Newspaper Page Text
1 I kd r B THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 4, 4913. I! Jeff Is Strong on Patriotism, but Weak on Judgment -'- -'- W-j-ffy- "Bud" Fishm I', ne vtAi AMeMCAfcs HefcE tr evjR.opG t , : : ) kn! I; tn to APe-me Sksush ndcy forgigm I . . s Pardoner. , but-x , A p . ' ' T ' . ,';-",'. , J$ as me &K.K . NveR6 anbrws and pkoud) f Tfe s6nyiw6nts see by ) i Vi v-; o'J&, '' j 7 l S ?hH6RWWmB51? SXACttX. I'fA 0CN' UP THAT OV.AR. A KU.YARN k- N fT 1 ) 4 '' Ti ' I ! ffl VtoC So X SX SOW6THIN& 'A So OouS To ' Jj MWNE $ iff ' T ', ' - ,i ' S eQUl j I-MS ARE JISOUflLIFIED Richfield and St. George Both Excluded Frorrl State Tournament. GAMES START THURSDAY B. Y..U. Gym Will Be Loca tion of the Competition Among Division Champs. After the most complicated elimina tion schedule in the history of the State High School Basketball association, tho committee in charge finally has de cided which teams shall represent tho five big divisions and will start the state tournament in tho B. Y. (J. gym nasium in Provo Thursday night. Six teunis will be enterod in the tournament instead of five, as has been the case in the past. Both llcbcr City and Price havo had fast teams this year, but the Utah county division has refused to recognize them, so that it has been impossible for them to get into the division schedules. These two teams complained to the i uoaru oi control and asked to be ad mitted. The board decided to let these two teams play in Provo this evening. The winning team will play as an in dependent in the state tournament. Two Teams Disqualified. The biggest difficulty the commit lee had to overcome was that arising from the playing of ineligible men on the Richfield high school, liichfield started out, the season in whirlwind style and soon had the jump on all the teams in the Sanpete-Sevier division. It. was learned in mid-season, though, that C'hidester, their star man.' was not eligible. They disqualified Richfield, but she came back and won out again without Chidester. It seemed that her claim to the championship was clear when it was loarned that another man. Stanley Johnson, was also ineligible The committee was notified of this and notified Coach Christiansen of the Bichfield team to play no more until he was notified of the action of the committee. Christiansen disregarded this order and went to Ephraim to meet Snow academy for tho final game which was to decide tho championship. When he got there Snow refused to play with Johnson in the lineup. Christiansen then went up to Provo. declaring his team to bo winnor, with out awaiting further word from tho board of control. When tho committee learnod of the summary action of Christiansen thoy got m touch with the different princi pals of the division and after cxamin r tbo evidence at hand disqualified Kicnficld and proclaimed Snow acad enry the champions of the Sanpote Sevier division. Tourney Starts Thursday. In the southern division there is also some difficulty still. St. George ap peared to bayo the strongest team, but was disqualified for playing ineligible men. This left it to ninckloy and Mur doch: academ3. These two teams are even and aro now playing a scries of ship Barncs to dec-tl0 the champion In the, Utah county division Lehi and Spnngville aro tied for first honors and will meet today in Provo to settle the dispute. In Salt Lake and the northern divi sions tho titlea are clear. Tho L. D S in this division ana tho Weber Stake academy in the northern ar0 tho win ners. he, tournament will atari at 7 o'clock Thursday night in tho B. Y U. gym. There will be three games each night until Saturday. ,SIanVHht0,5 Uho Granite high echool and Archie Thtirman of Utah county will bo the officials Tj. II. Peterson of ihe L. D. S.. Fred Bennion of the University of Utah and J. E Moss of the Granite high school are the committoo which has tho tour nament in charge. i A good treatment for a cold settled in the lungs is a Herrick's Red Popper Porous Plaster applied to tho "cheat to draw out inflammation, and Ballard's Horehouna Syrup to relax tightness, ion get the two remedies for the price of one by buying the dollar size Iloro hound Syrup; there is a porous plaster free with each bottle. Sold by Schramm-Johnson, Drugs, "The