Newspaper Page Text
U THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1913. I OGDEN DEPARTMENT OFFICE 2662 WASHINGTON AVENUE. PHONE 661. I,1 Office Hours 6 a. m. to 10: 30 a. m.; 3 p. m. to 8 p. m. If HUE IN ! BANK DIUCTUTE Commercial National Grows Rapidly to Prominent Fi nancial Position. Special (o Tho Tribune. OGDEN, Feb. 2S. Tlic directors of tlie Commercial National bank held tliclr an nual meeting this afternoon and elected Patrick Hcaly. a director and one of the principal stockholders, as president, to succeed Judge A. R. Heywood, who re signed early In the present month. The selection of Mr. Mealy as head of the Commercial National was not unexpect ed, aa ho has been regarded as the logical successor of Mr. Hevwood since the announcement of the latter's retire ment. In addition to tho selection of Mr JJcaly as president. A. G. Fell and J S JJoui2 were named as vice presidents and Jtobert A. Moves wits re-nleclcd cashici. In addition to theso four officers, the di rectors aro D. XV. Stnndrod, J. N, Ire land. D. A. Smyth. Leroy Buohmlllcr and 1'. W. Harrington. Since the retirement of Judge Heywood the directorate has ocen enlarged from seven to nine mem bers. With tho absence of Mr. Heywood it was necessary to add three new mem bers, who arc Cashier Moycs, Messrs. Standrod and Herrington. All of these offlcorn and directors, with the exception of Mr. Standrod und Mr. Ireland of Poca lello, Ida., reside In Ogden. The stock formerly held by Judsro Hev- I wood is said to have been purchased by tiro other directors and principal stock holders of the Commercial National. While no statement would be advanced hy tho present officials of the bank, the deal la said to have Involved the trans fer of about $250,000 worth of securities. Mr. Heywood lias not definltelv an nounced his futuro plans, but staled at tho tlmo of his retiring announcement that he might re-enter business activi ties. Tho selection of a new president for tho Commercial National marks an Im portant point in the history of the con cern, which has grown within a com paratively few years from a struggling banking institution to one of the very strongest of the state. Not a small amount of the credit for this marked ad vancement Is duo Cashier Moyes, who has been closely Idcntllled with the busi ness for many years. His Interest In the bank's nffalrs has beeii rewarded In a largo measure by his advancement to the position of a director. I DIVORCE MATTERS HANDLED, Judge Harris Disposes of Several Cases; One Suit Filed, Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. Feb. 2St Alleging failure to provide, Ruth Mussolman llled a com plaint In the district court today bring ing suit for divorce from John Musscl inan. The parties were married In iSvanston, Wyo., on August 2-1. 1004. In addition to a decree. Mrs. Mussulman petitions the court for custody of two minor children and 533 per month ali mony. In tho district court today Judge N. J. Harris granted an interlocutory decree of divorce to Ada Pickett in her suit against Arthur Pickett, the charge being failure to provide. They were married In South wlgston, England. July 29, 1903. .Mrs. Pickett was granted $25 per month ali mony and the right to resume her maiden name, Ada Squires. Judge J. A. Howell granted a final dc creo of divorce to Louise Christopher in her suit against James C. Christopher. The Interlocutory decree was granted on August 16, 1912. Mrs. Christopher was gjven tho right to resume the use of her maiden name, Louise Crltchlow. Judge Harris granted a Hnal decree of divorce to William Roylc against Besslo, Royle. The interlocutory decree was issued last August. I SOCIALISTS MAKE CHARGES. I Demand Investigation of Methods of U. S. Attorney General's Office. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDEN. Feb, 2S. Following tho ac tion of Socialists Ahroughout tho country, the members of the local branch of the party have adopted strong resolutions censuring the authorities who are en gaged in the prosecution of Eugene V. .Debs and others. The prosecution is tho outgrowth of articles published In the Appeal to Reason, a Socialist newspaper published at Glrard. Kan., regarding the conditions at tho Leavenworth federal prison. It is set forth In the resolutions that the Socialist newspaper has done a public , Service by "denouncing the unspeakably i foul conditions at Leavenworth,'.' and "that the men under Indictment are of i unsullied character, high purpose and large achievement-' The Ogden mem bers of the party also Join In the demand for a thorough investigation Into the ' methods of the attorney general's offic In regard to tho present cases. Copies of the resolutions have been sent to President William Taft. tho at torney general, each of the state's sena tors and representatives and to the local newspapers. I WANT TO GO TO WAR. Young Men Inquire at Recruiting Station I Concernlnq Possibilities, Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. Feb. 23. Many Ojden boys and young men would be glad of a chance to cniist for service should the United