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I 'i j THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 191-3. . - J U TREASURY CHIEF IS i STRIPPED OF POffl I A'iA Will No Longer Be Allowed lo Determine Maximum II Amount of Protection. M !i'M WASHDvGTON, Feb. 1. io ctb- ffiSrM torns court today gripped tho secretary of the treasury of the power ho has al Tvays exercised of detcrmininf; the max itnum amount of protection to be ac corded under the tariff act upon any article cTOTrn or manufactured in this country. The court held that when an impor ter protested for the right to pay a higher duty on an article than that as sessed bv the collector, the govern ment had no rifiht to confess judg ment and thus end tho case -without es tablishing a precedent. The issue must be brought to trial and the decision be controlling in similar cases. Thus, the right to determine finallr the highest fTfRi tmount of duty which should "bo as tir fiU tewed on any article is removed from I the secretary of the treasury to the cus toms court. ' Previous- the court decided that an importer bacl a right to ask for & higher duty. When the American Manufactur ing company appealed for a higher rate of duty on a consignment of jute bag ging than that aaBesBcd by the collector at rs"e- York the collector confessed judf lent. The board of general ap praisers consented to the confession and the customs oourt today reversed that decision, remanding the ca-se for a new trial. This will give an American producer desiring more protection than that al lowed by the secretary to import a test tJHig shipment and appeal to the courts. II NEVADA SEEKS LOWER RATES H Railroad Commission Orders Re m duction on Southern Pacific H by February 25. I RENO, New, Fob. h The railroad commission of Nevada in an opinion H and order written by Commissioner B Shaughnessy ha ordered that on or H before Fobruary 25 the Southern Pa ns cific company within Nevada shall re g duce the present local one-way passen H ger fares between all points on its D standard gauge main and branch lines j from 4 and 5 cents a mile to S cents a H mile. Chairman Bart in e dissents from M tho majority opinion on the ground M that while entirely favorable to a re j duction to 3 cents a milo on the main M Jine, he is opposed to any reduction in I fares on the branch line, for the rea- son that if treated separately and- not H included as a part or the entire bvb H tem, as contemplated in the majority H opinion, tho business of the branch line Q is not sufficient to warrant a reduc m tion in the fares thereon. I Salinas Ordered DeDorted. WA SHIXGTON, Fab. 1. Marc el t Sa an alleged anarchist and a friend of Manuel Pardlnae. the altered assas sin of Premier Canalc-Jas of Spain, was ordered deported todar by the depart- I Can Almost See Pimples Go The- Ne-r Calcium Snlphide Treatment Does Wonders to Every Kind j of Skin Eruption. You don't want to wait forever and a day to pet rid of your pimples or other skin eruptions, lou want to get rid of them right now, Next week you may want to go somewhere where voti wouldn't like to have to take the pim ples along, 19 Pimples Quickly Disappear from Face, I Arras, Neck and Back, and Insure 1 a. Beautiful Complexion, I , VH .can J?cfc "d of them just in time J by taking Stuart's Calcium Wafers. I Theso wonderful little workers have i cured bad boils in three dayB, and some s cases of skin diseases in a week. I Tbey contain as thoir main ingredi- pot most thorough, quick and effective a blood cleanser known, calcium sul- a phide. m "Kemember thiB. too, that moBt pim- jfl pje treatment reek with poison. And IIS lc?7 arQ miserablr slow besides. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have not a HI particle of poison in them. Thev are in free from mercury, biting drugs or venomous opiates. This in absolutely K guaranteed. They cannot do any harm, ( but they always do good good that jr yon can see in the mirror before your jit own eyes & few days after, Ji? Don't be any longer humiliated by m having a splotchy face. Don't have V, strangers Btare at you, or allow your tin 8 friends to frs ashamed or you because $ ll'i of your face. i Ja .Your blood makes you what you are. ii! ttl The 23011 "omen who forge ahead CP !FJ are n05B "witli pure blood and pure Q face. a j Stuart's Calcium Wafers will make , yl you happy because your face wil bo & W welcome sight not only to yourself n JJ.j when you look into the glass, but to i'i Wj everybody else who knows yon and t 3 talks to you. Tiil Stuart's Calcium Wafers are .old by I all firBt-class druggists at 50 cents a. box. They aro very pleasant to the taste and m results are truly roraark 1 i j able (Advertisement.) Is This Man Gifted With Strange Power? Prominent People Say He Reads Their Lives as an Open Book. 1 Do You Want to Know About Your Business, Marriage, Changes, Occupation, Friends, Enemies or What to Do to Achieve Success? Test Readings Free to All Salt Lake City Tribune Readers Who Write at Once. Attention of the mystically Inclined eeras to he centred :tt present upon the work of Mr. Clay Burton Vance, who, although laying -- r-n claim to no spc- i&M&ivM W- , clal sift of u- ' Blender1 clues of ijm hand - writing iiSiS and birth-dates. The undeniable MffiHHI accuracy of his lfjk dellne a-1 1 o n s vSili2 leads one to $9fw-'mfmWmXM aurrnlH that W&?z$&NjM ieretofor palm- igmMMMMW aatroloffei- and aeera of diverse beliefs have lifwSIMl failed to apply mMttiWMm the true pHncl- IWHpil pies of the ad- tMmmMm ence of dlvlna- plolnktn.tmeSlr liwSiffffi gives7 hTshdelln Sfi Vance ' replied: BWj "i have n imply mMMmmSmmmM resurrected an MMsSflBRa ancient flclence V-i'7mvmm a, and moulded It Into a key to human na ture." The following: letter in published aa evidence of Mr. Vance's ability: Prof. Dixon. M. A.. Director Lanka C$3Bervatory member of the "Soclete Astronomlquo do Franco," member of the "Aotron-ralBcho GesellBchaft," Ger many, writes: Prof. Clay Burton Vance: Dear Sir "I duly received your letter and Complete Life ReadlnRT. I am per fectly satisfied with your Reading; It Is In nearly all the Items an exact as It could possibly bo. It seems strange that you should refer to my suffering from throa.t trouble, I have just had a bad attack and usually have it two or throe times per year. I shall certainly recom mend you to my friends who desire a Life Reading;." Arrangementa have been made to give free test Readlnsrs to. all readers of The Tribune, but It is especially requested that those who wish to avail themselves of this generous offer make application at once. If you wish a delineation of your own life, If you wish a true descrip tion of your chaxacterlatlca, talents and opportunities, simply Bend your full name. tf)e date month and year of your birth 1 (state whether Mr., Mr6- or Miss)', and jolso copy the following verse In your own handwriting: "Your power la marvelous, So people write. Please read my life Are my prospects britrhtT" Send your letter to Mr. Clav Burton Vanoe, Suite 613 G. Palais Royal. Paris, France. If you wish you mav enclose 10 cents (stamps of your own country) to pay postage, clerical work, etc Please note that 6 cents postage Is required on letters posted to Franco. Do not enclose i coins or sliver In your letter. (Advertisement,) ment of commerce and labor. Salinas Is at Tampa, Fla., and will be sent to Key West for deportation to Cuba, his native country. Salinas arrived In the United States March 18. 1911. NEW IMAGE OF KAISER TO BE PUT ON COINS Special Cable to The Tribune. BERLIN, Feb. 1. The.Jcalser has con sented to have new likeness of him self rnaxJe for the Prussian coinage. This will be the first change made during h(s reign. The face which has appeared on the Prussian coins for the last twenty five years shows the kaiBer as he was when he ascended the throne, with the sharply upturned moustache which he made famous. He haB now approved of a likeness which reveals him at middle life, but the style will be kept secret un til the appearance of the new coins after his majesty's silver Jubilee In June. PRESIDENT IS ASKED TO WITHHOLD REPORT WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. vnUlam Mo Hugh, of counsel for the International Harvester