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X THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 9, 1913. 1 H I. BEC1D fO SHOW CLOSES of Horns and Noisy well Usher Great Ex ibit Into History, a noise that' would rival a ar's celobration, the greatest lie show in tlio history of the ntain country last night camo e after six days of continuous The day was marked by the itendanco of the wcelc, and it ited that closo to 35,000 per menaded tho aisles of tlio bipr im in Kichards street during o'clock, last night. Manager tishel announced that the ex could "open up" and make a9 much noise as they wanted. Imme diately a small army of auto and mo torcycle horns broko looso and for a Bolid hour the air was rent in twain by the fusillade of noises that pro claimed victory for the undertaking, Ench exhibitor was determined to out do his neighbor in "making a noise" for his particular stock, and the largo structuro that housed tho show fairly vibrated with clamor. Sales Not Estimated. It is not known exactly how many sales resulted directly from tho show, as not all tho dealers wero willing to give out names or figures. So far as securing new prospects is concerned, tho results wore record-breaking. In fact, .overy ono who inspected tlio ex hibits of tho show might bo classed as a "prospective'' owner. In point of artistic docorations, tho show ontcountenanced anything of its kind held hero. In point of excellence the show ranked on an equality with tho best in tho country. As an educa tional factor and stimulus to the mo torcar industry, it was a huge success. Manager Risholj the mombcrs of the executive committoo and. the members of tho Auto club of Utah and tho Utah Trades association aro bulged up with pride. That the elaborate exhibition eont forth its striking appeal to thousands in this city and the intormountain country, has "been proved by tho at- i tendance, tho comments and the sales. Tho cars exhibited wero thoso that form tho bulk of motorcar business in tho in termountain country, and tho show it self demonstrated that tho motor-pro polled vehicle has become a leading factor in. businoss and industrial prog ress of the world. Every New Feature. There was nothing that goes to mako up tho excellent standard of perfec tion to which tho . youngest national industry has contributed that was not displayed at the show. Now devices for ease of control, comfort in riding, perfect operation, commodious equip ment and beautiful appearance wero all shown up to advantage in the vast array of graceful, attractive vehicles, polished and groomed for tho occasion. A notablo feature of the show was that nearly overy exhibit was installed in such a manner as to clearly show the most hidden parts and parcels, in which, so much of the real worth of the finished motor vehicle lies. It is certain that a now standard has been sot for auto Hhows in the in tormountain country. Motorcar cen ters throughout the country have been attracted to Salt Lake through tho show. "With the present rOBeuto out look of tho good roads movoment in this Bection, tho Midland Trail project and conditions in general, it is safo to predict that motordom in the inter- ;,: I THEY'RE GOING FAST I Excelsiors not only go the fastest on the track and road, but they're going1 the fastest im dealers to riders everywhere. Place your order early. j Do it today. It's the only way to make sure that you'll get your Excelsior. . I Hi AUTO-CYCLE . The machine that made the following records: f ONE MILE IN" 36 SECONDS FLAT. j (The first motorcycle to attain the speed of 100 miles per hour) Miles, 3:07 3-5. 10 Miles, 6:18. 60 Miles, 33:651-5. 76 Miles, 50:65 2-5. NE HUNDRED MILES, 68sl 4-575" 40 4-5 Seconds fy"Ba jn lino with tho Excelsior enthusiasts who are eagerly awaiting tho opening of the Spring Season, fs going to bo carl' and It's going to be the greatest season over. Get in. line., IT OALATOG- FREE Send a postal today for our Art Catalog. Tells in a few words why the Excelsior duld bo your choice. iSwv BICYCLE SUPPLY CO.Was!S JTHE 1913 SPEED-KING 1 flic Best Motorcycles I IneEmbodimesitof 13 Years of Motorcycle Engineering I JI THE TWO ORIGINAL AMERICAN MOTORCYCLES. 