Nover Substitutors." Ave (5) good stores. (Advertisement). " T .Tho Want Columns appeal to a great i f i' $ diversity of interests Golden Miners Humiliate Colorado Champions and Challenge Utah Colorado Championship Tie. Special to The Tribune. DENVER, March 3. Golden School of Mines and Colorado university, located at Boulder, arc both claiming the state basketball championship. Sporting editors of Denver say at present Goldeu is entitled to a tio, but if Golden refuses to play the ganio Boulder is trying to arrange to settle tho tio, Colorado University will be entitled by default to claim the champion ship. Tho Miners have promised to give their decision tomorrow night about thia game. Tho Miners meet the Aggies at Port Collins next Friday and if the Aggies could defeat tho Minors, Boulder would bo tho chamnions again without playing Golden, but tho Minors aro almost certain, to defeat the Aggies. Nearly always late in the season when somo team has practically won a titlo the Minors come in and. defeat that team, putting the title in a muddle FOR the second time this year, when Utah and Bouldor thought they held the Rocky Mountain cham pionship between them, Golden haa como up from behind and fclvcn Boulder a sharp dlff. Last fall, while Utah and Bouldor wero disputing a3 to which had the better claim on tho conference football title, Golden caroo quietly alons: and nfter loalny In tho first half to the Colorado stato univer sity boys came back and beat them hopelessly In the second half. Boulder then toolc a back seat and kept quloL' This year Boulder started out with tho fastest basketball team In the Centen nial slate and cleaned up eighteen games In a row. Tho hardest of thune vic tories to win was tho ono over Golden, and after winning tho Strong-town team called Itself champions of Colorado and Wyoming. Then Boulder made arrange ments to como hero to play Utah. Mere ly for additional prostlgo with which to Impress Utah, tho Colorado team went to Goldon last Fiiday afternoon to win tho second game with Golden. Things were sweet for the .first half and the Boulder boys smiled. In the socond half, though, the Miners got a string on the ball and found the baskets often that ai the final whis tle the score stood oven. At that point HOUSE MEMBERS TALK OF I EXTM SESSION There is a good deal of talk among house members in regard to an extra session of tho present legislature to con sider revenue measures exclusively. Thero is a strong conviction, especially among tho members who have had pre vious legislative experience, that the state is In a bad way financially and that something must bo done to increase the revenues. Discussing tho matter yester day, D. H. Morris, minority leader, said; It is useless to try to arrlvo at a solution of .this all-Important problem In tho way we havo been trying to solve it. We have had these bills up In special Joint committee, but It has become wholly evident that It will require much time and patience to glvo Utah a revenue system that will meet its growing needs. Xo sort of committoo work, I think, can avail to arrive at a satisfactory solu tion. Those who havo been on that joint committee have worked night and day, but It Ih Impossible to deal with this nil-Important problem fairly when we havo tho rush of the work of a regular legislative session with us. I cannot bring myself to believe that tho special commission which studied the rovenue question for two whole years brought In a report that was absolutely worthless. I know some of the men on that commission and I cannot believe that their pains taking efforts were all in vain. At any rate. It seems to mo that the question of putting this state's revenues on a basis commensurate with tho demands on the treasury Is tho biggest question that the stato has to deal with today; and, more over, I do not believe It can bo dealt with unless every representa tive and every senator gives It his undivided attention for several days. We are making 'appropriations here almost every day, which there Is no possibility In the world of mooting out of tho estimated revenues. 