company, today asked Presi dent Tart to instruct the commissioner of corporations to withhold from pub lication his report on the harvester com pany during the pending trial of the anti-trust suit against the corporation. It waB represented -to the president. It is understood, that the anti-trust suits, In fairness to the company attacked, should be brought to a finish before the commissioner announces his conclusions. The president's decision was not di vulged. The commlwloner's report has "been ? radically completed and win be ready or publication soon. SPECIAL BILLS OF FARE FOR PET DOGS Special Cable to The Tribune. LONDON'. Feb. 1. Menus allowing the luncheon bill of fare for pet dogs as well as for their owners aro to be provided at the new United Counties' club in Pic cadilly, which is to have a dogs' cloak room and a dogs' waiting room. A member will select from the special menu tho dish best suited to his pet's palate and digestion, and the dogs will be groomed by attendants if desired and cared for until their owners wish to leave the club. - NEW MEXICO LIKELY TO CINCH INCOME TAX SANTA FE., N. M., Feb 1. Favorable action by the New Mexico houee of representatives now Is all that is needed to put Into effect the Income tax amend ment to the United States constitution. "With the vote of but one state lacking, the resolution ratifying the amendment n expooted to come up for action in the house on Monday. A poll of tho repre sentatives taken today Indicated that the resolution will -be adopted by a large I majority. The state senate adopted the resolu tion late today, the vote being 13 to 1. PLAN TO REDUCE THE TRAGEDIES AT SEA WASHINGTON, Feb. J.. In the hope of reducing the tragedies of the sea, Commander William JL G. Bullard, su perintendent of the powerful naval wireless 6tation. across the Potomac river from WasMnfrton. is working out a plan wheroby the ailv position of all vessels will be received and charted. In this way assistance in case of acci t dent could bo hurried to a vessel in td8treB5. and the faster vessels in the vicinity of such a distressed vessel could be reached quickly. Commander GepTjre F, CoqBer, hydrograpber, is col laborating with Superintendent Bullard. invito yon to como and inspect jqMje jgf SHOPf ERS. JJi "Ml onr MoniU a jH OUR GREAT ANNUAL SALE OF I I Greater in scope greater in variety and greater in real bargain giving than ever before We have been preparing for this sale ' M I the past 3 months and not a single item that had a semblance of "Bargain" attached to it has escaped us If not in need of these M I goods now you can well and profitably anticipate your needs and save at least half on Lace Curtains, Nets, Scrims, Madras, Bilks, J m I Silkolines, Cretonnes, etc. and beat them if you can but "You Can't" Come and see. t 'm I 90c Nottingham lace curtains at -..37c 15c Drapeiy Nets, wMte or Arabian. ...81 j I $1.50 Nottingham lace curtains at 59c Z 25c P61 Nets white or ArAbiaH. ...12 iljj l I $1.50 Bungalow lace curtains at 69c ifWf 35 Drapery Nets white or Arabian 19c; M I $1.75 Cable Net lace curtains 88c 40c ets white r Arabian 21c li I $2.00 Bon Femme lace curtains 98c 75c DraPerv Nets white or Arabian I I $2.25 Nottingham lace curtains $1.19 S 'lf I 9 fcl f V. $1.00 Dmpery Nets, white or Arabian... 1 $2.50 Nottingham lace curtains $1.39 I R f'Vi And Hundreds of Others Not Mentioned Hers !( i $2.90 Nottingham lace curtains $1,75 ,;J? h.-.Jl n 35c Fne Drapery Madras, yard..., 19c v I $3.25 Nottingham lace curtains $1.98 'Vl I I tewA' 45c Fine Drapery Madras, yard....,.,.. 29c I $3.50 Nottingham lace curtains $2.19 ft .ft ... f J 75c Fine Drapery Madras, yard. .S ik i 1 $3.75 Nottingham lace curtains...-. $2.50 vvvVvw tw'-wv$ inA - c?-n . . K I in . ... n -ui i . L no $ w 1 M 1 S w ? $1-00 Cheney Drapery Silks, yard fi m I $3.00 Cluny Cable lace curtains $1,98 7L-.A.-.I . A A , V I" $4;00 Cluny Cable lace curtains $2.98 W'i 1 I UF 9 67 Drapwy SllkS' yard 1 $4.50 Cluny Cable lace curtains $3.19 VA'AJ R I IK A--A; 15c Silkoline' The Best'" 36 in' 3 80 I $5.00 Antique lace curtains, pair $3.19 ':')j(v 'fl UsT' 2C Double Printed DraPery Scrims 9c "i $5.00 Cable Cluny lace curtains, pair.. $3.19 I'A-'-A' 25c Double Printed Drapery Scrims... 