Newspaper Page Text
Jj THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1913. .fl jjflfii l ST0CK MARKET Blade Transactions Small in Bblume and Money Silua--jj (ion Is Ignored. KIPPER STOCKS ARE UP Wear 33,000,000 in Gold for ?WParis and Berlin Will Be Jm" Shipped Today. H By BROADAN WALL. OK Intcrnntioiml News Service, K rOKK, March II. Today's stock "HikT market showed n firm tono and iRI closing prices were in many cases ''B3I nolnt or more abovo tho low of the (lay- On light trading; Steel, ftKlnn Pacific and Reading made sharp KiiVs In a way that suBgcstn renewed Bi In tho belief that the market has iK "0& out. Trade transactions were 'Kni in volume and speculative inter Bshowed Its fickleness by ignorinff the Bn's3litenisn'headocl Berlin received rBnt attention, while anything from San BtnclTco that might throw tho sllght Br Icht upon the attitude of the Call railroad situation was eagerly Binned. H Is not so much that tho IBlon-Soutliern Pacific situation opera IBns ere tho center of genoral Interest, 'Mt business was so exceedingly poor that kHick brokers were glad of any excuse 'Bturn their attention from tho dull Ses. of the commission business. B) Announcement Made. Ho annoiinccmenta wore made up to rK cloEe of the market that threw any ;K5jt on the all-important question i.Miiither thr life of the syndicate that !E underwritten the $126,000,000 ot :Bnti,crn Pac,Ilc stoclc would expire to Kj' or he extended. Bouthern Pacific moved radically and Bdo a new low figure since 1908 by IBllne at DOS. Union Pacific, on tho er hand, showed firmness and closed iMTmnt. a slight gain for the day. Steel faitnon appears to be able to maln iBp a. stead v tone around 61. although J. P. Morgan, Jr., was on the ."Tncss stand today In the government "ft against the United States Steel iMfporition, and tho counsel for the cor- 'iBratlon c1"10 vcry near to bloW8 wIt!l A representative of tho government. iKculatlve interest in the stock market ? not disturbed In the least. Pressure Clnst the newer Industrials has also -Bled up and theso stocks In most in iKnces made merely fractional declines. tBopper Stocks Firm ftopner stocks were quietly firm and ifactt & Meyers rose 43 points, a tardy Bfcciation of the excellent statement "fcnlly Issued by the company. New A, New Haven & Hartford dropped to Ht on the publication of an article be loved to be inspired from official source !E't the oid-fashlonod S per cent rate Kdlviuonds would undoubtedly be IBflvnte advices from Berlin point out the liquidation In American stocks (.culminated. The firmnoss of Cana Pacific in this market substantiates Mk story, Canadian Pacific closed at "tl? tP r " T,0'nts froni ""sure afcmorroVs steamers -will take out $2,- 000.000 in gold for Pario and S700.000 for Benin. Other shipments that wero ponci ng have been canceled. It Is the opln ,!, amonP tho bankers that noxt week will probably kcq the ond of tho present gold movement to Europe. Some fur ther shlpmcntn may bo made, but by tho middle of the week Germany will have finished her arrangements here for pro curing funds. Dullness and firmness in the stock market may be consldorcd as Indicating that the next activity will bo on advanc ing prices. REVIEW OF TRADE. Business Activity Steadily Maintained; Conservative Sentiment Apparent. NEW YORK, March 14. Dun'n lie-view tomorrow will sav: Business activity Is steadily maintained and in some lines, shows an increase, al though sentiment continues to be con servative, especially as regards specula tive transactions. The international money markets are slightly easier, as the outlook for peace in the Balkans has improved and tho German position has been strengthened by accumulations ot gold drawn from the United States. Weather conditions were responsible for somo decrease in activity in tho shoo trade, but tho whole retail distribution is largo and the spring outlook is favor able. New building operations are in creasing as tho spring approaches and dependent trades feel the benefit. The