1 say frankly tliat tho stato has never been In so tight a box as It la right now, and thero la no reason for It except that our revenuo laws aro Inadoquato and our revenue system antiquated. Several others among the older mem bers of the house havo boon talking In a similar trend for several days, or slnco it becamo apparent that the Joint com mittee could not find a satisfactory solu tion of the puzzle In the scries 6f bills Introduced In tho senate. It Is their opinion that four or five days devoted to the consideration of a revised revenuo system, interrupted by no other business, would load to a solution. At any rate, they are all agreed that the revenues do not meet tho demands of a state that Is growing steadily and alBo that thero Is no good reason why thoy should not. House Notes Tha houte cnmralttDo on Irrigation and rexer volro jeslerdar introduced a bill provMloc that the water comtnltsloners In various water dlt trlcta bo appointed by tho dUtrlct court. Thej era at pretent appointed by tho ototo engineer. Tho houio yesterdar paaxed Smith's memorial to coocrei.1 atfelns that when Die Kalbab Indian reservation la opened it be not opened by tho leaaing ajatem, but that U bo made- available, under thojawa governing the oponlnit ot public land for aettiement. Tho memorial recites that tho referee recognized the intensity of the situation and declared that tho team which first scored two jmln.ts should be declared winner. The Miners had the slulT and landed the basket. Poor old Boulder, thus rudclv surprised twice in ono year by tho pick "and shovel students, becamo angry and challenged the Miners for another battle. "No. sir." said the Golden boys. "We havo beaten every school you havo and we havo beaten yon, too. Wc havo won from you lato in the season, while you beat us before wo were in shape, hence we claim the championship and will have no more of you this vear." This was not as far as it went, cither. The manager of tho Goldon. team wired Manager Cameron of Utah yestcrdav that "Is tc,am ,aml not Boulder is champion of Colorado n ml ho wanted his team to meet Utah Instead of Colorado coming here. Tlds action on tho part of Golden, however, was considered to be a little summary and no action has been taken as yet by Manager Cameroru It is thought here that it was just poor luck that lost for tho Bouldor team and that If tho Miners afraid to play another gamo that Boulder is entitled to the championship anyway. If tho tio is played off and Golden win3, it will then bo time enough to tako action manx small Utah atockmen have for years beon ., V"?.""0'1 f ranginic livestock on the tract and ll! . K i .. woro J,Inf,c1 "ndor tho Icoainc system, that privilege would dopart. Two bllln wcro Introduced In tho houoo yes terday appropriating $7500 each to Nmery nnd Grand counties aa rclmburnemont for monoy ex pended in completing tho stato brldco acroja Green river at Gfreen River city. ..Til J10U8e. yesterday p.uscd a Mil npproprlntlnc J1S00 for tho inntaliotlou of cabinets in public schools for the promotion of tho ntudy of Indus trial dubjectr,. Tho cabinets aro to contain upecl mcna of mincralo, agriculture, Insccta. Kood and bad. weeds mul other thing. Tho cablncta aro to rotato among tho various schools. The bill providing an appropriation for tho marking of tho Pioneor trail v.ith monuments Yaa patucd by tho liouso yesterday, aftor a long dis cussion. As It leave tho houoo the bill carries an npproprlatlln of $3000. As introduced In the Ecnnto it carried an appropriation of JI0.0O0. Tho Iiouso yesterday pissed Barnen'n bill giving cities of tho first clasa powor to appropriate money for tho decoration of. streets for ontor lalnment and for other purpose.-) In connection with big national or International conventions. I Tho bill provides that a city may not expend moro than JlO.OftO in any ono year, and that not moro than :500o mar bo appropriated for any single gathering. Uouso bill No. SZ was reachod on tho calendar yesterday, but owing to the nbnence of Cardon of Cliche, it wa placod at tho foot of tho calendar. The bill cnrrlos an npproprlatlon ot J100,000 for tho establishment of permanent exhibits ot Utah's rcoourccs at Salt Lako and Ogden and for the preparation and icouanco of vast quantities of lit erature on Utah's attractions. It la understood that tho proinoton of tho project will be satis fied