States declare war against Mexico ac cording to E. W. Schilling. In ehaigc of the government army recruiting station In this city, since the talk of intcrven 1 tlon has been taken up by the newspa pers many inquiries have been "rccivH nt the local station regarding the p" .s.l hlllty of a call for troops. As tills ofllre has received no Instructions the appli cants seem disappointed, asserts Hip gov ernment officer. The anxious ones are not disposed lo enlist and wait for a chance to participate In some real ficht ing. The army ofllcc has been In operation here for the past four months, and in that time there has been an avernio ' of ten applications per month, which 'is regarded as a uood showing for a cstv of this size. Officer Srhlliing states that a majority of tho applicants am eastern young men who bav'c been lured to th" west and have gone broke in search of the big things which failed to materialise. RURAL CARRIER WANTED. 1, Civil Service Examination for Position to Hv Be Given May 1. OGDEN, Feb. 28. Assistant Postmas ter Rufus Garner has announced that u competitive examination will be hld in this city mi March 22 for the purpose of B securing carriers for rural route No. 5. which will be established out of Ogden on May 1, The route will extend Into the , territory to the north, supplying the rexl- dents of Marriott and other settlements Vh the free mall service. 1, .-fie supplies for the examination have received and blanks or Information iV 1.' be obtained from the local secretary local lKard of civil scrvlgc ex rr0nt .at tJlu Ogden postofflce. L tcnicv-,1 xyrce has been added to the hV toi ra r,erks ut tne local poct- H5x xoiai ;count of the eight-hour rcgu- BMca.,h will go Into effect on March i Patrick Hcaly, prominent Ogden business man. who suc ceeds Judge A. R. Heywood as president of the Commercial National bank. i 1. An appropriation has also been pro vided for the clerks who will hereafter take their turn on the Sunday shift, the regulations providing for six working days in each weok. Real Estate Firm Incorporated. Special to Tho Tribune OUDEN', Feb. 2S. Articles of Incorporation for the Joseph Barker company, villi a capital Mock of 455.000, were filed In the office of County Clerk K. O. Dye lliln afternoon. Tho Incorpor ators and first boar J of director arc Joseph Barker, France A. Darker, Joseph D. Barker, Kclllo Bitrkor .and La. H. Carver, all renldlnfr l North Ogden, with tho exception of Mr. Carver, r.'ho If xii Ogdon rct.ldcnL. It Is provided In tho articles that tho new company lull take over real en la to and mrsonul property valued at SJ3.32?.?:!. but Incumbered with certain mortgages). In nddltlon to the farm land there arc agricultural Implement!!, hay, gialn and livestock. It In tho pursue of tho new company to engage In a gcnoral familac und :cal eatato buslncta, August Piolitz Dies, Special lo The Tribune. OGDK.V. Feb. CS. August. Flclitr, used ',2 years, died nt his home. 1102 Oak avenue, at an carlj hour tlila morning, after a lone Illness. Hesldcs tho widow he In survived by tno uoap. August and William Flclltz. both residing In Ogdtn. Mr, Flelltz wau a member of Lako Krle lodge No. "17. Knights of Pythlin, of Buffalo, N. V ; the Sons of Herman, it local organization, and the local bricklayer' union. ' The metnbera of Ogdon lodgo No. '1. K. of P., will have cli&rgo of tho funeral ncrvlcu. to bo conducted at 2:10 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mem bers of tho other two organization!) nuincd will altond In a body. Interment will be in the Og den City cemetery. Order Ornamental Light Poles. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDEN, Feb. 2S. In preparation for the estab lishment o! Ogdcn'a "Great While Way," Mun ugor P. D. Kline of the Ogden Rapid Tranult company luo placed on order with thn National Tube company of Pittsburg, Pa., for 113 Iron poles. Tho Ayetom as planned at present will require only ninety-eight poles, but the property owners along Twenty-fifth stroot between Adams and Washington avenues do not llko the Idea of being left out of the new lighting district and tho ad ditional fourteen poles woro ordered for tills block, cy atoms in other cities, Manager Kllno tUtcs that thn poles should be placed and ready for use by April 15. Charged With Chicken Stealing. Special to Tho Tribune, OGDEN, Feb, IS. On tlie complaint of Sam Onello. an Italian fruit dealer. Slim" Bond, alias "Whisky Jack." s. Chlnanun, was arrested by Deputy Sheriff Joseph Crompton today on a charge of burglary In the third degree. It la al leged In tho complaint that Dond nlolo about twenty chickens from Onello on October 20. of last year. Thn sheriff's officers aro Inclined to believe that a cult brought by Bond lo collect 400 from Onello played an Important part In the fil ing of the complaint by the fruit dealer. The Chinaman Is locked up at the county jail. Southern Pacific Officials Oo East. Special to The Tribune. OGDi;N, Feb. 2?. Local Harrlman officials haTO recolved Information to the effect that President William Sproulc of the Southern Pacific, and Vice Prcsldont William F. Herrln, head of the legal department, will pasa through Ogden tomor row en route cast from San Francisco. Their destination la Now York, hut tho local Informa tion contuln& nothing regarding a stopoff In Salt Lalio or this city. Advocates Moro Boosting. I Special lo The Trlbunu. 