textile industries and drv goods distributing trades are In a wholesome condition. While thoro has been some shading; of the price of wool, the woolen and worsted, mllte are exceedingly well employed. Prices of cotton and the leading grains tend downward, but there is little specu lation. Reports from tho principal cen ters are for tho most part satisfactory. Tho labor situation has improved. NEW YORK. March 14. Bradstrcct's tomorrow will say: Trade, crop and Industrial reports con tinue to prcsont favorable aspects and although some branches of textiles mani fest more or less concern about the ef fects of tho future trend of tariff condi tions, the general situation throughout most sections of the country is charac I Icrlzed by pood consumptive demand. Reports about winter wheat are In the main favorable and preparations for new crops are going forward. The grain movement in the northwest and corn belt Is heavy, but elsewhere It tends to re cede. However, an early and heavy move ment down the lakes is indicated. Open weather enables outdoor construc tion work to display activity; farmers are beginning to call for spring help, the railways continue to do well and opera tions in tho steel and Iron industry are active. Demand for money rates are firmer and tension over sea, together with do mestic wants Incident to spring work and for coming heavy settlements will make continued rates. Stock market opera tions, characterized by weakness of now industrial stocks and a number of bonds, followed by a little strength later, re flected deficiency buying with the general tendency to back and fill. Business failures for the week ending March 13 were 2S4. which comoarcs with f41 in the like week of 1912. There were 34 failures in Canada. "Wheat. Including flour, exports from the Unlied States and Canada for the week ending jtfnrch 13 accrcjrate D.315.564 bushels, against 3,flJin.708 bushels last week and 2,332,560 bushels corresponding week last year. New York Monev. NEW YORK, March 14. Money on call strong at 455j por cent: ruling rate, 5; closing bid 4, offered at 41. Time loans, strong, sixty and ninety days and six months, fiS6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 52fg)6 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm with actual busi ness in bankers' bills at $4.82.50 for Bixty dav bills, and nt $4.87 for demand. Commercial bills, $4,623. Bar silver, 6GXc. Mexican dollars, 47c Government bonds, steady. Railroad bonds, steady. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 14. Cotton closed steady, net 1 point higher to 3 points lower. w'D YOU LIKE TO GET iVER $5000.00 FOR PLAY I ING TIDDLE-DE-W1NKS? mx Poker, or Golf, or Bridge I Whist? Well, THIS Is j a Better Game! jK T0uv The Tribune wants you pay in good hard cash prepare you for a great. or in good hard toil for jiBBjtock that is coming tomor- what you get. K' But The Tribune is going jK 11 will he a joyful shock, to supply all the toil, and 3jMfor ifc wJU he an announce- all the prizes, too. To its jtoent that The Tribune is readers it is going to pre- ;fjB0mg conduct a great, a sent a simple, yet an excit- BlB VmCr ree gamo or "0 nS game. A game without encfit of its readers, and restrictions, yet a fascinat ijB?Wavd vcr $5000 in re- - ing one. A game that will J(B?arilaWe prizes to thoac require only one copy of jW0st cceuBful in playing The Tribune per day to ' jjB:' play, yet will pay those most '$B Anrl successful in solving it the ifflnmv 8amG iS t0 ba most extravagant sums they a itbAL game a game, jjBf feet, with no WORK of YOU better watch for 16- WE kl,ld t,onnecled with it morrow's Tribune, now that Wt " Wa,y' you arc avcII prepared for 'kjBm, the shock. And cheer up jj8B why The Tribune joy never kills. YOU can $mjte to prepare you today. Play this gameand win H? news should be broken firsfc prize' mlZ SeneraUy iQ lhiS And SUCH a prize. Bet SKin V nfc get 8ome' Uv t The Tribune tomor jnofhing. Generally row. COPPER STEADY 1 1W YORK MARKET No Change in Price for A113' of the Brands; Lead Holds at Old Figures. . vr. I I W I . . I J H vl -i-vvv--v X Copper (electro) 515.0016.12i r Jead, New York ..51.304.