Newspaper Page Text
t THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIQAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 21, 1913. jf 1 CIO MAY DEFER I DIVH ACTION ft Disquieting Report Says This I Company Has Large Stocks I of Unsold Metal. I MANY ARE IN SAME FIX I l Looks Like Copper Market Is HI to Seek Lower Range m . Than It Has Yet. Western shareholders of the Chlno HI company read with considerable disap- H pointment Thursday a disquieting: mes- i;ago from tho cast, -which came by way of th0 Pollock wires. The message pro- fessed to quoto one who Is close to the Inside to the effect that the directors nt their coming1 meeting will not declare the anticipated initial dividend, owing to t.he amount of copper which the com- pany Is said to have on hand unsold. It Is estimated that tho vuluo of this tm- wold metal Is $3,000,000 and that the dlrcc- tors would be unwilling to venture out upon tho dividend sea until the copper Ktonn signals arc removed. H Much Metal Unsold. This report as yet Jacks official authen- tleatlon, but. granting that It Is true, (he Chlno Is not alone among the cop- per producing concerns of the country in a like lix, nor could the Chlno desire company more distinguished. The Ne- vada Consolidated company's last quar- tcrly report stated that at the close of 3012 there was an abnormally large sur- plus of copper on hand and unsold. The small sales of copper reported during tho past two or three months Ik sufficient proof that the ' production during this period is somewhere, and that somewhere can only be in the hands of the producing interest; or their .selling agencies. It would appear, therefore, that unless Hf relief In the way of increased purchases on the part of the consumer Is had soon H the copper metal market will see sllll H lower ranges than 15 cents a pound, H where the principal agencies are now holding tho metal. It appears logical iilao that tho consumer would feel it un- Iwlsc to enter a lf-ccnt metul market when hv holding off a while longer he might he able to acquire his metal for a lower figure. There arc a crreat many copper compa nies aside froin the Chlno which are feel ing the Inactivity of the market and the reluctance of the consumer to make his purchases. No Increase Is now antici pated in the Utah Copper or Nevada Consolidated dividends; tho Miami com. pany is not increasing Its output, and with the copper market weak and un certain the directors would hardly put an additional dividend burden upon tho organization. Nor arc the Butte com putes likely to fly into the face of ad verse conditions and raise their respec tive dividends. Action of Copper Issues. Secral .Michigan copper producers In 10 IS welcomed the advance in the price y of copper by increasing their dividend talcs, iind upon a sustained low range they may be forced to return to the former basis. The reported ability of the Hchlgan companies to dispose of a lib eral amount of this total copper sold of late has been attributed to the fact that they do their own selling of the metal rather than .through agencies. Eastern dispatches assert that the Uay Consoli dated company Is not expected to declare Its Initial dividend for the present. This line of argument would Indicate that there may be a more favorable bar gain day for all the copper issues com ing. Ore Shlpmonts. -The Utah Ore Sampling company on Thursday released f cars of ore from Vtah. and 1 car from Nevada camps. I Clergyman Praises Eckman's Alterative A Valuable Remedy for Throat and Lungs. People who have Consumption are often filled with bright hopes of recovery, only to realize that Improvement is but tem porary. Consumption I: dreaded by everyone. Those who had It and used Kckman'K Alterative can testify