with an appropriation of $;5. jf (, hoiir.o makes aa good program today im it did yesterday, tho bill should bo reached this after noon. The spoakor yesterday appointed Smith, South wlck siid Anderson as n liomo conference com mltteo on houso bill N'o. 13. the road measure carrying a total appropriation of $97,200. Tho bill was paused by tho oenato Saturday In amend ed form. It lu to straighten out these, amend ments that tho bill goes into conference. Tho houso members yesterday recoived an in v tatlon to attend tho symphony concert to bo GlTcu at the Orphcum theater Wednesday sflcr noon between C and 6 o'clock. Tho hoube committee) on manufacture and com merce will hold a meeting this forenoon to hear suggestions in connection with uouuo bin j;. 91. Southwlck's "puro nhoo" bill. A largo ntim bor of shoo dealers will nppear beforo tho rom inlttce. Tho bill provide that all shoes conlain ng riibstltutey for leather must bo Mnmned on the- solo, giving tho namo of the manufacturer and thn Information that tbo shoo contains other than genulno leather. Tho houoo committee on hanks nnd hanking 7c-lorrtay forenoon held anloher open mooting on Bcnalo bill No. 171. creating tho offlco of bank commissioner. C 5J. Burton of the Utah Stato National bank and A. P. Blgelow of tho Ocdcn Stato bank appeared .befom tho commllto. Thoy took tho position that whlio the state might not need si noparato department of banking at this time, tbo day was not far dixUnt when It would need olio. Termer Secretary of State C. S. Tlncey was also present and favored tho passage of tho bill. The houso commlttco on public utilities last night voted to Introduce an anll-paa bill In tho lowor house and recommended Its passag" The W,U. bo vory l'"ttr t" the federal anti-pan ?,m'n,Vw cofn.m""'o voted to report advnrselv tho Oldham b II for a public icrvlco commission and will oubmlt two reports on the. Uarnea public service commission bill. Tho majority report wilt lio nd verso to tho bill and the minority re port fayorabln. ' Favorably Reported In tho House. ..m.-?!. yV .No- hy nennlon-Prohibltlng , " driving of sheep, by livestock commlt- ii.1.1?!1."' 1,111 h'0' I2: br Page-Placing municipal llBhllag on same basis ao pvmj or sidewalk Im lions'"1'"'1'' cniniltleo on munllcpal corpora- , J?e?at bL" N.'7' by S'nl'h-Approprlatlng $10. 0 to Orphans' Home and Day Nursery, bf com mittee ou appropriations. Sonata Joint rctolutlou No. 8. br Eckorslcr JinfuS00?"' f0r..f1l ln Pooling industrial education, by committee on education. Houso bill No. J9. by Judd (by request)-!:, tending powers of stato board of dental ex aminer, by committee on public health. I.I51,U,? ,blU b.r Ur" Sknlflold-Crcatlng a itato board of nugenlcs. returned by commit tee, on public health, without recommendation. (On calendar.) INTERNATIONAL LAWN TENNIS ENTRANTS By International News Service. LONDON. March 3. Entries for the Dwlght Davis lawn tennis trophy closed today with a total of seven. This Is the largest number of entries In the his tory of contests for the famous cup. Tho United States. Canada, Franco, Ger many, Australia, South Africa and Dol glum will fight out the preliminaries for the privilege of playing the present holders. Windsor Bowlers Win. Tho Windsor bowlers won three straight games from tho Strovoll-Patornons last night. Williams rolled thn highest single gamo of tho ecason. He alio made llio single total for thrco games for tho season with a tolal of C37. STHKVELU-I'ATKItSON Kultorton Vi 191 22B 659 Walker 153 1C3 US lS Peterson , 165 151 1K0 Stovcnoon 17:! 137 ISO -190 Waldcn 153 150 15 ISO Total SI0 791 S59 2133 WINDSOR, Williams C59 IM Ibl 657 Wllcon ...176 H7 191 DM Sheets iK 1S7 1C0 S09 Danslo I DO 122 U; 2S T. Qulnn ...153 200 181 5C7 Total 060 S19 S9 ZG75 Handicap 1113 Grand total 961 S'jO S97 2C7S Shoppard Wins Easily. KANSAS CITY, March 3. Mclvin W. Shoppard, representing tho Irish-American A. C. or New Yo"rk. easily won the 880-yard Invitation running race at the annual indoor track meet of the Kansas City Athletic club at Convention hull here tonight. Although opposed by somo of tho fastest half and riuarter-mllcrs of tho Missouri Valley conference, ho won as ho pleased in the final sprint. No record of points was kept, as the