-J0 v J3ar silver 5GJ5c Silver In London ..26 3-16d t . NEW YORK, March 1-1. Copper, steady; standard spot, $14.15 bid: March, $14.1o5 1 n; April. $M.20M.75; May. 514.25$) 14.(0. Electrolytic, ?lD.00tfiHn.l2; lake, ?15.25in.37; casting, ?14.7oll.S7. Tin, easy. spot. 545.C54fl.00; March and April, $45.63f5?15 So; May. 515.50(g)45 C5. i-cad, steady. 51.304.40 Spelter, steady. 56.35(0)6.43. Antimony, dull: Cook'son's. $9.25(0.40. Iron, steady and unchanged. Exports or copper this month, . 1S, G38 tonB. bondon copper, steady; spot, 64 12s Gd; futures, 65 5s. London tin, easy; spot, 200; futures, 206. J-ondon lead, ln 17s Gd, Iron Cleveland wan-ants, 63Jd in Lou? don. CloBing Stock List. . Opcn.Ungh.Low. Cl3. Amalg Cojipor ............. 20.400 70Vi 69i T0U Atncr Anrl 53 Amcr Boot Bugnr C00 2S3i IS 2SV4 Amor Can g.700 52 U 31?; Z2M- . no PW 300 Wi 121V4 121U Amcr Car & Foundry 200 014 49U 49 Amor Cotton Oil J00 ibi Wt'W. Amor Ieo Sec :oo 25 25 25 Ajnor Llasccd 100 10 10 SV Amcr Loco mo 30- 30' 36 Amor Smelt & Iltt 1,000 03"4 69 MA do pfd 103 Amcr Sugar Itef 300 1H 11354 113 Amor Tel & Te! ., S00 133 132i 132 Amor Tobacco 238 Ancond. Mining Co 2,000 36Ti sc(i 3G"i Atchison 1,400 101',i lOl'.i 101C1 , 00 300 lOOVi 100H 100 Atlantic Cost Lino 400 122 122 Dalt tt Ohio 300 1004 10051 1Q0U Hath Stool 400 35&i 25H 331 Uroofc Kapld Transit 1,400 S7i SH'l 87 Canadian Pacllfo 4,300 225ii 223 22314 Central Leather 300 26J4 28i MVi Chea tz Ohio 300 72 W 72 72Vi Chicago Great Went 200 J4V. W, 1(U Chicago Mil &. 8t PauI 1.000 109 108 105 Chicago fc N W 1,200 134 133 134 Colo Fuel & Iron .......... 200 334 33V4 32ii Con Oas ' Corn rroducla 100 11 11 101 Doln & Hudson .... leg' D r o : iovi do pM 39 n Dlt Sec 100 17 17 10; KrJ S00 27 26T4 27 do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd zZK Concral Electrlo 800 1385i US 138li Great Northern pfd l.ioo 1275i 12fl 127 Great Nor Oro CUs 200 3d 36Vi 34 Illinois Central 100 123 123'4 123i Inter Met r nn nu. 17' ith , 1 1,900 59U 88VJ 58; Inter Harvester 105 Inter Marino pfd Inter Papor 100 11 im u' Inter Pump $00 WA 94 ?: IC C Southern 2414 Laclcdo Gas 99 Lohlgh .Valley 1,900 165 " 154U 154 Loulsvlllo ic NasIiTllIo .... J00 1234 133Vi 13 Minn St I & 8 St M 100 13514 135H 13416 Mo IC & Texas o; Mo Paclflo 700 28 37' 37W Nat niBoult 100 11514 11514 11G Nat Load , ju Nat Tlr Mux Id pfd 200 2314 23'i 23i N J" Oontral 0 I0S51 103 IM ' N Y Ont & West 700 3014 30 30 Norf & Western 1(4 North Amorlcsn , -g Nortliorn Pacific 1.600 115?; 115)4 IIS Paclflo Mall , , 2- Pennsjlvanla 4,300 119H ilili 11SU Peoplo's Gaa , losu Pitts C C St Louis 400 N 9Sli 97 PlUs Coal 100 20 20 20 Pressed 8teol Car -c Pullman Palaco Car 1571' KeadlDK 80,600 157U i55?i 156U Ropub Iron L. Steel 100 241 2414 24 Hock Island Co S00 2114 "1 21"! c..dT vt V m 30 3! 36U St Lou t B P 3d pfd 100 M 25 24 Seaboard Air Llna 100 ion jgsj do pfd 100 44 u u' Sloss Shcf 81 .... 34 Bouthcrn Paclflo 20,600 'o9!4 'csii 9S" fcouthorn Ky 600 25 JJ 25 251k md0 p'11 soi; Tenn Copper 100 3514 3614 354 Ple 100 isn lS-i 18 Union Paclflo n,m iroij ngsj JB0 o'laifi-81 g U S Steel 4$,7oo C114 59 COli T7.d0. I'M 500 108 107i; I07i Utah Copper 2,200 53 S3U E2V4 Va Carolina Cliom loo 33; r,3i 3314 do pfd""".'..ll""'.l'. Western Md . . , WMtorn Union 200 GCTi 'tovJ 68Ti Westing JIectrlc S00l 67 I 65 C7! Whcol U Lako Erie s Total sales for tho day, $24,500 shures. New York Bonds. U 8 rf 2a rtK 100 K O Ho ref Cs 37ti do 2s coup . ...,100i L S dob 4s 1931 jv. do 3s rcK 10214 Lou & Nash Un 4b. 93; do 3a coup 10214 Mo K & T 1st 4s.. 9lii do 4n rejj 1131,1: do gen 414a S- do 4s coup 113?i?.Io Pacific 4s coy. Fann. Ss coup 102 do conv 6s 85K Alllo Chal 1st 3s ... 55 Nat Ity Mex 44a .. 83 Am Agrl 6a 100V4 N Y O ron 3Hs ...... SU Am T & T cr 4i ... 1031 do deb 4a ,, so Am Tob 6s 12Q Nor Pacific 4s 9CU Armour &. Co 414s . 