1 OGDHN. Fob. 2S. Returning from an extended visit In southern California, former City Attorney J. H. DeVIne Is enthusiastic over the ryxtematlc boosting dono by tho peoplo of tho Los Angeles and San Diego territory. With less real advan tage than Ugdcn or any other city In Utah, these California cities aro growing, according to Mr. DcV'lne, and liu le In favor of this section going after tho boosting game just as thoroughly as do the Csl'fornlans. Mr. DeVlne wan accompanied home by Mrs. DoVlne and the children, who havo teen In California for the past several months. Marriage Licenses Issued. Special to The Tribune. OGDKN, Feb. 2S. Marriage license were grant ed today to Charles Slrrcprr and Mrs. Margaret tlryrend, both of Idaho Falls. Idaho: William W. M'.tl of Drlggv, Idaho, and Mrs. Mary A. Sanders of Kanur. City. Mo. FRIEDMANN TO BEGIN OPERATIONS MONDAY By International Xcwh Service, NEW YORK, Pel). 2S Tho fashion able district of .Fifth avenue and Thirty-third street, just opposite the Wal dorf, is the location Dr. Friedrich Franz Fricdniann today picked out for his "tuberculosis camp." His secretary, ('hv.rles do Vidal-Ilundt. made the an nouncement tonight. Treatment of patients will begin Monday morning and tho German sa vant hopes to give 1000 injections of his .serum a day. Tho vulo will be first route, first served. This applies to char ity patients as well as those who par. Dr. Fricdniann 's first treatment will be given on Sunday at Groat Xeck. The patient will bo Rex Puris. son-in-law of Charles 12. Finlav. the New York banker, who offered $1,000,000 for n fticfcasful demonstration of the Fried maun euro. Arciy Orders. WASHINGTON Feb. 23.-Cuptaln Kl wanl M. .dams has been retired by the pr'silnt. ' Captain William T. l-tr,en. infantry, will proceed to hi.s home nreparatory to IiIh retirement from active service. Major John II. Itlcc. ordnitnce Cepart nutit, will proceed to Galveston and Texns City. Tex., for temporary duty. Meyer Awards, Contract, WASHINGTON'. Feb. 2S,-Secretarv Moyor today awarded a contract for the construction of tho battleship Pennsyl vania, one of the largest in the world, to the Newport NowB Shipbuilding com pany, at their bid. of ;7,2GO,000. BELIEVE FULL FROM COUCH WED FATAL Concussion of Brain Said to Be Cause of Huntsville Girl's Death. Special to The Tribune. OGDI5.V. Feb. 2S. Injuries sustained when she fell from a couch last Satur day are believed to have caused the death of Miss Beatrice Smith of Hunts ville, at tho home of her sister, Mrs. W. B. OKletrce, 31G Twenty-eighth .street, at an early hour this inornlnt'. The exact cause of death Is yald to havo been concussion of tho 'brain. Miss Smith, who was uttendine the Odon high school, was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph eSmlth, well-known residents or Huntsville. Jn the accident last Saturday tho youn woman struck her head against a stove. After she had complained fpr several days of severe pains In her head, a physician made a. careful examina tion, but could discover no fracture anil tho pulns were assigned to a cold in tho head. She continued her studies at tho high school until last Tuesday, when she was forced to remain home and In bed. Although It was decided at that time that she was suffering from concussion of tlm brain, her condition was not regarded us dangerous until yesterday, Sho sank rapidly last night, death resulting about 2 o'clock this morning. Miss Smith was born In Huntsville on November 10, ISD3, and had resided thero all her life with the exception of the time she had been attending- school In this city. She was popular among lhc students at the high school. Besides the mother and father, she Is survived by several brothers and sisters Bishop Robert McQuarrlc will conduct the funeral services In the Second ward chapel at 12 o'clock noon Sunday, In terment will be in the Ogden City ceme tery. The body will He In stato at tho home of the sister Saturday afternoon and cvenln- and until 11 o'clock Sunday forenoon. BIDS FOR POCATELLO PUBLIC BUILDING Special to Tho Tribune. WASHINGTON. Feb. 28. The Whltc-way-Loe Construction company of Boise, Ida., was the lowest bidder on the Poca tcllo federal building, bids for which were opened today. The Idaho company's bid was $S7.33u, for either sand or limestone. Tho bid of George Pcrley of Salt Lake, beinr J104.000, for limestone, was flftb lowest on tho list, and that of the Camp bell Building company of Salt Lake, which was $1000 higher, was sixth. II. K. Docrlng of Portland was the second lowest bidder, the llgurcs being 503, S29 for limestone and 591,218 for sandstone. Awards will not be announced for a week or ten days, Will Banco for Charity. The Danish Brotherhood society, lodge 78 of Salt Lake, will give a