 S.20 Utah Apex 2.00 2.25 Victoria 1.50 2.00 Winona 3.00 3.50 Wyandot ... 1.25 1.50 Oro Shipments. The Utah Ore Sampling company on Friday reloa-ned 6 cave of ore from Utah, and 1 car from Nevada camp?. Metal Market. The metal quotations for Fridav, post ed by McCornick & Co., ivcro aa "folfowB: SUvec Silo,; lead. M.36; coppr, 6)7i. . . S;: Sickness in the Home! Shows the benefit to be derived from an- extension telephone upstairs. The needs of the household and. patient can be attended to-1 without leaving the sickroom.. ' 1 Less than 2c a day puts this service at your disposal 1 The Mountain States Telephone & uJpB ;ff-' Telegraph Company i ' ' ' 'C. C. CAMPBELL, District Mgr. Call Wasatch 1 Contract Department jj PRII8CEST0CK NUT 8E TIEDJP TODAY Arrangement Is Agreed lo That Should Take Margined Shares OfT Market. It Is learned that arrangements were completed on Friday whereby the mar-r gincd stock of the Prince Consolidated company, which has boon hanging over tho local market for a week or two. has been taken care of, thereby remov ing any possibility of this stock being forced upon tho market for at least six months. It Is anticipated that all the brokors and banks having this stock will havo deposited the sanle under the .'Lgreo menl reached before the close of business today. It is generally well known that the big drop In Prlnco Consolidated during tho month was duo to an over exten sion of marginal accounts, thcro being from 60,000 to 80,000 shares, according to various estimates, involved, and which, should it have to bo thrown upon a weakened market, would havo broken the market severely. Should tho arrange ment mentioned be porfcclcd bv thoso Inlcrstcd as anticipated today, this stock would ceasu to be a factor for the six months, at least, during which It will abide in the hands of tho Utah Savings & Trust company and during which time dlfforent conditions may arise or ho pro vided for against Iho future. According to thoso who havo helped round out the above arrangomcnL this stock will be protected against any con dition during tho six months, being wholly removed from any possibility of It becoming1 an adverse market factor that seemed possible were it still re tained on margin In tha hands of tho brokers and bankers as under former conditions. Tho next step in the deal whereby the Knox and associated interests took ovor the control of this company Is scheduled for. February 15, at which limo It will ho known whether or not the control will abide whore tho deal determined, or whetljcr It will return to the Salt Lake Interests formerly having the same. New York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon : NEW YORK LISTED STOCKS. I Sales.! H. L. IClsc Chlno Copper I 900! 4231 42jl 421 Goldfleld Con 2i 2 2 Nevada Con j 2,100 lSi 1Si; 1SJ Ray Consolidated ... l.OOOf 10Z' 19J! 19S Tennessee Copper .. 34 33JI 31 Miami Copper (00 235 23" 23R Utah Copper S00 55 54 i 541 Inspiration Con 100 10 1CJ 16J Studcbaker Con 35 33J 35 Ontario Silver 3 2j 2j NEW YORK CURB RANGE. I Sales.l H. L. Clse First Nat. Copper 2it 2j T Glroux Con 3ll 3;! 3J Yukon Gold I 35' 3 I 3 Ohio Copper S00I Z II I New Keystone 1 1 II' W IS South Utah f. I if V i Mason Valley 200! Sll 8J SJ Eradon Copper 800l 9gl 9J 92 Ely Consolidated ... 1,4001 12c 12c 12c La Rose 200 31 34 3 Kerr Lake 1.000 3J 3 31 Belmont 100 . 8 8 8 Tonopah C 51 C Alaska 800 M3 131 143 United Cigars 1.000 1083 107! 108$ NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. I Bid. lAsked. Ely Cons ? .12 !$ .11 Glroux Consolidated 3.06J 3.20 Yukon Gold 3.00 3.25 New Keystone 1.62J 1.87J Ohio Copper 95 1.00 Ray Control 2.371 La Ross 2.62! 