1 3k1 8 originator of the chain Harley-Davidson, the Original drive. Comfort Motorcycle. E Te 'Jla'ssy ' The Silent Gray Fellow. I e machines represent the highest grade of motorcycles before the American public. They I IjljBthe most expensive to buy, but the cheapest to own or operate. Why not get the best? I j-jKiibest is the chetipest in the long run. The only motorcycle without a regret. We arc I r yU a 0Ur kooth n ''ie Auto Show. I J. LOUIS ANDERSON sf?S. WEST TEMPLE. STATE AGENTS. PHOHE WASATCH 2460. fl A name stands for sturdiness and dependability, ,; BKPjr name which stands for enduring service, ' HttgnH A name which stands for comfort and luxury in motoring, BSSHA A name which stands for economy of operation and mainte- HfljH A name which stands for real and substantial value, HuHHf A name which is honored in unstinted measure wherever motor i HBHhBIB arti known. IHSSi Sharman Automobile Compamy, thovm (dmP 12 Gray Hair Darkened A Slniplo Home-Mado Preparation That Excels tho Best Dyes and Stains. It often occurs that the simplest and least expensive preparations are tho most meritorious, and this simple little rocipo for darkening pray hair and cor recting the ills of the scalp will bo found to possess all the merits of tho most famous dyes, stainB and other hair nostrums. It is made by adding to 7 ozb. of water ono small box of Barbo Compound, 1 oz, of bay rum and 3i oz. of glycerine. Get the ingredients at any drug store at very little cost and pre pare the mixture at home. Apply to the hair or board once a week until the gray hair is darkened sufficiently, then once every two weeks will do. This is a remarkably good mixture for gradually changing the gray hair to a nice glossy brown, and is equally as good for re moving dandruff and other scalp humors and for promoting the growth of the hair. It does not mako the hair sticky, does not color the scalp or soil clothing or pillow Blips, like many made-up dyes and stains. If your drug gist cannot supply Barbo Compound, ask him to order it for 3011. (Advertisement.) mountain country haB entered a now era in its development, progress and prosperity. A Cold, La Grippe, Then Pneumonia, is too ofton tho fatal sequence. La Grippe coughs hang on, weaken the system, and lowor the vital resistance. R. G. Collins, Postmaster, Barnegat, N. J., says: "I wa3 troubled with a sovero La Grippo cough which com pletely exhausted me. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound soon stopped the coughing spells entirely. It can't be beat." Schrnmm-Johnson, Drugs, "The Never-Substitutorg," rive (5) Good StoreB. (Advertisement.) CATALOGUE PRINTING Dona by the Century is distinctive. 55-57 Postoffico place. (Advertisement) When Better Tire Re pairs are made, we will make them. Guarantee Tire & Rubber Company vutconrrc ako nas nrrxmrrfc 429 So. Main. Phone Was. 2222. WOULD HAVE FRISCO AID HUD TRAIL Ellison Writes to California Giving Data and Argu ment on Subject. In an effort to have San Francisco co operate with Salt Lake City In securing the Midland trail as the route for the first transcontinental highway, "W, II. Ellison, president of the Salt Lake coun cil, Midland Trail association, has writ ten a letter to R. R. I'Hommedleu of the California city. Mr. rHommedleu is Interested In a movement to organize an association in San Francisco for the Mid land trail. Bosldes the plan under -which the local organization was formed. Mr. Ellison's Jetter contains the following: It has seemed to us from the be ginning of this movement that San Francisco ought to, get In and work with us, as, In our opinion, your city . should bo the logical Pacific coast termlnuB of a transcontinental high way. Salt Lake City is so .located that the road might' go direct to San Fran cisco, or Los Angeles from hero and eventually, no doubt, will lead to both cities from Salt Lake. You are, no doubt, aware that L03 Angeles Is making a very strong pull for the Santa Fe route and it cer tainly. HeemB to us that San Francisco should offset that pull In favor of the Midland route. San Francisco was originally se lected for the location of the Panama-Pacific exposition, and, should this road be completed in time, no doubt thousands of people would come to the exposition in automobiles. While I cannot speak for all tho people of Salt Lake City, I feel cer tain that a majority of them are of tho opinion that San Francisco, hav ing been selected for the exposition, should receive the support of the en tire country in assisting to make the exposition a success rather than to attempt to hold two expositions on tho Pacific coast at the same time. In view of this feeling, and the fact that Los Angeles Is working so hard for tho Santa Fe route, you can read ily sec why we think It Is the proper time for San Francisco to get in and work with us for the Mid land route. .1 . A good troatment for a cold settled in tho lungs is a Herrick's Red Pepper Porous Plaster applied to tho chest to draw out inflammation, and Ballard's ITorehound Syrup to relax tightness. You fret the two remedies for tho price of one by buying- the dollar 6izo Hore hound Syrup; there is a porous plaster free vrith each bottle. Sold by Schramm-Johnson, Drugs, "Tho Never Substitutors." five (0) good stores. (Advertisement) . I Sensation of the Auto Show Franklin Models (Air-cooled, Entz Electric Starter and Electric Lights.) Now at our salesroom. A model for your every need. 2 Fours 5 Sixes I It is our pleasure to show them. Demonstrations freely given. 