to Its benetlclal effects. No one need donbl It --there Is plenty cf evidence from live witnesses. Investigate the following: Amcnla, N. Y. "Gentlemen: Prior to February, 1908, I was located in IlochcBler, N. Y., .suffering with La Grippe, which developed Into Tu berculosis, My physician gave me one month to live. I was having terrible night sweats and midday chills and losing flesh rupldly. having gone from IDS to 135 pounds, I coughed and raised continually and became so weak that walking a few fe.jt exhausted uu On rny return home my regular ph.vrlc'.nn gave me little en counigcmenL My father, who Is a clergy man, heard of Turkman's Alterative and induced me to take It. The night sweats and chills disappeared, my cough became easier and gradually diminished, and in a lew days I developed an appetite, the first in months T am now In perfect health, back to luil pounds. I feel certain that 1 own my life to Eckman's Alterative." (Signed) E. If, COWJjES. "Gentlemen: I cannot ilnd wordw to express my appreciation of what your remedy hns done for my son. It changed despair Into hope within two weeks after he began taking It, and without any doubt in my mind. It saved his life. I wish to add my endorsement to every word of lite testimonial. (Signed) REV. J. J. COWL.ES. Pastor IVesbyterinn Church. Eckinan s Alterative Is effective In Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever: Throat and .Lung Troubles and In upbuilding the system. Does not contain poisons, opi ates or habit-forming drugs. For sale by Schramm-Johnson, Drugs, "The Never Substiiutors," live (6) good stores, and other leading druggists. Ask for booklet telling of recoveries and write to Eck man Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for additional evidence (Advertisement ) H mo" H The first order is all gj IB we are anxious about jglj Si! Through it we make you gjjjj H !i! a pleased and permanent j!i H 121 oio oB coal user. B" j'l if; FISCHER-KITTLE I f(j COAL CO. pi L. K. Reynolds, Mgr. p gSj 277 MAIN STREET. gig is Phone Ex. 401. ' J 9 'oToioatoBoaaaioMonowBOBa OBaoBaoBaoBaoaBoaaoBaoBBOBao0 BBBH BLUE SKY LAW HAS STI R REDB R OKERS Proposed Utah Legislation Would Bar All Legitimate Stock Transactions. Brokers generally throughout the state aro aroused by the greater part of tho provisions of the so-called "blue sky" law that has been proposed by a member of the present legislature, and a concorted effort will be made to prevent the pass ago of the bill. The proposed law would place under the control of a state bank examiner the absolute control of all sales of stock, and the official is given com plete and arbitrary power to permit or prohibit the sale of any security, practi cally nothing but the momentary condi tion of his stomach being a guide as to his favorable or unfavorable action. One broker stated on Thursday that such a law would kill instantly all Indus try of the state dependent upon capi talization and the transfer of stock. Each stock transaction must be submitted to this one authority, whether It is a stock promotion game or an out and out trans fer of a security from one person to an other. Provisions are made for numer ous applications to this high authority, while he has the right to unlimited in vestigation of books and accounts, each move having attached a generous fee for the examiner, with expenses which must be paid. Said a broker yesterday: Suppose that this bill becomes a law, It practically prohibits tho sain of any stock, for It would be up to an official to place the stamp of his approval or disapproval upon tho same. It is far too comprehensive, for If the target aimed at Is fraudu lent promotions, the intent is crowd ed out by including any and all -stock transfers, whother promotion