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VK THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, .SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1913. 15 1 (Continued from Preceding Page.) K: - v. K MnMiIIu and Mrs. -Wl yesterday for iiEweek for tho oast, ,,0 fouth to spend tho ?? oenth, coast 'of Flor- W. i W-. Thomas B. Miller of Unat were in town for a few Z r.tnia Jlorfran loaves tomorrow rfeaVtoS.ahpjrillHail short 'jHKf5,TTW to Honolulu. X. 0 B-Henatt is tho guest for of Mr. and Mrs. Austin $8111 leave with Mrs. Jack 'Htiur tl week for southern Cali 4Bl? trill oe with her sisters at feS a time. Wore joining Eqjfct in Berkeley, Hta nd Mrs. John T. Alton j,ere within the next f ort jjKjfWil eomo time 'with old Ek. Tasy tave hcon nt Fort Mao ; Wro for the past f ow yoars, JE&,Aonls with tho Eighteenth riKuS Mn. Join 0. D. Clark left litity Doctor Tells , Secret lit Bwty Doctor Gives Simple fctpg to Ihrken Gray Hair and ' Promote Its Growth. p AUfl Whitney, a well-known 'doctor of Detroit, Mich., ro Ifpy out the following etato n, "Anyone can propare a sim yrfo it home, at very little , kat frill darkon gray hair, pro i Us jroirti and make it soft and To half pint of water, add 1 iWrrnn, & email box of Barbo (s-J, aad oz. glycerine- niipedlents can he bought at ay fitoe it very little cost. Apply u kir twice a week unlil the de .SjiSida U obtained. This will Upifnv haired person look twenty 'Ttogtr. It is also fine to pro flw growth of the hair, rehovo sfc iad icalp diseases, and is ox 'iVt fcrdandruif and falling hair.'' (Advertisement.) during tho wcolt for Chicago, whero Mr. Clark goes on business. They -will be -away a few weeks. ' Mrs. "Frank IS. Stephens leaves within a few days for southern California, whoro she will spend tho next few weeks visit in;; friends. n Mr.-i. Clayton Van Ktircn Smith, who has spent tho past two months visiting tho Campbell family, leaves today Xor her homo in Nevada. Bishop Spalding lias eono to Law rence, Kan., to be away" a fortnight at I (Muling an important meeting thoro in connection with his church. Mrs. Clara Stephenson left during tho week for New York to bo away a few weeks on business. a r. Mjs. N. M. Hamilton has gone cast to spend the next few weoks in New York and iu Washington, -where alio will visit tho Smool; familv. . Mrs, .T. H. Beifuss left during tEo week for Los Angeles to spend somo time -with hor son Milton. n n Mrs. Albert ,T, Vorse and hor chil dren have gono to southern Culifor-' nia for a stay of some months. Mrs. M. B. Charlton and Mrs. Banks loft during tho week for New York to spend the next month or so. It M Mr. and Mia. L. L. Tnrry have gone lo Coraoado Beach for a short stny. ., Dr. and Mrs. V. 3. Bascom aro back from n month passed in southern Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. John Cully of Ogdon spent a few days in town during tho past wcok, having conio down for "The Bluo Bird." - Miss Kathcriue Dougall of Spring ville has been visiting friends in town for the past few days. Mrs. Howard Ingham and Miss Car roll, sisters of Mrs. W. If, Bintx, arc here from Cheyenne. "Wyo., to visit tho Brain family for a time. n Colonel and Mrs. K. A. Wall and Mass Mary Wall expect io leavo dur ing the wcok for the east to 'be away several weeks in Washington and Now York. it Miss Gladys Wickcns, tho talontod 3-omijc: cellist, expects to leave tomor row for Boston to conLinuo her musical studios. Mrs. 0. M. Brown and hor small aan aro back from a visit of a month or more in Los Angele3 and viciuitv. M'rs. N. Troloar and son left, vester day to spend the remainder of th'o win ter in southern California. M Mr. and Mrs, Henry M. Dinwoodoy and Mr. and "Mrs. L. (.f. "Dinwoodoy aro back front u stay of several weolifl in the cast. r n Mrs. 