meet was an Invitation handicap affair, and no records woro broken. Sutton Defeats Spaniard. CHICAGO, March .1. George Sutton, tho veteran billiard player, won a match at 18.2 hero tonight from Jose Ortla, champion of Spain. Sutton scored 100 to Ortiz's 103, finishing with an uncomplet ed run of 201. Ills average was 33 4-12. Ortiz 3iatl an average of 17 G-17, and a high run of 52. Brown Whips Kotchell. MILWAUKEE. Wis., March 3. Pal Brown of Hlbblng, Minn., defeated Stcvo Ketchcll of Chicago in n tea-round bout here tonight. Brown led all the way, landing almost at will. Bills Passed In the House. Houro bill No. 93, by Mabey Providing for in dustrial cablnots ln public nchools. Senato bill No. 77. by Cottroll Prohibiting manufacture and sale of parlor matches. Senato bill No. IM, by Smith Itolatlng to voting power of stock of corporatlono. Soiiato bill No. 111. by Smith Relating to tho nmoudmont of tho Information. Senato hill No. IOC. by Smith Appropriating ISOOO for marking of Pioneor trail. Houso bill No, 1S2. by Chrlstcnson Nw Drain ago act. Houso resolution No, .1, by Mrs. King How lutlon of condolence ln connection with tho death of Joioplt Reynolds. Houso bill No. 1C3, by Barno; Olvlng cities of first class power to appropriate money for decorutlonu and entortalnment of conventions. Scnatn bill No, 33, by Booth Relating to tho lssuancn of patents to lands. Senate bill No. 23, by nidcout Providing pun ishment for making of false statements. Approved by Governor Houso bill No, 25. by Anderson Relating to selection and transfer of lauds to tho United Slates. Hmifio bill No. i. by Roynolds Relating to ap proval of articles of n&coclatlon of bonks. House bill No. 20, by Anderson Relating to selections and transfers! ot 'lunda to the United States. Sonato bill No. H, by Wight Defining the crlmo of dlulurblng tbo peace and providing pun ishment. Senate bill No. , by Wight Defining the tlmo ot beginning criminal acllonn In Justices' court. Bills Introduced In the Houso. House bill No. 201. by committee on hlsh waya and bridges Appropriating J7500 to reltn humo llniory county for money expended In com pletion of Grocn river bridge. House bill No. 202, by commltteo on high ways and bridges Identical with houso bill No. 201. iti favor of Croud county. House bill No. 203. by committee on Irrigation und rcservolro-GlvIng dlutrlct courts power to appoint water commlraloncrc. Ilouno resolution No. 3. by Mm. King express ing nympnthy in connection with the death of Joseph Reynolds. Bills Killed i In tile House, House bill No. 37, by Judd-Corrupt practices act. (Notice of reconsideration,) House bill No. 105. by Dr. SkoUlchl-Crcatlng minimum wage commldslon for women. (With drawn.) Sonato bill No. 113. by Smlth-Relstlng to Is suance, of nttaclnin-nln. Catarrh, Galled an American disease, is cured by American medicine, originated and, propared in the most catarrhal of American countries. That medicine is Hood's Sarsapa rilla. It cures radically and permanently, in that it removes the cause, cleansing tho blood ol! scrofulous and' all other impurities. It ovcrcomos all tho of foots of catarrh, too, and builds up tho -wholo system. (Advertisement.) GOOD PRICED HORSES ITORSJT JUABEZ Paw, at 7 to 1, Rio Pecos, 9 lo 1, and Deerfoot, at 10 to 1, Winn. By International News Service. 12L, PASO, Tcx- March 3. Three good priced horses. Paw. Rio Pecos and Doer foot, won today at the Juarez track. All were fairly well backed. Engraver at oven money won the last race, and was heavily played. Track fast. Results: Klrst race, four furlongs Paw. 112 (tiroth), 7 to 1, won; Kfllth W.. 112 (McCabo). 3 to 2, ond; Flnt Cherry, 10O (Callahan), 3 to 2, third. Time. :(7 1-C. Harbard, Autumnal. May J,, and Klltlo nluo ran. Second race, six furlonEU Descendant. 112 (Kcd erlu). u to 2. won; King Earl, 103 (Groth). 20 to 1, second: Leo Hurrlooii II., 112 (Barnaul). 3 to 2. thin!. Tlmo, 1:15. Gay, Ablhu. Fair Loulso, Stonocuttor, Marin, Sly Lad, Ada Doylo. Virginia Lluducy nnd Cool nlco ran. Third rnco, six furlougs Rio Pecos. 112 (Mur ray), 3 to I, won: Auto Girl. 107 (Kudoris). V to 5, second; Amohalko, 107 (nurllngamo). 9 lo 2 third. Tlmo, 1:11 -5. Ruth Eathor, Lookout. Horlcon, Aragonese, Mcada, Oscuro aud Camarada alto ran. Fourth race, min inllo Scu Cliff. 