2.75 South Utah 25 .CO British Col Copper ; 4.25 4.50 Bay State Gas .50 ,62J Sioux Consolidated .04 .06 Colorado 10 .20 Iron Blossom 1.25 1.35 Carlsa 0f f .15 Nevada Hills 1 1.37a. 1.50 Lany alert, capable bupincss women make it a point to know of tho Want opportunities enoa. day. BUSINESS ON THE EXCHANGE IS SMALL During tho month just closed by the local oxchango rS2,154 shares- of stock wore sold, the market value of which was $149.955.37.. During January, 1912, thero wore l.J 19,019 shares dealt In, tho market value of which was 5167,373.33. This shows that while the past month's trading was ono-half that 01 January, tho mar kot value of tho stocks dealt In was materially larger. Sales Frida.y totaled 31,339 share:?, Uie value of which was $5,039.80. Tho following were tho closing trans actions: UNLISTED STOCKS. I Bid. A3ked. Sold for. New Ycr ..'$ .09 15 .00! $ I McDon Ely . .21 I .26 .215(g) i T-Qulncy . . .23 1 .27 .24 & Colurnb Ext. .03 .04 .04 Ely Witch .. .06i .08 B C-Stand.. .OS .08 Alta Con ..j .36 ; .40 LISTED STOCKS. I A. M. P. M. I Bid. IAskcd.ll Bid. Aaked. Beck Tun . 5 .OS $ .09 !$ .OS 5 .09 Ring Amal. .043) .07 .044 .07 Black Jack .091 .12 .09i ,12 C-Talis . . .01 .01 J' .01 .012 Colo Mln .. .15 .17 .16 .17 Con Mer .10 10 Crown Pt . .03 .035 .03 .031 Daly . ... 1.20 1,50 1.20 1.50 DrJudge . . C.25 6.50 6.00 6.50 Dragon , .05 .20 E C Point 01 01 E T Con 01 01 E T Dovel .01 01 Emerald 10 05 Gold Chain. .38 .40& .38 .41 G Central . .74 .80 .74 .SO Ind Queen 02 ....... .02 Iron Bios . 1.25 1.27 1.25 1 1.27 Iron King . .01 01 J Bowers . .00 .06 .00; .02 Keystono I .20 . .20 K William. .01 .04 .04 ,04i Lead King. .005' .07 07 Tehl Tlntlc.l .00i' .01 02 Lion UHI .023) .05 .023 .05 Little Bell. i .35 .10 ' ' .35 Low Mam .1 .04l .05 .04 I .05 Mammoth : 1.25 ! 1.25 Mason .Val S.00 9.50 1 S.00 I 9.00 May Day . .21 .22 .21 .21 Min Flat . .00 .01 .001 .01 Mnt Lake . .03 .05 .03"! .05 Nov Hllln . 1.25 1.4,5 1.45 New York . .00 .03 Ohio Cop . .97 .99 .95 .99 Opohongo . -01 .05 .04 .05 Pioche Dom .03 .OS ! .08 Plochr. Mot 02 PItts-Tda .. .50 1.25 .50 1.25 Plutus .. . .06 .071 .00! .07 Prince Conl .78 .SO ' .75 .77 Rexall . ..I .01 .01 . .. Seven fcTrs.J .01 .02 I .01 .021 S T Coallt 40 1 40 S K Coalitl 2.97 3.05 I 3.00 3.05 S K Con . .75 1.00 ' .75 So Pac ... .013 .15 II .01JI Sll Shield 03 II Sioux Con . .02 j .03 t ' S Iron Bios 00! .no Swan Con .1 .01 1 -01 I .02 Tin Cent .1 .01 .Oljii .01 I .01 United Tin. I .003' .01 II .0031 .01 Uncle Sam. I .11 I .13 II .11 ! 13 Utah Con .1 .01JI .0U" .011 ' .0U Union Chief' .06 t .0C'l .05JI .ORi Victor Con l I 'I .03 1 .05 Victoria ..' .56 ' .no ! .55 .00 Wllbcrf . .1 .09 :tl II .on i .11 Yank- Con J .11! .18 I! .14 I .16 Yer Cop ..' .03 I .07 l .03 j MORNING BALES. ' Beck Tunnel, 2000 at 8o Cedar-Talisman, 1000 at 15c. King William. 500 at 4c. Lower Mammoth, 500 at 4Jc. Ohio Connor, 300 at 97c. . Plutus, 1000 at 7c. Prince Consolidated, 100 at 7Sc; 600 at 79c. Silver King Coalition, 100 at S3." Tlntlc Central, 500 at lc. United Tlntlc, 2000 at 3c. Shares sold, 8600. Selling valuo. 51459.25. OPEN BOARD. Cedar-Talisman, 6437 at lo. Ohio Copper, 100 at 98c. Prince Consolidated, 1500 at 76c Utah Consolidated. 2000 at lie Shnrosr aold. 11.639. Selling value. $1541.05. AFTERNOON SALES. Iron Blossom, 100 at $1.25. Ohio Copper. 600 at 90c. Opohongo, 1000 at 4c. Prlnco Con., 200 at 7oc; 100 at 7Cc Seven Troughs, 1000 at lie. Silver IClng Coalition, 100 at SS.00. Union Chief, 4500 at 6c. Shares sold, 7600. Selling vnluo, $1557. OPEN BOARD. Colorado, 1500 at 17c. Union Chief, 100i at Cc. j Shafts sold, 3500. Foiling value. $482.50. Montha totals --Share sold, 5S2.154 selling value, $149,D55 37. DREAM MINE AGAIN ' SETS FOLKS TALKING A llttlo east of Salem, and in tho hills. Is a proportv that has gained a consid erable amount of notoriety during tho seventeen years It has been under de velopment by vlrtuo of the alleged dreams of Its discoverer. Bishop John Koylo wau the man who discovered the .property and it