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I ;. ' i I 9 - ;; . SIxfsi Award wmm Princess With Records I lO s a beautiful Pencil table the mHJ ft .exon a vnesBeeDe Pft Complete Works j 1: of Famoas ' j j (Harper & Bros. Editions) 'jjjr ' per set. Total. flN Ch nin'B works (25 vols., cloth) $50.00 . $50.00 ... Ill ?c o Dickens (80 vols., half morocco) ; 'I nacKeray (2G vols., hall! morocco) - and JK-5 ChnireC Eliot (24 A'ols' hal morocco) 48.00 144.00 I m v, Tackeray (26 vols., cloth); George . , , vols., cloth) ; Scott (30 vols., ' m ens (30 vols., cloth) ; Hardy (20 ! .coth) ' 3L00 155-00 1 m2' Orp!B'Amcrican People" (5 vols., buckram) 25.00 25.00 8 Choi ,Ellglisil People" (4 vols., cloth).... 20.00 40.00 M Abbott's "Napoleon" (6 vols., X do n 8011 '8 "American People" (5 vols., ft iP vol, ? WiUiaiu's "History oE Science (5 hM vn!'' , th) aiKl Richard Harding Davis (8 jP Gboi 0 :.. 12.00 " 96.00 i ekM01 ?oole's Wit and "Wisdom (3 vols., ' -K J I? ll gG Acle'8 Fables Slang and W ami i gS's Besli Books each set in 3 vols. 'Wt Cloth 0.00 240.00 KJaggregatin , $750.00 fti THIRD AWARD Value $50.0 OECILLIAN PLAYER Plain style case in beautiful mahogany ' veneer. Plays any selection in seven different keys you can transpose an accompaniment to suit your own voice. Absolutely the finest material and most skilled workmanship are combined in CECIL LIA! PLAYERS. B The CECILLIAN PLAYER PIANO claims pre-eminence on the following points: Absolute air control, freedom from leakage, im munity from atmospheric influences and changes in temperature great responsiveness, flexibility and range of power, giving the operator means to produce the effect desired; ease of operation; 1 remarkable sympathetic touch, due to the exclusive Cecillian fea- 1 ture. On exhibition at the Consolidated Music Co., 13-19 E. 1st So. 1 COLUMBIA "REGENT" 2fi Value $250.00 The perfect union of utility and entertainment afforded by the Columbia Grafonola "Regent" is neither approached in any other instrument, nor has it ever been attempted. It is a complete library or living room table for everyday use in exactly the same degree that it is a complete musical instrument of unexampled versatility and matchless tonal qualities the complete instrument ready at any and all times equally for ordiuary service or musical entertainment. On exhibition at the Daynes-Beebe Co., 45 So. Main. 20' Lyrics Grand Value .and Records pP $600.00 Here is the newest musical instrument in the field a hornless Co lumbia Graphophone. The "Lyric" Columbia is everything that a high grade instrument ought to be, and very much more than one could expect who knows the seeming simplicity but actual delicacy of the construction of a perfect sound-reproducing mechanism. Its quality of tone is beyond improvement and its volume of tone is surprising. It plays either 10 inch or 12-inch records and can be wound while running. The equipmont includes a supply of needles, together with a needle box with compart ments for new and used needles., On exhibition at the Daynes-Boebe Music Co., 45 So. Main. . , I Seventh Award COLUMBIA gmllL-- ; Regal With Records m Value $60.00 Sl 35 inches convenient for wind- PPM kjji' ing and for replacing records and w PB Ma reproducer, tone ' arm and" H Jj continuous tone chamber regu- H H I n) lated at 'will by means of the 9j m 0 V' tone-control shutters, are beyond l K j comparison with the best results ? hibition at the Daynea-Beebe I 'i Music Co., 45 So. Main. 1 1 ( ji ' jj ;v 300 AWMDS " McDonald's Famous I If Mil it- Spring Maid ' Chocolates I 100 $2.50 Boxes Are j !l Awards.. .98 to 197 200 $1.50 Boxes Are If Awards 198 to 397 If 1 II YOU should have THE If TRIBUNE delivered to your home daily so I J -you can follow progress of j the Bookl overs' Contest I 1 264 Phone Exchange 264 I P li