Newspaper Page Text
1 ' j r 1 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1913. 13 ! f .l - FOR SALE 1 , Poultry and Pet Stock ltM m&h atatfl fair. Btnte poultry show: rM itock and hatching eggs for nale. L C. ' mOICE BUFF ORPINGTON CKLS. Etara for hatching. New 60-egg Buckeye Incubator. 873 E. 9th So. Hy 171 -M n2S91 WHITE PLY. ROCKS: I WON 1ST CKL.. ' Vnd cock. 4th hen. 5th pullet. 2nd and irrt nons and silver medal for best male In how at Salt Lake. 1913. Eggs and stock. Silver Camplne eggs. ?2 setting Jno. .T. VeTrton. R- 3. Sandy, Utah. Half mile ast of State st. on Social Hall road. am fi C. W. ORPINGTON EGGS." SET TSB tine fl-CO up. W. II. Voylea, 854 SI E H 33M" n30 WANTED TO BUY. SEVERAL SET Unc hons. Call today, Was. 6108-J. or Jl iQi 1st avc. oll67 SILVER SPANGLED HAMBURgI ppgg 15 for $2.00. Wanted, young calves and poultry. A- T. Saunders, rear 1415 Jl So Main. Phone Hyland 237 1 -J. olG39 5 Ubu Zl , I kl WHITE LEGHORNS. PER SETTING, Bi 75c R. I. Redo, per setting, 75c; White "TU Wvandotiee, per setting. ?1. Telephone F wolf. Exchange 20. o2315 Wl EGGS FOR flATCTTING FROM THOR wT"S ouphbrcd S. C. Rhode Island Reds and White Orphlngtons, 51. CO per setting, rfft Call 15 3rd avc O2470 xsir? ORDER NOW. S. C. W. LEGHORN babv chicks. Pullets from this strain ara ST" now bavins' an average of hotter than 5"Hi 500 per'ycar In Utah. We will tako or- dens now for future delivery In lots of 3 to 1000. Write or telephone us. Hy. S3. 1315 So 2nd East, F. J. Larson. $Sa ' 02S69 tJifc els GOOD COOPS. WIRE RUNS, FENC In?, superior White Lechorns and R. I. l-i Rcdf, cheap. 760 So. West Temple. t$ o2722 ilt CJIOTCE LOT LEGHORN CHTCKEN5, :lc. Ciphers brooders, coops, poultry snn- M dries; tools, horse, harness and buggy. . Xationnl poultrv farm, State and 15th -&Eir. So.. Murray 122-W. o2S45 S; -J Horses and Vehicles. $ vnTNOWirAVE on itaT?dstxty H head extra pood horses. 1100 to 1600 pounds, and receiving two carloads each v2 week. Como in and see them. Salt Lake r2? Horee & Mule Market. 314 W. Bth South. IMS 572 FOR 6ALE HORSES: WEIGH BE r tween 950 and 1450; matched tcame or i' rinrie horses, or will buy any good Si lorEes from 1200 up. L. B. Bingham Broadway stables, between Main and SUite on 1st South. n244 , TEAM. HARNESS. WAGON. FOR SALE: 752$ tPPly Hy. S0D7-M. 0267 BARGAIN GOOD FAMTLT HORSE f and purrcv, cheap for cash; crab quirk. Apply Salt Lake theater. ol692 ft i 0N"E STANDARD-BRED HORSE COLT, u 7 months old; registered. Phone llur ray 42-N-12 or write W. G. Scott, S00 WW Reams. o24GS fcttfj HORSES. WAGONS AND HARNESSES of all kinds. Midway Livery, Murray. SOAJ' 0ne Mui-rav 3,0 o2546 FOR SALE CHEAP. ONE GOOD 1100 CCUH lb. horse. IlylancI 20G-M. S04 Belmont f K'j ave. 02G57 tat : GHXTLE BLACK MA-RE. SUITABLE for paper route, cheap. Was. 4SS9-R. 1 Q29G7 JJ0 ' For Sale Automobiles l-PASSENGER OLDSMOBILE, JUST jjj overhauled and repainted, with now -JSJ top. In first-class condition, Campboil 42 t Auto Co., 49 W. Fourth South street. ' o22 Kftil BABCOCK ELECTRIC PHAETON. A-l condition; a snap. Randall-Dodd Auto ; Cft K2357 f USED AUTOMOBILE AT PRICES TO I I OJlt all buyers Cheesman Auto Co.. f K Automobile row. kl035 ' t-PASSENGER POPE-HARTFORD CAR 4 In excellent condition. Campbell Auto i -1 Co.. 49 W. 4th South. ol672 PrtS WE HAVE REAL BARGAINS IN USED Cadillac cars. These machines have j 19i rebuilt, repainted, and we frive the i: "nie jruarantee with lhm that proes with i-Hll new Cadillac. It will pay you to see L u3 em beforc huylnp either a new or used . C4r.,f any other make. Sharman Auto m mobile Company, 43-45 Automobile Row. omss jjH' Rarcnia In used cars. Wo look after Jntw bs thoiiRh thoy were new cars. O0CS IvJ",0 I" n'1 BPt our nrlce. Velle Motor fliTM Jtn'e'e Co. Corisolldatod Wat;on and ; Htchlne Co. Bldp. o!912 -T PRAN'KTIN- TOT-RTNO CAR. JUST pill' overhauled anrl painted: a bnrzafu. mt Lake A'Mo C 1G2 E. 1st f-'o"h. g 06 Tl. Was, 2654. o2S3 TI3iR r- sing For Sale Motorcycles '"WKAP EXCriLSIOR MOTORCVCLE. Otf a B,,andem attachment: sood condition. 1 &Xi.;$ wag. 307-M h3278 : : EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING. ADJUST fB" A- TI- Tctzel. 