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I Kanaka Swimmer Has No Equal in the Watj This Hawaiian A Human Fish Duke Kahanamoku, Who Made the Fastest Swim mers of the World Look Foolish at the Stock holm Olmypiad, Was Reared in the Surf of His ' Island Home and as a Boy Dodged Sharks for it , Sport. '. By JIM NASIUM. . ' CopyxJpht by The Philadelphia. Inquirer .Co"). . fTpi tCB Atermnul, boiu a pootio myth and a fictitious character- oE the ar 1 tists fovorod imagination, tbo nokfc nearest thing to a IibIi that mnsquor I a-des iu human form are the islanders of tan Southern Pacific ocean, who can truthfully bo said to ho rnoro at-homc in the -water than on Iho land. On land tho South Soa islander is an indolent, shiftless boin, the height o whoso ambition appears to bo to soo how long ho can lie undisturbed on tho i velvoty raanienio gratis on the shady sido of a grasB house or propped tip againBt tho butt end of a feathery coaoauut palm, but in the shark-infostod wa ' fers of 'Ills native islands he apparently realizes for tho first time what, his hands and foot are hitched onto his dark body for, and he is all action and ex- hibits a skill thai is little Joss than marvelous. Tho largest uud most generally known of this croup of islands is Hawaii. ' one of Uncle .Sam's new possessions, and transpacific travelers touching at iHonoluln havo become pop-eyed with amazement at the aquatic hkill displayed by tho nativo bojrs who swarm the docks of Honolulu harbor and swim out to moot tho iucorainir steamers to divo for nickels and dimes thrown from the ' dock to sbimmor down through the grcon water in tho very midst of the Hark moving shapes oC tho man-ontinr "leopard" shark. -nnHxm nVill 5: n. matter of . wonder to tho mam who from infancy -iaa kept Ms foot incased m patent V leather ehoos and who has always ' -flocked xtpon wator as a liquid to be '.jised exclusively aH a "chaser" to Ins ' -fcyvorito bTand of poison, it is but com- Won nativo talent to the "brown skinned lydro-man who has been reared to look pon the wilo orpansc of sea that in cased his island homo as Ins special field of conquest. The Soth Sea is Jander's contest with the sea, neces sitated by his craving for what the sea could supply, has, from early days, been the chief stimulus ia th0 devel opment of Hawaiian character. It has Ijoott about; tho only thine he has had to call out his skill, courage, sagacity, ingenuity and ability to onduro and conquer. It has created in him. not only a wonderful ability in his bodily . . contact with tho waves, but has' pro moted a knowledge of navigation, and ''' led to minnto and accurate) obsorva-1 tiou of winds' and currents, lent scope and fervor to tho imagination, and set aflamo tho poetic spirit of the race. Their old songs and most cherished na- ' tivo traditions are Tepleto with refer ences to tho soa. Tho sea is tho Ha waiian's classic, from which havo como to him tho'soyen wonders of the 'lopendary world, and its foam-crostcd i "billowB havo furnished him with his aneans of livelihood, his sport, his all. It is littlo wonder, then, that the greatest swimmer th'o world of sport has over snon should come from Hawaii. Over in, Honolulu lived a dark-skinned boy, son of Honolulu's chief of polico one of tho brown naked kids who habitually swarm, ovor the docks and swim through tho shark infested c?ta i.ers of tho harbor in search of silver I Cures Blood Poison Wonderful New Vegetablo Discovery, ae Proved by WaaBerman Test, Cures .at I Homo tile Blood Poloon That Canoes Ulcers, Copper Spots, 1 . Mucous Patches, etc ' -Fre to You' How to Cure Yourself , i Quickly, Absolutely, Safely. Without ' Mercury, Iodide or Other ' Mineral Poisons, It doesn't matter how bad your cafie of. blood polfon. no matter in wliat stage, 1 I can euro you quick!, completely, pcr- 1 itnanftntly with Mm wohdnrful purely i -vegetable Obbac Treatment. It haa revo- 1 lutlonlzed the treatment of blood poison. 