bcncllt dance this evening in Kagles hall for George M. Christensen, one of their members, who has been seriously 111 for nearly two years. Bills Passed In the Senate. House bill No. tr by ChrlNlenscii An act pro hibiting unfair coiniictllioii In the r.alo of com modities. Senile bill No. 132, by Lunl An net pornilltiii; tho ctalo board of! rntnmlFslnurrs to abate Interest on deferred payments on utalo lands un der Irrigation and dralnuKo project!, wliero the state lias failed to deliver the irrigation water. House bill No. 19, by Mrs. Kim: An net pro viding n pension hystain for rantliorn forced to work away from home to isupporl tliclr chil dren. Senolo bill No. 191, by Ivereon An act pro viding for the appointment of nsalntnnt cnfdnesre on renervolr project by tho i-tate land board. Senate bill No. 189, by Eckcrslcy An net re quiring the brondlng of ctoord packoRes contain ing peaches, pears apples and apricots. House bill No. 85, by WcIIIiib Ah act cItIdi; clllrs and tcnviiB power of eminent domain in the I construction of pipe lines to carry wafer for municipal power und lighting plants. House bill No. 151. by Funk An act aproprl atlng JIM for the purcba&c of mcdnln of a--ard for pupils vrlio excel In military drill In schools where inlllUry tactics aro taught. Bills Killed In tho Senate. Senate bill No. 07. by iTcreon An act permit ting tho leasing of auplulttim lands lying beneath tho water's edge In Great Salt loke Senate hill No. 135, by Smith An act cloiilng saloons on legal holldayx. Heniite bill No. ;0D, by Cnttrrll An act pro hibiting nmoklni; on street car platforms. Sent to Governor In the Senate. Senate, bill No. 60, by L,unt An act changing tho sjilcni of mark and brands for livestock. Reported Favorably In the Senate, Senate bill No. 112, by Cottrall An act placing surety companies under tho direction of tho state liutirnncc commissioner. Senate bill No. Ml. by Rldeout An act validat ing conveyances mudo b7 probate Judges of the tcnliory of Utah. Home Joint memorial No. 2, by commlttc on federal relations and memorials to cotigrevs A memorial to coagrens urging thn pai-aago of thn Crago bill for pensions for Spanish war veterans. Reported Without Recommendation In the Senate, Senate bill No. in. by Williams An act pro viding a board of examiners of practitioners of dru;IOLa healing. Senate bill No. CD. by Smith An act providing for the filing nt affidavits of the true considera tion for tranifer of property. Senate bill No. 70. by Smith An act extendlug the terms of county ajavworw from two to four jears. i i Reported Unfavorably In the Senate. Svnale bill No. $:, by Smith An act making more drastic the Inheritance lax law. Seiiale bill No. t3. by Bmlth An act impos ing a license txx on mortgage broken. Senalo bill No. (M, by Smith An act Increas ing the salaries of county auevors. Senote bill No. 65, by Smith An act eliminating from powers of county commissioners tho right" to levy poll taxes for support of poor. Senate bill No. 6, by Smith Au act providing that public eervlco corporations aluro In special Improvement tax. Henato bill No. 67, by Smith An act Imposing a license lax on mercantile ruling ageaclrs Senate bill No. 71, by Smith An net eliminating from powcro of county cominlsaloncrs the right to ljvy poll tax for rnalnluance of roads Senate bill No. 73, by Sinlth-Aii act abolish ing the office of county assessors and placing the collection of taxes iu bauds of slate board of equalization. Senato bill No. 6S, by Smllli-An art extending terms of county treasurers, Senate bill No. 72. by Smlth-An act requiring tho collector of taxes from car companies lo fur ulsb a bond. ELECTION OF LEWIS CLAIMED Joint. Bullol of Illinois Legislature Thursday May liesult in Contest. SPRLNGPfELD, 111., Kcb. 2S. Friends o Jumcs Hamilton Lowib, Dumoi'ratic primary candidate for Unit ed SJtatos senator troiu Illinois, reiterat ed today that ho wus legally elected in yesterday 's joint ballot by reason of re ceiving oG of the 71 votes rocordod. This contention is to be presented to Attorney General Lucey for an opinion, and if tho opinion is favorable Gov ernor Dunne will lie naked lo istnio a ccrtirientc of election to Colonel Lewis. Hopiiblicnns in the legislature insist that there was uo election because less than a quorum of tho joint assembly took part iu the vote. GOVERNMENT ' EXPERTS SPELL IT "CATCHUP" "WASHINGTON. Fob. I'S. "It Is quite an art to make sood catchup," announces tho lutcst official government cook hook, Juat Issued by exports ol the department of agriculture as an addition to its serins of popular recipe volumes. Inci dentally tho government's oxperts do clded this tomato sauce Is spelled "catchup," not "ketchup" or "catsup." The tomato is given first place among the vegetables by experts becauso it can be prepared in a greater number of ways than any other vegetable. They point out that tt;v dinners are complete with out It. cither in the form of soup, sauce, salad, vegetable, catchup, chill sauce, chow-chow, relish, chopped plcklf. green tomato pickle, tomato sweet, plcklo, pic