527 So. State. Was. $$$ O2650 L3 ,For Sale Pianos itr. J ' 8t$nwaV"grTn iJi 0, or Hal,i at a barsnln Ownor fl lUlre 8. C. B., 124 3rd avc. Was. 2218-W. o!477 ;Ci AN UNUSUALLY BEAUTIFUL AND iil'S tH"1"0 j45 mahogany piano for $200. UoaJ itrras to reliable people 40 N. 2nd West. o2G44 . For Sale Furniture. BBCOND-TTAND. KUUXITUUEFOR I5IJ 54S So. State. n2237 1 'TURE OF fi-ROoTf APART- prKQy it J',tr-V eap if taken at once. An- iiaZ ffer K-37, Trlhune, for appointment. fit o289S IS! nTG SEWING MACHINE. NEARLY Bn Ii.1'01' household goods, cheap, nr.2 Knst. b o28Si 1 HODGKS. DENTIST. SUITE 217-U 5 I n 4? Arcade bids. Bent and encap- I tWflgatch C0E4, k37S ISS B. ICEYSOR, 240 MAIN ST.. TEL. wB4tch G628. Good not teeth. ?5,00. ;nfl ,' d310J VW-JM ?S lPwUATi,18 & S0N 166 N- 8T- WAS. jijM Upholstcrlnir. chairs rccancd. BfM o3ig S5JJ2ESAT w' 'otIh,1,12 Rawing and house dec- -Jm VahT ils' aeorge W. Ebert & Co., 41 ifl. U2719 'fl: r&hc?PAURB TOUPEES. WIGS. 9' K JodET .S"S' rEcst stock of Wr ,n lno cll'- Combings or cut ."PM' .. 11 2,1 0rBl"' S. L. Costume tJyW -J-lar"l 116 E. Broadway, ol423 J 2RPuKES! COMBINGS MADE jvvdM JlKn v ,nltchos; Kllnner, 153 Main. yviL n'.'305 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses SPECTALI SPECLVL! EO-room rooming houBe. good location, noing good business: must sell on account ?f..out"of"town huainesB. Call Wasatch 4I6- o316 S5-ROOM HOTEL IN HEART OF CITY tJ1 5-c,fiflcc; must be wold; easy terms. Call or address 316 Judge Bldg. o2803 FURNISHED 17-ROOM ROOMING house, rent or sale cheap, 333 . So. .Mate, beforo. 3 p. m. o2996 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mscellaneou8 THERE IS AN UNFAILING BAROME ,lef ,of business that shows what is most in demand It's the Want Columns. WANTED A PARTY WITH $930 CASH to take half Interest In a good, sub stantial manufacturing business; ?5 per nay; salary guaranteed and share In lS: Yor Particulars call at 178 So. 12th East. 0633 SMALL BLOCK OF TREASURY STOCK. good money making proposition. Will n- sacrifice on Immediate action. No trlflcrs. H. 6, Tribune, 01581 KOIL.SAL,E AT A BARGAIN. AN Es tablished book and stationery business. Best magazine stand in the cits'- Good reasons for selling. C6 E. 2nd So. ol987 FIRST-CLASS CAFE. DOING GOOD ,?ll?.lric.!'s; on,i' $1500. Ross C. Davis. Ilo S. Main. o2SD0 FOUR MODERN ROOMS. VERY DE slrablc, $20. 3G1 Ninth avenue. Seven-room modern house at 2S0 A st. BETTTLYON HOME BUILDERS CO. WASATCH 2030. 02916 BAKERY AND CANDY STORE, BRICK oven: opportunity for good man; only bakery In town; small Investment; new sugar factory now building. Address K-19. Tribune. o2785 WANTED MAN WITH LITTLE CAPI tal to Invest In good paying proposition. Address K-43, Tribune. o29Sl DENTIST WANTED BY PAINLESS Withers. 322j So. Main. o30CS MONEY TO LOAN. COULTJ WE MAKE MDRELOANS upon real estate than any five com petitors combined unless our methods aro right? Nineteen years' experience- with only one foreclosure. TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO.. 11 E. lot South. m266l REAL ESTATE LOANS. Terms favorable. No delay. Any amount. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. Investment Bankers. 159 Main Street. " f50 TOUR PRIVILEGE . IS to pay any amount, any time, without notice, and stop Interest, on loans made from us. We loan only our own money. Home Investment & Savings Co.. Glen Miller, president. 6. 8 and 10 West First South st. nll53 WE LOAN MONET and Sell Roal Estate. SMITH REALTY COMPANY. Was. 1983. 202 Hooper Bide. n26i7 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own nnmcn. choan rates, easy payments: confidential. D. H. Tolman, room 339 Atlas bldg. el200 AMOUNTS OF 5500 AND UP: LOW rates of Interest. Houston Real Estato Inv. Co., 361 South Main at. Phono 27. ol23 UNCLE SAM LOANS MONEY ON ANY thlng of value. Cut rates. 30 E. 1st South. d3703 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Hnlloran-Judge Loan & Trust Co.. 309 South Main. 'b328 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without dolny or publicity. D. D. Drak. 403 Scott bldg. f32G4 . OWN UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS: LIB ral options. Miller & Vlele, SOS Kearns bldg. ' all SALARY LOANS NEGOTIATKD FOR persons permanell.v emnlovod; busl- neo confidential. 