1 ' Its cures have be on amazing, and the t I .Infallible Wasserman Test absolutely I proves it. I have cured caEcs with the body covered with ulcers, the hair sone, tilo Internal orsniiH badly damaged, the I ibrnafi.'octcl. and Lhc boner; of nose and 1 '.Ibtroat Involved. In a wonderfully aliort T 1 -tlafto'-itfi sores were healed, and the TJallerit completely cured. , Tou can now throw away all your mor- I oury, Iodide, nr.senlc and other dd'nger- j ous polEona which hav a, frightful uf- I feet on cvory part of the bodv, sind which, do not eiirn. Tins Obbac Trcat- l ment not only cures the bloiftl potaon but tho dnmajre from these 'mljioral I drugs an well. 1 prove ubsolulclv every statement T make, I havo mired cases which fsdlod to bo cured by InJocUon , ,, method, now admitted by epeclallatK and 4 HclcnliHtH a& dangerous, of Uttln use, mid I fatal in ;nany cases. Take Oblmc; It la B I j riure, eafc. quick. ' The Obbac Company is one of the big institutions of IhlH city. Head coupon H ' !il below today with your name and ad- V,f, rroHB and I will nana you free how to I cure yonrsiflf of bIoxl poIon, right In i your own home, wllli wonderful Obbnc. Alto Jllu nl rated booklet, proofs of amuz- H. ing cures by tin; hundredH. Com a v0u H noUilng. H ; j FREE COUPON j I To Medical Director. OBBAC CO., , 659 Commercial Bhlg., Chicago. III.' H . Send me by return mail, absolutely H free, bow to cure myself quickly and H completely at home of blood poison H I by the wonderful vegetable Obbac H Treatjnent. Jncludlng pplondid IIUib- , livitcd free book, proofs of cures, eta H j Namo ArldrcFd j City Ktate coins thrown from tho .docka o tho in coming steamers who showed au a!bil ity to surpass even tho wouderf ul foots ot the rest of theso Kitriakk Idda iu thctr water sports. This .little brown Kanaka boy was a wonder even among a nation of wonders. His name was Duko P. Kabaaamoktt. At surf-riding tho national sport of the Hawanans, which oonsistg 0r Tiding a long, thick plank with rounded ends over tho great billows as they sweep shoreward this httlo Kahanamoku boy performed wonders and eclipsed all other Kanakas at the sport. Surf-riding is an old and heroic sport for which Hawauana have always .been noted. In ancient times it wan practiced in honor pC the lungs and chiefs, but- has sinco oecomo a royal sport on-its own ac count, and at this sport, staudine erect on his surf -board with folded arms, com plete master of the waves, wliich he appended to bo drivinc before him like, unarlot steeds, younc Kahanamoku wab monarch of the rolling (breakers. At dodging sharkB in the waters of Honolulu harbor with his mouth filled with coma tossed from the deck, of the steamers this younjr sou pf Honolulu's chicfpf poltcu was also tlie peer of. all 'e Kanaka boys. Probata v many a trans-Pacijic traveler has leaned ovor tho rail of an incoming fitenmor toseing coins into then water and wondering at the dnnncr aquatic feats of this (brown Kanaka boy, without knowing that he this looking on what was dostined to be known tho world over a3 the world's greatest swimmor. In Honolulu it is. said of Kahanamo ku that as a boy, he tempted fate from i the mouths of sharks in tho harbor inerely as a matter of sport and an ex hibition of his daring and prowess, fre quently approaching ono of theso mon Btors and playing bido and seek with the man-eator in tho wator for tho de .IeotatiOn of the horrified passengers on some mooming -steamer. It ig aaid that when, approached by a shark Kahana moku would "trend water" and raze down-into the water with his keen eyes intent on tho -tactics of the 'onoinv. and' .lust B3 the' shark would turn on his back to Bnap the littlo ibrotvn boy would dive beneath the monster, and the great jaws would come togother with nothing1 between them. IlVwpuld re