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M THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1913. ? ITOMORROW MORNING, MARCH 20, PROMPTLY AT 9 O'CLOCK, These Doors Swing Open to the I I yi9 IM THE HISTORY OF THIS STATE ; ' I m. lSWj High-grade furniture will be placed on sale at prices less than usually charged for inferior goods. I :I fSSW The Pl W- MADSEN FUHNSTUftE CO.'S ENTIRE $150,0 STOCK of Elegant, New, Up-to-Date m Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Ranges, Draperies, Etc., GOES ON SALE REGARDLESS OF COST OR m LIBRARY ROCKER SACRIFICE AT THIS I WAMTED! 1 I I MpCYcar by year these sales have become more and more popular; in fact, hundrds of eager buyers await these great events and take advantage of the many bargains offered. Thousands of Hldollars liave been saved by the Salt Lake xeople. If you intend buying within six months by all means take advantage of this mighty sale. A large storeroom has been secured for the use jB'of those who intend to start housekeeping in the near future, and take advantage of this great sale. . Ipwinwat Martin Bed 3-rie0e Mahogany rarlor Suite MS vS J iiut, golden oak, fumed and (Like Illustration.) A handsome suite, heavy built, with genuine leather upholstering. English Carriage Pullman RlinafoOUt Folding GO-Cart 1 I IK gold finish. 100 of these fine beds will be -Eegular $75.00. M Uk0 illustration.) (Like illustration.) mustration ) 1 H af c, ,to . 11 This carriage Is of the famous Whit- A beautifully constructed car with iWKe illustration.) M JiBF, Mm Jm dfl Jjpfc. tsviu. du bale price G&PW&am -3ay ney make, upholstering and hood of heavy artillery wheels, new auto Solid steel constructed one-motion H pV.. HJL T je. jsst. Bk. mu i 1 the best English leather cloth. Car- hood, brass trimmed, Bide and back folding cart, heavy steel push bar. W jH K St JTM aO 93! MM lxiree-piece oak SUlte, m CP O V rlase has a 2-year guarantee. Reg- curtains, extension storm hood. A loxi-Inoh wheels. Sold under an ab- Hr81838 ?iSU genuine leather $&Oi 9 gfil ?ScS !"'..: $19-90 r...J$ 18.90 t$? J?!?!? $5-75 - I t$20,009 Worth of CARPETS MUST BE CLOSED OUT Regardless of Cost or Sacrifice I aHjEiitire line of "Wilton, Axminster, Velvet, Brussels and Tapestry Carpets must be closed out at once. This department "will be discontinued. No TJjn (TL j flj Jljjf 1 reservations, all must move and at prices way below mill cost. Come and look. s Ip j fe" fE I -A)B$1.25 Tapestry carpet, fijla $1-65 Axminster carpet, 4 $2.75 superior Axmiuster carpet, fl Sultana carpet, beautiful pattern, 90ft I 'j '"" I J U I f I 1 Brussels carpet, 1 $1.85 fine Axminsfcer carpet, j-l $3.25 Wilton carpets, iM TFTfi Union carpet, beautiful pattern, A -, .w. I j f" yTtr?? JIXi IIjI I 1 flRtheyard OS 2S the yard yl.lf 2 the yard $l.flf "2 the yard I jg j k4 i tiB 1 H JB$L50 Velvet carpet, Q4l $2-25 ine Axminsler carpet, 4 tfli $3.50 "Wilton carpets, 4 Ingrain carpet, beautiful pattern, JH !-ffl!s S B ' I IwOS , 'ifiK - I IH heyard 00720 the yard IJV2 the yard ' $I.S5 the yard..... W C BfM I j Unusual Low Prices on HIghISrade RoouiSIze Kugs S I I 4tjR Prices on rugs have advanced 10 per cent, but on account of early buying" the advance will have no effect upon the sale of these goods. Note prices. Zr1 i IJK' " rr- Room size beautiful Ingrain Rugs. Sale price $2.95 cMaMtu3 S BSIM W WTffi ?18-00 value OriOTtBrasMls6 Saie Price '. ".$12!75 1'" H MHj 8 I fK(' B - HI piH; ; I $21.00 value Extra Quality Brussels Rugs. Sale price $14.75 rSH I I H m ! II BiJ; I $35-00 va Superb6 AxmSsto Rugs9 PSale price ". '. . . . '. $21.35 ??;i'f JZ ffgdl SSH I I W MPLz8Sz3M tSffl8! $45.00 value Genuine Wilton Velvet Rugs. Sale price $26.75 laWl 1 HIHl-M yjJ y $60.00 value Choice Pattern French Wilton Rugs. Sale price $38.95 I BSil LITJ All Goods Marked in Plain Figures-Get These Prices ' I JK ' Bp-iL l- BB Beautiful quartered oak library Bl, B " ono iare ' L OHTTt'n nwTK TiVTi ' ' Pulbnaii Parlor Bed ?- SANITARY COUCH Z7. . fl S RIB BED ffFI Davenport Sttrap0refl KtMl 1 tlttl,iri, ART REED ROCKER mwA nTnm,: Beautifol wib bod. th sled tem- HS iftJll Converted into full si.o bed b7 3ea Qiq QOISK T-wiii x CHINA CLOSETS l,ered "P 2 drop sides, white 'If1' simply revolving the scat, be f OaUfBgjjgJgppg (LiTro Illustration.) enamel. Snlo E 7c ..11 f H spring separate from seat construe I ' 3ariVroiSS2ia fumnm TTovwon lf ,ln. oak cbiua closet, iu froldon or pneo pJa M J Iff Si tiou. Boddine folds inside. A- rare mmmmmg famous H03 wood make, up- ulisf,ion fini8hes. 'fl I I barsuin. Gomiioe Spanish leather, 1 'L .o WEOEBtKtBSmSmp holfltorod in Rcnnino leather. .$38 ,$45.00 valuo, salo price $27.85 Goniuno brass cri'b bed (like illus- II W plain or 44.11 "7 1 U JHHBlfei. Hk ' W value. Salo Ctfi $38.00 value, salo price $24.25 tration). $150,00 valuo. Ca CbfH ,$ tufted MtAmt M BBRWl - ' pri'0 JL.O'y $84.00 value, sale price $19.70 Salo price f5JU - H I BBHSm Genuine Leather Couch TTivrTTa-r nxrATi? SV 1 U BHin cwrueted with an steei con COD TU IF D fl VC"' Wednesday at 5:30 dining chair Rv iBHfl springs. Hair padded seat conetnic- rtjll Fl CL W IU U. Solid fumed oak, with solid saddle KS'SIM. F H'PmHH ton' in pnlune letlS6i,0lii5s uhhbb slhiarp, every ooy com- seat, .$4.00 vaiuo. if ge ferSM 1 I ljpj -19"7 ing'to the store will receive an oriental face with 1 Haiic Library, Living and Room Furniture Incli Mammt J I