717 Walker Bnnk bldg. dl575 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Pomeroy West 1st North. p88t Slfinn TO 37500 ON R'F'PTDFVCE PROP rfv within cltv limits. Inquire- Glesy Walkor Co.. 714 Kcarjip bldg. n52S CITY AND FARM PROPERTY: LOW est rates. J. L. Perkes. 412 Atlas blk. hS437 THE WANT ADS ARE VALUABLE TO ex'ory busin', man and woman, be raus" thev relate briefly, vltallv ntid of fectlvrly thn neodfj of tho moment. WE HAVE MONEY to loan on real estate. Low interest and prompt action. For fire Insurance, call us now. ALLIANCE INVESTMENT CO.. Wasatch 4443. 11 Main Street. otlS8 WHERE TO STOP jClNfcOLlTWHO 250 rooms: rates, 35c, 40c and BOc; mod crn: baths. 15c. n!339 ASSAYERS CRISMON & NICHOLS. ASSAYERS and chemlatH. 229 South Weot Tomplo. W1793 BETTLES. MATHE55 & CO., A- F. Bardwell. successor, 158 South West Temple, Phono Was. 4G9G. f217 R. II. OFFICER & CO.. ASSAYERS. 1G0 South West Temple st., Salt Lake City. rn260 BIRD-COWAN CoZ ASSAYERS. TOO South West Temple. Phono Wasatch 4114. b458 UNION ASSAY OFFICE, 352 SOUTH Weft Temple; P. O. box 1445. h!510 STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRS UANOs"cON jackets cleanDd, ?2; L JackotB, 3; etoves repaired. 4 Ontario ct. Pliono Wn yntch G714-W. LININGS. GRATES AND WATER JucketB. all makes, work guaranteed; G. D. Lovett foundry. 44 7th W. Wa Batch 3090. f3486 STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING. Water Jackets cloanod, Goalcn. 172 II btrect. Wasatch r,719-J. n824 CLEANING AND DYEING UEltSclTEANK STDYEINGCa Garments Insured- Superior work. Prompt auto delivery. Three- phones 574, &75. 090. 114-16 E. Broadway. m738 APPLES POTATOES ' FO?TFRUIT'?AFtM bushel: potatoes, 50c per bushel, de li vcrcdJPnojieJSIurayJ3 Q1666 HOUSE CLEANING uYA7r"HausE CO. WA- satch 3082. 123 So. State at. 06H GENERAL , HO US EC LEA NIN'G CO. Houeeclcanlng, window washing, Janl ' tor work, kalsomlnlng Wusutch 1455, . 115 E. 2nd So. . olG4C FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved '''. ' V- & HALLORAN-JUDGE LOAN TRUST CO. $1750. S750 cash, will give you possession of a beautiful home on "U" street containing 8 rooms, and la modern In every particular. This houso was built three years ago by present owner and Is one of the best homes In this location. 55300 for a now six-room bunga- low on Second avc; throe largo bedrooms, beam ceilings In din ing room, book cases in living room, oak floors, hot water heat, full cement basement, plastered and divided Into rooms. North Bench, on E street. 6-room modern, two-story red pressed brick, quarter sawed oak finish in threo rooms, large sleep ing porch, hot air heat, lot 45 by 165 feet. $4500. Terms. Third avc, a good five-room modern home; cement basement, built of red pressed brick. $3S00. Terms. Two-story rod pressed brick on Fifth avc. near "B" street, con taining S rooms; furnace heat, lot 165 feet In depth. ?3000. $500 cash. On nth East paved street, a new 5-room modern bungalow, largo sleeping porch, oak floors, hot water heat, fine mantel In Jiv ing room, good light fixtures, front porch across entire house, back porch scrconcd, basement cemented, paving tax paid. 53850. Terms. On fith East drive, which will noon bo paved, a new modern five-room brick bungalow, with sleeping porch, oak floors, hot wa ter heat, full cement basement, corner lot. 53350, $300 cash. Southeast near the park, 4-room bungalow, with sleeping porch which has windows so thut It can be used ns a bedroom In winter; high-class grate in living room, good grade of light fixtures, ce ment basement, cement walks front and rear. 52700, $150 cash. We have bargains In business and residence property. Will build you a homo on monthly payments. We loan money on real estate. Agents for the Royal. "Tho World's Greatest Ins. Co." We will write your bond. 6 per cent mortgage !oa.ns on hand for Investors. We act In capacity of agent in any business affairs. HA LLORAJC-JUDGE LOAN & TRUST CO. Exchango 131. 309-11 Main St. - '( o2935 HAT FACTORY HAsnspAmEo "saltlaIkhat Factory. No. G W. 2nd South. n!473 KEY FITTING "key rrrriNa LacTcvoRicrvBi cycle Supplv Co Tnnn n-ll 2f2R. o7tl TYPEWRITERS WEREiTYPwlrrERsl All makes repaired, exchangua and Bold. Utah Typewriter Exchange Co.. 311 Walker Bank bldg. Phono 430. Estab lished 1904. o2187 TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES, FOR calo or rent agents' new No. 5 Royal, Stcwart-Gloesan Co. typewriter Ex change, 30 W. 2nd So. Was. 290. ra3230 SWITCHES teed. Harmony Millinery. 