Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 23. 1913 " v H Ti T EXHIBIT! FUMES ATTRACTIVE 1 . . jVork of Avard Fairbanks, (Utah Boy Sculptor, Viewed by Salt Lakers. . mOne of tho largest crowds of the ffeek visited the frco exhibition and i fiia of the work3 of Avard Fairbanks Pfifio I at 21 East First South stroct yoster Tho risitors marveled at tho I to I 'jeniufi displayed by this 15-year-old , . ufBh hoy, whoso work has beon do- V ' 1 rfared by leading criticB to bo equal 3flJ " to that of Borne of America's most fa nous sculptors. JSgji "I havo visited the loading art gal- 1 ijjles tn Europe and America," said a lljfl J Ionian at tho exhibit yesterday, "and 7 t T have seon some of the most celo- IQff brsted sculptural masterpieces, but 1 9 tavo Been few things which havo im- 81. i pressed me more than what there Is - I1 tero. It Beemg inconccivablo that this rfji 'I pjrk baa been done by a boy now only '4 J5 years old. Tho pose and spirit of .Oft i tb 'Lion on tho Alert' mako it one i of tio finest things I have ever seon." IB, Leo Ditrickstoin, star of "Tho Con- 7T : visltetl tho exhibition yester- m ' iij and bought some of tho work. ' "The work is as remarkable as any- ' thine I have over seen," ho said, "ro- " raraless of the ago of tho sculptor." IW $ Tho "Indian Scout," one of Avard 's latest pieces of work, has attracted a large amount of attention. This showH in Indian crawling around a cliff and peering into space. The lithonoBB and grace, tho muscular play .and the ex pression have caused many exclama tions of praise. The exhibit will be continued the rest of thiB wook. Tho proceeds trill go into the Avard Fairbanks fund, to cnabletho young sculptor to continue his studies. Communication Wbt did TneerKoll nay to th' ehtrgo that hft , "ero leouoclaet," that Ills teachlncs were uetitive,'' "declructlvo." th'at "he tors down without bulldlnR up," that "ho took away erery ib or and Rnve nolhlnjc In return?" Or, more polntcdljr. what did ho nlvo "in return" for what, a his crltlci correctly bUuo, "ho took awayV TV ell. to tieRln with, ho cava this. To lova Justice, to long for the rJcht, to Idto mercy, to pity the autferlnc, to aaslut the weak, to forget wrongs and remember benefit: to lore truth, to bo sincere, to utter honert worda, to love liberty, to wago relentlcia war aealnst slavery In all Its forma, to loro wlfo and child and friend, to malce a happy home, to love the beautiful In art. In nature, to culti vate tbe mind, to be familiar with ih emlchty thoughts that gonluo hot eAvrtaaed, th noble deedit of all tho world, to cultivate courses and chocrfulnees, tn make othora happy, to fill llfo with tho splendor of eeneroua actw, the warmth of lovlns words, to discard error, to destroy preju dice, to receive now truths with gladness, to cultivate hopo, to see the calm beyond the storm, the dawn beyond the night, to do the best that can bo done and then to be resigned thla Is the religion of reason, the creed of sclnnco. This satiofle-j the brain and heart." (Dresden edition. Vol, lv.. page S30.) He cave what ho hero terns and let us re peat It " tlie religion of reason, the creed of tclence," and what he clsowhere so variously and so Insistently proclaims an "the eonjiel of thlB world," "the srospol cf Rood health." "tha re ligion of the body."' "the evangel of health and Joy. He euto "tha religion of the flrealde." "the religion of tho liom" He gavo "the gonpel of good living," and "the gospol of good fellow ship." He gave "the gospel of Intelligence," i "tho religion of usefulness," "the religion of humanity." And ail this, they tell us. Is the more work of "a mero Iconoclsst." Tulnk of HI of tho bj Strength and Vigor for the Aged , If rightly made, malt whiskey is the best obtainable medicine Sj; for all conditions of lowered vitality