'Ida At.hcrloii left yestcrdav for San Francisco to visit, .friends for a lime. u Mrs. Golden Kimball and her daugh ters left yebtorday for a visit of a few weeks in southern California. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Roberts and son of Denver are visiting with Mrs. Rob erts's parents, Mr. nd Mrs. M. 13. Sowlcs. Mrs. Thomas Graham and son Reg inald left yesterday for a mouth. r& stay in California. Miscellaneous Events Tho Souvenir Card club will meet next Thursdav afternoon with Mrs. . IT. Whipple at Xortb Fifth West street.. ton The Initial club was entertained last Friday aftornoou by Mrs. Henry Jack son at licr home. Tho usual game of "sixty-three" was played, and Mrs. Brady and Mrs. McDonald won the prizes. The B. Y. C. clnb members were en tertained last Thursday evening by Miss Vera Tollestrnp at hor borne on East Tenth South street. Mrs. M. S. Solomon entertained about twenty-f I vo of the young friends of hor daughter, Miss Christina E. M'oLa icn, last. Monday ovoninp. in celebra tion of the birthday of M'ibs McLaren. (i t Mrs- Von TOim of 947 East Eighth South street entertained tho members I HOW TO REMOVE I WHINKLES IN FIFTEEN MINUTES. Just put Neo-Plastlque a harmless! vegetable jelly on your faoe. Let I It dry. In in minutes wash It off. I That's Jill. No peollnsr or othw drao- I tic methods. Dellgntful nensatlon. Rofreshlng, Scientific. Guaranteed Hal'nllea under Pure Food law. Sold on Approval Instantancoun results. FIna wrin kles disappear, doop lines soften, BuoR-gins lifts up, face becomes firm, skin tightens, complexion brightens, faco looks and feels ycara younger. All In 15 minutes. Neo-Plastlquo lo not expensive. I "Write for partleularn. Enclose 2c Stamp, Satisfaction guaranteed. Free demonstration at your home. Neo-Plastique Agency I Local apent, 315 East 2nd South St 1 Phono Wasatch 3180-M. ln the Millinery Dept. W't ON SEC01SD FLOOR ..LTotir choice of auy trimmed Pell Hat in A fow desirable trimmed Hats, your choice, frftK the house for $5.00. $1.00. .JBfc line of Heady-toWcar Felts at 25c Any velour or black velvet shape at Halt ana 75c. IrJ-cc and less. vB C are &0nS a nice variety o tho newest Spring models. Just -what yon need to-MH' " for your anticipated trip to the coast. m Knitted Underwear Sale ol :" ' Commences Monday 0mf 1 Take front elevator by BPM Dress Goods Dept. u?HB" SIRbi Ul entire line for ladies and children, including such fa 'SBw' SSSi inous makes ns the Mnnsing, iMerode, ICaysor, Oestwood 'L. Alills, Dr. Denton Sleeping Garments. Qq Off lift Tii&L Extra Special Values WWfctL Children's white extra Hne grade fleece 1I 'Dv,Zrtx mm&itm ined I,1,lLs, sizcs 28, 30, 2, at naii rnce '; 'K'BIVl Children's black fleece liueil pants, rcg- rtBBMc ular pr'cc 35c spou5al Kul prcc lm "?BS?Wi -Ludics white fleece lined union suits, - A(r $frMWw flSiSM vcgulnr 75c values, special sale price fffUC t)nilc,l'cn's k"od sUirts with waist attached, ages 2. H and ' CalS.J reg"lar 35c valuos, special t. fatSKPsllL Qliildrcn's .flannelette skirts in white ajid colors. 'JMMfS Regular aOo A J tegular. 50c Qfl WoL' VHUm VaIUeS j,JS: OUR DRUG STORE IS AT $h &Jm j "" i " 112-114 SO. MAIN STREET . ... IriA BABIES BENEFIT BY PBOMPI BSE ' JFP0S11 How tho little ono siUTers from trrlta tlncr. chafed and ltchlnp cklnl Ami how Quickly Posl.iin soothes, cools and com forts, soon drlvlnp these troubles away. In all skin affections, lJos!am produces Immcdlntcly noticeable results, stopping nil ItililiiR and rapidly restoring the slcln to normal condition. Eczema, acne, tot ter, salt rheum, all forms of Itch, scalp scale, psoriasis, pimples, rashes, etc yield to Poslam aa to nothing else. J'OSLAM SOAP Is without equal for tender skin; tho Ideal nursery soap, grateful, soothing and tion-Irritatlng. Every mother may rrly upon Its absolute Fufcty and purity. , Sr-hrnuim-.lohnson. Drugs. "The Never Subsll tutors," KJve Cf) Good Stores :ind all druggists f-.ll poslam (price. 