558 S, Stat. W. 561S. k37H OSTEOPATHY DlRrDTJLET'PH YSTCLVnTUGEOn! laboratory diagnosis. 210 Kcarna bldg, Hours 9-5. Wasatch 5G9G. dr, m. Mcdowell. 604 -5-g scott bldg. Hours 3 to 12 a. m 2 to 4 p. m. ml 409 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES GUNNELECTRIC CO. REMOVED TO 332 South State. Phono Wasatch 2120. o20 CHEROPODIST L. ZAMBIA. EXPERT FOOT SPECIAL lat. 47 East lnt So. n2445 PRIVATE HOME WILLOWS MERE, CONFIDENTIAL confinement, seclusion, legal adoption. Mrs. F Phillips, 11th E. bet. 12th and 12th So. Sugar Sta. Hyland 1231-M- k30S2 HAJRDRESSING CALL WASATCH 3536 FOR I AUT Y work: done at your home. 0177 PERSONAL LMM5S$10oTlu ly guarantee my great successful "Monthly" remedy: oafoly relieves somn of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal casc3 lu throe to five- days; no harm, poln or Interference with work; mall $1,50. Double strength. 52. Dr, B. P. Southington Remedy Co., Kansas City, 1 Mo. "UG FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved BETTILYON HOME BUTLDERS COMPANY, 323 MALN STREET. Do you own a lot? We will build you a homo on monthly payments. FOR THREE DAYS ONLY. 7th East near 8th South, well-hullt 5 room brick; bath, toilet, etc. Needs pa pering and cleaning. Large lot. $2800. Think of It! $550 will handlo. THIS BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW Will be ready March 1st, but you must buy It now if you want lu 5 large rooms; built of mottled pressed brick; tine large front porch. Built-in fireplace, bookcases, beautiful slash grain fir interior finish. Best of plumbing and electric fixtures; full cemented basement. 40x115 south front lot. Walks in. Just off 9th East. Price 53000. $500 cash and $25 per month. CLOSE IN ON 1ST WEST. A good 4-room brick, upstairs floored; can make threo more rooms. Lot 33x140. Sower, walks, gas, all paid. $3300, HERE'S A COSY HOME, On 11th East, nearly new, 5 -room, mod ern, brick bungalow. Shade and fruit trees. Only 52S00. On termB. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO., 323 Main Street. Wasatch 2030 or 2031. j 02937 SPRING TS HERE AND IT brings with It the best time of the year in which to build. If you have the lot wc will gladly furnish you with plans according to your own ideas. Our architect is at your sen-ice. t perchance you have a cash payment to pay down, wc will gladly assist you to select a good building site, as wo have them located in the best parts of the residential sections of the city. A RAILROAD MAN'S CHANCE. If you find It nccersary to live on the west side and aro not now -in possession of a home, we will bo pleased to build you a. home to your own liking on 8th West near 3rd South. The terms can be arranged to suit you. The sowor passes the property, so docs the sidewalk, and both are fully paid for. This would make any rail road man a good place for a home as it Is within calling distance of all railroads. A very fine car nervlco is supplied to the resi dents on this steet. Call In and sao ub about It. HOMES. J-hlock from 9th East, between 9th and 10th South, wo have a nice little four-room house for sale, with modern plumbing, clec- trie light fixtures, four good room?, with front and back porchci. All assessments paid. Price Is $2400; $300 down and the balance 520 a month rent. Near th East and 10th South we have a new flvo-room modern house for sale on a 50-foot lot; depth of lot is 157 feet deep to a. 14 -foot alley. House' has large front porch and good scrocned back porch. Mantel In front room, buffet kitchen; never been occu pied. This house has never been offered for less than $4500. Can be purchased for 53500 If bought at tho present time. 5500 down, balance $30 per month. FARMS. In Davis county we have a 20-acre farm which has produced 24 tons of sugar beets to the acre and Is still In good condi tion. Place Is equipped with a 2-room house. 15 shares of wa ter go with the place; extra large chicken coop: 5 acres In orchard grass, 5 acres In lucem, 30 bearing fruit trees. Place s close to a canning factory. Mower, hay rake, wagon, plow, horses, bar neys go with the place. All for $2200. WE WRITE FIRE INSUR ANCE AND CAN BOND YOU. BURT & CARLQUIST CO. Wa-satch 350. 