or oth erwise. It would sound the death knell of mining, because the majority of" mines are developed through tho sale of stock, and while there are unwise promotion enterprises, there also are legitimate promotions, which should not be hampered for the good of tho state, and Utah is as free from the wildcat as any state In the union. Suppose such a law and such arbi trary, unlimited power lodged in the hands of a grafting official! It is not conceivable that the bill could be passed by any body of representative men anywhere. TONOPAH EX. MAKES A GOOD CLEANUP As a result of lite first bi-monthly cleanup for February, the Tonopah In tension company has shipped out one and one-half tons of silver bullion, the ap proximate value of which Is 536,000. The Extension plant Is dolnir splendid work and the company Is laying aside some velvet money right along, despite the large amount of development work it Is doing. Ncvadas in San Francisco. James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon I Bid. Asked. Goldfleld district I Atlanta $ .15 $ Booth 03 Blue Bull 04 I C, O. D Ofi .07 Combination Fraction .... -.05 .0C 15a lay 01 Dlamondllcld B. B I .02 I Florence 1 .40 Goldfleld Consolidated ... 2.30 Ivcwnuns .04 .05 Jumbo Extension I .30 Lone Star I .03 Merger Mines I .27 .28 Oro i .07 .08 Sliver Pick Consolidated..! .05 .0(1 Vernal 1 13 Yellow Tiger .02 Manhattan district I Big Four , J ,S6 I .S7 Dexter Union I I .03 Gold Wedge 10 Manhattan' Consolidated OS Manhattan Dexter 01 .Oo White Caps 00 Goldfield 2.35 Comstock district Consolidated Virginia 24 .25 Confidence 30 ' Hale & Norcross 04 .0G Ophir 21 .23 Savage 04 Sierra Nevada 13 .14 Union 12 Tonopah district Belmont ".BO Cash Boy I ,00 Gypav Queen I .03 Jim Butler 1 71 Tonopah Merger SO .81 Midway 40 .47 Mon. Pitts. Ivxtn 15 Montana ; 3. GO Mlzpah Extension 50 MacXamura 20 .21 North Star 20 .21 Rescue Kula .10 .11 Tonopah Extension 1.80 West End 1.30 1.321 Other districts Pitts. Silver Peak 6ft Nevada Hills 1.22i Round Mountain .32 ....... Ncvr York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock- & Co.. bankers and brokers," furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: NEW VQR1C LISTED STOCKS. I Sales.l H. I l.. Clsc Chlno Copper 3,0001 38 371 37? Goldiield Con ... OOO' 2fl 2i 23 Nevada Con 300 162 J G 162 Ray Consolidated .. 2,600 17 17 17 Tennessee Copper .. 3.000 37$ 351 351 Miami Copper 1,0001 222! 221 228 Utah Copper 1,200 51 501 51 Inspiration Con 400 1G 1C" 16 Studebaker Con .... 1,500 2ft 26 20 Ontario Silver 3 2J 21 NEW YORK CURB RANGE. I Sales.l II. I L. Clse First Nat. Copper... 1 2T T 2 Glroux Con 1,500 28 2J 25 Yukon Gold sjl 3 Ohio Copper 300 El i New Keystone u j 12 South Utah g j Mason Valley 100 7S 7L- 7S Braden Copper 5,000 82 S2 88 ICly Consolidated ... G00 12c 12c 12c Nevada IHIIh 300 1 li Jl Kerr', Iake 500 3i 3J Belmont 3,000 71 0Z 74 Tonopah 0" 5Z 6 Alaska ...... 1.100 133 131 131 NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. I Bid. jAsketT Ely Consolidated $ .111$ 12 First National Copper 1 .873 2. 00 Glroux Consolidated '2.50 2.55 Yukon Gold 3.00 3.12A New Keystone 1.62M l .874 Mplsslng S.75 8.871 Ohio Copper 621 S74 Ray Central 2.37A La. Rose 2.75 "?,'ob' South Utah ' ?,tl British Col. Copper 3.S71 400" Bay State Gas 37J fi0 Braden Copper S.25 S.50 Mason Valley 7.50 D.00 Sioux Consolidated 04 07 Colorado Iron Blossom i''rt CarlRa , ,05 !'l5 Novada Hills l.l"j l 5 BETTER PRINTING Than wc do can't be 'lone. Centurv Printing Co., 55-57 Postoflico place. CAdrertliemoatJ COPPER SMELTING IS RESUMEDAJ TOOELE Three Reverberatories Are Now in Action, and Four Blast Furnaces. One ofHhc last traces of the 1012 Bing ham strike was removed a day or two ago when tho International Smelting & Refining