due to advancing years or . invalidism. It supplies in a form requiring no effort of the S digestive organs, the nourishing, strengthening and tonic elements ; of grain. ii Duffy's Pure Malt "Whiskey when taken just before meals . j stimulates the secretion of saliva for the digestiion of starches and the secretion of gastric juice for the digestion of other foods, tV thereby improving the digestion and assimilation of the food and ft I giving to the system its full proportion of nourishment, a This action upon the digestive process is of great importance, 'j as it brings to all the tissues and organs of the body the nutriment , necessary to their sustenance and indirectly to the whole sybcem tj sirength and vigor. " I Duffy's Pure EVSalt Whiskey j Barley is used in connection with Bo suro not to accept an imitation. ! oilier selected grain in making Duffy's Duff '3 is sold in scaled bottlos only '1 tjcause it has greater strength giving by druggists, grocers and dealers, at qualities than cheaper grains. $1.00 a large bottlo. k ' To remove fusel oil and other ob- Btrengtti to Resist Sun and " i 1 jfthonablo substances which prevent wintry Blasts. 'ji , cheap malt whiskies or malt tonics "Duffy's Puro Malt Whiskey has j from being siscfu as a medicine, many done mo' a world of good. I am past J. repeated distillations, as in Duffy's CO, yet have superintended my men ii Pure Malt Whiskey, aro absolutely ro- all summer in tho boiling hot sun, and 1 t , quired to insure purity and wholesome- never lost a day. I am sure I could not J. files. This costs more, but it is the eflSvSS havo dono so had A, f ( only way to get tho result absolute not 5cen for l ' P"ty. fS3lvv strength - Duffy 'a F 1 j. - v -n 1 ii. Hf SsSBSyk RO-va me. I never : nt l17? ? Pvs. 'csiiHs. khJSMm lost a day tho past . , Itat IS Why 3-OUr Safety llCS in UStllg 11 P rmtfnuW fl -nrinfoTn tlint n 5 ;cE!y Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey. WS n Toupotfblv ' That is whv it is so good as a tonic vfcv iWW work ln tlt0 ln r stimulant for the aged. It ogives SJ?frSr Harry R. King, l strength and vigor whero the activity J Brunswick, Md. I' (;f tbe organic functions has become re- The Duffy Malt WhlBkoy Co,, , ecd. Eochester, N. Y. (AdverUacment.) Ml"" I11 I AMjuriWH l iiiHwHiiffimBHfWl A I WE WEEK'S WWIfc I 1 1 Jmebicines and h if h IN W IT EE AT BE E RT 1? jBLvLH ll I iO. ..Ito all who begin their treatment with xdrs. shores & mm 1 SHORES AT ONCE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE FAVORABLE 9rM -I SEASON AND ACCEPT DRS. SHORES' GENERAL OFFER. iiliH ll i, Pjs' fllor3 have demonstraled In their twenty ycarH specialty practice vJiM I tat ilarch, April and May are the best months of tho year for quick and per- B 7!ri ' 1 juanent cures o' Chronic Diseases. Regardless of the weather conditions, T ( 1 I t are cHmatlc changes that make these three months peculiarly favorable 1 T ' ' 1 i 1u,c,: ;uicl JaatinK cures; and In order to malce It an object to everyone K . 9 i 0 llccds treatment to begin at once and be cured quickly, Drs. Shores will M i - 1 ono week's treatment and medicines free for any disease to all who begin ffl la course of treatment this week. If you start treamcrit today, for Instance, you will be treated free during H i , io balance of February and all of March for ono month's fee and our foeslj a i ' I aro lower than ever before, In many cases one-half to one-thlnl what others ' j chare for similar cases. n - DON'T DELAY ACT AT ONCE. REMEMBER, BY SIMPLY PAYING I i, OUR VERY SMALL FEE FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH YOU WILL BEM ' .V?EATED FREE DURING THE BALANCE OF FEBRUARY (MEDICINES H N?LUDED), AND IN ADDITION RECEIVE A FULL MONTH'S TREAT- ! : MENT AND MEDICINES DURING MARCH. 