9011 do 3n asvl AtchUou Ki)n 4s 96 O S I rfdc 4b .. S3 Bait A O 4a 0414 Heading gon 4s" " j.j do 31is 90 St Lou & S T fc 4e 74 Chosa & O 4',4o .... 9ST4 Jo gon 6s ..... . 79 I do couv 414b 9014 So Paclflo col 4s ' R9 Chi lz Alt 34d .... 56 do cv 4s P2 C B & Q Joint 4o... Dili S p It n 1st ret 4s!".103i do gen 4b 0314 Un Paclflo 4u ..... 93' D tt tt G rof 5s ftO do cr 4a n-i 111 Cent 1st ref 4d.. 94 do lot ref 4s .1001 Int Met 4V4n 7fi V 8 Steol 2d 5s 0!i; Int M M 45sB ...... C314 Wnb 1st ext 4o 791 Japan 44s 83 " Bank Statement. NEW YORK, March 14. Bradstreofs Hank ClearhigG Ileport. for tho week ending March 13 nbows an acccate of J3,29O,3JS.00O ru aKalnst J3.S33.032 000 last ttooV and 13,101. 017,000 In tho correnpnudlng irccL last yutr. List of cities: pfc p.p. New Yorlc 1,S42,151.000 ."i "f?! ChlcaRo 3J, 019.000 Jl.8 Boston ... 154.lS9.OM .... 34 Philadelphia 161,9:tiJ,000 7.0 St. Loula 82.00S.OPO fi.n , Pittsburg M.O'VJ.000 11.0 ."" KnnBAB Oily 07.371,000 ie,6 . .. Sin I'rauclsco ri2. 177,000 3.4 , . nnlllmoro 40,1G1.000 13. R Cincinnati i'?.l80.000 6.3 ... Minneapolis 24,278.00') 20.3 Los AnBles 26,921,000 21.2 Cleveland ., 22.222.000 20 6 Detroit 20,452.000 20.3 Nov Orleans ltJ.607.000 19, Omaha 20.4S4.000 17.0 . Loulsvllln 15,114.000 n.O .... Mllwaukeo 1S.26B.OOO S.O Sealtlo 13,146,0) .... s n PorlUnd. Or in,9ri2,ooo j.g St. Paul , 10.060.fl00 .... 3 j Denver 0.470,000 8.7 ... Indlnnapolls 8,503.noo .... rt 5 SALT LAKE 5,591,000 .... 31.7 Columbus fi.360.000 9.9 .... Toledo C.164,000 20.4 ,, . Dululll 3.207.0O0 ;;.o Dos Moln03 7,157,000 30, S .... 4,141.000 .... 7,( Tacoma S, 237,000 jj.s Oaklnnd 4.101.000 Peoria 4,20.1.000 4.4 Ssn Diego .,, 3,481.000 6,7 Dayton S.liW.OOn 12.3 Sacramento 2.130,000 38. K ... Cndar Ttn'pld 2.136.000 48.2 Waterloo 2.190.000 51.9 .... Springfield. Ill 1.322.0OO .... - Qulnoy. Ill 1, 196.000 53.2 Blnomltijelon. Ill ,. 1.005,000 27.5 Ogden, Utah ........... IW.O'V) 0.6 Decatur, III ....A 551.001 14.7 .lackfionvllle. Ill 433,000 10.1 Washington Ml. 100. ip.7 fil. .loieph 101,1500 8.4 .... Lincoln 218,400 11.7 Slour City 415.600 33.1 Wichita 316.409 fi.O Topoka lgr.3O0 33,9 Evaporated. Fmita. NEW YORK, March 1-1. lSJvaporatod applee, lulct. PrnneH, ntoady, Aprlcota, firm PearhcB, steady. Halslns, dull BEARS I CONTROL OF m MARKET Crop Advices Are Extremely Favorable; Corn, Oals and Provisions Down. CHICAGO, March 14 Extremely fa vorable crop advices today tended to put wheat on the down grade. Closing prices, though steady, wcro hfplc under last night. Corn showed a net decline- of B(B2c to 3c, oats a. loss of iGpfc. to 1c and provisions a setback of 2.c to 20c. According to a high authority," the out look for wheat is the- beat in years. Hoars took control of the market early In the nesslon and held their advantage throughout. Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour equaled 312,000 bushels. Primary receipts or wheat were 700.000 bushels. agiilnBt 385,000 a year ago. Liquidation by speculative holders was the feature In corn and Influenced to a greater extent than usual the selling or other cereals. Oats eased off In sympathy -with corn. Heavy realizing by outside holders weakened provisions. RANGH Or TI1R LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Op?n. Hlch. Low. CIod. May so$; so; so'.c, sp; JIy RSft ja ss 81?i Sopt S8?i SS4 SSi 88 Corn May rc- r,:?; niij K15; Jiy rsti 033; r,3 Sept 54 54 5li G4'i Oats May 32-4 32; "2'.3 32?; J"ly 33'.i 33 U 32")i 32'4 Sopt 33U 33H 33 33U CASH QUOTATIONS. Wheal No. 2, 51.02'Q1.0: No. 3 red, 9,'cif.t 31.00; No. 2 hnrd, SSHS9e; No. 3 hard, 870 WJc: No. 1 norlhum, SSQSSc; No. 2 northern, 87Kc: No. 3 nortlmrn. 83i?SCftc; No. 3 sprlnc. 65?87c; No. 3 wprlnfr. 83i0SGc. No, 4 fprlnff, 76 S2c: velvet chaff, S3ftSS!,ic; dunim. SS30c Corn No. 2, 60c: No. 3, 46?46c: No. 3 vhltc. 40G,49o-. No, 3 yellow. 470,4S?Sc: No. 4. UiiM'c: No. 4 white, W.iQISo; No. 4 yellow. 4440-O5;c. OaU No. 2 n.-hlto. 33i4iZf34ic: No. 3 white. 31ic, No. 4 whlto. 30 3 31'Sc; standard. 