Is stated that tho variouu developments during the seventeen years of tho property's llfo havo been foro told by him, always to bo borne out as predicted, through tho agency of a dream. Some time ago thoro was a considerable amount of water In the property, and an other dream was had in which it was foretold that sinking to a certain depth would dlscloso a 4-lnch fissure which would drain off this water. The latest development at the property, eay those who know, was the encountering of this 4-lnch fissure and the unwatcring of the deep levels as predicted. " So far tho dream mine ha3 no oro, but It has boon foretold that oro will bo had before tho treasury stock is ex hausted. Tho compn.ny has never levied an assessment, securing; funds by way of treasury stock sales. Thirty men are employed at the present time. Reports from tho way of Salem say that there has been quite a scramble for some of tho treasury stock since the 4-Inch fis sure was hit. ' So far, therefore. It is a dream mine, but not a dream of a mine. NO CHANGE NOTED IN STOCKS FRIDAY James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon.' Paine, Webbor & Co., Boston. The ad vance in Suporior & Boston was the only feature of local list. Reliable reports are coming from the properly showing thai underground conditions aro much im proved and It begins to look as if a rich strike has boon made. Offerings of stock are roniarkably small and If tho good news continues the stock should have at least 2 or 3 points further rally. Logan & Bryan. New York. According to the plans -which the street has formu lated In Its own mind, Union Pacific will acquire the main line of tho Central Pacific In exchango for 5SO.000.000 South ern Pacific stock, together with about $18,000,000 in cash and $6,000,000 In bonds of subsidiaries, and that the remaining $46,000,000 Southern Pacific stock will be offered to Union Pacific stockholders at 97, all of -which Is herewith presented as an Indication of present expectations. We still favor moderate purchases on the occasional downturns, and bollovo the trend of market, at least for the pres ent, will be found to be upward. San Fraucisco Oil Stocks. James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: I Bid. lAsked. Caribou $ 1.00 $ Claremont 55 ....... Illinois Crude - 05 Monte Cristo 78 New Pennsylvania 48 Palmer 17 Premier 31 Sauer Dough 1.35 Tumor 96 Sterling ( 1.05 I Do you prefor a room in a privato family or accommodations in a board ing house or hotel? Tho Wants aro cquall' effoctivo in either case. To securo a directory of available- rooms, call upon tho Wnnts. 5AY5- It isn't so mnoh what you pay for what you get as what you get for what you pay. COPPER EXPORTS 0F;1 LIMITED TONNAGE Tho coppor exports for the wcjk eS Ing January 30. totaled 50S1 torn. ad slve of southern and Pacific port, xfim was a decrease of 4201 tonj over m same period of last year. Tho txwrtjV during the flrat thirty days o( Jwayi wcro 23,048 tons, a decrcass of 781) over the pamo period of the ww&fl year. The European buying movtaaty therefore la still delayed. j Too Much Risk of ; Fire and Theft . j When you Btoro your valuKs at homo or at tho office thew U constant risk of osing them ; firo or theft. Do the wiso thing now-psi your valuables in our lire m ' I Burglar Proof Vault whero yea can rent a Safe Deposit Bor low as $3.00 PER YEAR Continental National Bank Salt Lake City, Utah. 1 I Your coal order is j handled as though j I it is the only one J I we have. i 1 tmJ' Ability and Disposition j nlro to render the btsi V service In bunking. ) It Invites accounts, fJflJj on tho most Btits..fni3tM Blatant with good business m. I and financial security. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAJj provisions, corroj! James JL PolkW BANKERS AND 3,3.335 8.tK , .F Direct Privat. wire ".V