company In Tooele county re sumed the active smelting of copper ores. General Manager William Wraith was seen by Tho Tribune on Thursday morn ing, and stated that the company had be gun feeding charso to tbroo roverberatory furnaces the first of tho week. Mr. Wraith added that everything was mov ing along us smoothly as could be de sired at tho plant. When tho strike at Bingham was de clared in tho fall of 1012, there were several producers of copper ore which wcio shipping to tho International plant which wero forced to close down tho mines for a month or more, thereby re moving the main supply of smelter food of the Tooele county plant Following tho end of the Bingham difficulty, tho International began stock-piling copper oro and round the first of the year It was understood that there were 25,000 or 30,000 tons on hand. Tho company, therefore, has a splendid supply ahead and thero is no reason to anticipate the smelting operations will ' be interfered with from now on. At tho lead smelter of this company three blast furnaces have been In suc cessful operation continuously, and the fourth furnace was blown in yesterday morning. This brings tho International lead smelter to an operating capacity equal to any In the state, and the 'com pany has a splendid supply of lead ores on hand, with large shipments from in numerable producers being received dally. MARKET HOLDS WEAK AND MINUS FEATURES Business Thursday on tho local min ing share market was featureless and was restricted to a very few shares. Prlnc,. was somewhat firmer, Ohio Cop per was wcakor and the one bright spot during the past year, Iron Blossom, maintained its firmness despite the gen eral dullncs. Among the unlisted stocks Utah Mine of Fish Springs was the only one sold, 400 shares going for from 27 to 30 cents a share. The total sales for the day of 15.000 shares had a market value of S320C.7G. The following were the closing transac tions: UNLISTED STOCKS. I Bid. Askcd. Utah Mine ? .25 $ .35 Thompson-Qulncy 21 .25 Bingham Central-Stand .081 .00 Columbus Extension 031 .05 Ely Witch 06 .07 Alta Consolidated 30 .35 LISTED STOCKS. I A. M. 1 P. M. I Bid. Asked. ' Bid. Asked. Beck Tun .$ .081$ .10 S .0!) $ .10 Blng Amal .01 .0U ,043 .0G Black Jack .10 .12J .10 .12 C-Talls . .. .003 .01 .003 .01 Century 10 Colo Min . .15 .16 .15 .11! Col Con .10 .30 .10 .11 Con Mer 10 10 Crown Pt . .021 .03 ,025 .03 Daly . ... 1.00 1.30 1.10 1.50 D-Judsc 6.00 0.45 G.25 0.30 Dragon . . .10 .30 .10 E C Point. .001 .001 .004 .01 E T Con 001 001 E T Dcvcl. .001 .01 01 ICmerald .. .00i .10 .00i Gold Chain. .30 .41 .30 .41 G Central. .75 .76 .75 .7G Ind Queen 02 02 Iron Bios . 1.30 1.32i 1.30 1.35 Iron King 04 .01 .05 .7 Bowers . .001 001 -10 Kevstone 20 20 K "William. .OGi .0GJ .Ofi .OGA Lead King 10 .015 -07 Lohi Tlntic .001 .01 .00 .01 Lion Hill . .023 .05 .02? .05 Little Bell 35 35 Low Mam .01 .04 .04 .041 Musgrove . .OS .15 .08 .15 Mammoth 1.00 1.00 Mason Val 7.50 S.50 7.50 8.50 May Day . .14 .15 .14 .15 Mln Flat . .01 .02 .01 ,0G Mnt Lake . .021 ,031 .02 .01 J Nev Hills . 1.15 f 1.15 New York. J 00111 001 Ohio Cop .1 .R7 ( .70 II .GO G7 Onohongo .1 .05 I .0511 .05 I .053 Plocho Demi .02$! .04 li j02. .023 Ploche Metl .001' .01 .001 .01 Pllls-lda .: I 1.25 II .50 I 1.25 Plutus . ..I .0G4I .07 II .Ofi! .07 Prince Conl .62 I .64 II .02 ' .fii Rich Anal I .10 II .10 Rexall . . ..! .01 II .01 .02 Seven Trs.l .013 -Ofi II .0131 S K Coalill 2.60 .1.00 ll 2.75 I 3.00 S K Con .1 .75 1.00 II .75 I 1.00 So Pac ... .011 .15 II .0111 -15 Sioux Con .1 .03 .0G II .03 I .06 S Iron Blosl I II I .00.'