32UR33c. Ityc No. 2. Cl'.io. Barley lo'3'4So. Timothy 12.5033.26. Clover 112.002'18.EO. Tork JI0.63. Inrd J10.6714. Ribs UO.2C4J11.00. Chicago Product CHICAGO, March K. Butter, steady; creameries, 28(g)yn5c Eggs, steady, receipts. 10.R81 cases; at mark, cases included, 17itfT172c; ordinary firsts. 1717c; firsts, 173l8c. Potatoes. firm; receipts, 55 cars; Michigan, 6iTHSo; Minnesota, 434Sc; Wisconsin. 16(g)50c. Poultry, steady; turkeys, dressed, 21c; chickens, alive, lGc; springs, alive, 10c. New York Produce. NEW YORK, March 14.Plour. steaxlv; No. 2 red, $1.00 elevator and 51,11 f. o. b. afloat, nominal. Futures easier. May closed at 96 7-lGc, July at floJic, and Sep tember at 95$c. Bonded: May and July, DG3c. Hops. dull. Hides, steady. Petroleum, steady. Wool, steady. Haw sugar, firm; muscovado. .89 test, 3.0Sc; centrifugal, .96 test, 3.58c; mo lasses sugar, .S9 test, 2.S3c; refined, steady. Boston Wool Market. BOSTON, March 14. The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The practical settlement of the gar ment strike In New Yorlc city has had a stimulating effect on the buying of wool. On foreign wools prices havo In some instances been advanced, but do mestic wools have been In low Icvol es tablished a week ago and more or less erratic, although some, dealers are willing to accept the low offers buyers made for their -wools. Condition of Treasury. WASHINGTON. March 14. The condi tion of tho United States treasury at the beginning of business today was; Worklne balance, SS0.316.C13. In banks and Philippine treasury, $42, G03.013. Total of general fund. $1.47,912,309. Ttccclpts yesterday. $3,053,024. Disbursements. $1,73S,SG8. The surplus this fiscal year is $R.670, 734, as against a deficit of $20,5G0,81S last year. The figures for receipts, disbursements, etc.. exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. London Wool. LONDON. March 14. The offerings at tho wool auction sales today consisted of a miscellaneous selection amounting to 13.175 bales. .Good wools were readily sold at firm prices, but heavy sorts were slow and In buyora' favor. Home traders were the largest buyers. Coffee Futures Steady. NEW YORK, March 14. Coffee futures opened steady, but at a decline of 9 to 26 points, owing to the almost demoralized European markets. The offerings were very woli absorbed, closing cables from abroad showed moderate recoveries and prlcos here rallied sharply. The close DIVIDEND NO. 2, j Eagle & Bluo Bell Mining company; 6 mines located In Tin tic mining district, Utah. I Notice Is heroby given to tho. stork- holders of tho Eagle it Bluo Bell Mining B compnny. a Utah corporation, that dlvl- tt dend No. 2, of live ccntB por share, ha 3 boon declared by tho board of directors I upon the outstanding capital stock of I the ISnglo Sr. Blue Bell Mining company. I payable April 1, 1913. to stockholders of 1 record March 25, 1913, TratiHfcr books 1 clono March 25. 1913. at noon. Stock- 1 holders who hold certificates under oriel- 1 nal capitalization are requested to ex- ohanffo their crtIficateB for proper cor- 1 tiflcatcc mario necessary by amendments I to tho articles of Incorporation adopted i by tho stockholders and In force. I JAMES P. GRAVES, 1 President. 1 SYDNEY S. MJJLLJ5TT, Treasurer. B TUtrd March i, 1013. rl605 U was firm on roporta that liquidation had pretty well run Us course and last prloes were from 2 to 12 points higher on cow-ring and bull support. Sales, 103.500 bags. April, 11.35c; May. II. IS-: Juno, 11.53c; July, 11. Hoc; August. 11.05c; September. 11.72c; October and Novcmbor, 11. 07c; De cember, January and Pobruary, 11.38c. Spot coffee, weak; Rio No, 7, Mir: Santos No. 4, 158c; mild, Cordova, 15 17c, nominal. Plas, Oats and Eyo. MINNTJ3APOMS. Minn., March 14. No. 2 yellow corn. If5rt7)4fi$e. Rrnn. $l7.00fM7.50. Flour, first patents, $4.l0fi1.4o: second patents, $3.950' 4-30; first clears, $2.90 3.20: second cleans $2. 10g2.70. Flax. $1. 2511. 253. Barley, 41nilc. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Chicago. CHICAGO. March J 4. Hogs Recolpts. 