103 (Bur llngnrao), uvon, won: Suffragist. 10S (Molcsworlh). 10 to 1, nocond; Zoroaster. 103 (Groth), I1 to I third Tlmo. 1:10. Duneraggan. I3lt of For tune, Hadad, Arumon and Orporth aloo ran. Fifth race, six lurlongs Doerfool. 103 (Dyton) 10 to 1, won; Country Boy. 103 (Kedcrls), 8 to l' second; Ocean Queen. 110 (Iiarham). I to 1 third Time. 1:1 1 2-5. Delnncy. Evelina. Lady Many, Don Grcenlcaf. David Warflold and Mlko Molntt also ran. Sixth rnco. ono mile Kngravor. 10." (Hayncs) 11 to 10. won: .McAlan, 101 (Cotton), 13 to i" second; Annual Interest. 103 (Durllngame). S to 1. third. Time. t:(0. Nannlo McDco. Grotchon G.. U W. Kcnnon, Swedo Sam and Dcflnlto also ran. Today's Juarez Entries. First race, three-quarters of n mile, selling Inlx. WLl Index. wt 7018 Katy Connors.. 103 0771 Zcnotok ... no "312 Downland 103 C711 Maude McKco .'lio ,018 Ask Ma 103 7223 Safranor .un 7137 Choctaw 10S 70 (B Azure.t .. lift 7159 Sprlght Mlsa.. 110 6772 Junun . . " ir 69S2 Loan Shark . .U0 7213 Mollcr 113 Second race, thrcc-nunrtora of n mllo. puree. 72S3 Ardolon Hi 70CI Lady Willlo ...107 l3 2dclla 103 7a JacI KHIa HO ,232 Ferrona 10.1 728S Angclun no 72SC V O Hogau ....103 7201 Jim L. ..... . 110 7316 Quid Nuuu .... 107 7213 Kd Adams ...!uo 72SG Wllhlto 1071 C0I3 Zulu U6 Third raco, ono mile, selling. 727C Anno McGco ... 031 7303 fllnnlo Dard ...103 727u Ocean Quoon... 103 7293 Lit Marchmonl.103 03o fancy 103l 7313 Don Enrleiuo ...105 7073 Wicket 10317202 Collnot iOS fourth raco, thrco-quurtcra. of a mllo, purse 731C Fitzgerald 321 722 Fly Footstepn. .10J 70M Nobby 93 6053 Scncc.i 103 72S Win. Witch ..3S C2S3 noyal Motcor ..105 7261 ICoolcnny ... . . .IOOI 72 Dr. Dougherty. . 108 Fifth raco, three-quarters of a mile, selling, 7230 Chas. Gcots ..10317290 Mlmoroso ... 109 Lemdalo 103(7200 Ualwa .... ""m 7104 First Star 101 7205 Goldflnn l.H" 7202 Cosgrovo 1031 7250 Dominica .... Ui 7105 Parlor Boy 1091 7250 Chapultopcc ...'.113 Sixth raco. one mllo. selling. 7275 Baby Doll 93' 72IS Mary Emily . lot 7210 El Pato 10117250 Hob Farley ....10S 7313 Dudo 1011 72C1 Orbed Lad 103 7293 Lotta Creed 103 731G Shooting Spray.lOS Charleston Eace Results. By International Nowb Son-ice. CHARLESTON, S. C. March 3. Today's raco Bults: First raco, six and a halt furlongs Samuel R. Mayer. 101 (Goose), 10 to 4. won; Chomulpo. Id; (Uuxton), 6 to 1. second: Jack Kellogg, OS (Mar tin). 4 to 1, third Time. 1:09. Early Light Honpeck and Caliph also run. Second race, six furlongs Good Day. 103 (Bcn scholon). 7 to 2. won: ncrnadotte. 103 (Martin) II to 20. necond: Syouset, 102 (Sklrvln), C to 1 third. Tlmo, l ie 2-3 Rock Bar, Old HamV Both Stanley and Morgan Wilton also ran. Third rare, six furlnngH Commoner's Touch III (Musgravo). 2 to 1, won; York Lad. Urt (Martin). 9 to G, necond: Sonator Spirks. lie (Frasch). 30 to 1. third. Tlmo, 1:17 2-5. Heretic Bcrtls. Oardou of Uo3C3, Fair Atalanta, Checrun and Camellafnbo ran, .r,u.t.tl1 rnco 'SCV011 furlongs Donald McDonald 10S (Mondcn), 7 to 2. won: Milton B.. 10? (Tapl Un). S to 1, second; Shackleton, 111 (Buxton) II "Vr.0:. lhM' ?i,ne' . 1:25 sP0,lt "loo ran. Fifth raco, nix furlongs Fnthcrola, 103 (Wolfe) to 1, won- Lord Wells, lot (J. Hanover). 13 to 5, second; Gold Cap, 102 (Montour), D to 10 third Time. 1:1(1 l-c. Haldeman, Henry Hutchison ami Ragman also ran. Sixth raco. mllo and a sixteenth Pendant. 33 (Ford). , to 2. won; Question Mark. 103 (GooroI 7 lo 5. second. Swarts Hill. 107 (Buxton). S to o. third. Time. 1:C1 3-5. Heuock, Edna Collliri Sam Barber. Sallan and Nov Star also ran. Today's Charleston Entries. First race, thrcc-olghtha of n mile, nurto Index. Wt. Indox. .... T377 Ave 100 Colors 103 7101 Manners lit pat RuUiledge 10s 7234 Wooden Shoes. .10 7277 Bulgar . 113 Ston Ilcdgo ...105) Sonny Boy'" nn Second raco, olevon-sixtcentlia of n mile,' ii'cll- 7222 Mama Johnron.lOll 7291 Jonqulu 110 7013 Terra Blanco. . .till 7318 Ancou tn? 7223 Clothes Brush. .1031 72G5 Counterpart 1(V) 7207 Ellu Grane ... .1051 7203 Teresa Clll ' 'iiVi 7310 Ethnlhurg II. . I0e 72.M Kelly . Third raco, oloven-slxlcciitha ot a mile'." toll ing. 72J3 Tiny Tim 101 723C Ben Prior jfn 7306 Mlsa Nctt 107 7233 Slriko Out 01 7233 Huda'a SUtor...l05 7310 Abrasion .. 