40 Main Street. Real Estate. Mortgaso Loans, j Fire Insurance). j o2921 FOR SALE. 51500. ?1000 cash, balance! on time, will huy a G-acrc farm, woll improved, just south of Sandy. Good four-room house, barn, good water right. 150 bearing fruit trees. Let mc show you this place. It Js going to be sold quickly, 84300 For 56000 worth of property. .14 lots facing east on Bth Eaat; sidewalk as sessment paid In full. Will make you 25 per cent in 90 days and still would bo under market value. 51100. With 5200 cash you can secure this comfortablo 4-room house, located near 11th East and 5th South. Lot 33x132 feet to alley. It's really worth 5300 more than I am usklng for It. $6500. On a corner on B at., close in, a 7 room modern residence. Owner loft the city and wants to sell quickly. Terms can be arranged. $1000 cash, Owner Just borrowed ? 1000 on this house. Lot me show you. 55100. Present owner paid one year ago J5S0O for this place. It Is a 6-room modern bungalow; hardwood floors, mantel, built in bookcases, sleeping porch, laundry and cement basement; lot 40x157 to alley, 51000 cash, balance in easy monthly pay ments. If you want to secure a house or building lot DO JT NOW. Prices wII I never again be as reasonable, I havo them In all parts of the city. No trouble to show you. For lire insurance see mc. Have plenty of money to loan on Im proved Salt Lake roal estato, A. RICHTER, 73 SO. MAIN ST. Phone Wad. 041. o!920 A CORNER ON STATE STREET FOR $S500 less than it Is worth. Address K-55, Trlbur' o2980 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved BEAUTIFUL MODERN BUNGALOWS AND COTTAGES ON EAST TERMS. 4- room buft brick, close to 9th East st, with a fine lot, south front; strictly modern except heat: ce ment basement, cement walku, buffet 'kitchen, front porch and screcnetl-ln boxk porch. $300 cash; $25 per month; J2500 price. 5- room buff brick cottage, close to Ninth East and Ninth South and new high school, finest location In the city for increase of value; large front porch, screcnod-ln back poroh, full basement ccmontcd, cement walks, strictly modern; $500 cash; 530 per month; 53500 price. 5- room mottled brick bungalow, altuated close to Ninth Eaat; largo front porch, 3creencd-ln back iiorch. cement basement, built-in man tel and book cases, strictly mod ern, electric fixtures, buffet kitchen, cement walks; S500 cash. $25 per month; 53000 price. 6- room strictly modern bungalow, with lot 00x213 feet, large front porch, acreenod-ln back porch and sleeping porch, cement walks and full cement basement, b'ullt-ln mantel, larne dining room and window seat, tiled bathroom, buf fet kitchen: 5700 cash; 530 per month; $3550 price. 6-room strictly modern bungalow; lot 50x 150 to alley; large front porch, hardwood floors, built-in mantel, window seat, electric fixtures, furnace, book cascB, buffet kitch en, stairway in. with room for three largo rooms upntalrs; $1000; 5U0 per month; $4200 price. HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN t TRUST COMPANY. Wasatch 214. 22 East First South. o2922' LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. VACANT HOMES AND SITES. WE OFFER THIS WEEK THE BEST BARGAINS OUR CITY HAS EVER HAD. (There arc no flat vacancies in this city.) Locations. ; 2 So. Temple, near O. 33 to 70 ft. $100.00 E. let North 35 to 80 ft 100.00 5th So., near W. T.. S2J ft 90.00 E. So. Temple 66 ft. 70.00 North Tomplo 30 to 156 ft 56.00 Federal Helghta ....75 ft. 53.00 1st avc, near O .... 415 ft 50.00 Douglas ave 60 ft. 40.00 Q si, near 2nd avo. 37 ft 87.00 D st. near Sth ....4Hft 35.00 7th So., near 5th E. 49i ft. 27.00 7th E., near Sth So.. 41i ft- . 24.00 II et, near 7th 10 to 82 ft. 24.00 5th avc. near I 195 ft 20.00 Catherine st .-37 to 75 ft 15.00 7th So., 13th E 40 to SO ft 15.00 13th E., near 7th So. 40 to 82 ft 14.00 4th E near 10th So. 40 ft 12.50 10th So., near 4th E. 50 ft. 10.00 10th So.. 2nd E 50 ft. 10.00 Nr. 9th W 1st So.. 50 ft. 8.00 Nr. 2nd So.. 9th W. 40 to 80 ft. 8.00 "And LOTS of other LOTS." Wo believe we can arrange terms to suit you on any property we have for sale. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. 