. Swan Con .1 .01 I .02 I .0HI .013 Tin C-nt .1 .0011 .01 M .0011 .01 V Tlnt ..I .0031 -01 II . ,002' .01 Uncle -Sam.l .02 I .10 M I .10 Utah Con .1 .0111 .01911 .0H .013 TT Chief -I .051' .0GJII .051 .OS Victor Con. I ' .05 II I .06 Victoria ..I .55 I .57 II .55 I .58 Wllhcri. . .1 .07il .OSIH .07 I .00 Yank Con .! .13 I .15 II .13 I .15 Moscow . . I .40 I! I FORENOON SALES. King William. 1000 at GJc. . Lower Mammoth. 200p at 4c Mason Valley. 50 at 8.00. Mav Day, 2300 at 15c. Mountain Lake. 1000 at 3c. Ohio Connor, 200 at 60c; 150 at GSc. Prince Con., 200 at Glc. Seven Troughs. 300 at 2c. Shares sold. 7200. Selling value, 51292.75. OPEN BOARD. Beck Tunnel, 2000 at 01c. Ohio Copper, 500 at tfOe. seller sixty days. Wllbert. 1500 at Sc. Shares sold. 4000. Selling value, $055. AFTERNOON SALES. -Daly-Judge. 100 at $G.25. Shares sold, 100. Selljng value. $G25. OPJ0N BOARD, Cedar-Talisman. 1700 at lc; 1000 at 3u. Iron Blossom, 100 at SI. 321. Ohio Copper, 500 at GSc. Shares sold. 3700. Selling value, 5624. Ore and Bullion. The ore and bullion report for Thurs day, given by McCornlek &. Co., was as follows: Ore received, 572.000; bullion shipped, $70,000, total. $142,000. The "Want ColtmufH appeal to a threat diversity of interests STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS, PROVISIONS, COTTON. James A. Pollock & Co, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 333-335 South Main Street (Felt Bldo,). Salt Lako City. Direct Prlvato Wlro to all Markets. Duplex System One Relay to New Yprk and Boston. Correspondents Member All Exchanges. Stocks Carried on Liberal Margins Specialists In Mountain Slates Tclophoo and Telegraph, WALL STREET STILL BACKSASSOC IATI0IU But Copper Figures Are Not Generally Accepted, Says an Eastern Journal. The following editorial In the Engi neering and Mining Journal will bo of much Interest to western copper cir cles, which have beon paying consider able attention to the monthly statistics of the American Copper Producers as sociation: It is now recognized everywhere, except In Wall street, that the monthly reports of tho Copper Producers association are not entitled to too great attention,,, for tho reason that they reflect tho copper situation only in a partial and imperfect way. Also, monthly statistics represent periods too short to show the real trend of things. Th(, matter of most useful ness In tho figures of the Copper Pro ducers association is the showing of Just how Tnuch copper Is on hand at the re fineries at. tho end of each month. The January ilgures show a large In crease In thn stock, as had beon ex pected previously. For soveral months back, coppor manufacturers, both In Eu rope and America, have been living large ly on their fat and have transferred to the producers thu burden of carrying all of the stocks. Thu producers, or at least some of them, are also now paying the penalty for delaying the new production of 1012. During the first half of that year the refinery production ran far un der that of the mine; at present It Is overrunning the mine production. The bigness of the refinery production report ed In January shows that no attempt was made to misrepresent anything in this particular, and that of course gives confidence In the statistics. However, It appears that some copper may have been speculatively transferred to Europe, going into stock at Hamburg and Rotter dam. The supply of crude copper to Ameri can refiners probably attained Its maxi mum last fall. Slnce then there has been some falling off In the mine pro duction, owing partly to the natural, seasonal difficulties and partly to labor difficulties. The shortage of labor in the Rocky mountain region Is In fact a lim iting condition in production at the pres ent time. The Increase In wages last year was fundamentally to hold the good miners needed. Although tho price of copper has now declined. It does not nec essarily follow that wages will be