1 ! : -..NOW IS THE TIME TO CURE THAT CATARRH FOR GOOD. NOW ISM ' XE T,ME TO CURE THAT ASTHMA FOR ALL TIME. NOW IS THE TIMEM TO GET RID OF STOMACH TROUBLE, KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLE. H JO TONE UP THE SYSTEM AND ENRICH THE BLOOD AND PREPAREH ; i FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. A 5TITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE.. GETj ' F0RYaT1ySdYsEESEAND GET WELL- CONSULTATION AND ADVICE FREEi k i CATARRH. Deafness, Asthma, Lung ' ? S I , Troubles. Rheumatism, Ifay Fever, I3pl- F 1 j ' ?sy, diseases of women and children, M I -Nervous Debility, Heart Troubles. Dls- iS$5J& i I' s of the Stomach. Blood, Skin, Kid- ftfCeLs m rtljlX'ir' Bowels and Bladder, and all J S25 J 9 v-urable Nervous und Chronic Diseases. 7 f yJ? S Women's Bepirtment W. I In our private department for Y' 5&. B J.'nien every care Is given to suffering; k, W3t H womankind with headache, backache, H faring. dovn pains, .painful periods, P. ' 2. 1 nervouancso, hysteria, and all other t- Q !Sm?'e troubles find a, quick diagnosis fc ',, &3&so. late reUetrr0Ubk'S &ml alm03t immc' - 1 VkM i?1 Hi Young, Middle-Aged, and 01 c ,en I 1 li?M) tw23 Pffltf We maintain a separate denartment forB 4m ) Ikf ma E VA the treatment and cure of all NERVOUS. IV, V (I IwTlVLl MB CHRONIC AND PRIVATE diseases and! ' ' weaknesses. . H ffi' " wli?EVAniS OF "FAKE INSTITUTES" AND QUACK DOCTORS l' Zh" ''?m0 and no responsibility. If you need a SpecJajBt-ne . rnatter what ? Vuu p iube-noniembop that Drs. Shores offer you ALL, that others can offer B i t,th;r Tf b o d poison "gsssl ' sr. CPRACTED TROURI ES SEDIMENT. SIIHEDS. ETC.. IN URINTS H ACi 'i rna?"" Ved In n fJi days. Blood Polion'nnd Lost Vitality yield as If hv w5f s7ln fact. nearly every known Chronic. Norvous and Private trouble H A' " mli" CUrc'J now for half what you expect to pay-and In half the tlmo for. HG required H Z ' LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. 1 aA) 0Vr?rhorC8 havo always tried to make their rates bo low that EVERY- 21 iSrft?PUl'D A FFORD THEIR TRE ATM-ENT a nd those who aro unable to fl S. & Shne needed for rcatment will bo accommodatcft wjlh ,B' 1 Aft . of Lt0 ""It. Don't stay away If you need our Hervlccs on account of lack ST ' . mcoma I" and hco how cay we can mako your terms, and how lit-1 SjA 1 C0,Jt ror tt euro, SISRS. SMCIKES & SHOBESl &fW uS CURES BY MAIL (vcr lllc 15c Storc ) SPECIALISTS "KITE "vC out of town 249 Main Street, Salt Lake City H W lLtaZTro,,tot'5 tEvenlng.. 7 to 8, Sundays, 10 to 12. QUININE? i! PUPE'S " BEST M M COLfl First dose of Pape's Cold Com pound ends grippe misery. It is a positive fact that a dose of rape's Cold Compound, taken every two hours until three cousocutivo doses aro taken, will end tho Grippe and break up tho most severe cold, cither in tho head, chest, back, stoni ach. limbs or any part of tho body. It promptly reliovos the most miser able headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, foverishness, snoozing, sore throat, runninc: of tho nasc, mu cous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness aud rheumatic twinges. Take this wonderful Compound as di rected, with tho knowledge that there is nothing else in tho world which wiJl cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without unv other assist ance or bad after effects as. a 25-cont package of Papo's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply accept no substitute contains no quinine. Be longs in every home. Tastes nice acts gently. Advertisement. "ImjiMsIblu monatroilty" thus broiiRht before oar t-InXcrSU; tho rntln 17110 cpet 'lis Melon 7i3 in Mo defenoo and championship, tho exlUUoa, tjH KlorJflcntloa nnd ImmorUlliatlon ot love. Ilbortr. truth, renoti. jURtlcu. merer. Kcnoroilty. iionrslr. virtue, manrlane., hcuiity, art. ."nd 110 termed "a mero Iconoclast!" whyj r