10b 72f,3 Martrn 103 723 Qulncy Belle. I!'l01 fiSJO Cliff Top 103 707S Sldon ... ina 7307 Isl Queen 10317319 Now Star .'. im 723 G Inspired 103' 7295 Aid, Chlco "'"Joa Foutlh r.Kf, clevon-nlxteeuths of a mllo- selling- 729? Groscnor 101 7295 Right Easy . 107 7208 Golden Egg ....10.J 7311 Clem Bcachy "'107 7222 Vlley 10:17297 Frank Hudson!" S7 Fifth raco. sevnn-elghths of a mile, selling 7276 Semlquavor - .1031 7311 Gagnant ' 7256 Pretend 103 727.! I.ltlJo En """lo- 73t8 Tony W ..103 7214 Thn Squlro .. 103 7256 BcncdlctlliB ,,.10372SO Detect '.... ' int Sixth race, sevea-clghthu of a mile, sollin'r "' 7323 Blanche Fran. .1021 T222 Cynosure ... 101 7307 Lady Sybil .... 95 ,31S Grac Mc 03 7306 Chilton Squaw, flr.l 722C Coti Curran '" 3"; 7238 Wood Dovo ... 06) 731S Camel 1,, 7226 Sweet Owen ....1071 .1.. Browns Go to Texas, ST. .LOUIS. March 3-Tho main squad of tho fat. Louis Americans left for tholr training camy at WUco, Tex, today. 1 CLARK AND INGERSOLL . WILL GO 20 ROUNDS Special to The Tribune. JflUIUSKA. March 3. On Wednesday evening Ross Insersoll and Joo Clark signed up articles for their boxing con test which Is to be pulled off at the I opera house in Eureka on the evening of March Id. The articles call for a twenty-round bout and Clarlc and Inger soll agree to enter the ring at 100 pounds or under. , Both men aro In good condition and will experience no difficulty In making this weight. Tho articles call for a di vision of tho gato receipts on a basis of Go and 'AH por cent and forfeit monoy guaranteeing the appearance of the men will bo posted ten days previous to the fight. , Poter Jackson will return to Eureka and assist In training Ingersoll for the match. NEW WORLD'S RECORD MADE IN RELAY RACE BOSTON", March 3. A now world's rec ord for a relay race of 3120 yards was mndo by the Boston Athletic team In the twenty-fourth annual New England In door lnterscholnstlc meet here today. In a specially arranged match the Boston quartette, D. S. Caldwell, O. F. Hedlund. E. T. Marccau and T. J. Halpln, defeated Dartmouth college, covering the distance in 6.50. This is 12 2-5 better than the mark set by a Harvard team two years ago. Phllllps-Exetcr academy won the meet and championship with a total of 3S points. GOTCH TO WRESTLE ZBYSZKO'3, CONQUEROR DULUTII. Minn.. March 3. April 23 has been named as the prospective date for a meeting between Frank A. Gotch and Constant Le Marin. Tor tho ivorld's heavy we! t-ht wrestling championship. Military Riflo League. WASHINGTON. March 3. The llnal matches in the Military School Rifle Shooting league show a clean score of victories for the Bordentown, N J.. Mili tary institute In tho Efts tern league. The Wentworth Military a cad em v of Lexing ton, Mo., finished first in the Western league St. John's school. Manlius. N V.. finished second in tho eastern division and the St. John's Military acarimv Dclafleld. Wis., and Harvard Military school, Los Angeles, Cal.. tied for second place in the Western league. Borden town and Wentworth now will shoot off for the military school shooting cham pionship in the United States. REPORT MADE TO THE BANK COM missloner of the state of Utah of the condition of the Utah Savings & Trust Com pany, Located at Salt Lake City, In tho coun ts, of Salt Lake, stato of Utah, at the close of business on tho 20th dav of Feb ruary, 1013: RESOURCES. Loans aud discounts s 9GB noo l? Overdrafts .,' ifn Bonds, stocks, certificates, -nm0" 200,113.03 rille plant 31 ii!'' "l Furniture and fixtures "TcfT? Real estate "iO GtVor First mortgage R. ".-.o.OG R. bonds . . r'i (rn nn Due from Nation al banks '1-1,119. 73 Due from state ,--: banks and t bankers 86,271. 1G ' ' Exchanges for : clearing house , 31,125.95 Checks and cash ll-'"is 12.456.32 f ractional silver . S.M7.6G Mlver dollars ... 2,139.00 Gold coin 27.157.50 Currency 45.GS9.00 353 109 31 Current expenses and taxes ' pald 1,004.01 Total . $1,715,820.06 LIABILITIES. iSK'ffl ;:. 5 a. o,j.oj JrTS-nKfflS banks $ -1,272 1G Duo to Htato banks and bankers 5,129.71 Individual do- t Posits 492,271.87 ir Savings deposits. 691,981,72 ' Certified checks . 757.22 Cashier's checks . 2,543.27 Demand certifi cates of deposit 3.510.S1 Time certificates of loioslt 217.G9S.21 1.421.174.00 Tolal S1.715.S20.06 State of Utah, county of Salt Lnke- auss.