12 l-2c; $9.00 Macreme Madras curtains, pair.. $5.00 ft! Ifft' 35c Double Printed Drapery Scrims 19c 1 $12.50 Macr erne Madras curtains, pair.. $8.50 vWMva H M'vV'M 40c Double Printed Drapery Scrims 24c ''1 $11.50 Irish Point lace curtains, pair. .$5.95 Up Jl8 B I IM . 8j 75c Double Printed Drapery Scrims 45p ;1 $12.50 Irish Point lace curtains, m l '1 JHjl ' wtM MtM 1 'J j, 1 L25 0ranoka Sunfast Drapery Madras... 69c :I $13.50 Irish Point lace curtains, pair. .$7.95 111 $225 0ranoka Sast Drapery Madras. $119 M $15.00 Irsh Point lace curtains, pair. .$10.50 U J) I N 1 10c Drapery Swiss, yard 5e Wli Two-toned Applique curtains ... $8.50 15c Drapery Swiss, yard 81-3c il j PJI mmM ! ?16,50 Two-toned Applique curtains ... $9.90 20c Drapery Swiss, yard ..-.121-2c SmM'H w ?20- Two-toned Applique curtains .. $12.50 35c Drapery Swiss, yard 19c ISTO S MPiW m $12.50 Brussels Net lace curtains, pair. .$7.50 15c Drapery Cretonnes, yard 7 l-2c (j j f fi llil ! mMrWm' Brussels Net lace curtains, pair.. $8.50 45c Fancy Drapery Cretonnes, yard 25c lJffl $1800 Brussels Net lace curtains, pair. $10.50 75c Drapery and Uphlostering Tapestry. .39c mfJIIB WjlMW And -hundreds of others at equal bargains 10c Brass Sash Curtain Rods, each , ci'BHU mMW not mentioned here. Any of them in white, 15c Brass Sash Curtain Rods, each 6c gi;Bl 'P'', VOr 6CrU rSS aS urfean ods' each. . .1212c l S Kimono Velours big color and style range -same Initial Turkish Towels close double thread and &jj $)iS lpP as sold all season at 25c the 4 -j good sife the ever7where else 25c g Sf))fiffi H yardnow J 2C kind Now here, each - ...JsrC DtJS-W All samples of fleece Back Flannelettes best madewear best and Apron Ginghams Amoskeag brand no comment . , fl curtaics, half cur- wash best same as sold all season necessary lOc grade i 500 curtain B-4i B 51 72C yard 720 JrT JgA 1 SteravS-fB Bleached Sheets the 75c kindgood ones at that 1314c Dress Ginghams every stripe, check and Sdcd toto iS W up to $15.00 the price full size one-piece sheet plaid all colors em a i all samples of gntijji SSi L 4 h 49 theyT ..712C KSfr I 31 Pillow Oases made of that reliable PepperaU casing 1913 Spring Ratine and Dunbar Suiting, Ramie i Q( B 42x36-inoh eke 18o value f Linen weights every color instead of- i SC B Now going at, each Jk "C 50c, now fr mi OutThevQo" 9khJ NEW 1 Tremendoys Sacrifice of 1 I jfPl in black, navy, copen- 5" spring models going at ' Kbw that spring suits are really ar- W Wm&W M g brown, 1 f08 PnB S'IR I riving-the winter models we have MlgSlM green, cream and! WfT 1'' 11 Tlr Ml I left must go at all costs-you profit fMlifl maize-a beautiful! W other words, we bought to I by our urgent necessity of immediate KHH"I dull satin finish 40- I last season ancI . aerT wH i clearance and choose a splendid suit tSlSwiV 1 inch width the 6ea I ml shirts was imusuallv li'-t-"IlflDCatfjjM I at less than it cost to make it. En- " 1 son's premier fabric J f llave a sock s t tire stock of suits, worth up to $21 f 1 1 for silk purposes V ; I must -bsolutelv --cnflce tDe ? fi.H? each-your pick- JEmWmll i offered this week at - Vjf an? le8S thf coat-entire fc I iO 'mW5k I intrdUCt017 priC6 'PAn MsvTto dosef IB lC5ilLr Wmkm 4 CU fiQ " Entire stock of voile sWrt-Hg I mmlMmSm 9JIb03 up to $15 each choice E I Entire stock of sauts, worth up to i?35 "VHI I! Brocaded messalines- X i V C Wl I each-your pick- MW' If b6aUtifUl"" N Ej J 3b 3 'W I mmm i ll inches wide and all "-J i Lf& Qfll 1 Entire stock of suits worth up to $50 mWi nil pUre sUk' Mgo a new l In m&m" K I each-your pick- UF H i f Yl Mixtures corduroys, diagonal R. CA wanted colors ij ' ai tto to JW WJ I D I 2efiSllf IWMU .I -nd black-these two I I 9 i splendid fabrics intro- M fr i f imm 1 All suits worth over f0 ftffi 1 ducedTat' the rd I I All tho newest models, high m yJEj i $50 each to close at 00 O Ull VfeteiJ ftl i. k fects, pocket trimmed, etc- 1 TZ!!!L- I UUJj sMrteagood, stylish mcKieljM MMrrrr-Mrr 11 1 I ' 1 1 ' inn i i h m mw iiiii-----l1lfc