it bccauBo to dofond. chainplou. osalt. f. rLf'..aDlS Immortalize tllr opposite Is to bo builder?" It. has often liprn 9nrii,.t ht t.i. n. Bttacklng what Ib called rcliclon cannot bo Juntl ii Ln bovo''ef profoundly convinced of Itn HiMly ho may havo been, his courao wm alto cether unwarninted. It hac been claimed (to luote Gladstone aa typical of tho critics), that, niany of tho r.uhjpcts with Tfhlch rnKer?oll dealt can only bo approached In a deop reverential calm, and that, therefore, wlltlclemr. nnd Jokw, Ills tarciam and Ratlre, hln Irony and ridicule, ,nconsllerato of tho finer feollncu and sensi bilities of others. In thla connection InRemoll nlmeelf said: i "J '? 'aImc,l lr many that onythlns. tho best and hotlost, can bo ridiculed. As a matter of fact, ho who attempt to ridicule tho truth, ridi cules himself, Ho becomes tho food ot his own lauchter. "Tho mind of man Is many-aided. Truth must bo nnd is trilling to bo tested In every way, teoted by all tho scope. . "What effect will IorIc 'have upon a rollclous centloman who firmly believes that a God of In finite compassion sent two bears to tear thirty or forty children In pieces for lauchlnc at ti bald headed prophet? "How nro such people to bo answered? How can they bo brounht to a nenso of their absurdllr They must feel In their flesh tho arrows of ridi cule, (Vol III,, pngo lOS. Dresden edition.) Now what In the Christian nyntem. It may bo asked, did Ingersoll ridicule? "What was, It that he failed to approach "In a deep reverential calm?" Can It bo shown that ho ridiculed any thing which conducts to tho real and permanent welrare of mankind? Did he ridicule the Ten Commandments? Them are. two sets; and of them, he kept, nnd ndvlsed others to keep., sll that are of tho Mlchtent value. Did he over mako Christ a subject of ridicule? "And let mo say hern, onco for all. that for the man, Christ, I have Infinite respect. Lot mo say, onco for all, that tho place whero man boo died for man Is holy cround. And let mo say. onco for all, that to that crrit anil serene man I clndly par tho trlbuto of my admiration and my tears. He was a rofonnor In his day He wan an Infidel In his tlmo. Ho was regarded as a blasphemer, and his. life was destroyed by hypocrites, who hfiTo In all nnea. dono what they could to tramplo freedom and manhood out. of tho human mind. Had I lived- at that tlmo I would havo been his friend, and should ho como araln ho will not find a bettor friend than I will be, t Back of tho theological shreds. ra:s and patches, hldlnir tho real Christ, I see a genulno man," (Vol. 1 page 56, Dresden edi tion.) Did' ho ridicule the mothor of tho rTeat Nora rene? Did ho de-iplso maternltyt "Tho holiest word Is mother." In what way did ho ridicule tho. Sermon on the Mount? By accepting, with sincere cratltude. all of It that. Is sood, oil that Is of value to man kind. To what, word of derision did ho expose tho Golden ItuIoT To these; "Glvo to every. oUier human belnc tie rlht that you claim for yourself." What, then, did Ineersoll ridicule? He ridiculed the rMlcxilous. Let uh take a broad view, an ample view, or our reformer the full measure of the man. Ttobert G Initersoll, at the noon of llfo. was- the physical, mental and moral Ideal the embodlraont or tho hlsliest possibilities of hlo race. Dy this I do not mean that ho waa wholly a cod, nor a man Itke sod, nor oven a godlike man ho wra a man absolutely human. Ho wan of this world worldly, worldly In the noblest sense. Of tho now and tho hore, he made the most and best. "Every moment was a melody, every hour a harmony, every day a rymphony:" Thore was Inexpressible delight In the mere fact of bolnc a Joy In every pulrio nnd breath Buoyant with health, prodlca) of optlmlnm and cheorulncss. which welled up to spontaneous overflow In every channel of