calilli, pivscrved tomato or tomato mlnco meut. Recipes for these uses of the to mato are contained In the government's latest cook book. PURITAN STRICKEN FROM NAVAL LIST Washington! veu. 2s. The big double turreted monitor .Puritan waa to day stricken from tho naval list after thirty years' service. She was built at the Norfolk navy yard, was launched in 1S82, Is of C00O tons displacement and formerly carried a complement of 200 officers and men. While conducting an experimental test of high explosive armor plate In Hamp ton Roads about a year ago the Puritan was sunk. She was later raised, but was so badly wrecked that she was placed out of commission. She will bo used as a target for the guns of tho At lantic lleet at tho next maneuvers near Hampton Roads. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult county clerk or the respective signers for further Information. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP THJS Third Judicial district in and for Salt Lake county, stato of Utah. In the matter of the estate of Genevieve W. Talbot, deceased. The undersigned will sell, at private sale, either in one parcel or subdivisions, all the real property of Genovlevo "W. Talbot, deceased, described as follows: An undivided one-fifth interest of, in and to that part of lot i, block 73, plat D, - Salt Lalto City survey, described aa follows: Commencing at tho northeast corner of said lot, thence south 5 rods, thence west G rods, thenco north 5 rodn, thence east 6 rods, to tho place of beginning, on or after tho Hh day of March, 1013. and written bids will be received at 1003-100G Kearna building. Salt Lake City, Utah, for cash in gold coin of tho United Statos; all bids to be accompanied by 10 per cent of the purchase price and the balance to bo paid upon confirmation of the salo by said probate court and tho delivery of a conveyance. E. U TALBOT. Administrator of the Estate of Genevieve W. Talbot, Deceased. Dated February 20, 1913. DICKSON. ELLIS, ELLIS & SC7IUL- DER, Attorneys for Administrator. o2544 NOTICE. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SALT Lake county, state of Utah. A. Reeves, plaintiff, vs. Salt Lake & Mercur Railroad company, a corporation of Utah, defendant; Lucius Laudlc. re ceiver. In tho matter of the receiv ership of the Salt Lake & Mercur Railroad company. To the creditors of the Salt Lake & Mercur Railroad company: Take notice that on February 17lh, 1913. upon an order duly made and enter ed In the abovo entitled action by the above entitled court, all creditors and per sons having claims against the said Salt Lake & Mercur Railroad company aro required to prosent their claims under oath, fully Itemized, to the undersigned receiver of the Salt Lake & Mercur Hall road company at room 1015 Xewhouso building, Salt Lake City. Utah, within ninety days thereafter or bo thereafter barred. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, Fcbu ary 17, 1913. LUCIUS LAUDIE. Receiver of the Salt Lako & Mercur Railroad company. Newhouso Bldg., Salt Lako CItv. o2321 NOTICE OF BOND SALE. Sealed biOtf will be received by tho board of directors of Blue Bench Irrigation District No. 1 of Wasatch coun ty, state of Utah, at tho office, of said dis trict at Duchesne, (formerly Theodore). Utah, up to and until tho Cth day of March, A, D. 1913, at ' o'clock p. m., for bonds of said district to thu amount of one hundred twenty-five thousand ($125, 000.00) dollars, or any portion thereof. Said bonds will be In denominations of ono hundred (5100.00) dollars and five hundred ($500.00) dollars each. Said bonds to run from ten (10) to twenty (20) years, and to be payable as provided by section 15 of chapter 74 of tho Session Laws of Utah. 1909, as amended by chapter 53 of the Session Laws of Utah. 1911, and to bear interest at the rate of six (G) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of Juno and December of each year. Principal and Interest to bo paid at the office of the county treasurer of Wasatch county, stute of Utah. No bid will be accepted at less than ninety-five (95) per com of the face valuo of the bonds bid for. The board of directors reserve tho right to re ject any and all bids. All bids must be addressed to John R. Wilson, secretary of Blue Bench Irriga tion District No. 1, Duchesne. "Wasatch county, Utah. Dated at Duchesne (formerlv Theodoro). Utah, this 6th day of February. A. D. 1913, - J. s. BIRCH. C. W. BROWN. J. 71. LEWIS, A.ttest: Board of Directors. J. R. WILSON. Secretary. o!337 WALKER BROTHERS DRY GOODS COMPANY, A CORPORATION. Notice of Special Stockholders' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that upon Sat urday, the 22nd day of March. 1913. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav, al the office of Walker Brothers Dry Goods company, a corporation. No. G Mercantile block, corner of Third South and Main streets. In Salt Lake City, Utah, tne.rc will bo a special meeting of tho holders of the common capital stock of said cor poration, for the purpos of considering a proportion to Increase the common capital stock thereof from $2(10,000 to 5500,000, by amenling article p of the articles of incorporation so as to provldo for such Increase. (Signed) J. R. WALKER. CHAS. A. WALKER. Sccretii"',dent' And also as tho holders of more than one-third of the common capital stock of said corporation. o330l NOTICE. I will not he responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. Elizabeth btrnndburg, after this date. Feb. 27. 1013. (Signed) E. P. STRANDBERO. 03231 DIED , FORTE In this city February 28. 1913, John Forto, aged GO years. Body was shipped lam evening from O'Donnell & Co.'a parlors to Dlamondvlllt, Wyo. FUNERAL NOTICES. WILLIAMS Funeral Borvlcea for the late Charles F. Williams, who died In this city February 20, 1913, will be held at the family residence. 717 South First West atrcet, Sunday, March 2, at 12 in. interment in City cenmtcry. FUNERAL DIRECTORS EBER. XV. HALL, UNDERTAKER AND cmbalmer, 364 So. "West Temple. Phone 505. d3 E, G. O'DONNELL, UNDERTAKER and embnlmcr, has moved to new loca tion, 225-227 South West Templo street. Realty bldg. Phono 5S0. Q3399 C. H. BANKS, UNDERTAKER AND embalmer, 1-H State, Murray. Phone Murray 347. . ol505 CUT FLOWERS HUDDART FLORAL CO.. 63 SO. MAIN st. Phono 106. Cut flowers and fu neral designs. nl639 THE LEADING FLORIST, XV. W. KING, 214 E. 2nd So. Phone 37. v27 FLORISTS ALL KINDS CUT FLOWERS FRESH from greenhouse. Fortor-Walton Co., 274 State mS731 MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. R. McKcnzlo. Display yards, -142 So. State. CORSETS MRS. MANN. SPIRELLA CORSETS. 1 year guarantee. 76 W. 4th North. W. 4587. nl80 ACCORDION PLEATING SJNBJRSl? AH"'srDI3 I'LAflNG. 60S East 3d South. Phono Hyland 787-J. k!058 DELINQUENT NOTICE. HIdcr Nevada Copper company: loca tion of principal place ,of business. Salt Lake City. Utah. Notice Thero are delinquent upon tho following dcacrlbod stdck on account of assessment No. 3, levied on tho 15th day of November, 1912, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective shareholders, as follows: Cert, No. No. Name. Shares. Amt 327 Arrasmlth, Col. J. M. 223,700 $1119.00 SS Barlow, Jos. S 1,000 5.50 87 Barlow, Jos. S 1,000 5.60 SS Barlow, Jos. S 3,000 15.50 331 Barlow, Jos. S 15,000 75.50 332 Barlow, Jos. S 10.000 50.50 346 Boccham, A. F 2.000 10.50 (54 Bennett, Mrs. Ethel. 1,000 5.50 229 Bennett, Mrs. Ethel. 1,000 5.50 351 Best, Henry 2.00O 10.50 37 Booth, H. ID. 500 3.00 38 Booth. II. E 500 8.00 279 Bowkor, C. P 1,500 8.00 4 Brocchor, John J... 1 .50 200 Broecher, John J 333 3.17 24S Broecher. John T... 500 3.00 322 Broecher, John. J.... 12,000 60.50 249 Campbell, XV. S 1.C00 5.50 2S5 Chlpman, James .... 3,000 15.50 234 CUvc, J. H 1,000 5.50 63 Davis,- Dr. R- L. . .. GOO 3.00 312 Dayton. R. P 3,000 16.50 202 Farr. Morrill N 3,000 15.50 349 Farr. Mrs. Martha D. 50,000 250.50 130 Farr, Newton f.000 25.50 350 Farr, Newton 4,500 23.00 325 Fllege, J. E 2,500 13.00 353 Fliege. J. 12 25,000 125.50 50 Frlck, J. B 2,500 13.00 340 Glauquo, Jr., A. G. . 2,000 10.50 21 Hess, A. A 500 3.00 22 Hess, A. A 500 3.00 73 Hess, A. A 500 3.00 3 Ilider, John D 4 .52 2S2 lllder, John D 349,996 1750.48 333 James, F. W 1,000 6.50 334 Keller, II. E 2,000 10.50 76 Mackintosh. Clare ,. 2,500 13.00 2S4 Morris, John J 8S .94 293 Morris, John J 100 1.00 297 Morris, John J 1,000 5.50 238 Morris, John J 1,000 5.50 299 Morris, John J 1.000 5.50 300 Morris, John J...... 1,000 5.50 361 Pchrsoh, Willard ... 11,000 55.50 51 Pugslcy, George ... 500 3.00 321 Pugslcy, George .... 2,500 13.00 353 Pugsley, George .... 24,000 120.50 301 Reese. E. W 1.000 5.50 335 Reese, E, XV 2,000 10.50 11 Relmcr. J. II 1,000 5.50 317 Reynolds, H. T 1,000 5.50 16 Rich. Ben E 1,000 5.50 65 Rosslter. Mrs. Leah, 1,000 5.50 24 Snow. M. L. .. .... 2,000 10.50 60 Snow, M. L 2,500 13.00 fil Snow. M. 1 3,000 15.50 95 Squires, L 200 1.60 316 Stratton. A. C 1,000 5.60 109 Toronto, J. B 3,200 16.50 266 Toronto, J. B 750 4.25 10 Tuttle, Frank P 1,000 5.50 99 Tuttle, Frank P 5,000 25.50 189 Tuttle, Frank P 2,000 10.50 190 Tuttlo, Frank P 2.000 10.50 191 Tuttle, Frank P 2.000 10.50 192 Tuttle, Frank P 2,000 10.50 103 Tuttle, Frank P 1.000 6.50 194 Tuttle, Frank P 1,000 5.50 257 Tuttle, Frank P 2,500 13.00 337 Williams. Sam 1,000 5.50 250 Zlcgler, Mrs. Chas... 500 3. (It. And In accordance with law and an order of the board of directors made on the 15th day of November. 1912, so many shares of each parcej of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at tho office of the company, at McCornick & Co.'s bank, Salt Lake City, Utah, on the 15th day of March, 1913, at 7-30 o'clock p. m of ."aid day, to pay delinquent as jossmcnt thereon together with of advertising and expense of sale. JNO. J. MORRIS, Secretary. o3347 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the District of Utah In the matter of John R. Browning, bankrupt. No. 1551 In bankruptcy. Petition for discharge. To tlie Honorable John A. Marshall, Judge of the district court of the United Stales for the district of Utah: John R. Browning of Salt Lake City, in the county of Salt Lake and state of Utah, In said district, respectfully repre sents that on the 25lh day of January last past, he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the actsr of congress relating to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully complied with all the require ments of said acts and of th orders or the court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prays that he may he decreed by the court to nave a full dis charge from all debts provable against his estate under said bankrupt acts, ex cept such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this 28th day of February A. D., 1913. I JOHN U. BROWNING, Bankrupt. ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. District of Utah. On this 2Sth day of February A. D. 1913, on reading the foregoing petition It la ordered by the court, that a hearing be had upon the same on tho 14th day of March, A. D 1913, before said court at Salt Lake City, In said district, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon; and that notice thereof be published In the Suit Lake Tribune, a newspaper printed n said dis trict, and that all known creditors and other persons In interest may appear n tho said time and place and show cause If any they have, why tho prayer of, the said petitioner should not be granted. And It Is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall send by mall to a' known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at the!: places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable John A. Mar shall, Judge of the suld district court, and the seal thereof, at Salt Lake City, in said tllstrlct on tho 2Sth day of Februarv, A. D. 1913. Attest: JERROLT' R. LETCHER, (Seal of Court) Clerk. rl2 TRIBUNE WANT AIS PULL. . : , 5$ Saving Time "And dost thou love life, then waste not time, ' jrjf for t'hat is the stuff that life is made of" so gtir said Poor Richard. Ono way to save time is to take advantage of conditions in buying, selling, y ja renting, hiring, exchanging, "by being a con- -V sistent user of jp The Tribune Want Ads 1 WANTED Miscellaneous SPRING IS COMING. So propare for It. We repair old shoos so neatly they look like new. MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO., 21 E. Second South Street. Was. L'583. n9S2 GUNNERS, ATTENTION I WANTED 100 lbs. male mallard duck body feathers, In lots to suit. Address John Shields, Fishing Tackle Maker, Brookllne, Mass. 0313 FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANT ed; will pay you first-class prices. Fish er & Robbins Co.. 60 W. 2nd South. Wa satch 5171. e2o3 UTATI JUNK CO., HIGHEST PRICE paid for Iron, "brass, rags, bottles, rub ber, copper, etc. 840 So, ith West. Phone "Wasatch 229. mlS7J WESTERN JUNK & Metal company. Highest prices paid for copper, brass, rubber, bottles, olc. Phone Hyland 2316. 1041 So. State at. n2l99 WANTED PAHTY TO SHARE CAR OF household goods to Phoenix, Ariz., or vicinity, about March 10. Hyland 1106-M. o3144 A FEW UNCLAIMED TAILOR-MADE suits and overooatB nt a bargain. Spielberg Tailoring Co., r,7 XV. 2nd So. kl303 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaking. Utali Bedding & Mfg. Co. Phone 383. 202 YOUR OLD CLOTHING: WILL CALL. Salvation Army. Phone. 12191 ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS wanted. Tel. Was. 3625. k!0:i4 SHOES SOLED IN TEN MINUTES. Men's shoes half soled, GOc; ladles'. 40c. Work called for and delivered. Utah Shoe Repair Co., 117 So. XV. T. Wasatch 3867. 0b-' TREE TRIMMING, LANDSCAPE GAR doning, bv competent, experienced man. Wasatch 3083-J. O'02 Wanted to Buy. ' sStaIIstobb dance combined. In southeast part of city. State location and price. Address L-5, Tribune. "3352 WILL GTVE $100 CASH FOR AN UP rlght piano. Give name, number of piano and address. Address L-13, Trib une. r-3 TO BUT S5000 WORTH OF 2ND-HAND furniture and household goods, at once, Wasatch 3637. Q-90S Wanted To Lease. WANTinr'T7ri!!ETsl or 8-room house on cast side. Redman Fireproof Storage Co. Phone 555. o3353 Wanted To Rent. THREE OR FOUR MODERN FURN OR unfum. rooms; close In; slate price. Address X. T. Z., Tribune. r33 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM for gentleman; electric light. 17 So. 1st W. r31 GENTLEMAN WISHES TO SHARE apt. with young man. Call at 19 An nex apts. r3S WANTED TWO OR THREE FUR nlshed housekeeplncr rooms, with bath, or small apartment for man and wife, no children; stale price. Address L-12, Trib une rl3 PERSONAL LDTElsjllOOOR ly guaranteo my great successful "Monthly" remedy; safely relieves somo of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases Jn three to five "days; no harm, pain or Interference with work; mail S1.50. Double strength. 