20.000; nmrkot slow; hulk of sales, $8.80 S8.90; pigs. $n.S5S.95. Cattle Receipts 1500; market steady; hooves. $7.2un.l:;; cows and heifers, $:i.50fi)8.00: calvos, S7.50fr;12.00. Sheep Receipts, 5000; market steady to strong; native, $C.10Qi7.00: lambs, na tive, $S.00Q'9.1G. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, March 14. Cattli Receipts. 600: ntcady; native steers, $7.HO((Ii9.00: native vaxvu and holfcrs, $4.25 8.00; calve.'. 55.00T 8.25. Hogs RncrlpLs. 3000; steady: bulk or sales, ?S.Gr)(gi8.S0; plo, $7.501)8.00. Shoep Receipts, 3000; steady; .muttons, $5.007.00; Colorado lambs, $8.258.S5. Omaha. SOUTH OMAHA. March 34 Cattle Receipts, 900: steady; native steers. $7.00 8.80; cows and heifers. $5.50tfZ)S.OO; western steers. $G.50()S.30; Texas steers, $G.007.75; cows and heifers, $5.00Q)7.5u, calves, $6.25(0)9.25. Tlogs Receipts, 1 1.900: steady: beeves, $8 403.00; light, ?8.n38JJ5; pigs, $7,005 8.00; bulk of sales, SS.SO'iTiS.OO. Sheep Receipts. 1 1,200; steady; Year lings, $7.00)7.75; wethers, $G.25i)G.7S ; lambs. $S.25gjp9 00. ?12 MAIN STREET. S Honest Work I Honest Prices ! P&Jnlesa extraction of tctith or no p7. j All work guaranteed. B REMEMBER U3. 8 We Treat You Right I Office) hours'. o:30 n. m. to p. aj. H Sundayu, 10 to 2. Phone 1128. ftnaTTTPin'i IWH i I'M i if i ii' "i'Hll"'l I1 iW ilHI HWWH In NOTICE OF AMENDMENT. Western Loan . Savings Company. Notice Is hereby given that at an ad journed session of the annual meeting of Western Loan & Savings company, to be hold at the office of the company, No. 49 East First South street. Salt Lake City, Utah, on Monday, the 7th day of April, 1913, at eight o'clock p. m. of said day, tho following resolution to amend the articles of Incorporation of said com pany will be Introduced, considered and voted upon, to wit: Resolved, That article ono of the ar ticles of Incorporation of Western Loan & Savings company be and tho same hereby Is amended by substituting the word "building" for the word "savings' In the corporate name of 6ald company, so that said article ono as and if amend ed will read as follow.", to wit: "Article I. This corporation shall be called and known by the name of West ern Loan &. Building company." And to consider and vote upon any amendments or substitutes therefor and such other buslnoss as may come before the meeting. This notice is given and said business will be considered pursuant to an order of the board of directors. P. W. MADSEN. President. JOHN T. WHITE. Secretary. rlS43 LEGAL NOTICE, To the holders of bonds numbered 1 110 1S8 7 115 189 8 120 193 11 : 122. 208 20 121 ' 210 39 . 130 . " . 214 02 137 223 74 139 231 84 147 234 90 101 240 98 173 240 100' 171 250 of the Independent Coal t Coke com pany. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of the deed of trust given to secure the payment of the bonds above described, the undersigned, trustee under said deed of trust, sclectod the above de scribed bonds for redemption by lot, at par. plus 2 per cent premium on tho prln- i eipal, and plus the accrued interest to date of redcmntlon: and notice Is here by further givun that the undersigned will pay the principal of said bonds, plus 2 per cent premium on the principal, and plus the accruod Interest, to the 4th day of April, 1913, on or before said Ith day of April, 1913, after which date the Inter est on bonds above desrribed shall cease. UTAH SAVINGS & TRUST CO.. Trustee. Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah. March 5. 1913. t-747 There's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip and who knows what forUine Ihc day will -bring lo him and his family V Can a man justly regnrd himself as providing- for his family if he docs not teach his children to save their nickels, as most of! .us older ones have had to do? Do you know of any better way of teaching them econo my t'han by starting them out with little savings accounts I and developing their pride in the steady growth of the bal- anccs ? E i: you have not done .so already, we invite you to open such accounts. You may bo suro of receiving just as cour teous attcntidu lo the small account as you would for your own larger one. National Copper Bank "Courtesy, Helpfulness, Strength." I SHORES & SHORES wjl Reliable Expct Specialist. S ID 249 MAIN STREET. gAQJ Cult Lake City. Hi LOW RATES Consultation. MBS cpa mm I Examination and flu, JPfitra mLZT I !.T3r' rlll&t Oftiro Rnirr s' Evening. 