50 cents) and roskim Soup, (price, 23 cents). For tree samples, wrjto to tho Emurgency 1a.boraiorles 32 West 25th Street, Now York City. (Advertisement) of tho Oliver 0 Howard Ttcliof crops and their friends last Thursday after noon at. a pleasant social affair with cards and a tea. Mre. C. C. Brooks of 173 Q street will entertain the ladles of tho Maswell McKcan corps next Thursday afternoon at hcr nome. Mrs. J. !F. IQrk entertained at a luncheon Saturday, followed by a mati nee parti at the Orphi-um. The jruosls were Mrs. Alox Pickering, Mrs. .1. B. Cowan, Mrs. F. W. Sudbury, aMra. W. A. Leatham and Mrs. F. J. Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hill entertained the mombors or the Jolly 000 club Inst Thursday evenim? at their home, a de licious supper followed tho usual game. Mrs, Alex Pickering entertained Thursday afternoon at 500 for Miss Josephine Hardy. About thirty friends wuro present. " Frizes woro of hand painted china. They were won by Mrs. f. Jj. Edwards, Mrs. Claude Gates, Mjs. A. J". Skidmoro and Miss Josephine Hardy. An interesting social affair t of the week will bo the big dance given by the Vi Wanah club girls, next Friday night. The club girls, Vivian. Ander son, Hazel and Millie Whitehead, Alico and Winifred Sanders, Ivy Allen and Noll "Woodcock and several othors promise an enjoyablo time to all their friends who participate. The dauco will bo given in tho "Waterloo ward amusement hall, Friday Feb". 7. ,'. The regular monthly social of tho Central Qhristian church will bo hold jointly with the annual evening ses sion of tho Missionary society m the church parlors on Friday evouing at 8 o'clock. Mrs. X W. Christy has ar ranged the followingprogrammo: Piano solo, Miss Xorothy Perkins; violin solo, James Simpkia; address; Rov. P. A. Simpkin; soprano solo, Mtb. A. S. Poters; selections, High School Glee Clnb. All mem'bers and friends of tho church are cordially invited to be present. Mr. an! Mjs. Oashrnan delightfal lr entertained at their residence 533 South First West in honor of Mr. and 1 M ft iM l "Let's Try "DONTBOIL COCOA" H "Wo must stop polBonlng our oystemB with strong nervo-TTrocklnt; drinks "Wo mnat mako a change In our dlots that vlll nourish rather than stimulate This fretting and worrying through tho night must glvo vay to perfect relaxation and rest." 1 For Health, Economy and Convenience McDonald's Dontboil Cocoa H "Made Instantly Without Boiling With Half a Teaspoonf ul." Mjs. Schukso who are going to Califor nia after a short viEit here. The members of La Deja were de lightfully entertained Saturday after noon by Miss Cora Olson at her homo. m Mass Hose Levy loft yesterday for Los Angelea for a stay of a few weeks. Mr. and Mjs, John Noyce entertained "H the Friday Night Twelvo club at a .1 "SOO" card partv. Tho prize was awarded' to Mjs. Hicl. Later in tLTe 'H ovening rofTeshmonts were served. Those present wore Mr. and Mre. A. Wetzoll, Mr. and Mrs. A. Donalson, Mr and Mrs. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. B. Gom- :H mel. Mrs. "Welskon. Mrs. Hicks and Mrs. Blath. I -le corse S e rs 0Uht of ll I II jiml e fashionably gowned woman, v Frtf J I Infill I s resPonsle for the appear- H il ce f the season's marked dress I I itgf B m ' i I I Give to the figure the proper con- K I I 1 tour. No matter how elegantly I I J gowned you may be, you are not I As perfectly gowned unless correctly I llV A Warner's will take any figure rgMy I I J posture without hurting the wear- r- I fflf & or breaking the corset. (pFer I !l I pf? Made to shape fashionably, to fit I - lM comfortably, the bones not to - M I 1 1 Mm break, rust or punch through the ' All mil fabric or the fabric tear. H mr Ranging in Price H j : From to $7M0 I I j"" - ' " ! h'OtTH MAIN ST u-.....-. m.. Jm...l..1-.