150 Main St "Dealers in Bargains." o2651 51100 For a neat 4-room framo house. Lot 33x133 to alley. House in good condition. Small Installment, balance monthly pay ment?. Located near 5th So. and Hth East sta. 53450 Will buy 4-room modern brick cottage. Lot 40x115 to alley. 5430 cash. 526 per month, Including 7 per cent Interest This propertj Is located on Roosevelt ave. near 7th East $2000 On 3rd .East near 13th South, 4-room frame house. Chicken coop, bam, flow ing well Property in the same vicinity sold by other agents at 5650 for half acro lots. This la two acres. We have plenty of money to loan on improved Suit Lake real estate at most reasonable rates. We represent only the strongest and safest flro insurance companies and we pay our losses promptly. A. RICHTER. 73 SOUTH MAIN ST. Phono Was. G41. o2280. W. I-I. CROMER, 103 East 2nd South St To Trade 1-room house near Poplar Grove car lino for something In Califor nia; 5-room house on 5th East near 8th South for farm In Idaho; SO acres near Payson for home In city: 3160 acres for apartment houso, will assume or pay cash difference; 40-room "hotel In center of city for real estate; a good book store for real estate; clear land for automobile; a .strictly modern brick near city and county building for a strictly modern S or it-room house, with good sized lot, will pay cash difference Call or phone Wasatch 420 or Wasatch 57SG W. o284S AT OUR NEW BUSINESS ADDRESS. SPECIAL FOR $3500. 8i acres, with goqd house and out buildings: everything in good condition; land especially adapted for gardonlng, potatoos, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, etc.; first-class water right; also all farm im plements necessary to run place; wacon, buggy, harnesses, horse, two cows, chickens, incubator, brooder, etc., etc. Throe- flowing wells and large spring, suitable for rulelng fish. Located south of city. Just otY State street, near car line Sen us for terms. S3500. Tills week's special. PROGRESS REALTY & BLDG, CO.. 323 So. Main St. 02974 MUST SELL BEFORE MARCH I. Home near 9th So. and 9th E. 6-rm. mod, buff brk, cottage; has cut etone foundation, window sills and cape: cement walks and sewer paid. PLACE IN FINE CONDITION. Hae good mantel in parlor; plate rail In dining room, equipped with modern plumbing throughout PRICE ?2650: 5450 CASH. balanOf! ensv monthly pay ments. LOT 3X7 RODS. TUTTLE BROS. CO, 139 Main St "Dealers in Bargains." ol577 FOR SALE CHEAP MODERN BUNGA low. nearly completed: 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Easy terms. Phono H. 3298. Address 1040 Logan ave. oH48 BY OWNER. STRICTLY MODERN 6-room brick hous5; electric light, gas, hot water heat; good terms. Apply P, O. box 214, city. o529 BARGAIN 3 OF AN ACRE, SMALL houne, chicken coopH, fruit, 8 blocks from Holllday car; $1150. Hyland 2705-M. O1520 NEARLY ONE ACRE AND GOOD brick house, close In; also 150 acres, Idaho easy terms. DARLING. 130 E- 2nd South. o292S 4-ROOM PR. BR.. WELL LOCATED: good lot: near car lino and school. Price $1850; 550 cash, bal 515 per mo. Address K-44, Tribune oCOO FOR SALE FARM LANDS Farm Lands "MOSIDA-BY-THE-LAKE'' IRRIGA TION PROJECT. The most beautiful spot in Western America for a farm home. 6000 acres in 40 and 80-acro tracts, border Utah Lake, 15 miles weat of Provo. Perfect system of Irrigation, with an everlasting supply of the purest water. All temperate zone fruits, vegetables and grains show big yields. Deep, rich soli: Ideal climate. Telephones, electric light and District School on tract: flrst-clasB hotel. Two main lines of railroad within few miles. Only $100 per acre, including water right. Ten years time: one-tenth down at time of purchase. For complete Information and booklets, wire or write NATIONAL SAVINGS k TRUST CO.. Top Floor Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. o2823 ONE OF THE BEST FARM OFFER lngs in Park Valley. Hero you can get started on almost nothing. By put ting your shoulder to the wheel, you can create an Independence for yourself with in a few years. The price of land In this valley In 515 and $17.50 per acre. You may have fivo years In which to pay for it. Drop ua a card today for detailed information. Don't be so hlde bound to precedent that you can't see any farther than tho end of your nose. The Ideas or