1 S HERKESHOFF PLEASURE CABS. 1 ffl We also sell Alco Trucks and Touring Cars, International Light Dolivory I H Trucks. i Salt Lake Auto Co. R 162-166 EaBt First South Street. 1 MONOGRAM OIL I j LUBRICATES I I , AUTOMOBILES I I DISTRIBUTED THEOUGH I! Bertram Motor Supply Co. I 251 State Street I Haines & Jones, I I ' GAS i LINE AND Hi 1 STORAGE OUTFITS I & See Booth Agent at the Auto Show. I wrnp 1813 MODELS rPtftj r N0W ON DISPLAY AT OUB (& t?sJf f (J JT SALESROOM Jpfm Kandall-Dodd (WMimMM Auto Co. W- 63 WEST FOURTH SOUTH ST. "When Bettor Cars are built, A nf-rktYinfiile. "Row" Buick will build thorn." AUtOmODlie KOW No-Rim-Cut Tires I 10 Oversize I Start 1913 Right I At the start of this new season, join the H hundreds of thousands who have learned H how to stop tire waste. rl End rim -cutting now adopt oversize ffl tires. Then watch mileage records watch fl your tire upkeep. See if men are right or wrong about No-Rim-Cut tires. H Get Actual Proof what formulas arid fabrics, what c. . . methods and processes give the lH Every tire maker says, "My maximum endurance. tires are best You expect ,t. You wiH find these tW H but here is the tire which, m on the average, cut tire bills actual use, has come to outsell pretty near in two. all others. IH Here is a tire with sensational frt, if IM sale, which ,.has doubled and INOW the King doubled until it has led to a The No-Rim-Cut tire is now WM panic m Tiredom. the king of Tiredom. I Find out why these legions, It won its way there, from r I who keep track of tire mileage, the bottom place, by lowest mI have come to No-Rim-Cut tires. cost per mile. What YOU 11. find drcds of thousands who have & You will find, for one thing, bought and used two million rH that these tires end rim-cutting. Goodyear tires. , And no other satisfactory way Don't say to yourself that ffl to end it has ever been discov- these men arc mistaken. Every gH crcd. ( evidence is, they are not. fiH Statistics show that 'rim-cut- They seek what you seek H ting ruins 23 per cent of all old- less trouble, less expense. This M type tires. season, try the IH You will find way they found H that our 10 per f (- ta to bring these WM siv.r'ssss liOODVEAR ,irabiown- Jl conditions.adds 1 4 AKRON.oruo. w f i M uSge.the No-Rim-Cut Tires gJfr J vSSX WilhorWithout KtfSiJS fl after 14 years, Non-Skid Treads ways to econo- IflB have learned. I xnize on tires. Hi THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio M This Company has no connection w hate tor with anr other lH rubber concern nrhlch uses tho Goodyear name. Salt Lake City Branch, 123 East Second South St. 9 Phone -Wasatch 5761. M I The Motorcycle I I You Have Been Looking For I J IS THE 1913 POPE J I Its Quality Has Never Been Questioned. jl I HEW 1913 POPE TWBH 8 11. P. MODEL K HOW IH I fjj The sensation of the New York, Chicago and Salt Lake Auto SIiowb. 'M P We have just received a shipment of tbeso fine models and are roady to B deliver to you immediately. Either Binglo or twin machines. The fea- IH I hires of these line motorcycles have no equal in fact. IH POPE FEATURES ABE DOMINANT. e Overhead Valve Motor More Power. Parts more accessible, valvo mechanism simpler and interchangeable. JH POPE REAR SUSPENSION Absorbs shocks without retarding speod. BH H Holds wheel in perfect alignment. No Bide play. No recoil shock. 9 H in Springs of different &a"gos to conform to varying loads. Convertible I IH U at any time to rigid framo with low center of gravity. What more could I flH Is not speed, comfort, power and durability worth considering boforo I I vou huy a motorcyclo? If this is 0 in your cubo, lot us fihow jrou tho I ; handsomo 1913 Popo. Prices from $180 to $27;"). Demonstrations free- I P y given. 5?co our display at the An to Show, or call at our salesrooms. D El ; Western Irns Sporting Goods Co. 1 ? 11G SOUTH MAIN STREET. . , , - have: arrived f I I 1913 FLYING MEKKELS I j Watch and wait for the only self -starting motorcycle in the I world. IH Meredith Motor & Bicycle Co., (Inc.) H i STATE AGEN1TS.