expression, hlo namo, to all who really knew hlra, was a reassurance, his handclasp an exaltation, his smile sunshine, his volco n cares, hln presenco a benediction. Howovor umcll, how ever larpo tho circle he mlcht chnnce to enter, ho waa always, by natuitfa decree, the fartliercst from the circumference ho filled and held the centor. He loved and trusted humanity with the childlike utmptlclty of tnio Rreatness. He never lost faith. Iln was evnr hopeful. Insorooll died about noon Friday, July ;i. 1S5D. Tuesday aftornoon, July :5, at 4 o'clock, at his rcsfdenci. a few selections read from his works, Thursday monilnp, July 27. 1B55, six dayn nffer his doath, ho waa cremated In Now York City. (Vol. jcilt., Dresden edition, pace 220,) He was indeed a hero, VT. M, KNERR. 3 Morel aud avenue. NEV SCHEME ON DELINQUENT TAXES County Treasurer Bassett announces that tho practico of sending out col lectors for the delinquent taxes on per sonal property will ho discontinued, thus eliminating an unuccosaary ox- LAST fflffi m The Tribune's Big Book Bargain Positively Ends This Week. Sunduy Tribuuo readers aro given one last cbancb to got Everybody's Cyclopedia for one coupon aud $2,35, The publishers, of this useful reference sot havo notified us that tho few re maining sets will exhaust tho avail ablo supply, which necessitates the withdrawal of tho offbr. Every reader of tho Sunday Tribune should take advantage of thiB great cyclopedia offor. Parents should got the sot for thci children; teachers and students, should have it for quick rof oronco; it is a complete home librury of ready roforenco. For the boys -and girls at school; for the older members of tho family; in fact, for all who wish to progress, this useful sot of books means success. This useful fivc-volumo set regularly sells for $12, but any day this weoU you got tho complete sot for $2.35 and tho Cyclopedia coupon appearing daily on another pago. Tho sets arc too bulky to bo sunt by mail, but. oufc-of- j town readers can havo them for $2.35, iTio 6ot to bo sont by express, shipping charges to bo paid by tho roi'eivor. Road tho display amiounrenionts in this issue and clip the Cyclopedia 1 coupon without furthor delaj'. Thoro will not bo another chance for Sunday Tribune readers. i penso to the treasurer's oflicc. He adds that if delinquent personal property taxes for 1912 aro not paid immediate ly, levies will bo mado which will add not less than $3 to the original tax and cost of advertising. FORMER SPEAKER -"CHIEF QUACKER" National Press Club Pokes Fun at "Lame Duck" Represen tatives and Senators. "WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. "Uncle Joe" Cannon and ten other "lame duck" congressmen, three of them senators, who have been recalled to privates life, told the National Press club tonight how It feels to "go back home." John T. Suter of the Chicago Record -Herald, recently elected president of the club, called upon G. A. Lyon of the Washlnston Star, whom ho described jis a. ' National Press club lame duck," to Introduce C. K. Berryman. who acted as "official duck chaser." Mr. Berryman tapped on a large gong on each occa sion when the 'gentleman's time had ex pired." None or the speakers present had served less than six years In the national congress, .which. In the case of the "chief quacker." Representative Cannon, as he was called by tho master of ceremonies, a period of thirty-eight years covers his length of service In the house- The other "lame ducks" were Sena tors Curtis, Brown and Dixon and Rep resentatives Dalzcll, Crumpacker of In diana. Taylor of Ohio, Rodenberg, Mc Call and Ilowland. NEWLANDS PREVENTS ACTION ON MEASURE WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Because tho conference report on the legislative, ex ecutive and Judicial" appropriation bill contained a provision eliminating the as a' office at Carson City, Nov., Senator Ncwlands of Nevada today preventod adoption of the report when It was brought Into the senate. Tho provision extending the life of tho commerce court until Juno 30 had beon also eliminated by the conferees. 