re duced. In fact, the Anaconda company has already announced that It will not make any reduction. At Bingham the Utah Copper company sllll seems to be short of men; its production is still run ning below the normal, although the strike terminated several months ago. MALACHITE HAS THE ORE ON DEEP LEVEL General Manager Grant Snyder has re ceived a message from tho superintendent of the Ycrlngton Malachite company that there Is a full face of 5 per cent copper ore on the No. 4 level. To understand tho significance of this it is necessary to state that tho No. 4 level was driven In from tho Mason Valley property adjoin ing to open the Mason Valley ore body within the Malachite lines, just as the No. 3 level was sent from the Mason Valley Into the Malachite several weeks ago to a splendid body. Tins demonstrates the Malachite ore now for a depth of 200 feet on the dip of the body nud at the deepest level of the mine, opening a splendid future of production for the company. All the Malachite oro In tho Nos. 3 and 1 levels Is extracted by way of the Mason Valley property and sold to the Mason Valley smelting plant In the valley near by. The Malachite is shipping also from the Natchez tunnel level, where a very sub stantial ropper oro body Is available sev eral hundred feet farther across the prop erly from tlu Nos. " and 4 ore bodies. Boston Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock &. Co.. bankers and brokers, fornish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: BOSTON COPPICR RANG IS. I Sales.l II. I L, jClse AlgoTnuh 110 11 111 Butte & Balaklava 23 2. 2J Butte &. Superior... 715 323 32 32 Calumet & Arizona.. 00 Mil! GO' 00S Chief Consolidated .. 350 IR JR IS Coppor Rango 511 43 13 13 Daly West 4 3! 4 Davis Daly 300 li H li ISast Butte 330 12 113 113 Glroux Con 220 25 25f 2R Granny Con 401 503 fiSS r.Oi Greene C 333 7? 7IJ 73 Hancock ' OS 18 IS IS Indiana Copper 170 0l 10i 10 Inspiration Con 00". Ifij! Ioa 15S U-ike Copper 705 11 133 11 Im Rose 200 21 23 23 Mason Valley 3301 73 7i 7j Nevada Con 13iV Ifij) Kij; 105 Mlch.-Utah I .. loci 43c, ir.o NIplssing 210 SZ S-l SJ North Butto G9C 25 2fi 2"J North Lake 230 1J Igl 1 Ray Consolidated ... SO GX Gj! C, Superior & Boston... 800 3i 3 1 .1. Trinity 4.". 1 4 I IJ. S. Smeller com.. 230 3!i 383. 3S3 U. S. Smelter pfd 4St -IS J 4S1 I'tah Consolidated fU OA! :i Pond Creek 70r. 23j 223 i -'23 BOSTON CURB CLOSE. 1 Bid. lAskc-f Alaska $13.7fi $J3.S7l American Zinc ,. 2H.00 20.37i Arcadian J. 75 2.12' Begole 1.50 2.00 Blncham Mines 1.00 ( . ?!i Boston 1-Jly .70 i .75 Bohemia , J 2.00 2.50 Butte & London .2S .30 Uutle Central 7.50 I 7.G21. Calaveras 2.U5 3.00 ISacle & Blue Bell I .OS .0:1 Grccnc-Cananea ....... .. 7.G21 7.75 Helvetia , T .75 lloton Copper 3.75 1.00 Kerr Lake , 3.25 3.374 Keweenaw ; 2.50 2.S7i Mass I.5i) 5.00 Majestic . 13 1 .15 Mayjlower S.75 9.2.1 Michigan' 1.25 2.00 Miami Copper 22.25 22. 7C Nevada Douglas 2.50 2.75 Ohio Copper 05 .70 Oneco 1.25 1.37 J Ojlbway 2. 00 2.50 Old Colony j 1.75 5.00 Pond Creek 122.75 23.00 Shannon 1 10.75 11.00 South 1-ake G.37A G.75 South Utah 25' .35 S. W. Miami...-' 2. 00 3.G2J Stewart l.f, j ,:-,n Tuolumne 2.75 2.S71 Utah Apex 1 l.r.O 1.75 Victoria 1.50 1 .HI'- Winona 2.50 2.75 Wyandot S!l 7.00 San Francisco Oil Stocks. James A. Pollock A Co.. ant' brokers, furnish the following, rc-ccved over their private .wire yentcrday after noon; CLOSING QUOTATIONS. I Bid. lAskod, Associated Oil f 13.00 5 : Illinois Crude , 05 ?.Ionto Crlsto 75 New Pennsylvania .45 Palmer , IS S. W. & B 16 Turner 1.25 W. K. Oil 2.22 I Metal Market. I Tlie metal (juotatlons for Thursday, posted bv McCornlek Sr. Co.. wi-re an fol lows; Silver, GlSc; lead, 51.35; copper, ?15.30. Wammmtm WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD 'vM' W Druehl 8& Franken Wl, iggB1 Successors to Smith Drug Co. "PISS THE BUSY CORNER; Also the OLD SIAHB 271 SO. mm ST. ' JSk ft . isff HOlViE AMD QIBMM V lf S3CH ROOM vUrk LIC9 0n Glance through this list. You will iyrf iind items that should he in every rW home, :(:or you never know when iflg : MiiMr a selious illness wm develop or an flo MlIBk . accident happen. Be prepared and hear in 0miMm ' 'lill'liiitn always supplying- "The most of the hset I EXTRA SPECIALS for FHIMT ; WWQ SATORUAY III !!! . 