peat this until ho gained a. ropo dan gled from tho aido of ' the sh and would then freqnontlv drop back io repeat tho performance. ' This was tho stuff of which the world s greatest Kwimmor was even tually made. As he prow oldor and tho era of progress that had sot in in Hawaii promoted, a better organized condition of affairs. Kahanamoku bo came a. member of the Ilui Kalu Swim ming claT of Honolulu, and in the com. JESS 1LURD RULED OFF BY COMMISSI Bosses of Boxing in Nev7 York' Insist on Unequal Bouts. Being Stopped. By ED OURLEY. By International News Service. NEW YOJIK. Feb. 1. Following- the lines laid down by Governor fiulzr relating- to the conducting of boxftig bouts, the state athletic eommlnslon bag sent put a warning to all cUiuf, rercreoB and inspectorH. In the communication it Is expressly mentioned that the commln slon will nut tolerate the slightest nlgn of brutality In any bout and In any case where one opponent showa marked super iority over his rival, the rcfere slmll Ini : mediately end the battle. The commlH 8lon adds: "It must be distinctly understood that no con.Hlderatioii of any Itlnd shall inter firro with or imluencc tho stopping of a bout tlmt if loo ono-Blded." Tn the warning the eolons announced that summary action will be- taken In the case of any offender anrl the club at which the bout Is held will lone ita JIcenHe. The case of the boxer, CliM: Rone, Who dle3 a few hours after JiIh bout with Jaclc Smith at the WaKhlngton Athletic club, Brooklyn, wns investigated bv the commission, Tho rorerce, KdwarU OldiB, ami thu Inspector. Robert llaymond. tes tified that Rose showed no signs of ex hnnBlIon at any stage of tho flgjit. The blow that toppled him over was deliv ered in tho loat fifteen sccondH of the bout. After hearing fnl testimonv the ease waa adjourned until tomorrow, when tho club's physician and othor of ficials will by examined. The examination into tho overcrowd ing of tho Empire Athletic club at the Jtlverfi-Cross bout woh held o-"or until the attornoy general infonna tho com mlSHlon Just how far its powers extend in a capo of this order. Jens Wlllard wok informed that Ik muHt keep hlu agreement with tht Quoenabbcrry Athletic club of Buffalc beforo lie; can partioIpat Is a. bout Ir this tata petitions of this club ho performed tfcats that amazod those accustomed to the averago swimming competitions. Kcws of theso feats performed in open compe tition soon filtered into "the states," and while those transpacific travelers who had witnessed tho feats performed by Kanaka boyo in Honolulu harbor wore Teady to believe almost nuything that might be said of tho aquatic, prow ess of these littlo brown follows, the great throbbing world of sport that had Been familiar with tho lime mado by the best swimmers in competition could not believo it within tho power of any human being to perform siich feats'. Accordingly, about six mouths pre vious to tho American tryouta for tho Stockholm Olympic moot, tho Hui Kalu Swimming club sent Kahauamoku, then known as, tho ibesl: swimuior among a nation of swimming marvels, to exhibit his prowess iu tho United States and gaiu a placo representing the islaud for tho first time in tho Olympic classics. Iu his Jirst-appcaranceB ia this coun try Kahanamoku proved that he was the aquatic wonder that his advance notices had claimod he was, but, being primarily au open wator swimmer, bo. was unused to making tho turns in the short tanks heTe and lost much timo, which provonted Aim from equaling tho time of our bust men in tho longer Spectators Influence Referees Decisions By OTTO PLOTO. DO AUDIENCES influence the judgment of the rofercc by thoir actions at tho ringside? That's a qunstioa that at times becomes serious so far as the men fighting in the ring arc concernod. Tho shouting to the mou, tho crowd that sits about always gratis with thoir advice, tho loud-mouthed