1000 PENNSYLVANIA MINERS KILLED IN 1912 HARRISBURG. Pa., Feb. 22. More than 1000 Uve3 were lost In the mines of Pennsylvania In 1912, according to the annual report of the department of mines, which shows that the total pro- ?uc.H?IJJ,?r-r?oal ,n tlle state amounted to M5,31,t55 tens, or about one-half the entire output In the United States. The production is an Increase of about 5,000. 0t)0 tons over the previous year. Suffragettes Howled Down. ONDON. Feb. 22. Mrs. Dcspard and other militant speakers were howled down tonight by tho audience at a suf fragette meeting at Thornton Heath. The police were compelled to Intervene to protect the women from violence. Humors of all kinds aro prolific of worso troubles. They may be entirely expellod by a thorough course of Hood 's Sarsapanlla. (AdvoitiflomonU The World's Best Medicines! I Who Discovered Them, The People? I Columbus, Ohio. I am manufacturing fivo different romedies, which aro supplied to tho regular drurr trade, for use in tho home. In my writings I rarely speak of but ono of those remedies, Peruna, but thcro aro four others which I am con tinually prescribing. There is, first, Manalin, which iH an up-to-date laxative. Pleasaut to take. Tf the c children do not cry for it, at ! BATTLESH S P FIGHT . I HIIHS Vote Will Be Taken Monday After Further Debate Last ing Two Hours. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. Centering their efforts upon cutting in half the ap propriation for two battleships, oppo nents of a big navy in tho house today began their final assault upon tho an least thoy do not object to it. As a matter of 'fact, I know one child that actually cries for it, every time ho sees the bottle. Manalin is, of course, use ful ih all cases whero a laxative is needed. Biliousness or constipation. Always at tho beginning ot" an aeuto diseaso a full dose of Manalin is to be advised. It can bo given to the voung cst baby and is penectly eft'ectivo for older people. It is not drastic. Pro duces very nearly a natural movement of tho bowels. Then I also hav0 the Manalin Tab lets, which aro similar in composition to the fjuid Maualin. In tablet form they are more convenient for some peo ple. I bolicve thorn to bo the best lax ative tablet in. the market. They arc certainly made of the very best ma terial, and constitute a safe, convenient and effective laxative. Then there is the Lacunia. a Blood remedy. This remedy I rcard as an alterative of first-class quality in over particular. It is strictly vegetable, free from the usual miucral poisons that arc used in alterative remedies. It is specifically a blood medicine. Sores of all sorts, blood contaminations of every kind, aro treated with Lacupia. If you havo a running sore, external or internal, your blood is contaminated, by infection or otherwise. Lacupia, taken according to tho directions on tho bottle, is sure to produce beneficial re sults. In most cases it can be relied upon to entirely eradicate the trouble. In any case whore it seems to fail a letter to mo will bo given prompt at tention and T will endoavor to discover why a complete euro has not been ex perienced. Tho Peruna T am speaking of so fre quently I ncod not describe at length. nual naval appropriation bill. When the house adjourned tonight, after gen eral debato on the measure had been in progress for six hours, tho opposing forces compromised on a two-hour limit for continuation of tho debate Monday. It was practically conceded that tho bill, carrying $1-16,61S,364, would go through without change except