-ftfir S'&fh'sj a, FRANK B. COOK for Pti,Io Correct Attest: oi cashier. 3rdSychSTo73 10 S-0!. (Seal) E A LA UGH LIN Notary Public. StSoeen UUh fr,CU 0f Bank Commls- the' onor of tho foreeolnir I n 7?.i.,,eE?P certify that copy of tho statement of the abSvn .T0,' company, filed In mv nfi Vi.? V' imod of March. 1913 of"oe lh,s tiny (Seal) DAVID aLVTTSOX, Bank Commissioner. r643 bowling mm KM is in Eddie Herrmann of Clevelanw Totals 1972 Pins, Beating Haley's Mark. jt TOLEDO. O.. March 3.-AnJP American Bowling- Congress record nff broken tonight when Eddie Herrmann $ jc the Lincolns' live-men team from CtoiE land, O., totaled 1972 pins, which nalafe a new mark for all events The former rocord was held IjWk Thomas Haley of Detroit, who madaiitiK In that city in 1910. Herrmann's twiK was sensational throughout. It begiacitB Sunday night, when he totaled 723 In his squad event. In the rmMtaM work this morning ho rolled G31. In iCm Individual he rolled 61-5 pins. ln thH two-men events. IT. Felgcnhauer ami C If Herrmann of Cleveland went Into xHj'M place todaj' with a total of ll" SM Davles and P. McKee. Columhus. "roDW into llfth place with 120G. They are U4 with Elck and Selbert of Toledo. Sco'mBl follow: INDIVIDUAL LEADERS. Speoesift Chicago, 659; Wagner, Cincinnati. Ill Mowley. Chic-igo. GI5; Richter. ChleaaiB 045; Wilson, Chicago. G42, Blls?. Cbla.B go. 042: Curleman. Cincinnati. Oil .; TWO-MEN TEAM LEADERS MoatiB tain-Carlson. Chicago, 1277; Radyl-Kir-H licck. Chicago. 1216; Fclgenluiucr.Htn-'B inann. Cleveland. 1212; Elck SolbtsjB Toledo. 1206; Davles-MoKee. CoIumbiM 1206; Small-Drew, Chicago, 1205. Kodalc Pictures Finished, W Mail us j'our films. Salt Lake PblijW Suppl3- Co., 159 Main street. ExclurifilB photo dealers. (Advertisement Report made to tho bank commhilotstB of the stale of Utah, of the coitdltfevM of the ';K Walker Brothers Bankers, located at Salt Lake Clt In the cocttpB of Salt Lake, stato of Utah, at MMi close of business, the 20th day of FA-H' ruary, 1913: RESOURCES. roans and discounts $2,7S1,1!I.HP! Overdrafts 52,515.11 Stocks, certificates, etc SJ,5IU'flp Furniture and fixtures 43.SJi.Cm Real estate '.'1.1'. m) R. R. tirst morl- ll'f: gage and oth- 'fmk er bonds .....5 316,750.00 fBP Due from na- fmj- tional banks. 751, 530. 4S XW- Due from state 4j banks and j Hp bankers ,. ,. 41.S56.53 j- Exchanges for iK i-learlng house 9i.066.SS Kj Checks and cash W Items .. ..... 771.72 Ht, Fractional silver 9,466. GO Ip Silver dollars... 5.765.00 'Hk Cold coin 123,437.50 H Gold certificates. 55,000.00 cV Currency 230,002.00 (Wt Total cash resources Sl.631.6lS.iWfc Current expenses and taxes .iHc paid 5,6?J.H Customer's liability letters of credit 17.43MHt -Totals $.539.:J-W LIABLLITIES. 'Wt Capital stock paid ln 5 oOO.O'W.jHT Surplus fund dO.WWB Undivided profits Tl.Jtt.JJH Dividends unpaid iHi Due to national 9Mt banks S 74,901.79 im Due to stale Mft banks and bank- iflff era 251,614. 02 iflHI Individual de- iWt- poslts 1,961,743.18 fe Savings depos- iWZ its 849.202.99 W. Certltled checks 4, 734. S3 'JKL Cashier's :?M chocks 16,377.71 N1 Reserved for AS savings Int... 600O.00 fmr' Demand certtfl- . ilwti cate8 of do- Posit 20,430.55 W9 Time cortifl- mt: cates of de- -Pi Posit 814,261.39 '.K Total deposits S.OOJ.Jl'ffft Letters of credit customor'a liability 1Bh Total $,639,Jf Statu of Utah, countv of Salt 1? I E, O. Howard, being first duly BK f according to law. deposes and szm t he Is cashier of tho above named that the above and foregoing report c. h tains a full, true and correct s tfff of tho condition of the said bank at 3 It; closo of 'business on tho 20th day of 'j' ruary, 1913. r "t E. O- HOWARD' i Correct Attest! S F. A. DRUEtrL. ; ! L. H FARNSWORTH. JOSEPH GEOGHEGAN. y" Director n Subscribed and sworn to before mo"? 1 3rd day or March. 1913. (Seal) HIRAM A. HAYI. , Notary FuWft My commission expires July 26, " . State of Utah, office of bank ccrtrR" slorler. , ...jHTlU I. David Maltson. bank commls' j)f the state of Utah, do hereby corFJSHKT tho foregoing is a full, trtio andHji! copy of tho statement of the abovffgHlll company, filed in my office this f'T ol March. .1913. L (Slgnud) DAVID MATTf - Bank CommlVt