fellow on the seats mak ing remarks reflecting on tho work of ono or tho other and laboring under tho impression that he's a comedian o some BOrt or other, always, of courso, fishing for a laugh; no matter how gnmo tho referee may bo. if "he hears this noiso constantly ringing iu his oars he be comes influenced regardless of how siu core his intentions urn' be. Tkero is onjy ono. w3' in wliich to remedy this abuse, and that is to eject from the hall the first man offending in this manner. That slops it quicker than any other mothod. T .remember when tho Olympic club of Xow Orleans was at the height of its careor they al lowed 3'ou to applaud and hiss, but the firgt man that mado a romark to either of the men fighting in tho ring was- im mediately taken from the hall. As au illustration, tho night that Pitzsimmons 1 aud Mahor fought, it will be remcm , bcrod that in the first round Mahor ' practically knocked Fitr.siminons out, . tho bell alone saving him. "When Fitz came up for tho second round a man in j s tho gallery shouted. "You havca'f, got Jack Dempsoy in front of you now.1' 1 No sooner were tho words out of bis k mouth then Captaiu Barrett jumped to i his feet and, pointing to tho offender, ordered hiB policemen, to take him out. i ofi tho iiall, which, xjf course, theyi Im mediately did. Nob a man in tho h.ouse dared to speak after that, and you could hear a pin drop, so quiet was tho great crowd, seatod about tho arena. Another mcidont I recall occurred at Battory D, in Chicago. It was the night that Peter Jackson and Denver Ed Smith fought. Jackson woo sick that night and refused to sit down be tweon tlio rounds to rest, preferring to aland for reasons oil his own. After two or three rounds had passod aud he eaino bade to his corner, a rowdy shouted, "Sit down, or Smith will knock you down." Parson Da-vieo hap pened to bo near, and, motioning to an officer, said: "Take that stiff out; ho wants to do a monologue, and his placo is on. tho stage and not watchiug a light among a lot of gcntlctnon." Iseedless to, say no further remarks wore paused. A notablo iucidont of whero a crowd iniiuencorl u roforcn was the timo that Xouug Corbett aud Jimmy Britt fought in Sau Francisco. Mind, before I start, 1 1 claim it would havo boon just as big I a robbery to havo awardod the decis ion to Corbott as it waa when it was given to Britt. If ever there was n draw decision propor, it was on the oc casion T refer to. Bo that as it 'nay, when tho twentieth round wan boiug fought, tho crowd like one man roso and shouted, "Britt. Britt, Britt, etc." Jimmy was a San Prancisco boy, had fought, a great battle and, always be ing popular, his friends were oeaidc t hemsolves with enthusiasm. The fight at best waB closo, and when- tho great Britt cry pouetrated every inch of tho big pavilion, no ono could blamo Eddio Graney for rendering the decis ion hn did. Yet it was iho grossest kind of injustico to Young Corbott, who waa even- bit as much entitled to the decision as was Britt. To my mind it behooves clubs stag ing lights to correct this evil whenever it is ppBBible. Killing Avith au iron hand eliminates the evils quicker than anyone hnu an idea it will. Xf in donW. iunt try ii. distant ovonts, but ho "was so much suporior to anything we could produce t straight-away swimming "that in the shorter distances whoro tho timo lost at tho turns affocted his time lesa he could suffer tho loss consequent on his unfamiliarity with meeting tho turns in a short tank and still boat tho best wo could pit aguineb him ovor tho 100 yards. In order to ovorcomo this handicap of lack of knowlcdgo in mooting tho turn in a short tank, Kahanamoku was placed under tho tutelago of Georgo Kistlcr, swimming- coach of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, and under Kistlor'a export coaching the Hawaiian wondor soon "picked no tho knack of