2. Dr. B. P. Southington Remedy Co., Kansas City. Mo. ol5 "BAD DEBTS" COLLECTED BY AN entirely new systont that turns Into cash every claim, no matter how hard to crack; give It a trial and put into your pocket the "drop" or "dead " Henry Walls, 68 N. 2nd West at. o3362 ADOLPH KAUFMAN WILL LEARN of something to his advantage bv communicating with R. Kaufman, 14SS E. 1st South. Q335S LOST AND FOUND LOSTTTnjltSrM tween 2nd So. and postofflce, lady's gold watch, with inscription on back S. A. Q. Liberal reward. Return to T. J. Qulnn. Semloh hotel, city. rl4 LOST SMALL BLACK POCKBTBOOK containing Jewelry, between Roval cafo and Walker Bros. Return to Mrs. Turner care of Paris Millinery Co. r6 LOST BUNCH OF ABOUT DOZEN keys. Leave at Tribune office. Reward. r22 GROCERY SPECIAL 2 PS7" o?RE-S SGGsTsTsPKGS Jello, 25c; a pkgs. pancake flour, 25c- 5 bs. apples. 25c; good breakfast bacon, lb., 17c; Wedding Breukfast and M. J B. coffee, 35c; Quaker oats, 10c; 4 pkgs" cereal coffue, 25c; good broom. 20c 4 lbs' dates, 25c. split peas, lb., 5c: high patent flour, $1.05; straight grade flour, si; tall can salmon. 10c; 3 pkgs. raisins. 25c: 4 lb,!:,?r cdJr,Vnes,,25,e!,,,l,ICtti,,,,e- ca- !0c; Llpton's Yellow Label tea. lb.. 60c. Chi cago Store. 116 West First South r"' AUCTION SALES dencc 434 So. Main. Wasatch 2824-W. , n485 LADIES TAILOR " Icy. 16 E. 4th South. r8 BOWLING ALLEYS wTnSsoIT'bo m551 DAIRIES ' and cream. For Information call Was o703 CHINESE HERBS L. SU WOO, 116'a7LUN,"2NDLOR cures diseases with celebmtVrt Vhit!l remedies. Consultation free? d Ch,ni38 WANTED GIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. AI'.'iK PLY REA D FOR WORK AT H A M 'T AND I P. M. DAILY TROY LAUNDRY 421 SOUTH CTH EAST. '"'Ill SUCCESS INSURANCE UTAH BUkT' ness college preparation for hu8lii(.S8fBf life. Start a course now. Boston bldi: flr! day or night, eHSs'iR, FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BASE' ment First Congregational church, vml get you a position free of charge TcWW! phone 5S22. ttTTjMJ GOOD FAMILY COOK. 259 7Tn VVrWl ojfMj GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKIjK in quiet family of three. 1250 East lateKf So""'. o27514$5; WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE-I? work; 3 In family: no washing: pooil-'I.SL wngt'a. Call Wasatch 5C9-W o32!3-1r5 LADY CANVASSER, EASY SELLING Ifi household novelty: cverv home a buyer; 15 40 per cent commission. After ."i o'clock Wf Mclvlll. 106 South 2nd East. o323S If j GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Ka Calla fter 10 a. m.. 7S9 Roosevelt nvo. rJ2 Hyland 2S1-R. 0325S JDf NOW IS A GOOD TIME TOENR0L1.5! at Hcnager's Business college. Duv mid TO night sessions. Positions guaranteed all'155 graduates. QK'gj WA NT ED CAPABLE GIRL FOR GE.Vfe oral housework; best wages for rlclit'lB?. person S7 U st. nSa:Mjj GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSE.;' work, at :ii;i 9th avc. "Snr?' GIRL TO HELP CARE FOR Tilm-W good wages Room 56, Lenox Hotel. Ex.MiZ change 53 rti.Ri Wl I ITE HOUSEKEEPER FOR FAMILY-IB of three. Apply Saturday 2 and 4. orjft! Sunday 12 and 2 p. ni No. 3 Wesleyf-! apts., ."rd avc. between A and B sis. jB? WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY. ABLE-:JP bodied unmarried men between aceu onB? IS and 35; citizens of United Stated o(mt good character and temperate IiiibU'S01 who can speak, read and write KucllMr: language. For Information apply to r,W' crultlng officer. Walker Bank bhc;M., Main and 2nd So. sts., Salt Lake Cltr.B'? Utah. rlOJS TWENTY-FTVE GOOD. HUSTLIKCMj'' salesmen to sell land for Pahvant ValME ley Land Co. If you are persevering atidbi energetic you can make $500 per niotilh!-E: Address or call at 517 Judge bldg. .'mkjc Wanted Situation Femala scor!ssof'nhous Wants well worth while in effecting home economy. VB0 WA.NTED POSITION AS BOOKICEEP-": er; also good cashier. Phone WasatchJfcr 6666-W. o307IMg SITUATION AJ3 ASSISTANT BOOKpJ ' keeper or record clerk by young T'mh who has had ten years' experience In "If; 1 office work. Best of referencc5. Ad-'Kwv dress L-2, Tribune. o33Jl;mt-E; HAIR GOODS pp wiTmanacto switches, puffs, etc. Largest stock ol r hair goods In the city. Combings or cutpf BT hair made up to order. S. L. Costumijfcu Co., 114 and 116 E. Broadway. oltfA&n COMBINGS MADE INTO SWH-CHBTrl $1.50, at Velvetlna Parlor. 62 East ithS---South. ottgMWXl HAVE YOUR COMBINGS MADE IXToK? switches, transformations, etc. 102 SCmt !w 2nd East. o2$tiSH HAIR SWITCHES. WIGS. TOUPEES fcL, , made to order. Sassc's Hair FuctonVMLt; , 213 Main. T-'gi Wig's and Toupees wwsTtoupIeesI coh3ingTmadbBNs Into switches; Kllnncr. 153 lUlBjMH room 1. n"B? J'URRIER -rB FURS REMODELED, REPAIRED; EX-Hpjf: pert furrlors: prices reasonable Hud; sonBay Fur Co., 122 Main. PhoneJMj! CHIMNEY CLEANDgJP CHIMNEY SWE02PING'a FURfttfu nace cleaning. Leave orders at DniewB'HB & Franken's. Wasatch 100. klB CUSJIISPHOLSTERINSwi MA TTR ESS12SCn1Tp1hNGSRB paired. Salt Lake Mattress & Mfe. CM?fe Phone 3299. plBSKJ ijjj1 M'CO Y ST A B I , E'ATHAlSrfe light livery horses bought and s?!Bt, Phone 31. olMift SIGNIS AND SCENERY CHAsTlETERslr brass, chipped glass and painted. Fh0f Wasatch 1C03. Ifi,T JHOJg palmeTioteI xv. istbk5$1 Rates by week. Transient 31. "iSBLTfe llpapercleaSg SonDAr? work; reasonable prices. Office, lUSliJ? Broadway. Was. 3154. "dJjjM! WE SELL. RENT A'NrTREpXiRW'sJ makes. 159 State. Wasatch -1"0JJ: SECOND-HAND OLOTHTNH&i TrPmn ''"rr W 99'nan, 71 South Wttfeji Temple. Wasatch 4513. iPt HATJETAC