iu the construction section. Loaders among the economy advocates insisted that only one battleship would bo provided for. but tho progressive naval policy mcn claimed to havo enough votes to retain tho provision for two. Eoprescntativo Padgett of Tennes see, chairman of tho naval committoo, who voted against two battleships in the committoo; Representative Foss of Illinois, ranking Republican member; Representative Hobson of Alabama, and Representative Loud of Michigan, and Bates of Pennsylvania spoko for tho bill. Representatives "Withcrspoon of Mis- It is my old-tftno catarrh remedy with a laxative clcmont added. As it stands today it is without a rival as a tonic laxative. Applicable to all caaos of catarrh, whether the catarrh is located in tho head, nose, throat, or whether in the stomach, bowels or lower organa, or f fl in the larynx, bronchial tubes or lungs, or whether in tho kidneys or other pel- vie organs. In all cases of catarrh, Pe- runa is my remedy. Besides the Peruna I am manufac hiring Peruna Tablots. The Peruna Tablets contain essoutially the same in grcdieuts as the fluid Peruna. In some cases it is more convenient for a pa ticut to be ablo to carry tablets in tho pocket. Thoy have been manufactured on purpose to meet 'such case?. 1 manu. facture tho Peruna Tablet, in my own laboratory, tho same as tho Manalin Tablets, and I can guarantee them to bo perfectly pure, free from all ob .jectionahlc materials and in a condition to be readily absorbed by tho stomach. Yes, I havo five remedies. First, tho Peruna and the Peruna Tablets. Sec ond, the Manalin and tho Manalin Tab lets. Third, tho Lacupia. These are manufactured in my own laboratory ' and I can personally vouch for their purity and effectiveness. It seems to mo that any household provided with Peruna, .Manalin and La cupia would be ready to moot most of the ailments to which the human family is sTibjcet. Surely there aro no better remedies to bo obtained for the pur poses for which I recommend them. There are no remedies that can excel IH them in composition or pharmaceutical IH skill. The material used in them all is IH tho best and purest. No. 52. (Advertisement.) sissippi and Dies of Texas made lengthy speeches against it. - Representative nobson declared that six battleships a year were ncedod to keep the United States in second place among naval powers and that two a year were essential to enable the coun try to maintain a serviceable navy. ,H He said individual provision for de fenso by each nation" was tho only guarantee of peace; that ''there is no court to determine what is interna tional law and in tho true sense there is no such thing as international law." This is the season of tbe year when mothers feel very much concerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and havo abundant reason, for it, as every cold weakens the lungs, lowers the vitality and paves tho way for the more serious diseasos that so often follow. Chamberlain '3 Cough Remedy is famous for its cures and is jH pleasant and safe to take. For sale by 1 all dealers. (Advertisement). I 15 E. Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah G j I l Just what you have been waiting for you are cordially invited to attend the opening of our j ji new Millinery Store and inspect the first showing of Spring Hats. Over 100 imported designs i; jjj in tailored and trimmed patterns of the most magnificent styles. None of its kind ever dis- 1 played in this city. 1 ) Uitt rimmed Mats Flowers and Feat Iters j! 1 I j An elegant selection from The newest importations and creations from 1 $i.98 dp to $28.00. Bozi;:!rr;!,5o.h. nil J A showing of every description in headgear. Aigrettes $5 per dozen. J WE EARNESTLY INVITE YOUR INSPECTION. ATTEND OUR OPENING AND RECEIVE I t H I A HANDSOME CARNATION FOR A SOUVENIR.