making the turn to such an extent that in numerous competitions through tho eastern part or tuo Unuod states ho mado onr best swiimnors look positive ly foolish aud smashed all Iho records over tho short distances formerly hold by C. M. Daniels, tho beat swimmer America, had ever produced, and oven boforo tho Olympic trials tho dark skinned Kanaka "shark dodger" had bocoino a cinch to represent Undo Sam in tho 100 motors swim at the Olym pics. America bad never semi such Hwimming bofore. Then came tho regular Olympic swim ming trinlH on Juno 11, In Verona Jake', Montolalr. Js. . .T., and ICahauamolnu though ho had already established him self as tho cortaln choice to rcprcaont America in the - 300-motcrs swim at Stockholm, was entered In the 220-yard triala in tho hopo that ho might bo util ized on. iho relay team if it did not af fect Mr .short distance chances. Tfnhana moku'u work In theso triala astounded even thoso who 'had already como to look upon tho Hawaiian as an aquatic wonder. Ho won the 220 -yard swim easily from an oven dozen of Amorica's beet swimmers, breaking tho American record Tor the. distance established bv C. ;.r. 'Daniels by 3-5 of a second, doing $3.50 iecips free, for Weak &en. Send Name and Address Today. You Can Have It Free and Be Strong1 and Vigorous. I have In my poanes3lon a prescrtntlon for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weak ened manhood, falling memory and lame back, brought on by oxecssen. unnatural draina, or tho follies of youth, that has cured ao many worn and nervous men rlpht In their own homes without anv additional help or medicine that 1 think every man who wlahos to regain bin manly power and virility, qulcklv and qulotly.. should have a copy. So havo determined to nond a copy of tho nro" ecrlptlon free of charge. In a plain, ordl nnry, sealed envolopc to any man -who will write me for It. wuo Thin prescription comes from a phvm. clan who has mado a opeclal otudv of men and I am convinced It In tho surest acting combination for tho cure of dofi clent manhood and vigor falluro evornut together. v 1 I think T owe It to my fellow men to send them a copy in confidence so tbnt any man anywhere who is weak and din couraged with repeated failures may atari druKirlng hlmoclf with harmful patc-it medicines, secure what I believo la the quickest aotlnrr restorative, upbulldlnir SPOT TOUCHING remedy over devised and so euro hlmselr at homo quietly anri quickly. Just drop me a lino Uko th a" Dr. A. IB. nobtnaon, 3897 Luck bulldlne Dotrolt, Mich., and I will send you a cony of this splendid recipe In a plain ordi nary envolopo free of charge, A great many doctors would chargo 13.00 to ss.on for merely writlnp out a prescription liko this but I aond It entirely rree. jPfc Thosa TOff erlnc from Wfslg . Wsr nessos that ssp tbo plnosuroa VHB of life 6bouId take Juven Pills. . Coupon T,nFi have more rejuvenntincr, jgg Titalzinsr force than has ever 1 . 'before bean offered. Bentpoafc ptJa In plain packaceonlyoa recolptof sfand Biovq coupon by O. I. Hood Co,, proprwtgrs ' oo4' S&rftDitrllU. Lowell, tho distance In Z mlnute3 and -10 sec onds. It was not only this, but the caay and nonchalant manner In which ho ac complished tho feat that astounded tho boboltlers. Ho always had the race well In hand, reaching tho-110-ynrd turn in 1:10 3-G, and had he been hard pressed could probably have dono from 3 to C seconds better. Tills feat firmly established TCaliana moku a3 the swimming man-el of tho afro. If anything rnoro was needed to establish, this fact, he supplied this whon ho made tho- world's best swim mers look liko novices in the classic events at Stockholm and became the talk, of ull EJuropc. Kahanamoku was ono of tho first members of tho American team to win honoru at Stockholm, creating a new world's record for tho lOO-rnctera swim by win nig Ids trial heat in this event In easy