plans that made fortune a few yearn ago would not bring In pennies today. If you expect to get to the top, you have got to get out of the beaten track. Today the best opportunity le on, tho farm. Pacific Land & Water Co., 1509 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City. Utah. o2532 WILL TRADE FOR EQUITY IN CITY home, good building lotH In almost any part of city. Hoffman Bros. Loan and Trust Co., 22 E. 1st 80. Was. 234. n2703 REAL ESTATE "FOR EXCHANGE" A 40-acre Improved farm in SanpeU county for good property In or near Salt Lake City. Addresa S-69, Tribune. h73 Improved and Unimproved WALTER ROMNEY, 32 SOUTH MAIN. 200 ACRES VERY CHOICE LAND IN IDAHO. 16 ACRES FENCED" AND UNDER CUL TIVATION. 280 INCHES OF WATER GO WITH PLACE. 7-ROOM HOUSE. STABLE 16X68 FEET. LARGE GRANARY. BLACKSHnTH SHOP AND TOOLS. PUMP AND WINDMILL. TWO WAGONS. FARM IMPLEMENTS. ONE BUGGY. 100 HOGS. 25 COWS. 5 HORSES. 2 COLTS. 600 BUSHELS GRAIN. 40 TONS HAY. ONLY SEVEN MILES FROM RAILROAD. SHORT DI8TANCE FROM. SCHOOL. IMPROVEMENTS. LTvE STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS CONSERVATTVEJLY WORTH $6000. THE LAND CAN BE HAD FOR 550 PER ACRE, BUT IS WORTH 5100. TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE 516.000. ONE-THIRD CASH. BAL ANCE TO SUIT. TF YOU OWN A BUILD ING LOT AND WANT A HOUSE BUILT, WE WILL . FURNISH YOU THE NEC ESSARY MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOUSE AC CORDING TO YOUR OWN IDEAS. B-ROOM BUFF BRICK HOUSE, 4 ACRES OF THE BEST GROUND ON , THE SOUTHEAST BENCH. AN IDEAL LOCATION FOR A CHICKEN RANCH. 52500. WALTER ROMNEY. 32 MAIN STREET. PHONE WAS. 1480. o2934 GOOD HOMES EASY PAYMENTS. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW ON EAST bench; lot 40x169 feet; cement basement and walks, lawn, shade, etc.; $2200. Terms like rent. EAST ON 2ND SO.. NEW, 5-ROOM. modern, brick house; mantel, walks, etc., $3500. Terms. SOUTHEAST, CLOSE IN. NEW, 5 ROOM. modem house, full cement base ment and walks, mantol, lawn, shade. A snap; ?2200. Terms like rent 7-ROOM, 2-STORY. MODERN BRICK HOUSE, southeast, op car line; corner lot, 54x140 fcot; shade, lawn, etc.; $3500. Terms to suit CHICKEN RANCHES. CLOSE IN. THAT are bargains. Wo havo several. A SNAP IN A FEW BUILDING LOTS, on the 15th East car line; 5125 each and up; $10 cash, 55 a month. J. L. DENHAM CO.. W. 4133, 78 W. 2nd South St W. 4133, Successor to A. N. Humphries. O2930 1 BARGAIN! ! ! We have many bargains In all kinds of real" estate, but none bet ter than this four-room brick, large lot. beautiful lawn, chicken runs, cement sidewalks, located near 5th South apd 2nd East strocts. Think of it. $1700! .$100 down, $15 per month. The lot alone Is worth the monex. Act quickly, for this will not last. THE ALLIANCE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 11 Main Street Phonn Waa. 4148. o205R IF YOU HAVE A BARGAIN WE CAN ell It: If you want a bargain In Raal Estate we have it. J. L. DENHAM CO.. W. 4133-J. 78 W. 2nd So. St. olllJ SEARS INVESTMENT CO, navo moved to 25 E. 4th So.. Grand Hotel building. We havo customers for building lota. k, b.. city. What have you for sale? ol009 SO ACRES IMPROVED. IRRIGATED. WITH 11 ACRES FINE ORCHARD, NEAR TREMONTON. AT A BARGAIN. WILL TAKE IMPROVED SALT LAKE PROPERTY IN PART. WESTERN LAND CO., 212 JUDGE BLDG, PHONE WASATCH 6411. Q2925 "WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S till" Tuttle Bros. Co.. 1B9 Main street. f3249 NICE 9-RM. BRICK HOUSE: LOT 38 FT. by 117 ft: to be romodoled: price $2fi00. 525 E. Sth So. Hyland 1364-J. n3105 ASHTON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE loons and insurance, 47 Main Htreet Phones 907. m3072 4-ROOM HOUSE. PARTLY MODERN; S7 So. Emery st. Easy termc. o2762 1 LOT. 3Six77 FT; $1100 CASH: ON Vine at. n?ar Capitol hill. Phone Wa patch 3I56-R. o09 G-ROOM MODERN BRICK, $2900; $800 cash and $25 per month. F'urm near Sandy, will trade for city property. Phone Hyland 2795-M. o2971 FURRIER FURtT"cLI2ANED. RKMo1e13dAND repaired.. Geneva C. Htcka Cc 68 So. th E. Was. 3707. MOit FURS REMODELED. REPAIRED: Ex pert furriers; prloeo reasonable- Hud on Bay Fur Co., 122 Main Phono Waa. U9. C175I FOR SALE j 5EE..L. R. MART1NEAU 1 FOR FARMS AND HOMES. jH MONET TO' LOAN. ' SPECLVL. .30-acre irrigated farms near ' IH Logan, Utah, at $15 an acr down, balance seven ycara. WILL EXCHANGE FARMH FOR CITY PROPERTY. J SEE L. R. MARTTNSAU, Farms and Homes. I 305 Mclntyra Bldg., Salt Laka mM H mm THESE FARMS WILL POSTITVELY MAKE YOU A GOOD LIVTNQ AND INDEPENDENT. 