7 to S. 1 1 UHICe nOUTS. Hundy 10 to 1. WALKER BROTHERS DRY GOODS j COMPANY, A CORPORATION. ' Notice of Special Stockholders' Meeting. Notice ia hereby given that upon Sa unlay, the 22nd day of March, 1913. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of aald day a the office of Walhor Brothers Dry Goods' company, a. corporation, No. C Mfrcantilr block, corner of Third South and Main streets, in Bait Lake City. Utah, th-e will bo a special meeting of the lioldr-rt, of the common capital mock of said cor poration, for the purpose of consideilnc a proposition to increase the common capital stock thereof from 52C0.000 to $nci0,0l)0, by amending article 5 of th articleu of Incorporation so as to provide for such increase. (Slffned) J. R. WALKER. President. CIIAS. A. WALKBK, Secretary. And nlfo as the holdors of more than one-third of the common capital stock of said corporation. o3304 ASSESSMENT NO. 5, ' O. K Silver Mining & Milling com pnny; principal place of business. Salt Lako City, Utah; location of mines. In dian Springs, Tooele county, Utah. 1 Notice is hereby given that at a meet ing of the board of directors of O. K. Silver Mining &. Milling company, held on the 7th day of March, 1313, assess ment No. 5 of one-half (!) cent per share was levied upon the capital slock of tho corporation, issued and outstand ing, payable Immediately to tho secre tary at his office. 1235 Bock street, Salt Lake City, Utah, Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday, the 15th day of April. 1D13, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is made before, will be sold on Saturday, the 10th day of May, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the secretary's office, to pay the delinquent assessment thereon, together with the costs of advertising and expense of sale. R. M. HOLT. Secretary. First publication, March 12, 1913. rl640 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP I NOTICES. Consult county clerk or tho respective jgrej-jrfjrrU IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP SAI T Lake county, state of Utah. In the mattor of the estate of Charles Bag ley, deceased, Notice to creditors. Creditors will present claims, with vouchers, to the undersigned at the resi dence of Andrew H. Bagley, in East Mill Creek, Salt Lake county, slate of Utah, on or before tho 6th day of January. I3i i' Dated March 6. 1913. ANDREW IT. B AGLET. GRANT C. BAGLEY. Executors. First publication March C. 1913. rSOS Plant dimes J this spring .p Watch them grow Into dot- vJSlij larj, the dollars Into hun- iffiiHwS dreda and thousands of dol- Get a FREE vest pocket Snfllll !i coin daver TODAY at tho U I I savings department, follow ilHjj V. directions on It, and pile up it J a fund of ready money. JJ 1111 jj'g Walker Brothers fjj Bankers Sffi Founded 1859. JSljfjlll "A Bank for all the People." jlrlflSl M As the 15th ap H ink proaclies and the H Kf man who banked his HI 'H wfa pay on the 1st look3 H flan bs f? 2? nver check book W E M f, and kuows he will MM 1b RQ In y flninh the month with something re- H HI maining on deposit. H roft He can tell at a H 'H glance vrhat he's fik spent and where. H a Some men trans- H -3-, fcr vhat is loft in H goB their checking ac- counts at the month to our savings do- H 'H fpartinent, where it draws H d per cent interest. It's B F, nafo and instantly avail- fifl 19 able cither way. H m CONTINENTAL 01 H H NATIONAL BANK. mfl In the Buslneci Center. ,H UM Salt Lake City, H The j Of our depositors and clients are met to the fullest extent, assuring so curity and satisfactory service. Ac counts subject to check are Invited. 'H $720,000,00. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Abraham Irrigation company; principal H place of business, room "14 Boston 'build Ing. Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice Is hereby given that at a meet Ing of tho directors held on the first day of March, 1913, an assessment of 12J cents per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable to Charles Tyng, treasurer, room 214 Bos- HSJ ton building. Salt Lake City. Utah, on J March 31, 1913. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 25th day of April. 1913, will be 'M delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment is H made before, will be sold on the 20th day of May, 1913. to pay the delinquent as sessment, together with the cost of ad- ,H i vertlslng and expense of sale. This assessment Is levied to meet repair work for the coming season. CITA'RLES TYNG, Secretary, VI Boston Building. Salt Lako City, Utah. By order of the board of directors, Tribune Want Ads Pull Weak, nn u? mM mm mm I I Diseased IWl b Wm mi SESiETO1 1 Varicose riSSffeu Lost Vitality I Knotted Veins timWffiwWr m (uvi In fi few 1 j I PaVdveinse deS; MM L '7: 2!y 'and H r horSk nC 1 amllttoruTeF t&g 1 ifsease! etc. In Sfe tfmornlnS'18? 1 for Hf"orCT, y"" Tti - H man you once Tvere. 1 charge? ' g I poorest man t ,S There Is no risk. I ,cJ?ancv well as FS- for I do not treat In- N tho rlch. to recolvo 'W. CTS curable case'..11"30'. Ia. cure from me at a. jftfo. ku any consideration. I fcmall cost. THERE tmJ&Br. I Sak DO NOT EXPERI- IS NO MjVN TOnfml&Sb. V Qfimk MBNT NOB U&E POOR TOGET M? WJTTaBlfeb. IURIOUS XRUGS SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON OURED IN ON TREATMENT H BY PROF. EHRLICH'S GREAT DlS COVERY AND BLESSING. TO MANKIND EVJ This discovery Is the greatest boon to sufferers from Specific Blood Pl"n ever discovered. It has been used successfully in over 20,000 casoa. xz an- 'H Folutelv cures In one treatment. No matter how long you havo been anuciea. It works like magle. Consult me Free before golnc elsewhere. VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD OISL'ASbS. LOST V'lTAlilTY. PILES. ECZEMA, FALLING HAIR. FAILING MEMORT. OBSTRUCTIONS, NERVOUS, KII NET AND BLADDER AILMENTS CURED FOREVER. . JM Call and see me If you can. "Write today for particulars If you cannot: 'H DAILY HOURS, 3 to S. CONSULTATION FREE. SUNDAYS, 10 to 12.' I -H Salt Lake SVien's Medical Institute 1391 SOUTH MAIN STREET. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, f VH "WORN OUT" MEN I I Not Sick, Yet Hardly H Able to Work H MM GLOOMY M WF nai AMBITION H -y P3II nerve Y I A. Or "Weakness" Is th cause of more eor- 1 H row and sufiTerlng than oil other ail men ta 1 'H J 5 combined. I see the vjotima of thia dlB- 1 'H . ?i order on every hand, hla whole anpcax- I H X . anca proolalminjr to th,o world hla trou- 1 iH f ble and tending to blight hla existence. 'M t My troutJuent ouros disordered men by 'H I overcoming and removing the effects of H ttS 1 Si disorders, It stops all wairte and QU&ft- 'H k-i&Jr y restoros the victim to what natur In- H lr Vftfik. Hondd a. healthy and vigorous man. 1 jfffm with all his functions and power com- H 2TOT A DOLLAR NSD BE PAID UNTIL BENEFITED. My PrJietloo l Confined to tho Following Dlaeas of Ment NERVOUS DEBILITY SKIN DISORDERS wAflSSFEifiS LiH BLADDER TROUBLES HYDRO C YSTJC TUMORS JiAlSSSfHfl? LIH BLOOD POISON KIDNEY TROUBLES PlLKS AND JfJfTiibfc JM NEURASTHENIA CHRONIC DiaOWAWWt !H MEDICINE $1.00 to $5.00 PER COURSE. EXPERT IVIEDIOAL EXAMINATION) FREE! I do not "patoh up." I oure to. stay cured. Do not delay. Cull' or Witt' mo today. 1 dlagnoae by exclusion. No, mistakes made. Conwltatlon Tre 'H Examination frea. Utinal annlyl free, I i I guarantee to cure diseases junt as I any I do, or refund vrnr tfoCax 1 . nald to me. It I fall the fault Is mine, not yours. If you cannot call, writ m im for symptom blant. Medtolnea from Jl.00 to J5.00 a oouroe from, ray ow I latwratory. Hours from 9 a. m. to K p. m. daily. Bunoxr from 10 to M. H iH