fashion in 1 minuto -2 2-5 rjoc ondB, and tbo apparently easy manner in which bo rwam the distance In this remarkable timo mado him tho hero of tho stadium. Ho was tho recipient of. honors from tho royal box, and the president of tho Eririflh tir. cJK cloty ofTored him a? TaliiK swam the 100 tocterttaLa-W during tho meek Wniija. The somi-flnals In tho 100 atUn mlng event proved fiasco b!S American entries rematea I' thoir boat and faJIod to aWi'SB spmo mlsundorsUndlnc aT !9K tho scml-finalB were tcerae?A was eventually patchid m that u semi-final htaXfmMSWL three American ciitrt "j.1 I aly should be swum, andlf SuS, the arbitrary standard of ' tSm firyt two to nnlsh ahoulH m.iff.V? finals. In this heat A'nS&M of 1:02 2-o inado In the flnnl When the final of the lKII was announced. KalianamnK.' VzSSM. a grt ovation aH ho walkrd iS' Platform to the aUrUnF wftg IBM f'1,?,. German crack, was the tsM, ooked upon to even make a ncf JV Lho Hawaiian, but the Khnah ' J3 dodger showed such marvelomj rr-tB povera right at the atart ol iM that iiulf way down tlie tank ht nB and Biirvoyod the field, flndlns KtiH pst compotitor ton feet behlud; kibB moku then let up and swam ldaK finishing two yardn in front In l-uH and was accorded another' WuHi ovation as ho passed alfioy He tuB to bis dresfilns: room, Jtoturnlng to this country ihc B Ob-mplc trlumplis, Kahanainolta formed Jn a. few exhibition h.B then boat it back to his lelaad 'batK be Idolized, by the Ballvee. To'H great swimmer In Hawaii laaoaU'H in g a great baseball player in tb'tNB States. It is their national ttCtH highest dovoloptncnt of athletic jgn'UW to be considered a wonder' in aV3B of ondeavor by men among vlam particular line of endeavor hU'nwH its highest efficiency is so rasJf biH Kahanamoku has annouuead b'J'UH tion of returning to tills countr'MB the comlncr summer, and effort! ik'mB mado to draw C. H. Tanlel3, ih JrH American champion, from hls,n-tinajH for a special match race with IbflfiH wallan wonder. But It is bsnl foMlH; one who has witnessed this XiakbfB feats in tho water to see rhB-iB whl to man has a chance agalwtt&MB man fish, who was reared In Uit iiK onco dodged sharks just for ia fajH the thing. If any ono can be secured push this hydro-human to th l&k.H would probably see swimming 'lOubiH tablishod that would, stand for tD'.feB Tlio leisurely manner In wWci alH accomplished his wondarful UnbB competition hero leads us to belim vM tho world of sport has yet tow.lP' best that this Kanaka shark d03 ! Would Yon Like to B A Heal Man Again? 1 rrcfl rroni Cobllltatlnc oxcoswjc unrt ' l1e v,nn , n ' . ...y. rrrtt. eriVjSK 1 ClHlpatlonn. This lloallli Bolt la lUolf Is .1 marvel of por, a4 sen o j ,t ttU9B' flow ot vitality luto y,mr MoaA. orunna uid ncn-oe. Wfimra tho p.ia . rsCV R In and vpul!ncc3 out of lho baric, ofton twin one application, ano nuu -j. 'B i thin bIvIur bark tho Xull visor ot jouUi so you iron tint, 7uc" rtj t W W ffl felt bottei- In my llfo" to j-our frlcmln' icrooilnsn; Me thry wur i S&'M' M chuuga for tlie bettor -nhtoli liaw como oxer you. With opccUl ""'"'m.j. j!jJf TfM- le nloo u wcradfrtul ttcaUnnnt for rheumatism. ItUuey. UTCr. e(omcD, b' dB" Get This Book ' m FREE by Mm I I lixo compllcl (aa will wad ia yon frco) r Httlo -CB" .'i'Htilr. fR m itUal which ! meant na R complcto prlvato taUlc for men. o"n . ltllt tnV-lijB I married. You can alzn younolf up irctctlr frum a careful ""las ' " ntiJ7B I voalK cortnln trutha and kItm n clear. nho!fomo Idct of tboio . tslll V ZtwK phould b familiar to every man. It fnllr OMcrlbe my Health Bs Tt. At "fixm 1 "hem you may rvrcuro ono to wear for Uio romtlon of your oun '" Utai " tJJJL H hear from you j forward tho book by mall lh plain. B0" nUlloa "..JfjiK i lutely no oblKatou Involved In accepting thla ttvo book, m over U "TK1 I nil ovnr tho -world. It la or near this city it will rr yem to cau