1 6 acres of excellent soil In Holllday; good water right; 3-room brick house; 2-room framo; bam, stable, hay and wagon shed, good well, plow ) harrow, cultivator, and all farm Implements, one cow, young helf- 1 or, horse, 125 chickens, 2 buggies. ' It's a dandy; look it over; $1000 cash; price 54400. 5 acres at Bountiful, with 2 boautiful flowing wells and a 5-room mod cm butt brick cottage, aa nice a home as any 5-room hous In the city, and new bam, stable, feu fruit trees, asparagus patch raspberries, and the best place in IH Utah for market truck garden- jH ing: price $5000. Terms ar- ranged. IH HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN & ! TRUST COMPANY. 32 Eaat First South. Wasatch 244. FARMS. I 80 acres fl rat-class farming land, good wator right. 3-room brick house, barn, outbuildings, near 15th So. Price $225 per aero. 1 8 acres near Holllday car lino and 15th South street. This ia an excellent bargain, has 5-room framo houoo. outbuildings, one acre In orchard, good water right, , for 5380P, payable $400 down and ' $.15 per month. One-half-acre lot with two large roomer of brick, near Statu and 14th South streets. 31S00; good , tormc. THE ALLIANCE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 11 Main Street. Phono Was. 4443. ) TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. ' GROW ALFALFA FOR PROFIT. 400 acres at 530 $12,000. Beat alfalfa land in Utah. Near good growing town on Salt Lake railroad. Good primary water right for entire IH tract. Good schools available. This should be cut into 40-acre tracts and sold for $50 an aero. It Is worth it. $5000 down, balance easy terms. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. , mm 157 Main Street o2S45 200-ACRE FARM ALL IN ALFALFA. ' level and good water right, good im provements, on. R. F. D.: has telephone. on main road. 1 mile from station, 5) milos from Blackfoot. Plonty wood and pasture on joining riparian land, Good ! dairy or slock ranch. Price 525,000, easy termf, or will trade for good nots or Bolee property. E. M. Kennedy. Black- 1 foot Idaho. o3S5f W THE FARM SNAP YOU'VE WAITED FOR. 80 acres of the choicest land. Lo cated in tho famoua Park Valley. Fif- IH teen-foot wells strike a fine flow of wa ter. Soil Is extra rich. Location, tho heat. $17.50 per acre Is the- price If taken jH at once. Terms If desired. Pacific Land IH & Water Co., 1509 Walker Bank Bid?.. Salt Lake City, Utah. o3S21 immm FINE FARM IN UTAH COUNTY. 167 ACRES: HORSES, ETC; WILL TAKE PROPERTY IN SALT LAKE CITY AS mW PART FIRST PAYMENT: BALANCE ' EASY TERMS. THOMAS ALSTON. MWM OWNER, 40 SOUTH MAIN ST. TEN ACRES. SOUTHEAST. AND 4-RM. house, and barn for eight head; 350 H fruit troes. half aero in otrawberrloB, jjod water right; atrnut car line will be built this summer. Price 5S000. Easy tonr.s Address H-50. Tribune. Q2164 Cattle Ranches, , CATTLE RANCH. THE CATTLE WITH THIS jH RANCH WORTH THE PRICE ASKED FOR THE ENTIRE OUTFIT, TOGETHER WITH BEST SUMMER AND WIN- TER RANGE. JWM 920-acre ranch, abundance of water rlghta go with property. two houses, two barns, great cor- H rals, hay yards, ate. Thousands jH of acres of fenced range morally belonging to ranch, and our- H rounded by best summer and win- H ter ranges In Utah. 700 head fins cattle, horses and Implements. No winter feeding roqulred. Lo cated In Kane county. Utah- H Worth 550,000. but If sold quickly can accept 536,000, $21,000 cash, balance nn terms. H Wire us quickly for appoint- B ment to Inspect. Applications fllad , B In turn as recetvod. H SMITH REALTY COMPANY. Was. IPS.-?. 202 Hooper Bldg. Abstracts Title Insurance vW UTHSAVlNGSmJSrC f lH furnish abstracts and title Insurance. AVBVJ attend to all details in transferring and mortgaging- land titles. Capital. $250,000. 235 Main. g29 For Rent Farms and Acreage, A"4T0?rGbARl for I to 3 years. Anplv R-,f. Shermni avenue. Get busy. Hyland 251-J. o2017 I H FARM. 12 ACRES, SMALL HOUSE AND 1 out buildings. 3 acrnn in fruit, 510 per 1 H month. E. J. Will, 15 W 2nd So j