3j W rSnW i. Absorbent Cotton,, ,5c to 50c 4-ot:. bottle Glvcoriue ...l'Je jsotf i t3r Aflhosivo Tape ..5c to $1.65 S-oz. hottlo Glyconno 51 Jg i (f-ste Mustard Leaves, 3 for .10c aud Rosc illar 21(, f r-J1 Fcofliiifr Tubes 10c S-oz. bottlo Witch Hazel 14c Bw A Z&" rjyo cups 10e pit bottlo Witch Hazel .22c t! u INTENSE PERFUMES Z :, B S Plasters i-je iioru'' Acid 2oc nS I Violet, rose, sandalwood, lilac, hcli- 7C0 Bags '.'...' '.'ode to Vl.00 L pint Ammonia 12,) '! .nL" I .trope, lily crabapple and carnation. 7Uf Invalid Cushions 25c Lisfcorino ,15c i m S regular oOc the 07.. Friday, &atur- fcl $1.75 to $2.50 $1.00 Listcrino 59c I Ao-y a,ul Momlav at Llm 02 SponRes 5c to $2.00 256 Chamberlain Cough p DM1S TOILET WATER r,og 5 , 4.v ThVrmnJ -;mV $ oOcMurino hoc' Coi3 Violet, rose and arbutis, 75c values. ei'nnV ' -nr 25c Beecham's Pills ... .17c I tstvmM 51 .00 -to So. 00 - 7,v.,.n,ai:.i it, fans: I Friday, Saturday and Monday .... Ws Face Bottles C5c 50c Fonnalid 1 S Atomizers 50c to $1.50 -m. irnrim n;i - deD 1 Kl&t SDmAII Crutches, With tips, P1, $1.50 l&Po''0 CylAK P&IAL PEERLESS RUBBER dcr 22c ' trfr 3 . TTTm,r ,n GLOVES, tliis week . ..12c 25c Mcnnon's Talc Pow- ;JrtM k B JOAN OF ARK QUALITY 10c mm . ... ' ; n.. ,0 der 15c VL CIGAR, J fh 4oz- botfcl C:istor 0,1 - - l-c 50c La Veda Rouge 29c P1 ' BIS BOX OF 25-$1.25. JUS bottl Castor M ' 'J5c (lr,iC,,l TC!l 17c ' I w SATURDAY AjNT) SUNDAY. 4-oz. bottlo Camphorated 25c Glycerin Supposi- - irfth 1 " Oil 17c lories 17c ; ifalh 6TRroFW Order fay Parcels Post Mail Orders HeMiveProm if ?- li lis a33i 1 w m QasaBity m M Creates lm Ha Six years :ij:o tho sales ji 11 1 of Aberdeen coal ivore sS very small compared wilh tho sales of other pj 1 But soon the public be- 1 tjan to realize that "Aberdeen" was far better than any otlier Re western coal. Every ton sold made Eg new friends. And every friend become a booster ,lm for Aberdeen coal. jjjs J The result is that Aber- S J deen Coal is now one of (SSI j the most extensively E3 1 sold of all western coals. rap I THV A TON OE pjf kilned b tlie Tndopend- KSf cut Coal & Coko Co., at IfcKi 3 4 Kcnlhvorth. Utah. C. N Kg S Strcvcli. Pres. and Gen. fS J Mgr.; -Jas. H Patorson. Ib mln Vice I'r.js.-Treas.; F A. I j 1"'"e1'1' S', MASON VALLEY TO INSTALL CONVERTERS It Is understood thai tho Mason Valley company hns decided to Install convert ers at tho custom smelter at Thompson, Nev.. and the Goldiield Tribune names several representatives of machinery houses who are now on tho scene bidding for the contracts. The Installation of converters will relievo the Mason Valley ; company of the expense of shipping Its copper matte to the Garlluld, Utah, sm oiler. RALLY SLIGHT, BUT HOLDING ITS OWN .lames A. Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: Paine, Webber & Co., Uoalon. Yestcr rtay'n rally was well maintained today, especially in the local coppery. The vol ume of trading Is sllll extremely small, but the level of prices Is so low that liquidation has practically ceased. Heavy sales of copper are being made around 15 cents, and the .situation Is becoming Improved every day. No extended rally can be expected with the present political situation unless Kuropcan and Mexican war troubles should be settled. Logan & Bryan. New York. Trading was relatively quiet and price changes, as a whole, not material, except In the Instance of numerous Industrials not on Joying an active market or acgresnivu support, which were subjected to liqui dation. Goodrich, Ttumley, Sears, Wool worth and Mav department stores were the issues In which there were most se vere declines, but the selling in those quarters did not have a marked Influ ence on the balance of the list. Apparently the recent liquidation and bear pressure has greatly Improved the technical position of the market In the senso that lh many weak accounts were eliminated and the short Interest ex panded but still sentiment Is still T'SHlr miotic ami traders are beginning to as. i ilttie Visit the FREE EXHIBITION AND SALE of the Worlis ofi lW Utah's Famous Boy SculptorAVMD FAIRBANKS? 'e' 'Sllfe sSEklSa Week Daya. it no F j p MW0M 21 fcast First South Street lC : - " 1.: MjrjJ UNDER THE AUSPICES OF AVARD FAIRBANKS FUND COMMITTEE..- W CO Hepllcns of some of his celebrated works, including Buffalo, Mountain!; r??."1, Lion In Repose, Sitting 13ear, Tndian Scout, Flphting Pumas and Alert Hon,) 1 on sale at prices from 35 upward. Paintings and sculpture by J. 1?. Falrbaii3,i , and J. Leo Fairbanks, father and brother of the young sculptor, aro also on? fl, ' exhibition. 1 " Tban stt OREGON SHORT LINE TIME CARD. S?a EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 9. 1913. f V ' Depart. Dally. Arrive. (hr tt 5..-. 71 fl A TVT Ogdcn (Preston and Locan going, Den- Q.OK A TVT ' fl ... I .XV J,.. ver Omaha. Kansas City. Chicago, San- J "-lu' 5 ' Francisco, Kly and Intermediate points. $, J9 .. 8-fin A TVT Ogden, Malad, Pocatello. Boise. Ashton, m-fin PM t Its,"' .UU Intermediate (Monlpolier going). .1U.UU JT.1V1. tf1 10:00 A.M. Ogdun and inton icdlate points. . 6:50 P.M. tt'n 11:40 A.M. VBrtand Ft-LouS' Ch,caso'. 3:15 P.M.1 fjfi": 11:59 A.M. 'siS CI,Icaso'. 4:45 1 'O P TVS" Overland Limited Ogden. I to no. Sacra- O-n PM j l.VO iT.lYl. memo. Sun Francisco. r 'm j IfcYt 2:45 P.M. Ogden. 13oIsc. Portland. Putto. . 4:50 P.M. !j 9 'd1 T "PT Ogden. San Francisco (Preston and fi0 P TVT 'u" Jr.lri. Logan, also returning). D'0U r m UH d.'Cf "P 7JT Ogden, Brlgham. Cache Valley, ilalad 1 1 .OK A M y:.UU Jr.lYi. aml intermediate. .11,00 ii.lU. . 5 .on -ntr Ogden.'.' Denver. Omaha, Chicago (Park in.n t TUT t :30 P.M. City, Green River and West only. re-. 12:40 P.M. v turning). i Aa 6:00 P.M. .Motor, Ogden. . 8:00 A.M. q 31:45 P.M. Ogdcn. Boise. Portland. Butte. 10:35 A.M.I 'Sfij Tclephona, Exchange 15, City Ticket Office, Hotel Utah. - ICORfL. numc a wulllng attitude, on tlie theory that the supreme court may make known Its llndlns In the .Minnesota ralo case next Monday. Mexican news was some what more' ussuring ami advieos from the other side denoted that Inlluences were at work which might tend to rlarl fv tho pcli Ileal atmosphere on the continent Come and Be Cured t Reliable Educated Experienced CONSULT ME FREE If you are worried about a srueial dis ease, organic weak ness or any male diseases or blood troubles. - General Debility, Weak nerves, ln Honinin Hesults of exposure, over work and other Violations of Na ture's Luwb' Diseases of Bladder aim Kidney. Varicose Veins, Poisons In the nfood, quickly and permanently cured at small expense and no de tention from business. My offices are open all day from 9 a. m. to 5 p, m,; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays from 10 to 12. STATE MEDICAL CO, 263 S. Main Street. I FARMER S"l STOffiGROWERlH "THE PEOPLE'S BANK"n CAPITAL ' Ip Now open for business in c tcmpornry quarters. 2i Eastfo 1st. So. Commerctnl aa5?8 Savings Accounts solicited, 4 per cint interest paid on itl Bavin dsposi.,. -Kfiot